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      • KCI등재

        가압가열 및 Microwave 처리가 생면의 품질에 미치는 영향

        박시우,김꽃봉우리,김민지,강보경,박원민,김보람,박홍민,최정수,최호덕,안동현,Bark, Si-Woo,Kim, Koth-Bong-Woo-Ri,Kim, Min-Ji,Kang, Bo-Kyeong,Pak, Won-Min,Kim, Bo-Ram,Park, Hong-Min,Choi, Jung-Su,Choi, Ho-Duk,Ahn, Dong-Hyun 한국식품영양학회 2013 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.26 No.4

        중력분을 이용하여 제면한 후 가압가열, microwave 및 가압가열과 microwave 병행 처리한 후, 생면 및 삶은 면의 품질에 미치는 영향에 대하여 알아보았다. 생면의 pH는 microwave 1 min 처리구에서 무처리구와 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았으며, 수분 함량은 autoclave 50 min 처리구에서 무처리구와 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았고, 그 외의 처리구에서는 모두 수분 함량이 감소함을 확인하였다. 면의 색도 측정 결과는 명도는 무처리구에 비해 모든 처리구에서 감소하였으며, 적색도는 microwave 1 min 처리구는 감소한 반면, 나머지 처리구는 증가하였다. 황색도는 autoclave 50 min 처리구와 autoclave 50 min/microwave 1 min 병행 처리구에서 증가한 반면, 나머지 물리적 처리구에서는 감소하였다. 삶은 면의 색도에서는 명도, 적색도, 황색도 모두에서 무처리구에 비하여 물리적 처리구에서 증가한 값을 나타내었다. 물성 측정 결과는 경도, 부착성, 응집성, 검성, 복원성에서 무처리구와 비교시 microwave 1 min 처리구는 유의적으로 감소하였으며, 그 외 처리구에서는 유의적으로 증가한 값을 나타내었다. 탄력성과 전단력은 모든 처리구에서 유의적으로 증가하였으며, 인장력은 가압가열 30 min 처리구와 무처리구가 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았으나, 나머지 물리적 처리구에서는 유의적으로 증가하였다. 관능 평가 결과는 생면의 경우 색 항목에서 물리적 처리구들이 유의적으로 낮은 점수를 받았다. 맛, 질감, 향 항목에서는 무처리구와 물리적 처리구간 유의적 차이를 보이지 않았다. 전체적인 기호도에서는 microwave 1 min 처리구가 가장 높은 점수를 얻었으며, 가압가열(50 min)과 microwave(1 min) 병행 처리구는 무처리구와 비슷한 점수를 얻었다. 따라서 제면 후 가압가열 및 microwave 처리가 생면 및 삶은 면에 있어서 색과 질감 항목을 보완, 개선시킨다면 알러겐성이 저감화된 면을 제품화하는데 적합할 것으로 사료되어진다. This study was conducted to determine the effects of physical treatments for quality of wet noodles. Noodles were being tried with a microwave (for 1 min), an autoclave (for 30 or 50 min), and both autoclave and microwave (for 30/1 min or 50/1 min). The results showed that the pH levels were slightly decreased after treatments of autoclave and autoclave/microwave. The moisture contents were considerably decreased as compared to the control except autoclave (50 min). After all treatments, the lightness was decreased in all samples, but, redness was increased (except microwave) and the yellowness was increased after autoclave (50 min) and autoclave/microwave (50/1 min). Texture was increased as compared to the control except microwave. In the sensory evaluation, the noodles treated with microwave, autoclave (50 min), and autoclave/ microwave (50/1 min) showed a high score in overall preference. From these results, both the autoclave and microwave methods can be applied to the wet noodles without diminishing its quality to a great extent.

      • KCI등재

        물리적 처리에 의한 강력분 밀가루 Gliadin의 항원성 변화

        강보경(Bo-Kyeong Kang),김꽃봉우리(Koth-Bong-Woo-Ri Kim),김민지(Min-Ji Kim),박시우(Si-Woo Bark),박원민(Won-Min Pak),김보람(Bo-Ram Kim),안나경(Na-Kyung Ahn),최연욱(Yeon-Uk Choi),최정수(Jung-Su Choi),최호덕(Ho-Duk Choi),안동현(Dong-Hyun A 한국식품영양과학회 2014 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.43 No.4

