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      • KCI등재

        백석 시에 나타난 ‘나’의 ‘생각한다’와 초월현실

        장동석(Jang, Dong-seok) 한국시학회 2016 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.48

        백석 시의 ‘나’는 과거를 매개삼아 실제현실에 대한 대응 태로서의 초월현실을 ‘생각한다’. ‘나’의 ‘생각한다’는 피식민지 근대 논리를 기준삼아 구성되던 실제 현실에 맞서는 초월현실을 생성한다. 이때 과거는 ‘순수과거’로 ‘나’의 ‘생각한다’가 도약하는 통로로 기능한다. 백석 시의 초월현실은 불확정적인 기의를 가진 기표로 형상화된다. 백석 시의 대상들이 비의(秘意)적인 영역을 가지며, 그럼으로써 기의의 완성을 향한 활력을 자나는 것이다. 이는 곧 초월현실이 바람직한 세계로서의 미래를 견인하는 것과 상응한다. 백석 시에서 ‘나’는 사적 과거(기억)의 끝에 자리한다. 이 자리에서 ‘나’는 과거 너머로 ‘생각한다’를 팽창한다. 과거 너머는 ‘나’의 의식 이상에서 잠재적으로 존재하는 무의식의 세계. 즉 ‘순수과거(순수기억)’이다. ‘나’의 ‘생각한다’는 초월현실을 구체화하기 위해 과거에서 ‘순수과거’로 멀리 도약한다. 동시에 ‘순수과거’의무의식적, 잠재적 대상들을 선택적으로 의식화해서 현재로 응축한다. 이때 현재로 응축되는 ‘순수과거’의 대상들에 새로운 속성이 보충된다. 피식민지 현실과 맺는 상호관계 속에서 ‘나’가 필요로 하는 속성이 대상에 더해지는 것이다. 이러한 대상은 피식민 근대 현실에서 결핍된 요소들을 가지고 있는 것으로서의 충일성을 가지며, 그 의미의 완성 태를 미래로 유보한다. ‘큰’은 ‘나’가 생성한 초월현실을 지시하는 주요 기표이다. ‘나’의 ‘생각한다’는 ‘순수과거’의 ‘큰’ 세계를 현재로 전경화한다. 그리고 이를 미래의 지향태로 삼는다. 또한 나’는 ‘큰’ 세계를 자기 정체성의 근거율로 ‘생각’함으로써 사회적 주체로 자리한다. ‘나’가 현재화한 ‘큰’ 세계의 대상들은 부분의 속성을 견지하면서 동시에 그것이 속했던 순수과거 전체를 수렴한다. 그리고 이를 통해 언외지의를 환기한다. Baek-seok’s Poetry created a transcendent reality in the past as a intermediation. In the Baek-seok’s Poetry, ‘I’ is situated at the end of a personal past(memory). This is where ‘I’ expands the ‘think’ over the past. The past beyond is the world of unconsciousness. It is latent in consciousness outside of the ‘I’. That is ‘pure past(pure memory)’. The pure past of Baek-seok’s Poetry is accumulated for a long time with collective satisfaction. ‘I think’ is leap away into the pure past. At the same time, conscious and condensed to select the object of the pure past. This suggests the object of the pure past to the present. And constitute a new reality. Transcendent reality is presented in an unfinished state. Therefore transcendent reality has a movement towards the completion status meaning(future). The Baek-seok’s Poetry is towed into future beyond reality. This is why the object of Baek-seok’s Poetry they have a sense indeterminate zone. ‘I think’ selected ‘The first and largest’ the world of the pure past in the foreground. And it should be directed to decide the future. The object of ‘the lagest’ are part and the totality as a whole. ‘I think’ is conscious confront the reality that were organized by the colonialization modernity logic. It does not run after the colonization of modern logic. instead, selected ‘The largest’ that excludes the colonialization logic in the foreground. ‘The largest’ is unaware of the basis of the rate of self-identity.

