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      • 12M의 고해상도 360° 카메라를 사용한 주차장의 14면 주차 상태 판단 프로그램

        이영지(Young-Ji Lee),이희열(Hee-Yeol Lee),고태영(Tae-Young Ko),곽동훈(Dong-Hoon Kwak),김재형(Jae-Hyung Kim),김주호(Joo-Ho Kim),오승진,이태윤(Tae-Yoon Lee),박상민(Sang-Min Park),이승호(Seung-Ho Lee) 대한전자공학회 2019 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2019 No.6

        In this paper, we propose a program to identify 14 parking status in a parking lot using a high resolution 360° camera of 12M. The proposed program consists of three steps: Match with plane image, parking area detection algorithm, and discrimination of parking using learning method. Tests on a model car to evaluate the program to identify 14 parking status in a parking lot using a high-resolution 360° camera of 12M showed 100% accuracy for both parking and double parking. Therefore, the effectiveness of a program to identify 14 parking status in a parking lot using a high-resolution 360° camera of 12M proposed in this paper has been proved.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Effect of Asymmetric Hot Rolling on the Texture Evolution of Fe–3%Si Steel

        Tae‑Wook Na,Hyung‑Ki Park,박창수,Hyung‑Don Joo,Jong‑Tae Park,Heung Nam Han,Nong‑Moon Hwang 대한금속·재료학회 2018 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.24 No.6

        In Fe–3%Si steel, the hot rolling process affects not only the hot rolling texture but also the primary recrystallization texture. Here, the effect of asymmetric hot rolling was studied by comparing the difference in the texture evolved between asymmetricand symmetric hot rolling. The effect of asymmetric hot rolling on the texture of primary recrystallized Fe–3%Si steel wasalso studied. The symmetric hot rolling of Fe–3%Si steel produces a rotated cube texture at the center but Goss and coppertextures near the surface. Asymmetric hot rolling tends to produce Goss and copper textures even at the center like thetexture near the surface. After primary recrystallization, the dominant texture at the center changes from {001} <210> to{111} <112> and the new texture has a higher fraction of the grains which make the low energy boundary with Goss grainsthan that of symmetric hot rolling.

      • 서울의 PPNG 발생 빈도(1991-1992)

        김재홍,윤기범,박평원,김영진,전경민,김영태,김중환,곽호,구상완,송민석,유옥,지혜구,김동원,문상은,박영립,정승호,성범진,성순제,엄주용,황정열,이기홍,이주협,전태진 대한화학요법학회 1994 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        The prevalence of PPNG among pretreated gonorrhea cases isolated at the STD clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul has been studied and reported annually since 1981. In 1991, 123 strains of N.gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 58(47.1%) were PPNG. In 1992, 98 starains of N.gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 51(52.0%) were PPNG. In all, 109(49.3%) strains were found to be PPNG among 221 strains isolated between 1991-1992. The prevalence of PPNG in Seoul showed increased tendency till 1989, thereafter, it has been stationary or slightly decreasing.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        김치유래 젖산균의 균체지방산 분석을 이용한 분류학적 연구

        이정숙,정민철,김우식,이근철,김홍중,박찬선,이헌주,주윤정,이근종,안종석,박완,박용하,민태익 한국미생물생명공학회 ( 구 한국산업미생물학회 ) 1996 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        표준균주를 포함한 230여개의 김치유래 젖산균에 대한 균체지방산(FAMEs)을 분석하였다. FAMEs profiles는 Euclidian Distance 17.5에 의해 7개의 Major Cluster와 1개의 Single Cluster로 나뉘어졌다. 이중 A, B, C 및 Cluster는 Leuconostoc속으로 분석되어졌고, F는 Lactobacillus속으로 분석되어졌다. 그리고 E와 G cluster는 두개의 Genus가 혼재되어 나타났으며 보충적인 연구가 필요하다. 앞으로 김치유래 젖산균의 균체지방산 분석결과를 기반으로 한 데이타베이스에 95가지 탄소원을 이용하는 수치분류학적 접근방법 및 Pyrolysis Mass Spectrometry 등의 화학적 분석 방법과 분자친화적 연구를 통한 종합적 분류정보 체계가 갖추어지면 젖산균의 신속, 정확한 동정 및 연구에 활발히 이용되어질 것이다. Two hundreds and thirty lactic acid bacteria, mostly isolated from Kimchi, including type strains were sued for analysis of cellular fatty acids. The 230 test strains were recoverd in 7 major and 1 single clusters defined a Euclidian distance of 17.5. These aggregate taxa were equivalent to the genus Leuconostoc (aggregate group A, B, C and D), and the genera Leuconostoc and Lactobacillus (aggregate group G). It is concluded as evident that FAMEs (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters) profile of cell can be used as a criterion in classification of lactic acid bacterial from kimchi. Additional comparative taxonomic studies need to be carried out on well chosen representative strains to determine the most appropriate methods of value.

