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      • 통조림용 가다랑어육의 식품성분

        오광수,김정균,김인수,이응호,김복규 國立統營水産專門大學 附設 水産科學硏究所 1990 수산과학연구소보고 Vol.2 No.-

        가다랑어 혈합육을 보다 효율적으로 이용하기 위한 일련의 기초연구로서, 가다랑어 혈합육의 지질성분, 함질소엑스분 및 구성아미노산 등을 보통 육과 함께 분석하여 비교, 검토하였다. 보통육은 혈합육에 비해 수분, 조단백질 함량은 약간 많은 반면, 조지방과 회분 함량은 혈합육이 약간 많았다. 휘발성염기질소량은 보토육이 22.7mg/100g, 혈합육이 46.9mg/100ㅎ으로 혈합육이 보통육에 비해 선도저하가 훨씬 빨랐다. 보통육과 혈합육의 총지질 조성은 각각 중성지질 79.7%, 71.9%, 당지질, 6.8%, 9.5%, 인지질13.5%, 18.6%로 이루어져 있었다. 중성지질의 성분은 free fatty acid ac triglyceride, 인지질은 phosphatidyl ethanolamine, phosphatidyl, 인지질은 phosphatidyl choline이 주성분이었고, lysogud 인지질의축적도 확인되었다. 총지지르 중성, 당 및 인지질의 축적도 확인되었다. 종지질, 중성, 당 및 인지질의 지반산 조성에서 보통육은 16:0 및 18:1을 주체로 한 포화산 및 모노엔산의 조성비가 혈합육보다 높았으며, 혈합육은 폴리엔산, 특히 22:6의 비율이 월등히 높았다. 16:0. 18:0, 18:1, 20:5 및 22:6 등이 주요 구성지방산이었다. 유리아미노산의 조성은 총함량에서 보통육 쪽이 많았고, 보통육에는 histidine, 혈합육에는 tauring의 보통육에서는 680.9mg.100g 정도 전존해 있었으나, 혈합육에서는 IMP의 분해가 급속히 진행되어 73.1mg/100g에 지나지 않았다. TMAO 및 TMA는 보통육에 비해 혈합육에 휠씬 많이 함유되어 있었고, total creatinine은 보통육 쪽이 많았다. 구성아미노산의 조성은 양시료 간에 별차이가 없었고, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, lysine, leucine, alanine, isoleucine 및 arginine 등이 주요 구성아니노산이었다. The lipid components, nitrogenous extracts and amino acids of dark muscle(DM) of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) were analyzed and compared with those of white muscle(WM). WM was higher in moisture and crude protein content, and lower in crude lipid and ash content than those of DM. Contents of volatile basic nitrogen in WM and DM were 22.7mg/100g and 46.9mg/100g. Total lipid(TL) of WM and DM consisted of 79.7%, 71.9% neutral lipid(NL), 6.8%, 9.5% glycolipid(GL), and 13.5%, 18.6% phospholipid(PL), respectively. NL was mainly composed of free fatty acid, triglyceride, and PL was mainly occupied by phosphatidyl ethanolamine, phosphatidyl choline. Also lysophosphatidyl choline and lysophosphatidyl ethanolamine were identified in PL. In fatty acid composition of TL, NL, GL and PL, WM revealed higher contents in saturates and monoenes such as 16 : 0, 18 : 1, while DM showed higher contents in polyenes such as 22 : 6 especially. The major fatty acids of these samples were generally 16 : 0, 18 : 0, 18 : 1, 20 : 5 and 22 : 6. Contents of total free amino acids from WM and DM were 5,982.3mg/100g and 4,450.7mg/100g (dry base). Of free amino acids, Tau concentration was much higher in DM than in WM, Ala, Gly, Met, Arg, Thr were also high in DM. But His was much higher in concentration in WM. Content of inosinic acid(IMP) in WM(680.9mg/100g) was higher than that of DM(73.1mg/100g). The degradations of IMP proceeded very rapidly in DM. DM contained much higher trimethylamine oxide and trimethylamine than those of WM. The profile of combined amino acids in these samples were very similar, and main amino acids were Glu, Asp, Lys, Ala, Ile and Arg.

