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      • 배당 수익률의 산업효과에 대한 국제 비교 연구

        허희영,방승욱,강호정 한국항공대학교 경영연구소 2000 경영연구 Vol.7 No.2

        본 연구는 배당의 형태에 산업별 효과가 존재하는가를 실증 분석하였다. 구체적으로는 미국과 캐나다의 기업들을 대상ㅇ로 하여 배당수익률에 산업효과가 존재하는가를 비모수통계기법인 H통계량을 이용하여 분석하였다. 동시에 이 배당 수익률의 산업별 형태가 시계열적으로 안정적인가를 Spearman의 순위상관계수를 이용하여 측정하였다. 검증결과 배당수익율의 산업별 차이가 없다는 귀무가설이 미국과 캐나다의 기업들에 대해 모두 기각되었으며, 산업별 평균 배당수익률의 시계열적인 안정성은 존재하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 앞으로의 기업 재무론의 여러분야를 연구시 산업효과를 고려할 필요가 있음을 시사해 주고 있다. This study tests the existence of industry effect at the behavior of dividend. This study analyzes the existence of industry effect of dividend yield using H-statistics, a one method of the non-parametric statistics, on the firms of USA and Canada. and measures time-serial stability of industrial behaviour of dividend yield using rank correlation coefficient of Spearman. The result of this study shows the existence of industry effect of dividend yield and finds time-serial stability of industrial behaviour of dividend yield. The implication based on the this study is that we have to consider industry effect at the research of corporate finance.

      • Purge & Trap-GC를 이용한 의약품 필름코팅 정제 중 잔류용제에 관한 연구

        장준식,이명자,소유섭,문춘선,이주헌,박희라,김진숙,강경모,이선옥,방성연,유미자,유문균,금오성,이병욱 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        의약품은 약물을 생체에 적풋하기 위하여 유효성분의 효과가 언제나 일정하게 확보되고 사응에 편리하도록 만들어지는 것이므로 유효썽분 이외에 약효에 영향을 주지 않는 성분이 첨가되는 경운가 많다. 이 때 사용되는 용매들은 제피의 광택 및 건쪼시간의 단축 등을 위하여 휘발점이 낮을 용매들이 주로 사용되어진다. 본 연구는 의약품 필름코팅정제 중 잔류용매 4종(chlorofonr benzen, trichloro ethylen, 1,4-dioxane)에 대한 변형된 pirge & trap-GC 장치를 이용한 동시분석방법을 개발하였으며, 각 표준품의 RSD 값은 chloroform 3.03%, benzen 3.17%, trichloroethylen 3.69% and 1,4-dioxane 3.41%였다. 또한 시중 유통중인 의약품 50종에 대하여 잔류웅매 양을 측정하였으며, 검출되는 잔류용매는 한 건도 없었다. This study nras carried out to develope the analytical method for the mixture of chlorefonn, benzen, trichloroethylen and 1,4-dioxane simultaneously and determine the remainingorgauic solvents in coating tablets by Purge & Trap-GC. The results were as follouFs ; 1. Chloroform, benzen, trio:tloroethylen and 1,4-dioxane separated by tenax #5 trap by HP-624GC column by terrlperature programming. The peaks were separated completely at retentiontime of 6.88min for chloroform, 8.21min for benzen, 10.38miu for trichloroethylen and 11.95minfor 1,4-dioxane. 2. Standard RSD were individually chloroform 3.03%, benzen 3.17%, trichloroethylen 3.69%and 1,4-diorane 3.41%. 3. 60 samples were not detrcted chloroform, benzen, trichloroethylen and 1,4-dioxane.

