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        일 대학병원 주차장 유료화에 따른 주차장 이용실태 조사

        김정희,박진숙,주찬웅,최기철 한국의료QA학회 1997 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Background : As parking problem caused by increasing owner-driver and patients concentration to a general hospital is becoming one of the dissatisfactions in medical care. It is time that a general hospital should solve the parking problem in a desirable way. The purpose of this survey is to let the clients understand the basic motivation of the pay parking and develop the better parking system. Methods : Clients of a tertiary care hospital in Chon-ju were surveyed by means of a questionnaire. All in all, 193, subjects answered the questionnaire. Results : In relation to the previous experiences, 39.6% of the subjects experienced inconvenience with confuse parking lot and the shortage of parking space. Under the were more than those who didn't 62.7% of the subjects answered that the y could find the parking lot easily. 33.2% of the subjects mentioned that it was not easy to drive in the parking area ; The reasons were pointed out the shortage of space, disordered parking, and insufficient guide, 12.8% of the subjects satisfied with the current administering system of parking lot. The outpatients were more affirmative than the admitted patients about the charging system. As for the parking fee, 64% of the subjects answered that it is expensive, and 89.5% of the subjects answered that it is expensive, and 89.5% of the subjects thought imposing of parking fee is irrational. Conclusion : To say as a whole, th basic purpose of the charging system are more of less accepted. However, the management details like parking facilities and payment method are dissatisfactory, so it is necessary to improve the management system. It is also noted that the inpatients showed more negative attitude than the outpatients with the charging system. To secure a more convenient parking, the parking system should be considered in relation to the information service, kind guidance, improve facilities, personnel cooperation, fix outpatient scheduling system. etc.

      • KCI등재

        역세권내 역 인접 소공원의 유형별 이용행태분석을 통한 활성화 방안 연구

        이주희,박진아,Lee, Joo-Hee,Park, Jin-A. 한국조경학회 2008 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.36 No.3

        2005년 3월 31 일 도시공원 및 녹지 등에 관한 법률 개정으로 도시공원 분류체계에서 소공원과 주제공원을 세분화하여 추가하였으나, 기능, 규모, 유치거리가 명확한 개념이 정립되어 있지 않은 상태이다. 특히, 조성 과정상의 확실한 설계되어 있지 않으며, 최근 법제화된 '도시공원 , 녹지의 유형별 세부기준 등에 관한 지침'(2007.2)에서도 유형을 공원의 설치위치 빛 성격에 따라 근린, 도심소공원으로 구분하였으나, 유형별 공원의 지정은 되어 있지 않은 상태이다. 본 연구에서 보고자 하는 역세권내 위치한 소공원은 설치위치 및 지역의 성격에 따라 그 특성이 다르게 나타나므로 법에서 명시하고 있는 유형에서의 설치위치 및 지역적 특징을 분석하여 궁극적으로 유형별 특성에 따른 공원의 활성화 방안을 제시한다. 유형화를 위한분석기준은 각각의 공원은 인접한 역의 성격과지역의 성격이 다르므로 첫째, 법에서 명시하고 있는 정의에서의 지역적 특성과 이용자 특성에 따른 유형분류로서 근린소공원과 도심소공원의 분류체계에 따라 공원유형분류 한다. 소공원 주변 용도배분비율과 기존의 소공원 설치 당시 공공에서의 설치목적을 각 구청의 담당자의 문의를 통하여 파악하고, 이용자의 거주특성의 경우는 이용자를 대상으로 설문을 거주지와 거주동에 대한 질의응답을 통하여 각 공원의 주 이용자의 거주특성을 파악하여 최종 대상지 근린소공원 3개소, 도심소공원 3개소를 선정하였다. 둘째, 각 유형 관찰조사를 통하여 이용자들의 이용행태특성을 파악하고, 설문조사를 행하여 유형별 대상지의 이용실태 및 이용특성의 차이점과, 어떤 측면에서 각기 다른 특성을 가지고 있는지에 대해 이용실태 및 공원시설에 대한 중요도 및 만족도, 공원 환경적 측면의 만족도에 대한 의견을 조사한다. 셋째, 관찰조사와 설문분석에 따른 결과와 관리 공무원과 공원설계자와의 인터뷰 결과를 종합하여 추후 계획시 고려하여야할 점으로 공원이용 활성화를 위한 시설 및 설계적 측면과 이용행태적 측면, 관리 및 운영적 측면에서 시사점을 도출한다. The government is planning to link a small park with the soon to be ready subway line 9 as a part of Seoul's policy, "The standard or plan for making a water-friendly space by water use" (2007). However, the specified concepts and instructions of the small parks need further work. Therefore, the policy is expected to expand to neighboring small parks near the subway station, but these are not supported by research or data which suggests the needs or actual user behavior and utilization of small parks. our country added the specified concept of small parks and theme parks to the classification of urban parks in the Urban Park Act Revision (2005.3.31), but the concept of small parks is not clearly settled in the law in the scopes of its function, scale, promotion nor particularly defined plans for small park projects. This study examines as small park near a subway station. The characteristics of there region and users vary from the characteristics of the station and region. In the "directions for concrete standards under the types of urban parks and green zones" (2007.2) the types of small parks are classified by "regional characteristics" and "user characteristics". Therefore, this study classifies the subject of neighboring small parks near subway stations as the neighborhood and small urban parks according to the Urban Park Act. The study was paralleled with observation and questionnaires on the analysis of the neighborhood and small urban parks. The actual conditions of park utilization and user behavioral characteristics were deducted by observation, while the questionnaire determined actual user utilization, importance and satisfaction level as well as the small park environment. This study largely focused on three aspects: park facility, design of this sentence isn't even complete. The second aspect isn't finished and the third isn't here.

