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      • KCI등재

        야뇨증 환아들의 심리사회적 특성에 대한 다기관 연구 : 행동 및 정서 문제를 중심으로

        조수철,김재원,신민섭,황준원,한상원,박관현,이상돈,김경도,김건석,서홍진,이유식,정재용,김영균,문두건,남궁미경,한창희,조원열,김영식,배기수,이종국,정우영,신의진 大韓神經精神醫學會 2005 신경정신의학 Vol.44 No.6

        Objectives : The aim of this study was to examine the behavioral and emotional problems associated with nocturnal enuresis in Korean children. Methods : Three hundred eighteen children with nocturnal enuresis, together with their parents, completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), Disruptive Behavior Disorder Scale according to DSM-IV (DBDS), Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC), and Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale (PHCSC). Ninety-three normal students were selected as the control group. Results : Compared to the normal control group, the mean scores with regard to the withdrawn, social problems, attention problems, delinquent behavior, aggressive behavior, externalizing problems and total problems profiles were significantly higher in the nocturnal enuresis group according to the CBCL results. The nocturnal enuresis group also scored significantly higher in the ADHD and ODD profiles of the DBDS. The nocturnal enuresis group was more depressed and anxious than the control group according to the results of the CDI and STAI. The mean score of the PHCSC was significantly lower in the nocturnal enuresis group when compared to the normal control group. Conclusion : The results of this study suggest that children with nocturnal enuresis in Korea have clinically relevant behavioral and emotional problems. The findings support the link between nocturnal enuresis and psychopathology in Korean children.

      • 경연 대회를 통한 초ㆍ중고생의 창의력 신장 효과에 관한 연구

        이희복,육근철,류해일,김현섭,김희수,박달원,유병환,김선효,김여상,서광수,변두원,서명석,배성효,박종석,심규철,이성희 공주대학교 과학교육연구소 2001 과학교육연구 Vol.32 No.1

        미래 사회를 대비하기 위한 개인의 개성을 존중과 창의적인 능력을 지닌 인간을 양성을 목적으로 충청남도 지역의 초 ㆍ 중고등학생들을 대상으로 한 창의력 경연대회가 공주대학교 과학교육연구소에서 개최되었다. 충청남도 초 ㆍ중 ㆍ 고등학생들을 대상으로 실시한 창의력 경연대회는 창조적 아이디어를 내어 스스로 문제를 해결해 나갈 수 있는 교육 프로그램을 제공하는 좋은 기회였음이 확인되었으나, 일부의 팀에서만 참신하고 재미있는 아이디어들이 제안되었다. 여학생의 참가자 수가 상당히 증가하였으며, 대체적으로 입상권의 학생들의 상당 부분이 여학생이라는 것이 특이할만하다. 학년이 올라감에 따라서 창의적인 아이디어를 내는 양이나 질에 있어서 뒤떨어지는 것으로 분석되었으며, 토론 학습의 적응력이 미흡하고 발표력 및 청취력에 있어서도 떨어지는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 중 ㆍ고등학교의 학교교육에서도 학생들에게 프로젝트형 탐구학습 프로그램의 적용은 물론 토론식 수습을 통한 학생들의 사고의 전환의 기회를 제공해야 할 것으로 사료된다. The creativity competition was held to foster the creativity of elementary and secondary school students in the Institute of Science Education, Kongju national University. It was found that the creativity competition effected on the improvement of inventing creative ideas and problem solving activities. But, only some competitors participated in semifinal and final contests, presented original and interesting ideas. More female students participated in competition than last year. More female participants were awarded a prize than males. Totally, participants were defective in discussion and communication, and presentation and listening ideas. Increasing grades correlated inversely with creativity and originality. There is need of inquiry project teaming programs and presenting opportunities of conversion of thinking by discussing instructions in school

      • KCI등재

        응급센터에서 기관내 삽관을 시행하지 않은 호흡곤란 환자의 동맥혈 이산화탄소분압과 호기말 이산화탄소분압의 연관성분석

        김형국,박승현,오동렬,박규남,이원재,황두영,최승필,이운정,정시경,김세경 大韓應急醫學會 1998 대한응급의학회지 Vol.9 No.4

        Background: The end-tidal carbon dioxide tension(ETCO₂) is defined as a partial pressure of carbon dioxide at the end of an exhaled breath. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between ETCO₂and arterial carbon dioxide tension(PaO₂) in nonintubated patients with respiratory distress in emergency department(ED). Methods: A prospective non-blind study was performed in ED of our university hospitals. Participants included all nonintubated adult patients with respiratory distress requiring arterial blood gas analysis. ETCO₂was measured with a capnography monitor during tidal volume breathing. ETCO₂were recoreded at the time of arterial blood gas sampling. The correlation between ETCO₂and PaCO₂was analyzed in all patients and in subgroups by simple linear regression. Results: Sixty patients were enrolled. In all patients, ETCO₂was 5.72mmHg lower than PaCO₂and correlated well with PaCO₂(r²=0.716). ETCO₂correlated best with PaCO₂in patients who were either acidotic or non-smoking. Conclusion: ETCO₂correlate well with PaCO₂in nonintubated patients with respiratory distress in ED. ETCO₂may be sufficient to reflect PaCO₂in selected patients and obviate the need for repeat arterial blood gas determination.