      • 捻轉法이 竝行된 鍼刺戟 및 電鍼刺戟이 鎭痛效果에 미치는 影響

        Park, Dong-Seok,Kim, Ji-Hoon,Min, Byung-Il,Oh, Soo-Myung 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1999 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1999 No.1

        Dong-Seok Park¹, Ji-Hoon Kim¹ and Byung-Il Min, Soo-Myung Oh,³¹Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, College of Medicine, ²Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, And ³East-West Medical Research Institute, Kyung Hee University,Seoul, Korea. Analgesic Effect of Manual Acupuncture and Electroacupuncture combined with Twirling Method. Proceeding of International Symposium on East-West Medicine Seoul. 187-200, 1999.-Twirling the needle (TN) is one of several needing methods frequently used for acupuncture in the oriental medicine. The present study was conducted to see if TN enhanced the antinociceptive effect produced by plain-or electroacupuncture in the rat tail flick test. Rats (Sprague-Dawley, 200-300g)lightly anesthetized with thiopental sodium(40mg/kg, i.p.) were used in the tail-flick test. The basal reaction time for tail-flick was 2 sec. For "plain" acupuncture(PA), a needle was inserted for 20 min into a Chock-samni (ST36) acupuncture point which (is located at the anterior tibial muscle and about 10mm below the knee joint). For electroacupuncture(EA), train-pulses(3 Hz,0.3-ms pulse width, 0.2-0.3mA) were applied to the inserted needle for the period of insertion. For combining TN with either PA or EA, TN was performed during the each acupuncture period. Two methods for TN were used; twirling 3 times for 1 second persisted for 1 min in every 5 mins(long-duration and long-interval;LDLI) and twirling 3 times for 1 second persisted for 10 sec in every 1 min(short-duration and short-interval;SDSI). PA and EA produced an increase in tail flick latency (TFL); peak increases were 21.3±5.1% and 42.1±17.3% of the pre-acupunture control, respectively, and occurred immediately after cessation of 20min-acupuncture. Performing TN combined with PA increased TFL more than PA itself by showing a greater peak increase in TFL when performed with a SDSI-TN than with a LDLI-TN(60.6±12.5% and 42.7±22.7% of the pre-acupuncture control, respectively). Performing TN combined with EA also increased TFL more than EA itself and a greater peak increase in TFL was observed with a SDSI-TN as compared to a LDLI-TN(77.5±13.8% and 67.3±14.0% of the pre-acupuncture control, respectively). These results indicate that TN enhances both PA-and EA-produced antinociception where an greater enhanced antinociception than a LDLI-TN. It is suggested that performing a SDSI-TN combined with EA seems to be one of the most effective ways to produce analgesia.

      • KCI등재

        이상 시 시적 주체의 자기의식 형성과 타자와의 상관관계 연구

        장동석(Jang, Dong-seok) 한국시학회 2016 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.46

        이상 시의 시적 주체 ‘나’는 타자 관찰을 통해 자기의식을 생성한다. ‘나’의 자기의식은 일방향적으로 관찰한 타자와는 차별화된 존재, 즉 주체로서의 ‘나’를 입증하는 근거이다. ‘나’는 내면으로의 침잠을 통해, ‘무능과 게으름’의 자기의식을 구체화한다. ‘무능과 게으름’은 자본주의 현실에 무지한 타자의 도움 요청이나, 그것에 맹목적으로 순응하는 타자의 외출과 변별되는 대응 방법이다. 그리고 새로운 자본주의 현실의 속성을 선취하고 이해한 댄디로서의 ‘나’가 지닌 정신적 귀족주의가 만들어낸 현실 대응 방법이다. 이때 ‘나’는 타자를 부분적으로 소유함으로써, 타자와의 관계 지속을 가능케 한다. ‘나’의 ‘자기의식’은 ‘나’를 바라보는 절대적 타자의 눈, 즉 응시를 내면화 하면서 균열을 일으킨다. ‘응시’를 내면화한 ‘나’의 의식에 생긴 틈으로 ‘응시’에 호응하려는 무의식적 욕망이 방출된다. 이러한 무의식적 욕망은 절대적 타자와의 상호 관계 선상에서, 더 나아가서는 당대 역사적 현실 모순과의 관계선상에서 자기의식을 생성한다. 이때 이상 시에는 논리의 상징계 언어와 무의식의 기호계 언어 간의 변증법적 긴장 관계가 형성된다. 기호적 코라의 충동하에 방출되는 무의식의 언어에는 피식민지 자본주의 도시라는 특수 공간에서 기인한 모순이 흔적으로 남는다. 그리고 이는 반복 변주 서술, 모순어법, 비인과적 서술 등의 미적 형식으로 나타난다. ‘나’가 자기 육체의 불완전성을 투시하는 관찰의 눈은, 곧 피식민지 자본주의 현실의 모순을 유표화하는 방법이 된다. 또한 육체의 불완전성을 극복하려는 소망은, 외적 현실의 모순을 극복하려는 무의식적이고 집단적 소망으로서의 정치적 무의식과 대응 관계를 형성한다. The poetic subject, ‘I’ in Lee, Sang’s poetry creates self-consciousness through observation of others. Subject ‘I’ is distinguished from others who were observed in one way. Self-consciousness of ‘I’ proves this. ‘I’ embodies the self-consciousness of ‘incompetence and indolence‘ through withdrawal in the inner. By partly possessing others, self-consciousness of ‘incompetence and indolence’ maintain the relation of others. ‘Incompetence and indolence’ are the methods to deal with reality of capitalism. It is distinct from the call for help of the others who are ignorant of the reality of capitalism as well as the leave of the others who blindly conform to it. ‘Incompetence and indolence’ are realistic countermeasure created by spiritual aristocracy of ‘I,’ a being with understanding and preempting attributes of reality of new capitalism. ‘Self-consciousness’ of ‘I’ creates cracks while internalizing the eyes of The absolutely other looking at ‘I.’ The unconscious desire responding to ‘gaze’ is released into a crack of consciousness of ‘I’ who is internalization of ‘gaze.’ The unconscious desires creates self-consciousness in line with mutual relationship with absolutely other and further more with contradictions of the contemporary and historical reality others belong to. At this time, dialectical tension between logical symbolique language and the unconscious sèmiotique language is formed in Lee, Sang’s poetry. In the language of the unconsciousness being released under the impulse of the sèmiotic Chora, traces of contradictions caused by a special space of capitalist colonial city are left. And this is associated to the form of the repetition ․ variation and the De-causality. The eyes of ‘I’ seeing through imperfection of his/her body become a method to mark contradictions of reality of colonial capitalist. in addition, desire to overcome the imperfection of the body forms an correspondence relationship with political unconsciousness, as unconscious and collective wishes to overcome contradictions of external reality.