      • KCI등재

        진도 북춤과 밀양 오북춤의 비교연구

        박진희 韓國舞踊敎育學會 1998 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.9 No.2

        This study analyses the comparison of the southern west Jin-Do drum dance and the southern east Mil-yang give drum dance which has its own locational distinction and developmental procedure. The origin of Jin-do drum dance comes from the last act of the theatrical dance Jin-Do Dasire during the three nations period. It had formed as a recreational role but had been influxed into field hymn to enhance the field labor by following the drumbeats. Mil-Yang five drum dance had formed during the three provincial period as a ritual ceremony for the supplication of the harvest. Also it had formed as a recovery of the healthy life by dissolving the repression from the ruler by beating the drum. Both of these drum dances have similarities but have different origin motivations. In the form of Jin-Do drum dance, there are variety of patterns, subtle rhythms and high technical skilled movements, in which artistic value is hidden. On the other hand, in the Mil-yang five drum dance there are simple movement patterns with one count of beating, but the movements possess natural simplicity and dynamics. Performing Jin-Do dance, a drum is carried in the same way like so called Jang-Go. Instead of two drum sticks are used in Jin-do dance, in Mil-Yang dance there is only one stick is being used. These instrumental differences indicate that the Jin-Do dance reflects the social environment. In Jin-do Drum dance, there is no limitation not only of the number of members and the number of drums but also no differentiation of the gender as well. Contrary in Mil-Yang five Drum dance only men can attend, and there is storing limitation of the playing participants. However, besides the differences, two dances share some similarities. praying the nature's harvest and reflects the simplicity of peasant's movements. Beating drum, farmers threw away their labor repression nad sublimating to the tool of play.

