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권영만,김한경,김경우,김선희,윤홍화,천권수,강성훈,박성훈,정선관,윤권하 韓國電子顯微鏡學會 2008 Applied microscopy Vol.38 No.3
연 x-선 현미경은 ‘물의 창’ 영역(2.3~4.4 nm)의 파장을 이용하여, 수십 nm의 분해능으로 세포를 파괴하지 않고 살아있는 상태에서 세포의 내부구조를 관찰할 수 있어 가시광선현미경과 전자현미경을 단점을 보완하는 특징을 갖는 세포 생물학 연구에 적합한 현미경이다. 그러나 기존 연 x-선 현미경은 광원으로 방사선 가속기를 이용하기 때문에 사용이 제한적이었다. 이에, 본 연구에서는 2.88 nm의 연 x-선을 광원으로 사용하는 소형 연 x-선 현미경을 이용하여, 내포작용에 의해 금 나노입자를 포획한 HT1080과 MDA-MB 231 세포의 영상을 약 60 nm 분해능으로 획득하였다. 금 나노입자의 세포에 대한 독성을 제거하기 위하여 폴리에틸렌 글리콜을 캡핑하였고, 2.88 nm 파장의 연 x-선에 대하여 충분한 조영효과로 인하여 세포영상에서 뚜렷한 대조도를 나타내었다. 내포작용에 의해 액포에 포함되어 있는 다양한 크기의 금 나노입자 군집을 확인하였으며, 세포내부의 액포의 분포상태도 관찰할 수 있었다. 따라서 고분해능을 가진 소형 연 x-선 현미경을 이용하여 금 나노입자를 세포내의 미세기관이나 특정 단백질에 표지하면 연 x-선에 대한 조영효과의 증가에 의하여 더욱 유용한 정보를 획득할 수 있을 것으로 생각한다. A compact soft x-ray microscope operated in the ‘water window’ wavelength region (2.3~4.4 nm) was used for observing cells with nano-scale spatial resolution. To obtain cellular imaging captured with colloidal gold nanoparticles using a compact soft x-ray microscope. The colloidal gold nanoparticles showed higher contrast and lower transmission more than 7 times than that of cellular protein on the soft x-ray wavelength region. The structure and thickness of the cell membrane of the Coscinodiscus oculoides (diatome) and red blood cells were seen clearly. The gold nanoparticles within the HT1080 and MDA-MB 231 cells were seen clearly on the soft x-ray microscopy. The gold nanoparticles were aggregated within vesicles by endocytosis.
한의진단명과 진단요건의 표준화 연구 II (표준화 실례) : 2차년도 연구결과 중간 보고
양기상,최선미,최승훈,안규석,박경모,박종현,김성우,신승호,정우열,전병훈,고현,김정범,신상우,김성훈,김동희,권영규,엄현섭,장혜옥 한국한의학연구원 1996 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.2 No.1
The diagnostic requirements were suggested and explained regarding the systems of differentiation of symptoms and signs in the second year study of standardization and unification of the terms and conditions used for diagnosis in oriental medicine. The systems were as follows; - differential diagnosis according to condition of body fluid, differentiation of syndromes according to the state of qi and blood, differential diagnosis according to relative excessiveness or deficiency of yin and yang(氣血陰陽津液辨證) - differentiation of diseases according to pathological changes of the viscera and their interrelation - analyzing and differentiating of febrile diseases in accordance with the theory of the six channels(傷寒辨證) The individual diagnosis pattern was arranged by the diagnostic requirements in the following order : another name(異名), notion of diagnosis pattern, index of differentiation of symptoms and signs(辨證指標), the main point of diagnosis, analysis of diagnosis pattern(證候分析), discrimination of diagnosis pattern(證候鑑別), a way of curing a diseases(治法), prescription(處方), herb in common use(常用藥物), diseases appearing the diagnosis pattern(常見疾病), documents(文獻調査). This study was carried out on the basis of the Chinese documents and references.