        본 연구에서는 가압가열 및 microwave 처리가 gliadin의 항원성에 미치는 영향을 살펴보기 위해 강력분에 가압가열과 microwave를 단독 또는 병행으로 처리하여 Ci-ELISA, SDS-PAGE 및 immunoblotting을 실시하였다. 가압가열 처리의 경우 시간이 길어질수록 IgG와의 결합력이 감소하였으며, 특히 50분 처리구에서 약 87%로 가장 낮은 결합력을 보였다. 또한 SDS-PAGE와 immunoblotting 결과에서도 무처리구에서 강하게 보였던 gliadin band가 가압가열처리에 의해 거의 소실되고 항체와 반응하지 않았다. 가압가열 및 microwave를 병행 처리 시도 마찬가지로 gliadin의 결합력이 감소하였으며, 처리구 중 가압가열 50분, microwave 5분 처리구에서 약 93%로 가장 낮은 결합력을 보였다. 반면 microwave를 단독으로 처리한 경우에는 일부 단백질의 변화는 관찰되었으나, 항원성 감소에는 효과가 없음을 확인하여 단백질 변화가 항원성에는 큰 효과를 준 것 같지 않다. 이상의 결과를 통해 가압가열 단독 처리 및 가압가열 및 microwave의 병행처리 시 gliadin의 항원성이 감소함을 확인하였다. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of physical treatments on the antigenicity of gliadin in strong wheat flour. Strong wheat flour was treated with an autoclave (5, 10, 30, 50 min), a microwave (1, 5, 10 min), or both (10, 30, 50 min/ 5, 10 min), followed by SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting, and Ci-ELISA using anti-gliadin IgG. The results indicated that the binding ability of IgG to gliadin in strong wheat flour slightly decreased after autoclaving or autoclaving/microwaving. In particular, the binding ability was reduced to about 87% after autoclaving for 50 min and to 89% after autoclaving/microwaving (50/5 min). In addition, gliadin bands in the 50 min autoclaved group disappeared in both SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. On the other hand, the antigenicity of gliadin was unaffected by microwaving alone. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that autoclaving may reduce the antigenicity of gliadin in strong wheat flour.

      • KCI등재

        가열 조건을 달리한 단호박 페이스트와 검 종류별 단호박 라떼의 품질특성

        박보람,김나정,유선미,한귀정,김하윤,한혜민,신동선,신말식,Park, Bo-ram,Kim, Na-Jung,Yoo, Seon-Mi,Han, Gwi Jung,Kim, Ha Yoon,Han, Hye-min,Shin, Dong-Sun,Shin, Malshick 한국식품조리과학회 2015 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        가열 조건에 따른 단호박 페이스트를 제조하기 위해, 단호박을 15분 간 초벌 증숙한 뒤, 고압가열 처리 0분(A), 10분(B), 20분(C), 40분(D) 실시하여 실험군의 품질특성 을 조사하였다. 그 결과 일반성분의 경우, 대체적으로 고 압가열 처리 유무에 따른 유의적 차이가 관찰되었으며, 고압가열 처리한 B, C, D 실험군의 수분함량, 조단백질, 조섬유가 고압가열 무처리군 A에 비해 감소하였고, 가용성 무질소물은 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 가열 조건별 단호박 페이스트의 수용성식이섬유는 고압가열 20분 처리군인 C의 측정치가 2.02로 가장 높았으며 무처리군인 A의 1.60 보다 증가하였고, 고압가열 처리 40분의 경우 오히려 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 색도의 L 값은 고압가열 무처리군인 A가 52.20에서 고압가열 처리 10분, 20분, 40분으로 시간이 증가함에 따라 각각 50.33, 49.46, 48.06으로 감소하였고, a 값과 b 값 또한 유의적인 차이를 보이며 감소하였다. 현미경을 통한 단호박 페이스트의 현탁액 입자를 관찰한 결과 카로티노이드를 포함하는 유세포가 관찰되었으며 고압가열 처리와 그 시간이 증가함에 따라 단호박 유세포의 변형이 뚜렷하게 관찰되었으나, 부유안정성 실험 결과 실험군 A, B, C, D 간 차이가 없었다. 이때, 가열조건의 선택은 수용성 식이섬유의 증가, 환원당 증가, 단맛의 관능특성이 유의적으로 높고, 전반적 기호도가 가장 우수한 것으로 나타난 고압가열 처리 20분인 C 실험군으로 결정하였다. 선택된 조건의 단호박 페이스트에 식품가공 시 널리 사용되는 검류인 xanthan gum, locust bean gum, guar gum을 단호박 페이스트에 종류별로 첨가하여 부유안정성을 확인하였는데, 이 결과 guar gum, locust bean gum, xanthan gum 순으로 부유안정성 효과를 나타냈으며 locust bean gum과 xanathan gum은 비슷한 정도의 효과를 보였다. 또한 관능검사를 통한 기호도 확인 결과 텍스쳐와, 전반적인 기호도가 가장 우수했으므로 locust bean gum(0.2%) 첨가 단호박 라떼의 품질이 가장 적절할 것으로 판단된다. For the production of pumpkin paste with respect to heating conditions, we steamed the pumpkin for roughly 15 min, heated it with high pressure treatment for 0 min (A), 10 min (B), 20 min (C), 40 min (D), and subsequently investigated the quality characteristics. Generally a significant difference was observed between the pumpkin paste treated with and without high-pressure heat. The values of water content, crude protein and crude fiber of the high-pressure heat-treated groups B, C, D were decreased compared with untreated group A. The soluble fiber in experimental group B sweet-pumpkin paste treated with high-pressure heat for 20 min was higher than the control, and the highest value at 2.02. Experimental group D sweet-pumpkin paste treated with high-pressure heat for 40 min was found to have a decreased soluble fiber content relative to the control. The L value for the color of the group A untreated control sweet-pumpkin paste (no high-pressure heating) decreased as the time increased from 10 min to 40 min, with L values of 50.33, 49.46, and 48.06, respectively. The b value for the color of the sweet-pumpkin paste also decreased, showing a significant difference. Taking into account all the results, we chose experimental group B in order to prepare sweet-pumpkin latte. We used 0.2% gum (xanthan gum, locust bean gum, guar gum) as a stabilizer. Sweet-pumpkin latte with xanthan and locust bean gum has a suspension stability effect that lasts 90 min. The L and b values of sweet-pumpkin latte with gums increase and a value decrease compared with the control. In terms of the overall acceptance of the sweet-pumpkin latte, the experimental group with xanthan gum scored the best.

