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      • KCI등재

        주요우울증이 근로자의 생산성에 미치는 영향 : WHO-HPQ(Health and Work Performance Questionnaire)를 이용한 예비연구

        김원,황태연,함병주,이준석,최병휘,김세주,서용진,강은호,우종민 大韓神經精神醫學會 2007 신경정신의학 Vol.46 No.6

        Objectives : Major depressive disorder (MDD) causes patients' distress and makes socioeconomic burden, both directly and indirectly. We used the concept of lost productive time (LPT) to estimate the indirect costs and calculated both absenteeism and presenteeism among workers with MDD. Mcthods : Depression group was recruited from workers visiting psychiatric outpatient clinic who had MDD without major physical or mental disorders (N= 106). Age and sex matched healthy control group was also recruited through advertisement (M=100). All participants completed a interview using WHO Health and Work Performance Questionnaire (HPQ), Job Stress Measurement Scale for Korean Employees, and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. Statistical analysis was performed with independent t-test or χ² test as characteristics of values (p=0.05). Results : The number of absence (0.94-day/month vs. 0.10-day/month, P=0.015) andthe numberofearly leaving (2.56-day/month vs. 0.24-day/month, P<0.001) were significantly higher in the depression group. Depression group evaluated their Perfor-mance level much lower than controls with significant value (5.16 vs. 7.62, P<0.001). In addition, depression group estimated their performance level during the last 4 weeks lower compared to the level of past 1-year (5.16 vs 6.63, P<0.001). The estimated costs of absenteeism in depression group were higher than controls by 2,520,000 Korean Won per year, and those of presenteeism were also higher by 4,880,000 Korean Won per year. The total costs of LPT in depression group were higher than controls by 7,400,000 Korean Won, which corresponds to 26% ofmean annual salary. In addition, the level of occupational stress, such as high demand and interpersonal conflict, was higher in the depression group. Conclusion : Major depressive disorder costs substantial productivity loss to workers and their company. Presenteeism imposes more time cost than absenteeism. Effectiveness trials are needed to devise cost-effective programs for the early detection and treatment of depression at the workplace.

      • KCI등재

        글루타민산나트륨(Mono Sodium Glutamate)을 처방한 모발 경화제가 펌에 미치는 효과

        최원준ㆍ유세은(Won Joon ChoiㆍSe Eun Yoo) 한국인체미용예술학회 2016 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        This study attempted to assess the applicability of the hair-hardener considering hair elasticity and retention through analysis of changes in hair conditions after chemical treatment. For this, the following were analyzed: safety and stability of the hair-hardener, changes in hair thickness, amino acid, changes in surface color, hair surface using the SEM, changes in tensile strength, and wave efficiency by the frequency of shampooing. Then, the results found the following: The stability of the hair-hardener was confirmed because there were no changes in its physical properties and color at room temperature and constant temperature. In a clinical allergy test as well, a negative response was found in all 20 clinical trial participants, which confirms its safety. In terms of changes in hair thickness, hair was thicker in the group that used the hair hardener than in the control group. In comparison of amino acid, total amino acid, L-glutamic acid, and cysteine contents increased in the experimental group that used the hair hardener. In terms of changes in surface color, L* value was high in the experimental group. A* value, which represents the level of reddish color, was also high in the experimental group. In contrast, b* value, which reveals the level of yellow color, was low in the experimental group. In observation of hair surface using the SEM, hair cuticles were tidier in the experimental group than in the control group. In terms of tensile strength, the experimental group was greater than the control group. According to measurement of wave efficiency by the frequency of shampooing after a general perm and setting perm as well, wave formation was more efficient in the experimental group.

      • 復合材料 連結 部位를 갖는 엔진 마운트 設計에 關한 硏究

        최원종,김권진,오인택,임동준,홍영길,황명신 한국항공대학교 1993 論文集 Vol.31 No.-

        본 논문에서는 초경량 항공기의 엔진 마운트 구조물에 대한 유한요소 해석을 수행하였으며, 구조의 안전성 확보에 중요한 영향을 주는 부분인 복합재료 동체와 엔진 마운트 간의 연결 부위에 대한 해석을 위해 유한요소 프로그램을 작성하였다. 본 연구에 의해 작성된 유한요소 프로그램의 신뢰성을 확인하기 위해 실제로 시편 제작 실험을 실시하여 실험치와 해석치를 비교 검토하였다. The finite element analysis was performed on the ULM's engine mount to verify the structural safety Result showed that proposed engine mount structure has a large margine of safety. Strains and stresses in the vicinity of the joint between a composite fuselage and a metallic engine mount were calculated by the finite element analysis program. Numerical results from the model were compared with the test results. Good agreement was found between experiment and model results.

