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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        간내 담석과 동반된 간내 담도암에서의 p53과 Ki-ras의 발현

        김명환,이성구,서동완,이승규,남승우,박능화,민영일,김연석,심기남,공경엽 대한소화기학회 1997 대한소화기학회지 Vol.30 No.5

        Background/Aims: Hepatolithiasis or primary intrahepatic stones may be accompanied later by intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. This cancerous lesion is frequently associated with atypical hyperplastic epithelium that was suspected of being precancerous. To investigate the Ki-ras or p53 mutation may play a role in carcinogenesis, and to determine whether atypical hyperplastic epithelium may be precancerous, this study was performed in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas associated with hepatolithiasis. Methods: We examined 12 patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas associated with hepatolithiasis. Ki-ras point mutations were assessed by direct DNA sequencing. Expressions of p53 protein were immunohistochemically assessed. The overexpression of p53 and point mutation of Ki-ras were examined in normal, hyperplastic, atypical hyperplastic, and can- cerous tissues separately. Results: The expressions of p53 protein were detected in 4 (33%) of 12 cholangiocarcinomas and Ki-ras point mutations at codon 12 were found in 2 (17%) of 12 cholangiocarcinomas. In those two carcinoma cases which contained the mutant sequence of Ki-ras, the same point mutation from wild type GGT (glycine) to GAT (aspartic acid) was. found in the associated atypical hyperplastic epithelium. However, none of the normal and hyperplastic epithelium harbored Ki-ras or p53 mutations. Conclusions: The overexpression of p53 may play a part in the carcinogenesis of some intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas associated with hepatolithiasis, whereas the role of Ki-ras mutations in those cases is dubious. However, Ki-ras point mutation at codon 12 may be responsible for either cancer or atypical hyperplastic epithelium associated with hepatolithiasis in certain cases, suggesting atypical hyperplastic epithelium may give rise to carcinoma.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        직장 카르시노이드 종양에서 Ki-67 발현의 예후적 중요성

        홍수민 ( Su Min Hong ),김유선 ( You Sun Kim ),문정섭 ( Jung Seop Moon ),김진남 ( Jin Nam Kim ),오명기 ( Myoung Ki Oh ),권선옥 ( Sun Ok Kwon ),정성연 ( Seong Yeon Jeong ),홍성우 ( Seong Woo Hong ),강윤경 ( Yun Kyung Kang ) 대한소화기학회 2013 대한소화기학회지 Vol.61 No.2

        Background/Aims: Rectal carcinoid tumors can be resected with endoscopy, and it is important to assess their prognostic factors. We evaluated the potential of Ki-67 expression as a prognostic factor in rectal carcinoid tumors. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 37 patients with rectal carcinoid tumors who got endoscopic resection from January 2001 to January 2011 at Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital. We analyzed their endoscopic and histologic findings, Ki-67 expression, clinical outcome, and prognosis. Results: The mean age (±SD) of the patients was 56.3±10.7 years, and the male : female ratio was 3.6:1. The mean tumor size was 0.5±0.4 cm, 33 patients showed grade 1 tumors (89.2%) and the average Ki-67 expression was 0.7±1.2%. Thirty five patients underwent endoscopic mucosal resection, and two required endoscopic submucosal dissection. Eight patients had positive margins after resection, but no cases of lymphovascular invasion were identified. The median follow-up duration was 21.4±25.4 months, and no recurrences were observed. Conclusions: In low grade rectal carcinoid tumors which are lack of central depression on colonoscopy, the expression of a molecular marker of malignant potential, Ki-67, was low. Therefore, endoscopic resection seemed to be a safe and effective treatment for these tumors.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        제2형 당뇨병 남성 환자에서 유리 테스토스테론과 성호르몬 결합 글로블린 농도

        남기덕,김영설,박철영,오승준,김덕윤,우정택,김성운,양인명,김진우,최영길 대한당뇨병학회 2002 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.24 No.6