      • 관상동맥 스텐트 시술 후의 재협착에 관한 연구

        김윤철,이정우,김보영,강정아,임대승,이민수,김정희,성보영,최성준,성인환,전은석 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 2000 충남의대잡지 Vol.27 No.1

        Coronary stent implacement is known as an effective treatment in the intimal dissection after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty and the prevention of restenosis. However, In-stent restenosis still remains a major concern in clinical stenting. The stents were placed in 103 patients from July 1996 to March 1999 and performed follow-up coronary angiograms in 59(57.3%) patients. To identify the clinical, angiographic and procedurerelated variables 'which predict late restenosis within the stented artery, 59 patients(58.3±9.9, M:F= 41:18) were studied. The clinical characteristics of the patients were stable angina in 23(39.0%), unstable angina in 14(23.7%), acute myocardial infarction in 21(35.6%) and old myocardial infarction in 1(1.7%). Coronary stenting was performed in 1 patient(1.7%) for primary lesion, 50 patients(84.7%) for suboptimal results after PTCA, 6 patients(10.2%) for bail-out procedure, and 2 patients(3.4%) for restenotic lesions. All patients were treated with aspirin and ticlopidinc. The follow-up angiograms were obtained at 7±4 months. The overall in-stent restenosis rate was 27.1%. The coronary angiographic findings were 32 single vessel(54.2%), 19 two vessel(32.2%) and 8 three vessel disease(13.6%). The angiographic morphological characteristics were type A in 33(55.9%), type B in 14(23.7%), type C in 12(20. 3%) cases. Variables of 16 patients with restenosis were compared with those of 43 patients without restenosis. Previously known predictors for in-stent restenosis were multiple stenting, stenting for restenotic lesions, residual stenosis after stenting, stenting for total occlusion lesions, reference diameter, balloon to vessel ratio, acute gain and minimal luminal diameter after procedure, design and characteristics of stents, ostial lesion of aorta, high pressure method for stenting, lesion length, diabetes mellitus, size of artheroma, saphenous vein grafts, ulcerlating lesions and calcified lesions. In this study, Reference diameter before stenting(2.43±0.54mm vs. 2.88±0.65mm, p=0.016) and balloon-to-artery ratio(1.28±0.26 vs. 1.11±0.18, p=0.006) were predictors for in-stent restenosis. 1) The overall in-stent restenosis rate was 27.1%. 2) In the analysis of predictors for in-stent restenosis, there was no significant differences in clinical, angiographic factors between group with restenosis and without restenosis. But, Only reference diameter before stenting and balloon-toartery ratio were predictors of late in-stent restenosis. In conclusion, stenting is effective revascularisation method for selected patients with ischemic heart disease, and to minimize in-stent restenosis rate, stent implanting is achieved in a large vessel on the basis of an artery-to-stnet ration of 1:1, if possible.