      • KCI등재

        도시공원 열환경 실측과 근린주민 의식조사에 따른 체감열 특성 평가

        박선영(Park, Sun-Young),주진희(Ju, Jin-Hee),윤용한(Yoon, Young-Han) 한국도시설계학회 2009 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        본 연구는 청주시에 위치한 도시공원을 대상으로 기온·습도ㆍ풍향ㆍ풍속 및 산소 등 여름철 도시공원이 내포하고 있는 열섬저감효과를 실측하고, 근린주민을 대상으로 설문을 실시하여 체감열에 대한 의식조사를 수행하였다. 이에 열환경 실측과 근린주민 의식조사의 결과를 비교·검토하여 근린주민의 체감의식까지 수용된 실측결과를 바탕으로 실제 공원의 배치 및 식재설계 등 계획에 입안할 수있는 기초자료를 제공함을 목적으로 한다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 공원 주변의 기온저감효과와 영향범위, 공원의 쾌적감, 냉량감 및 청정감 등의 항목에서 기온의 실측데이터와 주민의식조사를 비교한 결과, 풍향을 중심으로 풍상측과 풍하측을 구분한 실측 및 의식조사의 결과를 제외하고 공원의 규모가 클수록, 공원으로의 거리가 가까워질수록 거주하는 근린주민은 쾌적감을 느낀다고 응답하였다. 따라서, 도시공원에 대한 열섬현상 완화를 고려해 같은 규모의 공원일 경우, 분산 배치하는 것이 좋으나 공원규모가 클수록 풍하측 기온저감의 영향범위가 넓어지는 경향을 나타내 공원 규모의 확대가 중요함을 보여주고 있다. This study has investigated the air temperature, humidity, wind direction, wind velocity and oxygen in urban parks in Cheong-ju. Heat-island temperature decrease effect in urban parks during summer was measured, and the sensible consciousness of neighborhood residents was investigated through a questionnaire survey. Based on the actual results after comparatively analyzing the measurement of thermal environment and sensible consciousness of neighborhood residents, basic data are presented to elaborate on the urban development plans such as for park placement and planting design. The study result showed that neighborhood residents felt greater comfort sensation when they are closely located to a larger park. When actual temperature data and sensible consciousness of neighborhood residents were compared in terms of temperature decrease effect and extent, comfort sensation, coldness sensation, and cleanliness sensation, similar results were observed in almost all categories except for wind direction which was divided into windward and leeward. Therefore, the significance of this paper is that its results can be used to elaborate realistic and practical park development and management plans in green network and resident’s use of parks.

      • KCI등재

        Intertextuality 관점에서 진도 북춤의 창출과정

        박진희 ( Jin Hee Park ) 대한무용학회 2014 대한무용학회논문집 Vol.72 No.1

        First, Jindo drum dance was created through the drum, an instrument for work song and ancestral rituals, being integrated into Jindo Field Song. Jindo Field Song was absorbed into a drum tune called Mobuk, which then was integrated into Mobuk Play, then absorbed into Sincheong-pungdan-exorcism, into Sincheong Nongak, Pungmulexorcism. and sopori the Village exorcism. They then were integrated into Jindo Dasiraegi, creating Jindo Drum-Play. Based on the Jindo Drum Play, a transfigured text of Jindo Drum Play was created. Second, Heng-won Kim, a professional drummer of Sincheong Nongak, became a precursor to Jindo Drum Play, whose music was handed down to Deok-hwan Gwak, Tae-ju Park, and Taeok Yang. The style of Deok-hwan Gwak was handed down to Seongcheon Jang and Gilseon Kim, while the style of Taeju Park was passed down to Gwanyoung Park and Gwanwoo Kim. The style of Taeok Yang was handed down to Byungwoon Park and Gangyeol Park.

      • KCI등재후보

        2003년 국내 중증급성호흡기증후군 진료 현황 및 문제점 분석

        이진수,김은실,정문현,백제중,정선화,안주희,최영화,이선희,고철우,김성범,김민자,박승철,기현균,송재훈,최상호,김양수,이상오,조용균,박영훈,정숙인,김연숙,이흥범,손창희,장성희,정희진,김우주 대한감염학회 2004 감염과 화학요법 Vol.36 No.3

