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      • 심층면접 방법의 실제 : 청주 지역사회 권력자들에 대한 심층면접 사례를 바탕으로 With Reference to a Study of Power Elites in Chongju Community

        강희경 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 2000 한국사회과학 Vol.22 No.2

        권력자를 연구하는 방법으로는 양적인 방법(표본조사)과 질적인 방법(심층면접)이 있지만, 표본수가 원천적으로 적을 수 밖에 없는 권력자(특히 지역사회 권력자) 연구에서는 기본적으로 비구조화된질문지를 통한 심층면접을 주로 사용한다.권력자들을심층면접할 때 부딪치는 첫번째 문제는 그들을 쉽게 만날 수 없다는 것이다.이것은 연구의 사활이 걸린 문제이다.이 연구에서는 연구기관이 대학이라는 것이 권력자들을 쉽게 접촉할 수 있게 하였다.다음으로 면접 대상자로 결정된 권력자들에 대하여 사전조사를 철저히 해야 한다.이를 위해 면접 자료 뿐만 아니라 권력자들의 저서,연설,공문서 등 2차 자료도 충분히 숙지한다.그리고 면접자는 면접상황(면접 상황,호의 여부 등)을 상세하게 기록한다. 심층면접을 보다 잘 하기 위해서는 특히 질문 문항에서 체계적인 사전 계획이 필요하다.그리고 연구 주제를 잘 정해야 한다.청주 연구에서도 버스 터미널 이전처럼 청주 지역사회 권력자들의 의사결정 과정을 알아볼 수 있는 주제를 정했는데, 이것에 관여한 응답자가 거의 없어서 결과적으로 성과를 거두지 못했다.기술적 문제로서 지키지 못할 약속을 하지 말아야 한다.이 연구에서는 응답자들에게 녹음 해독을 다시 제시하여 검토받을 것이라고 약속했으나 지키지 못하였다. Although both quantitative(sample survey) and qualitative(interview) methods are available most studies of power elites utilize unstructured interview method as the number of power elites are very few. I would like to mention two problems faced by researchers who try to administer in-depth interviews with power elites. First, it is not easy to mate appointments with power elites. Basically the study can not he carried out without meeting and interviewing them. Secondly, prior to the interview researchers must perform a thorough preparatory study regarding the interviewee(the power elite) including secondary materials such as his/her writings and speeches, relevant public documents as well as interview schedule for the study. The researchers must record in detail interview situations such as general atmosphere and the attitudes of the interviewee about specific topics. Four researchers(Min Kyonghee, Kang Hee-Kyung, Bae Youngmok, and Choi Youngchul Choi) carried out unstructured in-depth interview with 39 power elites out of total 52 power elites in Chongju Community from Feb. 14th through July 17th of 1995. The researchers wanted to find out the following: the existence of core power elites in Chongju, internal structure and the characteristics of this elite group, mechanisms through which power is wielded, decision-making processes among power elites in relation to different subjects. The fact that all four researchers were from a university in the region. * Professor of Sociology, Chungbuk National University. Research Area: Social Stratification. Major Publication: "Capital Accumulation and the Spatial Division of Classes: with Special Reference to the New Middle Class in Korean and Taiwan", The Population and Development Studies Center of Seoul National University Korea Journal of Population and Development, Vol. 20, No.1, 101-119. E-mail: kkhee255@trut.chungbuk.ac.kr. seemed to have helped with the first problem mentioned above: the researchers had easy access to power elites. A systematic preparatory planning especially with regard to interview questions is necessary in order to better utilize in-depth interview method. In addition, researchers must be careful in selecting the subject of study. For example, in the study mentioned above we selected the relocation of bus terminal as the subject of our study as it had a communitywide importance. However, not many of the interviewed power elites had anything to do with the issue and the study was not successful in grasping the decision-making process involved in the relocation of bus terminal. Lastly, a technical note should be mentioned: as a researcher one must not make a promise that cannot be kept. In our study researchers promised the power elites that they should be given a chance to review the interview record. But for various reasons the researchers were not able o keep the promise.