        A Rapid and Sensitive Two - Site Sandwich Enzyme - Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detection of α - Fetoprotein in Human Serum

        Kim, Hack Joo,Kim, Jeong Min,Jang, Jeong Su,Paik, Bo Hyun,Chung, Gi Hyun 생화학분자생물학회 1981 BMB Reports Vol.29 No.3

        A rapid and sensitive method has been developed to detect α-fetoprotein (AFP) in human serum by a two-site sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) for human AFP within 1 h. To obtain the most sensitive and reliable MAbs, 12 kinds of MAbs (HPJ1 to HPJ12) as a capture antibody and 4 kinds of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated MAbs as a tracer antibody were investigated. Among these, only HPJ 10-HRP conjugated HPJ 1 (HPJ 10-HPJ 1*) and HPJ 11-HRP conjugated HPJ 10 (HPJ 11-HPJ 10*) were chosen as candidates based on the linearity of the standard curve and the sensitivity of the assay. To further characterize these two pairs, MAbs against human AFP were purified from hybridoma cells, conjugated with HRP, and then characterized to optimize the two-site sandwich ELISA. The HPJ 10-HPJ 1 * pair showed a sensitivity of 1 ng/㎖ and a better reproducibility than the HPJ 11-HPJ 10* pair when the human sera were incubated at 37℃ for 30 min. The results obtained for 480 randomly selected human sera showed 0∼20 ng/㎖ of AFP values for the normal human sera. To test the utility of our kit, AFP concentrations were determined for 951 human sera (including 85 normal sera, 480 random blood sera, 213 HBsAg-positives, 50 anti-HCV antibody positives, and 47 malignant diseases) and compared with other commercially available AFP detecting kits. These results show that the present two-site sandwich ELISA method is a rapid, sensitive, and reliable procedure for detecting AFP in human serum.

      • Nonselective Blocking of the Sympathetic Nervous System Decreases Detrusor Overactivity in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

        Kim, Khae-Hawn,Jin, Long-Hu,Choo, Gwoan-Youb,Lee, Hun-Jae,Choi, Bo-Hwa,Kwak, Jiyeon,Yoon, Sang-Min,Park, Chang-Shin,Lee, Tack Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MD 2012 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Vol.13 No.4

        <P>The involuntary dual control systems of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in the bladder of awake spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) were investigated through simultaneous registrations of intravesical and intraabdominal pressures to observe detrusor overactivity (DO) objectively as a core symptom of an overactive bladder. SHRs (<I>n</I> = 6) showed the features of overactive bladder syndrome during urodynamic study, especially DO during the filling phase. After injection of the nonselective sympathetic blocking agent labetalol, DO disappeared in 3 of 6 SHRs (50%). DO frequency decreased from 0.98 ± 0.22 min<SUP>−1</SUP> to 0.28 ± 0.19 min<SUP>−1</SUP> (<I>p</I> < 0.01), and DO pressure decreased from 3.82 ± 0.57 cm H<SUB>2</SUB>O to 1.90 ± 0.86 cm H<SUB>2</SUB>O (<I>p</I> < 0.05). This suggests that the DO originating from the overactive parasympathetic nervous system is attenuated by the nonselective blocking of the sympathetic nervous system. The detailed mechanism behind this result is still not known, but parasympathetic overactivity seems to require overactive sympathetic nervous system activity in a kind of balance between these two systems. These findings are consistent with recent clinical findings suggesting that patients with idiopathic overactive bladder may have ANS dysfunction, particularly a sympathetic dysfunction. The search for newer and better drugs than the current anticholinergic drugs as the mainstay for overactive bladder will be fueled by our research on these sympathetic mechanisms. Further studies of this principle are required.</P>

