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      • Rat의 복강내에 투여한 5-fluorouracil-polyglycolic acid 제형이 장기에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        강대영,송규상,최정목,노승무,정경수,오정연,김진향,양준묵,최선웅,이진호,조준식,민병무,김용백,김창식,박근성,김승영,김학용,인현빈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        For more effective intraperitoneal chemotherapy, the authers made 5-fluorouracil-polyglycolic acid composite disks(FU-PGA disks) with 5-fluorouracil and polyglycolic acid, a biodegradable polymer. We inserted the FU-PGA disk into the peritoneal cavites of Sprague-Dawley male rats, the control and three experimental groups; one FU-PGA disk insert group(300mg/kg), two FU-PGA disk insert group(600mg/kg), and three FU-PGA disk insert group(900mg/kg). The control group received a similar number of PGA disk inserts. A pharmacokinetic study was performed to measure the 5-fluorouracil concentration in the peritoneal fluid, blood, and tissues(liver, kidney and heart) at 24 hours, 72hours and 168 hours after insertion of the FU-PGA disk. Light and electron microscopic studies were done. The results were as follows: 1) The number of white blood cells and platelets decreased after FU-PGA insertion. The degree was proportional to the duration and amounts inserted. The change in the number of red blood cells varied slightly. 2) Light microscopically, slight changes were noted at 168 hours in the 3 disk insert group (900mg/kg). Mild fatty change and hepatocyte degeneration around the central veins of the liver were noted, with vacuolar degeneration in the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney. 3) Electron microscopically,the liver showed focal increases of lipid droplets in the hepatocytes, and irregular nuclear membrane with focal nucleolar segregation of the fibrillar and granular elements. Also the double membranous structure of the hepatocytes and Kupffer cells was widened with bleb formation. The kidney showed wide separation of the nuclear double membrane in the proximal convoluted tubular cells and mesangial cells, with vacuolation and myelin figure formation in the mitochondria of the proximal convoluted tubular cells, at 72 hours and 168 hours in the 2 to 3 FU-PGA insert groups. The heart showed focal loss of cristae,vacuolation and myelin figure formation in the mitochondria of the 2 to 3 FU-PGA insert groups. In conclusion, despite the large amont of FU-PGA inserted, the histopathological changes in the liver, kidney and heart were slight, and consonant with the very low amount of 5-fluorouracil concentrations detected in the liver, kidney and heart. The above results suggest that the FU-PGA composite can serve as a new device for releasing drugs in a controlled manner and easily targeted to intraperitoneal organs. This device can improve the efficacy of intraperitoneal chemotherapy for gastric cancer.

      • KCI등재후보

        급성 췌장염의 시대적 변화

        김배영(Bai Young Kim),김효종(Hyo Jong Kim),정형근(Hyung Keun Chung),김영관(Young Kwan Kim),동석호(Seok Ho Dong),김병호(Byung Ho Kim),이정일(Jung Il Lee),장영운(Young Woon Chang),장린(Rin Chang) 대한내과학회 1993 대한내과학회지 Vol.45 No.5

        Background: According to the rapid changes in social environment such as increasing alcohol consumption and the marked improvement in diagnostic technique, we expect that there have been major changes in various aspects of acute pancreatitis during the recent 12 years in Korea. Methods: The medical records of 317 patients with acute pancreatitis diagnosed from 1980 through 1992 were reviewed about clinical, laboratory and radiological findings in the three different time period. Results: 1) There has been an increasing incidence in male sex about three folds. 2) There has been an increasing trends in the duration of hospitalization. 3) A significant increase was observed in the proportion of patients with alcoholic pancreatitis in the three different time period; 26.9%, 45.7%, 50.7% respectively. 4) The complication rates have been slightly increased in the three different time period; 46.3%, 47.1%, 59.1% respectively. But, the type of complications has not been changed. 5) There is increasing severity in non-gallstone group, but no significant differences in gallstone group. There is a declining trends in the number of patients with muld severity index, but increasing trend in the number of patients with moderate severity index in non-gallstone group. 6) There was no significant differences in mortality rate. Conclusions: There has been major changes in the etiology ans severity of acute pancreatitis from 1980 through 1992. Especially, significant increase in the proportion of patients with alcoholic pancreatitis was observed in the three differnt time period. These results might be due to socioeconomic changes.

