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        Systematic Review of Reciprocal Changes after Spinal Reconstruction Surgery : Do Not Miss the Forest for the Trees

        Kim, Chang-Wook,Hyun, Seung-Jae,Kim, Ki-Jeong The Korean Neurosurgical Society 2021 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.64 No.6

        The purpose of this review was to synthesize the research on global spinal alignment and reciprocal changes following cervical or thoracolumbar reconstruction surgery. We carried out a search of PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library for studies through May 2020, and ultimately included 11 articles. The optimal goal of a truly balanced spine is to maintain the head over the femoral heads. When spinal imbalance occurs, the human body reacts through various compensatory mechanisms to maintain the head over the pelvis and to retain a horizontal gaze. Historically, deformity correction has focused on correcting scoliosis and preventing scoliotic curve progression. Following substantial correction of a spinal deformity, reciprocal changes take place in the flexible segments proximal and distal to the area of correction. Restoration of lumbar lordosis following surgery to correct a thoracolumbar deformity induces reciprocal changes in T1 slope, cervical lordosis, pelvic shift, and lower extremity parameters. Patients with cervical kyphosis exhibit different patterns of reciprocal changes depending on whether they have head-balanced or trunk-balanced kyphosis. These reciprocal changes should be considered to in order to prevent secondary spine disorders. We emphasize the importance of evaluating the global spinal alignment to assess postoperative changes.

      • 家兎의 妊娠에 따른 生殖器官, 血中 性Hormone 및 代謝物質의 變化에 關한 硏究

        李揆丞,韓成郁,朴昌植 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1982 農業技術硏究報告 Vol.9 No.1

        The study was conducted to find out the concentrations of sex hormones and the contents of metabolites in serum, and the changes of weights and tissues on ovary, thyroid gland and adrenal gland according to gestation period in rabbit. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The ovary weights were increased significantly with the time elapse after gestation and recovered normally at 5 days after parturition. In the histological changes of ovary, the lutein cells were hypertrophied and the secretory granules were increased actively until 3 weeks after gestation, and then atrophied thereafter. 2. The thyroid gland weights at all observation times were higher than those in control group, and the significance was recognized at 1, 3 and 4 weeks after gestation. The histological features of the secretory epithelium were the hypertrophic and columnar condition stimulating the functional state from 1 week after gestation. 3. The adrenal gland weights in experimental group were recognized significantly at 4 weeks after gestation, but showed higher than those in control group at all observation times. The zona fasciculata and zona reticularis of the gland showed the slight hypertrophic condition, but the zona glomeerulosa and adrenal medulla did not find out any particular changes. 4. The serum concentrations of progesterone and LH reached a peak level at 2 weeks and week after geestation respectively, and rapidly began to decline thereafter. 5. The serum concentrations of estradiol-17β and FSH were riot detected below 20.0 pg/ml and 1.3mIU/ml respectively. 6. The contents of total protein and non-protein nitrogen nitrogen were decreased gradually with the time elapse after gestation, but the significant differences were recognized from 3 weeks. 7. The total lipids were not changed markedly until 3 weeks, but increased significantly at 4 weeks after gestation and at 5 days after parturition. 8. The serum cholesterol tended to be decreased until 3 weeks, but increased at 4 weeks after gestation and at 5 days after parturition. 9. The serum calcium showed. a. continuous decrease during the gestation period, but the significant differences were recognized at 3 and 4 weeks. The serum phosphorus also had a significant decrease at 4 weeks after gestation.