      • KCI등재후보

        국내 다기관에서 조사한 지역사회획득 메티실린내성 황색포도알균의 빈도와 임상적 특성

        송진수,최평균,송경호,조재현,김성한,방지환,이창섭,박경화,박경운,신수,최희정,김의석,김동민,이미숙,박완범,김남중,오명돈,김의종,김홍빈,최강원 대한감염학회 2006 감염과 화학요법 Vol.38 No.6

        목적 : 최근 전세계적으로 지역사회획득 메티실린내성 황색포도알균(community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, CA-MRSA)의 보고가 증가하고 있다. 하지만, 우리나라에서는 CA-MRSA 감염증에 대한 증례보고만 있을 뿐 아직까지 체계적인 연구결과가 없는 실정이다. 저자들은 국내에서 CA-MRSA의 빈도, 감염증의 임상적 양상, 분리된 균주의 항균제내성 양상을 조사하였다. 재료 및 방법 : 2005년 1월부터 2005년 6월까지 7개 병원에서 MRSA가 분리된 환자의 명단을 파악한 후 의무기록지와 건강보험심사평가원의 자료를 검토하였다. 외래나 응급실에서 혹은 입원 후 72시간 이내에 균주가 분리되고 MRSA 획득과 관련된 위험인자가 없는 경우 CA-MRSA로 정의하였으며, 분리된 균주의 임상적 의미에 따라 원인병원체(pathogen), 집락화(colonizer), 미결정(undetermined)으로 분류하였다. Penicillin과 oxacillin을 제외하고 3개 이상의 다른 계열 항균제에 내성이면 다제내성으로 정의하였다. 결과 : 연구기간동안 총 3,251주의 황색포도알균이 분리되었으며, 이 중 MRSA는 1,900주(58.4%)였다. MRSA 가운데 CA-MRSA는 114주(6.0%) 였으며, 이들이 분리된 부위는 귀(62주), 비뇨기계(14주), 피부 및 연부조직(11주), 호흡기계(10주), 혈액(3주) 등이었다. CA-MRSA 균주 가운데 집락균은 22주, 원인병원체는 22주였으며, 나머지 균주에 대해서는 그 임상적 의미를 결정할 수 없었다. 항균제 감수성 검사를 시행한 73균주 중 47주(64.4%)는 다제내성이었다. CA-MRSA 감염증 22예 중 피부 및 연부조직 감염(9예)과 중이염/외이도염(9예)이 가장 흔하였다. 침습적 감염증(invasive infection)은 4명(원발성 균혈증 3예, 감염성 관절염 1예)에서 확인되었지만, CA-MRSA 감염증으로 사망한 환자는 없었다. 결론 : 병원내 감염증에서는 MRSA가 심각한 문제이지만, 아직까지 지역사회 감염증에서 CA-MRSA는 흔하지 않았다. Background : Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection has emerged in patients who do not have the established risk factors. In Korea, little is known about the epidemiology and clinical features of community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA). Material and Methods : Clinical microbiology laboratory databases of 7 hospitals were reviewed to identify the patients from whom MRSA was isolated during the period of January to July 2005. Only one isolate per patient was enrolled. In order to identify the risk factors of MRSA acquisition, the medical records and the Health Insurance Review Agency databases were reviewed. CA-MRSA was defined as MRSA isolated from patient without established risk factors. We analyzed patient demographics, underlying medical conditions, characteristics of infection, and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles. Results : Of total 3,251 S. aureus isolates, 1900 (58.4%) were MRSAs. Of the MRSA isolates, 114 (6.0%) were CA-MRSA. Of 114 CA-MRSA isolates, 22 (19.3%) were colonizers, 22 (19.3%) were pathogens, and the clinical significance of remaining 70 (61.4%) could not be determined. Median age of the 22 patients with CA-MRSA disease was 47 years. Nine patients had skin and soft tissue infections, 9 ear infections, 3 bacteremia, 1 septic arthritis. Seven patients had underlying medical disease. None died of the CA-MRSA infections. Of the 73 isolates of CA-MRSA, 47 (64.4%) were resistant to more than 3 classes of antibiotics besides β-lactams. Conclusion : Although MRSA is highly prevalent among hospital-associated S. aureus infection, CA-MRSA infections are not common.

