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      • 형광백혈구 안저촬영술에서 플로레신 염색의 안정성과 형광림프구의 분리

        김윤희,강필성,김강주,양연식,김재덕 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1998 圓光醫科學 Vol.14 No.1

        Recently, retinal blood flow has been studied with several methods, targeted dye delivery method, fluorescent vesicle system, laser Doppler velocimetry, acridine orange staining method. Authors presented a new method, fluorescein leukocyte angiography using a scanning laser ophthalmoscope which include external staining of leukocyte with fluorescein dye and reintroduce the fluorescent leukocyte into the blood flow. Authors tried to check security of external fluorescein staining of leukocytes and separation of fluorescent lymphocytes from whole blood and supernatant fluid using Ficoll-Paque, with cell viability, leukocyte recovery rate and erythrocyte contamination rate. There was no significant difference in cell viability, leukocyte recovery rate and erythrocyte contamination rate between fluorescein staining group and non-staining group. Fluorescent lymphocytes could be separated from whole blood and supernatant solution after gravity sedimentation with 6% hetastarch and the gravity sedimented group had low erythrocyte contamination rate than whole blood group(p≤0.05). In conclusion, external fluorescein staining procedure of leukocyte during fluorescein leukocyte angiography could be performed without cell injury compared to non-fluorescein staining group and fluorescent lymphocyte could be separated from whole blood and supernatant fluid after gravity sedimentation.

      • RISS 인기논문

        수면량과 집중력의 상관관계

        김병우,류지근,박우진,박계원,김미정,임지은,백대현,최재덕,최윤호,이가현,이관,김덕수 東國大學校醫學硏究所 2002 東國醫學 Vol.9 No.1

        수면, 기억 그리고 학습의 연관성은 실제 매우 복잡하다. 많은 연구에도 불구하고 명확한 연구결과는 아직 없다. 우리는 이 연구에서 평소와는 달리 시험 전날 수면 변화 양상이 집중력에 어느 정도 영향력을 미치는지 알아보고자 하였고, 이를 이용해 효율적인 수면 관리를 할 수 있는 기초자료로 삼고자 하였다. 동국대 의대 본과 1학년생 중 지원자 30명과 본과 2학년생 10명을 대상으로 평상시 상태와 시험 직후 수면이 부족한 상태에서 각각 K-PES TEST를 실시하여 총 8항목에 걸쳐 암기력, 판단력, 단순반응의 변화정도를 검사하였다. 또 설문조사를 병행하여 결과에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 다른 인자들도 파악하였다. 수면량에 대한 부호 숫자 짝짓기(순간 판단력)을 검사한 결과, 인간의 최대 생리학적 기능은 꼭 수면부족에 의해 좌우되는 것은 아니다. 그러나, 수면감소는 피로를 증가시키고, 동기부여를 감소시키나 단, 새로운 사실을 학습하는 데에는 큰 영향을 끼치지 않는다. 즉, 수면부족으로 장시간 깨어있는 것은 정확성과 반응성을 떨어뜨린다. 흡연에 대한 부호 숫자 짝짓기(순간 판단력)을 검사한 결과, 니코틴의 수면에 대한 상호관계는 알려지지 않았고, 인간의 감정이나 의식, 인식에 영향을 주는 것으로 알고있지만, 장기적은 측면에서 흡연이나 알코올은 인식능력과 무관한 것 같다. 카페인에 대한 숫자 외우기(암기력)검사 결과, 카페인은 spacial selective attention에는 특별한 영향을 주지 않지만 지각과정이나 주의 집중에 큰 효과를 주며, 인간의 의식 수행에 긍정적인 효과를 준다. 즉 카페인은 활력, 혼란, 피로상태를 변화시키고 visual analog scales에서 휴식상태에 가까운 양상을 나타낸다. 또 48시간 동안 수면을 취하지 않은 사람에게 카페인은 집중력과 장시간의 좋은 기분을 유지하게 하였다. 그러나 규칙적, 비규칙적으로 먹는 사람간에는 인지수행력의 차이를 보이지 않으며 상용자에서는 상당한 내성이 보인다. 수면패턴에 대한 숫자 더하기(순간 판단력)검사 결과, 집중력은 수면패턴에 의해서도 영향을 받고, 수면패턴이 바뀌게 되면 순간판단력을 저하시킨다. This study was performed to evaluate relationship of sleep and attention, and to control sleep effectively. We conducted a K-PES test of 40 medical students. K-PES contains eight elements, for example, simple response, selective response, color pairing, OddEven discrimination, number addition, number-symbol matching, memory, right-tapping, left tapping. Through these, we tested changes of memory, judgement, simple response. And we conducted a questionnaire survey to exclude bias. Results are as follows. As a results of number-symbol matching test, we know that sleeplessness is not complete responsible for physiologic function for humans. But, decreased sleep increases fatigue and decreases motivation, but no influence on learning new materials. So, long term sleeplessness decreases precision and responsibility. As a results of number-symbol matching test on smoking, a relationship of nicotine and sleep is not certain. A point of view in long term period, smoking and drinking is not related cognition, even if we know that those influence mood, consciousness and cognition. As a results of memory work test on caffeine, caffeine does not influence spacial selective attention, but mainly does perception, attention and consiousness process. Namely caffeine changes energetic activities, chaos, fatigue states and shows resting state in visual analog scales In sleeplessness for 48 hours, caffeine produced attention and good mood for a long time. But, in case of cognitive process no significance shows in regular or irregular diet. Regular diet shows high resistance. As a results of number addition test on sleep patterns, seep patterns influence attention, changes of sleep patterns decrease a moment judgement.

