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      • 임상 가검물에서 분리된 균(대장균과 황색 포도균)의 약제 내성

        김중명,김재식,김경선,김재룡,전동석,최성만,서상철,김인자,김재숭,이건일,김경숙 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1982 慶北醫大誌 Vol.23 No.2

        1981년 1월에서 12월말까지 임상 제료에서 분리한 Escherichia coli (E. coli)와 Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) 중에서 무작위로 각 50주 씩 선택하여 원판 확산법과 평판 희섭법으로 그 내성주를 조사하여 다음과 같은 성적을 얻었다. 전체적으로 볼 때에 Teteracyclin (TET), Chloramphenicol (CM) 및 Ampicillin (AMP)에 대한 내성주가 가장 많았고, Amikacin (AMK)에 대한 내성주는 가장 적어다. 이것을 균종별로 보면 E. coli에 있어서는 TET, AMP 및 CM는 원판 확산법으로서 74∼76%, 평판 희석법으로서는 78∼94%가 내성주임을 나타내었고, 또 Cephalothin(CEP)은 원판 확산법에서는 8%가 내성주로 나타났으나, 평판 의석법에서는 52%가 내성주로 나타났다. S. aureus에 있어서는 TET는 원판 확산법으로 82%, 평판 희석법으로서는 78%가 내성주로 나왔고 Penicillin (P)은 원판 확산법에서는 56% 평판 희석법으로는 22%의 내성주가 나왔으며, GM과 CM은 원판확산법에서는 18∼44%, 평판 희석법에서는 56∼58%가 내성주로 나왔다. Each 50 strains of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were selected at random out of the stock cultures which were isolated from the clinical materials in the bacteriological laboratory of the department of clinical pathology. Kyungpook National University Hospital from the first of January to the end of December in 1982, and their resistance against eight antibiotics were as follows; Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus had the most resistant pattern against tetracyclin, chloramphenicol, and ampicillin, while they had the most sensitive pattern against amikacin in general. Escherichia coli revealed resistant pattern to tetracyclin, ampicillin, and chloramphenicol 74-76% by the disk diffusion method and 78-94% by the plate dilution method, and revealed resistant pattern to cephalothin 8% by the disk diffusion and 52% by the plate dilution. Staphylococcs aureus disclosed resistant pattern to tetracyclin 82% by the disk diffusion and 78% by the plate dilution, and disclosed resistant pattern to penicillin 56% by the disk diffusion and 22% by the plate dilution, and to gentamicin and-chloramphenicol 18-44% by the disk diffusion and 56-58% by the plate dilution.

      • KCI등재

        국학, 국문학, 국사학과 세계사적 보편성 : 1970년대 비평의 한 기원

        김건우(Kim Kun-Woo) 한국현대문학회 2012 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.37

