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      • KCI등재

        Peroxiredoxin 유전자 발현 산화스트레스 내성 형질전환 고구마의 선발

        김명덕,양경실,권석윤,이상열,곽상수,이행순 한국식물생명공학회 2009 식물생명공학회지 Vol.36 No.1

        In order to develop transgenic sweetpotato plants [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. cv. Yulmi] with enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress, we constructed transformation vectors expressing 2-Cys peroxiredoxin (Prx) gene under the control of the stress-inducible SWPA2 or enhanced 35S promoter (named as SP or EP). Transgenic sweetpotato plants were attempted to generate from embryogenic calli using an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system. Embryogenic calli gave rise to somatic embryos and then converted into plantlets on MS medium containing 100 mg/L kanamycin. Transgenic plants were regenerated in the same medium. Southern blot analysis confirmed that the Prx gene was inserted into the genome of the plants. To further study we selected the transgenic plant lines with enhanced tolerance against methyl viologen (MV). When sweetpotato leaf discs were subjected to methyl MV at 20 μM, transgenic plants showed about 40% higher tolerance than non-transgenic or empty vector-transformed plants. 산화스트레스에 내성을 지닌 형질전환 고구마 식물체를 개발하 기 위해서 산화스트레스에 의해 발현이 강하게 유도되는 SWPA2 프로모터 또는 CaMV 35S 프로모터에 2-Cys peroxiredoxin (Prx) 유 전자가 발현되도록 연결한 형질전환 벡터 (pSP-K, pEP-K)를 제작 한 후, 각각 Agrobacterium 매개로 형질전환 하였다. 카나마이신 저 항성 배발생 캘러스로부터 체세포배발생 과정을 거쳐 100 mg/L kanamycin이 포함된 MS 배지에서 소식물체로 발달하였다. Southern 분석으로 외래 유전자가 안정적으로 고구마 게놈 내로 삽입되었음 을 확인하였다. 형질전환 고구마 잎 조직을 대상으로 20 μM methyl viologen에 대한 내성 검정을 조사하여 형질전환 고구마 식 물체가 비형질전환 식물체 또는 벡터 대조구 식물체 보다 40% 정 도 높은 산화스트레스에 대한 내성을 보여주었다. 선발된 형질전 환 식물체는 저온, 건조 등의 여러 가지 환경스트레스 내성검정에 이용될 것이며 향후 복합재해 내성 고구마 계통육성에 이용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다

      • KCI등재

        양초(Leymus chinensis Trin.)의 체세포배발생에 의한 식물체 재분화

        김명덕,,박은준,권석윤,이행순,곽상수,Kim Myoung Duck,Jin Hua,Park Eun-Joon,Kwon Suk-Yoon,Lee Haeng-Soon,Kwak Sang-Soo 한국식물생명공학회 2005 식물생명공학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        양초(Leymus chinensis Trin.)의 성숙종자로부터 캘러스 유도조건 및 식물체 재분화 체계를 확립하였다. 성숙종자로부터 $1.5\;\cal{mg/L}$ 2,4-D가 포함된 MS 배지로부터 배양 6주 후, 캘러스가 높은 빈도 (약 $70\%$)로 유도되었다. 배발생 캘러스는 $2.0\;\cal{mg/L}$ kinetin과 $0.5\;\cal{mg/L}$ NAA가 첨가된 M배지에서 배양 3주 후부터 다양한 단계의 체세포배로 발달하였다. 식물 생장조절제가 포함되지 않은 MS 배지에서 배양4주부터 소식물체로 재분화되었다 (재분화율 $36\%$). 재분화된 소식물체를 1/2 MS 배지에서 1주 동안 배양하여 뿌리가 발달한 완전한 식물체로 성장하였으며 토양에 이식하여 온실에서 정상적인 식물체로 재배할 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통하여 확립한 재분화시스템은 분자육종을 통한 복합환경스트레스 양초의 개발에 유용하게 응용되어질 수 있을 것이다. Chinese leymus (Leymus chinensis Trin.) is a perennial grass that is widely distributed at high pH sodic and arid soil in the northeastern Asia. An efficient regeneration system was established through somatic embryogenesis of mature seeds to understand its high adaptability to harsh environmental conditions on the basis of molecular biology. The calli were efficiently induced (about $70\%$) from mature seeds on MS medium supplemented with $1.5\;\cal{mg/L}$ 2,4-D. Somatic embryos were formed from the surface of embryogenic callus on MS medium supplemented with $2.0\;\cal{mg/L}\;kinetin\;and\;0.5\;\cal{mg/L}$ NAA after 3 weeks of culture. Roots were induced from the shoot when transferred to MS medium without plant growth regulator for 1 week. Plant regeneration rate was $36\%$ and regenerated plantlets were grown to normal mature plants in pot. An efficient plant regeneration system in this study will be useful for molecular breeding of L. chinensis.

