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      • KCI등재

        WebSHArk 1.0: A Benchmark Collection for Malicious Web Shell Detection

        김진숙,유동훈,장희진,정기문 한국정보처리학회 2015 Journal of information processing systems Vol.11 No.2

        Web shells are programs that are written for a specific purpose in Web scripting languages, such as PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, PERL-CGI, etc. Web shells provide a means to communicate with the server’s operating system via the interpreter of the web scripting languages. Hence, web shells can execute OS specific commands over HTTP. Usually, web attacks by malicious users are made by uploading one of these web shells to compromise the target web servers. Though there have been several approaches to detect such malicious web shells, no standard dataset has been built to compare various web shell detection techniques. In this paper, we present a collection of web shell files, WebSHArk 1.0, as a standard dataset for current and future studies in malicious web shell detection. To provide baseline results for future studies and for the improvement of current tools, we also present some benchmark results by scanning the WebSHArk dataset directory with three web shell scanning tools that are publicly available on the Internet. The WebSHArk 1.0 dataset is only available upon request via email to one of the authors, due to security and legal issues.

      • KCI등재후보

        Analysis of Factors Affecting Output Levels and Frequencies of MP3 Players

        김진숙 대한청각학회 2013 Journal of Audiology & Otology Vol.17 No.2

        Exposure to high levels of music that could lead to music induced hearing loss (MIHL) has been of recent interest especially for young adults, considering their excessive use of personal listening devices such as MP3 player. More attention should be drawn to MIHL for noting that early noise exposure leads to earlier onset of presbycusis. In search of appropriate and safe listening habits for young adults, this investigation was aimed to evaluate output levels and frequencies generated by the Samsung galaxy note MP3 player depending on two earphone types; ear-bud and over-the-ear earphones and three music genres; rock, hip-hop, ballade. A sound level meter was used to measure output level and frequency spectrum between 12.5 and 16000 Hz at all 1/3-octave bands. The following results can be summarized. 1) The earphone styles did not produce significant difference in output levels, but the music genres did. However, the results of music genres varied. 2) Neither earphone styles nor music genres produced significant difference in frequency response spectrum, except music genres at the volume settings we usually listen to. Additionally, volume levels should be lower than 50% for usual listening situation. Th-rough this investigation, it was noted that the frequency range was substantial between 50 and 1000 Hz regardless of the styles of earphones and music genres, implying that we should be cautious of this frequency range when we listen to music. Researchers should give more attention to the effects of the mixture of output level and frequency spectrum, considering that the auditory system has frequency specificity from the periphery to the central to provide refined methods for protecting our ears from MIHL.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한 김정은 체제 ‘전반적 12년제 의무교육제’에 따른 학제와 교육과정

        김진숙 법무부 2016 統一과 法律 Vol.- No.28

        This study aims to analyze the characteristics of the revised curriculum of North Korea in 2013 and draw the issues and implications associated with curriculum integration with the curriculum of South Korea. In North Korea, the name of national curriculum is 'education platform'. The framework means 'curriculum plan', and the subject curriculum is called as 'prospectus for instruction'. The items of framework are educational objectives, education system, the areas and subjects of curriculum, education time, school curriculum planning and management and student assessment. The new education system of North Korea is 'universal 12-year compulsory education', I.e. 1-5-3-3. Most of the objectives of North Korea curriculum comprise the socialist morality and idolization of Kim Il Song's family. There are subjects and extracurricular areas. Special subjects for the socialist morality and idolization of Kim Il Song's family are 4 per every school levels. English and Information technology are essential from primary to high school. Some elective subjects are introduced in high school. Most of education time is much more than South Korea. In school curriculum planning and management, the management is stressed. The assessment is concrete and detailed. Recommendations are as follows- First, the similarities and differences between two koreas are needed to research. Second the curriculum integration should be focused what are the merits of two curriculums. Third, the integration between the same subjects of two Koreas is needed to research. Fourth, curriculum integration plan would be changed and need several versions as the period of time during the unification progress. 북한 김정은 정권은 2012년 9월 26일에 학교교육 전반의 체제를 개편하는 소위 ‘전반적12년제의무교육제’를 발표하고, 이에 따라 2013년에 개정한 교육강령을 2014년부터 적용하고 있다. 새 학제는 유-초-중-고의 연한을 2-5-3-3년으로 하고 유치원 1년(높은 반)과 초중등교육을 합한 12년을 무상의무교육으로 한다. 소학교, 초급중학교, 고급중학교 등 학교 명칭은 중국과 같으며, 중등학교는 6년제였다가 3-3년의 2개 학교급으로 분리되었다. 북한의 교육강령은 개정의 의의, 목표, 학제, 영역과 교과 구성, 교육시간, 학교 교육과정, 교수학습방법, 평가 및 교과로 구성되어 있다. 영역은 교과와 비교과(‘과외활동’)로 구성되며, 교과는 학교급별로 김일성가계우상화를 위한 북한특수교과 4개씩과 ‘사회주의도덕’을 포함한 일반교과로 되어 있다. 영어와 정보기술이 초등학교부터 필수이며 고등학교에 부분적으로 선택과목이 도입되었다. 교육시간은 수업일수, 수업주수, 시수 등으로 정교하게 구조화되어 있으며 대한민국보다 많게 설정되어 있다. 학교교육과정은 편성보다 운영을 강조하며 교수학습과 평가 지침은 구체적이고 상세하다. 북한의 새 학제와 교육과정은 전반적으로 글로벌 스탠다드에 가까운 형태와 내용으로 재편되었다. 대한민국과 비교하면, 학제에서 초중등의 격차가 1년으로 줄었고, 대한민국의 2015 개정교육과정과 유사한 창의융합형, 문이과통합형 인간형 육성과 정보교육 강조, 영어과의 초등학교 필수화 및 시수 확대, 비교과의 체육활동 등에서 유사점을 찾을 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Korean L2 Learners’ Comprehension of VP-Ellipsis and One-Substitution in English