      • KCI등재후보

        B 형 간염 에 있어서 IgM anti HBc 의 발현도 및 임상적 의의

        김경희,강진경,문영명,송경순,김용범,최흥재,황용 대한내과학회 1986 대한내과학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        Testing for IgM antiHBc was useful to detecting the patients with negative and positive HBsAg viral hepatitis and may improve serodiagnostic accuracy when acute NANB and delta agent hepatitis occur in previousely unrecognized HBsAg carriers. Moreover, it may be a useful test in defining potentially high risk sources of exposure to hepatitis B virus. But it is not useful in distinguishing recent from remote infection because IgM antiHBc occasionally was found in chronic liver diseases, IgM antiHBc was found by ELISA in 32 patients with acute viral hepatitis B, 61 with chronic hepatitis B, 18 patients with liver cirrhosis, 36 healthy HBsAg carriers and l49 patients with positive antiHBc alone. We continuously evaluated HBsAg and liver function of the patients who had negative IgM antiHBc acute hepatitis. The results are summarized as follows: 1) IgM antiHBc was positive in 84.4% of acute hepatitis B, 4% of chronic hepatitis B, 5.5% of positive HBsAg liver cirrhosis, 2. 8% of HBsAg healthy carriers but was all negative in patients with positive antiHBc alone. 2) Three patients with negative HBsAg acute viral hepatitis was diagnosed by positive IgM antiHBc as acute viral hepatitis R. 3) During the follow-up of 5 patients with negative IgM antiHBc acute hepatitis, 2 patients were diagnosed as type B acute viral hepatitis because of disappearance of HBsAg and normalization of liver function. And another 3 patients were diagnosed as non-B acute viral hepatitis superimposed on HBsAg carrier or natural course of chronic hepatitis.

      • 노인의 영적 간호요구

        최미혜,김경희,김귀옥,김기숙,김수강,김정신,김춘숙,노흥진,박지연,성혜연,오명선,이선희,이원옥,이윤영,이현수,장명재,차혜경,채정선,홍상희 중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 간호과학연구소 2001 중앙간호논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        This study was designed to exam the aged's needs for spiritual nursing care. The purpose was to serve as a basis for the development of spiritual nursing practice. The major findings are as follows : 1. The degree of needs for spiritual nursing care as area was that needs of love and relationship mean 22.0, needs of meaning and object mean 28.2, needs of forgiving mean 13.5. Total needs for spiritual nursing care mean 63.7, which was on the upper middle level. The needs of meaning and object was rated highest. 2. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, needs of love and relatiohship wasn't significanlty different. 3. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, needs of meaning and object was significantly different according to two factors : age(F=7.260, p=0.001), religion(F=5.275, p=0.001). Higher needs of meaning and object was possessed by the older than the younger, by the one who have religion than the other. 4. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, four factors made a significantly difference to needs of forgiving : sex(t=-2.851, p=0.006), age(F=8.201, p=0.001), religion(F=6.928, p=0.000), disease(t=2.327, p=0.024). Higher needs of forgiving was possessed by man than woman, by the older than the younger, by the one who have religion than the other, by the one who have disease than the other.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        간호실무에서 신봉이론(Espoused theories)에 대한 탐색적 연구

        서문자,김혜숙,이은희,박영숙,조경숙,강현숙,임난영,김주현,이소우,조복희,이명하,지성애,하양숙,손영희,권성복,김희진,추진아 성인간호학회 2001 성인간호학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        As a nursing practice involves nurses' actions in a specific context of health care, this study has focused on exploring the espoused theories in nursing practice within the action science perspectives, Espoused theories are the belief, principles, and rationale expressed by the practitioner as guiding her/his actions in a situation of practice. The data were analysed qualitatively and 25 elements of espoused theories of nursing action were identified and clustered into 6 categories. The 25 elements of espoused theories are as follows: The clinical nurse worked in wholistic and individual nursing, focussed on the patient's needed, comfort and supportive nursing (5 theories of nursing goal) ; excellent skills, knowledge based, assessment and data collection, explaining, educating or a scientific basis(6 theories of nursing intervention): advocacy, value oriented, treatment, account- ability and commitment(4 theories of nursing ethics) ; human respect. partnership, trust(3 theories of patient-nurse relationship) : knowledgable, accumulated clinical experiences and personally lived experiences. positive perspectives(4 theories of nurse), role of intervention. rewarding peer relationship(3 theories of situations) The above mentioned espoused theories are similar to that of nursing textbooks which students learned through basic nursing education and almost the same as the Acts ofa Nurse in Korean. However, we are doubtful whether nurses actually do as they think. Therefore. it is recommended to review the theories-in-use in order to and any discrepancies between the espoused theories and the reality of nursing actions

