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        여학생의 인구 및 가족계획교육 효과분석

        박영수,황인담 한국보건통계학회 1982 한국보건정보통계학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        A study was performed on knowledge and attitude of women students of University on population and family planning. The study group consisted of 229 students of Jeonbug National University who took a course of Population Education, and the control group was the students of Woo Suk College who did not take the course. The major findings and results are summarized as follows: Ⅰ. The knowledge and responses measured on population and family planning, between the study group and control group were not different significantly. Ⅱ. The family planning was pointed as the best means of solution over population problems. Ⅲ. On the ideal age of marriage, the mean was 24.96 ± 1.19 years in study group, and 24.65±1.36 years in control group. Ⅳ. The mean age desired for marriage was 26.42 ± 1.61 years in study group, and 26,30±1.69 in control group, The diference between two groups was not significant. Ⅴ. The ideal age of the first child birth was 26.70 ± 3.89 years in study group and 26.34±3.66 years in control group. Ⅵ. The mean number of children desired was 1.54 ± 0.94 years in study group and 1.78 ± 0.92 years in control group. The difference between two groups was slightly significant. Ⅶ. The attitude of control group on sterility was more conservative than study group. The control group showed more interest in adoptation of children than the study group. Ⅷ. To compare with the general population on preference of boy, both of the study group and control group showed less interest in the preference of boy. However, 3.5 per cent of the study group studdkents had of study group. The difference between two groups were significant statistically. Opinions to keep trying till a boy is born. The more students of control group prefer boy to girls than those of study group. The difference be tween two groups were significant statistically. Ⅸ. More students of control group consider children means of keeping family generation than those of the study group. Ⅹ. Out of the total, 80 per cent of the study group had knowledge or pregnancy, and physiology of birth. mean while 66 per cent of the control group had knowledge on those areas. A. The mean number of family planning methods pointed out by study group studdkents was 4.5± 2.1, and material of family planning(22.7%), and TV and radio(19.7%). Menawhile, the sources given by the Control group. B. The sources of information of family planning answered by the study group were school (40.2%), education material of family planning (22.7%), and TV and radio (19.7%) Meanwhile, the sources given by the control group were educational material (28.2%), TV and radio (25.9%) and school (24.5%). C. On the responses of the study group students on time allocation on population education, 66.8% of them had the opinions that the time allocated was adequate, 26.6% having opinions that the time was not adequate, and 6.6% having opinions that the time was more than enough. D. The evaluations made by the study group students on the level of population education were as follows 65.9% of the students consider the level to be adequate, 30.2% considering the level to be low, and 3.9% considering the level to be difficult. E. Out of the total, 55.0% of the study group students were satisfied with the contents of porplation education program and 22.7% were very satisfid the contents and 19.2% were not satisfied with the contents of the program.

      • KCI등재

        실습선을 이용한 선박 조우형태별 위험도 분석을 통한 효율적인 실습 교육자료 개발

        박영수,이윤석 한국항해항만학회 2008 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        해양계열 대학에서는 STCW협약에 의거하여 항해계열 실습생은 1년 동안 승선실습을 대학 실습선 및 해운선사를 통한 위탁실습을 수행하고 있다. 한국해양대학교 및 목포해양대학교는 실습 교육프로그램에 의거하여 학기별 약 4~5회의 연안 항해 실습과 1회 정도의 원양항해 실습을 진행하고 있다. 실습교육 프로그램에는 초급항해사에게 필요한 위치결정능력, 해도작업능력, 국제해상충돌방지규칙을 포함한 선박운항능력, 화물관리능력 등과 같이 많은 내용을 요구하고 있다. 또한 초급항해사에게 항해 중 가장 기본적으로 요구되는 충돌 회피를 위한 선박조종 실습은 안전운항에 대한 법적 책임 및 타선박과의 불규칙한 조우로 인해 직접적인 충돌회피 조종 실습이 곤란할 뿐만 아니라, 타 선박과의 조우하는 상황 자체가 극히 제한되어 있다.이에 이 연구에서는 한국해양대학교 실습선 한나라호의 원양항해 중 타선박과의 조우형태를 조사하여 해양계열 대학 실습생 및 초급 항해사에게 실제 해역에서 발생할 수 있는 조우상황별 위험도를 분석하여, 이를 기초로 충돌 회피를 위한 효율적인 판단 능력 향상을 위한 기초 실습교육 자료를 개발하고자 한다. 그리고 추후에는 이러한 자료를 선박조종시뮬레이터 적용하여 임의의 조우 상황 하에서 안전한 선박조종이 가능하도록 교육 훈련함으로서 보다 효율적인 실습 교육에 이바지 할 것으로 판단된다. In the maritime universities, cadets of deck part should practice on board training using training ships of university or merchant vessels of company for 1 year according to STCW Convention. For training period, trainees are educated many education items as to positioning ability, chart work ability, vessel operation ability and cargo operation ability etc. Among many abilities, vessel avoiding ability which is demanded as a basic ability for deck officer can't be gained easily, because avoiding maneuver of ship controlled by cadets is not allowable regally and encounter situations occur randomly. This paper investigated CPA to the various encounter types with other vessels during the ocean going navigation of T.S Hannara. We analysis danger degree per each encounter type, and proposed a basic material of efficient training education about proper look-out and avoiding maneuver.

