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김재중 대한변호사협회 2015 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.448
In this paper, the writer selects the important precedents of the 2014 Supreme courtprecedents and introduces headnotes, simple comments and the writer's opinions for them. Thispaper is classified into the four parts. Part Ⅰ is the introduction. Part Ⅱ deals with precedents inconnection with investigation - admissibility of evidence collected by illegal procedures, questioningillegality standard and so on in connection with a criminal investigation of the election. Part Ⅲ reviews precedents in related to trial - the standard to select public defender for the blinddefendant, the appellate brief submission period of public defender, the admissibility of Videorecordings for witnesses by the investigative agency on Criminal Procedure as an independentevidence, requirement to plead guilty with just the statement of buyer in case the party cited as aseller denies a charge and there is no objective evidence in the issue of drug trafficking, thejudgement of probative power in case the first evidence method by scientific analysis to support thefacts charged has the potential to create errors and secondary evidence submitted by the same analytical techniques supports the fact to be opposed to a charge, and the proof of 'the especiallyreliable conditions' on Article 314 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Part Ⅳ is the conclusion. 이 글은 2014년에 선고된 형사소송법분야 대법원 판례 중에서 중요하다고 생각되는 것들을선정하여 그 판결요지를 소개하고 간단한 해설 또는 필자의 견해를 밝힌 논문이다. 이 글은 모두 4개의 장으로 구분되어 있는데 제1장은 서론, 제2장은 수사관련 판례들로서 선거범죄조사와 관련하여 선거관리위원회 위원·직원의 조사절차가 위법한 경우 수집증거의 증거능력, 불심검문의 위법성 판단기준등을 분석하여 보았다. 제3장에서는 공판 및 증거 판례로 피고인이 시각장애인인 경우 형사소송법상국선변호인을 선정할 필요가 있는지 판단하는 기준과 선정된 국선변호인의 항소이유서 제출기간, 수사기관이 참고인을 조사하는 과정에서 형사소송법 규정에 따라 작성한 영상녹화물이 공소사실을 직접증명 할 수 있는 독립적 증거로 사용될 수 있는 지 여부, 마약류 매매 여부가 쟁점인 사건에서 매도인으로 지목된 자가 수수사실을 부인하고 있고 객관적 물증이 없는 경우 마약류를 매수하였다는 사람의 진술만으로 유죄를 인정하기 위한 요건, 과학적 분석기법을 사용하여 제출된 것으로 공소사실을 뒷받침하는 1차적 증거방법 자체에 오류가 발생할 가능성이 내포되어 있고 그와 동일한 분석기법에 의하여제출된 2차적 증거방법이 공소사실과 배치되는 소극적 사실을 뒷받침하는 경우 각 증거방법의 증명력을 판단하는 방법, 형사소송법 제314조 소정의 ‘특히 신빙할 수 있는 상태 하에서 행하여 졌음’에 대한증명의 정도 등의 판례에 대하여 살펴보았다. 제4장은 결론이다.
김재중 대한변호사협회 2013 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.432
In this paper, the writer selects the important precedents of the 2012 Supreme court precedents and introduces headnotes, simple comments and the writer’s opinions for them. This paper is classified into the five parts. Part Ⅰ is the introduction. Part Ⅱ deals with precedents in connection with investigation - the matter in regard to when to drop charged and the other party in an offense subject to complaint and when to notify the Miranda and how to, the legal requirement and details in questioning of a suspicious person, and the admissibility of evidence with reference to blood alcohol level in case of taking a blood sample without warrant. Part Ⅲ reviews precedents in related to trial - the position and basic obligation of the attorney,the matter in regard to what the court does in case that the public defender doesn’t submit the appellate brief regardless of the client, and the identity of facts charged by prosecutor. Part Ⅳexamines precedents associated with evidence - the admissibility of evidence in case that the written opinion which the attorney sends a client is seized, the matter in regard to whether the nonindictment written decision to be kept in public prosecutors’ office is opened by the attorney,and the fact that the prosecutor takes on the burden of proof in regard to elements of a crime in a criminal trial. Part Ⅴis the conclusion. 이 글은 2012년에 선고된 형사소송법분야 대법원 판례 중에서 중요하다고 생각되는 것들을선정하여 그 판결요지를 소개하고 간단한 해설 또는 필자의 견해를 밝힌 논문이다. 이 글은 모두 5개의 장으로 구분되어 있는 데 제1장은 서론, 제2장은 친고죄에 있어 고소를 취소할 수 있는 시기와 그상대방, 미란다 원칙의 고지시기와 방법, 불심검문의 적법요건 및 그 내용, 영장 없이 채취한 혈액에대한 주취정도 감정결과의 증거능력문제 등 수사에 관한 판례를 분석하여 보았다. 제3장에서는 변호인의 지위와 기본의무, 국선변호인이 선정된 사건에서 피고인의 귀책사유 없이 변호인이 항소이유서를제출하지 않은 경우 법원이 취하여야 할 조치, 공소사실의 동일성 여부 등 공판에 관련된 판례를 검토하여 보았다. 제4장에서는 변호사가 의뢰인에게 보낸 의견서가 압수된 경우 그 증거능력, 검찰청에 보관하고 있는 불기소결정서가 변호인의 열람‧지정에 의한 공개의 대상이 되는 지 여부, 형사재판에서범죄의 구성요소를 이루는 사실의 입증책임이 검사에게 있다는 판례 등 증거에 관한 판례들을 분석하여 보았다. 제5장은 결론이다.