      • KCI등재

        법랑모세포 분화와 법랑질 형성과정에서 OD314, Apin protein의 발현 및 기능

        박종태,최용석,김흥중,정문진,오현주,신인철,박주철,손호현 대한치과보존학회 2006 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.31 No.6

        본 연구에서는 법랑모세포 분화와 법랑질 형성에 연관이 있는 OD314 일명 Apin protein의 기능을 밝힐 목적으로, in-situ hybridization에 의한 OD314 mRNA 발현과 법랑모세포 세포주에서 OD314 enamel matrix protein의 발현, 그리고 OD314 유전자를 과발현/억제시킬 수 있는 construct를 제작한 후 법랑질 형성 중에 OD314의 기능을 알아보고자 RT-PCR를 시행하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. OD314 mRNA는 발생중인 상아모세포보다 법랑모세포에서 강하게 발현되었다. 2. Tuftelin은 석회화 결정이 형성되는 14일까지 발현이 지속되고, 그 이후부터 점차 감소하였다. Amelogenin과enamelin은 7일부터 그 발현이 점점 감소하였다. 3. U6-OD314 siRNA construct를 이용하여 transfection한 법랑모세포 세포주는 OD314와 tuftelin,MMP2 mRNA 발현이 감소하였으며, CM-OD314를 transfection하여 OD314의 과발현을 유도한 경우에는 OD314와 MMP20 mRNA의 발현이 뚜렷이 증대되었다. 이 결과는 OD314가 법랑모세포의 분화와 법랑질의 형성 그리고 석회화 과정에 중요한 역할을 하는 새로운 인자임을 시사한다. This study was aimed to elucidate the biological function of OD314 (Apin protein), which is related to ameloblast differentiation and amelogenesis. Apin protein, calcifying epithelial odontogenic (pindborg) tumors (CEOTs)-associated amyloid, were isolated from CEOTs, and has similar nucleotide sequences to OD314. We examined expression of the OD314 mRNA using in-situ hybridization during tooth development in mice. Expression of OD314 and several enamel matrix proteins were examined in the cultured ameloblast cell line up to 28 days by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification. After inactivation and over-expression of the OD314 gene in ameloblast cell lines using U6 vector-driven RNA interference and CMV-OD314 construct, RT-PCR were performed to evaluate the effect of the OD314 during amelogenesis. The results were as follows: 1. In in-situ hybridization, OD314 mRNAs were more strongly expressed in ameloblast than odontoblast. 2. When ameloblast cells were cultured in the differentiation and mineralization medium for 28 days, the tuftelin mRNA expression was maintained from the beginning to day 14, and then gradually decreased to day 28. The expressions of amelogenin and enamelin were gradually decreased according to the ameloblast differentiation. 3. Inactivation of OD314 by U6-OD314 siRNA construct down-regulated the expression of OD314, MMP-20, and tuftelin, whereas over-expression of OD314 by CMV-OD314 construct up-regulated the expression of OD314 and MMP-20 without change in tuftelin. These results suggest that OD314 is considered as an ameloblast-enriched gene and may play the important roles in ameloblast differentiation and mineralization.

      • 음식물 발효퇴비내 염분의 용출특성

        박동근,장정국,박태주 東西大學校 1997 동서논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        The objectives of food waste composting are to treat the wastes and to reclaim valuable substances present in the wastes for possible reuse. In the process of food waste composting, however, the salt in the compost can be retained within the soil for extended periods of time. In this study, therefore, a series of experiments were carried out to investigate the leaching characteristics of the salts in the compost of food waste. The resalts obtained from this study can be concluded as follows: 1. The composting process reduced the amount of waste to management because the 80% of water content in the food waste was lowered to 10% of that in the compost, and organics substances in the food waste were decomposed into CO₂, NH₃, water, and various inorganic substances. 2. It was found that the amount of toxic substances such as heavy metals in the food waste were very little, therefore, the metal concentration might not cause any adverse effect on the growth of the corps. 3. The concentrations of leachable cations in the compost were 10∼20% higher than those in the food waste of around 1000 meq/kg. And, SAR of the leachates of the food waste and compost was around 3. 4. The leaching rate of the salts in the compost was decreased with increasing the composting period. Also, the electric conductivities of initial leachate were increased with increassing the mixing ratio of the compost to the soil used. 5. The threshold dose of the compost per day per unit area of the soil was estimated with the following equation: mmho 12.0meq·cm kg 1.65L Threshold dose= 5______ × ___________ × _______ × _____ cm L·mmho 1200meq d·㎡ = 0.08kg/㎡/d

      • 액상 실리카륨을 혼입한 콘크리트의 파괴특성

        박제선,민창동,김태경,이주형 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 1995 産業技術硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        The experimental study is conducted to analyze the characteristics of concrete included silica fume. The workability of concrete is controled by the ratio of mixture, such as superplastcizer, based on the constant rates of sand and cement. It is concluded that the strength and the frectu Toughness of concrete with silica fume are very improved.