      • 레토르트 살균처리가 적색육 및 백색육 어류의 성분변화에 미치는 영향 : 2. 지질성분의 변화 2. Changes in Lipid Components

        오광수,김정균,김인수,이응호 國立統營水産專門大學 附設 水産科學硏究所 1993 수산과학연구소보고 Vol.4 No.-

        전보에 이어 어육을 원료로 하여 보다 품질이 우수한 고온가열처리 식품을 개발하기 위한 기초 자료를 얻을 목적으로, 시료 어육을 121.1℃에서 Fo값을 5, 10, 20으로 달리하여 가열처리 했을 때 지질성분의 변화에 미치는 영향에 대하여 비교, 검토하였다. 시료 가다랑어육 및 명태육의 TBA값과 과산화물값은 가열처리에 따라 현저히 감소하였고, 감소폭은 가다랑어육 쪽이 컸다. 카르보닐값은 가열처리 중 가다랑어육은 감소하는 반면, 명태육은 증가하였다. 색조는 양 시료 모두 가열처리 정도가 커질수록 육색이 진해졌으며, 특히 가다랑어육에서 갈변진행이 현저하였다. 지질성분은 가다랑어육에는 NL의 함량이 많았고, 명태는 PL의 함량이 많았다. 98℃의 열처리에서는 양 시료 모두 NL과 PL의 조성비에 변화가 거의 없었으나, 121.1℃ 열처리에서는 Fo값 증가할수록 NL의 조성비는 높아지고 PL의 조성비는 낮아지는 경향을 나타내었다. TL, NL 및 PL의 지방 산조성은 98℃ 열처리에서는 양 시료 모두 조성비의 변화가 거의 없었으나, 121.1℃ 열처리에서는 Fo값이 증가할수록 폴리엔산의 조성비가 점차 감소했으며,특히 22:6의 감소폭이 컸다. 반면,포화산 및 모노엔산의 조성비는 증가하였다. 지방산 조성의 변화폭은 명태육 쪽이 가다랑어육에 비해 다소 컸다. Fo 20의 열처리에서 TL의 고도불포화지방산의 잔존율은 생시료에 비해 가다랑어육이 73%, 명태육이 65%였다. In present paper, we investigated the changes in lipid components of skipjack and Alaska pollack meat by thermal processing at high temperature. TBA values and peroxide values of both fish meats decreased markedly by heat treatment: decreasing range of TBA and peroxide values in skipjack meat was larger than those of Alaska pollack meat. Also carbonyl value of skipjack meat was decreased by thermal processing, contrary, that of Alaska pollack meat was increased. Total lipid(TL) of skipjack and Alaska pollack meat consisted of 61.9% , 49.6% non-polar lipid(NL), 38.1% , 50.4% polar lipid(PL), respectively. When the samples were heated at the Fo values of 5 or higher, contents of NL were increased, while that of PL were decreased. In fatty acid composition of NL and PL in both fishes, NL revealed higher contents in saturates and monoenes such as 16:0, 18:1, while PL showed higher contents in polyenes such as 20:5, 22:6; percentages of polyenes such as 22:6 especial1y in both fishes decreased with increasing of Fo values. The remaining ratio of PUFA(20:5+22:6/16:0) of Fo 20 samples in skipjack and Alaska pollack meat were 73% and 65% , respectively. However, when the samples were heated at 98℃ for 30 minutes, no appreciable changes occured in fatty acid composition of TL, NL and PL in both fish meats examined.