        It is generally accepted that 1970s' criticisms are best approached with the notion of the confrontation of Munhak-kwa-Jisung versus. Chanjak-kwa-Bipyung, but that approach could erase a lot of momenta latent in the intellectual history of 1970s. This thesis investigates the spiritual common basis of so-called 4.19 generation critics who had appeared on the scene not long before and soon would have their prime times. Dongil Cho's multi-volumed General History of Korean Literature (HanKukMunHakTongSa), which had been planned in mid-1960s and whose volume 1 was published in 1982, was indebted much to the rise of the theory of internal development and it is related debates about periodization in the circles of Korean History. This theory of internal development, mainly intended to overcome the colonial view of korean history(i.e. the notorious notions such as delay and heteronomy of korean history), was obsessed by method/attitude of the historiography. Hyun Kim's The History of Korean Literature(HanKukMunHakSa) was also included in this discourse field. There was the leftist motifs in Yongseop Kim's studies that had empirically founded the theory of internal development, but Nakcheong Back tried to realize the motifs not by historiography but by literary criticisms. He adopted the theory of internal development between 1966 and 1969, and developed his own theories of Citizen Literature/National Literature on the basis of it. There underlied the nationalistic longings to discover the universal motifs of world history(or western history) in the paradigm of 4.19 generation's criticisms which had a long influence on korean literature from the late 1960s. Despite the fact that there also existed the lefitist motifs in that aspirings, nationalism itself could not avoid the kinship with the state ideology and we can visibly see their relation made real in the korean contemporary history. This shows that whether it being historiography or literary criticism, 4.19 generation's writing, regardless of being leftist or rightist, could not escape from the category of Koreanology and paradoxically could not break out of the universalistic spell. 1970년대 비평을 '문학과지성' 대 '창작과비평'이라는 하나의 대립구도로 접근하는 오랜 통념은 당대 지식사의 수많은 계기들을 사상한다. 본고는 4.19세대로 묶일 수 있는, 1960년대 중반 이후 등장하여 얼마 되지 않아 그들의 시대를 가지게 되는 비평가들의 '공통된' 정신적 기반을 논하려는 것이다. 1960년대 중반부터 기획되어 1982년에 첫 권을 내게 된 조동일의 『한국문학통사』는 국사학계의 '내재적 발전론'의 대두와 이와 관련된 시대구분 논쟁에서 힘입은 바 컸다. 국사학계의 내재적 발전론이 식민사학의 정체성론, 타율성론을 극복하기 위해 성립된 것이었던 까닭에, '근대의 자생적 기점'을 거론하는 이러한 관점은 역사서술 방식/태도에 대한 강박으로부터 출발한 것이었다고 할 수 있다. 김현의 『한국문학사』 역시 이 자장에 포섭되었음은 물론이다. 내재적 발전론을 실증적으로 확립한 역사학자 김용섭에게서부터 사회경제사학 특유의 좌파적 계기가 존재했는데, 백낙청은 그 좌파적 계기를 문학사 서술이 아닌 비평을 통해 구현했다. 1966년에서 1969년 사이에 백낙청은 내재적 발전론을 수용하고 이에 입각해 이후 시민문학론, 민족문학론을 발전시켜 나가게 된다. 1960년대 후반부터 비롯되어 이후 오랜 기간을 통해 영향력을 행사한 4.19세대 비평 패러다임의 근저에는, 세계사적(서구적) 보편성을 한국사에서 찾고자 했던 민족주의적 열망이 자리하고 있었다. 이런 열망 속에 좌파적 계기가 존재했음에도 불구하고, 민족주의 자체가 국가 통치 이데올로기와 접점을 지니고 있을 수밖에 없었다는 점은 현대사를 통해 실증되는 사실이다. 이는 1970년대에 진입하던 4.19세대에 있어 문학사가 되었든 비평이 되었든, 좌우를 막론하고 소위 '국학'의 범주를 벗어날 수 없었음을, 역설적으로 보편성의 강박에서 풀려날 수 없었음을 의미하는 것이기도 하다.