      • KCI등재후보

        영어 'Wh-의문문'의 습득 순서와 교과서 분석

        김재민,박윤자 대한언어학회 2001 언어학 Vol.9 No.3

        Kim, Jae-Min and Park, Yun.-Ja. 2001. The Developmental Order and the Frequency Analysis of Textbooks for Wh-questions of English. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 9(3), 89-108. It is observed that the children speaking English as mother tongue (LI) have the developmental order for Elf -questions . Also the children studying English as L2 showed the similar developmental order for English wh-questions The purpose of this study to the developmental order for wh-questions in Korean learners and the distribution for wh questions of English textbooks in middle school. The subjects consisted of 115 middle school students. They were tested by 36 wh-questions composed of 18 subjective questions and 18 objective questions. The results of this study showed that Korean students had the sae developmental order (where, what, who, how, why, when) for English wh-questions as L2. The results also Indicated that for the frequency distribution of wh-questions, English text books for middle school students Korea did not reflect the developmental order for English wh-questions (Chonbuk National University)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Original Articles : Clinical significance of occult hepatitis B virus infection in chronic hepatitis C patients

        ( Jae Young Jang ),( Soung Won Jeong ),( Sung Ran Cheon1 ),( Sae Hwan Lee1 ),( Sang Gyune Kim ),( Young Koog Cheon ),( Young Seok Kim1 ),( Young Deok Cho1 ),( Hong Soo Kim ),( So Young Jin ),( Yun Soo 대한간학회 2011 Clinical and Molecular Hepatology(대한간학회지) Vol.17 No.3