      • 새 敎育 課程에 따른 高等學校 共通科學 敎科書 生命 單元의 比較 分析

        김제연,신두철,김현섭 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1997 과학교육연구 Vol.28 No.1

        本 硏究는 새 敎育 課程에 따른 高等學校 共通科學7種 敎科書 生命 單元의 知識 領域과 探究 領域을 定量的으로 比較·分析하여 高等學校 生物 敎育의 基礎 資料를 제공하고, 敎育의 效率性을 기하기 위하여 수행되었으며, 그 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 生命 單元의 紙面 數는 7種 敎科書의 全體 平均 476.29面 중에서 附錄을 포함하여 13.20%인 62面 이었으며, 가장 많은 것은 E 敎科書로서 80面, B 와 C 敎科書는 63面, F 敎科書는 62面, D 敎科書는 60面, A와 G 敎科書는 가장 적은 55面이었다. 單元別로는 '刺戟과 反應'이 平均 14.3面으로 가장 많았고, '遺傳'이 平均 11面으로 가장 적었다. 2. 單元別 分量과 探究 活動 回數의 相對比를 調査하여 分析한 결과, '營養과 健康' 單元에서 相對比가 1.0으로 가장 적절하였다. 3. 探究 活動의 主題는 類似한 內容의 主題를 하나로 묶어서 調査했을 때 72種, 127回로 나타났으며, 7種 敎科書 모두에서 취급하고 있는 主題는 '사람의 遺傳 形質', '生殖 細胞 形成', '性호르몬의 分泌 調節' 등으로 학교 현장에서 반드시 다루어야할 必須 主題임을 알 수 있었다. 4. 探究 活動 回數와 각 內容 要素別 回數를 調査하여 分析한 결과, ㉮ 實驗 回數의 相對比는 '營養과 健康' 單元에서 1로 가장 적절한 回數를 나타냈다. ㉯ 資料解析의 相對比는 '生殖' 單元에서 1.41로 지나치게 높았으며, '刺戟과 反應' 單元이 0.94로 가장 적절한 回數이니 것으로 나타났다. ㉰ 調査의 相對比는 '遺傳' 單元이 1.11로 가장 적절한 回數인 것으로 나타났다. ㉱ 討議의 相對比는 '營養과 健康' 單元이 1로 가장 적절한 回數인 것으로 나타났다. 5. 探究 活動의 比重이 커짐에 따라 學校 現場에서 실제로 활용될 수 있는 主題 및 素材의 개발이 필요하며, 實驗과 觀察을 위한 충분한 시설이 갖추어 지고, 충분한 시간이 주어져야만 한다. 6. 學習者에게 探究 活動 中心의 수업이 될 수 있도록 敎科 內容의 양을 줄여야 한다. 또한 原理와 法則, 槪念 등의 이해를 돕고 興味와 刺戟을 줄 수 있는 그림, 읽을 거리, 揷畵, 寫眞 및 낱말 맞추기 등의 資料가 많아야 하고, 視覺的 效果의 極大化를 위하여 天然色으로 構成되어야 할 것이다. 7. 多樣하고 많은 數의 探究 活動을 제공하여 學生들의 興味를 誘發하고 地域的·季節的 與件, 學校 事情, 敎科上의 問題 등 여러 면에서 融通性 있게 운영할 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 8. 敎科書 分量에 비추어 受業 時數 單位 配當의 適正性에 대한 硏究가 수행되어야 할 것이다. 9. 共通科學 敎科書의 다른 單元 즉, 物理, 化學, 地球科學 및 環境 單元 등을 總括하여 7種 敎科書에 대한 比較·分析 硏究가 遂行되어 바람직한 高等學校 共通科學 敎育에 대한 改善 資料가 마련되어야 한다. The purpose of this study is to provide the basic information and efficiency for biology education through analysis and comparison of knowledge part and inquiry part of Life Unit on the seven kinds of the high school 'General Science' textbooks written in accordance with new curriculum. Especially this study is focused on analysis of the inquiry activity of the textbooks. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The numbers of pages about the 'Life' unit are 62 including the appendix among the whole average 476.29 Textbook B and C fill pages the 'Life' unit 63, textbook F 62, textbook D 60. While textbook E contains the 'Life' unit more than any other book as the 80 pages, textbook A and G have the least pages 55. 2. On the basis of the result of analysis to relative rate between the quantity of units and the frequency of research activities, the optimum relative rate is found in the unit 'Nutrition and Health'. 3. Regarding subjects of the similar contents as one subject, the subjects of research activities are 72 kinds and frequency of experiments about them is 127. 'An inherited character of man', 'Controls of sex hormone secretion' and 'Formation of reproductive cells' are common subjects in the 7 different kinds of textbooks. We can know that they are necessary subjects which should be treated in school. 4. The results obtained from analyzing the frequency of research activities and units indicate that, ⓐ The relative rate of the frequency of experiments is 1 in the unit "Nutrition and Health" and the rate is the optimum frequency. ⓑ The relative rate of materials analysis in 1.41 in the unit 'Reproduction' and 0.94 in the unit 'Stimulus and Reaction'. While the former rate is excessively high, the latter rate is the optimum frequency. ⓒ The relative rate of inquiry is 1.11 in the unit 'Heredity' and the rate is also the optimum frequency. ⓓ The relative rate of discussion is 1 in the unit 'Nutrition and Health' and the rate is the optimum frequency. 5. As research activities are emphasized, the development of the subjects and the materials which really can be used in school is need. 6. The quantity of textbook contents have to be decrease for the students can do the research activities. The textbooks should have these materials such as pictures, photographs, something good to read, and puzzles··, etc, that can help students to understand principles, laws and conceptions and also to give students interests and simulations. The textbooks also should be made colorful to improve the visual effects. 7. The textbooks should have many kinds of research activities and various contents in order to give interests and motivation to students. They also have to be considered the conditions of regions, seasons, schools and scientific matters. 8. The study that the class time allotment set on the basis of the quantity of textbook should be performed. 9. General science textbook consists of different units such as 'Physics', 'Chemistry', 'Geoscience' and 'Environment'. As these units are generalized, compared and analyzed on the 7 different kinds of textbook, improving materials should be made for the desirable high school general science education.

