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        교잡종 찰옥수수에 대한 연구 III : Ⅲ. 국내 옥수수 유전자원 수집종에 대한 주요 특성 분포

        서정은,주현민,최윤표,홍범용,조양희,주정일,지희정,이희봉 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2007 농업과학연구 Vol.34 No.2

        2006년 국내 각 지역으로부터 수집된 재래종옥수수 유전자원을 관행방법에 의해 파종하고 주요특성별로 분포도를 살펴본 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 수집된 유전자원에 대한 발아율은 대부분 80∼100%이상의 분포를 보였으나, 일부 수집계통에는 30% 미만의 극히 저조한 발아율을 보였다. 2. 수집자원에 대한 초기생육을 살펴보면 극히 생육이 저조한 것이 40% 정도를 보였고, 극히 우수한 자원은 3%미만으로 나타났다. 3. 간장은 대부분이 150∼199cm범위에 55%가 분포하고 있었으나, l00cm이하가 5%, 250cm이상이 8%로 나타나 수집종간에 큰 차이를 보였다. 4. 주당 분얼수는 1개 미만이 40%의 분포를 보였으나, 일부 수집종에서 2 내지 3개의 분얼수를 보이는 계통이 확인되었다. 5. 개화소요일수는 61∼64일의 범위에서 40%, 57∼60일의 범위에서 30%의 분포를 보였으며, 특히 일부 수집종의 경우 55일 이하의 극조생종도 10% 정도의 분포를 보였다. 6. 이삭길이는 대부분 11∼15cm범위에 60%가 포함되어 있으나, 일부계통에서 5cm미만이 2%, 16∼20cm의 이삭길이도 10%가 분포하였다. Germination ratio on the 300 collected genetic resources showed 80 to 100 percentage, but those of some accessions were very low as below 30 percentage. Early growth phase of most of these lines were very poor while some collected lines were very vigor. Range of stem height showed from 150 to 199cm, but that of some accessions showed below 100cm as five percentage and some of them was over 250cm as eight percentage. Number of tillers per plant appeared less one but some collected lines have two to three tillers per plant. In days to tasseling, some accessions showed more four per plant. Ear length of these accession showed above 60 percentage as 11 to 15cm, while that of some collected lines showed over 10 percentage as 16 to 20cm.

      • 조혈모세포이식 후 발생한 주폐포자층 폐렴에 대한 고찰

        주지현,최정현,이동건,백지연,고윤호,이혜정,김세희,신호진,박윤희,박지영,김유진,신완식,김춘추 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.4

        Background : Pneumocytitis cainii pneumonia (PCP) can occur in immunocompromised hosts especially such as AIDS or cancer patients. Although recent research had focused on PCP in AIDS patients, few studies have described the clinical presentations of PCP in recipients of stem cell transplantation (SCT). We evaluated the clinical manifestations of PCP in SCT patients admitted at St. Mary's hospital, Seoul, Korea. Methods : The medical records of 17 PCP patients undergoing SCT between Feb. 1998 and Feb. 2000 were reviewed. The diagnosis of PCP was confirmed through the demonstration of Pneumocytitis cainii via either cytology of brochoalveolar lavage (BAL) or histological technique of lung biopsy. CMV disease and CMV infection were confirmed by BAL culture and antigenemia respectively . Results : Seventeen patients were all recipients of allogeneic SCT and 7 of 17 patients were performed non-sibling SCT. Patients presented with symptoms including brief period (4 ∼23 days) of fever (76%), dyspnea (70%), cough (64%), and signs such as rare(58.8%), Sixteen patients (94%) had been receiving immunosuppressive agent such as cyclosporine A (64%) or Fk506 (35%) without PCP prophylaxis. Eleven patients (64%) were treated with corticosteroid with mean dose of 16 mg/day prednisolone and mean duration of 4.6 months after post-SCT period. Twelve patients were co-infected with CMV. Another co-infected miCroorganisms were Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, herpes simplex virus, parainfluenza virus, Average duration of treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) was 21 ±9 days. Four patients died, and three of them were related with PCP. Conclusion : PCP developed frequently in patients who were taking immunosuppressive drug due to graft versus host disease or were not taking TMP/SMX prophylaxis. High risk patients showing fever, cough, or dyspnea should be considered to take early bronchoscopic intervention for detection of PCP. When treat for PCP, it also be considered to the possibility of coinfection such as CMV. (Korean J Infect Dis 33:273∼279, 2001)