      • KCI등재

        고시의약품 시험에 사용되는 유해시약 대체 시험법 개발

        김희연(Hee Yun Kim),강현경(Hyun Kyung Kang),최선희(Seon Hee Choi),방수진(Su Jin Bang),한경진(Kyung Jin Han),최승희(Sung Hee Choi),김진희(Jin Hee Kim),이화정(Hwa Jung Lee),강찬순(Chan Soon Kang) 大韓藥學會 2010 약학회지 Vol.54 No.2

        Development of alternative testing methods for the replacement of hazardous reagents with less hazardous ones is strongly enforced because exposure of human and environment to hazardous reagents are restricted and hazardous reagents are gradually prohibited from using in various testing methods. Thus, in this study, we developed 8 monographs from the Korean Pharmaceutical Codex by substituting the use of the hazardous reagents including ICH class 1 such as benzene, chloroform and dioxane to the use of less toxic ones like ICH class 2 or 3 reagents. We also improved their qualification and quantification performance. Among 8 monographs, the 6 newly developed TLC methods for the identification of nifedipine, oxolamine citrate, ketoprofen lysinate, chlorquinaldol, retinol acetate, and riboflavin showed a clear spot of corresponding material without any interference in spite of the replacement with ICH class 2 or 3 reagents. For the quantification of domperidone and trimebutine, HPLC methods were developed for the substitution of UV/VIS spectrometry and titrimetry, respectively. These HPLC methods were validated for the linearity, recovery, reproducibility, and inter-laboratory variations. In conclusion, the newly developed methods could be expected to become valuable tools for revising the Korean Pharmaceutical Codex.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 국제물류학과의 교과과정 모델과 선호도에 대한 연구

        방희석 ( Hee Seok Bang ),윤희영 ( Hee Young Yoon ),강효원 ( Hyo Won Kang ) 한국물류학회 2011 물류학회지 Vol.21 No.5

        효율적인 국제물류관리의 중요성이 고조되면서 국가나 기업에서는 대학의 교과과정을 통한 국제물류인력양성에 대한 수요가 증가되고 있다. 이에 따라 범세계적으로 물류전문인력에 대한 중요성과 교과과정, 발전방안에 대한 연구가 진행되어왔음에도 불구하고, 학계와 산업계의 수요를 반영한 표준교과과정에 대 한 연구는 부족한 것이 현실이었다. 본 연구에서는 선진 물류교육에 대한 사례 와 교과과정을 벤치마킹하여 LTB Model을 설계하였고, 심층면담조사(In-Depth Interview)를 통해 자료를 보완하고 설문의 신뢰성을 높였다. 학계와 산업계의 전문가들을 대상으로 LTB Model에 대한 설문조사 후 실증분석을 통해 향후 국제물류교육 교과과정의 방향을 제시하였으며, 나아가 대학의 물류교육을 위한 표준적 인 교과과정의 세 가지 영역인 물류, 무역과 관련법, 경영경제분야로 선호도와 중 요도 중심으로 제시했다. Efficient Supply Chain Management (SCM) is gaining more importance as increasing number of nations and companies demand international logistics experts with college degree. To this end, there have been world-wide efforts to research the significance of logistics specialist, curriculums, and ways to improve logistics. Nevertheless, there has not been enough research done on the standard curriculum that reflects academic and industrial demands. This study proposes a LTB Model designed by benchmarking cases and curriculums in advanced economies. It is backed by an in-depth interview to improve confidence in the survey. The survey on the LTB Model was conducted targeting specialists in the academic and industrial sectors. The following empirical analysis proposes a path the international SCM curriculum should take, and examine three standard curriculums- logistics, trade and relevant laws, and business and Economics -based on insider`s preference and weight of the subject.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 한반도 주변해역의 기상부이와 등표에서 관측된 계절별 해상풍과 유의파고 특성

