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4-Methoxyaniline으로 부터 7-Hydroxy-2-aminophenazine-5, 10-dioxide의 합성과 항균성
한성욱 대구보건대학 1991 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.12 No.-
7-Hydroxy-2-aminophenazine-5,10-dioxide was synthesized from 4-aminophenol and 6-hydroxiben-zofuroxan was previously obtained through various reaction steps starting from 4-methoxyaniline. All the intermediates and final product were purified by way of recrystallization, and extraction, and were identified by using IR and NMR spectrophotometer. Amtimicrobial activity of phenazine dioxide derivative was also determined for some Gram positive and negative bacteria. It was observed that 7-hydroxy-2-aminophenazine-5 10-dioxide was stronger antimicrobial activity against both Gram positive and negative microbes than phenazine dioxides bearing methoxy, methyl, hydrogen, acetyl and nitro groups. From the result of this study, it might be concluded that electron density of the oxygen on N→O bond.
한성욱,상병찬,김홍기,Han, Sung Wook,Sang, Byoung Chan,Kim, Hong Ki Institute of Agricultural Science 1990 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.17 No.1
본(本) 연구(硏究)는 한국재래오골계(韓國在來烏骨鷄)의 효율적(效率的)인 선발(選拔) 및 육종계획(育種計劃)을 수립하는데 필요한 유전력(遺傳力)과 유전상관(遺傳相關)을 추정(推定)하기 위하여 1987년(年) 6월(月) 18일(日)부터 1989년(年) 2월(月) 6일(日)까지 부가계(父家系) 20수(首) 모가계(母家系) 150수(首)에서 생산(生産)된 자손 450수(首)의 검정성적(檢定成績)을 분석(分析)한 것이다. 유전력(遺傳力)에 있어서 체중(體重), 난중(卵重) 및 정강이 길이의 유전력(遺傳力) 추정치(推定値)는 0.415~0.558의 범위로 다소 높은 편이었으나, 초산일령(初産日令), 산란수(産卵數) 및 흉위(胸圍)에 대한 유전력(遺傳力)은 0.301~0.334로 중등도(中等度)의 추정치(推定値)이었다. 유전상관(遺傳相關)에 있어서는 체중(體重)과 산란수간(産卵數間)에 -0.552~-0.309로 부(負)의 계수(係數)이었으나, 체중(體重)과 난중간(卵重間)에는 0.285~0.380으로 다소 낮은 정(正)의 계수(係數)이었고, 산란수(産卵數)와 난중간(卵重間)에는 -0.383~-0.381의 부(負)의 계수(係數)로 추정(推定)되었다. 한편, 정강이 길이와 체중(體重) 및 초산일령간의(初産日令間) 유전상관(遺傳相關)은 0.328~0.843의 다소 높은 정(正)의 계수(係數)로 정강이 길이의 개량(改良)은 체중(體重)과 초산일령(初産日令)을 자동적으로 증대(增大) 시킬 수 있을 것으로 사료(思料)되었다. This study was conducted to estimate heritabilities and genetic correlations of economic traits and body conformations in Korean Native Ogol fowl. The data analyzed were the record of 450 pullets bred from 150 dams and 20 sires of the fowl obtained from June 18, 1987 to February 6, 1989. The results of this study were summarized as follows ; The estimates of heritability for body weight, egg weight and shank length from combined variance components were relatively high, ranging from 0.415 to 0.558, while those for age at first egg, egg production and breast width were moderate, ranging from 0.301 to 0.334. For genetic correlations, body weights were negatively correlated with egg production, ranging from -0.552 to -0.309, while positive correlations were found between body weight and egg weight, ranging from 0.285 to 0.380. Also, egg production was negatively correlated with egg weight, ranging from -0.383 to -0.381. The shank length showed very high positive correlations with the body weights and age at 1st egg, ranging from 0.328 to 0.843. Hence the improvement in shank length will increase the body weight as well as the age at 1st egg.
Pericardial Approach for Cardiac Therapies:Old Practice With New Ideas
한성욱,Chun Hwang 대한심장학회 2010 Korean Circulation Journal Vol.40 No.10
Treatment of cardiac disease via the epicardium fell under the domain of cardiac surgery due to the need for an open thoracotomy. Since an open thoracotomy is invasive in nature and has the potential for complications, a minimally invasive and percutaneous approach would be more attractive for suitable patients. The recent success of epicardial ablation of refractory arrhythmia via the percutaneous pericardial approach has increased the potential for delivery of epicardial therapies. Epicardial ablation has increased the success and safety since anti-coagulation and transseptal catheterization for left atrial arrhythmias is not required. The pericardial space has also been used to deliver therapy for several cardiac diseases. There are reports on successful delivery of drugs and their efficacy. Even though there was a wide range of efficacies reported in those studies, the reported complication rates are strikingly low, which suggests that direct delivery of drugs to the epicardium via the pericardial space is safe. Furthermore, recent animal studies have supported the feasibility of epicardial delivery of biological agents, including genes, cells, and even genetically engineered tissue for therapeutic purposes. In conclusion, percutaneous pericardial cannulation of closed pericardial space can play a significant role in providing non-surgical therapy for cardiovascular diseases. However, it requires skills and operator experiences. Therefore, there is need to further develop new tools, safer techniques, and effective procedure environment before generalizing this procedure.
How to Achieve Complete and Permanent Pulmonary Vein Isolation without Complications
한성욱,Chun Hwang 대한심장학회 2014 Korean Circulation Journal Vol.44 No.5
The efficacy and safety of catheter ablation for the management of atrial fibrillation (AF) has been improved in recent years. Radiofrequency(RF) catheter ablation for maintaining sinus rhythm is superior to the current antiarrhythmic drug therapy in selected patients. Pulmonaryvein isolation (PVI) is the cornerstone of various catheter ablation strategies. It is well recognized that pulmonary vein (PV) antrum contributesto the AF initiation and/or perpetuation. Since PV stenosis is a complication of ablation within a PV, the ablation site for PVI has shiftedto the junction between the left atrium and the PV rather than the ostium of the PV. However, PV reconnection after ablation is themajor cause of recurrence of AF. The recovery of PV conduction could be caused by anatomical variations such as the failure to producecomplete transmural lesion or gaps at the ablation line due to the transient electrophysiologic effects from the RF ablation. In this review,we discussed several factors to be considered for the achievement of the best PVI, including clinical aspects and technical aspects.