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      • 쥐 간 미토콘드리아 막의 알데하이드 탈수소 효소의 성질 및 기능적 재조합을 위한 조건 조사

        이희봉,윤자영,주충노,Lee, Hee-Bong,Yun, Ja-Young,Joo, Chung-No 생화학분자생물학회 1993 한국생화학회지 Vol.26 No.8

        본 연구의 장기적 목표로, 미토콘드리아 막에 aldehyde dehydrogenase(ALDH)가 존재하는가? 그리고 존재한다면 어떤 구조와 기능을 갖는가? 를 알기 위하여 우선 쥐 간 미토콘드리아를 sucrose의 step gradient(1~2 M) 원심분리를 이용하여 순수분리하였고, 초음파로 파쇄한 후 초원심분리를 이용하여 순수한 미토콘드리아 막 분획을 얻었다. 미토콘드리아 막 분획에 ALDH가 존재하는가를 ALDH 활성 측정으로 확인하였다. 미토콘드리아 막 ALDH를 용해시키기 위하여 여러 가지 종류(Triton X-100, digitonin, Lubrol PX, cholate 그리고 Chaps)의 detergent를 여러 가지 농도(0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, 1.5% 그리고 2%)로 사용하여 조사한 결과 1% cholate가 가장 좋은 용해 조건이었으며, 또한 용해를 위한 최적의 염(NaCl) 농도와 pH 조건은 각각 1M과 9.0이었다. 또한 용해시 5 mg/ml phospholipid 첨가가 막 ALDH 활성을 증가시키는 안정제 역할을 하였다. 5 mg/ml phospholipid와 1% cholate를 함유한 sucrose의 linear gradient(3~10%) 원심분리를 이용하여 부분정제를 한 결과 처음보다 약 100배 정제된 것을 알수 있었고, 이 부분정제된 cholate-solubilized ALDH로부터 투석을 이용하여 cholate를 제거하여 proteoliposome을 만들어 활성을 측정한 결과 그 전보다 2배 이상 증가하였다. To know the existance and structure and function of mitochondrial membrane aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) as a final goal, mitochondrial membrane from rat liver was purified using sucrose step gradient (1~2 M) centrifugation, and then sonicated and ultracentrifuged to obtain pure mitochondrial membrane fraction. The observation of the ALDH activity from this fraction let us know the existance of mitochondrial membrane ALDH. The result that various kinds of detergent (Triton X-100, Digitonin, Lubrol PX, Cholate and Chaps) were examined as a good solubilizer at several different concentrations showed 1% cholate for the best one. In addition to this, the optimum salt (NaCl) concentration and pH for solubilization were 1 M and 9.0, separately. And also, the addition of phospholipid functioned as a stabilizer. The partial purification of ALDH from this cholate-solubilized membrane fraction with selected best conditions was tried using sucrose linear gradient (3~10%, including 1% cholate and 5 mg/ml phospholipid) centrifugation and was obtained more 100 times than crude mitochondrial state as a result. This partial purified, cholate-solubilized ALDH was dialyzed to remove the cholate and to make ALDH-incorporated vesicles. ALDH activity from this result was increased about 2 times than before dialysis.

      • KCI등재

        대추 (Zizyphus jujuba MILLER)의 저장중(貯藏中) 화학성분변화(化學成分變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        이희봉,김성열,Lee, Hee Bong,Kim, Seung Yeol 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1988 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.15 No.1

