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      • KCI등재

        金範禹와 그의 가계

        김두헌(Kim Doo-Hean) 한국교회사연구소 2010 敎會史硏究 Vol.0 No.34

        This paper studied on the Kim Beom-u (金範禹) and his lineage who was first persecuted in 1785 for his belief in Roman Catholicism (天主敎). Followings are results of the research in this paper: First, the Kim Beom-u's ancestors began to separate themselves from YangBan (兩班) lineage and to form Chungin (中人) lineage in the early 17th century. From that time on, some of the Kim's ancestors passed not only Mugua (武科) but also Japgua (雜科). Although they passed Mugua, their social status as Chungin were unchanged. The existing arguments that Kim's lineage was changed from Muban (武班) status into Chungin status must be reexamined because their social status was never changed since they had became Chungin in the early 17th century. Second, though Kim Beom-u's father Kim Ui-seo (金義瑞) had four legitimate children from his wife who had been still alive, he had more children from a concubine. He also paid some funds for publications of his lineage books, ChogPo (族譜). Such actions were very popular practices in Chungin society. On the contrary, the fact that Kim Ik-han (金翊漢), Kim Beom-u's great-grandfather, after passing the YugGua (譯科), became active in a chief interpreter of a diplomatic envoy to Beijing (北京) illuminated that Kim Beom-u's lineage seems to be quite open to the outside world. Third, the existing research emphasized that Chungin accommodated Catholicism because of their resistance to the discrimination by YangBan. But Chungin also must be giving up desires for getting public offices or concubines to receive Catholicism. Kim Beom-u, as the member of a powerful Chungin lineage, must have more determination than other Chungin members become a Catholic believer because Kim Beom-u could easily get those advantages such as public offices or concubines. Fourth, Kim Beom-u was intimate with Yi-Byeok (李檗) because they were related by marriage. Their in-lawships were formed by Kim Ssi (金氏) who was Jeong Yak-yong (丁若鏞)'s father's concubine. But the most important reason for their intimate relationships was the fact that Kim Beom-u was a man of great knowledge. The fact that Yi-Byeok was a great scholar and Kim Beom-u propagated many people such as not only Chungin but also YangBan make me surmise their close relations. Fifth, the Kim Beom-u's descendants still had married with Chungin after 20 years of his persecution. Kim Dong-yup (金東曄), Kim Beom-u's grandson, who resided in Mil-Yang (密陽), associated with YugGuan (譯官) who kept high ranking public offices in Seoul. The purpose of his intimate relations with them was to maintain his social position for his family. Kim Dong-yup kept the relationship by marriage and the scop of the relationship was very wide. Through this fact we can conclude that interrelationship in the late ChoSon (朝鮮) society was very powerfully influenced by not only blood but also marriage. Sixth, through this research I can notice that the most important qualification of Chung in was kept in the blood, and Chungin must marry Chungin and reside in Seoul or suburb to maintain it's status.

      • KCI등재

        Doo`s SACSIH 수술과 전자궁적출술후 환자와 배우자가 느끼는 심신의학적인 면에서의 비교연구

        두재균,김관식,채규정,이민아,김난경,유은영,박경배,나미옥,안석문 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.2

