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      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1996)

        김재홍,황동규,전재홍,김윤석,김중환,김용준,이창균,임동진,김현수,조창근,김경문,박상훈,전우형,김희성,이호정,차명수,김갑형,김형석,김석우,황지환,박병순,권오상,이민수,송기훈,성소영,이인섭,부태성 대한화학요법학회 1999 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Background : In recent years, gonorrhea has been panedemic and remains one of the most commom STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Methods: For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of PPNG, we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results: In 1996, 139 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 53(39.0%) were PPNG. Conclusion: Our results suggests that after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is gradually declining.

      • 간세포암과 감별이 어려웠던 악성중피종 치험 1예

        김선문,허원석,채경훈,강윤세,정재훈,김연수,박기오,문희석,이엄석,김석현,성재규,이병석,이헌영,신경숙,조준식,송인상,강대영 충남대학교 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.2

        Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare neoplasm that arises from the mesothelium of a serosal cavity and is a rapidly fatal disease with a median survival of 4 to 12 months for untreated cases. Recently, we experienced a case with malignant peritoneal mesothelioma who was suspected hepatocelluar carcioma by abdominal CT scan and was confirmed by biopsy including immunohistochemical stain(calretinin) after surgery. We performed tumor excisions and wedge resection of the liver(segment Ⅷ)and inserted Tencoff catheter in abdominal cavity at 25th day of post-operation. We treated with intraperitoneal paclitaxel(25mg/m^(2)/day for 5 days) six courses monthly. She was well tolerable and is still living without any evidence of recurrence for 14th month of post-operation.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1997)

        김재홍,문득곤,김정수,김용준,임동진,박상훈,김희성,이민수,송기훈,김갑형,김형석,성소영,이인섭,김석우,황지환,조창근,김경문,부태성 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        Background : In recent years, gonorrhea has been pandemic and remains one of the most common STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Methods : For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of PPNG, we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the Venereal Disease Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results : In 1997. 99 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 45(45.5%) were PPNG. Conclusion : The prevalence of PPNG in Seoul, which had been decreased to 39% in 1996 after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, is increased to 45.5% in 1997.

      • Discovery of urinary metabolomic biomarkers for early detection of acute kidney injury

        Won, A Jin,Kim, Siwon,Kim, Yoon Gyoon,Kim, Kyu-Bong,Choi, Wahn Soo,Kacew, Sam,Kim, Kyeong Seok,Jung, Jee H.,Lee, Byung Mu,Kim, Suhkmann,Kim, Hyung Sik The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 Molecular bioSystems Vol.12 No.1

        <P>The discovery of new biomarkers for early detection of drug-induced acute kidney injury (AKI) is clinically important. In this study, sensitive metabolomic biomarkers identified in the urine of rats were used to detect cisplatin-induced AKI. Cisplatin (10 mg kg(-1), i.p.) was administered to Sprague-Dawley rats, which were subsequently euthanized after 1, 3 or 5 days. In cisplatin-treated rats, mild histopathological alterations were noted at day 1, and these changes were severe at days 3 and 5. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine (SCr) levels were significantly increased at days 3 and 5. The levels of new urinary protein-based biomarkers, including kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1), glutathione S-transferase-alpha (GST-alpha), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), calbindin, clusterin, neutrophil, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), and osteopontin, were significantly elevated at days 3 and 5. Among urinary metabolites, trigonelline and 3-indoxylsulfate (3-IS) levels were significantly decreased in urine collected from cisplatin-treated rats prior to histological kidney damage. However, carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), a hepatotoxicant, did not affect these urinary biomarkers. Trigonelline is closely associated with GSH depletion and results in insufficient antioxidant capacity against cisplatin-induced AKI. The predominant cisplatin-induced AKI marker appeared to be reduced in urinary 3-IS levels. Because 3-IS is predominantly excreted via active secretion in proximal tubules, a decrease is indicative of tubular damage. Further, urinary excretion of 3-IS levels was markedly reduced in patients with AKI compared to normal subjects. The area under the curve receiver operating characteristics (AUC-ROC) for 3-IS was higher than for SCr, BUN, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), total protein, and glucose. Therefore, low urinary or high serum 3-IS levels may be more useful for early detection of AKI than conventional biomarkers.</P>

      • 혈우병 환자에 동반된 자발성 후복막강 출혈

        김광일,김동호,우상민,이석주,김홍성,조인성,윤환중,조덕연,김삼용 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1997 충남의대잡지 Vol.24 No.1

        Spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage due to hemophilia A with impaired coagulopathy is very rare. Spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage has been recorded as having originated from many retroperitoneal organs and blood vessels, and it may be due to local and/or systemic factors. In the majority of the patients, kidney and adrenal gland were the major site of hemorrhage. The systemic causes of spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage are anticoagulation therapy and chronic hemodialysis. During the course of these treatments, hemorrhagic complications may occur at many site, including the retroperitoneal space. Blood dyscrasias including leukemia, polycythemia, sickle cell trait and hemophilia have been reported associated with spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage. We report a case of spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage occurred in a gemophilia A patient with brief review of literature

      • KCI등재후보

        구미지역 직업성질환 감시체계

        김성아,김진석,전혜리,정상재,김상우,이채용,함정오,유재영,최태성,하봉구,조민환,우극현 大韓産業醫學會 2003 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        목적: 구미지역 내 대학병원이자 특수건강진단·보건관리대행기관의 산업의학전문의, 보건관리대행 간호사, 사업장 간호사를 중심으로 직업성질환감시체계를 구축하여 주요 직업성질환들의 발생현황과 규모를 파악하고자 하였다. 또한 연차적으로 산업, 직업, 업무내용 등에 따른 분포나 원인을 기존 자료원(특수건강진단의 직업병 유소견자와 산재요양승인 되는 직업병자)과 비교하여 분석·기술하고 예방 및 관리를 포함한 보건의료기술개발까지을 포함하는 종합적인 감시체계를 구축하고 운용하고자 하였다. 방법: 구미지역의 산업적 특성에 맞는 직업성질환감시체계를 구축하고 지역 감시체계의 모델을 제시하였다. 6대 감시대상 직업성질환(독성 간염, 직업성천식, 직업성 근골격계질환, 직업성 피부질환, 직업성 암, 수지진동증후군)의 실행적 환례정의, 보고양식 및 보고체계 개발, 분석양식 및 결과 배포 형식을 개발하였으며, 그 유병규모를 파악하고, 감시질환의 분포 및 특성, 관련인자 등을 분석·기술하고자 하였다. 이때, 1년간의 환례분석시 직업병 유소견자 및 직업병 요양자에 대한 자료와 함께 비교 분석하였으며, 노동통계자료를 이용하여 년간 발생률을 추정하였다. 결과: 2001. 1. 1일부터 2002.4.30일까지 총 287건이 보고되었으며, 직업성 근골격계질환 132건(46.0%), 직업성 피부질환 100건(34.8%), 독성간염 34건 (11.8%), 직업성천식 16건 (5.6%), 수지진동증후군 5건 (1.7%) 이었으며 직업성 암은 한건도 보고되지 않았다. 보고경로별로는 보건관리대행에서 33건 (11.5%), 해당 유해인자별로 실시되는 특수검진 외의 각종 건강진단업무 수행 중 발견된 환례에 대한 보고가 206건(71.7%)이었다. 직종별 분류의 결과는 섬유업종사자, 단순노무종사자, 음식업종사자 등이 다수를 차지하였다. 근골격계질환의 경우, 수근관증후군이 42건(33%), 외상과염/내상과염이 39건(30%)로 가장 많았다. 직업성 피부질환은 97건이 접촉성 피부염으로 유기용제류가 59건(59%)으로 가장 많고, 니켈 및 에폭시수지에 의한 알레르기성 접촉성 피부염이 각각 6건과 5건이었다. 독성 간염은 모두 DMF 나 DMAc에 의한 것으로, 근무시작 후부터 간기능이상이 발견되기까지의 근무기간은 대부분이 3개월 이하이며, 1개월 이하인 경우도 10건이나 되었다. 동 기간 중 감시환례에 대해 산재요양 자료와 중복여부를 확인한 결과, 중복되는 것은 하나도 없었다. 특수건강진단에서 직업병유소견자로 판정된 경우는 독성간염에서 3건이 있었으며, 나머지 질환은 중복되는 것은 없었다. 2001도 구미지역의 근로자수와 보고환례건수를 이용하여 연간 발생률을 추정하였다. 근로자 10만 명당 연간 발생률은 상지 근골격계질환은 63.6명, 피부질환 48.2명, 독성 간염 17.9명, 천식 7.7명, 수진진동증후군 2.4명이었다. 참여예상인원은 총 46명이었으며, 실제 참여자수는 21명, 평균참여율은 46%, 실제 참여 1이당 평균 보고건수는 산업의학전문의가 28건으로 가장 많았고, 대행간호사는 45,건, 사업장 간호사는 3.3건이었다. 