        목적 : 2002년 말 중국에서 SARS가 발생한 이후 국내에서도 2003년 10월까지 총 3명의 추정환자, 17명의 의심환자가 보고되었다. 향후 추가적인 SARS의 유행이 우려되는 상황에서, 그간의 SARS 환자 진료에 있어서의 실질적인 준비사항, 진료 현황 등에 대한 조사를 통해 문제점을 파악하여, 향후 더 나은 대비가 될 수 있도록 개선점을 제시하고자 하였다. 재료 및 방법 : SARS로 의심되는 환자를 진료 경험이 있는 병원의료진을 대상으로 2003년 10월에 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문에는 SARS 환자 진료 시의 실질적인 조치, 진료 현황, 병실, 응급실 및 외래에서의 격리 시설과 준비사항, 보건당국의 관리와 지원에 관한 사항을 포함하였다. 결과 : 대상이 되는 22개 병원 중 17개(17/22, 77.2%) 병원이 설문에 응하였다. SARS 환자를 위한 격리실은 응급실, 외래, 일반병실 및 중환자실에서 각각 9개(9/17, 52.9%), 5개(5/17, 29.4%), 15개(15/16, 93.7%), 4개(4/16, 25%) 병원에서 음압처리가 되어있지 않은 일인실 혹은 다인실이 사용되었고, 1개(1/16, 6.3%) 병원에서만 일반병실에서 음압격리실이 운영되었다. 입원환자의 진찰 시 개인보호구의 착용은 거의 모든 의료기관에서 이루어졌다. 보건당국에서 SARS지정병원의 시설 등을 사전에 확인한 곳은 1곳(1/12, 8.3%)이였고, 14개 병원(14/15, 93.3%)에서는 보건당국에 의뢰한 검사결과를 통하 받지 못하였다. 결론 : 의료기관에서 SARS 환자용 격리실뿐만 아니라 기존의 격리실 설비 등이 미흡하였으며, 특히 중환자실 및 외래의 준비가 더욱 부족하였다. 보건당국의 의료기관에 대한 종합적인 지원이 부족하였고, 병원과의 원활한 연계가 잘 이루어지지 않았다. SARS 만이 아닌 격리를 필요로 하는 질환의 적절한 진료를 위해 향후 병원 시설의 정비와 정부차원에서의 보다 구체적이고 실질적인 대책마련이 필요하다. Background : There was an worldwide outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) originated from China in late 2002. During that period three cases of suspected SARS and 17 cases of probable SARS were reported in Korea. With the concerns about the reemergence of SARS-coV transmission, it is important to be prepared for any possibility. So, this study is aimed to analysis the past measures in managing SARS and propose the amendatory plans to improve the preparedness. Materials & Methods : Questionnaires were collected among clinicians with any experience in managing the probable or suspected SARS cases in Oct. 2003. 17 out of 22 hospitals responded to the questionnaire. The contents in the questionnaire were practical activities, personal equipments, response plans, isolation facilities in emergency centers, outpatient clinics, general wards and intensive care units, and relationship with the public health department. Results : The dedicated isolation rooms in emergency centers, outpatient clinics, general wards, and intensive care units were prepared in 9 (9/17, 52.9%), 5 (5/17, 29.4%), 15 (15/16, 93.7%), and 4 (4/16, 25.0%) hospitals, respectively. Except for one hospital that newly made negative pressure room for SARS, single or multi-bed rooms without airborne infection control were used in all the other hospitals. The personal precaution principles were kept quite well in general wards. Before the designation of SARS hospital by the public health department prior evalution to see if the hospital was suitable for managing SARS was conducted in only 1 (1/12, 8.3%) hospital. The results of laboratory diagnosis were reported back in 1 (1/15, 6.6%) hospital. Conclusions : The isolation facilities which can control airborne infection were almost deficient not only for SARS but also for other respiratory transmissible diseases. For the infection control of transmissible diseases including SARS, more investment is needed on medical facilities and comprehensive support from the public health department required.