        건조(乾操)대추의 저장기간중(貯藏期間中)에 나타나는 갈변현성(褐變現象)과 화학성분(化學成分)의 변화(變化)를 검토(檢討)하기 위하여 4품종(品種)의 신선(新鮮)한 대추를 수집(蒐集)하여 일반화학성분(一般化學成分)을 분석(分析)하여 품종간(品種間)의 성분함량(成分含量)을 비교(比較)하고 이들중 보은(報恩)대추를 천일(天日) 건조(乾燥)하여 상온(常溫)에서 12개월(個月)동안 저장(貯藏)하면서 경시적(經時的)으로 색상(色相), 적정산도(滴定酸度), pH, vitamin C, 유기산(有機酸) 총(總) amino산(酸), 유리(遊離) amin산(酸), 유리당(遊離糖), hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) 및 phenol 화합물(化合物)들을 분리정량(分離定量)하여 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1. 신선(新鮮)한 대추의 일반화학성분중(一般化學成分中) 수분(水分) 외(外)에는 당질(糖質)(22-28g)과 vitamin C(62-72mg)의 함량(含量)이 많았으며 품종간(品種間)에는 큰 차이(差異)가 나타나지 않았다. 2. 건조(乾操)대추의 갈색도(褐變度)는 저장기간(貯藏期間)에 따라 증자처리구(蒸煮處理區) 비처리구(非處理區) 모두 크게 증가(增加)되었다. 3. 신선(新鮮)한 대추의 vitamin C 함량(含量)은 297.4mg%DB이었으나 건조(乾操)한 후(後) 12개월(個月) 저장(貯藏)하였을 때는 20.2mg%DB로 약(約) 93%가 소실(消失)되었다. 4. 유기산(有機酸)은 oxalic acid, succinic acid, fumaric acid, malic acid, citric acid의 5종(種)이 동정(同定)되었고 저장중(貯藏中)의 함량변화(含量變化)는 fumaric acid만이 증가(增加)되었고 나머지 4종(種)의 유기산(有機酸)은 감소(減少)하였다. 5. 총(總) amino산(酸)은 17종(種)이 동정(同定)되었고 이들중(中) 주요(主要) amino산(酸)은 proline, threonine, glutamic acid, lysine이었으며 저장기간중(貯藏期間中) 총(總)aminol산(酸)은 약(約) 30% 감소(減少)되었다. 6. 유리(遊離) amino산(酸)은 threonine, proline, alanine, valine의 4종(種)이 동정(同定)되었으며 proline의 함량(含量)이 특(特)히 많았고 저장기간(貯藏期間中)중 평균(平均) 85%가 감소(減少)하였다. 7. 건조(乾操)대추의 유리당(遊離糖)은 fructose, glucose, sucrose로 구성(構成)되었 으며 12개월(個月) 저장(貯藏)하였을 때 유리당(遊離糖)의 총(總) 함량(含量)이 24% 감소(減少)하였으며 sucrose는 4개월(個月) 이후(以後)에는 검출(檢出)되지 않았다. 8. 저장중(貯藏中)의 대추에서 HMF를 분리동정(分離同定)하였으며 저장기간(財藏期間)에 따라 그 함량(含量)은 현저(顯著)하게 증가(增加)하였다. 9. 건조(乾燥)대추의 phenol 화합물(化合物)로는 caffeic acid, ferulic acid, P-coumaric acid의 3종(種)이 동정(同定)되었고 그 함량(含量)은 저장기간중(貯藏期間中)에 상당(相當)한 양(量)이 감소(減少)되었다. In order to find out changes of chemical components related to browning of dried jujube, four varieties were subjected to the proximate analysis. Boeun, one of the major varieties in Korea, was sun-dried and stored for 12 months and analyzed periodically for one year. Browning, titrable acidity, pH, contents of ascorbic acid, organic acid, total amino acid, free amino acid, free sugar, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and phenolic compounds were determined and compared with those of fresh jujube. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. In comparison with other similar fruits, jujube was high contents of ascorbic acid (62-79mg%) and carbohydrate (22-28%) excluding fiber. 2. Browning was increased in both steam-treated and nontreated plot together as storage period was prolonged. 3. Ascorbic acid content of fresh jujube was as high as 297.4mg% DB, but it was decreased to 20.2mg% DB, after 12 months storage. Therefore, loss of ascorbic acid was very great up to 93% of its original content. 4. Five kinds of organic acid, oxalic, succinic, fumaric, malic and citric acid were identified as major organic acids. It was interesting that only fumaric acid content was increased while others decreased during storage. 5. Seventeen kinds of amino acid were identified in the analysis of total amino acid content. Major amino acids were found to be proline, threonine, glutamic acid and lysine. During 12 months storage, 30% of original total amino acid was decreased and this was mostly accounted for free amino acids. 6. Threonine, proline, alanine and valine were identified as free amino acids which showed 85% decrease after 12 months storage. 7. Free sugars of jujube were composed of fructose, glucose and sucrose. They showed 24% decrease after 12 months storage, Especially sucrose was not detected after 4 months storage. 8. HMF of dried jujube was isolated and identified. Its content was increased up to great extent as storage period prolonged. 9. Caffeic, ferulic and P-coumaric acid were identified as jujube phenolic compounds which were significantly decreased during storage. In conclusion, non-enzymatic browning was thought to be more important than enzymatic reaction in the dried jujube. Amino-carbonyl reaction, ascorbic acid oxidation and reaction between phenolic compounds and sugar or nitrogen compounds were observed to be related to this browning.