메스암페타민 사용 환자의 정신과적 증상에 영향을 미치는 요인
이춘우,권성민,조성남,권도훈,임효덕,이성국 대한생물치료정신의학회 2004 생물치료정신의학 Vol.10 No.1
목 적 : 본 연구는 메스암페타민 남용 또는 의존 환자의 사회인구학적 특성과 이에 따른 동반된 정신장애를 알아보고, 메스암페타민 사용이 정신과적 증상에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위함이다. 방 법 : 2002년 7월부터 2003년 7월까지 국립부곡병원 약물중독진료소에 입원한 환자 중 DSM-Ⅳ 진단 기준에 의하여 메스암페타민 남용 또는 의존으로 진단된 44명의 남자 환자를 대상으로 사회인구학적 변인과 물질 의존의 병력, SCL-90-R, BPRS, HRSD, YMRS, Impulsive scale 등을 측정하였다. 결 과 : 메스암페타민 사용 환자들의 93.2%가 우울하였으며, 59.1%는 치료가 필요한 정도의 우울증을 가지고 있었다. 20대 연령층에서는 대인예민성, 적대감 및 공포증에서 유의하게 높았고, 중졸 이하의 교육 수준에서는 대인예민성, 충동성에서 유의하게 높았으며, 무직인 경우는 강박증, 불만, 적대감 및 조중 척도에서 유의하게 높았다. 처음 사용한 연령은 사용 횟수, 유병 기간과 유의한 상관 관계를 보였으나, 수감 횟수와는 낮은 상관 관계를 보였다. 사용 횟수와 적대감, 공포증, 편집증은 서로 유의한 정상관을 보였다. 우울증 척도와 정신병 척도 및 충동성 척도는 서로 유의한 정상관을 보였다. 100회 미만보다 500회 이상 사용했을 경우에 불안, 적대감, 공포증 및 편집증에서 유의하게 높았다. 결 론 : 메스암페타민 남용 또는 의존 환자에서 우울증 유병률이 매우 높게 나타났고, 20대 연령층과 중졸 이하의 교육 수준 그리고 무직인 경우 정신과적 증상이 많이 동반되었으며, 사용 횟수에 따라 불안, 적대감, 공포증, 편집증에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 그러므로 모든 메스암페타민 사용자에 대해 적절한 정신과적 평가가 필요할 것으로 생각한다. Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the sociodemographic characteristics and the comorbid psychiatric disorders and the effect of methamphetamine use on psychiatric symptoms in methamphetamine abuse or dependent patients. Methods : The study subjects were 44 hospitalized male patients who met the DSM-Ⅳ criteria for methamphetamine abuse or dependence. The study included items assessing the sociodemographic profiles, history of substance use, and psychiatric symptomatology. Psychiatric assessments were based on SCL-90-R, BPRS, HRSD, YMRS and Impulsive scale. Results : In methamphetamine use patients, 93.2% were depressed and 59% had moderate to severe depression There were significant differences in interpersonal- sensitivity, hostility and phobia in the 3rd decade age group, interpersonal-sensitivity and impulsive scale in .under the middle school education group, and obsession-compulsion, anxiety, hostility and. YMRS in no-job group, respectively compared to the other groups. Age of the first use was correlated with the frequency of use, and also with the duration of illness, but not with the number of incarceration. There were positive correlations among HRSD, BPRS and impulsive scale. In the above 500 times used group there were significant differences in anxiety, hostility, phobia and paranoia compared to the below 100 times used group. Conclusion : In methamphetamine abuse or dependent patients, the incidence rate of comorbid depression was 93.2%. In the 3rd decade age group, under the middle school education group and no-job group showed higher diverse psychiatric symptoms compared to the other groups. Frequency of use was positively correlated with the symptoms such as anxiety, hostility, phobia and paranoia. We suggest that relevant psychiatric evaluations are needed for all methamphetamine users.
서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1996)
김재홍,황동규,전재홍,김윤석,김중환,김용준,이창균,임동진,김현수,조창근,김경문,박상훈,전우형,김희성,이호정,차명수,김갑형,김형석,김석우,황지환,박병순,권오상,이민수,송기훈,성소영,이인섭,부태성 대한화학요법학회 1999 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.17 No.2
Background : In recent years, gonorrhea has been panedemic and remains one of the most commom STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Methods: For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of PPNG, we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results: In 1996, 139 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 53(39.0%) were PPNG. Conclusion: Our results suggests that after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is gradually declining.