        강윤희 ( Yoon Hee Kang ),석현배 ( Hyun Bae Seuk ),방진희 ( Jin Hee Bang ),김유근 ( Yoo Keun Kim ) 한국환경과학회 2015 한국환경과학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        The seasonal variations of sea surface winds and significant wave heights were investigated using the data observed from the marine meteorological buoys (nine stations) and Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs) in lighthouse (nine stations) around the Korean Peninsula during 2010~2012. In summer, the prevailing sea surface winds over the East/West Sea and the South Sea were northerly/southerly and easterly/westerly winds due to both of southeast monsoon and the shape of Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, the strong northerly winds has been observed at most stations near Korean marginal seas under northwest monsoon in winter. However, the sea surface winds at some stations (e.g. Galmaeyeo, Haesuseo in the West Sea) have different characteristics due to topographic effects such as island or coastal line. The significant wave heights are the highest in winter and the lowest in summer at most stations. In case of some lighthouse AWSs surrounded by islands (e.g. Haesuseo, Seosudo) or close to coast (e.g. Gangan, Jigwido), very low significant wave heights (below 0.5 m) with low correlations between sea surface wind speeds and significant wave heights were observed.

      • KCI등재

        부산지역 경유버스를 CNG버스로 대체시 발생하는 대기오염물질 배출량 산정 및 변화 분석

        방진희 ( Jin Hee Bang ),강윤희 ( Yoon Hee Kang ),송상근 ( Sang Keun Song ),김유근 ( Yoo Keun Kim ) 한국환경과학회 2012 한국환경과학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        The emissions of several air pollutants (NOx, CO, VOCs, etc.) for the replacement of all diesel buses by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses were estimated in the Busan Metropolitan Area (BMA). These emissions were calculated from emission factors considering the different driving speeds with bus routes, distance traveled, and deterioration factors. For the purpose of this study, three categories of fuel type were selected: (1) the combination of diesel (65%) and CNG buses (35%) (DSL+CNG case), (2) all diesel buses (DSL case), and (3) all CNG buses (CNG case). The emissions of NOx and CO in the CNG case were estimated to be significant decreases (by about 50% and 98%, respectively) relative to the DSL case. Conversely, the emission of VOCs (980.7 ton/year) in the CNG case were a factor of 3.3 higher than that (299.8 ton/year) in the DSL case. In addition, the diurnal variations of emissions between two city buses (e.g. diesel and CNG) and all other vehicles were distinctly different because the two city buses operate at a regular time interval. Our overall results suggest the possibility that the pollutant emissions from the CNG buses can exert less influence on air quality in the target area than those from the diesel buses.

      • KCI등재

        소아의 기도 내 이물 흡인 48예: 임상 증상 및 경과

        강성희 ( Sung Hee Kang ),배길성 ( Kil Seong Bae ),방경원 ( Kyung Won Bang ),김환수 ( Hwan Soo Kim ),전윤홍 ( Yoon Hong Chun ),윤종서 ( Jong Seo Yoon ),김현희 ( Hyun Hee Kim ),김진택 ( Jin Tack Kim ) 대한천식알레르기학회 2016 Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease Vol.4 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to have a deeper insight into the clinical spectrum of foreign body aspiration in children and to prospect the further clinical implications of early diagnosis. Methods: We conducted a retrospective medical chart review of 48 children with foreign bodies at The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary`s Hospital, between January 2009 and December 2013 in terms of age, sex, symptoms and signs, radiologic findings, and clinical courses. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to the time from aspiration to a definite diagnosis. The 2 groups were compared for clinical courses, radiologic findings, and the length of hospitalization. Results: Approximately 85% of patients were 3 years of age or younger. About one-fifth of patients had no history of foreign body aspiration. Cough and coarse breathing sounds were the most common symptoms and signs. The most frequent radiologic finding was pulmonary air trapping (33.3%). The mostly commonly aspirated foreign body was peanut and detected in left main bronchus. Cough, sputum, and absence of aspiration history were more common in the delayed diagnosed group than in the early diagnosed group. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the number of accidents associated with foreign body aspiration can be reduced by keeping infants with nut formula under close observation and by conducting assertive bronchoscopic examination on children with delayed recovery from respiratory infections. After removal of foreign bodies, close monitoring and expectation of possible complications can prevent patients from a long hospital stay. (Allergy Asthma Respir Dis 2016;4:107-113)

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