        김진숙 언어과학회 2015 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.75

        This study investigates the properties of VP-ellipsis (e.g., Anne made a cake. Lisa did too.) and one-substitution (e.g., Anne made a cake. Lisa made one too.) through the comprehension of these constructions by two groups of speakers: Korean-speaking L2 learners of English and native English speakers. According to Hankamer and Sag’s (1976) categorization, VP-ellipsis, as surface anaphora, is syntactically controlled, and one-substitution, as deep anaphora, is pragmatically controlled. Based on their dichotomous categorization, this study explores the characteristics of two types of anaphoric expression through empirical data gathered from the two participant group. The results reveal that comprehenders from both groups interpreted VP- ellipsis by reconstructing the verb phrase in the antecedent clause at the elided site with the help of syntactic parallelism. With regard to one-substitution, while most participants from both groups considered the anaphoric pronoun one as a higher N’ in the antecedent clause, some Korean L2 learners understood one as referring to a lower N’. Although some Korean participants showed different interpretations of one-substitution, most of them comprehended VP-ellipsis and one -substitution as native English speakers did. The findings of this study contribute to bridging the gap between theory and practice through exploring comprehenders’ interpretation of anaphoric expressions.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 기준 운동에 비추어 본 한국의 절대평가 기준 개발

        김진숙 한국교육과정학회 1999 교육과정연구 Vol.17 No.2

        기준 운동(Standards Movement)은 1989년 이래 미국의 교육과정 재편을 주도하고 있으며, 우리나라에서도 '성취기준', '평가기준' 등 절대 평가 기준이 최근 개발되고 있다. 이 연구는 절대 평가 기준의 개발 및 보급을 기준 운동을 반영한 교육과정이라는 측면에서 비판적 전망을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구 결과, 미국에서 기준 운동은 국가적 수준에서 교육내용과 성취수준에 있어 통일성을 기하려는 노력에서 시작되어, 교과별 내용 기준과 도달점이 개발되었다. 도달점별로 수행기준을 구체화한 3-4개의 수행수준이 제시되는데, 각 도달점에 따른 수행과제, 수행수준들 및 평가준거의 개발과 결정은 교육구와 학교에 일임하고 있다. 우리나라의 절대 평가 기준은 국가수준에서 6차 교육과정기 이래 개발되어 있다. 성취기준은 "교수학습을 위한 기준"으로서 교육과정을 분석하여 중영역 이하 내용을 상세화하여 개발되었고 , 평가기준은 "평가의 실질적인 지침의 역할을 할 수 있는 기준"으로서 성취기준을 상, 중, 하로 분할하여 기술되었다. 절대 평가 기준을 국가 수준에서 개발·보급하는 방식은 미국과 유사하나 기준운동이 교육과정 내용기준 중심으로 개발된 반면, 우리는 평가기준 개발이 중심이 되었고, 기준 도입의 맥락, 교육과정과의 관계 등에서 차이가 있다. 이와 같은 결론에 따라, 절대 평가 기준 중 성취기준은 교과 교육과정 전체에 대한 보다 심도 있는 재구성의 차원에서 개발되어야 하며, 절대 평가 기준 중 평가 기준은 평가 준거, 채점 기준과 함께 제시되어야 하고, 교육과정 재구성과 통합을 지향하는 교육과정 동향에 도움을 주는 방식으로 기준이 개발될 것, 교육과정이 이미 개발된 후의 기준 개발이라는 한계를 극복하기 위해서 기준에 기초한(standards-based) 교육과정보다는 기준 사용자인 학교에 자율성과 융통성을 부여하는 기준참조(standards-referenced) 교육과정이 될 것을 제언한다. The Standards Movement has played a role in reconstuctring and curriculum amendmenets in America since 1989. This study intends to show critical view about achievement standards and assessment standards which has been developed in Korea. The results of the study as follows: The content standards comprises the standards and the benchmarks. The assessment standards are the performance standards, criteria, and the rubrics. NAEP assesses samples of students in grades 4, 8, and 12 in various academic subjects. Results of the assessments are reported for the nation and states in terms of the Governing Board's achievement levels - basic, proficient, and advanced. In Korea the achievement standard area is the 'middle' strand and the assessment standards are stated in terms of the achievement levels - high, middle and low. The contents standard develpment has maintained the center of Standards Movement in America. But in Korea, the assessment, standards has the part, and achievement stagndard focuses the curricum specification. The implications are as follow. First, the critical awareness is needed in pursuing the Standards development trend. Especially the curriculum knowledge of each subject should be studied. Secondly, the assessment standards should be developed with assessment criteria and rubrics. Thirdly, the directions of the development of standards should parallel the shcool based curriculum development. And fourth, the management of the standards should be the school and the teachers'.

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