      • KCI등재

        직전항로에서의 적정 최대속력에 대한 검토.연구

        박영수,정재용,박진수,Park Young-Soo,Jong Jae-Yong,Park Jin-Soo 해양환경안전학회 2006 海洋環境安全學會誌 Vol.12 No.2

        Recently, ships' average navigation speed become faster than before because of the increasing of high-speeds vessel including container ships and passenger-ferries. So, it is considered that the speed limit in the navigation channel in Korea isn't proper for vessel management in these days. Also, there is rare paper studies about the speed limit quantitatively and numerically, especially the speed limit is discussing continuously, as abrogation of Incheon Port's speed limit and alleviation of Gwang-yang Port's speed limit according to the requests by the navigating mariners. Consequently this paper deals with the effectiveness of speed limits using the Environmental Stress Model, after replay of the navigation traffic flow in the straight waterway using marine traffic flow simulation technique. 컨테이너 선박 및 고속선 등과 같은 고속선박의 등장으로 해상에서의 선박 속력은 이전보다 더욱 높아지고 있다. 그러나 우리나라의 특정해역으로 지정되어 있는 현행 교통 밀집해역에서의 속력규제는 수십년전의 규정으로 현재의 교통상황에 잘 부합되지 않는 제도라고 사료된다. 특히 그 해역을 항행하고 있는 선박운항자의 주장으로 인천항의 속력규제 폐지, 광양항의 속력규제 완화 등 속력규제에 관한 논의가 계속되고 있지만 이러한 협수로에서의 속력규제에 대하여 수치화되거나 정량화된 연구는 드물다. 본 연구에서는 직선항로에서의 통항선박의 흐름을 재현한 후, 선박운항자의 선박운항 부담감을 정량화한 환경스트레스 모델(ES Model)을 이용하여 속력규제에 대하여 분석하여 최대속력규제의 효과 여부를 알아보고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Proposals for the New Maritime Education System in Asian Countries

        박영수,Kinzo Inoue,박성용,박진수 한국항해항만학회 2008 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.32 No.9

        The maritime education and training is executed in Asian countries according to The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers(STCW). However, mainly basic training and education takes in maritime universities, because this convention is minimum requirements to become junior mariner. So, until now researches have not developed to the stage of discussing how maritime universities of advanced shipping countries should pursue the direction of education in the new eras. Korea and Japan as the leading shipping countries in Asia, need to take initiatives in building a new education system in order to foster the next generation maritime expert. To enhance the professional abilities of maritime technologists in the new era, element design of science and technology relating to maritime issues and a new education system based on an amalgamation of maritime education and scientific and technological education were discussed. The maritime education and training is executed in Asian countries according to The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers(STCW). However, mainly basic training and education takes in maritime universities, because this convention is minimum requirements to become junior mariner. So, until now researches have not developed to the stage of discussing how maritime universities of advanced shipping countries should pursue the direction of education in the new eras. Korea and Japan as the leading shipping countries in Asia, need to take initiatives in building a new education system in order to foster the next generation maritime expert. To enhance the professional abilities of maritime technologists in the new era, element design of science and technology relating to maritime issues and a new education system based on an amalgamation of maritime education and scientific and technological education were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        부산항내 제트포일 여객선의 항해 속력에 대한 연구

        박영수,전태영,박성용,김득봉,Park, Young-Soo,Jeon, Tae-Young,Park, Sung-Yong,Kim, Deug-Bong 해양환경안전학회 2013 海洋環境安全學會誌 Vol.19 No.4