      • Correction: Direct characterization of graphene doping state by <i>in situ</i> photoemission spectroscopy with Ar gas cluster ion beam sputtering

        Yun, Dong-Jin,Kim, Seyun,Jung, Changhoon,Lee, Chang-Seok,Sohn, Hiesang,Won, Jung Yeon,Kim, Yong Su,Chung, JaeGwan,Heo, Sung,Kim, Seong Heon,Seol, Minsu,Shin, Weon Ho The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 Physical chemistry chemical physics Vol.20 No.4

        <P>Correction for ‘Direct characterization of graphene doping state by <I>in situ</I> photoemission spectroscopy with Ar gas cluster ion beam sputtering’ by Dong-Jin Yun <I>et al.</I>, <I>Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.</I>, 2018, 20, 615-622.</P>

      • KCI등재

        요통 환자의 기립위 및 좌,우 외측굴곡시 방사선 사진을 통한 요추 회전변위 분석

        허동석 ( Dong Seok Heo ),박석우 ( Seok Woo-park ),박영회 ( Young Hoi Park ),금동호 ( Dong Ho Keum ) 한방재활의학과학회 2003 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Objectives : Rotation on vertebra body is common reason causing low back pain and leg radiating pain patients. The present study investigated analysis of the radiological findings on lumbar vertebra rotation between erect position and erect both lateral bending position lumbar AP views in low back pain patients. Method : The study population consisted of 70 patients(outpatients and inpatients clinic of the Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, Dong-Guk Oriental Medical Hospital in Bundang) who were evaluated with X-ray findings of erect position and erect both lateral bending position lumbar AP views. First, patients were measured erect position lumbar AP views by Nash-Moe`s degree. Second, patients were measured erect both lateral bending position lumbar AP views by intervertebral disc space at convexity region and rotation on lumbar vertebral body. They divided into four groups by type of Grice and Cassidy`s classification. Results : 1. The distribution of sex in the low back pain with leg radiating pain was male 30(42.86%) cases, female 40(57.14%) cases. According to age, 30-40s 23(32.9%) cases, 40-50s 15(21.4%) cases, 20-30s 13(18.6%) cases, 50-60s 9(12.9%) cases, 60-70s 5(7.1%) cases, 70-80s 3(4.3%) cases, each 10-20s and 80-90s one case (1.4%). 2. According to Nash-Moe`s degree by erect position lumbar AP view, the grade 0 was male 8(11.4%) cases, female 10(14.3%) cases, the grade Ⅰ was male 17(24.3%) cases, female 22(31.4%) cases, the grade Ⅱ was male 5(7.1%) cases, female 8(11.4%) cases. 3. According to symptoms, first, patients with low back pain were male 22(31.4%) cases, female 20(28.6%) cases. second, patients with leg radiating pain were male 8(11.4%) cases, female 20(28.6%) cases. 4. According to type of Grice and Cassidy`s classification by erect both lateral bending position lumbar AP views, the type Ⅰ was normal group 7(10.0%) cases, the type Ⅲ and Ⅳ were abnormal group each 15(21.4%) cases, 48(68.6%) cases. 5. According to abnormal group in Nash-Moe`s degree by erect position lumbar AP view, the grade Ⅰ was 39(55.7%) cases and then abnormal type Ⅲ, Ⅳ of Grice and Cassidy`s classification were 5(7.1%) cases, 33(47.1%) cases, the grade Ⅱ was 13(18.6%) cases and then abnormal type Ⅲ, Ⅳ of Grice and Cassidy`s classification were 1(1.4%) case, 12(7.1%) cases. So the relationship between rotation of vertebra by erect position lumbar AP view and type of Grice and Cassidy`s classification by erect both lateral bending position lumbar AP views had significant correction(p<0.05). 3 6. According to analysis of symptoms and X-ray findings by erect both lateral bending position at convexity region, patients with leg radiating pain were 28 cases. In the total of 28 cases, 25 cases had shown rotation of vertebra and intervertebra disc space narrowed at convexity region, while 3 cases didn`t have shown. 7. According to abnormal rotation of vertebral body on erect position, the number of group L4 was 48(32.7%) cases the most, group L3 was 43(29.3%) cases, the next group L2 was 30(20.4%) cases. Group L4, L3, L2 had significantly connection with fixation group on erect both lateral bending position(p<0.05). Conclusions : We concluded that the abnormal rotation of lumbar vertebral body had connection with the low back pain and leg radiating pain patients. So we must regard functional X-ray such as erect both lateral bending position lumbar AP views to early find cause.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1996)