      • KCI등재

        북서태평양에 서식하는 살오징어(Todarodes pacificus) 계군 분석에 대한 고찰

        김정연,문창호,윤문근,강창근,김경렬,나태희,최은정,이충일,Kim, Jeong-Yun,Moon, Chang-Ho,Yoon, Moon-Geun,Kang, Chang-Keun,Kim, Kyung-Ryul,Na, Taehee,Choy, Eun Jung,Lee, Chung Il 한국해양학회 2012 바다 Vol.17 No.4

        This paper reviews comparison analysis of current and latest application for stock identification methods of Todarodes pacificus, and the pros and cons of each method and consideration of how to compensate for each other. Todarodes pacificus which migrates wide areas in western North Pacific is important fishery resource ecologically and commercially. Todarodes pacificus is also considered as 'biological indicator' of ocean environmental changes. And changes in its short and long term catch and distribution area occur along with environmental changes. For example, while the catch of pollack, a cold water fish, has dramatically decreased until today after the climate regime shift in 1987/1988, the catch of Todarodes pacificus has been dramatically increased. Regarding the decrease in pollack catch, overfishing and climate changes were considered as the main causes, but there has been no definite reason until today. One of the reasons why there is no definite answer is related with no proper analysis about ecological and environmental aspects based on stock identification. Subpopulation is a group sharing the same gene pool through sexual reproduction process within limited boundaries having similar ecological characteristics. Each individual with same stock might be affected by different environment in temporal and spatial during the process of spawning, recruitment and then reproduction. Thereby, accurate stock analysis about the species can play an efficient alternative to comply with effective resource management and rapid changes. Four main stock analysis were applied to Todarodes pacificus: Morphologic Method, Ecological Method, Tagging Method, Genetic Method. Ecological method is studies for analysis of differences in spawning grounds by analysing the individual ecological change, distribution, migration status, parasitic state of parasite, kinds of parasite and parasite infection rate etc. Currently the method has been studying lively can identify the group in the similar environment. However It is difficult to know to identify the same genetic group in each other. Tagging Method is direct method. It can analyse cohort's migration, distribution and location of spawning, but it is very difficult to recapture tagged squids and hard to tag juveniles. Genetic method, which is for useful fishery resource stock analysis has provided the basic information