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      • 녹동균 세포외막 단백질 백신 CFC-1-101의 안정성 및 면역원성 검토 : 임상 제 Ⅰ/Ⅱa상 시험

        장인진,김익상,유경상,임동석,김형기,신상구,장우현,박완제,이나경,정상보,안동호,조양제,안보영,이윤하,김영지,남성우,김현수 대한감염학회 1998 감염 Vol.30 No.3

        목적 : 제일제당에서는 녹농균의 세포외막 단밸질을 유효성분으로 하는 백신인 CFC-101을 개발하였으며, 동물시험에서 이 백신의 안전성과 유효성을 입증하였다. 본 연구에서는 이 녹농균 백신의 인체에 대한 안전성과 면역원성을 평가하는 동시에 인체 접종시의 최적 투여 용량을 결정하기 위하여 제 I/Ⅱa상 임상시험을 수행하였다. 방법 : 건강한 성인 남자를 피험자로 선별하여 각 용량군에 백신투여자 6명, 위약투여자 2명을 배정하였다. 백신 투여군은 0.25mg, 0.5mg 또는 1.0mg 용량의 녹농균 백신을 7일 간격으로 3회에 걸쳐 근육주사 하였으며, 위약 투여군에게는 세포외막 단백질을 제외한 동일한 성분을 투여하였다. 백신접종 후 국소적 또는 전신적인 반응의 발생여부를 관찰하고, 혈액시료를 체취하여 백신의 역가와 유효성을 검정하였다. 결과 : 녹농균 백신 CFC-101은 모든 접종자에서 양호한 내약성을 보였다. 또한 0.5mg 과 1.0mg 백신 투여군에서는 100%의 항체양전율을 나타내었다. 생성된 항체는 녹농균 세포외막단백질에 특이성을 보였고, 녹농균 감염에 대해 방어효능이 있었다. 결론 : 이와같은 결과로부터 이 녹농균 백신은 인체에 안전하게 투여할 수 있으며, 높은 항체 생성능으로 감염방어 효능을 보이고 0.5mg과 1.0mg이 최적용량인 것으로 판단되었다. Background : We developed a Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane protein(OMP) vaccine CFC-101, and the prophylactic efficacy of which has been demonstrated in animal models. In order to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the P. aeruginosa vaccine, we carried out a phase I/Ⅱa clinical trial in healthy male volunteers. Methods : Groups of eight volunteers, including two placebo subjects, were vaccinated intramuscularly with three doses of 0.25, 0.5 or 1.0 mg of the vaccine at one week intervals. Sings of systemic and local reactions observed after vaccination were recorded for each vaccinee for 5 days. Physical examinations were performed on days 0, 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, and 42, and clinical laboratory tests were done on days 0, 3, and 21. Blood samples for assay of serum antibody levels were obtained up to 42 days after the first vaccination. Results : The vaccine was generally well tolerated by all vaccinees, showing no significant side effects. In the three dosage groups, all vaccinees, except one receiving the 0.25 mg dose, showed significant elevation in serum IgG antibody titers against the vaccine proteins, indicating 100% seroconversion in 0.5 and 1.0 mg groups. The human antibodies induced by the vaccine were specific for P. aeruginosa OMPs, as confirmed by western blot analysis and immunoprecipitation assays. The capacity of the human antisera to enhance opsonophagocytic killing activity by polymorphonuclear leukocytes and to confer protection against P. aeruginosa infections indicates that the antibodies elicited by the vaccine have protective efficacy. Conclusion : We conclude that the P. aeruginosa OMP vaccine is safe and effective for human use and its optimal dose to be 0.5 or 1.0 mg.