        연구배경:인슐린저항성은 제2형 당뇨병과 심혈관질환의 주요한 위험 인자로 성호르몬과 상호 관계가 있다고 알려져 있다. 그러나 여성과는 달리 남성에서는 연령과 인슐린저항성에 따른 유리 테스토스테론과 성호르몬 결합 글로블린 농도의 변화에 대한 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 그러므로, 본 저자등은 제2형 당뇨병 남성 환자에서 정산인과 비교해서 유리 테스토스테론과 성호르몬 결합 글로블린 농도를 측정하고 연령에 따른 변화 정도를 알아보고자 하였다. 방법:대상 환자 모두에서 연령과 체질량지수, 총 콜레스테롤, 중성지방, 공복혈당과 인슐린 농도를 측정하였다. 혈중 유리 테스토스테론 농도는 방사면역측정법(radioimmunoassay)을 이용해서 측정하였고, 혈중 성호르몬 결합글로불린은 면역방사계측측정법(immunoradiometric assay)을 이용해서 측정하였다(Diagnostic System Laoratories, Wbster, TX, USA). 결과:1)제2형 당뇨병 남성 환자에서 정상 대조군 남성에 비해 성호르몬 결합글로불린은 104.1±35.0 vs 25.7±3.5 mole×10??로 의미 있게 높았으나(p<0.001), 유리 테스토스테론은 13.7±9.5 vs 13.6±6.5 ng/dL로 차이가 없었다. 2)연령과 성호르몬 결합 글로블린 사이의 상관 계수는 제2형 당뇨병 남성 환자에서 0.40로 중등고의 양의 상관 관계를 보였고(p<0.001), 정상 대조군 남성에서 0.11로 유의한 상관 관계를 보이지 않았다. 연령과 유리 테스토스테론 사이의 상관 계수는 제2형 당뇨병 남성 환자에서 0.08, 정상 대조군 남성에서-0.17로 모두에서 유의한 상관 관계를 보이지 않았다. 3)연령과 체질량지수를 보정한 후에 제2형 당뇨병 남성 환자와 정상 대조군 남성에서 혈중 인슐린 농도, 유리 테스토스테론과 성호르몬 결합 글로블린 사이에는 상관 관계가 없었다. 결론:제2형 당뇨병 남성 환자에서 정상 남성에 비해 성호르몬 결합 글로블린 농도가 증가되어 있었으며, 유리 테스토스테론은 차이가 없었다. 연령이 증가함에 따라 성호르몬 결합 글로블린이 제2형 당뇨병 남성 환자에서 정상 남성에 비해 증가 폭이 의미있게 컸으며, 유리 테스토스테론은 변화가 없었다. Background: Insulin resistance is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. There are many previous studies indicating that insulin lowers serum sex hormone-binding globulin levels, and there is inverse correlation between insulin resistance and serum sex hormone-binding globulin levels in women. However, in men, a limited number of studies are available to explain the effect of sex hormone on age and insulin. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship among free testosterone, hormone-binding globulin and age in type 2 diabetic men and control subjects. Method: Age, body mass index, total cholesterol, triglyceride, fasting blood sugar, and insulin concentrations were examined on 89 type 2 diabetic men and 47 control subjects. The free testosterone level was measured by commercially available double-antibody system (Radioimmunoassay). The sex hormone-binding globulin level was also measured by commercially available double-antibody system(Immunoradiometric assay). Results: 1) Sex hormone-binding globulin level was significantly increased in patients with type 2 diabetes. However, there was no significantly difference in free testosterone level between the two groups. 2) Sex hormone-binding globulin was positively correlated with age (r=0.4, p <0.001) in patients with type 2 diabetes. Sex hormone-binding globulin and free testosterone were not correlated with age in control sujects. 3) Free testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin concentrations were not significantly related to serum insulin concentration after adjusting for age and body mass index. Conclusions: We observed increased sex hormone-binding globulin concentration in diabetes man, and was a positively related to age. Further studies are needed to understand the relationships between age, insulin resistance, testosterone, and sex hormone-binding globulin concentrations(J Kor Diabetes Asso 24:699~707,2000).