      • KCI등재

        釋 息影庵의 正體에 대한 再論 - 南原梁氏, 法名 淵鑑 : 釋 息影庵의 正體에 대한 再論

        金乾坤(Kim Kun-Kon) 대동한문학회 2006 大東漢文學 Vol.25 No.-

        식영암은 고려 후기의 대표적인 고승이자 승려 문인으로서〈정시자전〉의 작자로 널리 알려져 있다. 그는 이제현, 민사평, 이암 등과 교유하며 활발한 문필활동을 하여『식영암집』을 남겼으며, 특히〈정시자전〉은 특이한 형식과 파격적인 글쓰기로 인해 일찍부터 학계의 관심을 끌었고 문학사에서도 비중 있게 다뤄지고 있다. 그런데 김현룡 교수가 식영암을 충선왕의 셋째 아들인 덕흥군 혜라고 밝히면서부터 그의 정체 문제가 논란거리가 되었다. 덕흥군설은 한동안 사실로 받아들여지기도 했지만, 덕흥군이 전형적인 부원배로서 원나라로 도망쳤다가 고려를 침입하려 한 반역자라는 점에서 시비의 소지가 있었다. 이에 대해 이종문 교수는 덕흥군의 개인사가 식영암의 글에서 풍기는 고승적인 이미지와 부합하지 않는다고 전제하고, 덕흥군이 식영암일 수 없는 정황 증거들을 제시하며 두 사람이 별개의 인물이라고 이의를 제기하였다. 필자는 기본적으로 이 교수의 견해에 동의하면서, 김 교수의 덕흥군설이 지닌 논증상의 오류를 구체적으로 비판하는 한편, 고려사경 등 새로운 자료를 통하여 식영암의 실체에 보다 가까이 접근해 보고자 하였다. 그 결과 식영암은 왕씨 성을 가진 고려 왕족 덕흥군이 아니라, 고향이 남원이고 남원 양씨이며 법명이 연감임을 확인할 수가 있었다. 한편 필자는〈정시자전〉이 단순히 지팡이를 의인화한 가전으로 알려져 있음에 주목하고, 그 의인 대상을 보다 구체화하고자 하였다. 정시자에 대한 묘사, 장식, 사용자 등을 종합적으로 검토함으로써, 그 의인 대상을 고승들이 지니고 다니는 석장으로 한정하는 것이 타당하다는 결론을 얻을 수 있었다.〈공방전〉을 두고 돈을 의인화한 것이라고 말해도 틀리다고 할 수는 없겠지만, 구체적으로 지폐가 아니라 엽전을 대상으로 한 것이라고 해야 정확하듯이,〈정시자전〉도 석장을 의인화한 작품이라고 그 의인 대상을 구체화할 필요가 있다. Sikyoungam is a highly revered Buddhist priest of late Koryeo Dynasty. He is also well known as a remarkable literary figure of the time and a writer of〈Jeongsijajeon〉. Among the close associate of Sikyoungam are Lee, Jae-Hyun, Min, Sa-Pyoung and Lee, Am and others. His earnest literature pursuit led him to publish『A Collection of Saikyoungam"s Literary Works』. The uniqueness in writing forms and creative writing of〈Jeongsijajeon〉has drew academic attentions from the scholars and〈Jeongsijajeon〉became one of the major concerns in the history of Korean literature. Recently, Pf. Kim, Hyun-Ryong proposed that Sikyoungam is found to be Deokheunggun, the third son of King Choongsun. His new perspective has brought out dispute on the identity of Sikyoungam. Pf. Kim"s opinion has been considered as true by a number of scholars for some time. However, there still remained room for further consideration in the fact that Deokheunggun was a typical Buwonbae (those who benefited from close relationship with the Mongols) who fled to the Mongol and later attempted to invade Koryeo. Pf. Lee, Jong-Mun raised an objection to the idea of Pf. Kim, Hyun-Ryong on a number of premises. He first assumed that there is great discrepancy between the image of highly regarded priest found from the writings of Sikyoungam and his personal biography. He also presented circumstantial evidences supporting the fact that Deokheunggun cannot be identical with Sikyoungam and concluded that they are two different persons, independent of each other. In this paper, I basically agreed with Pf. Lee regarding the identity of Sikyoungam and I further criticised logical mistakes traced in the process of reasoning from the Pf. Kim’s assertion. I also took efforts to draw true aspects of Sikyoungam based on the facts collected from the new source such as Koryeosagyeong. It was concluded that Sikyoungam is not Deokheunggun, a royal family member of Koryeo dynasty with Wang as a family name. Instead Sikyoungam was born in Namwon with Yang as a family name and his Buddhist name is Yeongam. Finding that〈Jeongsijajeon〉is merely known as a story in which a stick is personified, I attempted to get more concrete information what is personified in the story. Through comprehensive review of description, ornamentation, the person who used and others, I reached the conclusion that the item personified should be limited to a Buddhist monk"s staff. It would be right to say that money is personified in〈Gongbangjeon〉, however it would be more precise to point out that not money but Korean brass coin is personified. Accordingly, the object of personification should be more clarified in〈Jeongsijajeon〉in a way that it is a Buddhist monk"s staff instead of a stick which was personified in the story.

      • KCI등재

        群長浩灣物流情報化의 CALS適用戰略方案에 관한 研究

        구근완(KU, Kun-Wan),김창균(KIM, Chang-Gyun) 한국물류학회 1998 물류학회지 Vol.8 No.-

        This study aims at suggesting strategic devices in order to introduce and apply CALS which is called as the fifth wave of recent global economy as a method of improving international competitive power of KUN-JANG port logistics. And this study aims at assisting KUN-JANG port authorities to establish strategies to guarantee competitiveness of international logistics by analyzing synthetically the problems disclosed through the data analysis on management and utilization of the international port logistics, grasping exactly the problems faced in the field of international port logistics and suggesting the alternatives to these problems, on the basis of the actual arrangement on international port logistics and CALS. In this study, I have suggested a basic theories in introducing and applying CAL Sindispensible for a positive development of international port logistics' competitiveness by the KUN-JANG port authorities, and I assure that the exporting firms can get a full effect in strengthening international competitiveness of port logistics in worldwide economy war by effectively utilizing the application method suggested in this study as well as by erecting its basic direction. It will be very significant for KUN-JANG port to introduce and utilize CALS as a method for innovation and rationalization of port logistics management as well as a method for strengthening international competitiveness of KUN-JANG port logistics. This study will serve the study of this field, for the purpose of this study is on analyzing its propriety in introducing and utilizing CALS. It will guarantee the importance that this study helps the domestic port authorities to upgrade understanding on introduction and utilization of CALS for strengthening their port logistics competitiveness, and this study serves to improve international port competitiveness in an era of information and globalization.