      • KCI등재

        가토(家兎)의 임신(姙娠)에 따른 생식기관(生殖器官), 혈중(血中) 성(性)Hormone 및 대사물질(代謝物質)의 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        이규승,한성욱,박창식,Lee, Kyu Seung,Han, Sung Wook,Park, Chang Sik 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1982 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.9 No.1

        가토(家兎)의 임신기간(姙娠期間)에 따른 난소(卵巢), 갑상선(甲狀腺) 및 부신(副腎)의 중량변화(重量變化)와 조직학적(組織學的) 변화(變化)를 조사(調査)하고 아울러 혈청중(血淸中)의 성(性) hormone농도(濃度)와 대사물질(代謝物質)의 함량(含量)을 분석(分析)하여 정상가토(正常家兎)와 비교검토(比較檢討)한 바 다음과 같은 결론(結論)을 얻었다. 1. 난소(卵巢)의 중량(重量)은 임신기간(姙娠期間)이 경과(經過)함에 따라 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되는 증가(增加)를 하였으며, 분만후(分娩後)에는 정상(正常)으로 회복(回復)되는 경향(傾向)이었다. 조직(組織)의 변화(變化)는 임신(姙娠) 3주후(週後)까지는 황체세포(黃體細胞)가 비대(肥大)되고 분비과립(分泌顆粒)의 형성(形成)이 매우 활발(活發)하였으나 그후(後)로는 퇴행성변화(退行性變化)를 보였다. 2. 갑상선(甲狀腺)의 중량(重量)은 모든 관찰시간(觀察時間)에서 대조군(對照群)에 비(比)하여 높은 값을 나타내었는데, 임신(姙娠) 1, 3 및 4주후(週後)에서 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되었다. 조직(組織)의 변화(變化)는 임신(姙娠) 1주후(週後)부터 상피세포(上皮細胞)의 비대(肥大) 및 엔주화(円柱化)를 나타내어 기능항진상(機能抗進像)을 보였다. 3. 부신(副腎)의 중량(重量)은 임신(姙娠) 4주후(週後)에서만 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되었지만 모든 관찰시간(觀察時間)에서 대조군(對照群)에 비(比)하여 높은 값을 나타내었다. 부신(副腎)의 조직(組織)에 있어서 색상대(索狀帶)와 강상대(綱狀帶)는 근소(僅少)한 기능항진상(機能抗進像)을 보였고, 구상대(球狀帶)와 수질(髓質)은 특별(特別)한 변화(變化)를 인정(認定)할 수 없었다. 4. 혈청중(血淸中) progesterone의 농도(濃度)는 임신(姙娠) 2주후(週後)에, LH의 농도(濃度)는 임신(姙娠) 1주후(週後)에 각각(各各) 최고치(最高値)를 보였고, 그후(後)로는 급속(急速)히 감소(減少)되는 경향(傾向)이었다. 5. 혈청중(血淸中) estradiol-$17{\beta}$와 FSH의 농도(濃度)는 각각(各各) 20.0pg/ml와 1.30mIU/ml이하(以下)의 수준(水準)이었다. 6. 혈청중(血淸中)의 총단백질(總蛋白質)과 비단백태질소(非蛋白態窒素) 화합물(化合物)의 양(量)은 임신기간(姙娠期間)이 경과(經過)될수록 계속(繼續) 감소(減少)하였는데, 임신(姙娠) 3주후(週後)부터 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되었다. 7. 혈청총지방량(血淸總脂肪量)은 임신(姙娠) 3주후(週後)까지는 큰 변화(變化)가 없었으나, 임신(姙娠) 4주후(週後)와 분만(分娩) 5일후(日後)에 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되는 증가(增加)를 보였다. 8. 혈청(血淸) cholesterol량(量)은 임신(姙娠) 3주후(週後)까지는 감소(減少)되는 경향(傾向)으로써 임신(姙娠) 3주후(週後)에 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되는 감소(減少)를 하였고, 임신(姙娠) 4주후(週後)와 분만(分娩) 5일후(日後)에는 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되는 증가(增加)를 나타내었다. 9. 혈청(血淸) calcium량(量)은 임신기간(姙娠期間)이 경과(經過)됨에 따라 계속(繼續) 감소(減少)되는 경향(傾向)을 보였는바, 임신(姙娠) 3주(週)와 4주후(週後)에는 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되었다. 