      • KCI등재후보

        산란계 사료첨가제로서 크릴분말의 효과

        김종덕,장재익,유문일,정흥우,권찬호,오두식,김창현 한국국제농업개발학회 2004 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.16 No.1

        본 시험은 크릴 분말의 사료적 특성을 조사하고, 산란계 사료에 첨가하였을 때 계란의 생산성과 품질을 비교하기 위하여 수해하였다. 크릴 분말을 산란계 사료에 0, 1 및 2% 수준으로 첨가하여 216수에 6주간 사양시험을 실시하였다. 크릴분말의 일반성분은 수분 8.25%, 조단백질 50.52%, 조지방 16.67%, 조회분 15.72%로 단백질과 지방이 높은 동물성 사료원료였다. 그리고 무기질(15.72%), astaxanthin (10ppm) 및 콜레스테롤 함량 (780ppm) 또한 많았다. 산란율, 연파란율, 일일사료섭취량 및 난중은 처리간에 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 황고 및 난황색도는 크릴의 첨가수준이 높을수록 유의적으로 높아 산란계의 난질을 향상시키는 첨가제로서의 가능성을 보였다. 이상의 결과를 볼 때 크릴 분말은 단백질과 지방이 높은 동물성 사료이며, 산란계에서 천연착색제로의 가능성을 보였다. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the chemical composition of Antarctic Krill(Euphausia superba Dana) meal as feed, and to investigate the effect of its supplementation on productivity and egg quality of laying hen. A total of 216 layers at the age 43 weeks in commercial cage were fed for 6 weeks with 3 different diets containing 0, 1, and 2% Krill meal (KM). The chemical composition of KM was consisted of moisture 8.25%, crude protein 50.52%, crude fat 16.67%, curde ash 15.72%, indicating that KM contains large amount of protein and fat. Krill meal also contains large amounts of mineral(15.72%), astaxanthin(10ppm) and cholesterol(780ppm). No differences were found in egg production, broken and soft eggs, and feed intake among treatments. Dietary supplementation of KM resulted in increased egg yolk height(6.1㎜) and yolk color (2) compared with those of control, suggesting that KM can be used as a feed additive for yolk quality improvement. According to the results of this study, Krill meal can be supplemented in laying hen diets as protein and fat sources, and natural coloring pigment.

      • 졸-겔공정을 이용한 초고용량 캐패시터용 Nickel oxide 나노입자의 합성

        김두현,송기창,변태강,송연호 조선대학교 생산기술연구소 2003 生産技術硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        The Ni (OH)₂ nanoparticles with average diameter of 50 nm were synthesized by hydrolyzing nickel acetate with water, and were dispersed in the distilled water to prepare the coating solution. The electrodes for supercapacitor were prepared by dip-coating the coating solution on the Ni-foam. The electrodes heat-treated at several temperatures showed the highest specific capacitance, 160 F/g, at 250℃. It can be explained that the Ni(OH)₂ particles heat-treated at 100 and 200℃ on the electrodes contained the impurities such as acetate groups in the pores, and resulted in low specific surface areas. However, as the calcination temperature increases. the impurities incorporated in the pores are removed at 250℃, and thus, the particles on the electrodes show the highest specific surface area (177 ㎡/g).

