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      • 말쥐치기름 및 들깨기름의 攝取가 高콜레스테롤 食餌 흰쥐의 血淸 및 肝臟의 脂質成分에 미치는 影響

        鄭承鏞,朴畢淑,徐孟姬,姜晋順,禹靜淑 慶尙大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.24 No.1

        Hypercholesterolemic male rats of Sprague Dawley, divided into six groups, were fed for 3 weeks with the diets containing several different oils of 10,0, the mixtures of 5% perilla oil and 5% other oils. The concentration of the lipid peroxide, T-cholesterol, phospholipid and triglyceride in the serum and liver were measured along with the HDL-cholesterol concentration of the serum. The results were as follows: 1. The concentration of LPO in the serum of the rats fed with lO% perilla oil, with 5% perilla oil+5% lard and with 5% perilla oil+5% file fish oil was higher than those with any other oils. The concentration of that was significantaly high in the liver of the rats fed with 10% perilia oil, while it was considerably low with 10% olive oil. 2. The concentration of T-cholesterol in the serum of the rats fed with 10% perilla oil, with 10% file fish oil and with 5% perilla oil+5% file fish oil was lower than those with any other oils. 3. The concentration of HDL-cholesterol was low in the serum of the rats fed with 10% perilla oil, while it was high with 5% perilla oil+5% file fish oil and with 10% file fish oil. The concen tration of that for the T-cholesterol in the serum of the rats fed with 10% file fish oil and with 5% perilla oil+5% file fish oil was much higher than those with any other oils. 4. The concentration of T-cholesterol in the liver of the rats fed with 10% perilla oil was high, while it was low with 10f file fish oil and with any other oils. 5. The concentration of PL and TG in the serum of the rats fed with 10% perilla oil and with 10% file fish oil was lower than those with any other oils, but it was lower in the liver of the rats fed with 10% perilla oil than the mixtures of perilla oil and with 10% file fish oil.

      • KCI등재후보

        유기성 폐기물과 알칼리 안정화제가 첨가된 연안 양식장 퇴적물 조비료의 영양성분 조성

        김정배,강창근,이근섭,박정임,이필용 한국환경과학회 2002 한국환경과학회지 Vol.11 No.12

        To utilize coastal aquaculture ground bottom sediment in which concentrations of harmful pollutants are low and organic content is high as an organic fertilizer alkaline stabilizers such as CaO, Oyster shell, Mg(OH)_2 were added to the bottom sediment organic additives of livestock or food wastes. Nutritive qualities of crude fertilizers were measured to examine effects of alkaline stabilizers and organic waste additions. The Mg(OH)_2-added crude fertilizer had significantly lower total carbon(T-C) and nitrogen(T-N) content, reflecting the dilution effect due to great amount of Mg(OH)_2 addition. However, the addition of oyster shell had no significant effect on the T-C and T-N content of the fertilizer. P_2O_5 and K_2O content was considerably higher in the mixed of aquaculture ground bottom sediment and livestock wastes than in the mixture of the sediments and food wastes, resulting from higher P_2O_5 and K_2O content in livestock wastes. Addition of Mg(OH)_2 increased the content of MgO in the crude fertilizer but significantly reduced the content of other nutritive elements such as P_2O_5, K_2O and CaO. Addition of oyster shell as an alkaline stabilizer seemed to have the advantage of saving time and expenses for dryness due to role as a modulator of water content. Moreover, additions of effect Mg(OH)_2 decreased the concentrations of heavy metals in the fertilizer by the dilution while additions of oryster shell had no influence on heavy metal concentrations in the fertilizer.

