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김시영,최지훈,최윤상,김학연,안광일,김현욱,김태현,송동헌,김천제 한국축산식품학회 2012 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.32 No.3
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of tumbling condition (time and temperature) on the quality characteristics of restructured chicken breast ham. Tumbling conditions were 10, 30, and 60 min at 3 or -3oC, respectively. After tumbling,quality characteristic regarding the treatments processed by each condition were measured. There were no significant differences in pH levels among tumbling time or temperature. Treatments involving 60 min of tumbling had significantly higher water holding capacity (WHC) than that tumbled for 10 min, but WHC was not affected by the tumbling temperature. The tumbling condition at -3oC for 60 min demonstrated the most effective cooking yields for restructured chicken breast ham. Myofibrillar protein solubility of treatments tumbled for 60 min had the highest value of all, regardless of tumbling temperature. The hardness of treatments tumbled at -3oC were lower than those at 3oC; however, the springiness of treatments tumbled for 60 min were significantly higher than those regarding the treatments tumbled for 10 and 30 min. Therefore,tumbling technology for 30 min or more at -3oC can produce restructured chicken breast ham of excellent quality.
ZnSe/ZnTe 초격자 버퍼층을 이용한 GaSb 박막성장
김시영,장지호,이상태,이웅,이홍찬,정미나,조영래 한국물리학회 2008 새물리 Vol.56 No.3
The influence on a ZnSe/ZnTe superlattice (SLS) buffer layer for on growth of GaSb films was investigated. Reflection high-electron energy diffraction (RHEED) was used to determine the thickness of relaxed ZnSe/ZnTe SLS buffer. The GaSb films with a SLS buffer were confirmed to have improved the crystal quality in terms of surface morphology and crystallinity. The SLS buffer enhances the surface morphology of GaSb by suppressing initial three-dimensional growth by reducting the lattice mismatch, which show the feasibility of using a ZnSe/ZnTe SLS buffer for the growth of high-quality GaSb films. GaAs (001) 기판 위에 ZnSe/ZnTe 초격자 버퍼층을 이용하여 분자선 에피택시법으로 성장된 GaSb 박막의 성장에 관해 연구하였다. GaSb 성장 시 ZnSe/ZnTe 초격자 버퍼층의 영향으로 초기에 2차원 성장모드가 관찰되었다. 또한 원자간력 현미경과 X선 회절법 측정을 통하여 양호한 결정성을 갖는 GaSb박막이 성장되었음을 확인하였으며, GaSb 박막의 성장을 위한 ZnSe/ZnTe 초격자 버퍼의 역할을 고찰하였다.
김시영,최영아,김계중 대한안과학회 2024 대한안과학회지 Vol.65 No.8
목적: 조현병 환자에서 자해에 의해 발생한 안구전방전위에 대하여 수술 후 시력이 호전된 사례를 경험하여 이를 보고하고자 한다. 증례요약: 조현병이 있는 37세 여자 환자가 자가 안구적출 시도 후 발생한 우안의 안구전방전위로 내원하였다. 초진 당시 도수 정복은 되지 않았고 우안의 시력은 안전 수지 20 cm로 측정되었다. 안와 전산화단층촬영에서 각막 중심부로부터 관골간선(interzygomatic line)까지 26 mm의 안구전방전위, 소량의 구후출혈 및 상직근의 부종이 관찰되었다. 이를 교정하기 위해 가쪽눈구석절개술 및 인대절단술을 시행한 뒤 눈꺼풀봉합술을 시행하였다. 수술 6일 후 가쪽눈구석절개술 부위를 재건하였고, 수술 1개월 뒤 시행한 안저 검사에서 이상 소견 없었으며 교정시력은 20/20으로 회복되었다. 결론: 자가 안구적출로 발생한 안구전방전위는 매우 드문 안과적, 정신과적 응급으로 즉각적인 수술이 필요하다. 본 증례를 통해 시신경의 직접 손상이 의심되지 않는 상태에서 빠른 시간 내에 해부학적 정복을 시행하는 것이 시력회복에 도움이 되며, 양호한 시력 예후를 보인다는 것을 알 수 있다. Purpose: To report a case in which vision improvement was achieved following surgery for anterior displacement of the eyeball resulting from self-mutilation in a patient with schizophrenia. Case summary: A 37-year-old female patient with schizophrenia was admitted following an attempt at self-mutilation, which led to anterior displacement of her right eyeball. Initial evaluation revealed that reduction was not feasible and visual acuity was finger count at 20 cm in the right eye. Orbital computed tomography indicated 26-mm anterior displacement of the eyeball from the center of the cornea to the interzygomatic line along with a small retrobulbar hemorrhage and edema in the superior rectus muscle. Surgical intervention, consisting of lateral canthotomy, cantholysis, and tarsorrhaphy, was performed for correction. The surgical site was reconstructed 6 days after surgery. A fundus examination conducted 1 month later revealed no abnormalities and best-corrected visual acuity improved to 20/20. Conclusions: Globe subluxation due to self-mutilation is a very rare and urgent condition in both ophthalmic and psychiatric contexts that requires immediate surgical intervention. This case demonstrates that immediate anatomical reduction when there is no direct suspicion of optic nerve damage can be beneficial for the recovery of visual acuity and may lead to a favorable prognosis.
중환자에서 중심정맥 산소포화도를 이용한 혈역학적 지표의 예측
김시영,민영기,이영주,정윤석 대한응급의학회 2003 대한응급의학회지 Vol.14 No.1
Purpose: Mixed venous oxygen saturation (Smvo_2) and other hemodynamic parameters are highly useful in the monitoring of critically ill patients, but the measurement of Smvo_2requires catheterization of the pulmonary artery. In contrast, central venous oxygen saturation (Scvo_2) can be easily obtained with a central venous catheter, which is less invasive. To assess if Scvo_2could be a useful value in the treatment of critically ill patients, we evaluated the agreement and the relationship between Scvo_2 and Smvo_2 Futhermore, the correlations of Scvo_2 with other additional parameters were investigated. Methods: During 18 months, 83 patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) of Ajou university hospital were included. Scvo_2, Smvo_2, the cardiac index (CI), the oxygen extraction ratio (OER), the oxygen uptake (Vo_2), and the oxygen delivery (Do_2) were obtained by using a pulmonary artery catheter. Results: There was a difference between Scvo_2and Smvo_2(76.32±7.86 vs 73.79±6.31, p<0.001). The relationship between the two measures showed a meaningful correlation (r=0.700, p<0.01). Scvo_2also had correlations with the Cl (r=0.326, p<0.05), the OER (r=-O.467, p<0.01), the Vo_2(r=-O.393, p<0.01), and the Do_2(r=0.422, p<0.01). Conclusion: Although the Scvo_2, value cannot replace the Smvo_2value, it shows a relation with Smvo_2 and other parameters. Thus, Scvo_2 is suggested as a hemodynamic value for use with critically ill patients.