        Background/Aims: We investigated the frequency of occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV)-positive individuals and the effects of occult HBV infection on the severity of liver disease. Methods: Seventy-one hepatitis B virus surface-antigen (HBsAg)-negative patients were divided according to their HBV serological status into groups A (anti-HBc positive, anti-HBs negative; n=18), B (anti-HBc positive, anti-HBs positive; n=34), and C (anti-HBc negative, anti-HBs positive/negative; n=19), and by anti-HCV positivity (anti-HCV positive; n=32 vs. anti-HCV negative; n=39). Liver biopsy samples were taken, and HBV DNA was quantified by real-time PCR. Results: Intrahepatic HBV DNA was detected in 32.4% (23/71) of the entire cohort, and HBV DNA levels were invariably low in the different groups. Occult HBV infection was detected more frequently in the anti-HBc-positive patients. Intrahepatic HBV DNA was detected in 28.1% (9/32) of the anti-HCV-positive and 35.9% (14/39) of the anti-HCV-negative subjects. The HCV genotype did not affect the detection rate of intrahepatic HBV DNA. In anti-HCV-positive cases, occult HBV infection did not affect liver disease severity. Conclusions: Low levels of intrahepatic HBV DNA were detected frequently in both HBsAg-negative and anti-HCV-positive cases. However, the frequency of occult HBV infection was not affected by the presence of hepatitis C, and occult HBV infection did not have a significant effect on the disease severity of hepatitis C. (Korean J Hepatol 2011;17:206-212)

      • 심장 이식 환자에서 발생한 Cryptococcus neoformans에 의한 뇌막염 2예 : The report of two cases

        박재형,이윤정,강수진,정영훈,장진석,정준원,최상호,김순종,김양수,김재중 대한화학요법학회 2001 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        최근 장기 이식과 관련된 면역억제제의 사용 빈도의 증가 및 후천성면역결핍증 환자의 증가 등으로 인해 기회감염이 증가되고 있으며, C. neoformans에 의한 감염도 증가되고 있다. 저자들은 심장이식 후 6개월이상 지난 환자에서 발생한 크립토코쿠스 뇌막염 2예를 경험하였는데, 한 예의 경우는 거대세포 바이러스 감염과 함께 C. neoformans의 전신적 파급성 감염의 형태로 나타났었고, 폐에 A. fermigatus에 의한 감염이 같이 병발된 경우였다. 이들은 모두 경미한 증상만을 호소하였고, 뇌척수액 검사를 통해 진단받았으며 liposomal amphotericin B와 경구용 fluconazole을 사용하여 완치되었기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Cryptococcal meningitis is a subacute or chronic mycotic infection caused by Cryptococcus neoformans and it is a second most common central nervous system (CNS) infection in organ transplant patients. The recent rise in incidence of the disease can be attributable to the wide use of immunosuppressive agents in organ transplant patients, the advent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients and increased use of chemotherapeutic agents. We report two cases of cryptococcal meningitis after cardiac transplantation. Their symptoms were not typical and neurologic examination was nonfocal. One patient had disseminated cryptococcal infection and invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, it might be assodated with cytomegalovirus infection. They were diagnosed by cryptococcus latex agglutinin test and culture study with cerebrospinal fluid and treated with liposomal amphotericin B and oral fluconazole without any neurologic defects.