      • 이행성 협심증 환자에서 운동부하 심전도 검사

        이정우,박형서,박용규,노상필,이유선,정승현,김보영,이재환,최시완,정진옥,성인환 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        목적 : 관상동맥의 경련에 의한 이형성 협심증환자에 있어서 운동부하 심전도 검사의 결과는 매우 다양하다. 이에 저자들은 충남대학교병원 순환기내과에서 관상동맥조영술상 이형성 협심증으로 확진된 환자를 대상으로 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행하여 이에 대한 결과를 연구하였다. 방법 : 1995년 1월부터 2002년 3월까지 흉통을 주소로 충남대학교병원 순환기 내과에 입원하여 관상동맥조영술을 시행하여 관상동맥의 내경이 50% 미만의 협착이 있고, 에르고노빈(ergonovine) 유발검사도 이형성 협심증으로 진단을 받은 233명중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행 받은 183명의 환자를 연구 대상으로 하였다. 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과의 판독시 발생할 수 있는 오류를 줄이기 위해서 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행하기전 심전도상 ST분절의 상승(5예)이나 하강(8예)이 있는 경우 EH한 T파의 역위(19예)가 있는 32명의 환자를 제외한 총 151명의 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 운동부하는 Marquette사의 case 15 답차를 이용하였고, Bruce protocol에 따라 증상이 나타날 때까지 최대로 실시하였으며 각 stage 및 운동후의 혈압을 측정하고 12 유도 심전도를 기록하였다. 결과 : 1) 임상적 특성 - 내원시 임상 상은 안정형 협심증이 39예(25.8%), 불안정형 협심증이 103예(68.2%), 심근경색증이 9예(6.0%)이었다. 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과 양성 군과 음성군간에 있어서 당뇨병, 고혈압, 비만도, 총 혈청콜레스테롤치, 현재의 흡연 여부, 병력상 운동시 흉통의 유무, 내원시 임상적 진단, 협착의 정도, 연축의 수 등을 조사하였는 바 어떠한 인자들도 유의한 차이를 발견할 수 없었다. 2) 운동부하 심전도 검사 - 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행 받은 151명의 환자중 음성인 경우는 134예(88.8%)이었고, 양성인 경우는 17예(11.2%)이었다. 양성 소견을 보인 환자들중 ST 분절의 상승이 4예(2.6%), ST 분절의 하강이 13예(8.6%)이었다. 3) 관상동맥조영술 - 관상동맥조영술상에서 혈관 경력 위치는 우관상동맥이 70예(46.1%), 좌전하동맥이 44예(28.9%), 좌회선동맥이 17예(11.2%)의 순으로 나타났다. 운동부하 심전도 검사상 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 예중 Ⅱ, Ⅲ, aVF에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 1예는 관상 동맥조영술상 우관상동맥에서 경련이 발생하였고, V2-V4에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 2예중 관상동맥조영술상에도 좌전하행동맥에서 경련이 나타난 예는 1예이었으며 다른 1예는 좌회선동맥에서 경련이 나타났고, V5-V6에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 1예는 관상동맥조영술상에도 좌회선동맥에서 경련이 나타났다. 운동부하 심전도 검사상 V5 또는 V6에서 ST 분절의 하강이 있엇던 13예중 6예(46.1%)는 관상동맥조영술상 우관상동맥에서 경련이 발생하였고, 3예(23.1%)는 좌전하행동맥에서, 1예(7.7%)는 좌회선동맥에서, 나머지 3예(23.1%)는 2개의 혈관이나 기타 분지에서 경련이 발생하였다. 결론 : 1) 이형성 협심증 환자는 운동부하 심전도 검사에서 11.2%의 양성소견을 보였다. 