상순과 턱의 수직 비율(vertical lip-chin ration)에 대한 선호도 조사
권성준,최갑림,임성훈,김광원 대한치과교정학회 2004 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.34 No.5
일반인들이 선호하는 상순과 턱의 수직 비율(Sn-Stm/Stm-Me')을 알아보기 위해 남녀 각 2명의 연조직 측모(profile)를 상순과 턱의 수직비율에 따라 상악의 변화없이 하악만을 변화시켜 1/1.8, 1/1.9, 1/2.0, 1/2.1, 1/2.2 비율의 5개의 측모 사진을 만들어 치과의사 44명(남자 22명. 여자 22명)과 일반인 430명(남자 303명, 여자 127명)을 대상으로 하여 설문조사를 통하여 선호도를 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 대상의 가장 선호하는 안모에 대한 성별간의 선호도 차이는 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 대상의 가장 선호하는 안모에 대한 치과의사와 일반인 집단간의 선호도 차이는 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 남녀 측모 모두에서 가장 선호하는 측모의 상순과 턱의 비율은 1/1.9이었으며 가장 선호하지 않는 비율은 1/2.2 로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때, 이전의 연구 비해 상순과 턱의 수직비율에서 턱의 비율이 다소 작은 측모, 즉 상순과 턱의 수직 비율이 1/1.9인 안모를 가장 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the preference of Vertical Lip-Chin Ratio (= Sn-Stm /Stm-Me' hereafter VLCR) in Koreans. The assessors consisted of 44 dentists (male 22, female 22) and 430 lay persons (male 303, female 127). The survey was performed using a questionnaire asking the order of preference. The profiles presented in the questionnaire were based on the profiles of two males and two females, each morphed according to the VLCRs of 1/1.8, 1/1.9, 1/2.0, 1/2.1, 1/2.2. The results were as follows: The difference between males and females, and the difference between dentists and lay persons in the preference of VLCR were not statistically apparent. The most preferred VLCR was 1/1.9, and the least preferred VLCR was 1/2.2. These results indicate that the preferred VLCR is smaller than the previously reported VLCR ratios based, on the cephalometric evaluation of samples with favorable facial esthetics.
권대우,손우성,양훈철 대한치과교정학회 2004 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.34 No.5
본 연구는 상악 제1대구치에 발치공간 폐쇄를 위한 근심력 적용시, 대구치의 근원심 경사도와 회전정도의 변화가 치근막의 응력분포와 치근막 내에서의 초기 치아이동에 어떤 변화를 야기하는지를 살펴보기 위하여 시행되었다. 상악 제1대구치와 치근막의 3차원 유한요소모델을 제작하여 20˚의 근심경사와 원심경사를 설정하고. 20˚의 근심회전과 원심회전을 설정하였다. 각각의 상황에서 치체이동을 유도하는 근심력을 가하기 위해 협면에 rigid element를 부착하고 200g의 근심력과 9:1의 countertipping 모멘트. 5:1의 counterrotation 모멘트를 부여하였다. 각각의 응력분포 및 초기이동 양상을 비교하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 상악 제1대구치의 경사도 변화나 회전 변화를 통해 근심력 적용시 구치의 근심이동에 대한 저항의 증가를 얻을 수 없었다. 20˚의 근심경사와 20˚의 원심회전이 매우 유사한 응력분포 및 변위를 나타내었다. 20˚의 원심경사와 20˚의 근심회전도 마찬가지로 유사성을 보였다. 20˚ 근심경사 및 20˚ 원심회전된 경우 치근이 협측 아동하고 치관이 설측 이동하는 관상면 상에서의 회전경향이 발생하였다. 20˚ 원심경사 및 20˚ 근심회전된 경우 치근이 설측 이동하고, 치관이 협측 이동하는 관상면 상에서의 회전경향이 발생하였다. 경사되거나 회전된 치아에 근심력을 가해야 할 경우, 관상면상에서의 회전을 방지하기 위한 부가적인 토크 조절이 필요하다. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stress distributions at the periodontal ligament (PDL) and displacements of the maxillary first molar when mesially directed force was applied under various molar angulations and rotations. A three dimensional finite element model of the maxillary first molar and its periodontal ligament was made. Upright position, mesially angulated position by 20˚ and distally angulated position of the same degree were simulated to investigate the effect of molar angulation. An anteriorly directed force of 200g, countertipping moment of 1,800gm-mm (9:1 moment/force ratio) and counterrotation moment of 1,000gm-mm (5:1 moment/force ratio) were applied In each situation. To evaluate the effect of molar rotation on the stress distribution, mesial-in rotation by 20˚ and the same amount of distal-in rotation were simulated. The same force and moments were applied in each situation. The results were as follows: In all situations, there was no significant difference in mesially directed tooth displacement. Also, any differences in stress distributions could not be found, in other words, there were no different mesial movements. Stress distributions and tooth displacement of the 20˚ mesially angulated situation were very similar with those of the 20° distal-in rotated situation. The same phenomenon was obserned between the 20° distally angulated situation and 20˚ mesial-In rotated situation. When the tooth was mesially angulated, or distal-in rotated, mesially directed force made the tooth rotate In the coronal plane, with its roots moving buccally, and Its crown moving lingually. When the tooth was distally angulated, or mesial-in rotated, mesially directed force made the tooth rotate in the coronal plane, with its roots moving lingually, and its crown moving buccally. When force Is applied to an angulated or rotated molar, the orthodontist should understand that additional torque control is needed to prevent unwanted tooth rotation in the coronal plane.