      • 만성 B형 간염 환자의 급성 악화 후 발생한 피부 결절 다발동맥염과 류마티스관절염

        이주현,김민,이준성,장선희,윤보영,이윤우 인제대학교 2009 仁濟醫學 Vol.30 No.-

        Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa(CPAN) is a rare vascular disorder that affects small and medium-sized arteries in the reticular dermis and subcutaneous tissue. It has been described as a distinct clinical entity with benign and a chronic prolonged course without systemic involvement. Hepatitis B virus-related polyarteritis nodosa (HBV-related PAN) is typical form of classic PAN. Its pathogenesis is not well known, but considered an immune complex-mediated disease. The patients with HBV-related PAN often present with malignant hypertension, orchitis, and vascular nephropathy. But, HBV-related CPAN has been rarely reported. Rheumatoid vasculitis is a complication of rheumatoid arthritis that can be lead to variety of clinically significant skin and systemic conditions, It has been reported before or at the time of rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis but is usually seen an average of 10 to 14 years after arthritis onset. The histological features of cutaneous vasculitis in rheumatoid arthritis overlapped both the characteristics of cutaneous necrotizing venulitis and cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa. But polyarteritis nodosa-like rheumatoid vasculitis has rarely been reported. We report a case of rheumatoid arthritis and cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa in a chronic hepatitis B with acute exacerbation.

      • 저전력의 플립-플롭과 클럭 드라이버 설계

        양윤주,하영철,송정근,홍창희 東亞大學校 附設 情報通信硏究所 1999 情報通信硏究所論文誌 Vol.7 No.1

        본 논문에서는 VLSI 전체 전력소비에 있어 비중이 높은 클럭 시스템의 전압 스윙 폭을 줄여 전력소비를 감소시킬 수 있는 저전압 클럭용 플립플롭을 제안한다. 제안된 플립플롭이 저전압 스윙 클럭으로도 동작함을 증명하고 이 플립플롭과 연계하기 위한 실제 전압 폭 감소 클럭 드라이버를 설계하였으며, 이 클럭 드라이버에 의해 기존의 클럭 드라이버에서 발생하는 전력소비를 1/4가량 감소시킬 수 있음을 설명했다. 본 논문에서 제시하는 플립플롭과 클럭 드라이버간의 연계동작과 소비전력 감소 효과는 SPLICE simulation을 통해 검증하였다.

      • KCI등재

        열공형과 비열공형 피질하 혈관성 치매에서 위험인자의 차이에 관한 비교 연구

        배희준,정지향,유경호,나덕렬,김상윤,최경규,양동원,손의주,이상도,김재우,박경원,김응규,이재홍,박미영,한일우,함동석,최문성,하충건,최성혜,이애영,이병철,한설희 대한치매학회 2003 Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders Vol.2 No.2

        Backgrounds and Objectives: Vascular dementia is a group of dementing disoders arising from various stroke syndrome. Among these. subcortical ischemic vascular dementia (SIVD) is regarded as a relatively distinct clinical entity. However, MRI patterns of SIVD are not homogenous. In some patients, lacunes are dominant, and in others, subcortical white matter changes are. This study was designed to compare risk factor profiles between SIVD with and without multiple lacunes. Methods: We divided 47 subjects (22 males, mean age. 68 years) recruited from VADAPET (Multicenter Trial For Evaluation Of The Changes In the PET Images Of Subcortical Vascular Dementia Patient) study into two groups one with more than 5 lacunes in deep gray matter (lacune group) and the other with 5 or less(non-lacune group) Clinical characteristics and laboratory findings of two groups were compared. Results: Nineteen of 47 patients (40%) belonged to the lacune group. The lacune and non-lacune groups d d not differ in the following variables: age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia heart disease, history of stroke or TIA, history of trauma or major surgery, family history of hypertension stroke, or dementia, age at diagnosis of dementia, body mass index, white blood cell count, ESR, CRP, fibrinogen, hemoglobin A1C, total cholesterol. LDL cholesterol creatinine, proteinuria, glucosuria, and microhematuria. However, male sex, smoking alcohol. hemoglobin, and HDL cholesterol were possibly associated more with lacune group SIVD than with non-lacune group (p<0 1) Multivariate analyses revealed that smoking, hemoglobin, and HDL cholesterol were independent predictors of SIVD with multiple lacunes Conclusion: Our study suggests that SIVD with multiple lacunes may be significantly different in smoking habits hemoglobin, and HDL cholesterol from SIVD without multiple lacunes.

      • Maillard 反應에 關한 硏究 : Ⅴ. 反應溫度 및 時間이 skim milk의 Maillard reaction에 미치는 영향 Ⅴ. Effects of reaction temperature and time on the Maillard reaction by heating skim milk

        李乙熙,朴玉潤,徐珠銖,高鏡畢 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1993 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.6 No.-

        The color intersities of melanoidins and the contents of HMF in skim milk by heat treatment. The contents of HMF in skim milk were detected in all heat-treated skim milk by colormetrical method and HPLC method. The color intensities of melanoidins showed significant dependence on reaction temperature and time. The contents of HMF in skim milk were detected in all heat treated skim milk by colormetrical method. While they were not detected by HPLC method when skim milk was heated at the temperature 70℃ for 30, 50 and 70 minutes. It showed significant dependence of reaction temperature and time.