      • 알러지성 비염 환자 107례에 대한 神鼻煎의 임상적 효과

        김경렬,장현호,두인선,김남권,이종화,유영수,강형원 한국전통의학연구소 2002 한국전통의학지 Vol.12 No.1

        Allergic rhinitis is characterized by rhinorrhea, sneezing and nasal obstruction. Allergic rhinitis increases because of developments of diagnostic techniqhe, environmental change, especially industrialization. Recently people have studied on allergic rhinitis. We studied 107 allergic rhinitis patients with SBJ from June. 2002 to December, 2002. There was a significant effect of SBJ on allergic rhinitis. So, we suggested the clinical effect of SBJ on allergic rhinitis.

      • KCI등재

        불소적용시 법랑질과 상아질에서 불화칼슘형성의 차이에 관한 실험적 연구

        김재곤,권선자,윤현두,안수현,백병주 大韓小兒齒科學會 1998 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.25 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to compare the amount of calcium fluoride deposited on the enamel and dentin surface and to obtain information on the morphological change and crystallographic details of mineral deposition after 12,000ppm APF application in vitro. The bovine enamel and dentin blocks were randomly assigned to eight groups according to artificial caries lesion formation and difference of fluoride application time. The fluoride concentration and morphological characteristics on the treated enamel and dentin surface were investigated by using fluoride quantitative analysis and SEM. The powdered enamel and dentin of the intact bovine incisors were prepared for the X-ray diffraction analysis. The following results were obtained. 1. The amounts of KOH-soluble fluoride on the carious enamel and dentin surface after 24h APF application were higher than after only 5min APF application(P<0.05), but in the case of the sound enamel and dentin surface were similar after 5min and 24h application (P>0.05). The fluoride content was highly increased in the carious dentin as compared with sound dentin after APF application(P<0.05). 2. The caruous enamel surface after APF application, the demineralized enamel surface were recovered a more dense enamel surface and precipitation of crystal was observed a distintive surface layer of spherical globules of about 1 m diameter. In the case of the fluorided carious dentin surface, precipitation of calcium fluoride-like material was deposited both inside the dentinal tubules as well as in the intertubular regions. 3. The crystallographic structure of powdered enamel and dentin after 24h APF application had large crystallities of apatite and CaF2 diffraction peaks in the enamel as compared with dentin. The diffraction data collected from the 27.50-29.50(2) angular range of the powdered enamel, the (105) apatite, (225) apatite and (111) CaF2 peaks of the enamel crystallities were detected after 24h APF application.

      • KCI등재

        불소농도가 인공우식 범랑질의 재석회화에 미치는 영향

        윤현두,백병주,김재곤 大韓小兒齒科學會 1996 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the remineralized effect of fluoride on artificial carious enamel after topical fluoride application and to certificate the most appropriate fluoride concentration. Artificial demineralized bovine enamel blocks were randomly assigned to four groups, and placed in fluoride, 100, 5,000 and 12,000ppm acidulated phosphate fluoride solution. Sound enamel blocks without artificial carious lesion were used as control group. In this study, the morphological characteristics of treated enamel surface and effect of fluoride concentration on remineralization of artificial carious enamel has been investigated by using scanning electron microscopy, chemical analysis and electron probe microanalysis compared with the effect of various fluoride concentration. The Following results were obtained. 1. The enamel surface treated with 100ppm APF was observed more demineralized surface with lots of holes and loosely bounded a few globules. 5,000ppm APF treatment produced a deposits of numerous spherical globules 0.5∼1㎛ in diameter and distinctive rectangular and cuboidal shaped deposits were formed by 12,000ppm APF treament. 2. Amount of KOH-soluble fluoride on enamel surfaces was increated according to treated fluoride concentration level. In the Ⅳ and Ⅴ group were showed significantly higher than that in the Ⅲ group(p<0.05). 3. After treatment with 5,000 and 12,000ppm APF, a remarkable elevation of the fluoride profile was observed within 30㎛ of the outermost layer and was accompanied simultaneously by a high elevation of the calcium profile. However, specimens treated with 100ppm APF showed only a small elevation of fluoride within whole depth than that in the sound and demineralized enamel specimens. 4. In the Ⅳ and Ⅴ group, Ca/P weight percent ratio were showed higher than that in the Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ group in 5 and 15㎛ depth, and fluoride content were showed statistically different than that in the Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ group in all depth(p<0.05).

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