      • 베체트병 환자에서 Azathioprine으로 유발된 급성 췌장염 1례

        김기향,권민정,김동기,김애란,김윤정,박지훈,이영태,박보민,김동욱 白中央醫療院 2005 仁濟醫學 Vol.26 No.1

        Although many drug are thought capable of initiating acute pancreatitis, following azathioprine administration represents the 5% incidence by far the highest recorded incidence to date. We report a 35-year-old male who developed acute pancreatitis in the course of treatment with azathioprine for Behcet's disease. He was admitted due to abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fever for 10 days. Serum amylase and lipase levels were 510U/L and 3702U/L respectively. The abdominal CT scan revealed diffuse enlargement of the pancreas. There was no history of alcohol use or gall bladder disease. We considered drugs, especially azathioprine, as the cause of acute pancreatitis. We diagnosed it as acute pancreatitis. The patient was treated conservatively with hydration and analgesics. The symptom subsided within four days. Five days later, azathioprine was resumed. And the patient complained of abdominal pain. The elevated levels of serum amylase and lipase confirmed the recurrence of pancreatitis. His symptom subsided when azathioprine intake the stopped, and the serum amylase and lipase levels returned to normal level within five days.

      • 유제놀에 의한 즉시형 알레르기 반응의 억제

        김상현,신태용,김형룡,이영미,이은희,신보경,김윤철,안년형,김형민 우석대학교 의약품개발연구소 1996 藥學硏究誌 Vol.1 No.-

        The current study evaluates the capacity of eugenol to regulate immediate allergic reaction by control of histamine release. Administrations of eugenol (1 M/kg. i.p.) at 60 min before and 5.10 min after the compound 48/80 treatment (8 mg/kg.i.p.) were shown the mortality rates as 0.44.4. and 77.8%. respectively. A 60 min before administered group revealed a singificant inhibition of serum his-tamine release compared with those of 5 and 10 min after the compound 48/80 injection. Eugenol (6-48mM) was also showed a dose-dependent activity on the compound 48/80-induced histamine release from the highly purified population of Alcian Blue-positive peritoneal mast cells. These results indicate that in vitro treatment with exogenous eugenol inhibited the active response of mast cell populations and modulated its characteristics.

      • Lutembacher 증후군 환자 증례 보고

        김성범,서정주,곽철훈,김상민,이보라,민선경,황은구,김용인,조욱현,최석구 인제대학교 2008 仁濟醫學 Vol.29 No.-

        Lutembacher's syndrome is rare combination of mitral stenosis (MS) and atrial septal defect (ASD). The hemodynamic interplay between the MS and ASD leads to wide variation of clinical presentation. Here we describe a 43-year-old female with Lutembacher's syndrome and tricuspid regurgitation with pulmonary hypertension, who underwent direct closure of ASD and tricuspid valvuloplasty successfully. We also reviewed other literatures in an effort to increase awareness of this condition.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Identification and Characterization of a Bacteriocin Produced by an Isolated Bacillus sp. SW1-1 that Exhibits Antibacterial Activity against Fish Pathogens

        Kim, Young-Ok,Park, In-Suk,Kim, Dae-Jung,Nam, Bo-Hye,Kim, Dong-Gyun,Jee, Young-Ju,An, Cheul-Min The Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistr 2014 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.57 No.5

        The selected isolate, Bacillus sp. SW1-1 showed antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria involved in fish diseases, including Edwardsiella tarda, Streptococcus iniae, S. parauberis, Vibrio anguillarum, and V. harveyi. The Maximum bacteriocin production was observed at $30^{\circ}C$ after 24 h with brain heart infusion medium (pH 7.0). The bacteriocin SW1-1 was purified by 50% ammonium sulfate precipitation, followed by HiPrep diethylaminoethyl 16/10 FF and Sephacryl S-100 High resolution column chromatography. The substance was characterized as a bacteriocin-like inhibitory substance with a molecular mass of 38 kDa. Bacteriocin SW1-1 was sensitive to the proteolytic action of pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and protease types I and XIV, and relatively heat labile, despite the fact that bacteriocin activity was still detected after heating at $100^{\circ}C$ for 30 min. The activity of bacteriocin SW1-1 was stable in the pH range of 2.0-11.0, and relatively unaffected by organic chemicals. The bacteriocin SW1-1 had a bacteriolytic mechanism, resulting in cell wall degradation of E. tarda. These characteristics indicate that this bacteriocin may be a potential candidate for alternative agent to control important pathogens of fish diseases in aquaculture.

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