        김재홍,황동규,전재홍,김윤석,김중환,김용준,이창균,임동진,김현수,조창근,김경문,박상훈,전우형,김희성,이호정,차명수,김갑형,김형석,김석우,황지환,박병순,권오상,이민수,송기훈,성소영,이인섭,부태성 대한화학요법학회 1999 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Background : In recent years, gonorrhea has been panedemic and remains one of the most commom STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Methods: For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of PPNG, we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results: In 1996, 139 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 53(39.0%) were PPNG. Conclusion: Our results suggests that after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is gradually declining.

      • KCI등재후보

        조혈모세포이식 환자에서 침습성 진균 감염에 대한 Micafungin의 예방 효과 및 안전성

        김시현,이동건,최수미,권재철,박선희,최정현,유진홍,이성은,조병식,김유진,이석,김희제,민창기,조석구,김동욱,이종욱,민우성,박종원 대한감염학회 2010 감염과 화학요법 Vol.42 No.3

        Background: Micafungin, a potent inhibitor of 1,3-β-D-glucan synthase, is a novel antifungal agent of the echinocandin class. In vitro study showed that micafungin was effective against Aspergillus species as well as Candida species, but clinical data on the prophylactic efficacy against invasive fungal infections (IFIs) other than candidiasis are still lacking. Materials and Methods: We identified 60 consecutive adult hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) recipients who received at least 3 doses of micafungin during neutropenic period. Micafungin was started as an alternative in patients who were intolerant or had adverse events (AEs) to primary prophylactic antifungal agents. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records and analyzed the efficacy and safety of micafungin for prophylaxis against IFIs. Results: The patients either had autologous (n=9) or allogeneic (n=51: 1 syngeneic, 24 sibling, 26 unrelated donor) HSCT. Itraconazole oral solution (n=58) was the most frequently used first line antifungal agent for prophylaxis and was administered for median 11 days. The most frequent cause of switch to micafungin was vomiting (n=42). The duration of neutropenia and micafungin administration was median 13 and 12 days, respectively. A successful outcome was achieved in 45 (75%) patients. Empirical antifungal therapy was initiated in 13 (22%) patients. There were 2 cases (3.3%) of breakthrough fungal infections which comprised a probable invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and a possible invasive fungal sinusitis. There was no case of invasive candidiasis. A total of 53 (88%) patients experienced at least one AE regardless of causality during micafungin administration. The most frequent AEs were hypokalemia, vomiting, diarrhea, and elevated serum aspartate aminotransferase or alanine aminotransferase. Among the aforementioned AEs, only 1 case of diarrhea could be classified as a probable relation with micafungin when causality was assessed. There was no AEs that caused discontinuation of micafungin. Conclusions: Micafungin seems to be a safe and effective agent for prophylaxis of IFIs including aspergillosis as well as candidiasis in HSCT recipients. However, further large, prospective, and randomized comparative studies are warranted for aspergillosis.