      • Cisplatin이 1차 감작된 마우스의 IgM 용혈반 형성 세포수와 임파구 증식능에 미치는 영향

        표명윤,강명옥,윤희은,주은영 숙명여자대학교 약학연구소 1996 약학논문집-숙명여자대학교 Vol.12 No.-

        The effects of cisplatin on the IgM plaque forming cells and the lymphocyte proliferation in primarily sensitized mice were investigated. Cisplatin was i.p. injected with a single low does (0.825, 1.65, 3.3mg/kg, which is 5, 10, 20% of LD_50) to mice. The splenic IgM antibody plaque forming cell (PEC) was assayed after ICR mice had been treated in vivo with a combination of three different doses of Cisplatin at different time (day-2, day+2) plus SRBC(day 0). IgM PFC was significantly increased when drug was injected prior to immunization with SRBC, but it was decreased when administered after SRBC antigen. Splenocytes from mice injected with Cisplation(1.65, 3.3mg/kg) on the 2nd day before the test day were cultured with Con A and LPS. The splenocyte proliferation to Con A mitogen was slightly increased, but to LPS was significantly and markedly increased. It was found that Cisplatin at low dose showed either immunosuppression or immunostimulation, depending on the time of drug-application in relation to antigenic treatment.

      • 폴리스타이렌 아이오노머와 액정중합체 블렌드의 기계적 성질

        김희석,김준섭,최재곤,박기주,윤용국,진정일 조선대학교 생산기술연구소 1997 生産技術硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        The dynamic mechanical properties of thermotropic liquid crystalline polyester (LCP) blends with polystyrene (PS) and Li sulfonated polystyrene (PSSLi) were investigated. It was found that PS forms an immiscible blend with LCP. However, above the matrix T_(g) of the PS, the addition of the LCP increases the modulus of the blend significantly because the LCP acts as filler below its T_(g). In PSSLi/LCP blend system, it was also found that, in the temperature range between two T_(g)s of the ionomer, the LCP acts as filler and thus increases the modulus of the blend. However, the filler effect of the LCP on the modulus decreases rapidly with increasing temperature and disappears above the T_(g) of the LCP. Finally, it was suggested that the PSSLi may be partially miscible with the LCP via ion-dipole interactions between a Li^(+) cation of the PSSLi and a carbonyl group of the LCP.

      • KCI등재후보

        우리 나라 보건관리대행서비스 평가 연구

        하은희,조수헌,김선민,주영수,한상환,하미나,권호장,홍윤철,김창엽 大韓産業醫學會 1998 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        Group occupational health service programme started in 1990 is one of the measures to cope with limited human and financial resources in occupational health. The programme has expanded rapidly to include 52 institutions, private as well as public, all over the country. In spite of its potential impact on health of employees and practice of occupational health in small and medium sized industries, comprehensive evaluation in terms of quality has not been tried. This study has aims to develop the criteria to assess the quality of newly developed group occupational health service programme, and to investigate the quality of institutions, and finally to develop policies for the quality improvement. 1) Criteria development : By defining occupational health services, in particular for small and medium sized industries, as one of the primary health care, followings are included as core elements of qualitative occupational health programme; accessibility, continuity, comprehensiveness, technical quality, intersectoral collaboration, emphasis on preventive services, community participation, and adequacy. Again each element is divided into five major components of national health system infrastructure developed by the World Health Organization; development of health resources, organized arrangement of resources, delivery of health care, economic support, and management. In turn, each component is categorized into three aspects of quality assessment, structure, process and outcome. Expert panel selected several criteria for each category to evaluate the programme. Criteria were modified according to each group of interviewees, to produce two sets of questionnaire, one for chief operating officer and another for nurses in the institutions, and the chief operating officer and workers in the workplace. 2) Subject : Of all 52 institutions, 25 voluntarily participated in the survey. At individual institution, chief operating officer and practicing nurses were interviewed in depth. After intensive education for interviewees, every interviewees, every interview was performed with standardized guideline and questionnaire. The quality of the 'Group occupational health service programme' was found to be lower than expected. Especially in continuity, comprehensiveness, technical quality, community participation and adequacy, lower quality in structural aspect was commonly identified throughout all the institutions,. Quality in terms of accessibility and continuity highly varied among institutions., To improve quality of the programme, more comprehensive and systematic programme such as accreditation has to be introduced. In addition, human resources, governmental fund and information systems for individual workers are to be developed. As a long range plan, integration of occupational health services into the national health systems and pooling of financial resources and planned allocation should be considered.

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