regarding resource management study. Genetic method for stock analysis is determined according to markers' sensitivity and need to select high multiform of genetic markers. For stock identification, isozyme multiform has been used for genetic markers. Recently there is increase in use of makers with high range variability among DNA sequencing like mitochondria, microsatellite. Even the current morphologic method, tagging method and ecological method played important rolls through finding Todarodes pacificus' life cycle, migration route and changes in spawning grounds, it is still difficult to analyze the stock of Todarodes pacificus as those are distributed in difference seas. Lately, by taking advantages of each stock analysis method, more complicated method is being applied. If based on such analysis and genetic method for improvement are played, there will be much advance in management system for the resource fluctuation of Todarodes pacificus. 본 종설논문은 살오징어의 기존 및 최근에 새롭게 적용되고 있는 계군 분석방법들을 비교 분석하여 각 분석방법의 장단점과 분석방법간의 상호보완에 대하여 고찰하였다. 살오징어는 북서태평양의 넓은 지역을 회유하는 어종으로 생태계 및 상업적으로 중요한 자원이다. 살오징어는 해양환경변화의 생물학적 지표로서의 가능성을 평가 받고 있으며, 장단기적인 어획량 및 분포역의 변화가 환경 변화와 함께 나타난다. 예를 들어, 1987/1988 무렵에 발생한 기후체제전환 이후 한류성 어종으로 분류되는 명태의 어획량은 급감하여 현재까지 그 영향이 지속되고 있는 반면, 살 오징어 어획량은 크게 증가하였다. 현재까지 명태 어획량의 감소에 대하여 남획과 기후변화에 초점이 맞추어진 해석이 있으나, 뚜렷한 원인 분석은 이루어지지 않고 있다. 그 이유 중 한 가지는 계군 분석에 근거한 생태, 환경적 측면에 대한 정확한 원인 분석이 이루어지지 않고 있는 것과 관련이 된다. 계군은 유사한 생물학적 특징을 가진 개체들이 제한된 영역 내에서 유성생식과정을 통하여 동일한 유전자 풀(gene pool)을 공유하는 집단으로, 동일 계군을 형성하는 개체들은 산란에서 자원으로 가입 후 다시 재생산 과정에 이르기까지 시간 및 공간적으로 각기 다른 환경의 영향을 받을 수 있다. 따라서, 종에 대한 정확한 계군 분석은 자원의 효과적인 관리 및 급격한 변화에 대한 중요한 대응 방안의 역할을 할 수 있다. 살오징어 계군 분석에 적용된 주요 방법은 크게 4가지로 형태학적 방법, 생태학적 방법, 표지방류법, 유전학적 방법이 있다. 형태학적인 방법은 분석방법이 가장 간단하고 다수의 개체를 비교적 쉽게 분석할 수 있지만 각 형질들은 성장기간 동안 환경에 의해 영향을 많이 받게 되어 개체간의 차이가 생긴다. 생태학적 방법은 주로 개체의 생리적인 변화와 분포 및 회유상태, 기생충의 기생상태나 종류 및 기생률 등을 분석, 산란장의 차이를 알아보는 연구이며, 현재 활발히 연구되고 있는 방법으로 유사한 환경에서 생활하는 집단을 알 수 있지만 유전적으로 같은 집단인지는 알기 어렵다. 표지방류법은 직접적인 방법으로 계군의 회유 및 분포, 산란장의 위치를 파악할 수 있지만 수거가 어렵고 초기 단계에는 표식을 하기 어렵다. 수산생물의 계군 분석을 위한 유전학적 방법은 자원관리학적 연구에 관한 기본적 정보를 제공해 왔다. 계군 분석을 위한 유전학적 방법은 이에 사용하는 유전자 마커(marker)의 감도에 따라 결정되며, 유전자 마커의 다형성이 높은 것을 선택해야 한다. 계군 분석을 위한 유전자 마커로는 오랜 기간 동안 동위효소 다형이 사용되어졌으며, 최근에는 mitochondria, microsatellite와 같이 DNA 염기배열 중에서도 변이성이 높은 영역을 선택하여 마커로 이용한 연구가 증가되고 있다. 기존의 형태학적 방법, 표지방류법, 생태학적인 방법들은 살오징어의 생활사, 회유경로, 산란장의 변화 등을 밝혀내어 계군을 파악하는데 많은 기여를 하였지만 여전히 각 해역에 분포하는 살오징어의 계군을 파악하기에는 어려움이 있다. 최근에는 기존의 계군 분석이 지닌 장단점을 비교 분석하여 복합적인 방법의 계군 분석이 이루어지며, 이러한 정보들을 바탕으로 유전학적 방법을 보완한다면 살오징어 자원의 변동에 대한 관리 방안을 마련하는데 도움을 줄 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        김정일의 민족 인식과 정치적 활용