      • KCI등재

        중년여성의 약물사용 실태 조사

        이영선,김은경,김경숙,강경인,김희선,신성희,김은숙,최지선,신혜숙,황선기 여성건강간호학회 2001 여성건강간호학회지 Vol.7 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the drug use of middle aged women. The subject consisted of 330 middle aged women who ranged in age from 40 to 60 years. They were selected in Seoul, Kyung-Ki province, Korea. Data were collected by using questionnaires, from April, 10th to 30th 2001 and analyzed by the SPSS PC+ program using qui-square. The results are summarized as follows ; 1. The proportion of drinking and smoking experience was 42.4%, 3.7%. The motivation of drug use was advised family and relatives(46.1%), doctor's order(39.4%), magazine and advertisement(14.5%). Most of middle aged women get the information on knowledge of drug from hospital(47.3%), magazines and advertisement(30.3%), advised family and relatives(22.4%). And 57.9% of the middle aged women didn't know side effect of the using drug and 13.9% of the middle aged women have had experienced with side effect. And the level of attitude on drug abuse in middle aged women was 43%. Most of the subjects(93.9%) didn't use alternative drugs, and they used more than 3 kinds of drugs(47%). 2. They used digestives(44.2%), applying ointments(41.8%), drinks(39.4%), analgesics(39.1%), laxatives(8.8%), anti hypertension drugs (8.8%), and anti-anemic drugs(8.8%) in their orders.

      • KCI등재후보

        경인지역 요양시설의 식사지원 서비스 실태

        김정희,강순남,이경희,Kim, Jung Hee,Kang, Sun Nam,Lee, Kyung Hee 한국가정간호학회 2015 가정간호학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        Purpose: This study was aimed at understanding meal services provided at long-term care facilities. Method: Interview survey was conducted using questionnaires at 254 facilities located in the Kyung-In area. Result: Of the residents, 37.4% were eating meals unassisted. Eating places included living rooms and residents' rooms in most facilities. Major noise source was television in 63.8%. Apron was applied to all elderly residents at mealtimes in 49.6% of the facilities. Half of the facilities used feeding utensils except for ordinary spoon and chopsticks. Of the facilities having individual prosthetic devices, dentures were applied before eating in 98%, glasses in 20.2% and hearing aids in 9.2%. Most facilities included the residents' favorite foods in menu: wheres, only 9.4% offered the menu which residents could choose. Conclusion: Standard guidelines and staff education for meal services need to be provided for elderly residents.

      • 지역사회의 상징 구성 모형으로 본 지역 정체성

        강희경 한국사회문화학회 2000 사회와 문화 Vol.12 No.-

        It has been argued that the movement of human beings and commodities on a golbal scale weakens cultural differences among localities. However, struggles of 'identity politics' against globalization have surfaced especially in the cultural sphere. Examples are women's movements and aborigines' movement in Australia. Another example is the attempts to clarify local boundaries through symbolic construction. It is argued that local community exist in the minds of community members, not in the 'geography'. The boundaries of local communities may be symbolized in four ways. The first is to revive local traditions. Examples are 'Chong-hak-dong maeul' in Kyung-Nam province and the play at tug of war in Chongdo, Kyulg-Buk. Secondly, drawing local people into rituals involving themes of local traditions and locally specific industries may be a way to symbolize the local boundaries as illustrated by 'Chun-hyang festival' in Namwon, film festival in Busan. and Zig-zi festival in Chongju. Thirdly, the symbolic reversal of social rotes such as 'Ha-whe byul-sin-gud' mask play in Andong, Kyung-Buk is another way to symbolize local community. Lastly, there is a strategy of revealing local stigma and change it into the object of respect. For example, Kuangju is made the holy land of democracy, and 'the hometown of arts', 'May Festival,' and 'Art Vienalle' are ways to construct local identity in Kuangju.