      • KCI등재

        하악골 결손부의 골형성에 미치는 Bioplant HTRⓡ의 영향

        최도현,유선열,김옥준,허원실 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2001 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.23 No.1

        The present study was performed to investigate the effect of HTR□ (Hard Tissue Replacement) on osteogenesis in the mandibular bone defects. Eight adult male white rabbits weighing 2.5 to 3.0kg were used. Four bone defects (8mm in diameter and 4mm in depth) were made at the both mandibular body. In the control group, the right mesial bone defect was filled with blood clot and spontaneously healed, In the DFDB group, the right distal bone defect was filled with xenogenic demineralized freeze-dried bone. In the HTR□ group, the left mesial bone defect was filled with HTR□. In the HTR□-membrane group, the left dis- tal bone defect was filled with HTR□ and covered with BioMesh membrane. The rabbits were sacrified at 2,4,6 and 9 weeks after the operation and microscopic examination was performed. Results obtained were as follows: In the control and DFDB groups, inflammatory cells and the fibrous connective tissue existed and the bone growth was slower than HTR□ group by 6 week, and there was intervention of the soft tissue at 9 week. In the HTR□ group, bone trabeculi extended between the HTR□ particles without intervention of inflammatory cells and the connective tissue at 4 and 6 weeks. In addition, extensive osseous ingrowth into the HTR□ particles was observed at 9 week. Bone formation was more active in the HTR□ group than the control and DFDB groups. There was not obvious difference in the bone healing rate between the HTR□ and the HTR□-membrane group. These results suggest that the HTR□ promotes osteogenesis in the bone defects and the HTR□ group has no difference in comparison with the HTR□-BioMesh□ membrane group in bone healing.

      • 영아에서 발생한 골수섬유증 1례

        최성민,이동석,권경배,김두권,김나연,원유흥,이준희,권영무 동국대학교 경주대학 1996 東國論集 Vol.15 No.-

        특발성 골수섬유증은 만성 골수증식성 질환의 하나로 말초혈액도말에서 백적아구증, 부동변형적혈구 눈물방울세포 소견을 보이며, 골수 생검상 망상 섬유와 교원섬유로 구성된 섬유조직이 증가하는 골수의 섬유화 소견을 보이며, 골수외 조혈작용으로 인한 대상적 비장·간장 종대를 특징으로 하는 소아에서는 극히 드문 질환이다. 저자들은 본원에 복부종괴와 안면창백으로 입원하였던 8개월된 남아에서 임상증상, 말초혈액검사, 골수생검에서 특발성 골수섬유증으로 진단되어 Methylprednisolone 대량 정주 요법으로 치료하였으나 진단7개월만에 패혈증과 심부전으로 사망했던 1례를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Idiopathic myelofibrosis is a chronic myeloproliferative disorder characterized by anemia, leukoerythroblastosis, anisopoikilocytosis, tear-drop cell, extramedullary hematopoiesis with hepatosplenomegaly and varying degrees of myelofibrosis of bone marrow. The mean age is about 60 years, and pediatric cases are rare. We experienced a case of idiopathic myelofibrosis in a 8 months old male who was presented with pallor, huge splenomegaly, leukoerythroblastosis in peripheral blood, myelofibrosis in bone marrow biopsy. We presented a case of idiopathic myelofibrosis with brief review of the literatures.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        뉴욕건축연맹 전시회(1886-1938)에 반영된 근대 건축 프로페셔널리즘의 변화

        최원준,김진균 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.11

        The process of professionalization-an overlooked aspect in the modernization of architecture-comprises not only the establishment of an inner discipline but also its acceptance by the society at large. In the architectural exhibitions of the modern era we find an active field of publicity where architects strived to gain professional legitimacy and social status by projecting to its lay visitors an appropriate image of the discipline in the new social condition, and nowhere were these activities more perceptible than in the annual exhibitions of the Architectural League of New York. Initiated as an architectural sketch club in 1881, the League soon opened its membership to mural painters and sculptors, and constructed an image of architecture based on its close collaboration with the allied arts. Various phases of its exhibition over the span of five decades articulate the gradual transformation in architectural professionalism from the model of Beaux-Arts artists to that of commercial designers, while the ultimate establishment of the discipline as modern art was witnessed at a show organized by an agent external to the profession, the Museum of Modern Art, New York.