혈청인(血淸燐)의 함량(含量)은 임신(姙娠) 4주후(週後)에 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되는 감소(減少)를 하였다. The study was conducted to find out the concentrations of sex hormones and the contents of metabolites in serum, and the changes of weights and tissues on ovary, thyroid gland and adrenal gland according to gestation period in rabbit. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The ovary weights were increased significantly with the time e lapse after gestation and recovered normally at 5 days after parturition. In the histological changes of ovary, the lutein cells were hypertrophied and the secretory granules were increased actively until 3 weeks after gestation, and then a trophied thereafter. 2. The thyroid gland weights at all observation times were higher than those in control group, and the significance was recognized at 1, 3 and 4 weeks after gestation. The histological features of the secretory epithelium were the hyper trophic and columnar condition stimulating the functional state from 1 week after gestation. 3. The adrenal gland weights in experimental group were recognized significantly at 4 weeks after gestation, but showed higher than those in control group at all observation times. The zona fasciculata and zona reticularis of the gland showed the slight hypertrophic condition, but the zona glomeerulosa and adrenal medulla did not find out any particular changes. 4. The serum concentrations of progesterone and LH reached a peak level at 2 weeks and 1 week after geestation respectively, and rapidly began to decline thereafter. 5. The serum concentrations of estradiol-$17{\beta}$ and FSH were not detected below 20.0 pg/ml and 1.3 mIU/ml respectively. 6. The contents of total protein and non-protein nitrogen nitrogen were decreased gradually with the time elapse after gestation, but the significant differences were recognized from 3 weeks. 7. The total lipids were not changed markedly until 3 weeks, but increased significantly at 4 weeks after gestation and at 5 days after parturition. 8. The serum cholesterol tended to be decreased until 3 weeks, but increased at 4 weeks after gestation and at 5 days after parturition. 9. The serum calcium showed a continuous decrease during the gestation period, but the significant differences were recognized at 3 and 4 weeks. The serum phosphorus also had a significant decrease at 4 weeks after gestation.