결론: 지역 감시체계는 기존 통계자료들에서 발견되지 않았던 직업성질환의 발견에 유용한 통계원이며, 특히 지역의 특성과 여건을 고려하여 체계화된 시스템을 구축하여 운용한다면 더 성과가 클 것이다. Objectives: Area-based occupational disease surveillance in Kumi (KODS) was used to collect data on occupational diseases. The data was used to estimate the magnitude of the diseases, to analyze for their characteristics and to find links for their intervention and prevention. Methods: Since January 2001, occupational physicians and nurses in Occupational Health Service (OHS) have reported six major occupational diseases; occuaptional musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremities (MSDUE), occupational dermatoses, toxic hepatitis, occupational asthma (OA), hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), and occupational cancer. For the respective diseases, a reporting sheet and operational diagnostic criteria were developed by the KODS. An analysis of the KODS data, collected over a certain period, was compared with data from the Korea Labor Workers Corporation (KLWC) and the Specific Health Examination (SHE), and the incidence rates of the diseases estimated. Results: Between Jan 2001 and Apr 2002, 287 cases of the six major occupational disease were reported. Of these, there were 132 (46.0%), 100 (34.8%), 34 (11.8%), 16 (5.6%), and 5 (1.7%), cases of MSDUE, occupational dermatoses, toxic hepatitis, OA, and HAVS, repectively. But, there were no cases of occupational cancer. 33 (11.5%) of the incidence were reported via the OHS, 206 (71.7%) from health checkups, and the other 48(16.8%) from other routes. The synthetic fibers and electronic components manufacturing industries accounted for the greatest number of reported cases. With resport to occupation, the greatest numbers of incidence were reported from the elementary occupations, textile workers, assemblers, and cooks and food services worker, in that order. Of the MSDUE cases, carpal tunnel syndrome and epicondylitis were the two most common diseases. Most of the occupational dermatoses were due to contact dermatitis, with organic solvents (59%), nickel (6%), and epoxy resin (5%) accounting for the majority of these cases. All cases of toxic hepatitis were induced by dimethylformamide or dimethylacetamide, which were reported by a unique monitoring system. During same period, there were no cases claimed by workers to the KLWC, and only three cases from SHE, were identified. Using data from workers' number and surveillance, the annual incidence of MSDUE, dermatoses, hepatitis, OA, and HAVS, per 100,000 workers were 63.6, 48.2, 17.9, 7.7, and 2.4, respectively. Conclusions: These results show that an area-based surveillance system can be very effective for the collection of data on work-related diseases, at least in Kumi.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1998)

