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      • KCI등재

        An L2 Neural Language Model of Adaptation to Dative Alternation in English

        최선주,박명관 현대영미어문학회 2022 현대영미어문학 Vol.40 No.1

        Neural(-network) language models (NLMs) have recently been shown to adapt not only to lexical items but also to abstract syntactic structures. In this study, we provide further evidence for this thesis by showing that the syntactic priming paradigm on an L2 LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) language model (LM) enhances the ability for it to track abstract properties of sentences compared to the non-cumulative priming paradigm. Furthermore, we investigate the effect of the learning rate on adaptation. In so doing, we probe how much enhancement is due to adapting such an L2 NLM’s syntactic representations. We report the performances of the L2 LSTM LM in the adaptation experiment focusing on dative alternation in English and confirm that they adapt both lexical items and syntactic structures, just as L1 NLMs do.

      • 특집 - 역사적 문화환경의 보존과 재생 : 일본의 역사환경 보존재생을 위한 제도 ( On the Japanese Legal System for Conservation and Restoration of Historical Environment )

        최선주 대한건축학회 1996 建築 Vol.40 No.7

        일본의 역사환경 보존재생과 관련된 주요법률로는 [문화재보호법], [고도의 역사적 풍토 보존에 관한 특별조치법(통칭 고도보존법)], [도시계획법]과 [건축기준법]이 있다. 문화재보호법은 1950년 담징의 변화로 유명한 법륭사 금당의 화재를 계기로 제정되었다. 그후 문화재적인 가치가 높은 건축물은 문화재보호법에 의하여 보존되어 왔으나, 역사지구와 같은 면적인 역사환경을 보존하기 위한 제도는 [전통적건조물군보존지구제도]가 도입될 때까지 마련되지 못했다.

      • KCI등재

        코카시안과 한국인의 Phenytoin임상 약동학적 변수 비교

        최선주,신완균,이명걸,이민화,이상복,Cloyd, James 한국병원약사회 1992 병원약사회지 Vol.9 No.3

        The effective and safe use of phenytoin in epileptic patients is complicated by its nonlinear pharmacokinetic characteristic, Michaelis-Menten type which is reported by numerous investigator. Currently, Bayesian method which estimates the most probable parameters of V max and Km of the drug for each patient from population parameters data is very useful approach for adjusting phenytoin dosage. The pharmacokinetic parameters of phenytoin are affected by physiological factor, disease state, compliance, bioavailability and ethnic origin. To increase the accuracy of Bayesian method, it is desirable to use population parameters of Korean. Therefore, in the present study, pharmacokinetic parameters of phenytoin have been compared between Caucasian and Korean. Data from 20 adult neurology outpatients having normal liver and renal function from Seoul National University Hospital and University of Minnesota Hospital respectively were evaluated. Phenytoin pharmacokinetic parameters, Vmax & Km, were obtained from these two dose-concentration data at each steady-state by using Michaelis-Menten equation. Estimated mean values of Vmax and Km were 6.72㎎/㎏/day(SD 1.34 : CV 20%) and 4.77mcg/㎖(SD 2.39 : CV 50%), respectively in Korean. The corresponding values were 8.39㎎/㎏/day(SD 2.29 : CV 27%) and 6.67mcg/㎖(SD 6.04 : CV 90%) from Caucasian. Vmax were significantly different between two groups(p<0.05)


        추간공 경유 경막외 차단술 환자의 합병증에 대한 조사 연구

        최선주,배성열,서성화,김상대,김세훈,박정율 대한척추신경외과학회 2004 Neurospine Vol.1 No.1

        Objective: To study on the incidence of complications from C-arm guided lumbar transforarninal epidural injections in patients with radiculopathy caused by either lumbar spinal stenosis or herniated intervertebral disc. Materials & Methods: A total of 1200 patients with back/leg pain for more 3 months and received therapeutic injections in recent 1-year period was evaluated. All procedures were performed by one neurosurgeon with careful monitoring by nursing staffs during and after the procedures. Two party observers reviewed medical charts including immediate postprocedure complications using standardized questionnaire. Results: Average 1.9 injections per patient were done. Complications per injection seen included 12 transient headaches (0.9%), 5 increased back pain(0.4%), 4 increased leg pain(0.3%), 4 facial flushing(0.3%), 2 increased blood sugar in an insulin-dependent diabetic(0.2%), I vasovagal reaction(0.08%), and I hypertension(0.08%). All of these complications resolved within several hours to 2 weeks and there were no need for further specific management. There were no major or permanent complications. The incidence of minor complications was 2.3% per injection. All reactions resolved without morbidity. Conclusion: Although effectiveness varies with different pathologies, the C-arm guided lumbar transforaminal epidural injection seems to be a safe and effective procedure for these patients when carefully performed and closely observed with appropriate nursing care.