        김창근 한국국민윤리학회 2003 倫理硏究 Vol.54 No.1

        김정일은 계급을 민족의 부분적인 개념으로 인식하고 있으며, 사회주의적 민족주의를 통치이념화하고 있다. 그의 민족 인식에는 우리식 사회주의가 김정일식 사회주의로 간주되며, 외세를 배격한 자주적인 민족통일이 곧 ‘조국통일이자 애국하는 길’로 강조된다. 아울러 그는 ‘수령의 품을 곧 민족의 품’으로 부각하여 민족·국가·수령의 운명을 동일시하고 있다. 이러한 인식은 정치적으로 대외적 저항 및 대내적 전체주의적 단결 추구, 사회주의적 민족주의의 통치이념화, 민족대단결의 논리 강조, 수령에 의한 민족 영도의 절대성 지속 등에 활용되고 있다. 김정일의 민족 인식과 정치적 활용에서 나타나는 특징은 수세적인 대내외 환경변화속에서 체제유지 논리가 결합되어 있다는 점이다. 따라서 북한의 위기가 대두될수록 사회주의적 민족주의의 경향은 강화될 것이며, ‘자주적 민족통일’ 논리는 대외관계에서 체제공존 형성과 남북 연방제 및 교류·협력 추진의 논리로 보다 적극적으로 활용될 것이다. 남북화해·협력이 진행될수록 민족의 범주나 정통성 문제는 통일문제의 쟁점으로 부상할 것이다. 우리는 한민족의 평화와 공동번영을 매개로 한 한반도 민족주의와 자유민주주의적인 민족주의에 대한 논의를 보다 활성화해야 할 것이다. Kim Jung Il recognizes class as a considerable component of a nation, thereby contriving socialist nationalism as his ruling ideology. The so-called Kim Jung Il style of socialism has become the core of North Korean socialism in light of Kim's national perception. Independent reunification through cooperation of the two Koreas has been considered the sole path towards national unification as well as a means to patriotism. As the protection of the great leaders (Su-Ryung) directly correlates to the security of the nation, Kim Jung Il has placed his destiny at par with the fate of the nation, the state and the leadership. This view put forward by Kim Jung Il has unendingly been applied to North Korea’s domestic as well as international politics. Namely, overseas political resistance, pursuit of national solidarity at home, construction of socialist nationalism as a basis of ruling ideology, emphasis on great national unity, and continuance of the absolute national leadership under the Su-Ryung. Kim Jung Il's nationalistic perception and coinciding political application explains the cohesive logic for regime maintenance amid the unfavorable environmental changes at home and abroad. A deepening crisis in the North will lead to a growing inclination towards a socialist nationalism and the logic for 'independent national reunification' will widely be used as propaganda for establishing co-existence abroad, pushing for a confederation system and promoting exchange and cooperation in inter-Korean relations. We should assertively invite further discussions relating to nationalism on the Korean peninsula as well as liberal democratic nationalism based on peace and co-prosperity of the Korean people.


        Finding key vulnerable areas by a climate change vulnerability assessment

        Kim, Ho Gul,Lee, Dong Kun,Jung, Huicheul,Kil, Sung-Ho,Park, Jin Han,Park, Chan,Tanaka, Riwako,Seo, Changwan,Kim, Ho,Kong, Wooseok,Oh, Kyusik,Choi, Jinyong,Oh, Young-Ju,Hwang, Gangseok,Song, Chang-Keun Springer Netherlands 2016 Natural hazards Vol.81 No.3

        <P>Extreme climate events such as typhoons, heat waves, and floods have increased in frequency with climate change. Many municipalities within the Republic of Korea (ROK) have experienced damage from these events, necessitating countermeasures. Vulnerability assessment has been suggested in the implementation of a national plan for reducing damage resulting from climate change. Thus, in this study, we assess the vulnerability of the ROK and identify key vulnerable municipalities in support of the national adaptation plan. We create a framework for assessing the vulnerability of all 232 municipalities of the ROK with respect to 32 items in 7 fields. The framework regards decision makers' comprehension and availability of data as important factors. We assess the vulnerability index of each municipality by using variables of climate exposure, sensitivity, and adaptation capacity. The weights of variables are determined by the Delphi method. We used the representative concentration pathways 8.5 climate scenario to reflect future climate exposure for the vulnerability assessment. From the analysis, vulnerability maps are prepared for the 32 items of 7 fields, and key vulnerable municipalities are identified by aggregating the maps. The distribution of vulnerable municipalities changes with the future climate conditions. These maps provide a scientific and objective basis for the ROK government to establish adaptation plans and allocate resources. The ROK government can utilize the results to identify the characteristics of highly vulnerable areas, and municipalities can use the results as a basis for requesting support from the national government.</P>

      • X-ray Irradiation Induced Reversible Resistance Change in Pt/TiO<sub>2</sub>/Pt Cells

        Chang, Seo Hyoung,Kim, Jungho,Phatak, Charudatta,D’Aquila, Kenneth,Kim, Seong Keun,Kim, Jiyoon,Song, Seul Ji,Hwang, Cheol Seong,Eastman, Jeffrey A.,Freeland, John W.,Hong, Seungbum American Chemical Society 2014 ACS NANO Vol.8 No.2