        부산항내는 시간당 10척 이상의 선박이 통항하고 있고, 일본 왕복 제트포일 여객선이 30 kts~40 kts의 고속으로 항행하고 있어 우리나라에서도 고밀도 교통해역으로 간주된다. 더불어 이 항로 내에서는 제트포일 선박의 약 18 %가 고속으로 추월을 하거나 항로 밖으로 이탈하여 운항하고 있어 타 선박과 빈번히 조우하거나 항로 밖 항행 등과 같은 현행 법령을 미준수하고 있는 것으로 10일간의 해상교통조사를 통하여 분석되었다. 이 논문에서는 부산항의 교통조사 결과를 기반으로 한 해상교통류 시뮬레이션을 통하여 부산항내의 제트포일 여객선의 운항자 허용 가능 속력이 약32노트 이하로 계산되었으며, 제트포일 선박이 항로 내 및 항로 밖으로 통항하는 경우의 조선부담감 발생비율 차이가 미미한 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 시간당 통항척수가 감소함으로써 조선부담감이 다수 감소하기 때문에 피크타임 시간대 운항을 피하여 통항안전을 확보하여야 할 것이다. There are more than 10 ships and jetfoil passenger ships with speeds of 30~40 kts navigating between Japan and Busan ports per hour. Busan port has the highest density of traffic among the Korean ports and waterways. Jetfoil ships are the most frequently encountered amongst other vessels and about 18 % of passing jetfoil vessels violated port regulations. Based on the analysis of traffic survey carried out for 10 days, jetfoil vessels often overtook other vessels in route and deviated with high speed. This paper verified a proper speed and how to navigate in or out route of jetfoil ships by marine traffic flow simulation. A acceptable navigation speed for jetfoil vessel's mariner was calculated at less than about 32kts in Busan Port. It is a little different that shiphandling difficulty of jetfoil was almost the same whether passing in and out route in Busan Port. This paper proposes that the passing time of jetfoil ships should avoid the peak time to improve the traffic safety in Busan Port.

      • KCI등재

        일회용 세션을 활용한 인증정보 기반의 사용자 인증 방안

        박영수,이병엽 한국콘텐츠학회 2019 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.19 No.7

        Nowadays, various type of technologies are used for user authentication, such as knowledge based(ID/PW, etc.) authentication, biometric based(Iris/fingerprint/vein recognition) authentication, ownership based(OTP, security card, etc.) authentication. ID/PW authentication technology, a knowledge based authentication, despite the advantages of low in implementation and maintenance costs and being familiar to users, there are disadvantages of vulnerable to hacking attacks, Other authentication methods solve the vulnerability in ID/PW authentication technology, but they have high initial investment cost and maintenance cost and troublesome problem of reissuance. In this paper, we proposed to improve security and convenience over existing ID/PW based authentication technology, and to secure user authentication without restriction on the devices used for authentication. 현재 사용자 인증에는 지식기반(ID/PW 등)인증과 생체기반(홍채/지문/정맥 인식 등)인증, 소유기반(OTP, 보안카드 등)인증 등 다양한 종류의 기술을 사용하고 있다. 지식기반 인증인 ID/PW인증 기술은 구현 및 유지보수 비용이 적게 들며, 사용자에게 익숙한 방식이라는 장점에도 불구하고 해킹 공격에 취약하다는 단점을 가지고 있다. 다른 인증 방식들은 ID/PW인증기술에서의 취약점을 해결하였지만, 초기 구축비용과 유지보수 시 비용이 많이 발생한다는 점과 재발급 시 번거로운 문제점을 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 기존의 ID/PW기반 인증 기술보다 보안성과 편리성을 증진시키고, 인증에 사용되는 기기에 제약이 없는 사용자 인증을 안전하게 할 수 있는 방안을 제안한다.

      • 고정층 반응기에서의 비성형 고형연료 산소부하 가스화 특성에 관한 연구

        박영수,성호진,김양진,전병준,남성방,박혜정,김준석,구재회,이장근,오종혁 한국폐기물자원순환학회(구 한국폐기물학회) 2014 한국폐기물자원순환학회 춘계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        3 kg/hr급 소용량 고정층 가스화기를 사용한 비성형 고형연료의 산소부하 가스화 및 스팀 혼합 가스화 특성을 파악하였다. 공기 가스화와 비교하여 산소부하 가스화의 경우 주입되는 산소량은 동일하고 상대적으로 질소량이 감소하기 때문에 합성가스에 포함된 질소함량의 감소로 합성가스 발열량은 증가하게 된다. 그리고 스팀을 혼합하여 사용할 경우 주입된 스팀과 탄화수소 가스의 수증기 개질반응(CnHm + H<sub>2</sub>O → H<sub>2</sub> + CO)에 의해서 H<sub>2</sub>와 CO농도가 증가하고 합성가스 발열량도 증가하게 된다. 또한 탄화수소 계열인 타르와 반응함으로써 타르 제거 효과를 가지는 것으로 보고된다. 본 연구에서는 합성가스 조성, 발열량, 탄소전환율 및 냉가스효율에 대한 산소부하의 영향을 검토하였다. 또한 산소부하 조건에서 혼합 주입된 스팀이 합성가스 조성, 발열량, 탄소전환율 및 냉가스효율에 어떠한 영향을 주는지 검토하였다.

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