        1992년 11월 18일부터 두씨색시(Doos SACSIH)수술을 받은 31명과 같은 기간동안 전자궁적출술( TAH)를 받은 31명을 대상으로 수술후 최소 5개월이상 경과된 상태에서 그 배우자와 함께 실시한 성적 및 심신의학적면의 비교 추적조사 연구결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 수술후 환자자신이 느끼는 심적 부담요인은 두씨색시(Doos SACSIH)군에서는 체중증가가 32.3%로 가장 높았으나 전자궁적출술(TAH)군에서는 성욕감퇴가 29.1%로 가장 높았다. 2. 수술후 골반통이나 요통의 정도는 고통을 호소하지 않는군이 두씨색시(Doos SACSIH)군에서는 51.6%이었으나 전자궁적출술(TAH)군에서는 32.2%이었다. 3. 수술전과 비교하여 수술후 성적욕구의 변화정도는 성욕감퇴 현상을 보여주고 있는 군이 두씨색시(Doos SACSIH)군은 19.3%인 반면 전자궁적출술(TAH)군은 32.3%이었다. 4. 수술후 연령별 성교횟수는 연령별로 가장 많은 40대를 살펴보았을때 2주당 1회이하의 적은 성교횟수를 보여주고 있는 군이 두씨색시(Doos SACISIH)군은 33.3%이었으나 전자궁적출술(TAH)군은 78.9%이었다(p$lt;0.05). 5. 수술후 성적오르가즘의 변화정도는 수술후 나빠졌다고 호소하는 군이 두씨색시(Doos SACISIH)군에서는 12.9%이었으나 전자궁적출술(TAH)군에 있어서는 41.9%이었다(p$lt;0.05). 6. 수술후 남편이 느끼는 성생활 관계에 대한 욕구정도는 욕구가 감소되었다고 호소하는 군은 두씨색시(Doos SACISIH)군은 14.4%이었으나 전자궁적출술(TAH)군은 50.0%이었다. Since November 18 of 1992, we have undertaken a comparative study concerning the patients and their spouses at least five months after the operation. We chose 31 patients who were operated by Koos SACSIH operation and the same number of the patients who and psychsomatic aspects occured after each operation. And we cmae to the following conclusion: 1. Of the patients subjective complaints, weight gain was the highest after Koos SACSIH:32.3%; decrease in sexual desire was the highest after TAH: 29.1%. 2. 51.6% of the patient after Koos SACSIH had no complaint of pelvic pain and lumbago and 32.3% after TAH. 3. 19.3% of the patients after Koos SACSIH complain of decrease in sexual desire and 32.3% after TAH. 4. 33.3% of the patients in their forties after Koos SACSIH had coital frequency less than once in 2 weeks and 78.9% after TAH(P$lt;0.05). 5. 12.9% of the patients after Doo's SACSIH complained that their sense of sexual orgasm has become deteriorated and 41.9% after TAH(p$lt;0.05). 6. 14.4% of the patients' spouses after Doo's SACSIH complained that their sexaul desire has decreased and 50.5% after TAH.