      • 말기신부전 환자의 혈색소 순환 : 투석 방식에 따른 양상 비교 및 관련 인자들에 대한 고찰

        최재혁,김준섭,원기범,박준형,탁우택,이정호 동국대학교 의학연구소 2009 東國醫學 Vol.15 No.2

        혈색소 순환은 말기신부전 환자에서 인체 재조합 적혈구 조혈 인자를 투여하여 빈혈을 치료하는 동안 빈번히 관찰되며 이는 환자의 입원과 사망률과 관계가 있다고 알려져 있다. 이에 저자는 투석중인 말기 신부전 환자를 대상으로 혈색소 순환 양상과 이와 연관된 인자들을 알아보고자 하였다. 혈색소 순환의 관련 인자들을 알아보기 위하여 투석 치료를 받고 있는 환자 40명 (혈액투석 환자군: 20형, 복막투석 환자군: 20명)을 대상으로 투석 시작부터 1년 동안의 환자의 나이와 성별, 투석시작 1년간의 평균 Hb, 수혈 횟수, 총입원 횟수, 감염으로 인한 입원 횟수, 혈청 ferritin 농도, 혈청 transferrin saturation (TSAT), 철분제제 복용 유무, 일주일 동안 투여된 rHuEPO 양, rHuEPO의 변화량, 알부민, C-reactive protein (CRP) 및 입원 원인 등을 후향적으로 조사하였다. 전체 환자 40명 중 33명 (82.5%)에서 혈색소 순환이 관찰되었다. 혈액투석 환자군에 비해 복막투석 환자군에서 혈색소 순환 첫수가 유의하게 높았다 (p=0.037).혈색소 순환 발생군과 혈색소 순환 미발생군의 관련인자들을 비교하였을 경우 혈색소 순환 발생군에서 총 입원 첫수 (p=0.01), 감염으로 인한 입원 횟수 (p=0.036)가 유의하게 많았으며, 혈중 알부민 수치는 유의하게 낮았다 (p=0.003).그러나 두 군간의 나이, 성별, 수혈 횟수, 혈청 ferritin농도, 혈청 transferrin saturation (TSAT) 및 혈청 철분 농도는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 혈색소 순환의 빈도는 일주일 동안 투여된 r-HuEPO변화량과 양의 상관관계를 보였고 (p=0.003),혈중 알부민 수치와 음의 상관관계를 보였다 (p=0.013). 복막투석 환자군에서 혈액투석 환자군에 비해 혈색소 순환이 유의하게 높게 발생하였다. 일주일 동안 투여된 r-HuEPO 변화량, 입원 및 혈청 알부민 수치는 투석 시작부터 1년 동안의 혈색소 순환과 관련이 있었다. Hemoglobin cycling is frequently observed during treatment of anemia with recombinant human erythropoietin (r-HuEPO) in patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) it is also reported to be associated with hospitalization and morbidity. We analyzed hemoglobin cycling and potential associated factors in patients on dialysis. Forty new dialysis patients (20 hemodialysis, HD and 20 peritoneal dialysis, PD) were recruited during their first year. Age, gender, mean hemoglobin level, frequency of transfusion, frequency of hospital admission, frequency of admission due to infection, serum ferritin, transferrine saturation, iron levels, rHuEPO dose per week, serum albumin, and c-reactive protein were retrospectively evaluated in order to examine the possible correlations with hemoglobin cycling. Thirty-three patients (82.5%) were identified in the hemoglobin cycling group. The PD group had a higher frequency of hemoglobin cycling than did the HD group (p=0.037). The hemoglobin cycling group showed a significantly higher frequency of hospital admission (P=0.001), admission due to infection (p=0.036) and a lower serum albumin level (p=0.003) than the other group, but there was no significant difference between the groups for age, gender, frequency of transfusion, serum ferritin, transferrine saturation, and iron levels. The frequency of hemoglobin cycling showed a positive correlation with the i-HuEPO dose variation per week (p=0.003) and a negative correlation with serum albumin level (p=0.013). The PD group had a higher frequency of hemoglobin cycling than the HD group, and the change of rHuEPO dose per week, hospitalization and serum albumin were associated with the hemoglobin cycling during the first year of dialysis.

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