      • 그레이브스병에서 치료에 따른 폐동맥압의 변화

        남택만,조한수,이진서,송영림,김두만,두영철,박철영,정인경,홍은경,이성진,오기원,김현규,유재명,최문기,유형준,박성우 대한내분비학회 2003 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.18 No.5

        연구배경: 갑상선기능항진증에 의한 갑상선중독증 환자들은 호흡곤란을 호소하며, 그 원인으로 호흡근의 근력 약화, 좌심실부전으로 인한 폐모세혈관의 울혈, 기도저항의 증가, 갑상선종으로 인한 기관의 압박, 호흡기능 이상 등이 거론되고 있다. 폐동맥고혈압이 동반된 그레이브스병 환자가 여러 증례가 보고되었으며, 폐동맥고혈압 환자에게서 갑상선 자가항체와 갑상선기능저하증의 빈도가 높음이 알려지면서 갑상선중독증이 동반된 그레이브스병 환자에게서 관찰되는 호흡곤란의 한 원인으로 폐동맥압 증가가 작용할 가능성이 제시되고 있다. 이에 저자 등은 그레이브스병 환자를 대상으로 폐동맥압을 측정하고 치료 전후의 폐동맥압의 변화를 전향적으로 연구하였다. 방법: 갑상선중독증이 동반된 그레이브스병 환자와 정상 갑상선기능을 나타낸 대조군을 대상으로 갑상선기능검사 및 갑상선 자가항체를 측정하고, 심초음파를 이용하여 치료 전후로 폐동맥압을 측정하여 폐동맥압과 갑상선기능 및 갑상선 자가항체와의 관계, 폐동맥압의 변화 등을 관찰하였다. 결과: 1. 연구대상은 대조군 10명 (남녀비 1:9, 관해 상태의 그레이브스병 3명, 갑상선종 3명, 정상인 4명), 그레이브스병 환자 26명 (남녀비 7:19)이었다. 2. 대조군과 치료 전 그레이브스병 환자의 폐동맥압은 각각 23.5±2.32 mmHg, 29.6±10.3 mmHg이었고, 치료 전의 폐동맥압과 혈청 갑상선자극호르몬 결합억제 면역글로불린 (TBII) 농도는 유의한 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 3. 26명의 그레이브스병 환자 중에서 10명 (38.5%)이 폐동맥고혈압 (기준: 폐동맥압 > 30 mmHg)으로 진단되었다. 4. 치료 전후로 폐동맥압을 측정한 13명은 폐동맥압이 치료 전 29.6±10.3 mmHg에서 치료 후 폐동맥압 22.2±6.48 mmHg로 의미있게 감소하였다. 결론: 갑상선중독증을 보이는 그레이브스병 환자의 약 40% 정도에서 폐동맥고혈압이 발견되어 폐동맥고 혈압은 그레이브스병에 흔하게 동반하는 질환으로 생각된다. 향후 그레이브스병 환자에서 관찰되는 폐동맥압의 증가와 관련한 병인, 발생기전 및 임상적 의의 등에 대한 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. Background: Exertional symptoms, dyspnea and impaired effort tolerance are common in patients with Graves' disease. Proposed explanations include: high-output left heart failure, ineffective oxygen utilization and respiratory muscle weakness. In addition, pulmonary hypertension has also been reported in patients with Graves' disease. A high prevalence of hypothyroidism and positive thyroid autoantibody were also observed in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Therefore, the pulmonary artery pressure in patients with Graves' disease was evaluated. Methods: Two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiographic examinations (Hewlett Packard Sonos 2500) were performed to determine the pulmonary artery (PA) pressure in 26 Graves' disease patients, both before and after treatment (23 patients with propylthiouracil and 3 with RAI), and in 10 euthyroid controls. The changes in the PA pressure after treatment were evaluated in 13 patients with Graves' disease, who became euthyroid after treatment. Results: The pulmonary artery pressure was increased in the untreated Graves' disease patients compared to the normal controls (23.5±2.32 vs. 29.6±10.3 mmHg). 38.5% of the Graves' disease patients (10/26) showed pulmonary arterial hypertension (PA>30 mmHg) and the serum TBII level was higher in the Graves' disease patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension than in those with normal PA pressure (P<0.05). In the Graves' patients who became euthyroid after treatment, the PA pressure was significantly decreased. Conclusion: 38.5% of the untreated Graves' disease patients showed pulmonary arterial hypertension, and the pulmonary artery pressure was significantly decreased in those who became euthyroid after treatment. The pathogenesis and clinical importance of pulmonary arterial hypertension in Graves' disease requires further studies (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 18:465∼472, 2003).