      • KCI등재

        도시공원 이용자들의 형태 분석 및 이용 만족도에 관한 연구

        박장근(Jang Geun Park),임란희(Ran Hee Lim),지용범(Yong Beom Ji),신희진(Hee Jin Shin) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2001 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.21 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate of form analysis and extent of Satisfaction of people using park. For this study, the population was the user Mansuck Park in Suwon City from 06.06.2001 to 06.07.2001. Sampling was made according to the self-administration method The participants in the questionnaire were 224. From the analysis of data, this study reached the following coclusions. 1. An analysis of form ; 1) A walking was 53.1 percent according to the analysis of using form in traffic means. There were some differences by age, job, education level, income. 2) The evening was 41.5 percent , and the afternoon was 28.6 percent according to the time period of using. There were some differences in all items as gender, age, job, education level, income. 3) The family or relative was 48.2 percent, and the friends (lover) was 32.6 percent according to the companion. There were some differences in all items as gender, age, job, education level, income. 4) The rest and walk 50.0 percent , and meeting, talk was 17.4 percent according to the using park. There were some differences by gender, age, job, income. 5) The shade of a tree, bench, grass was 55.4 percent, and the promenade was 23.7 percent according to the place and facilities for using. There were some differences by age. 2 And extent of satisfaction for using park ; The satisfaction in the location of facilities, the management and scene of the park was in high content degree. But, the satisfaction in the number of facilities and the staff was in low content degree.

      • KCI등재후보

        국립공원 내 공중화장실에 대한 탐방객 인식에 관한 연구 : 지리산국립공원을 중심으로

        이호(Ho Lee),이승록(Seung-Rok Lee),박기현(Ki-Hyun Park),박은희(Eun-Hee Park),차진열(Jin-Yeol Cha),심규원(Kyu-Won Sim),강동원(Dong-Won Gang) 국립공원연구원 2011 국립공원연구지 Vol.2 No.1

        본 연구는 공원 내 공중화장실에 대한 탐방객의 인식이 만족도에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 수행하였다. 현지 설문조사는 지리산국립공원의 성삼재와 중산리 일원을 방문한 탐방객 292명을 대상으로 이루어졌다. 분석결과, 공중화장실의 관리상태, 외관, 디자인 요인 모두 탐방객의 공중화장실 이용 만족에 영향을 주는 것으로 분석되었으며, 그 중 관리상태가 가장 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 탐방객의 인식과 만족을 향상시키기 위해서는 공중화장실의 청결한 관리 및 유지, 악취 방지, 소모품의 원활한 공급 등에 우선순위를 두어 집중적으로 관리할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. This study conducts to investigate the relationship between visitors’ perception and satisfaction. Data of 292 visitors were collected from Seongsamjae and Jungsanri in Jirisan National Park. The results showed that maintenance, outlook and design of public toilet are positively related to visitors’ satisfaction. One of the major research findings is that the maintenance of public toilet most affects visitors’ satisfaction. Therefore, the park managers need to put great emphasis on the cleanliness and maintenance, preventing stinks, consumable supplies of public toilet in order to enhance visitors’ perception and satisfaction.

      • KCI등재후보

        복합레진의 지연충전이 미세인장 결합강도에 미치는 영향

        박현식,조영곤,박병철,김종욱,최희영,김종진,진철희,유상훈,기영재 大韓齒科保存學會 2004 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.29 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of immediate or delayed composite resin filling on dentinal microtensile bond strength (μTBS) after applied the adhesive. The coronal dentin of human third molars was exposed. Single-Bond or One-Step was applied on the dentin surfaces, and composite resin were constructed immediately (group 1) or 5 min., 10 min., 15 min., 20 min. and 30 min. (groups 2-6) after an adhesive was applied. The specimens were sectioned and made bar-shaped. Each surface area of them was about l ㎟. The RBS test was performed by EZ test. The results were analysed by One-way ANOVA and Tukey's test at 95 % significance level. The results suggested that the μTBS of Single-Bond to dentin was decreased when the composite resin was constructed 20 min. and 30 min. after Single-Bond was applied. But the μTBS of One-Step was not affected by delayed composite resin filling.