      • KCI등재

        정신분열병에 대한 리스페리돈의 효과 및 안정성

        이민수,김용구,김영훈,연병길,오병훈,윤도준,윤진상,이철,정희연,강병조,김광수,김동언,김명정,김상훈,김희철,나철,노승호,민경준,박기창,박두병,백기청,백인호,손봉기,손진욱,양병환,양창국,우행원,이정호,이종범,이홍식,임기영,전태연,정영조,정영철,정인과,정인원,지익성,채정호,한상익,한선호,한진희,서광윤 大韓神經精神醫學會 1998 신경정신의학 Vol.37 No.1

        연구목적 : 본 시험의 목적은 임상시험 시작전에 연구자들을 대상으로 PANSS Workshop을 통하여 PANSS, ESRS에 대한 국내에서의 표준화 작업을 구축하고 새로운 정신병 치료제인 리스페리돈의 효과와 안정성을 재확인하여 리스페리돈 사용에 대한 적정화를 이루는데 있다. 연구방법 : 1996년 4월부터 1996년 9월까지 국내 39개 대학병원 정신과에 입원중인 혹은 증상이 악화되어 입원하는 정신분열병 환자 377명을 대상으로 다시설 개방 연구를 시행하였다. 1주일간의 약물 배설기간을 가진후, 리스페리돈을 8주간 투여하였고, 기준점, 1주, 2주, 4주, 그리고 8주후에 평가되었다. 용량은 제1일에는 리스페리돈 1mg씩 1일 2회, 제2일에는 2mg씩 1일 2회, 제3∼7일에는 3mg씩 1일 2회 투여하였다. 이후 환자의 임상상태에 따라 임의로 증량할 수 있으며, 최대 일일 16mg을 초과하지 않도록 하였다. 추체외로 증상을 조절하기 위한 투약을 허용하였다. 임상증상 및 부작용의 평가는 PANSS(Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale), CGI(Clinical Global Impression) 그리고 ESRS(Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale)을 사용하였다. 연구결과 : 377명중 343명(91%)이 8주간의 연구를 완결하였다. 치료 종결시점인 8주후 PANSS 총점수가 20% 이상 호전된 경우를 약물 반응군으로 정의할때, 약물반응군은 81.3%였다. 리스페리돈에 반응하는 예측인자로는 발병연령, 이전의 입원 횟수, 유병기간이 관련 있었다. 리스페리돈은 1주후부터 PANSS양성, 음성, 및 일반정신병리 점수상에 유의한 호전을 보여 효과가 빨랐다. CGI의 경우도 기준점에 비해 1주후부터 유의한 감소를 나타내었다. ESRS의 경우, 파킨슨 평가점수는 기준점과 비교해 투여 1주, 2주, 4주후 유의하게 증가되었다가 8주후 기준점과 차이가 없었다. Dystonia 평가점수는 1주후만 유의한 증가를 보였으며, dyskinesia 평가점수는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 혈압, 맥박수의 생명징후 및 일반 혈액학 검사, 생화학적 검사, 심전도 검사에서 유의한 변화는 없었다. 결 론 : 이상의 다시설 개방 임상 연구를 통해 리스페리돈은 정신분열병 환자에서 양성증상뿐만 아니라 음성증상 및 전반적인 증상에도 효과적인 것으로 사료된다. 보다 명확한 평가를 위해서는 다른 항정신병약물과의 이중맹검 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각되며, 또한 장기적 치료에 대한 평가도 함께 이루어져야 하겠다. Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of risperidone in the treatment of Korean schizophrenic patients. Method : This multicenter open study included 377 schizophrenic patients drawn from 39 university hospitals. After a wash-out period of 1 week, the schizophrenic patients were treated with risperidone for 8 weeks and evaluated at 5 points ; at baseline, and 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks of treatment. The dose was increased from 2mg/day(1mg twice daily) to 6mg/day(3mg twice daily) during the first week and adjusted to a maximum of 16mg/day over the next 7 weeks according to the patient's clinical response. Medication to control extrapyramidal symptoms was permitted. The psychiatric and neurological status of the patients was assessed by PANSS, CGI, and ESRS scales. Results : 343(91%) of 377 patients completed the 8-week trial period. Clinical improvement, as defined by a 20% or more reduction in total PANSS score at end point, was shown by 81.3% of patients. The predictors of response to risperidone were associated older age, shorter duration of illness, fewer previous hospitalization. Risperidone had rapid onset of action ; a significant decrease of the total PANSS and three PANSS factor(positive, negative, general), and CGI was already noticed at the end of first week. For the ESRS, parkinsonism rating scores were significantly increased until week 4 comparing with baseline. Dystonia rating scores were significantly increased until week 1, and dyskinesia rating scores were not significantly changed during the study. Laboratory parameters including vital sign, EKG, hematological, and biochemical values showed no significant changes during the trial. Conclusions : This study suggests that risperidone is generally safe and effective against both the positive and negative symptoms in our group of patients.

      • KCI등재

        농어촌특별세사업의 성과와 추진방향

        장원석,김호,허승욱,김성철 한국농업정책학회, 한국축산경영학회 2000 농업경영정책연구 Vol.27 No.3

        Most of rural area in Korea has been faced with many problems like a increasing restrictions of the World Trade Organization and unstability of international agricultural product market. On the other hand, we should give a serious consideration about agricultural policy interior of a country. It is for reason that we have to magnify special tax project for rural area as much as possible. In addition, it will be contribute to the maintenance of development and stability on the rural area.