      • KCI우수등재

        2003년도 해양스포츠 체험활동을 통한 소아건강교실 사례 발표

        김현준,이상엽,이가영,곽현,이남수,김혜선,김윤진,김인주,김용기,대한비만학회 부산분과학회 일동 대한비만학회 2003 The Korean journal of obesity Vol.13 No.4

        부산에 소재한 3개 초등학교 청소년단체 소속의 초등하교 3학년부터 6학년까지 구성된 172명을 대상으로 청소년단체 지도자, 초등학교교사, 자원봉사자, 의사와 영양사가 1박 2일간의 해양스포츠 체험활동 을 통한 건강교실을 시행하였다. 대상자의 체질량지수, 체지방량을 측정하여 비만정도를 평가하였으며, 칼로리 섭취에 대한 강의를 시행하였고, 설문지 조사를 통해 대상자의 식이 섭취 습관에 대한 조사를 시행하였고, 본 건강교실에 대한 만족도를 측정하였다. 대상자중 남자에서는 40%, 여자에서는 25.69%에서 비만 경향을 보였다. 대상자의 대부분에서 시행된 건강교실에 긍정적 반응을 보였으며, 향후 체계적인 구성과 철저한 사전계획이 병행되어 본 증례 보고와 같은 건강교실을 시행한다면, 비만아동에서 거부감 없이 비만에 대한 교육을 실시할 수 있으며, 정상 체중 아동군에서도 비만에 대한 예방교육을 시행할 수 있는 프로그램이 될 것이다. 172 elementary school students involved this health program. This subjects were learened about obesity that affect health problem, ideal eating habits, calories that contained in the children's favorite foods by doctors and nutritionist. And this stubjects were checked heights, weight, body fat percent. Obesity is 40% in the boys and 25.69% in the girls. Most subjects were satisfactory with this health program. So we will effectively educate obese children without resistance and prevent normal weight children from obesity through structured and well-designed health program that similar to this program.

      • Benzoate, m-Toluate, Phenol의 Pseudomonas putida에 의한 생분해

        김장규,김석형,김태환,이대광,김남기 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1993 論文集 Vol.44 No.1

        It this study, basic data were obtained for the treatment of industrial waste water which includes aromatic compounds. Substrate concentrations used were 100ppm, 500ppm, and 1,000pprn and initial pH's were pH6, pH7, and pH8 in order to obtain the optimum conditions for treating benzoate, m-toluate, and phenol by Pseudomonas putida(KCTC 1644). Durations were 20hrs for 100ppm, 40hrs for 500ppm, and 60hrs for 1,000ppm before the static growth of Pseudomonas putida. 100% of 100ppm benzoate(0.31g cell/1) was biodegraded at pH6, pH7, and pH8 before 20hrs, 52.8% of 500ppm at pH8 in 40hrs, and 27.9% of 1,000ppm at pH8 in 60hrs. The best initial pH was pH8 for the biodegradation and the growth of Pseudomonas putida in benzoate medium. For m-toluate, the best initial pH was also pH8. At this pH, 40.6% of 10Dppm(0.31 cell/1), 21.9% of 500ppm, and 14.1% of 1,000ppm m-toluate were biodegraded respectively in limited time. But for phenol, the best initial pH was pH7. At this point, 9.8% of 100ppm(0.218 cell/1), 7.1% of 500ppm, and 4.7% of 1,000ppm phenol were biodegraded respectively. Therefore, the best carbon source in this experiment was benzoate. Pseudomonas putida was also able to biodegrade m-cresol, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and benzaldehyde.