권영만,김한경,강성훈,김경우,윤권하 원광대학교 대학원 2008 論文集 Vol.41 No.-
A Soft x-ray microscope operates in the 'water window' wavelength region (2.3-4.4 nm), where natural contrast between carbon (protein) and oxygen (water) allows to image a biological cell. The compact soft x-ray microscope operates at λ = 2.88 nm (430 eV) and consist of liquid-nitrogen-jet-target laser-plasma x-rays source, a tandem ellipsoidal condenser mirror for sample illumination, an objective micro zone plate, and a thinned back-illuminated charge coupled device with 1,024 × 1,024 pixels. The Liquid-nitrogen-jet-target laser-plasma source was a high brightness of 1.4×10^(12) photons/pulse·sr·line. The tandem ellipsoidal condenser mirror has 15% reflectivity. The photon flux arrived at the sample is 1.29×10^(5) photons/μ㎡ The micro zone plate was used for an objective optic, and had outermost zone width of 30 nm, zone number of 667, and diameter of 80㎛, and the focal length was 835㎛. On performance test for the compact soft x-ray microscope, the 'Siemens Star' image was obtained with a 60-nm-resolution at 380 magnification and 3 minutes exposure. I also obtained images of biological samples, such as diatom and red blood cell of a mouse with 5-10 minutes exposure.
권성훈,이경휘 대전대학교 산업기술연구소 1999 산업기술연구소 論文集 Vol.10 No.2
Process Planning may be defined as the systematic determination of the methods by which a product is to be manufactured economically and competitively. In it's generic nature, process planning is a non-standardized decision process based on intensive data, knowledge, and heterogeneous functions such as process selection, process sequencing, machine selection, and tool selection etc. How to semantically build data and knowledge bases about features, machine, tools, cutting parameter is a key problem in developing data models that support the entire semantics about manufacturing features, processes, machines, tools, etc. for process planning. Object oriented data models have a modeling power of rich semantics on a real world. In this paper, an object oriented data model for process planning is proposed on hole feature machining. The proposed data model includes submodels of feature, processes, machines, tools, cutting parameters, and a relation model among them, the data model may be used for performing process selection, machine selection, tool selection, and cutting parameter determination. In DB implementation, the object oriented data model is transformed into a relational data base(Sybase) which is prevalent in the related market. An illustrative example is given for validating the proposed data model and DB implementation.
신경섬유종증 환자에게서 발생한 특발성 혈소판 감소증 1예
권세훈,김형호,강지인,장재혁,원경준,장재현,김상용,배학연 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2006 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.31 No.3
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is a disease characterized by thrombocytopenia in peripheral blood with positive anti-platelet antibody titer, no splenomegaly, the presence of megakarocyte. The causes of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura were usually related to autoimmune disease, infection and drugs. A 46-years-old man was admitted for evaluation of abdominal mass. He has many cafe-au-lait spots and nodules in almost skin for 30 years. Several years ago, he palpated mass in Lt. inguinal area. hIe has known the abdominal mass after checking abdomen CT in local clinic and visited our hospital for evaluation of abdominal mass. At admission, laboratory tests showed hemoglobin 12.5 g/dL, hematocrit 38.4 %, WBC 5,460 /㎣ (neutrophil 64.5%, lymphocyte 21.7%, monocyte 4.1%, eosinophil 5.4%), reticulocyte 0.7%, Platelet 52,000 /㎣, total protein 6.51 g/dL, albumin 3.80 g/dL, alkaline pohsphatase 161 IU/L, AST 110.7 IU/L, ALT 64.9 IU/L, total bilirubin 0.44 ㎎/dL, BUN 18.4 ㎎/dL, creatinine 0.79 ㎎/dL. Peripheral blood smear showed normocytic normochromic anemia, thrombocytopenia. Bone marrow aspiration smear showed normoplastic myeloid and erythroid precursor. The bone marrow biopsy section shows normocellular marrow (35%) for his age and mildly increasing myeloid cell lineage. We have experienced a case of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in a patient being in neurofibromatosis and therefore reporting it with documentary records. 저자들은 신경섬유종증 환자에서 특별한 원인을 발견할 수 없었음에도 특발성 혈소판 감소증이 발생한 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.