        <P>The interaction between X-rays and matter is an intriguing topic for both fundamental science and possible applications. In particular, synchrotron-based brilliant X-ray beams have been used as a powerful diagnostic tool to unveil nanoscale phenomena in functional materials. However, it has not been widely investigated how functional materials respond to the brilliant X-rays. Here, we report the X-ray-induced reversible resistance change in 40-nm-thick TiO<SUB>2</SUB> films sandwiched by Pt top and bottom electrodes, and propose the physical mechanism behind the emergent phenomenon. Our findings indicate that there exists a photovoltaic-like effect, which modulates the resistance reversibly by a few orders of magnitude, depending on the intensity of impinging X-rays. We found that this effect, combined with the X-ray irradiation induced phase transition confirmed by transmission electron microscopy, triggers a nonvolatile reversible resistance change. Understanding X-ray-controlled reversible resistance changes can provide possibilities to control initial resistance states of functional materials, which could be useful for future information and energy storage devices.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/ancac3/2014/ancac3.2014.8.issue-2/nn405867p/production/images/medium/nn-2013-05867p_0007.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/nn405867p'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

      • HPV에 감염된 자궁경부 상피세포의 Keratin 아형 변화에 관한 연구

        기근홍,이영미,장원재,임용,임성철,김창원,전호종 조선대학교 1994 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.19 No.2

        The human papillomavirus (HPV) are wide spread in the world, causing proliferation of epidermal and mucosal surface. Certain papillomaviral types are oncogenic in vivo and in vitro. HPV DNA has been detected in most of cervical lesions such as condyloma acuminata, dysplasias, and invasive carcinomas. The materials for this study consisted of 5 dysplasias. 5 squamous cell carcinomas, and 5 exocervix for control, that resected for definite treatment of uterine disease at Chosen University Hospital from January, 1991 to December, 1993. All cases were performed of in situ hybridization for HPV DNA type 6/11, 16, and 18. And also immununohistochemical stain for panel of monoclonal cytokeratin (CK) antibodies were done. The result obtained is as fallows : 1. HPV DNA type 6/11 are detected in all dysplasias. HPV DNA type 16 and 18 are detected in squamous cell carcinomas. 2. Stratifed squamous epithelium of exocervix are positive staining for CK 1, CK 5/6, CK 8, CK 13, CK 14, and CK 19. HPV DNA type 6/11 infected cells are positive for CK 1, CK 13, CK 14, CK 17, CK 18, and CK 19. HPV DNA type 16/18 infected cells are positive for CK 1, CK 5/6, CK 10, CK 13, CK 14, CK 17, CK 18, and CK 19. In conclusion, HPV infection of uterine cervix is associated with change of normal cytokeratin expression pattern. Dysplastic cells are changed of CK 5/6, CK 8, CK 17 and CK18. Squamous cell carcinoma cells are changed of CK 8, CK 17, and CK 18.

      • KCI우수등재

        김현옥 서울시장(1966~1970년)의 공원녹지 정책 경로에서 나타난 하이 모더니즘 특성

        오창송,김근호,Oh, Chang-Song,Kim, Keun-Ho 한국조경학회 2021 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.49 No.5