      • 제주도의 주요 습지에 도래하는 도요·물떼새류의 현황

        오홍식,임인추,김병수,김완병,박행신 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 2002 연구보고 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 제주도 주요 습지에 도래하는 도요ㆍ물떼새류의 지소적인 연구의 일환으로, 1998년 3월부터 2000년 2월까지 2년간 매월 2회씩, 1) 동부지역(하도리 양어장, 종달리 해안 및 성산포 양어장)과, 2)서부지역(용수리 저수지, 금등리 해안 및 대정읍 일과리 해안)으로 나누어 조사하였다. 조사기간 중 2개 지역에서 관찰된 도요ㆍ물떼새류는 총 45종 5,117개체였으며, 지역별로는 동부지역에서 40종 4,910개체, 서부지역에서 38종 927개체로 나타났다. 계절별로는 봄철 2,821개체, 가을철 1,229개체로 봄철에 도래하는 개체수가 가을철보다 많았다. 우점종은 제1차 조사기간인 봄철에는 민물도요 Calidris alpina 2,024개체(88.5%), 흰물떼새 Charadrius alexandrinus 84개체(3.7%), 흰목물떼새 Charadrius placidus 11개체(2.4%)의 순으로 나타났으며, 가을철에도 민물도요 384개체(82.9%), 흰물떼새 20개체(4.3%), 흰목물떼새 11개체(2.4%)의 순으로 나타났다. 제2차 조사기간에는 봄철에 좀도요 Calidria ruficollis 116개체(21.8%), 민물도요 67개체(12.6%), 청다리도요 Tringa nebularia 58개체(10.9%)의 순으로, 가을철에는 민물도요 191개체(24.9%), 노랑발도요 T. brevipes 156개체(20.4%), 삑삑도요 T. ochropus 104개체(13.6%)의 순으로 나타났다. 동부지역은 서부지역에 비하여 우점도는 높았으나, 종다양도와 균등도는 낮게 나타났다. 동부지역과 서부지역간의 유사도는 0.85였다. 본 연구를 통해 물꿩 Hydrophasianus chirurgus, 검은머리물떼새 Haematopus ostralegus, 바늘꼬리도요 Gallinago stenura, 흰꼬리좀도요 Calidrius temminckii 등 4종의 제주도 미기록종과, 검은머리물떼새, 흰목물떼새, 넓적부리도요 Eurynorhynchus pygmeus, 알락꼬리마도요 Numenius madagascariensis 등 3종의 환경부 지정 보호조류가 관찰되었다. This study was part of a continuous research project on the status of migrating shorebirds on major wetlands in Cheju Island. This study was conducted twice every month for two years, from March 1998 to February 2000. The investigated location are mainly two areas. The first census areas were Hado-ri fishfarm and the coast of Jongdal-ri in Kujaw-up and Sungsan-po fishfarm in Sungsan-up, all located in the eastern part of Cheju Island. The second census areas were Yongsu-ri reservoir and the coast of Kumdung-ri in Hangyoung-myon and the coast of Ilgwa-ri in Dejong-up, all located in the western part of Cheju Island. In total, 45 species consisting 5,117 individuals were observed during the census period. There were 40 species and 4,910 individuals in the eastern area, 38 species and 927 individuals in the western area. The number of individuals of shorebirds in the spring migratory season was greater than in the autumn. The dominant species researched during the first census period were 2,024 individuals of Calidrius alpina (88.5%), 84 individuals of Charadrius alexandrinus (3.7%), 59 individuals of Charadrius placidus (2.6%) in spring and 384 individuals of Calidrius alpina (82.9%), 20 individuals of Charadrius alexandrinus (4.3%), 11 individuals of Charadrius placidus (2.4%) in autumn. The dominant species researched during the second census period were 116 individuals of Calidrius ruficolis (21.8%), 67 individuals of Calidrius alpina (12.6%), 58 individuals of Tringa nebularia (10.9%) in spring and 191 individuals of Calidrius alpina (24.9%), 156 individuals of Tringa brebipes (20.4%), 104 individuals of Tringa ochropus (13.6%) in autumn. Dominance index were recorded better in the eastern area than the western area, but species diversity and evenness index were recorded lower in the eastern area than the western area. Similarity index were 0.85 between the eastern area and the western area. Hydrophasianus chirurgus, Haematopus ostralegus, Gallinago stenura and Calidrius temminuckii, which are observed during the census period are previously unrecorded species on Cheju Island. Rare and endangered species were observed such as Haematopus ostralegus, Charadrius placidus, Numenius madagascariensis, and Eurynorhynchus pygmeus.

      • 일부 흡연 대학생의 지각된 스트레스와 흡연실태에 대한 상관관계 연구

        강초록,권시내,권혜림,박수경,송인혜,오해인,이미지,한승아,황선아,김수지 이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 2003 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.37