      • KCI등재

        中宗代 文廟從祀 論議와 朝鮮 道統의 形成

        김영두(Kim Young-Doo) 한국사학회 2007 史學硏究 Vol.- No.85

        조선 중종대의 정몽주-김굉필의 문묘종사 논의는 주자학 도통론의 사상적 영향 아래 진행되었다. 중종 5년과 9년에 건의된 정몽주의 문묘종사 주장은 중종 12년부터는 정몽주와 김굉필을 함께 문묘에 종사하자는 주장으로 전개되었다. 이러한 주장은 주자학 도통론의 강력한 영향 아래 조선 도학의 정통이 정몽주로부터 김굉필로 이어지게 되었다는 도학 정통의 수립과 병행하여 추진되었다. 공자에서 맹자로 이어지던 도학의 정통은 그 뒤 끊어지고 말았는데, 그것을 송대의 주돈이가 이어 주희에까지 계승되었다는 것이 주자학 도통론의 내용이었다. 이러한 이념의 영향으로 이 시기 조선에서는 고려말 정몽주가 도학의 정통을 중국으로부터 이어받았으며 그것이 김굉필에게로 전해졌다는 내용의 도학 계보가 형성되기 시작하였던 것이다. 이러한 계보의 형성이 진행되는 과정에서 정몽주에 대한 인식이 달라진다. 조선왕조 건국자들과의 정치투쟁 과정에서 죽음을 당했던 정몽주는 조선 건국 직후 부정적인 평가를 받을 수밖에 없었다. 하지만 그는 곧 태종에 의해 고려를 대표하는 충신으로 받들어졌고, 그러한 평가는 대대로 국왕들에 의해 유지되고 강화되었다. 그것은 정몽주에게서 왕조의 흥망에 자신의 운명을 거는 절대적 충신의 이미지를 발견할 수 있었기 때문이었다. 하지만 정몽주를 조선 도통의 선구로 보는 유학자들은 ‘동방이학의 선조’라는 새로운 이미지를 부각시켰다. 그리하여 그를 도학 계보의 시작점에 자리매김하였던 것이다. 과거 국왕들에 의해 구축되었던 정몽주의 명성은 그러한 이미지를 국가적으로 공인하는 과정에서 중요한 동력으로 기능하였다. 정몽주에 대한 인식의 변화와 정몽주-김굉필의 도학 계보 형성은 조광조를 중심으로 하는 중종대의 사림 세력이 자신들의 정치적, 이념적 권위를 확보하기 위한 노력의 일환이었다. 그들은 이러한 노력을 통해 세조대와 연산군대의 역사를 보는 관점을 다시 세우고 과거의 결정을 바로잡기 위한 노력을 넘어, 도통론이라는 보편적인 이론을 통해 자신들의 권위를 세우려는 적극적인 시도를 했던 것이다. 그 과정에서 조광조의 스승인 김굉필이 도학의 적통으로 추대되었다. 하지만 중종대의 문묘종사 논의는 정몽주만 문묘에 종사하는 것으로 결론지어졌다. 따라서 김굉필을 문묘에 종사하여 조광조와 연결하려던 사림 세력의 의도는 현실정치에서 실패한 것으로 보인다. 그렇지만 정몽주의 문묘종사는 도학의 계승자가 국가적으로 공인되어 문묘에 종사된 것이다. 이는 도통론이 조선의 이념적 지향을 결정하는 담론으로 기능할 수 있는 단초를 열었다는 의미에서 매우 중요한 분기점으로 평가할 필요가 있다고 본다. The Daoton Doctrine of Zhuixue had influenced debates on enshrinement of Jeong Mong-ju and Kim Geong-pil in Munmyo (Confucius's Shrine) during Jungjong era. The claim for the enshrinement of Jeong made in 1510 and 1514 was expanded into the one including Kim in 1517. The movement for co-enshrinement can be juxtaposed with the formation of legitimate succession from Jeong Mong-ju to Kim Geong-pil. According to the Daotong doctrine, the legitimate transmission of Confucius's philosophy was discontinued after Mencius. Later, however, Chow in northern Sung restored the tradition and Zhuixue took over. The Sarim of Joseon Dynasty adopted this ground and argued that Jeong in Koryo dynasty inherited the legitimate authority from China and handed it down over to Kim. While forming the transmission, the image of Jeong was changed. Because Jeong was executed by the founders of Joseon dynasty, the government imposed negative image of Jeong. Soon, however, he carne to be admired by king Taejongand succeeding kings of Joseondue to the fact that he was loyal to Koryo Dynasty until his death. Additionally, the Confucian scholars who strived for the enshrinement of Jeong added the image as 'the pioneer of Korean Dohak' and placed him as the first one to legitimately transmit the Dohak in Joseon Dynasty. The accumulated reputation of Jeong Mong-ju by the past kings played a major role in officially proving the established image. Sarim party under the reign of Jungjong changed the image of Jeong Mong-ju and formed the connection between Jeong and Kim, as a part of their efforts to obtain political and ideological authority. Throughthese efforts, they tried notonly to build a new prospect which explained the history of the reign of King Sejo and King Yeonsan and to rectify false decisions, but also to use the Daotong doctrine as a universal concept to construct their ideological authority. Kim, the teacher of Jo Gwang-jo was promoted as the legitimate transmitter of Joseon Dohak. Debates on enshrinement of Jeong Mong-ju and Kim Geong-pil in Munmyo (Confucius's Shrine) were concluded by enshrining Jeong Mong-ju only. Therefore, Sarim's attempt to enshrine Kim and connect him to Jo looks like a failure. However, Jeong was enshrined as a legitimate transmitter of Dohak, which meant the Daotong doctrine was accepted officially by the nation for the first time. This historical event is significant in that Daotong discourse served as a momentum to decide the ideological direction of Joseon dynasty.