      • KCI우수등재

        Low Dose Exposure to Di-2-Ethylhexylphthalate in Juvenile Rats Alters the Expression of Genes Related with Thyroid Hormone Regulation

        Kim, Minjeong,Jeong, Ji Seong,Kim, Hyunji,Hwang, Seungwoo,Park, Il-Hyun,Lee, Byung-Chul,Yoon, Sung Il,Jee, Sun Ha,Nam, Ki Taek,Lim, Kyung-Min The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology 2018 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.26 No.5

        Phthalates widely used in the manufacture of plastics have deeply penetrated into our everyday lives. Recently, a concern over the toxicity of phthalates on thyroid, has been raised but in most of cases, the doses employed were unrealistically high. To investigate the effects of phthalates on thyroid, we investigated the effects of the repeated oral exposure to low to high doses (0.3, 3, 30 and 150 mg/kg) di-2-ethylhexylphthalate (DEHP) from weaning to maturity for 90 days in juvenile rats on the thyroid. The histological examination revealed that DEHP significantly induced hyperplasia in the thyroid from the doses of 30 mg/kg, which was confirmed with Ki67 staining. In line with this finding, increased mRNA expression of thyrotropin releasing hormone (Trh) was observed in the thyroid of female at 0.3 mg/kg and 150 mg/kg as determined by RNAseq analysis. Moreover, significantly increased expression of parathyroid hormone (Pth) in the female at 0.3 mg/kg, and thyroglobulin (Tg) and thyroid hormone responsive (Thrsp) in the male at 0.3 mg/kg were noted in the blood, of which changes were substantially attenuated at 150 m/kg, alluding the meaningful effects of low dose DEHP on the thyroid hormone regulation. Urinary excretion of mono-2-ethylhexyl-phthalate (MEHP), a major metabolite of DEHP was determined to be 4.10 and 12.26 ppb in male, 6.65 and 324 ppb in female at 0.3 and 30 mg/kg DEHP, respectively, which fell within reported human urine levels. Collectively, these results suggest a potential adverse effects of low dose phthalates on the thyroid.

      • KCI등재

        석면에 장기간 노출된 퇴직한 수리조선업 근로자의 폐영상 : 단순흉부촬영 및 고해상전산화단층촬영 소견과 그 유병률 Lung and Pleural Diseases Prevalence on Chest Radiograph and HRCT

        김기남,김정일,,이기남,정갑열,김준연 大韓産業醫學會 2006 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        목적: 장기간 석면에 노출되었던 퇴직한 조선소 근로자에서 단순흉부촬영과 고해상 CT소견 및 그 유병률을 알아보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 수리조선소에서 배관공 또는 영선반에서 근무한 후 퇴직한 근로자 18명을 대상으로 하여 후전면 및 측면 단순흉부촬영과 고해상 CT를 시행하였다. 이들은 모두 조선소에서 사용하는 단열재 사용 작업 중에 석면에 노출되었다. 결과: 단순흉부촬영에서 총 18례 중 12례(66.7%)에서 흉막병변이 관찰되었다. 흉막플라크의 위치는 횡경막 단독으로 비후된 경우가 5례로 가장 많았으며, 외측흉벽 흉막플라크의 두계는 a가 3례, b가 1례에서 보였고, 길이는 1이 4례, 2가 1례에서 보였다. 흉막플라크를 가진 12례 중 2례는 미만성 흉막비후를 동시에 보였다. 흉막플라크의 석회화는 횡경막에서만 4례 관찰되었다. 석면과 관련된 폐실질병변이 의심되는 소견은 관찰되지 않았다. 고해상 CT에서는 16례(88.9%)에서 흉막비후가 관찰되었으며, 위치는 척추 주위 13례, 횡경막 11례 등이었다. 동반된 석회화는 7례에서 보였다. 두께는 1 mm부터 1cm까지 이었고, 길이는 2cm부터 47cm이상까지 매우 다양하였다. 3명(16.7%)에서 흉막비후 근처의 하폐 기저부에 흉막하 곡선이 나타나는 석면폐증의 초기 소견이 보였다. 결론: 장기간 석면에 노출된 근로자의 석면 관련 흉막병변의 유병률이 매우 높아 장기적인 추적검사가 필요하다고 사료된다. Purpose: To determine imaging findings among retired workers who were long-term exposed to asbestos. Lung and pleural diseases prevalence were studied on chest radiograph and HRCT. Materials and Methods: Eighteen workers who were long-term exposedto asbestos occupationally in shipyards were examined by chest radiographs (PA and lateral view) and HRCT (high-resolution computed tomography). Results: In 12of 18 subjects (66.7%), asbestos-related pleural abnormalities were evident in diaphragmatic, lateral chest wall and costophrenic angle of the pleura on chest radiographs. The thickness of pleural plaques at the lateral chest wall varied. Diffuse pleural thickening was evident in 2 workers. Parenchymal abnormalities were not found on chest radiographs. On HRCT, pleural thickening wasobserved in 16 of 18 subjects (88.9%), in the areas of juxtavertebral, diaphragmatic, anterior, lateral, mediastinal and fissural pleura. Curvilinear subpleural lines representing early parenchymal asbestosis were found in the lower posterior lung in three of 18 subjects (16.7%). Conclusions: In long term asbestos-exposed workers, the asbestos-related pleural disease was 66.7% on chest radiographs and 88.9% on HRCT. The authors suggest that this group should be followed up periodically

