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      • 심신 장애아에 대한 부모의 태도 및 사회적인 영향에 대한 연구

        임난영 최신의학사 1977 最新醫學 Vol.20 No.5

        Ninety-six parents whose child is mentally & physically handicapped at Sam Yuk Rehabilitation Center during the period from March 7 to March 26, 1977. Interviewed as subjects to study the parent's attitudes and social influences to mentally & physically handicapped children. The results of this study reviewed in a statistical analysis of the Chi-Square test and analysis of variance to obtain the following findings. 1) Parent's attitudes to crippled children were. significant difference at 0. 1% level between parent's age, at 5% level between their religion, between their level of education and between their residence. But there was without statistically any significant difference between parent's occupations. 2)Parent's attitudes to the handicapped child were without statistically any significant difference by sex of child, handicap of child. But there were significant difference at 0. 1% level between child's birth order, at 5% level between his age. 53% of interviewed parents had experienced feeling of Guilt to their handicapped child. 3) Limitations in socialization to the crippled child were without statistically any significant difference by parent's age, occupation, religion, education. But there was significant difference at 1% level between family's residence. 4) Social influences to handicapped child were significant difference at 2% level between relatives of child, at 1% level between neighbors of child. But there was without statistically any significant difference by family of child.

      • 중도장애인의 삶의 변화 과정

        임난영,한혜숙,Lim, Nan-Young,Han, Hye-Sook 한국재활간호학회 2004 재활간호학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Purpose : This study aimed at uncovering the disabled adult's way of thinking and behavior due to their changed life style. Method : In depth interviews with 11 participants were held and analysed based on the Grounded Theory Methodology by Strauss and Corbin (1990). Result : This study showed us that the disabled are getting independent by selfconfidence through developing coping strategies for their physical, emotional, social, sexual problems. And in the process of creating these strategies, support structures, satisfaction for performance effect, financial burdens, and mobility had an effect on the intervening factors. Adults who become disabled go through many changes. First, they have vague hopes of improving. Second, they become discouraged. Third, they accept their disability. Next, they learn coping strategies and finally, they integrate the changes into their new life style. Conclusion : This study can be utilized in rehabilitation nursing so that the disabled can adapt to their changed life style quickly and lead independent and self-confident lives.

      • KCI등재

        임상경력에 따른 간호사의 의사결정 참여 영향요인

        임난영,이여진 한국간호과학회 2004 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Vol.34 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between decision-making factors(theoretical knowledge, expertise, empowerment, intuition) and participation in proportion to nurses's clinical experience. Data was collected by quota sampling from July 10, 2001 to August 22, 2001 from 132 clinical nurses who work for 3 General hospitals. Data was analyzed using SPSSWIN 10.0 with crosstab, ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression.Expertise(F=34.347, p=.000), empowerment(F=29.316, p=.000), and participation(F=3.276, p=.041) were significantly different among 3 clinical experience groups. Clinical experience correlated with expertise(r=.551, p=.000) and empowerment(r=.492, p=.000), and Decision-making participation also correlated with expertise(r=.351, p=.000) and empowerment(r=.265, p=.002). Decision-making participation is effected by theoretical knowledge(under 3.00yr clinical experience), expertise(3.01-5.00yr), and empowerment(above 5.01yr). These findings indicate that factors(theoretical knowledge, expertise, or empowerment) on decision-making participation varies as nurses's clinical experience differs. Therefore, decision-making needs bilateral agreement between staff nurses and nurse managers rather than the responsibility of one.

      • KCI등재

        만성관절염과 루푸스의 피로, 통증, 및 통증효능감에 관한 연구

        임난영,이은영,양용숙,정순애,차경옥,이여진 대한류마티스 건강전문학회 2000 근관절건강학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        This study was designed to distinguish by the characteristic difference and the degree of symptoms such as fatigue, pain, coping to pain, and efficacy on pain, and to offer descriptive data for nursing intervention for improving coping ability to pain along each characteristics of disease in chronic arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. The subjects were 135 outpatients in the hospital for rheumatic disease in H-University, Seoul. The data were collected by structural questionnaire, from April 29 to June 29, 1999. The results were that the fatigue score was high in the OA patients while the RA patients and SLE patients experienced middle range of fatigue score, but which was not statistically different. Although the RA patients felt higher pain than other diseases, they have well coped with their pain than the others. In efficacy on pain the SLE patients had higher score than others but all of the disease showed lower score. No statistically significant difference among the three croup was recorded in efficacy on pain. Therefore, pain management in the RA patients was primary nursing intervention because they felt severe pain and have well coped with pain while they had lower pain efficacy score than the others. It is also important that fatigue management and coping strategies on pain for the OA patients and SLE patients are specially supportive in the nursing intervention.

      • KCI등재

        관절염 환자의 불면

        임난영 대한류마티스 건강전문학회 1997 근관절건강학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        수면은 회복 과정을 도우며 수면생리와 건강과의 관계가 널리 인식되고있다. 양질의 수면은 안녕과 삶의 질에 영향을 주는 건강의 필수 요소이다. 또한 세포성장과 재생은 깨어 있을때와 달리 수면시 증가하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 수면장애란 수면시간의 지연, 수면유지의 어려움, 그리고 평소 수면후 깨었을때의 피로감으로 정의되며 사망률의 증가와 정신병 이환율을 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 그러므로 만성적인 신체질환에서의 수면장애의 영향은 매우 중요하나 이에대한 연구가 거의 없는 실정이다.

      • KCI등재

        어깨와 대퇴부위에 건열과 습열 적용이 피부온도와 심부체온에 미치는 영향

        임난영,정현철,이승원,김우진 기초간호학회 2011 Journal of korean biological nursing science Vol.13 No.3

        우리의 몸은 계속적인 신진대사 과정을 통해 열을 생산하며 열 생산량과 열 소실량이 균형을 이룰 때 일정한 체온을 유지하게 된다. 체온은 신체 내부에서 일어나는 생리적 변화에 민감하며 이 변화들은 질병의 진행 상태나 손상 또는 치료적 중재의 결과가 될 수 있다. 인간은 체온변화에 의해 자발적인 행위를 함으로써 체온을 조절할 수 있으며 극한의 체온 상태가 되었다 하더라도 안위감을 유지하기 위해 스스로 노력한다. 그러나 행위적인 조절이 결여되거나 소실된다면 체온조절은 어렵게 된다. 저체온이 발생하면 말초조직의 혈관 수축으로 인해 말초부위로의 혈류가 감소하고 그 결과 조직에 산소공급이 감소되는데 이러한 변화는 체간보다 사지에서 강하게 일어난다(Yi, 1996). 혈류의 감소는 국소적인 감각기능을 저하시키고 근육쇠약을 초래하여 피부를 차고 창백하게 한다. 이를 여러 시간 방치하면 조절되지 않는 전율, 의식 불명 등이 나타나고 34.4˚C 이하가 되면 맥박, 호흡, 혈압이 모두 떨어져 생명에 위협을 받게 된다(Kang et al., 2011). 특히 수술과 관련된 체온저하는 신체 기능에 영향을 줄 뿐만 아니라 마취로부터의 회복을 방해함으로써 수술 과정 및 수술 후 다양한 부작용을 발생시킬 수 있기 때문에 최근에는 수술을 받는 환자의 저체온에 대한 연구가 많이 진행되고 있다(Ahn & Eom, 2010; Hong, Lee, & Kim, 2010; Park & Choi, 2010).

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