      • KCI등재

        애기장대(Arabidopsis thaliana)의 현탁배양세포괴로부터 식물체 재분화

        김명덕,준철,진창덕,임창진,한태진 한국식물생명공학회 1998 식물생명공학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        기내에서 발아시킨 애기장대(Arabidopsis thaliana)의 잎과 줄기 절편체로부터 캘러스 유도는, 잎절편체의 경우 2mg/L 2,4-D가 첨가된 MS 고체배지에서 유도되었고, 줄기절편체의 경우는 0.5mg/L 2,4-D와 0.1mg/L BAP가 첨가된 CP 고체배지에서 배양 4주 후 다량의 캘러스가 유도되었다. 유도된 캘러스를 잘게 자르고 0.5mg/L 2,4-D와 0.1mg/L BAP가 첨가된 CP 액체배지에서 7일 간격으로 암조건에서 4개월간 배양하였을 때 균일한 shoot-forming(SF)캘러스를 얻을 수 있었다. 액체배지에서 유도된 SF 세포괴는 0.05 mg/L IAA, 7.0mg/L 2-iP, 30g/L sucrose가 첨가된 MS 재분화배지에서 광조건으로 배양하였을 때 캘러스를 거쳐 녹화되기 시작하였으며 배양 4주 후부터는 전체적으로 녹화된 SF캘러스로부터 shoot가 형성되어 식물체 재분화가 가능하였다. 또한 재분화 배지에 옮겼을 때 IAA와 2-iP가 첨가된 배지에서 50% 이상의 shoot 형성률(SF 캘러스당 한 개 이상의 shoot가 형성된 캘러스의 백분율)을 보였다. 절단된 shoot는 호르몬이 첨가되지 않은 배지에서 4주 후 뿌리를 형성하였으며, 재분화된 식물체는 기내에서 6주 후부터 화뢰가 형성되고 꽃이 피기 시작하였다. Callus induction from leaf and stem explants of Arabidopsis thaliana was successfully obtained when leaf explants were cultured on MS medium containing 2.0 mg/L 2,4-D in the dark and also, when stem explants were cultured on CP medium containing 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and 0.1 mg/L BAP. Explant-derived sliced calli were suspension-subcultured every week in CP liquid medium with 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and 0.1 mg/L BAP in the dark, and shoot-forming cell clusters of nodular, pale yellow and knobby type were selected after 7-8 weeks of culture. Shoots were initiated from the green spots of the selected shoot forming calli cultured on MS regeneration medium containing 0.05 mg/L IAA, 7.0 mg/L 2-iP and 30 g/L sucrose under continous illumination for four weeks. Shoot regeneration frequency (calli regenerating at least one shoot) was more than 50%. For plant regeneration, excised shoots were trnasferred to hormone free medium for root initiation after 4 weeks of culture. The regenerants were bolting after 2 weeks of culture and formed in vitro flowering buds within bracts after 4 weeks of culture.

      • KCI등재

        양초 (Leymus chinensis Trin)의 체세포배발생에 의한 식물체 재분화

        김명덕,이행순,곽상수,권석윤,,박은준 한국식물생명공학회 2005 JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY Vol.32 No.1

        Chinese leymus (Leymus chinensis Trin.) is a perennial grass that is widely distributed at high pH sodic and arid soil in the northeastern Asia. An efficient regeneration system was established through somatic embryogenesis of mature seeds to understand its high adaptability to harsh environmental conditions on the basis of molecular biology. The calli were efficiently induced (about 70%) from mature seeds on MS medium supplemented with 1.5 mg/L 2,4-D. Somatic embryos were formed from the surface of embryogenic callus on MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L kinetin and 0.5 mg/L NAA after 3 weeks of culture. Roots were induced from the shoot when transferred to MS medium without plant growth regulator for 1 week. Plant regeneration rate was 36% and regenerated plantlets were grown to normal mature plants in pot. An efficient plant regeneration system in this study will be useful for molecular breeding of L. chinensis. 양초 (Leymus chinensis Trin.)의 성숙종자로부터 캘러스 유도조건 및 식물체 재분화 체계를 확립하였다. 성숙종자로부터 1.5 mg/L 2,4-D가 포함된 MS배지로부터 배양 6주 후, 캘러스가 높은 빈도 (약 70%)로 유도되었다. 배발생 캘러스는 2.0 mg/L kinetin과 0.5 mg/L NAA가 첨가된 MS배지에서 배양 3주 후부터 다양한 단계의 체세포배로 발달하였다. 식물생장조절제가 포함되지 않은 MS배지에서 배양 4주부터 소식물체로 재분화되었다 (재분화율 36%). 재분화된 소식물체를 1/2 MS배지에서 1주 동안 배양하여 뿌리가 발달한 완전한 식물체로 성장하였으며 토양에 이식하여 온실에서 정상적인 식물체로 재배할 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통하여 확립한 재분화 시스템은 분자육종을 통한 복합환경스트레스 양초의 개발에 유용하게 응용되어질 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        애기장대(Arabidopsis thaliana) 현탁배양세포의 원형질체로부터 식물체 재분화