      • 시멘트 콘크리트의 건조수축균열 특성

        박제선,윤경구,이주형,김태환,정원경 강원대학교 부설 석재복합신소재 제품연구센터 2000 석재연 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        콘크리트는 본질적으로 인장강고와 휨강도가 약하며 취성적 성질을 나타내는 결점을 가지고 있으므로 이를 보강할 목적으로 콘크리트에 섬유를 혼입한 섬유보강 콘크리트가 크게 각광받고 있다. 특히 폴리프로필렌 섬유보강은 모르타르 및 콘크리트가 건조나 동해에 의해 수축될 때 구속에 의해 발생되는 인장응력 및 균열을 제어하고 인성의 증가와 충격, 마모, 피로에 대한 저항성, 내구성을 증대시키는 장점을 가지는 것으로 보고 되고 있다. 1축으로 구속된 건조수축의 구속으로 인한 조강형 콘크리트의 잔류응력을 선형모델을 이용하여 예측할 수 있었고 조강형 콘크리트에 섬유보강으로 인한 건조수축 제어효과는 일반큰코리트에 비해 효과가 매우 큰 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 폴리크로필렌 섬유의 혼입으로 인해 콘크리트의 균열제어가 가능하며, 균열 폭이 큰 균열보다는 많은 미세 균열을 유도하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 섬유보강 조강형 큰크리트의 동결융해저항특성은 거의 동해의 손상을 받지 않으며 좋은 내구성을 유지하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 불규칙하게 배향된 섬유가 공극수의 이동을 효과적으로 제어함으로써 메트릭스 내의 팽창압으로 인한 파괴를 최대한 줄였기 때문이라고 보여진다. 표면손상과 박리저항에 매우 우수하며 저항성을 증진시키는 효과가 뛰어남을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서, 내구적 측면의 유지, 보수에 있어서도 섬유보강은 그 효과가 큰 것으로 나타났다. To improve the brittle nature of concrete, discrete fibers can be adapted in concrete. Since polypropylene fiber has many advantages in many points on its chemical stability and good durability, its usages have been increased gradually. It has been reported than polypropylene fibers can not only control restrained tensional stresses and cracks, but also increase toughness, resistance to impact, corrosion, fatigue, and durability. Although the polypropylene fiber reinforced concretes with ordinary cement have been studied so much, those with very early strength concretes have not studied at all. Therefore, it is necessary to initiate and conduct the researches for the polypropylene fiber reinforced very early strength concretes which has enough workability and durability. This study of polypropylene fiber reinforced very early strength concrete focused on the investigation each material's effect into strength development with analysis of restrained shrinkage properties with one-dimensional concrete members. The results showed that more optimized mixture combinations could be selected in very early strength concrete by incorporating polypropylene fibers, keeping in same strength levels at urgent repair works. The formation of needle-shape ettringite helps the early strength development, specially at flexural and this enables the repaired concrete structures or pavements to be opened to traffic after 3 hours of concrete placement. A residual stress of early strength concrete caused by one-dimensional restrained drying shrinkage was predicted from linear model. the control of shrinkage crack by fiber reinforcement at early strength concrete was better than that of ordinary portland cement concrete because of bridging effect of fiber at early age and resulting of more hair cracks rather than fewer wider cracks. As a results, this dissertation clearly validated the fiber reinforcement on the strength development and durability of polypropylene fiber reinforced very early strength concrete, and characteristic of restrained shrinkage. The proposed optimized concrete mixtures might be satisfactory applied at the repair works in fields, because of its durability and crack control capacity against freeze-thaw and contraction at early age, respectively.

      • 양생온도변화에 따른 콘크리트의 강도 예측

        박제선,김태경,이주형,윤청호 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 1997 産業技術硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        The maturity concept was adopted to predict the strength of concrete, which was subjected to several temperature levels and variable curing conditions. Penetration test and compressive test were conducted to measure the initial and final setting time and the compressible strength of concrete specimen, respectively. Also, the temperature and time were measured at some time intervals for calculating the maturity. The initial and final setting were delayed as the w/c ration increased and curing temperature decreased. The relationships at the relative strength and the equivalent age were proposed at different w/c ratio for the several temperature curing conditions, and these were applied for the variable curing conditions.

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