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      • 젊은 남자에게 발생한 통상성 간질성 폐렴과 동반된 폐암 1예

        박종숙,이준혁,박성우,장안수,박춘식,박재성,백상현,고은석,신화균 순천향의학연구소 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.2

        Usual interstitial pneumonia(UIP) is relatively rare disease of lung parenchyme under the age of 50. Lung cancer is reported to occur as a complication of UIP, but has not been reported in young age patient with UIP in Korea. A 35-year-old man was admitted to the hospital because of dyspnea, cough and mild fever. He had been suffered from dyspnea during 3 years. The dyspnea worsened recent 1 month ago. He had been treated with pneumonia at another hospital during 4 months before this admission. Chest radiographs and High resolution CT showed subpleural and basal dominant reticular opacities in both lung with no change until now. He was smoker and his occupation was car engine-man dealing with benzene. UIP is suspected by history and radiologic findings. Operation for open lung biopsy was performed to obtain lung specimen via video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. Patient's pathologic examination showed UIP combined with adenocarcinoma in RLL superior segment and posterobasal segment and RLL lobectomy was done. After operation, the patient has been in cancer free condition so far. We report a case of UIP combined with lung cancer in young man with brief review of the literature.

      • 경주지역 여고생의 초경과 체성장간의 관계

        김준섭,권오구,박진석,오종수,박정현,박제식,안세한,이용환,서정호,신태섭,최영배,김덕수,이관,박수경 東國大學校醫學硏究所 2002 東國醫學 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 경주지역 1개 고등학교 3학년 여고생을 대상으로 초경 시작 전인 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 키, 몸무게, 가슴둘레 수치와 초경 연령을 파악하여 여성의 초경이 빠를수록 체성장 속도의 변화가 있을 것이라는 가설을 기초로 두 요인간의 관련성을 파악하고자 시행되었다. 경주시 1개 여자고등학교 3학년생 총 317명에 대해 ㅊ경 나이, 초경시 심리 상태, 초경이 시작되었을 때의 상담 여부와 상담하였던 사람, 부모 신장과 초경전후의 식사 규칙성, 다이어트 경험, 수면시간, 스트레스, 음주/흡연 여부, 질병력 등에 대한 설문 조사를 시행하였고, 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 키, 몸무게, 가슴둘레에 대한 정보는 건강기록부에서 확보하였다. 상기 대상자 중 건강기록부가 분실된 39명, 초경나이에 대해 응답하지 않았던 29명 및 결석 등으로 조사를 하지 못하였던 42명을 제외한 조사 대상자는 206명으로 선정하였다. 대상자들의 초경연령 평균값(Mean±SD)은 13.0±1.11이었고, 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 초경 이후 신장 성장률은 감소하였으며, 초경연령이 빠른 군이 초등학교 때는 신장에 있어서 우위를 차지하나 고등학교에 오면서 신장은 비슷한 수준이 되었다. 초경후 1-2년 사이에 체중과 흉위의 증가율은 감소하였고, 초경연령이 빠른 군이 초등학교와 고등학교 사이에 체중과 흉위에서 모두 우위를 차지하였다. 본 연구의 결과는, 흔히 이차 성징의 시작 시점 혹은 사춘기의 시작 시점으로 보고있는 초경 연령이 청소년기의 성장과 밀접한 관련성이 있고, 특히 체중과 흉위의 성장 속도와 밀접한 관련성이 있음을 시사한다. To understand the onset of menarche in relation to changes in physical growth that take place during female adolescence, especially the changes in height and weight velocity. The 207 senior in one women high school of Kyongju were investigated in April 3 to 8, 2001. We collected the information, relation in the age at menarche, height & weight of parents, regularity of eating, and obesity diet, duration of sleeping, sickness & stress near age at menarche, by self-recording. The status of height, weight & chest circumference between the 4th grade of primary school and the junior of high school was collected by individual Health Record. The results were followed; The average age at menarche was 12.95±1.11 years old and the most frequent age of menarche is 13 years. After menarche, the velocity of height, weight and chest circumference were decreased. The most rapid group of menarche hold dominant position in height during elementary school. As time passed, they dont hold dominant position in height. The most rapid group of menarche get an advantage in the weight and the girth of chest after elementary school. The height of subjects is directly proportional to the height of their parents. These results suggest that the starting age at menestuation can be closely associated with physical growth and development.

      • 급성 췌장염의 합병이 추정되는 한국형 출혈열 1예

        박영수,김창오,김영근,홍성관,장경희,허애정,염준섭,송영구,김준명 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.5

        The Korean hemorrhagic fever (KHF) is an acute febrile disease with characteristic of fever, bleeding tendency, and renal failure. There are many complications of Korean hemorrhagic fever such as infection, anemia, internal bleeding, hypopituitarism, respiratory, and neurologic complication. A few cases were reported on acute pancreatitis with hemorrhagic fever abroad, but there was no case about Korean hemorrhagic fever with acute pancreatitis in this country. We experienced a case of Korean hemorrhagic fever associated with suspected acute pancreatits. With review of articles, we report a case of 51 year-old woman with KHF, where acute pancreatitis developed during management, (Korean J Infect Dis 33:376∼379, 2001)

      • 방사선 조사 및 수용성 이온성 조영제가 배양 임파구에 미치는 영향

        임승수,조준식,이병철,박정규 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1989 충남의대잡지 Vol.16 No.1

        Cytogenetic effects of radiation exposure and ionic contrast media were evaluated in peripheral lymphocytes. Accentric chromosome fragments produced n cells by radiation exposure or othe agents give rise to imcronuclei in daughter cells. The micronuclei could be counted readily in larger number of cell which provided a sensitive measure of radiation exposure and contrast media induced chromosome aberration. Radiation exposure and contrast media induced microunclei formations in human lymphocytes were counted in vitro and in vivo. Results were as follows: 1. Micronuclei in lymphocytes were produced by exposure to contrast media and/or radiation. 2. Numbers of micronuclei formation in peripheral lymphocytes after enhanced CT were more increased than inert condition. 3. Lymphocytes of micronuclei formation were increased in number of the plate prepared with contrast media only, but the number of lymphocyte of microniclei formation was not proportional to the concentration of contrast media. 4. The number of lymphocytes of radiation exposure and contrast media induced micronuclei formation was increased than te preparation with contrast media only. 5. The number of lymphocyte of radiation exposure and contrast media induced micronuclei formation in vitro was more increased than enhanced CT in vivo.