Strip Casting 법으로 제조된 304 Stainless Steel 의 응고 미세조직
김재중,표성규,김낙준 대한금속재료학회(대한금속학회) 1999 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.37 No.10
A study has been made of the effects of strip casting process variables on the microstructure of strip cast SUS 304 stainless steel. The main impetus for the present investigation is to suggest the optimum process variables for the strip casting of SUS 304 stainless steel based on the systematic studies of microstructural evolution. Results slow that there is a variation of microstructure through the thickness of strip. Along the surface of strip, the microstructure consists of fine dendrite and cellular structure, and there is also a formation of α' martensite and mechanical twin due to the deformation by roll contact. On the other hand, microstructure in the middle of strip consists of equiaxed grains due to slow solidification rate and recalescence. One of the most important finding is that there is a depletion of Mn in the interdendrite region and the presence of amorphous Si-rich particle.
한국과 중국 법원의 위법수집증거배제법칙 적용에 관한 비교법적 검토
김재중,진가 한양법학회 2019 漢陽法學 Vol.30 No.2
The evidence collected based on the illegal procedure is referred to as “improperly or illegally obtained evidence” and the issue of Exclusionary Rule of the Illegally Obtained Evidence is about whether such evidence is accepted or not. In accordance with common law of the United States, the Exclusionary Rule of the Illegally Obtained Evidence denies the evidence and secondary evidence obtained from the illegal investigation to prevent such evidence from utilized as the evidence of guilt. This study reviews on how Exclusionary Rule of the Illegally Obtained Evidence is applied on courts of South Korea and China, find issues to be addressed in china, and find improvement measures. The conclusions are as follows. First, Chinese court should make a legal organization by introducing investigation without physical detention, right to remain silent, warrant system, and participation of attorney during questioning of suspect to create the environment where Exclusionary Rule of the Illegally Obtained Evidence can be applied. Secondly, it’s hard to understand and identify the position of Supreme People’s Court toward Exclusionary Rule of the Illegally Obtained Evidence. Thus, there should be further researches on judicial precedents and establish unified precedent system in Supreme Court and local courts to acknowledge the legal binding force of the precedent from the local court in the similar case. Based on such legal binding force, Exclusionary Rule of the Illegally Obtained Evidence will be rooted well. Third, Exclusionary Rule of the Illegally Obtained Evidence is limitedly applied on serious crimes such as murder, injury, rape, or drug in China. Thus, Exclusionary Rule of the Illegally Obtained Evidence should be applied on the minor crimes to guarantee the human rights of the defendant. Fourth, the admissibility of evidence is limited based on the Exclusionary Rule of the Illegally Obtained Evidence. Since the exclusionary rule is applied on verbal evidence, the detailed application scope and criteria should be suggested on non-verbal evidence. Fifth, Exclusionary Rule of the Illegally Obtained Evidence is merely a compelled confession rule in China. Thus, Confession Requiring Corroborating Evidence should be introduced together to protect the defendant in the forced confession by the investigative institute.