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경북지역 공공하수처리시설 유입수 및 방류수의 유기물 특성
이기창,박영진,강귀화,정미옥,류동현,정상섭,이원태 대한환경공학회 2021 대한환경공학회지 Vol.43 No.5
Objectives : This study aimed to provide scientific information on the characteristics of organic matters in influents and effluents of sewage treatment plants (STPs) in Gyeongbuk province, Korea, for better performance of treatment processes in the plants. Methods : We selected six STPs with each capacity over 30,000 m3/day in Gyeongbuk province, and analyzed water quality data in influents and effluents of the plants from 2013 to 2020. Also, the removal efficiencies of pollutants were assessed with the operational data. In 2020, characteristics and origins of dissolved organic matters (DOM) in influents and effluents were investigated using the fluorescence excitation emission matrix (FEEM) analysis. Results and Discussion : The average BOD5/CODMn ratios of influents and effluents from the STPs were 1.60 and 0.27, respectively. High variability in BOD5/CODMn ratios was observed for both influents and effluents. The CODMn/TOC ratios of the influents and effluents were the same with an average of 1.6. Although the biological treatment process was different for each STP, the organic matter removal efficiency was similar, and the TOC removal efficiency was 86.5~91.7%. The representative spectra of DOM identified through FEEM analysis was peak C (humic-acid like substance) region, and under the same carbon concentration (2 mg-C/L) the fluorescence intensity of effluents was stronger than influents possibly due to the influence of soluble microbial products (SMP). It was found that DOM of both influent and effluent originated from microorganisms, and the difference in water quality of DOM was statistically significant. Conclusions : The characteristics and fate of organic matters in influents and effluents of the six STPs were similar regardless of plant location. The results of this study can be used as basic information to efficiently control organic matters in the STPs. 목적: 본 연구는 경북지역 내 대표적인 공공하수처리시설의 유입수 및 유출수 내 유기물 특성을 분석하고 이를 통해 처리시설의 효율적인 운영을 도모하고자 수행하였다. 방법: 경북지역의 공공하수처리시설 중 시설규모 30,000 m3/day 이상인 6곳을 선정하여 2013~2020년 동안의 운영자료를 활용하여 유입수 및 방류수의 수질특성과 공정효율을 분석하였다. 2020년 시료는 형광 excitation emission matrix (EEM) 분석기법을 활용하여 유입수 및 방류수의 용존유기물질(Dissolved Organic Matter, DOM) 특성과 생성기원 등을 조사하였다. 결과 및 토의: 분석대상 공공하수처리시설의 유입수와 방류수의 BOD5/CODMn 평균비는 각각 1.60과 0.27이었다. BOD5/CODMn 비는 유입수 뿐만 아니라 생물학적처리가 된 방류수에서도 변동성이 크게 나타났다. 유입수와 방류수의 CODMn/TOC 비는 평균 1.6으로 동일하였다. 처리시설별로 생물학적공법이 상이하였지만 유기물 제거효율은유사하게 나타났으며, TOC의 경우 제거효율은 86.5~91.7%이었다. 형광 EEM 분석을 통해 확인된 DOM의 대표적EEM spectra는 peak C (humic-acid like substance) 영역이었고, 동일한 탄소농도(2 mg-C/L) 조건에서 방류수가 미생물의 대사활동으로 생성된 soluble microbial products (SMP)의 영향으로 형광강도가 더 강했다. 유입수와 방류수의 DOM은 모두 미생물로부터 기인한 것으로 나타났고, DOM의 수질성상 차이는 통계적으로 유의하였다. 결론: 조사대상 공공하수처리시설간 유입수 및 방류수에 대한 유기물질의 거동이 유사하고 다양한 유기물 성상지표가 비교적 균일한 값을 가져 본 연구의 결과가 향후 수처리공정에서 유기물질을 효율적으로 제어하기 위한 기초자료로 활용 가능할 것이다.
영어 AND 접속구문과 한국어 “-고/-와” 접속구문에 대한 비교연구
박기성 ( Kiseong Park ) 대한언어학회 2016 언어학 Vol.24 No.2
The purpose of this paper is to compare English AND conjunction constructions and their corresponding ‘-ko’ and ‘-wa’ constructions in Korean in terms of NP-level and clausal level conjunctions. The followings are discussed in this paper. First, it is argued that the juncture-nexus theory and Interclausal Relations Hierarchy in RRG are needed to explain the syntax-semantics interfaces in both English AND constructions and Korean ‘-wa’ and ‘-ko’ constructions. Second, it is claimed that English NP-level AND constructions have the features of AND-languages, while Korean ‘-wa’ constructions have the mixtures of AND-languages and WITH-languages. It is also claimed that both coordination and cosubordination junctures are realized in NP level English AND constructions and Korean ‘-wa’ constructions. The differences in juncture types are argued to be related to the semantic effects such as joint vs. split readings and collective vs. distributive readings. Third, it is claimed that English AND constructions in clausal level typically involve coordination junctures, while Korean ‘-ko’ constructions involve both coordination and cosubordination junctures under the conditions of sharing the same subjects and the same tenses. The cosubordination junctures in Korean typically involve the semantic effects such as cause-effect relations and temporal sequences.
김동성 ( Kim Dong-sung ) 대한언어학회 2016 언어학 Vol.24 No.4
Since story-telling has been used in evaluating the development of language skills, English language proficiency test such as TOEIC includes a caption writing test. This paper investigates how linguistically motivated features are used for automatically scoring a picture-description writing test. Specifically, we design to build scoring models with features under the principles of relevancy, appropriateness, and task-detailed description. For the experiment, we gather the caption writing corpus upon several images. We statistically compare different performances among 9 statistical assessment factors, revealing that Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) produces the best results in predicting human raters` scores. AMR shows the best performance in capturing the similar logico-semantic structure(s) among various sentential forms.
윈도우 특성 이미지 기반 합성곱 신경망을 활용한 보일러 상태 진단
이현찬(Hyeonchan Lee),김형민(Hyeongmin Kim),나규민(Kyumin Na),윤병동(Byeng D. Youn) 대한기계학회 2020 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2020 No.12
Thermal power plant boiler is one of the main facility that produce steam. Long and thin tubes are inside boiler to generate steam efficiently. Because boiler operate under harsh condition, boiler tube is prone to leakage causing unexpected shutdown of the power plant. To detect leakage, various kind of signals are collected from boiler tube and acoustic signals are the most sensitive signal to tube leakage. However, some event unrelated to leakage cause increase in acoustic signal trend, making it harder to determine the status of boiler. Soot Blowing, cleaning procedure of soot deposited on the internal furnace tubes, is a representative event. In this paper, we propose a novel leakage detection method using Sliding Window Correlation(SWC) Matrix and Sliding Window Energy(SWE) Matrix. Two feature images are trained with Convolutional Neural Network(CNN). Test result from domestic power plant data shows that the proposed method can successfully classify normal, soot blowing and leakage.