      • KCI등재

        군장항만물류정보화(群長港灣物流情報化)의 CALS 적용전략방안에 관한 연구

        김창균,구근완 한국물류학회 1998 물류학회지 Vol.8 No.-

        This study aims at suggesting strategic devices in order to introduce and apply CAL,S which is called as the fifth wave of recent global economy as a trethod of improving international competitive power of KL1N-JANG port logistics. And this study aims at assisting KLTN-JANG port authorities to establish strategies to guarantee competitiveness of international logistics by analyzing synthetically the problems disclosed through the data analysis on management and utilization of the international port logistics, grasping exactly the problems faced in the field of international port logistics and suggesting the alternatives to these problems, on the basis of the actual arrangement on international port logistics and CATS. In this study, I have suggested a basic theories in introducing and applying CALSindispensible for a positive development of international port logistics' competitiveness by the KUN-JANG port authorities, and I assure that the exporting firn~s can get a full effect in strengthening international competitiveness of port logistics in worldwide economy war by effectively utilizing the application method suggested in this study as well as by erecting its basic direction. It will be very significant for KUN-JANG port to introduce and utilize CAL S as a method for innovation and rationalization of port logistics management as well as a method for strengthening international competitiveness of KUN-JANG port logistics. This study will serve the study of this field, for the purpose of this study is on analyzing its propriety in introducing and utilizing CALS. It will guarantee the importance that this study helps the domestic port authorities to upgrade understanding on introduction and utilization of CAL.S for strengthening their port logistics competitiveness, and this study serves to improve international port competitiveness in an era of information and globalization.

      • KCI등재

        야뇨증 환아들의 심리사회적 특성에 대한 다기관 연구 : 행동 및 정서 문제를 중심으로

        조수철,김재원,신민섭,황준원,한상원,박관현,이상돈,김경도,김건석,서홍진,이유식,정재용,김영균,문두건,남궁미경,한창희,조원열,김영식,배기수,이종국,정우영,신의진 大韓神經精神醫學會 2005 신경정신의학 Vol.44 No.6

        Objectives : The aim of this study was to examine the behavioral and emotional problems associated with nocturnal enuresis in Korean children. Methods : Three hundred eighteen children with nocturnal enuresis, together with their parents, completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), Disruptive Behavior Disorder Scale according to DSM-IV (DBDS), Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC), and Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale (PHCSC). Ninety-three normal students were selected as the control group. Results : Compared to the normal control group, the mean scores with regard to the withdrawn, social problems, attention problems, delinquent behavior, aggressive behavior, externalizing problems and total problems profiles were significantly higher in the nocturnal enuresis group according to the CBCL results. The nocturnal enuresis group also scored significantly higher in the ADHD and ODD profiles of the DBDS. The nocturnal enuresis group was more depressed and anxious than the control group according to the results of the CDI and STAI. The mean score of the PHCSC was significantly lower in the nocturnal enuresis group when compared to the normal control group. Conclusion : The results of this study suggest that children with nocturnal enuresis in Korea have clinically relevant behavioral and emotional problems. The findings support the link between nocturnal enuresis and psychopathology in Korean children.

      • KCI등재
      • 개에서 발생한 폐수종의 치료 증례

        김유수,심재현,김건우,김지용,이병희,송근호,이영원,김덕환 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2004 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.12 No.-

        A 9 months intact male American bull dog with chief complaints of dry cough, dyspnea and fever was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Chungnam National University. Based on the findings of physical examination, radiological examination, and blood and blood chemical examinations, the present patient was diagnosed into pulmonary edema secondary to primary bacterial and aspiration pneumonia. The patient was hospitalized and treated with buscopan, cephazolin and furosemide for 1 week. His activity and appetite was returned to normal and thoracic radiographs revealed that Jung was recovered to the normal condition after treatment for 7 days. The present patient was a case with pulmonary edema showed favorable therapeutic responses to proper medication.

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