      • KCI등재

        사찰 ‘찰(刹)’의 어원 규명과 불교계 통용 오류 검증

        이희봉 한국건축역사학회 2023 건축역사연구 Vol.32 No.1

        Due to a mistranslation of Sanskrit to Chinese, East Asian Buddhist community misunderstands the original meaning of the fundamental word, ‘sachal(寺刹)’. Sanskrit chattra, a parasol on top of a venerated Indian stupa buried with Buddha’s sarira, became the symbol of majesty. The Indian stupa was transformed into a pagoda in China, and the highlighted parasol on the summit was transliterated into chaldara(刹多羅), an abbreviation for chal(刹), and finally designated the whole pagoda(塔). Sachal consists with lying low monastery and high-rise pagoda. Tapsa(塔寺), an archaic word of temple, is exactly the same as sachal, because chal means tap, pagoda. However, during the 7th century a Buddhist monk erroneously double-transliterated the Sanskrit ‘kshetra,’ meaning of land, into the same word as chal, even despite phonetic disaccord. Thereafter, sutra translators followed and copied the error for long centuries. It was the Japanese pioneer scholars that worsen the situation 100 years ago, to publish Sanskrit dictionaries with the errors insisting on phonetic transliteration, though pronunciation of ‘kshe-’ which is quite different from ‘cha-.’ Thereafter, upcoming scholars followed their fallacy without any verification. Fallacy of chal, meaning of land, dominates Buddhist community broadly, falling into conviction of collective fixed dogma in East Asia up to now. In the Buddhist community, it is the most important matter to recognize that the same language has become to refer completely different objects due to translation errors. As a research method, searching for corresponding Sanskrit words in translated sutras and dictionaries of Buddhism is predominant. Then, after analyzing the authenticity, the fallacy toward the truth will be corrected. 동아시아 불교계에서 가장 기본적 언어, 사찰(寺刹)의 원 뜻을 모르고 있다─산스크리트의 한자 번역 오류로 인하여. 인도에서 붓다 입멸 후 진신사리를 묻은 스투파를 공경하여, 꼭대기에 씌운 양산 ‘차트라(chattra)’가 존엄의 상징이 되었다. 스투파는 중국으로 전파되어 탑이 되고, 꼭대기의 중심점 양산은 ‘찰다라(刹多羅)’로 음사, 약칭 찰(刹)이 되었고, 점차 탑 전체를 지칭하게 되었다. 초기 북위(北魏)시대까지 사찰은 낮은 승원 사(寺)와 높이 솟은 공경 탑(塔)으로 구성되어 ‘탑사(塔寺)’로 불렸는데, 탑은 찰(刹)이므로 찰사의 어순만 바뀐 같은 단어가 사찰(寺刹)이다. 그런데, 7세기 당(唐) 시대에 한 승려가 통용되던 양산 찰다라 찰(刹)을 부정하고, 땅 불토(佛土)라며 엉뚱하게 사전을 펴내, 후속 역경자들이 그대로 받아 널리 퍼지게 되었다─땅 ‘크쉐트라(kshetra)’는 찰다라와 음이 전혀 맞지 않음에도. 상황을 악화시킨 것은 백여 년 전 근대학문의 선구 일본인들로서 오류를 그대로 베껴, ‘크쉐~’ 발음이 ‘차~(刹)’ 발음과 전혀 다름에도 불구 음사(音寫)라고 주장하면서 찰이 땅 불토라는 사전을 편찬하였다. 그 후 현대 학문에서조차 후진들이 아무 의심이나 검증 없이 답습하여, 터무니없는 오류가 일본을 집단적으로 광범위하게 지배하게 되고, 한국 불교계도 자동 종속되어버렸다. 원 뜻 양산의 사찰 찰의 장구한 역사에 무지한 채로는 사찰을 전혀 이해할 수 없게 되었다. 또 이번에는 찰주(刹柱). 찰간지주(刹竿支柱), 표찰(表刹)에서처럼 뜬금없이 찰(刹)이 장대라는 착란 같은 오류가 통용된다. 불교계를 지배하는, 찰(刹)이 땅 불토라든가 장대라는 주장은 허위임을 인식하여 바른 불교를 되찾아야 할 것이다. 연구방법으로, 옛 경전과 사전의 번역 한자(漢字)의 산스크리트 원어를 하나하나 찾아내어 대조 분석하고, 현재 통용되고 있는 문헌들과 비교하여 진위를 검증하고, 탑 양산 연관 실물로써 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        한국(韓國) 건축역사(建築歷史) 연구의 비판(批判)과 방향모색(方向摸索) - 실천이론(實踐理論)으로서의 건축역사방법(建築歷史方法)-

        이희봉,Lee, Hee-Bong 한국건축역사학회 1992 건축역사연구 Vol.1 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to suggest new direction to the historical research society of Korean architecture by epistemological discussion. Korean architectural history at present, without question of history for what, for whom, and how, is regarded as 'history for the past' only 'to describe past' or 'to collect correct data' However, history is beyond that; history ought to suggest a direction of present and near future. Moreover, architecture is not pure but applied knowledge, that is, focused to 'how to build'. Therefore, past historical knowledge by research should influence to present design. In order to do that, history of mere data collection should change direction to the history of meaning by interpretation, and then, of finding design principle. The principle used in architectural community becomes theory in scientific research community, and finally is unified to 'theory of practice'. Creative history should be substituted for retrospective history reusing historical reservoir, at the specific situation of Korea; tradition has been discontinued drastically and Western method imported to the point of being culturally-colonized. Some expmples of altanative history are suggested at the end of this paper as conclusion.

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