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약물난치성 뇌전증 환자의 약물 치료 권고사항: 2021 대한신경과학회 진료지침 뇌전증 분과 소위원회
신동진,손영민,정기영,구용서,김대영,서종근,김지영,송홍기 대한신경과학회 2021 대한신경과학회지 Vol.39 No.4
One third of the overall epilepsy population are estimated to be a drug refractory epilepsy (DRE), defined as the patients who failed to control seizure reduction, even tried two or more appropriate antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) trials. Those people need additional AEDs trials or other treatment options (resective surgery, neuromoulation, etc.). Here, we, clinical guideline committee of the Korean Neurological Association (KNA) introduce the recommendations of AEDs treatments including not only old and new AEDs currently available in Korea but also AEDs planned to be launched in the new future for DRE patients with literature review to help efficient decision of the clinician. The authors reviewed literatures and assessed efficacy and tolerability on 12 currently available and four newly introduced/or planned AEDs applied to DRE patients, published from November 2015 to July 2021. Brivaracetam, eslicarbazepine, canabidiol and cenobamate are the four AEDs that are newly introduced or planned to be launched soon. The reviewed articles are publications after November 2015, 2018 American Association of Neurology guideline, new AEDs which were introduced or planned to be launched as of 2021. All AEDs are classified based on the therapeutic rating scheme, generating recommendations. Overall 173 papers have been reviewed and analyzed for recommendation rationales. KNA introduce additional add-on treatment or conversional monotherapy guidelines on the drug refractory focal and generalized epilepsy. We hope these guidelines or recommendations to help clinical decision for the treatment of drug refractory epilepsy patients
류호경,오지영,김치경,박진세,강경욱,최호진 대한신경과학회 2024 대한신경과학회지 Vol.42 No.4
Since the implementation of the Resident Training Special Act in 2018, the Training Committee of the Korean Neurological Association has made significant efforts to establish a competency-based resident training program. Through various research activities, the committee has verified the effectiveness of the competency-based training program and conducted additional studies related to the evaluation of the resident training program. In this study, we aimed to analyze the evaluation process of the Korean neurologist’s entrustable professional activities (K-NEPA 13), which outlines 13 core competencies required for neurology residents, and to explore potential improvements in training guidelines and evaluation methods related to these competencies. New evaluation guidelines for the K-NEPA 13 were developed, and a study was conducted with supervising professors and residents from seven training hospitals. The residents were asked to conduct selfassessments, while the supervising professors also evaluated each resident. The evaluation results were compared by categorizing the residents into junior and senior groups to analyze the differences between the two assessments. The results of the evaluations could be classified into several distinctive groups, and each group, based on the specific content of the questions, helped identify the current status and challenges of the training program. Based on these findings, we believe that this research serves as a sufficient foundation for more in-depth investigations and studies in the future, and continuous efforts should be made to improve the competency-based resident training program.
통증 치료에 있어서 신경과 의사의 역할 – 2020년 시행한 대한신경과학회의 설문조사를 기반으로
최교민,권오현,김상범,민양기,박기덕,서범천,서종근,손은희,오건세,오지영,이광수,이동국,정종필,조수진,조수현,한영수,주인수 대한신경과학회 2021 대한신경과학회지 Vol.39 No.3
Background: Pain is one of the most common chief complaints in neurological field. Authors try to inform the current situation of pain medicine in neurological practice and present an effective method for pain-related education during neurology residency and for practicing neurologists. Methods: A survey was conducted from November 16 to November 27, 2020 for members of the Korean Neurological Association, and the results were analyzed. Results: About two-thirds of neurologists replied that more than 25% of their patients were suffered from diverse pain including headache, spine pain or neuropathic pain. Despite many patients are visiting to neurologist for pain treatment, most neurologists are aware that they have not received sufficient practical pain education in the past and present. Therefore, they want more educational opportunities in pain medicine including interventional pain management and physical and pharmacologic therapies for more effective treatment. Conclusions: More follow-up studies on pain treatment and education should be conducted. It is also essential that the members of the society continue to interest and participate in the change of the pain education program.