이중 ST 분절의 상승은 2.6%이었고, ST 분절의 하강은 8.6%이었다. 2) 이형성 환자중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 실시하여 음성을 보이는 경우 다혈관 관상동맥질환이기 보다는 이형성 협심증일 가능성이 더 높다고 예측할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 3) 이형성 협심증 환자중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 실시하여 ST 분절의 상승을 보이는 경우 다혈관 관상동맥질환이기 보다는 이형성 협심증일 가능성이 더 높다고 예측할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 4) 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과에 대한 당뇨병, 고혈압, 비만도, 총 혈청콜레스테롤치, 현재의 흡연여부, 병력상 운동시 흉통의 유무, 내원시 임상적 진단, 협착의 정도 등 어떠한 인자들도 3그룹(ST 분절의 상승, ST 분절의 하강, 음성)간에 유의한 차이를 발견할 수 없었다. 5) ST 분절의 상승 부위와 관상동맥조영술상 관상동맥의 연축이 일어나는 혈관과의 상관관계는 매우 높았다. No reports in the literature describe the results of exercise testings in a large number of patients with pure variant angina(coronary stenosis <50%) in Korea. In this report, We present the results of treadmil exercise testing in 151 patients with variant angina. 151 patients with angiographically proven coronary artery spasm underwent a treadmil exercise test. The clinical characteristics of variant angina patients classified according to ST-segment response to exercise were analyzed. Of 151 patients underwent a treadmil exercise test, negative result was seen in 134 patients(88.8%) and positive result was in 17 patients(11.2%). Of 17 patients saw positive result, exercise-induced ST segment elevation was present in 4 patients(2.6%) and ST segment depression was seen in 13 patients(8.6%). There was not a significant relationship between the ST segment response to exercise and the clinical variables(diabetes, hypertension, obesity, total cholesterol, current smoking, effort angina, clinical diagnosis, and degree of stenosis) assessed. Of 4 patients with ST segment elevation in treadmil exercise test, 1 patient with ST segment elevation in Ⅰ,Ⅲ,aVF had spasm in right coronary artery(100%) on coronary angiography, of 2 patients in V2-V4 had spasm in left anterior descending coronary artery in 1 patient(50%) and 1 patient in V5-V6 had spasm in left circumflex artery(100%). Positive treadmil exercise test was present in 11.2% of variant angina patient. If we have negative treadmil exercise result in patients with clinical manifestation of unstable angina at admission, we may have a suspicion of variant angina rather than multi-vessel disease. If we have exercise-induced ST segment elevation in patients with clinical manifestation of unstable angina at admission, we have a suspicion of variant angina rather than multi-vessel disease. Our result suggests that the correlation between the site of the ST segment elevation and the artery involved is quite good.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1994)