        Organic Solar Cells: Solution‐Processable Reduced Graphene Oxide as a Novel Alternative to PEDOT:PSS Hole Transport Layers for Highly Efficient and Stable Polymer Solar Cells (Adv. Mater. 42/2011)

        Yun, Jin‐,Mun,Yeo, Jun‐,Seok,Kim, Juhwan,Jeong, Hyung‐,Gu,Kim, Dong,Yu,Noh, Yong‐,Jin,Kim, Seok,Soon,Ku, Bon‐,Cheol,Na, Seok,In WILEY‐VCH Verlag 2011 Advanced Materials Vol.23 No.42

        <P>Solution‐processable reduced graphene oxide as a hole‐transporting layer for highly efficient and stable organic solar cells is reported on page 4923 by Dong‐Yu Kim, Seok‐In Na, and co‐workers. Introduction of a newly reduced graphene oxide by simple solution processing into solar cells dramatically raises the cell efficiency and cell life‐time. The results will allow full use of chemically reduced graphene and will advance the realization of carbon‐based printable optoelectronic devices. </P>

      • KCI등재

        봉독(蜂毒)의 연구 경향에 대한 분석 -국내 학위논문 중 봉독에 관한 연구를 중심으로-

        박장우 ( Jang Woo Park ),허동석 ( Dong Seok Heo ),윤일지 ( Il Ji Yoon ),오민석 ( Min Seok Oh ) 한방재활의학과학회 2006 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Objectives : To research the trend of the study related to bee venom and to establish the hereafter direction for the study on bee venom therapy. Methods : I referred to national assembly library and national library of Korea, with `bee venom`, `apitoxin`, `apitherapy`, `bee sting`. After collecting all the theses about bee venom published by domestic university from 1992 to 2005, I figured out number and percentage of theses according to university, year, major field of study, subject. In case of subject, I classified and analyzed it with anti-inflammation effect;travail effect;immunity relation;safe treatment & prevention of side effect of bee venom. Results : The following results were obtained in this study. 1. In the arrangement by the year, the theses started to publish after 1992, and the number of theses has been increasing rapidly since 2000. And it has been decreasing since gaining the summit at 2003. 2. Classified by university, Kyung-Hee University published the most theses, and other theses were published by Kyung-Won University, Dong-Guk University, Kyoung-San University, Seoul National University order. 3. Classified by the major field of study, number of theses was the most by 69 in oriental medicine, next, it was 8, 2 in veterinary science and medicine. 4. Analyzed by the subject, numbers of theses that is related to anti-inflammation effect are 39(50%), numbers of theses related to travail effect are 15(18%), numbers of theses related to immunity are 19(23%), numbers of theses related to safty are 7(8%). 5. Theses that is related to anti-inflammation effect ; travail effect of bee venom shaded to mechanism study inclination after 2002 in primitive effect proof study inclination. Theses that is related to immunity of bee venom shaded to anticancer-related research inclination after 2000 in primitive immunity promotion effect study inclination. 6. In the study for safe treatment & prevention of side effect of bee venom, there were reports bee venom secures when it is injected in wide region, by low concentration, in 3 days cycle. 7. Theses related to bee venom are for the most part experiment theses by 76. Conclusions : As see in above result, safety of bee venom was proved, I think that the more clinical access by using bee venom should be achieved because objective, scientific basis was readied for effect of anti-inflammation, travail, immunity promotion, anticancer etc.

      • KCI등재

        가감석홍전(加減惜紅煎)으로 호전된 궤양성대장염(潰瘍性大腸炎) 환자(患者) 치험(治驗) 1례(例)

        임동석,김남욱,이형호,이영수,홍석,김희철,최창원,Lim, Dong-Seok,Kim, Nam-Uk,Lee, Hyung-Ho,Lee, Yeong-Su,Hong, Seok,Kim, Hee-Chul,Choi, Chang-Won 대한한의학방제학회 2007 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.15 No.1

        Objective : this study is designed to evaluate the effects of an oriental medicine therapy, namely gagam-sukhongjeon, on ulcerative colitis Methods : The Clinical data was analyzed on a patient with ulcerative colitis due to hanyeolchakjab(寒熱錯雜), whose symptoms were combined chillness and fever. The patient visited at the internal medicine department of Dong-Shin University Suncheon Oriental Hospital on February 25, 2006, and go into hospital from February 25, 2006 to March 9, 2006. and revisited from March 18, 2006 to April 5, 2006. The patient was treated with Herbal medicine(gagam-sukhongjeon) Result : After treatment, bloody stool and abdominal pain disappeared in visual analogue scale(VAS), pain disability index(PDI) and verbal rating scale(VRS). Conclusions : This study suggests that gagam-Sukhongjeon is significantly effective in treatment of ulcerative colitis.

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