      • 한국인 지원자에서 니모디핀의 생체이용율연구

        강원호,심희옥,남진경,김동출 忠南大學校 生命科學硏究院 醫藥品開發硏究所 2006 藥學論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        A reversed phase HPLC method was developed and validated for the determination of nimodipine in human plasma. Nitrendipine was used as an internal standard. Calibration curves were linear in the concentration range of 5~300 ng/ml. The coefficient of variation of the intra- and inter-day precision was below 15%. The coefficient of variation of the accuracy was below 15% in the concentration range investigated. A bioavailability study was performed using the validated HPLC method. Eight healthy male volunteers were orally administered 30 mg of nimodipine. The pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using WinNonlin. The mean values of AUC_(24hr) was 64.0±31.3 ng·hr/ml, C_(max) was 46.5±31.2 ng/ml, T_(max) was 0.54±0.17 hr and t_(1/2) was 3.03±2.26 hr. The pharmacokinetic parameters and the HPLC method can be used for the design of bioequivalence study of nimodipine.

      • KCI등재

        일 도시 고등학생의 음주동기와 음주문제

        강혜영,신경은,장현지,나영화,조은희 韓國學校保健學會 2004 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.17 No.2

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate drinking motives and the drinking-related problems of Korean high school students at a city in Jeonbuk province. Methods : There were 657 students from two academic and two vocational high schools at J city in Jeonbuk province. The sample was collected using a stratified sampling method and the data was collected from June 30th to July 16th 2003. The study instrument used to examine drinking motive was a 20.item summated scale (Cronbach's α = .95) and for drinking-related problems was an 18 item summated scale (Cronbach's α = .91). The data was analyzed using SPSS/PC+ by percentage, χ2.test, t-test and correlations. Results : 1. Drinking experience: Among the high school students, 74.3% of them had drinking episodes. Female students started drinking later (χ2 = 12.857, p = .002) and had more drinking friends (χ2 = 7.785, p = .020) than males. Vocational school students drank more frequently (χ2 = 32.138, p = .001), had more heavy drinking episodes (χ2 = 40.370, p = .001). 2. Drinking motives & Drinking-related problems: The mean score of drinking motives was 31.2 ± 11.12 out of 80 and that of drinking-related problems was 21.8 ± 5.85 out of 72 points. Neither score were stronger was significantly different according to gender and grade. On the other hand, both drinking motives (t = .4.077, p = .001) and drinking-related problems (t = .3.423, p = .001) were stronger in vocational school students than in academic school students. The correlation between drinking-related characteristics and problems were weak (from r = .286 to r = .520) but the correlation within the subcategories of drinking motives was high such as between enhancement and coping (r = .822) and enhancement and social motives (r = .822). Conclusion : The majority of Korean high school students start to drink during their junior high school days. Drinking motives and drinking-related problems were not serious but the drinking motives and the drinking-related problems are stronger among vocational school students. As a result, school-based health education and counseling programs should focus on solving drinking motives than on drinking-related problems.

      • 현장응급처치자의 심폐소생술 지식과 기술보유에 관한 연구

        강경희 京畿專門大學 2001 京畿專門大學 論文集 Vol.- No.29

        Purpose: The purpose of this research was to explore various aspects concerning retention of cognitive knowledge and psychomotor skills of CPR. Method: CPR trainees who complete 4-hour single session courses were studied for skill and cognitive retention 8 weeks after course. We provide a BLS(Basic Life Support) training program for first responders on the basis of AHA. The BLS program included the techniques rescuer breathing, one-rescuer adult CPR, and management airway obstruction in the conscious and unconscious adult. The questionaries are conducted including personal and demographic characteristics, prior CPR courses taken, actual emergency experience, and questions as to whether CPR should be performed on strangers. Results: The majority of participants(89.1%) in our BLS training course were between age 20 and 29. Fifteen(23.4%) previously took the CPR training courses. 73.4% would be willing to perform CPR on a victim they did not know personally. Some selected performance skills such as opening airway, administering chest compression: ventilation ratio, establishing pulselessness were low. Knowledge and performance scores were significantly below certification when compared to AHA. Conclusion: As the utilization of first responder, they must be taught the BLS program above four hours. It is necessary to prepare a consistent evaluation guideline for CPR and emergency cardiac care. The findings suggest the need for further evaluation of course components which could improve retention level for all trainees.

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