        In spite of the seriousness of smoking harm has been developed these days. the increase of national smoking rate and that the people in the twenties are especially leading the rise of national smoking rate is an important issue of national health. Smoking of the university students can occur health problem and cause loss of manpower and expenses in their social activity period. So then the actual state for prevention of smoking and development of a program to prohibit smoking has to be seized urgently and starting with the study of the realities of university students, the effort to find a related fluent of smoking has to be studied. Related to this, the purpose of this study is to seize the general characteristics of smoking university students and to find out the relationship between perceived stress and smoking status among smoking university students. In addition, by collating the relationship between perceived stress and smoking status among smoking university students we have the purpose to furnish the basal data of stress care, the best way to cope with stress through group training and the plan for nursing implementation to decrease the smoking rate. For this study, a survey was conducted for 204 smoking university students of 13 universities in Seoul from 9th of May to 16th of May, 2003. The collected data was analyzed by t-test, Pearson Correlation and ANOVA in the statistical packages SPSS/PC. Major findings of this study are as follows; 1. Of the 204 respondents 85.4% of them were male and 14.6% of them were female. The average age of the sample was 23.19 years old and 41.8% of them were in senior, 21.4% in junior, 16.9% in sophomore, 19.9% in freshman grade. The major motivation to start smoking was 'because of curiosity'(33.8%) and the first smoking experience was at 'senior high school' (41.9%) and at 'college' (41.9%). 2 The highest scored stress factor of smoking university students were stresses about school work. 3. 72.7% had experience to quit smoking at least one or more times. Most of the reason to keep on smoking was 'short will to quit'(51.0%) and the smoking place was usually at 'school' (41.4%). Most respondents for the number ofsmoking friends were '5 people and above' (73.2%). 4. There was a negative relationship between the general characteristics and the entire perceived stress, however, there was a positive relationship between the general characteristics and the perceived stress in 4 categories which is 'sex distinction', 'major of study', 'residence form' and' inmate'. 5. There was a negative relationship between the general characteristics and the entire smoking status, however, there was a positive relationship between the general characteristics and the smoking status in 2 categories which is 'presence of hobby' and 'number of smoking friends'. 6. There was a negative relationship between the perceived stress and the smoking status. Through this study we have seized the relationship between the general characteristics, perceived stress and the smoking status of smoking university students. There was a positive relationship between some of the general characteristics with the perceived stress and the smoking status of smoking university students. Also there was a negative relationship between the perceived stress and the smoking status.

      • KCI우수등재

        주거단지 외부공간의 친환경성 평가에 관한 연구 : 서울 신시가지와 신도시의 공공주거단지를 중심으로 Focused on the Case of Public Housing Estates in Seoul and New Towns

        오수호,장선영,김석경,이규인 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.6

        This study aims at assessing the status of environment-friendly outdoor spaces in housing estates. For this purpose, 62 housing estates were selected : 28 housing estates from 3 new residential districts of Gaepo, Mockdong, and Sanggae in Seoul, and 34 housing estates from 3 new towns of Gwacheon, Bundang, and Joongdong around Seoul. As an assessment tool, the indices and standard from 'Land Use and Transportation field' and 'Ecological Environment field' of 'Green Building Certification' were used. The result of evaluation was that the quality of outdoor environment in Gwacheon was very high, and the next one was Bundang, Gaepo, Sanggae, Mockdong, and Joongdong in order. In 'Land Use and Transportation field', many housing estates in Mockdong got high scores, and in 'Ecological Environment field', Gwacheon made a good score.

      • KCI등재

        수술실 손 소독제의 종류에 따른 균주 수의 변화

        홍성윤,김정민,김소영,이수정,오은실,양서인,김화실,김남초 병원간호사회 2006 임상간호연구 Vol.11 No.2

        Purpose: The present study purposed to compare the hand washing effect of 7.5% powidone-iodine, which is used in the operation room of C university hospital in Seoul, with that of Ethyl alcohol-CHG mixture recommended by the US Association of Operating Room Nurses (2002) and to adopt a more effective hand disinfectant. Method: In a quasi-experimental design, 48 medical staff who participated in operations during the period from November 2004 to February 2005 had hand washing using the two kinds of hand disinfectants: 7.5% povidone-iodine and the ethyl alcohol-CHG mixture. Their palms were swabbed and cultured just after hand washing and again after taking dff sterile gloves after the operation. The number of colonies from the two occasions were counted and compared. Result: The number of general bacillus increased significantly in the group using 7.5% povidone-iodine compared to that in the group using the ethyl alcohol-CHG mixture. The number of general bacillus increased signficantly in doctors compared to that in nurses. The factors affecting the increase of the number of general bacillus were disinfectants and medical personnel. The number of general bacillus was expected to increase 9.41 times with 7.5% povidone-iodine than with the ethyl alcohol-CHG mixture and 14.87 times in doctors than in nurses. Conclusion: This study shows that the ethyl alcogol-CHG mixture has a stronger hand disinfection effect than 7.5% povidone iodine. Thus we need to change the hand disinfectant used in operating rooms as soon as possible in order to minimize the infection of wounds resulting from operations.