        김재홍,김준호,반재용,이정우,황성주,정준규,정성태,강진문,조흔정,홍창의,정혜신,이한승,김이선,이봉길,이종호,선영우,한기덕,윤성필,이성훈,안종성,박석범,문승현,조항래,김형섭,류지호,황재영,박준홍,손상욱 한양대학교 의과대학 2001 한양의대 학술지 Vol.21 No.1

        In recent years, gonorrhea has been pandemic and remains one of the most common STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of Penicillinase Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae(PPNG), we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the Venereal Disease Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by menas of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. In 1998, 93 strians of N. genorrhoeae were isolated, among which 60(64.5%) were PPNG. The prevalence of PPNG in Seoul, which had been decreased to 39% in 1996 after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, is increased to 64.5% in 1998.

      • OGGI 유전자의 다형성이 방광암에 미치는 영향

        김은정,정필두,정춘구,서정원,윤석중,김원재 충북대학교 의학연구소 2001 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.11 No.2

        연구목적 : 손상된 유전자의 회복은 암의 발생 및 예방에 중요한 역할을 한다. 잘못된 염기의 제거 및 회복에 중요한 역할을 하는 OGGI 유전자의 다형성이 방광암에 어떠한 작용을 하는지를 환자-대조군 연구를 통해서 조사하였다. 대상 및 방법: 방광암 환자 168명과 건강인 672명을 대조군으로 하여 genomic DNA를 이용하여 SSCP (single-stranded conformational polymorphism), direct DNA sequencing 및 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) 방법을 통해 환자 및 대조군사이의 OGGI 유전자의 다형성을 조사하였다. 결과: 건강 한국인에서 OGGI 유전자의 유전형을 조사한 결과 econ 6의 Pro324Pro 부위(lb type)와 exon 7의 Ser326Cys 부위 (la type)에 유전자의 다형성이 있음을 발견하였다. Codon 324는 silent polymorphic site였으나 codon 326은 C→G로 nucleotide가 바뀌어 amino acid가 serine→cysteine으로 바뀌는 polymorphic site였다. 대조군에서 codon 326은 Ser326Ser 형이 127례 (18.9%), Ser326Cys 형이 363례 (54.0%) 및 Cys326Cys 형이 182례 (27.1%)이었으며, 168명의 방광암 환자군에서는 Ser326Ser 형이 44례 (26.2%), Ser326Cys 형이 87례 (51.8%)이고 0ys3260ys 형이 37례 (22.0%) 이었다(p=0.034) 즉 Cys326Cys 형 및 Ser326cys 형에 비하여 Ser326Ser 형에서 방광암이 생길 확율이 1.52배 (95% CI=0.439-0.969) 높았다 특히 40세 미만의 남자의 경우 Ser326Ser 형에서 방광암 발생확률이 다른 유전형에 비하여 6.1배 높았다. 결론: OGGI 유전자의 유전형은 서구인과 판이하게 달랐으며 방광암에서는 이 유전자의 변이가 빈번할 뿐아니라 codon 326의 Ser326Ser 형에서는 다른 유전자형에 비하여 방광암이 발생할 확률이 1.5배 이상 높았다. 특히 한국인 40세 미만의 남자에서는 방광암 발생확률이 6배이상 높았다. 본 연구결과 OGGI codon 326의 유전적 다형성은 방광암의 종양화 과정과 관계가 있을 것으로 여겨지며 특히 40세 미만의 한국 남자의 경우는 더욱 밀접한 관계가 있을 것으로 사료된다. Purpose: A repair of damaged DNA has been shown to be involved in the susceptibility to cancer development and prevention. Therefore, it is worth investigating genetic polymorphisms of the OGGl gene associated with the gene repair mechanism. In this study, we examined a possible association of genetic ploymorphisms in OGGl with the risk of bladder tumor. Materials and Methods: Hospital based, case-control investigation was carried out in 168 primary bladder tumor patients and 672 control subjects. We performed the SSCP, PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and direct DNA sequencing to characterize the genetic polymorphism of OGGI in both cases and oontrols. Results: We found two polymorphic sites in OGGl. A Ser/Cys polymorphism at codon 326 (la type) in exon 7 was associated with an exchange of amino acid. Another polymorphic site at codon 324 (1b type) in econ 6 was silent. The association between codon 326 Polymorphism and the risk of the bladder tumor was examined by a age-sex adjusted analysis. We found that the distribution of OGGl Ser326Cys genotypes of controls(Ser/Ser, 18.9% ; Ser/Cys, 54.0% ; Cys/Cys, 27.1%) was significantly different from that of bladder tumor patients (36.2%, 51.8% and 22.0%, respectively) (p = 0.034, adjusted OR = 0.652, 95% Cl = 0.44 - 0.97). Especially, bladder tumor risk in Korean male under 40 years old was approximately 6 times higher than over 40 years old males. Conclusion : Our data suggested that Ser326cys polymorphism at codon 326 of OGGl male below 40 years old in Korea significantly increased the risk of tumorigenesis in the urinary bladder (p = 0.015, adjusted OR = 0.165, 95% CI = 0.04 - 0.75) Our results suggest that the OGGl Ser326Cys Polymorphism might play a role in the tumorigenesis of the bladder.

      • KCI등재

        대퇴동맥을 통한 경피적 관동맥 중재시술 환자의 천자부위 지혈을 위한 Angioseal^(�) 사용과 고식적 용수 압박법의 비교 : 전향적 연구

        김용훈,권현철,김필호,안석진,유철웅,최진호,이상철,김준수,김덕경,전은석,이상훈,홍경표,박정의,서정돈 대한내과학회 2004 대한내과학회지 Vol.66 No.5