      • KCI등재

        다제내성 그람양성균에 대한 Linezolid(Zyvox^(�))의 시험관내 항균력 비교

        박대원,정희진,엄중식,황병연,김성범,이재갑,이연주,정혜원,정성주,박재형,이진수,손장욱,김우주,김민자,박승철 대한감염학회 2003 감염과 화학요법 Vol.35 No.5

        배경 : MRSA, VRE, VRSA같은 다제 내성 그람 양성균의 등장에 따라 glycopeptide를 대체할 새로운 항생제의 개발이 필요하게 되었고 결과적으로 새로운 항생제인 linezolid라는 항생제가 개발되었다. Linezolid는 이전의 항생제와는 다른 새로운 계열의 oxazolidinone으로 경구 이용률이 우수하다. 원내 및 원외감염의 중요한 원인균이 되고 있는 MRSA, VRE에 대한 적절한 경구용 항균제가 없는 국내에서 폐렴 및 피부 연조직 감염에서 경구용으로 사용해 볼 수 있는 약제이다. 본 연구에서는 고대 구로 병원에서 분리된 MRSA, VRE 등을 대상으로 다른 여러 항균제와 비교한 linezolid의 시험관내 항균력을 조사하고자 하였다. 재료 및 방법 : 연구대상은 1998년 1월부터 2000년 12월까지 본원에서 입원 및 외래를 통하여 피부 연조직 감염증 및 호흡기 감염증, 요로감염증으로 진단된 환자들의 가검물로부터 분리된 MRSA 60균주, VRE 43균주, PRSP 25균주를 액체배지 또는 한천배지 희석법을 통하여 linezolid 및 기타 항균제에 대한 최소발육억제농도를 구하였다. 결과 : 실험에 사용한 S. aureus는 모두 MRSA였고 이들은 linezolid에 대해 MIC_(90) 2㎍/㎖(MIC 범위 1-2㎍/㎖), Enterococcus spp는 모두 VRE로 linezolid의 MIC_(90)은 2㎍/㎖로 MIC 범위는 1-4㎍/㎖였다. 한 개의 균주에서 MIC 4㎍/㎖로 중등도 감수성을 보였으나 MIC breakpoint가 (8㎍/㎖인 내성균주는 없고 모두 감수성을 보였다. S. pneumoniae의 경우 penicillin 내성이었고, linezolid MIC_(90) 1㎍/㎖ (MIC 범위 0.5-1㎍/㎖)로 전부 감수성을 보였다. 결론 : Linezolid는 MRSA를 위시한 VRE, PRSP 등의 다제 내성 그람 양성균에 대하여 우수한 시험관내 항균력을 보임을 알 수 있었다. Background : The emergence of multi-drug resistant Gram-positive cocci, such as MRSA, VRE, and VRSA, necessitated to develop new antibiotics, which could replace the glycopeptide. As a result, a new antibiotics named linezolid was developed. Linezolid is different line of oxazolidinones with a good oral bioavailability, compared to other antibiotics. Since appropriate oral antibiotics are not presently available for MRSA, which is a major cause of nosocomial and community acquired infections, the introduction of linezolid will have favorable effect on treatment of infections such as pneumonia or skin infections. In this study, we investigated the antibiotic effect of linezolid on MRSA and VRE isolated from patients who were treated in Korea University Guro Hospital. Material and Methods : By using broth microdilution and agar dilution method we measured minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) with sixty S. aureus, forty three Enterococcus spp., and twenty five S. pneumoniae isolates from patients who were diagnosed as skin, soft tissue, respiratory, and urinary infections in Korea University Guro Hospital from January, 1998 to December, 2002. Results : All of S. aureus used in this study were MRSA, and MIG_(90) of linezolid was below 2 ㎍/㎖ (MIC ranged between 1-2 ㎍/㎖). All of Enterococcus spp. were VRE, and had MIG_(90) of 2 ㎍/㎖ (MIC ranged between 1 to 4 ㎍/㎖). One of the VRE showed intermediate susceptibility with MIC of 4 ㎍/㎖. However, none was resistant with MIC breakpoint above 8 ㎍/㎖. All of S. pneumoniae were resistant to penicillin, but they were susceptible to linezolid with MICao of 1 ㎍/㎖(MIC range 0.5-1㎍/㎖). Conclusion : In conclusions, linezolid has an excellent in vitro antibiotic effect on multi-drug resistant Gram-positive cocci, such as MRSA, PRSP, and VRE.

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