        Effect of low processing rate on homogeneous microstructural evolution of polyacrylonitrile‑based carbon fibers

        Doo‑Won Kim,Dae Ho Kim,Sung Ryong Kim,Bo‑Hye Kim,Yun Hyuk Bang,Duck Joo Yang,Go Bong Choi,Yoong Ahm Kim,Kap Seung Yang 한국탄소학회 2019 Carbon Letters Vol.29 No.5

        This study demonstrates that low processing rate for producing polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based carbon fiber is a critical to obtain a homogeneous radial microstructure with high resistance to oxidation, thereby resulting in their improved mechanical strength. The dry-jet wet spun PAN organic fibers were processed (e.g., stabilized and then carbonized) utilizing two different rates; one is 1.6 times longer than the other. The effect of processing rate on the microstructural evolutions of carbon fibers was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy after slow etching in air, as well as Raman mapping after graphitization. The rapidly processed fiber exhibited the multilayered radial structure, which is caused by the radial direction stretching of the extrusion in the spinning. In case of the slowly processed fiber, the layered radial structure formed in the spinning process was changed into a more homogeneous radial microstructure. The slowly processed fibers showed higher oxidation resistance, higher mechanical properties, and higher crystallinity than the rapidly processed one. Raman mapping confirmed that the microstructure developed during spinning was sustained even though fiber was thermally treated up to 2800 °C.

      • KCI등재

        정신분열병에 대한 리스페리돈의 효과 및 안정성

        이민수,김용구,김영훈,연병길,오병훈,윤도준,윤진상,이철,정희연,강병조,김광수,김동언,김명정,김상훈,김희철,나철,노승호,민경준,박기창,박두병,백기청,백인호,손봉기,손진욱,양병환,양창국,우행원,이정호,이종범,이홍식,임기영,전태연,정영조,정영철,정인과,정인원,지익성,채정호,한상익,한선호,한진희,서광윤 大韓神經精神醫學會 1998 신경정신의학 Vol.37 No.1

        연구목적 : 본 시험의 목적은 임상시험 시작전에 연구자들을 대상으로 PANSS Workshop을 통하여 PANSS, ESRS에 대한 국내에서의 표준화 작업을 구축하고 새로운 정신병 치료제인 리스페리돈의 효과와 안정성을 재확인하여 리스페리돈 사용에 대한 적정화를 이루는데 있다. 연구방법 : 1996년 4월부터 1996년 9월까지 국내 39개 대학병원 정신과에 입원중인 혹은 증상이 악화되어 입원하는 정신분열병 환자 377명을 대상으로 다시설 개방 연구를 시행하였다. 1주일간의 약물 배설기간을 가진후, 리스페리돈을 8주간 투여하였고, 기준점, 1주, 2주, 4주, 그리고 8주후에 평가되었다. 용량은 제1일에는 리스페리돈 1mg씩 1일 2회, 제2일에는 2mg씩 1일 2회, 제3∼7일에는 3mg씩 1일 2회 투여하였다. 이후 환자의 임상상태에 따라 임의로 증량할 수 있으며, 최대 일일 16mg을 초과하지 않도록 하였다. 추체외로 증상을 조절하기 위한 투약을 허용하였다. 임상증상 및 부작용의 평가는 PANSS(Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale), CGI(Clinical Global Impression) 그리고 ESRS(Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale)을 사용하였다. 연구결과 : 377명중 343명(91%)이 8주간의 연구를 완결하였다. 치료 종결시점인 8주후 PANSS 총점수가 20% 이상 호전된 경우를 약물 반응군으로 정의할때, 약물반응군은 81.3%였다. 리스페리돈에 반응하는 예측인자로는 발병연령, 이전의 입원 횟수, 유병기간이 관련 있었다. 리스페리돈은 1주후부터 PANSS양성, 음성, 및 일반정신병리 점수상에 유의한 호전을 보여 효과가 빨랐다. CGI의 경우도 기준점에 비해 1주후부터 유의한 감소를 나타내었다. ESRS의 경우, 파킨슨 평가점수는 기준점과 비교해 투여 1주, 2주, 4주후 유의하게 증가되었다가 8주후 기준점과 차이가 없었다. Dystonia 평가점수는 1주후만 유의한 증가를 보였으며, dyskinesia 평가점수는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 혈압, 맥박수의 생명징후 및 일반 혈액학 검사, 생화학적 검사, 심전도 검사에서 유의한 변화는 없었다. 결 론 : 이상의 다시설 개방 임상 연구를 통해 리스페리돈은 정신분열병 환자에서 양성증상뿐만 아니라 음성증상 및 전반적인 증상에도 효과적인 것으로 사료된다. 보다 명확한 평가를 위해서는 다른 항정신병약물과의 이중맹검 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각되며, 또한 장기적 치료에 대한 평가도 함께 이루어져야 하겠다. Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of risperidone in the treatment of Korean schizophrenic patients. Method : This multicenter open study included 377 schizophrenic patients drawn from 39 university hospitals. After a wash-out period of 1 week, the schizophrenic patients were treated with risperidone for 8 weeks and evaluated at 5 points ; at baseline, and 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks of treatment. The dose was increased from 2mg/day(1mg twice daily) to 6mg/day(3mg twice daily) during the first week and adjusted to a maximum of 16mg/day over the next 7 weeks according to the patient's clinical response. Medication to control extrapyramidal symptoms was permitted. The psychiatric and neurological status of the patients was assessed by PANSS, CGI, and ESRS scales. Results : 343(91%) of 377 patients completed the 8-week trial period. Clinical improvement, as defined by a 20% or more reduction in total PANSS score at end point, was shown by 81.3% of patients. The predictors of response to risperidone were associated older age, shorter duration of illness, fewer previous hospitalization. Risperidone had rapid onset of action ; a significant decrease of the total PANSS and three PANSS factor(positive, negative, general), and CGI was already noticed at the end of first week. For the ESRS, parkinsonism rating scores were significantly increased until week 4 comparing with baseline. Dystonia rating scores were significantly increased until week 1, and dyskinesia rating scores were not significantly changed during the study. Laboratory parameters including vital sign, EKG, hematological, and biochemical values showed no significant changes during the trial. Conclusions : This study suggests that risperidone is generally safe and effective against both the positive and negative symptoms in our group of patients.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        난관복원술의 성공율을 높이는 제반여건의 고찰