        김재홍,안진균,정성재,김영태,김중환,김시영,이석종,이홍렬,서호석,김경훈,권혁진,정우권,고우석,이용석,안필수,오준규,오용섭 대한화학요법학회 1996 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Background : In recent years gonorrhoea has been panendemic and remains one of the most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Method : For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae(PPNG), Ive have been trying to study the patients who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results : In 1994, 168 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 109 (64,9% ) were PPNG. Conclustion : Our results suggests that the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is still increasing.

      • KCI등재

        정신병적 증상이 동반된 기면병 1예

        홍승철,송정민,정종현,권용실,한진희,이성필 大韓神經精神醫學會 2003 신경정신의학 Vol.42 No.5

        Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis, hypnagogic hallucinations and disrupted nocturnal sleep. We report a patient with a diagnosis of schizophrenia who was subsequently diagnosed as narcolepsy. A case of a 22-year-old woman with concomitant narcolepsy and psychotic symptoms was discussed from a perspective of the diagnosis and therapeutic challenges, particularly on pharmcological treatment dealing with issues raised by their coexistence.

      • KCI등재

        제조업 산업장의 유기용제 노출에 관한 연구

        문덕환,김정하,김필자,박명희,황용식,이채관,이창희 한국산업위생학회 2001 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        Objective : For the purpose of preparing the fundamental data and health promotion and control program on organic solvents in air of manufacturing industry. Methods : The author surveyed number of organic solvent components which was used in working site and also determined the organic solvents concentration in air of 927 manufacturing industries and 1,267 working process with gas chromatography(NIOSH manual) for five years from 1995 to 1999. Results : Mean numbers of solvents components by type of industry, working process was number of 12. There were exceeded to TLV of 1,2-dichloroethane in textile manufacturing industry N,N-dimethyl furan in tanning and dressing of leather ; luggage, handbags, saddlery, harness and footwear manufacturing industry and chemical and chemical product manufacturing industry by type of industry. There were exceeded to TLV of 1,2-dichloroethane in handwriting and drawing process, cellosolove in adhesive spreading process, N,N-dimethly furan in production of solvent process and adhesion process by working process. Total exceeded rate to threshold limit values of organic solvents mixture were 12.9% for EI(Exposure index) and 10.0% for Em(Estimation of mixture) by type of industry, 11.3% for EI and 8.2% for Em by type of working process. The highest exceed rate was 36.7% for EI in tanning and dressing of leather ; luggage handbags, saddlery, harness and footwear manufacturing industry and 29.0% for Em in textile manufacturing industry. the highest exceeded rate was 23.1% for EI and 12.5% for Em in adhesive spreading process by working process. Mean values of total subjects by type of industry and type of working process were 0.7±1.8 for EI and 0.7±1.7 for Em respectively. Conclusions : As above results, the author suggest that it makes the environmental control program on 1.2-dichloro-ethane, N,N-dimethyl furan, cellosolve by kind of organic solvent and on textile manufacturing industry, tanning and dressing of leather ; luggage, handbags, saddlery harness and footwear manufacturing industry by type of industry, and on handwriting, drawing process and adhesive spreading process and adhesion process by type of working process.

      • 관상동맥 질환에서 SDF-1α의 농도

        김보영,박용규,박형서,노상필,정승현,이유선,이정우,이재환,최시완,정진옥,성인환 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        Atherosclerosis is now viewed as an inflammatory disease of the vascular system. Expression of several chemokines, including monocyte chemoattractant protein(MCP)-1, MCP-4, RANTES(regulated on activation normal T-cell expressed and secreted), and interleukin-8(IL-8) are increased in human atherosclerotic plaques compared with normal vessels. They are involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and plaque rupture by activating and directing leukocytes into the atherosclerotic lesions. However, some are involved in homeostatic functions such as normal leukocyte traffic and growth regulation. SDF-la is a multi-functional cytokine that is involved in myelogenesis, hematopoiesis, angiogenesis and injured gastric mucosal regeneration in the gastric ulcer patient. SDF-la is recently shown to be highly expressed in atherosclerotic plaques and a potent platelet agonist. At least in high concentrations, SDF-la may mediate antiinflammatory and matrix stabilizing effects in unstable angina. Many studies are going on to know the function of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases. I investigated the difference of the plasma level of SDF-la between control group and coronary artery disease group. Total 75 subjects were enrolled. The diagnosis of coronary artery disease was confirmed in all patients by coronary angiography. Control subjects in this study were confirmed normal by coronary angiography. Clinical profile and risk factors were also reviewed. Control subjects in this study were 27 (M=10, F=17). Plasma for the study was collected before the angiography and centrifuged. SDF-la analysis was performed by ELISA. Plasma level of SDF-la is significantly increased in patients with stable angina(n=20) and unstable angina group(n=28) compared with healthy control group(n=27). the risk factors do not influence the plasma level of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases. In this study, plasma level of SDF-la is increased in patients with stable angina and unstable angina groups compared with healthy control group(P<0.05). the risk factors do not influence the plasma level of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases.

      • 돈지, 들깨유 및 달맞이꽃 종자유의 혼합급이가 흰쥐의 혈청 지질 성분에 미치는 영향

        김성희,김한수,강정옥,박필숙,정승용 慶尙大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.31 No.2