      • 성장호르몬 분비성 뇌하수체 선종에서 소마토스타틴 수용체 (제2아형, 제5아형), G_i2α 및 Pit-1 유전자 발현

        류미숙,양인명,박철영,우정택,김성운,김진우,김영설,최영길,김은희,박승준,김국기 대한내분비학회 2002 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.17 No.2

        Background: Mutation of Gs protein subunit (gsp oncogene), detected in about 30∼40% of growth hormone (GH)-secreting pituitary tumors, is associated with an increased long-acting somatostatin analog octreotide sensitivity. However, the mRNA expression of somatostatin receptor (sst) was not changed in the GH-secreting pituitary tumor, regardless of whether they were gsp oncogene positive or negative. This suggests that the expression of genes coding for G_i2α, Pit-1 and the other factors involved in the regulation of secretory activity in somatotrophs is likely to be altered in gsp oncogene positive tumors. We observed the impact of the gsp oncogene on the expression of the genes coding for Gi2, Pit-1 and sst (2&5) in GH-secreting pituitary tumors. Methods: The GH response to octreotide was examined in 13 acromegalic patients before transsphenoidal adenomectomy. Genomic DNA and RNA were extracted from fresh frozen tumor tissues. PCR was performed to amplify and sequence the region between codon 184 and 251 that includes exons 8 and 9 of the Gs gene. Sst2, sst5, G_i2α and Pit-1 mRNA levels were measured by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Results: Sst2 and sst5 mRNA transcripts were detected in all tumors (7 gsp +, 6 gsp-). The amount of sst transcripts varied considerably varied between the tumors. There were no significant differences in sex, age, tumor size, grade or basal GH levels. Pit-1 and sst2 mRNA levels were not different. In contrast, G_i2 mRNA levels were significantly higher in gsp (+) while sst5 mRNA levels were higher in gsp (-). Conclusion: These data suggests that gsp oncogene may increase Gi2α levels but decrease sst5 mRNA levels. However, Pit-1 and sst2 mRNA expression may not be affected by gsp oncogene. The increased expression of the G_i2α gene might be an inhibitory compensatory response to the action of gsp oncogene

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        황색포도상구균 신속 검출용 간이 진단키트

        김기영,박샛별,문지혜,이상대,이새롬,장윤정 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2013 농업과학연구 Vol.40 No.2

        This study was performed to develop a rapid test kit for pathogenic Staphylococcus in various samples. The rapid detection kit has been fabricated based on nitrocellulose lateral-flow strip. Colloidal gold and Staphylococcus antibodies were used as a tag and a receptor, respectively. Manually spotted Staphylococcus antibody and anti-mouse antibody on the surface of nitrocellulose membrane were used as test and control lines, espectively. Feasibility of the rapid kit to detect Staphylococcus aureus in samples were evaluated. The intensity of the color of the tes line started to increase with the samples in which higher concentration of the cells were contained. The sensitivity of the sensor was 106 cfu/mL Staphylococcus spiked in PBS. Also, the rapid test kit could detect 105 cfu/mL of Staphylococcus in chicken meat extract.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Ti Addition on the Microstructure and High-Temperature Oxidation Property of AlCoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloy

        Gi‑Su Ham,Young‑Kyun Kim,Young Sang Na,Kee‑Ahn Lee 대한금속·재료학회 2021 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.27 No.1