        김종덕,두재균,류철희,차경연,양재이 대한산부인과학회 1991 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.34 No.6

        난관복원술의 성공율을 높이는 제반 여건을 알아보기 위하여 1982년 3월부터 1990년 2월까지 만 8년 동안 전북대학교병원 산부인과 불임크리닉에 내원하여서 미세수술을 이용한 난과복원술을 시행받은 총 116명중 6개월이상이 추적조사가 가능하였던 106명의 예를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 난관복원술후 임신성공율은 추적조사가 가능하였던 106명중 90명(84.9%)이었다. 2. 난관복원술의 동기는 자녀사망이 전체 평균 65.1로 가장 많았으나 1987년이후부터는 재혼(24.6%)과 심경의 변화(20.0%) 등이 증가하여 서구화되는 경향을 보여주고 있었다. 3. 난관복원술후 임신군의 평균연령은 28.5세, 비임신군은 30.3세이었다(p$lt;0.05). 4. 불임수술후 난관복원술까지의 평균기간은 임신군에서 35.5개월, 비임신군에서 42.4개월로 임신군에서 그 기간이 짧았다(p$lt;0.05). 5. 임신성공율에 따른 복원술후 난관 길이는 임신군 8.3 cm, 비임신군 6.8 cm이었다(p$lt;0.05). 6. 불임수술 방법에 따른 결과는 Falope ring군이 난관의 길이도 가장 길고 임신성공율도 91.7%로 가장 높았다(p$lt;0.05). 7. 난관복원술 부위에 따른 임신성공율은 팽대부-팽대부, 자궁각부-팽대부, 협부-협부, 협부-팽대부순이었다(p$lt;0.05). 8. 난관복원술후의 임신하기까지의 기간은 임신군에서 1년이내가 95.5%로 가장 높았으며 2년이후에는 1예도 없었다. 9. 난관복원술후 난관임신 발생율은 1명(0.9%)이었다. 10. 본 교실에서 고안하여 사용하고 있는 Kim`s clamp와 Doo`s microirrigator 등은 난관성형술에 있어서 아주 유용한 기구로 사료되었다. For evaluation of factors that influence the success rate of tubal reversal, 116 cases of microsurgical reversal were investigated, which were performed at the infertility clinic in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chonbuk National University Hospital from March 1982 to February 1990. 106 cases were able to follow up more than 6 months among these 116 cases of tubal reversal patients. The results were as follows; 1. The pregnancy rate was 84.9%(90 patients) in 106 cases of tubal reversal. 2. The most common incentive was the loss of their children(75.5%), but since 1987 remarriage(24.6%) and change of marital attitude(20.0%) were increasing steadily. 3. After tubal reversal, the mean age of pregnant patients was 28.5 years and that of non-pregnant patients was 30.3 years(p$lt;0.05). 4. The time interval between the sterilization and the tubal reversal was 35.5 months in pregnancy groups, 42.4 months in non-pregnancy groups(p$lt;0.05). 5. The mean length of reconstructed tube was 8.3 cm in pregnancy patients, 6.8 cm in non-pregnant patients(p$lt;0.05). 6. Referring to the sterilization types, the pregnancy rate was higher and the length of reconstructed tube was longer in those who underwent tubal ligation with Falope ring. 7. Referring to the site of anastomosis, the pregnancy rate was higher in ampulloampullar, cornu-ampullary, isthmo-isthmic anastomosis than other group(p$lt;0.05). 8. The pregnancy rate within the first year after tubal reversal was 95.5%, but no case after 2 years was noted. 9. Postoperative tubal pregnancy developed in one case(0.9%) after tubal reversal. 10. Kim`s clamp and Doo`s microirrigator were considered to be valuable instruments in tubal surgery.