      • KCI등재후보

        수리된 복합레진 수복물의 전달결합강도 연구

        최수영,정선와,황윤찬,김선호,윤창,오원만,황인남 大韓齒科保存學會 2002 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.27 No.6

        This study was performed to evaluate the interfacial shear bond strength of base (direct and indirect) and repair composites with aging and surface treatment methods. Direct composites resin specimens (Charisma®, Heraeus Kulzer, Germany) were aged for 5 min, 1 hour, 24 hours, and 1 week in 37℃ distilled water before surface treatment, and then divided into five groups: Group 1, grinding; Group 2, grinding and application of bonding agent; Group 3, grinding, etching with 37% phosphoric acid for 30sec, and application of bonding agent; Group 4, grinding, etching with 37% phosphoric acid for 30sec, silane treatment, and application of bonding agent; Group 5, grinding, etching with 4% hydrofluoric acid for 30sec, silane treatment, and application of bonding agent. Indirect composite resin specimens (Artglass®, Heraeus Kulzer, Germany) were aged for 1 week in 37℃ distilled water and divided into seven groups: Group 1 - Group 5, equal to Charisma specimens; Group 6, grinding, etching 37% phosphoric acid for 60sec, silane treatment, and application of bonding agent; Group 7, grinding, etching with 4% hydrofluoric acid for 60 sec, silane treatment, and application of bonding agent. The repair material(Charisma®) was then added on the center of the surface (5mm in diameter, 5mm in height). The shear bond strength was tested and the data was analyzed using one-way ANOVA and the Student-Newman-Keuls test. The following conclusions were drawn. 1. The shear bond strength of Charisma® specimens aged for 1 hour was significantly higher in Group 2 and Group 5 than in Group 1 (p<0.05), and that of Charisma® specimens aged for 1 week was significantly higher in Group 3 and Group 5 than in Group 1 (p<0.05). No significant difference was found in the bond strength of specimens aged for 5 min and 24 hours. 2. In Group 2 of the Charisma® specimens, there was significant difference between the bond strength of 24 hours and that of 1 week (p<0.05). 3. In Group 4 of the Charisma® specimens, the shear bond strength of specimens aged for 24 hours was significantly higher than the others(p<0.05). 4. There was no significant diiference between the shear bond strength of the Artglass® specimens. 5. Most of the Charisma® specimens showed cohesive fractures. Artglass® specimens that were etched with acid(phosphoric or hydrofluoric) for 30 sec showed more cohesive fractures.

      • 저강도 초음파 및 레이저를 이용한 장관골 불유합의 치료

        전인호,오창욱,김성중,경희수,박일형,박병철,인주철,여준영 대한골절학회 2003 대한골절학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        목 적: 저강도 초음파는 인체 및 동물 실험에서 골조직에 낮은 미세한 물리적 압력을 가하여 골절의 치유에 유리한 영향을 주고, 레이저 (LASER)는 심부 조직에 혈류를 증가시키고, 세포 내 잠재된 에너지를 증가시키는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이에 저자들은 임상적으로 확진된 장관골 붕류합의 치료에 있어 펄스형 저강도 초음파와 레이저를 적용하고 그 효용성을 알아보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 초음파/레이저의 치료 효과를 비교하기 위하여 장관골 불유합으로 확진된 16예 중 8예는 연구군으로 골이식술 후 저강도 초음파와 레이저 치료를 추가하였고 대조군 8예에 대해선 일반적인 골이식술만 시행하여 조사하였다. 남자가 11예, 여자가 5예, 평균 연령은 41.7세 (19~62세)였고, 불유합 부위는 대퇴골이 10예, 경골이 6예였다. 첫 수상으로 인한 골절 후 초음파/레이저 치료까지 시간(골절 연력)은 평균 502일이었다. 결 과: 8예의 연구군에서는 완전 골유합이 6예에서 이루어졌으며 유합까지의 시간은 평균 141일 (101~202일)로 나타난 반면, 8례ㅢ 대조군에서는 5예에서 골유합이 이루어졌고, 유합까지의 시간은 평균 240일 (183~283일)이었다. 결 론: 저강도 초음파/레이져 골절 치료기가 반복된 수술로 인한 난치성 장관골 불유합의 치료에 있어 골이식술과 함께 사용될 경우 긍정적인 효과가 있었고, 특히 최초 가골 형성에 있어 대조군에 비해 그 시간을 줄일 수 있었따. Purpose: Low-intensity, pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) has demonstrated a stimulation and acceleration of the normal fracture-repair process in cellular bases as well in animal and human models. In this study, the adjunctive effect of LIPUS and LASER was investigated in established nonunion of the long bones. Materials and Methods: Study group consisted of eight patients to whom conventional bone graft and adjunctive LIPUS and LASER was applied. On the other hands, eight patients in the control group underwent bone graft only. Eleven men and five women were included in this study and the average age of the patients was 41.7 years (range, 19~62 years). Six of the tibias and ten of the femurs met the criteria for established nonunion. The average fracture age, the post-fracture period before the start of LIPUS/LASER treatment, was 502 days. Results: Seven of the ten nonunions who were treated by LIPUS and LASER healed completely in an average treatment time of 141 days (range, 101~202 days) and otherwise, in control group, five of the eight nonunions healed completely, in 240 days (range 183~283 days). Conclusion: This clinical study showed a positive effect of LIPUS and LASER on the rate of osseous repair, especially accelerated time to initial callus cortical bridging compared to that of conventional treatment.