      • KCI등재

        척추분리증이 동반된 요추 추간판 탈출증

        신병준,김광섭,윤태경,이재철,김경제,김연일 대한척추외과학회 2001 대한척추외과학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        연구계획 : 척추분리증이 동반되어 있는 추간판탈출증의 수술적 치료에 관한 후 후향적 연구이다. 연구목적 : 본 연구의 목적은 추간판탈출증 환자 중 척추분리증이 동반되어 있는 빈도를 알아보고, 추간판탈출증을 단순히 수핵제거술 만으로 치료한 경우에 단순한 추간판탈출증의 치료에 비하여 예후에 차이가 있는지를 비교하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 1989년 3월부터 1999년 2월까지 수핵제거술을 시행받은 환자 273명 중 척추분리증이 있으나, 척추불안정이 없고, 1년 이상 추시 관찰이 가능하였던 9명을 대상으로 하였다. 남자가 5명, 여자가 4명이었고, 평균 연령은 42.7세(30세 64세)였고, 평균 추시 기간은 54.6개월(15개월 114개월)이었다. 추간판탈출의 형태, 척추분리증이 있는 부위 등을 조사하였고 환자들의 이환 기간, 증상의 정도 및 양상, 신경학적 소견 등을 술 전 및 추시 시의 결과를 Kim등의 평가기준에 따라 평가하였다. 결과 : 척추분리증이 동반된 추간판탈출증의 비율은 3.7%로 나타났다. 임상적 증상을 보면 동통은 7례(78%)에서 양성이었는데, visual analogue scale에 의한 통증평가의 평균은 술전 2.1(0 8), 최종 2.1(0 5)이었고, 방사등 9례(100%)모두에서 나타났으며 통증평가의 평균은 술전 7.6(4 10)에서 최종 0.8(0 3)로 호전되었다. 하지 직거상 검사상 7례(78%)에서 양성 소견을 보였고 7명 모두에서 증상의 호전이 있었다. 근력의 약화는 6례(67%)에서 관찰되었는데 6례모두 증상의 호전이 있었다. 감각의 저하는 8례(89%)에서 나타났으며 ?M 우 7례는 증상의 호전을 보였다. 심부 건반사의 이상은 5례(56%)에서나타났으며 2례에서 증상의 호전을 보였다. 임상적 결과는 탁월 2명, 우수 6명, 양호가 1명이었다 결론 : 추간판탈출증에서 척추분리증이 동반된 비율은 3.7%로 일반적인 척추분리증의 빈도와 큰 차이는 없었다. 술후 임상증상의 회복율이나 동통지수의 변화를 볼 때 척추분리증이 동반된 추간판탈출증환자들의 수술결과도 일반적으로 추간판탈출증만이 있는 환자를 치료한 결과와 큰 차이가 없는 것으로 보아 척추분리증이 동반되었다고 하여 척추고정술을 고려하는 등 추간판탈출증 자체의 수술방법을 변경할 필요는 없다고 판단된다. Study Design : This is a retrospective study determining the surgical result of lumbar HlVD associated with spondylolysis. Objectives : To analyze the incidence of lumbar HlVD associated with spondylolysis and to compare the results of open discectomy for lumbar HlVD associated with spondylolysis to simple lumbar HlVD. Summary of Literature Review : Lumbar HlVD associated with spondylolysis need be treated by spinal fusion. Materials and Methods : Nine patients(5 males and 4 females) who had lumbar HlVD with spondylolysis, no instability. follow-up period of 1yr were identified out of 273 patients with lumbar HlVD, treated by open discectomy from March 1989 to Feb. 1999. The type of HlVD and level of spondylolysis were evaluated, the clinical symptoms and signs including SLR. motor deficit, sensory deficit, change of DTR and severity of radiating pain were periodically followed up on the predesigned protocoL Results : The incidence of lumbar HlVD associated with spondylolysis is 3.7%. The recovery of back pain was 2.1 to 2.1 by visual analogue scale, radiating pain was 7.6 to 0.8. The recovery rate of SLR was 100%, motor deficit; 100%. sensory deficit: 85%, change of DTR 4O%. The clinical evaluation was excellent(2), good(6). fair(1). Conclusions : According to the recovery rate of the clinical symptoms, the results of open discectomy for lumbar HlVD associated with spondylolysis without spinal instability and simple HIVD was not different. Therefore, we conclude that lumbar HlVD associated with spondylolysis need not be treated by spinal fusion.

      • 강유전 박막에서의 분극역전과정 예측

        김상주(Sang-Joo Kim),신준호(Joonho Shin),김윤재(Yun-Jae Kim) 대한기계학회 2002 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2002 No.3

        A two-dimensional finite element model for polarization switching in ferroelectric materials developed by Kim and Jiang<SUP>(1)</SUP> and Sang-Joo Kim<SUP>(2)</SUP> is used to predict the formation of domains in a ferroelectric thin film. Initially the ferroelectric film is poled upward and the bottom electrode is grounded. A strong downward de field is imposed on a point of the top surface of the film. A region of switched domains with downward polarization is nucleated and is grown with time. It is found that initially the shape of the nucleated domains is that of a bulgy dagger, but later it turns into the shape of a reversed cup with the lower part wider than the upper part. It can also be concluded that the size of nucleated domains increases with the period of applied electric potential. The present results are qualitatively consistent with experimental observations.

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