      • 급성심근경색후 발생한 심실중격결손 2례

        김태희,이재호,김애란,허민영,문치숙,정수룡,김대경,김두일,김동수 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.4

        Ventricular septal defect remains an infrequent but devastating complication of acute MI. Approximately 1∼3% of cases of acute myocardial infarction are complicated by ventricular septal rupture in the prethrombolytic era and the incidence has decreased to 0.2% with reperfusion therapy. This mechanical complication usually occurs within the first 10 to 14 days when necrotic tissue is most abundant and the collateral coronary circulation is not well developed. This lesion is generally associated with complete coronary obstruction rather than severe stenosis. Rupture of the ventricular septum is a severe mechanical complication of acute myocardial infarction, usually resulting in death unless surgical repair is performed. The bad prognosis of this event within the first 2 weeks indicates the need for early surgical rapair. This complication is more frequent after the first acute myocardial infarction in the elderly and secondary to a transmural myocardial infarction. We report two cases of ventricular septal rupture after acute myocardial infarction.

      • 관상동맥질환을 동반한 모야모야병 1례

        김동기,이영태,김기향,김성만,김대경,김두일,김동수 白中央醫療院 2005 仁濟醫學 Vol.26 No.1

        Moyamoya disease is an occlusive intracranial arteriopathy with an abnormal cerebral vascular collateral networks. Although this disease is known to be associated with stenosis of extracranial arteries, such as the renal artery, a case associated with stenosis of the coronary artery is extremely rare. We report a case of coronary artery occlusive disease affected by Moyamoya disease. The patient was a 38-year-old female experiencing intermittent headache and exer tional chest pain. Cerebral MRI showed complete obstruction of both internal carotid arteries and abnormal cerebrovascular systems which confirmed Moyamoya disease. Coronary angiography showed a significant stenosis of left anterior descending coronary artery ostium with TIMI grade I collateral blood flow from the normal right coronary artery. After coronary artery stenting and medical treatment for headache, her subjective symptoms were relieved. In Moyamoya patient, an evaluation of the extracranial (especially coronary artery) vascular system should be considered if there are some evidences of coronary artery disease.

      • An Improved Speech Processing Strategy for Cochlear Implants Based on an Active Nonlinear Filterbank Model of the Biological Cochlea

        Kim $^$, Kyung Hwan,Choi, Sung Jin,Kim, Jin Ho,Kim, Doo Hee IEEE 2009 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering Vol.56 No.3

        <P>The purpose of this study was to improve the speech processing strategy for cochlear implants (CIs) based on a nonlinear time-varying filter model of a biological cochlea. The level-dependent frequency response characteristic of the basilar membrane is known to produce robust formant representation and speech perception in noise. A dual resonance nonlinear (DRNL) model was adopted because it is simpler than other adaptive nonlinear models of the basilar membrane and can be readily incorporated into the CI speech processor. Spectral analysis showed that formant information is more saliently represented at the output of the proposed CI speech processor compared to the conventional strategy in noisy conditions. Acoustic simulation and hearing experiments showed that the DRNL-based nonlinear strategy improves speech performance in a speech-spectrum-shaped noise.</P>

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