      • 수리된 복합레진 수복물의 전단결합강도 연구

        최수영,오원만,황인남 전남대학교 치의학연구소 2002 구강과학 Vol.14 No.1

        This study was performed to evaluate the interfacial shear bond strength of base (direct and indirect) and repair composites with aging and surface treatment methods. Direct composite resin specimens (Charisma^(r), Heraeus Kulzer, Germany) were aged for 5min, 1hour, 24hour, and 1week in 37℃ distilled water before surface treatment, and then divided into five groups:Group 1, grinding; Group 2, grinding and application of bonding agent;Group 3, grinding, etching with 37% phosphoric acid for 30sec, and application of bonding agent;Group 4, grinding, etching with 37% phosphoric acid for 30sec, silane treatment, and application of bonding agent;Group 5, grinding, etching with 4% hydrofluoric acid for 30sec, silane treatment, and application of bonding agent. Indirect composite resin specimens (Artglass^(r), Heraeus Kulzer, Germany) were aged for 1week in 37℃ distilled water and divided into seven groups:Group 1-Group 5, equal to Charisma specimens;Group 6, grinding, etching with 37% phosphoric acid for 60sec, silane treatment, and application of bonding agent;Group 7, grinding, etching with 4% hydrofluoric acid for 60sec, silane treatment, and application of bonding agent. The repair material(Charisma^(r)) was then added on the center of the surface (5mm in diameter, 5mm in height). The shear bond strength was tested and the data was analyzed using one-way ANOVA and the Student-Newman-Keuls test. The following conclusions were drawn. 1. The shear bond strength of Charisma^(r) specimens aged for 1hour was significantly higher in Group 2 and Group 5 than in Group 1 (p<0.05), and that of Charisma^(r) specimens aged for 1week was significantly higher in Group 3 and Group 5 than in Group 1 (p<0.05). No significant difference was found in the bond strength of specimens aged for 5min and 24hours. 2. In Group 2 of the Charisma^(r) specimens, there was significant difference between the bond strength of 24hours and that of 1week (p<0.05). 3. In Group 4 of the Charisma^(r) specimens, the shear bond strength of specimens aged for 24hours was significantly higher than the others(p<0.05). 4. There was no significant difference between the shear bond strength of the Artglass^(r) specimens. 5. Most of the Charisma^(r) specimens showed cohesive fractures. Artglass^(r) specimens that were etched with acid (phosphoric or hydrofluoric) for 30sec showed more cohesive fractures.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1996)

        김재홍,황동규,전재홍,김윤석,김중환,김용준,이창균,임동진,김현수,조창근,김경문,박상훈,전우형,김희성,이호정,차명수,김갑형,김형석,김석우,황지환,박병순,권오상,이민수,송기훈,성소영,이인섭,부태성 대한화학요법학회 1999 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Background : In recent years, gonorrhea has been panedemic and remains one of the most commom STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Methods: For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of PPNG, we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results: In 1996, 139 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 53(39.0%) were PPNG. Conclusion: Our results suggests that after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is gradually declining.

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