      • KCI등재

        『燕轅日錄』에 나타난 기녀의 생활과 애환

        김남기(Kim Nam-ki) 돈암어문학회 2007 돈암어문학 Vol.- No.20

        『燕轅日錄』은 1888년과 1889년에 冬至使行을 배종한 저자미상의 연행록으로 白話文으로 썼는데, 기녀들의 歌舞樂과 연희 등의 공연 상황, 그리고 그녀들의 일상생활의 모습과 애환을 집중적으로 기록하였다. 본고에서는 『연원일록』을 통하여 19세기 후반 서도 출신 기녀의 삶의 양태, 즉 그들의 다양한 기예의 공연 상황, 의식주와 관련된 기본적인 생활 부분, 삶의 애환과 그에 대한 인식 등을 고찰하였다. 평안도와 황해도의 기녀는 十二歌詞, 十二雜歌, 西道雜歌, 民謠, 時調 및 歌曲唱, 歌辭, 辭賦 등을 가창하였고, 〈瑤池獻蟠桃舞〉, 〈彩鳳悅親舞〉, 〈得勝奏凱舞〉, 〈項莊舞〉, 〈馳馬術[馬上劍舞]〉 등 여러 춤과 연희를 공연하였다. 19세기 후반 서도에서 공연되던 歌舞樂과 연희의 연행 양상은 물론이고 기녀들의 이력, 공연의 형태와 상황, 기예의 습득과정, 저자의 감상평, 나아가 관람자들의 반응 등을 적어 예술사 연구에 적지 않은 도움을 주리라 기대한다. 또한 저자는 기녀들의 복식과 치장, 먹는 음식, 주거의 상황 등 일상생활에 대해서도 적었다. 각종 공연에 비하여 의식주 부분은 비교적 소략하게 기술되었지만 당시 기생들의 삶의 모습을 유추할 수 있다. 특히 유하원의 아내인 退妓 난혜의 경우 馳馬術을 할 때의 차림새, 그녀가 사는 집안의 건물과 조경, 실내의 집기 등을 상세하게 적어 주목된다. 아울러 기녀들과의 대화를 통하여 그녀들이 겪는 삶의 애환, 즉 생계의 곤란함과 미래의 암담함, 만남과 헤어짐에서 오는 숙명적인 아픔 등을 절실하게 표현하여 기녀들의 생활상을 살피는데 도움이 된다. Yonwonilrok recorded the public performances and daily lives of the official dancing girls, and sorrow-joy of the official dancing girls intensively. This dissertation investigated the public performance, the food, clothing and shelter and life of the official dancing girl in Pyongan and Whanghae-do in 19century latter half. The official dancing girl various was performed the song, the dance and the play. The writer in addition wrote career of official dancing girls, Form and situation of public performance, process of accomplishments, appreciation criticism of writer, reaction of spectators etc. It gives a help to art-history research consequently. Also the writer wrote the dress and embellishment and the food, the house situation of the official dancing girls. It is paid attention specially the dress and embellishment, building and landscape architecture, Things in household of Nanhae. The writer earnestly was wrote life difficulty and Future gloominess, pain of meeting and separating. Consequently becomes the place help which observes the life of the official dancing girl.

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