      • 급성 호흡곤란 증후군으로 발현된 폐결핵 1례

        윤여준,박성우,이준혁,장안수,박춘식 순천향의학연구소 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.2

        Pulmonary tuberculosis as a cause of the acute respiratory distress syndrome is quite rare. The diagnosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome due to pulmonary tuberculosis is difficult because of the diversity of radiological patterns. The ability to identify patients at risk for the acute respiratory distress syndrome is important if therapies are to be developed to prevent the disorder. We experienced a young female compliants with mild fever, dyspnea who diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis 1 months ago. She stoped anti-tuberculosis medication 2 day because confirmation of drug fever and after then sudden aggravated dyspnea. The clinical course of this case is similar with presentaion of ARDS. We started antituberculosis medication with steroid, which result in good prognosis.

      • Roxithromycin 으로 치료 후 호전을 보인 미만성 범세기관지염 1예

        어성준,박성우,이준혁,장안수,박춘식 순천향의학연구소 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.2

        Diffuse panbronchiolitis is a clinical pathologic condition characterized by chronic inflammation of respiratory bronchioles, with clinical features that position it as a differential diagnosis among the sinopulmonary syndromes. We experienced 46-year-old male patient who complained of dyspnea and productive sputum for 2 years. Diagnosis was made by the clinical and radiological features and confirmed by transbronchial biopsy. The clinical findings included chronic sinusits, productive cough,dyspnea, rhonchi, and wheezes. High resolution computerized tomography showed a diffuse nodular pattern, airway ectasia, and airway wall thickening. The biopsy showed interstitial accumulation of foam cells and lymphoid cells in the walls of respiratory bronchioles. We treated low does of roxithromycin, After 8 months, the patient nearly improved symptoms and HRCT findings.

      • Rat의 복강에 삽입한 Fluorouracil-Polyglycolic acid 제형의 Fluorouracil 용출에 관한 연구

        노승무,정경수,오정연,김진향,양준묵,강대영,송규상,최정목,최선웅,이진호,조준식,민병무,김용백,김창식,박근성,김승영,김학용,인현빈 忠南大學校 癌共同硏究所 1998 癌共同硏究所 硏究誌 Vol.2 No.1

        A common form of relapse in adenocarcinoma of the stomach is intraperitoneal dissemination, in fact, among gastric adenocarcinoma patients who have undergone surgery intended to cure, approximately 50% of the patients develope initial recurrence in the peritoneal cavity regardless of the anatomic site of the primary tumor within the stomach. The efficacy of systemic postoperative chemotherapy to prevent peritoneal recurrence of gastrric adcnocarcinoma is not satisfactory. There is still a great need for improved therapeutic strategies on the disseminated microscopic disease and small miliary nodules remaining on the peritoneal surface or lymphatics after operation. The authers have made fluorouracil-polyglycolic acid composite disks(Fu-PGA disks) with fluorouracil and biodegradable polymer: polyglycolic acid for more effective intraperitoneal chemotherapy. We inserted the Fu-PGA disk(s) in the peritoneal cavity of rat and pharmacokinetic study was performed to measure fluorouracil concentration in the peritoneal fluid, plasma, liver, kidney and heart tissue at 24 hour, 72 hour and 168 hour after insertion of Fu-PGA disk(s). Myelosuppressive action of this composite also was determined following its administration. The data of this study suggested that Fu-PGA composite will be a new device releasing drugs in a controlled manner and having targetability to peritoneum, and this device will be improving the efficacy of intraperitoneal chemotherapy for gastric adenocarcinoma.

      • 石灰物質 施用이 Burley種 煙草의 收量과 化學成分에 미치는 影響

        李哲煥,金容鈺,朴秀俊 충북대학교 엽연초연구소 1988 煙草硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        Field experiment was conducted to find out the effect of liming materials application on yield, and chemical composition of Burley 21 in 1986. Liming materials and application rate were CaSO4 : Ca 35kg/10a, CaCO3 : Ca 35kg/10a and Liming : pH 6.5. Lime increased Ca, Mg and pH of fresh and cured leaves, but decreased Al, Fe and Mn concentrations. Yield were increased by liming materials application. Among liming materials treatment, yield of limed and CaCO3 plot were higher than that of CaSO4 plot. Value per kg of cured leaves was not affected by liming materials application. Cured leaves of CaSO4 plot contained higher NH3-nitrogen and alkalinity number of water insoluble ash than those of unlimed plot. Cured leaves of CaCO3 plot contained higher alkalinity number of water soluble ash, insoluble ash and volatile neutral constituent, but lower protein - nitrogen and petroleum ether extracts than those of unlimed plot. Cured leaves of limed plot contained higher alkalinity number of water soluble and insoluble ash, NO3-nitrogen and volatile neutral constituents, but lower protein-nitrogen, nicotine and petroleum ether extracts than those unlimed plot. Limed increased yield, however it did not affect leaf quality in respect to chemical and organoleptic characteristics, suggesting that controlling the soil pH about 6.5 by liming should be necessary for tobacco cultivation.

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