      • 원추형 회전체-자기베어링의 능동 진동 제어

        석창욱,양승준,곽병철,이재응 중앙대학교 기술과학연구소 2000 기술과학연구소 논문집 Vol.30 No.-

        기존 접촉식 베어링과 비교할 때 능동 자기 베어링(AMB)는 많은 장점을 가진다. 자기 베어링 시스템은 주축을 자기력을 이용하여 부상시켜 기계적인 마찰이 없는 상태에서 회전시키기 때문에 윤활을 하지않고도 작동시킬 수 있다. 따라서 이 베어링은 우주에서의 진공상태와 같은 극한상황에서도 사용할 수 있다. 특히 원추형 자기 베어링은 4조의 전자석으로 구성되어 래디얼 타입 자기 베어링보다 소형, 경량화할 수 있는 장점을 가진다. 본 논문에서는 먼저 원추형 자기베어링에 대한 운동방정식을 유도하고, 이 시스템의 진동 제어를 위해 비연성인 디지털 PD, PID 제어기를 설계하였다. 컴퓨터 모의실험을 통해 제어기의 성능을 평가하여 만족할 만한 성능을 얻었다. There are many advantages of the Active Magnetic Bearing(AMB) system, compared with conventional contacting bearing systems. Since the spindle in the AMB system is levitated by electro-magnetic forces and rotates without mechanical friction, it can run without lubrication. So, it can run in the extreme circumstances, e.g. a vacuum condition in the space. Particularly, the cone-type AMB system consists of only 4 couples of magnet, it can be smaller and lighter than radial-type AMB system. In this thesis, the equations of motion of the cone-type AMB system is derived first, and the digital PD and PID controllers are designed for the vibration control of the system. The controllers are designed based on the decoupled equations of motion, and the performance of the controllers are evaluated through the computer simulations. The results of the simulation show good performance of the controllers.

      • Plyometric Training 박스의 높이 차이가 남자 핸드볼 선수의 점프력에 미치는 영향

        장창현,김승권,한주욱 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.6

        Twenty four male middle school and high school handball players were involved an adapted Plyometric Training program which was composed of depth jump and box jump, 3 days a week for B weeks. The jump ability factor before and after the training was analyzed, and the following conclusions were drawn 1. The group trained with higher box showed greater increase in their vertical jump ability than the group trained with lower box for both middle and high school players. 2. The group trained with higher box showed greater increase in their vertical running jump ability than the group trained with lower box for both Middle and high school players. 3. The group trained with higher box showed greater increase in the ability of staying in the air than the group trained with lower box for both middle and high school players. 4. The middle school players showed greater increase in the jump ability than the high school students.

      • Epithelioid 세포가 많은 Antioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy 형의 T-세포 임파종. 면역 조직학적 검색을 실시한 증례 보고

        백승호,강상균,김창진,강현욱,오도연 순천향대학교 1992 논문집 Vol.14 No.4

        A peripheral T-cell lymphoma with a high content of epithelioid cells-an entity that reveals morphologic and clinical characteristics resembling those seen in angio-immunoblastic lymphadenopathy(AILD)-was separated from lymhoepithelioid cell lymphoma(Lennert' slymphoma, or LeL). It was considered a variant of the AILD type of peripheral T-cell lymphoma. AILD-PTCLep and LeL share so much similarities, clinically and morphologically, that they can't be differentiated each other. We experienced a case of AILD-PTCLep confirmed by a panel of immunohistochemistry and reviewed the differential points between the LeL.