        목적 : 경피적 관동맥 중재술은 최근 양적 및 질적으로 급격한 발전을 보였지만 시술 시 천자부위의 혈관 합병증은 아직 해결해야 할 문제점이다. 저자들은 대퇴동맥을 통한 경피적 관동맥 중재술을 환자에게 천자부위 지혈을 위한 혈관폐쇄기구인 안지오실의 안전성과 유용성을 고식적인 용수 압박법과 비교 연구하고자 하였다. 방법 : 2002년 4월부터 2003년 5월 사이에 삼성서울병원 심장혈관센터에서 대퇴동맥을 통한 경피적 관동맥 중재술을 성공적으로 시행한 200명의 환자(안지오실 사용군: A군, 100명, 고식적 용수압박법 사용군 B군, 100명)를 대상으로 시술 후 주요 합병증 및 경한 합병증, 지혈 후 환자가 자리에 앉기까지의 시간, 보행개시 가능시간, 총 재원 기간과 시술 1주 후의 합병증을 전향적으로 조사하여 비교 연구하였다. 결론 : 두 군에서 연령, 성별, 기저질환, 심혈관 질환의 위험요소, 시술의 종류, 시술 중 사용한 헤파린의 양, clopidogrel의 양, ticlopidine의 양, 지혈 시 수축기와 확장기혈압, ACT (activated clotting time)는 차이가 없었다. A군이 B군에 비해 시술 후 자리에 앉기까지의 시간 (A군: 4.3±0.3시간, B군: 13.7±0.8시간, p=0.004) 및 보행개시까지의 시간(A군: 6.8±0.5시간, B군: 18.8±2.1시간, p=0.013)이 유의하게 짧았다. 시술 후 주요 합병증은 두군 모두에서 관찰되지 않았으며, 경한 합병증의 전체발생은 A군에서 유의하게 적었다(A군: 28명, B군: 19명, p=0.003). 반상출혈의 경우는 A군에서 유의하게 낮았지만(A군: 3명, B군: 12명, p=0.01), 혈종, 출혈의 발생은 두군간에 차이가 없었다. 총 재원기간에는 두 군간에 차이가 없었다(p=0.239). 시술 1주 후 경과관찰에서 주요합병증은 역시 두 군 모두에서 관찰되지 않았으며, 경한 합병증의 전체발생은 두 군에서 차이가 없었다(A군: 15명, B군: 13명 p=0.418), 반상출혈의 빈도는 차이가 없었지만 혈종의 발생은 A군에서 더 낮았다(A군: 2명, B군:6명, p=0.004). 두 군 모두에서 출혈은 발생하지 않았다. 결론 : 대퇴동맥을 통한 경피적 관동맥 중재술을 시행한 환자에서 안지오실의 사용은 고식적 용수 압박법에 비해 환자의 침상 안정시간을 줄여 조기 활동개시가 가능하게 하였으며 국소합병증의 위험도를 일부 낮추어, 시술에 따른 환자의 불편을 현저하게 감소시킬 수 있다고 할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Background : Although the number and the quality of percutaneous coronary intervention have been recently increased dramatically, the vascular complication at puncture site is still the major cause of patients' morbidity. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of newly of newly-developed collagen-based arterial closure device, Angioseal after transfemoral percuatenous coronary intervention. Methods : This study was designed as a prospective single center non-randomized comparative study. A total 200 patients undergoing transfemoral percutaneous coronary intervention were enrolled between April 2002 and May 2003. They were divided into two groups; Angioseal group (group A, n=100) and manual compression group (group B, n=100). The baseline clinical and angiographic characteristics were reviewed. The time to sit up, the time to ambulation, the duration of hospital stay, major and minor vascular puncture site complications were monitored. The patients were followed-up for 1 week after procedure by telephone. Results : The baseline clinical characteriwtics, clinical diagnosis, cardiocascular risk factors, typesof procedure, doses and numbers of anticoagulants were similar between two groups. The blood pressure and activated clotting time were also similar. The time to sit up (group A: 4.3±0.3 hours, group B: 13.7±0.8 hours, p=0.004) and the time to ambulation (group A: 6.8±0.5 hours, group B: 18.8±2.1 hours, p=0.013) were shorter in group A. No major vascular complications were noted. The incidence of hematoma and bleeding were not significantly different between two groups. The incidence of ecchymosis, however, was significantly lower in group A (group A:12%, group B: 3%, p=0.001) The duration of gospital stay was similar between groups. During 7 days of follow-up period incidence of hematoma was significantly lower in group A (p=0.004). Although the incidence of ecchymosis was not significantly different between two groups. Conclusion : The angioseal may be associated with earlier ambulation and less patients' morbidity with low incidence of local complication rate compared to manual compression after transfemoral percutaneous coronary intervention.

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