      • KCI등재

        Syntactic priming in the L2 neural language model

        최선주,박명관 언어과학회 2022 언어과학연구 Vol.- No.103

        In recent years, the increasing abilities of neural (-network) language models (NLMs) have led to examining their representation of syntactic structures. To assess the linguistic knowledge that NLMs acquire, researchers have leveraged the traditional syntactic priming paradigm to investigate the potentials of NLMs in learning abstract structural information. In this study, we concentrated on investigating the extent to which the L2 NLM is sensitive to syntactic priming in psycholinguistic. Following Sinclair et al. (2022), we adopted a novel metric with which we controled various linguistic factors. Based on this adoption, we implemented the L2 NLM trained on the L2 corpus and explored which factors influence the strength of priming effects. In so doing, we discovered that the L2 NLM is also sensitive to various linguistic factors but displays irregular syntactic priming performances depending on experiments with different types of controlled materials.

      • KCI등재
      • 간호계와 비간호계 전문대생들의 가치관에 관한 조사 연구

        崔仙珠 대구보건대학 1987 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        The findings of the study were as follows : 1. Nursing students as well as Non-nursing regarded religious values as being the most important, followed in importance by political and social values. The theoretical values marked the lowest value on both group. 2. Nursing students placed lower value on economical, aesthetic values, and higher value on theoretical, social, political, religious values than non-nursing students. 3. Regarding as the value difference between firstgrade and third grade in nursing students. Economic, aesthetic, social, religious values were marked high by firstgrade, theoretical values were marked high by third grade. The values meaningful in statistics was social value that first grade marked higher than third grade(<0.05) 4. Regarding as the value difference between first grade and second grade non-nursing students. Second grade students marked higher on above six values than fist grade students. especially economic values were meaningful.(p<0.05) 5. On the value difference between firstgrade nursing students and non-nursing students. The former students marked high on above six values. social values were meaningful more than anything else. (p<0.05) 6. About the value difference between third grade nursing students and second grade non-nursing students, theoretical values marked high in the former students and economic, aesthetic, social, political, religious values in the latter students. above things didn't suggest valuable differences.

      • 絶斷患者의 諸特性과 退院時 自家看護 및 情緖狀態에 關한 硏究 : 大邱直轄市 1個 綜合病院을 中心으로

        崔仙珠 대구보건대학 1988 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        This study is designed as a descriptive research for exploring various characteristics and emotional as well as self care status of amputees upon dishopitalization in order to provide baseline data for effective rehabilitation nursing, utilizing existing data of the 218 amputees who were admitted to a general hospital in Taegu city from January 1, 1983. to December 31, 1986. Findings and conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. It was revealed that the means age of the amputees were 39 years old and they were mostly blue coller workers in production line. More than 50% of the amputations were attributable to injuries and accidents. Although this study was conducted for the amputees of a general hospital, it can be fair to say that preventive measures for injury and accident are very much needed in order to reduce the number of amputees in the future. 2. More than one quarter of the amputees was in need of help from others in self-care areas, for instance taking meals and having bowel movements. Thus nursing care plan after discharge from hospital should include a self care plan and for those who don't need help, nurses are encouraged to make a home visit to assess and secure necessary environments for continued independent function of the amputees for self care. 3. On the whole, about 30 % of the amputee expressed apprehensions due to amputation. Approximately 50% was worried about living due to loss of income, and 8 % of them showed lack of confidence in maintaining a good family relationship. These facts indicate that discharge care plan of amputees should include (1) teaching patients how to adjust to home environment with their disabillties (2) teaching patients and family members on how to maintain a good family relationship and (3) providing patients and family with information on social and public assistances. 4. This study disclosed that 52 % of the amputee felt needs of rehabilltation nursing after discharge, therefore it can be concluded that there is an urgent need of rehabilitation nursing serrices for those amputee. Based upon the findings and conclusion it is necessary for a further study with an in-depth analysis of self care & emotional status and rehabilitation nursing needs according to degree of functional disabilities of the amputees.

      • KCI등재

        소아병원에서의 약사의 임상활동

        최선주 한국병원약사회 1995 병원약사회지 Vol.12 No.2

        이상에서 알아본 바와 같이 약사의 임상활동 영역은 광범위하다. 현재 실시되고 있는 활동의 질을 향상시키고, 더 나아가 퇴원환자의 복약지도, 의료진과의 공동연구 실시, 수술실 전문 약사양성, 심페소생팀(CPR team)에 참여 등 활동의 영역을 확대시켜야 할 것이다. 외국과 비교해 볼때 약사가 임상활동을 하기 위한 제도적 뒷받침이 미비-임상활동에 대한 수가가 책정되 있지 않아 인력 및 공간확보가 어렵다-하지만 해마다 병동활동에 대한 인식도가 높아지고, 활동도 증가하고 있는 것으로 보아 머지않아 환자치료를 위한 의료진의 일원으로서 약사의 전문성을 살릴 수 있을 것으로 보인다.

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