      • 견운모의 표면개질에 따른 기초물성연구

        김창욱,정인,윤성렬,한승희 광운대학교 신기술연구소 1997 신기술연구소논문집 Vol.26 No.-

        견운모는 천연적으로 초미립의 판상형에 의한 윤활성이 뛰어난 광물 중 하나이지만, 광물 본질이 지니는 흡수력으로 인하여 정밀화학 공업분야에서 이용할 때 소수성이 떨어지므로 견운모 미립자의 표면개질이 불가피하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 실리콘오일과 금속비누를 이용하여 견운모 미립자에 표면개질을 시행함으로써 기초 물성변화를 관찰하였다. 이러한 연구를 수행하기 위하여 평균 약10μm의 정제견운모 미립자에 세 가지 종류의 실리콘오일을 흡착시켜 표면처리한 후 실리콘오일에 흡착된 각 미립자 산물의 소수성 및 내유성 실험을 시행하였다. 또한 적외선 분광법을 이용한 기기를 사용하여 견운모 표면에 오일이 흡착되었는지 조사하였으며, 열감량분석기를 이용하여 실리콘 흡착량에 따른 감량변화를 조사하였다. 그리고 그 특성이 우수한 실리콘의 함량비를 기준으로 견운모미립자에 금속비누를 표면처리한 후 그 특성을 비교하였다. 견운모 미립자에 실리콘오일의 흡착 후 소수성 및 내유성이 가장 우수한 실리콘 오일과 견운모의 중량비는 KSDMPS 6wt%일 때였다. 적외선분광기기를 이용하여 견운모에 실리콘오일 흡착확인을 하여 본 결과 흡착이 되었음을 확인하였고, 실리콘오일 함량이 늘어감에 따라 그 피크가 커짐을 확인 할 수 있었다. 이 또한 열감량분석기로 확인하였으며, 실리콘오일의 함량에 따라 막 두께도 조정됨을 알 수 있었다. 소수성과 내유성이 가장 우수한 KSDMPS는 6wt%일 때 소수성은 70.50%였고 내유성은 43.75%였다. 그리고 금속비누로 표면개질하였을 때와 소수성을 비교하여보면 실리콘오일로 표면개질 하였을 때 소수성이 우수하였다. Sericite is known to be an excellent natural lubricant due to fine particle texture and tabular crystal structure. However, the surface must be specially treated because sericite also possesses the water absorbing property. In this study, we investigated effects of silicone oil and metal soap on Sericite’s fine particle texture and other properties. Surface treatment effects of three different kinds of silicon oil on purified sericite particle having the mean of l0μm were studied and the changes in water and oil repellence were investigated. Through IR spectrometer, silicon oil adsorption on sericite particle was investigated, and thermogravimetric analysis was used to study the reduced adsorption of silicon oil on sericite particle surface. By taking the best parameters of silicon oil amount into consideration, the study on surface treatment using metal soap was carried out. Finally, the surface treatment effects of metal soap and silicon oil were compared. The optimum water and oil repellence was when the sericite fine particle adsorbed with silicon oil at the ratio of KSDMPS 6wt%. It was found that the surface treatment by silicon oil was superior to the treatment by metal soap in water repellence.

      • 한국산 사류의 적혈구내 원충의 자연 감염상태에 대하여

        김창욱,강신영,조승열 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1982 中央醫大誌 Vol.7 No.3

        The natural infection of blood protozoa was surveyed in 53 Korean terrestrial snakes from June 1981 to April 1982. They were collected in 12 counties of 5 Provinces, and consisted of 10 Elaphe dione, 3 E. rufodorsata, 19 Natrix ligrina lateralis, 6 Dinodon rufozonatum rufozonatum and 15 Agkistrodon bromhoffi drevicaudus. Blood amear of each snake was made for one time, and Giemsa staining was undertaken. The liver was histologically processed to evaluate the tissue phase of any possible blood protozoa. The following results were obtained. 1. Out of 53 examined snakes, six(11.3%) revealed intraerythrocytic protozoa infections. they were found in Kangwha Gun, Kyunggi Do; Jecheon Gun and Youngdong Gun, Chungcheong Buk Do; Jangheung Gun, Jeonla Nam Do; and Hoengseong Gun, Kangwon Do repectively. 2. Out of detected intraerythrocytic protozoa, that from Natrix ligrina lateralis of Hoengseong Gun,Kangwon Do could not be identified. that protozoon was red- stained by Giemsa, 2-3㎛ in diameter and round or rhomboidal in shape. 3. Erythrocytic infections of haemogregarines were found in Dinodon rufozonatum rufozonatum, Elaphe dione, Natrix ligrina lateralis and Agkistrodon bromhoffi drevicaudus. Two different types of haemogregarines were detected in the blood of the examined Dinodon, whereas only one type, long and slender with pointed end, were found in the remaining infected snakes 4. In liver, tissue schizonts were not found either un unfected or in non-infected snakes.

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