        김명덕,준철,진창덕,임창진,한태진 한국식물생명공학회 2000 식물생명공학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        원형질체는 현탁배양된 세포괴로부터 1% cellulase R-10, 0.25% pectolyase Y-23, 그리고 0.5% driselase가 포함된 CPD 효소용액에서 4시간의 진탕 (40 rpm)조건에서 쉽게 분리되었다. 분리된 원형질체는 1 mg/L 2,4-D, 0.5 mg/L kinetin , 200 rng/L spermidine 그리고 68 g/L glucose가 포함된 KM 액체배지에서 배양되었으며, 또한 현탁배양중인 동종의 feeder cell이 있는 CP배지 위에 액체배양배지를 1 mL균일하게 퍼트린 후,$25^{\circ}C$, 암조건으로 4주간 양육배양하였다. 원형질체 유래 SF 캘러스는 0.05 mg/L IAA, 7 mg/L 2lip와 30mg/L sucrose가 첨가된 MS 재분화 배지에서 광조건으로 4주동안 배양되었을 때, 60% 이상의 shoot를 형성하였다. 이후, 식물의생장조절물질이 첨가되지 않은 MS 배지로 옮겨 뿌리를 유도하였으며, 재분화된 식물체는 토양으로 옮겨 배양 8주후에 종자를 형성하였다. Protoplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana were easily isolated from the shoot-forming (SF) suspension-cultured cell clusters with 4 hours-shaking condition (40 rpm) on CPD enzyme solution containing 1% cellulase R-10, 0.25% pectolyase Y-23 and 0.5% driselase. Protoplasts were cultured on liquid KAO medium supplemented with 1 mg/L 2,4-D, 0.5 mg/L kinetin, 200 mg/L spermidine and 68 g/L glucose. Also, protoplasts were cultured on 0.2 $\mu$M membrane filter placed onto CP solid medium containing the suspension cells as feeder cells in the dark at $25^{\circ}C$ for 4 weeks. Protoplast-derived-SF calli were cultured on MS medium containing 0.05 mg/L IAA, 7 mg/L 2 ip and 30 g/L sucrose under the continuous illumination for four weeks. The frequency of shoot formation was about 60%. The regenerants were transferred into potting soil to grow mature plants. The regenerants formed the silques with seeds after 8 weeks of cultures.

      • KCI등재

        Therapeutic effect of hepatocyte growth factor-secreting mesenchymal stem cells in a rat model of liver fibrosis

        김명덕,성수,차현영,장승훈,장다영,욱환,서해영,이재호 생화학분자생물학회 2014 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.46 No.-

        Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have been reported to be beneficial for the treatment of liver fibrosis. Here, we investigated the use of genetically engineered MSCs that overexpress hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) as a means to improve their therapeutic effect in liver fibrosis. Liver fibrosis was induced by intraperitoneal injection of dimethylnitrosamine. HGF-secreting MSCs (MSCs/HGF) were prepared by transducing MSCs with an adenovirus carrying HGF-encoding cDNA. MSCsor MSCs/HGF were injected directly into the spleen of fibrotic rats. Tissue fibrosis was assessed by histological analysis 12 days after stem cell injection. Although treatment with MSCs reduced fibrosis, treatment with MSCs/HGF produced a more significant reduction and was associated with elevated HGF levels in the portal vein. Collagen levels in the liver extract were decreased after MSC/HGF therapy, suggesting recovery from fibrosis. Furthermore, liver function was improved in animalsreceiving MSCs/HGF, indicating that MSC/HGF therapy resulted not only in reduction of liver fibrosis but also in improvement of hepatocyte function. Assessment of cell and biochemical parameters revealed that mRNA levels of the fibrogenic cytokines PDGF-bb and TGF-b1 were significantly decreased after MSC/HGF therapy. Subsequent to the decrease in collagen, expression of matrix metalloprotease-9 (MMP-9), MMP-13, MMP-14 and urokinase-type plasminogen activator was augmented following MSC/HGF, whereas tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease-1 (TIMP-1) expression was reduced. In conclusion, therapy with MSCs/HGF resulted in an improved therapeutic effect compared with MSCs alone, probably because of the anti-fibrotic activity of HGF. Thus, MSC/HGF represents a promising approach toward a cell therapy for liver fibrosis.

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