        본 연구는 서울 근대화의 주역인 김현옥 서울시장이 추진한 공원녹지 정책의 경로를 추적하고 그 특성을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 그의 공원녹지 정책 논의를 발전시키기 위해 하이 모더니즘의 관점을 투영하였다. 하이 모더니즘은 전후 도시재건사업에서 나타나는 불가피한 현상으로 국가 엘리트들에 의한 이상적 사회질서와 합리적 계획에 대한 신념의 형태로 출현하였다. 이것의 특징은 가독성 구축, 권력에 의한 신속성과 편의성, 민간 참여와 이익 창출, 그리고 건설되는 도시의 스펙타클을 실현하는 것이었다. 하이 모더니스트로서 김현옥 서울시장의 도시계획은 폭증하는 인구와 서울 영토의 확장에서 비롯되었다. 그리고 그의 공원녹지 정책은 서울 외곽으로 공원을 확장시켰고, 도심에 위치한 공원을 전용하는 이원적 태도를 보였다. 한편 공원조성을 위해 민간의 참여를 유도하였지만 장소성을 소거하고, 관련 제도를 배제하는 근대화의 이면을 보여 주었다. 김현옥 시장의 공원녹지 정책의 경로는 인구증가에 대응하고 공원의 잠식을 해소하는 것에서 출발하였다. 그리고 정책의 궁극적 목표는 도시계획 현실화를 수용하고 비재정방식 실험하는 것이었다. 하이 모더니즘을 반영한 그의 공원녹지 정책의 특성은 첫째, 국토계획학회, HURPI 그리고 장문기로 대표하는 엘리트들이 참여하였고, 둘째, 사방위의 축, 표고 기준 그리고 인구 예측을 반영한 합리적 계획에 의한 공원녹지의 가독성을 구축하였다. 셋째, 급격한 도시변화에 대응하기 위해 신속하게 공원을 해제하였고 넷째, 민간자본을 유치하기 위한 이벤트와 스펙타클을 과시하였다. The purpose of this study is to trace the path of policy for urban parks and greenbelts (PUPG) pursued by Seoul Mayor Kim Hyeon-ok, who was a protagonist of Seoul's modernization and to reveal the policy's characteristics. A high modernism perspective was projected to advance his PUPG discussion. High modernism was an unavoidable phenomenon that appeared in post-war urban reconstruction projects and emerged in the form of a belief that the national elite creates the ideal social order and rational planning. Its characteristics were to build with legibility, immediacy, and convenience by power, with private participation and profit creation, while realizing the spectacle of "the city being built". As a high-modernist, Seoul Mayor Kim Hyun-ok's urban planning aimed to deal with the booming population and the expansion of Seoul's territory. Although his PUPG extended the parks to the outskirts of Seoul, he showed a dualistic attitude, diverting parks away from the city center. On the other hand, he induced the participation of the private sector to create parks. However, he showed the other side of modernization, eliminating the placeness and excluding related systems. The path taken by Mayor Kim Hyun-ok's PUPG was started to respond to population growth and resolve the encroachment of parks. The ultimate goal was to accept the realization of urban planning and experiment with non-financial methods. The characteristics of his PUPG reflecting high modernism were: First, elites were represented in the National Land Planning Association, HURPI, and Jang Moon-gi participated; second, legibility was ensured by using east-west and north-south axes, elevation standards, and rational planning. Third, parks were quickly released to respond to the rapid urban change. Fourth, it showed off events and spectacles to attract private capital.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Case of Occupational Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Associated with Trichloroethylene

        Jae, Young,Hwang, Eu Dong,Leem, Ah Young,Kang, Beo Deul,Chang, Soo Yun,Kim, Ho Keun,Park, In Kyu,Kim, Song Yee,Kim, Eun Young,Jung, Ji Ye,Kang, Young Ae,Park, Moo Suk,Kim, Young Sam,Kim, Se Kyu,Chang, The Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory 2014 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.76 No.2

        Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a toxic chemical commonly used as a degreasing agent, and it is usually found in a colorless or blue liquid form. TCE has a sweet, chloroform-like odor, and this volatile chlorinated organic chemical can cause toxic hepatitis, neurophysiological disorders, skin disorders, and hypersensitivity syndromes. However, the hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) attributed to TCE has rarely been reported. We hereby describe a case of HP associated with TCE in a 29-year-old man who was employed as a lead welder at a computer repair center. He was installing the capacitors on computer chip boards and had been wiped down with TCE. He was admitted to our hospital with complaints of dry coughs, night sweats, and weight losses for the past two months. HP due to TCE exposure was being suspected due to his occupational history, and the results of a video-associated thoracoscopic biopsy confirmed the suspicions. Symptoms have resolved after the steroid pulse therapy and his occupational change. TCE should be taken into consideration as a potential trigger of HP. Early recognition and avoidance of the TCE exposure in the future is important for the treatment of TCE induced HP.

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