        This study investigated the effect of Ti addition on microstructure and high-temperature oxidation property of AlCoCrFeNihigh-entropy alloy. Ti content was controlled at 0 at% and 1 at%. The two alloys were found to have BCC single phase, andthe average grain sizes of Ti0.0 and Ti1.0 were 47.3 μm and 49.7 μm, respectively, showing similarity. The EDS mappingof the inside of grains found that both alloys were characterized to be divided into Al-Ni element rich region and Cr–Feelement rich region. As a result of high-temperature oxidation test at 1100 °C, oxidation weight gains were measured atTi0.0: 0.75 mg/cm2 and Ti1.0: 0.17 mg/cm2, respectively. The results indicate that Ti addition largely improved high temperatureoxidation resistance of AlCoCrFeNi HEA. Ti1.0 alloy, in particular, showed remarkably more excellent 1100 °Chigh-temperature oxidation resistance than other previously reported major ones such as NiCrAl and FeCrAl. In the surfaceand cross-section observations after oxidation tests, both alloys were found to have Al2O3oxides mostly. While the Ti0.0material was observed to have Al2O3spallation macroscopically, the Ti1.0 alloy showed Al2O3spallation only in some localareas. In addition, a unique result was found in AlCoCrFeNiTix(x=0,1) alloy that BCC → FCC phase transformation was accelerated,and FCC phase layer was formed in the surficial area where Al element had been depleted due to high-temperatureoxidation. Moreover, as Ti was added, the thickness of FCC layer induced by high-temperature oxidation decreased. Basedon the results, it was also discussed on how to improve the high-temperature oxidation resistance of AlCoCrFeNiTixHEA.

      • 배엽부전성 신경상피종 : 1예 보고

        한기석,차상훈,박길선,신환식,김성진,김대영 충북대학교 의과대학 충북대학교 의학연구소 1998 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.8 No.2

        배엽부전성 신경상피종은 최근에 분류된 양성 뇌종양이며 임상적으로 간질발작를 주증상으로 하는 드문 뇌종양이다. 증례는 20세 여자환자로 복합부분발작을 주소로 내원하였다. 자기공명영상에서 전두엽의 피질에 T1 강조영상에서 저신호강도, T2 강조영상에서 고신호강도의 소엽상의 종괴가 있었으며, 주위에 종괴효과나 부종은 동반되지 않았으며, 조영제 투여시 조영 증강되지 않았다. 주인 뇌조직과 잘 구별되는 흰색의 부드러운 종괴를 흡입하여 제거하였으며, 병리학적으로 배엽부전성 신경상피종으로 확진되었다. 배엽부전성 신경상피종은 자기공명영상에서 교종과 유사하게 보일 수 있으나, 특징적 위치와, 조영 증강이나 종괴 효과가 없다는 점에서 자기공명영상으로 감별 진단되어질 수 있다 Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor is a newly categorized benign brain tumor manifesting as a intermittent convulsion. A 20 year old girl visited due to complex partial seizure. Well marginated lobulating contoured gyriform mass was detected on cortex of parietal lobe by MR Imaging. That mass was detected as low signal intensity on T1 weighted image and high signal intensity on T2 weighted image and there were no mass effect nor peritumoral edema nor enhancement. Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor is similar to gliomas but the characteristic location, no mass effect, nor enhancement are differentiating findings on MR imaging.

      • 변단면 H-형강보의 탄성처짐에 관한 연구

        황상진,최선규,홍영균,홍기섭 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.2(구조계)

        Tapered H-shaped beams are often used in the structures with large spans and roof crane running beams; for the purpose of member self-weight reduction and appropriately architectural representation. The purpose of this study is to represent an accurate calculation method for tapered beam deformations, based on elastic theories. In this study, equations for beam deformation calculation of whole span tapered or partly tapered beams are represented and compared with structural analysis results of generally used commercial computer program. The equations of Moment of Inertia for tapered H-shaped beams, which may have different width and thickness of their flanges or top and bottom flanges, are induced as well. Compared with the result of generally used structural analysis program, the results of this study will be confirmed for practical use.

      • Am-Be 선원을 통한 중성자의 전단면적 측정

        민영기,오선영,노태익,박상태,이대원,이삼열 東亞大學校 1996 東亞論叢 Vol.33 No.-

        Total cross sections was measured for 6.45MeV∼8.96MeV (average 7.7MeV) neutron on ??, ??, ?? absorber using ?? fast neutron source. The 2" ø×2" NE-213 organic liquid scitillation detector was used as a spectrometer of neutrons and gamma-rays. The zero crossing time analysis method was introduced in order to obtain the pulse heigh spectrum of neutrons and n-γ pulse-shape spectrum was investigated. The ratio of neutron peak for a Vally was 1:20. The total cross section resulting from the experiment enabled us to suppose a optical model as a neutron model, obtain the radius of a nuclei.

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