        돈지 및 들깨유와 달맞이꽃 종자유등 2종 식물 종자유아의 혼합비율을 달리한 유지의 급이가 흰쥐의 혈청 지질성분에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위해 S·D계 숫쥐에게 돈지 2.5% 및 들깨유와 달맞이꽃 종자유의 혼합비율을 달리하여 4주간 급이 사육한 후 혈청의 지질 성분을 분석 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 혈청의 총콜레스테롤 농도는 대조군(A군 돈지10%)에 비해 B군(들깨유7.5%+돈지2.5%)이 유의적으로 낮았으며, HDL-콜레스테롤 농도는 대조군에 비해 C군(들깨유 5.0%+달맞이꽃 종자유2.5%+돈자2.5%), D군(들깨유 2.5%+달맞이꽃 종자유5.0%+돈지2.5%)및 E군(달맞이꽃 종자유7.5%+돈자2.5%)이 높았고, 총콜레스테롤에 대한 HDL-콜레스테롤의 농도비는 대조군에 비해 E군이 현저하게 높았다. 콜레스테롤를 급이군은 콜레스테롤 무급이군에 비해 전 군에 걸쳐 총콜레스테롤 농도는 월등히 높았고 HDL-콜레스테롤 농도는 낮았다. 콜레스테롤 에스테르의 농도는 대조군에 비해 B및 C군은 낮은 반면, D및 E군은 높았고 콜레스테롤 급이군에 비해서는 대조군에 비해 전군이 유의적으로 낮았다. LDL및 LDL-콜레스테롤 농도는 대조군에 비해 전 군이 유의적으로 낮았으며 B군은 특히 현저하게 낮은 경향을 나타내었고, 또한 콜레스테롤 급이군은 콜레스테롤를 무급이군과 유사한 경향을 보였으나 전반적으로 월등하게 높았다. 인지질 및 중성지질의 농도는 대조군에 비해 전 군이 유의적으로 낮게 나타났고, 콜레스테롤 급이군의 혈청 중 인지질 및 중성지질의 농도는 콜레스테롤 무급이군고 유사한 경향이였으나 전반적으로 보아 현저하게 낮았다. In order to observe the effects of the feeds mixed with the lard and two vegetable seeds oils on lipid components of serum in rats, the oils mixed with 2.5% lard and various level of perilla oil and evening primrose oil were administered to the male rats of the S.D. for 4 weeks. Total cholesterol concentrations of serum were significantly lower in the B group(perilla oil 7.5%+ lard 2.5%) than in the control group(A group ,lard 10%). HDL-cho-lesterol concentrations in serum were higher in the C(perilla oil 5.0%+evening primrose oil 2.5%+lard 2.5%), D(perilla oil 2.5%+evening primrose oil 5.0%+lard 2.5%) and E(evening primrose oil 7.5%+lard 2.5%) groups than in the control group. In the supplemeted cholesterol groups(SC groups), total cholesterol concentrations in serum were by far higher and HDL-cholesterol concentrations in serum were lower than in the nonsupplemented cholesterol groups(NSC groups). Cholesteryl ester concentrations in serum were lower in the B and C groups, but higher in the D and E groups than in the control group. In the SC groups, cholesteryl ester concentrations in serum were significantly lower in the other groups than in the control group. concentrations of LDL-cholesterol in serum were lower in the other groups and remarkably in SC groups were similar to the NSC groups, but those of serum were by far higher in all groups. Concentrations of phospholipid and triglyceride in serum were significantly lower in the other groups than in the control group, in the SC groups, concentrations of phospholipid and triglyceride were similar to the NSC groups, but those from serum were remarkably lower in all groups.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1998)

        김재홍,김준호,반재용,이정우,황성주,정준규,정성태,강진문,조흔정,홍창의,정혜신,이한승,김이선,이봉길,이종호,선영우,한기덕,윤성필,이성훈,안종성,박석범,문승현,조항래,김형섭,류지호,황재영,박준홍,손상욱 한양대학교 의과대학 2001 한양의대 학술지 Vol.21 No.1

        In recent years, gonorrhea has been pandemic and remains one of the most common STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of Penicillinase Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae(PPNG), we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the Venereal Disease Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by menas of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. In 1998, 93 strians of N. genorrhoeae were isolated, among which 60(64.5%) were PPNG. The prevalence of PPNG in Seoul, which had been decreased to 39% in 1996 after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, is increased to 64.5% in 1998.

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