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        쥐 뇌에서 발현되는 S-100 Beta 유전자의 Polymorphism에 대한 분자생물학적 증거

        유민,권오식,신송우 THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCIEN 1998 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.4 No.2

        쥐 뇌에서 발현되는 S-100 beta 유전자의 다형현상을 조사하였다. Polymerase chain reaction을 위한 주형으로는 뇌에서 분리한 mRNA를 직접 역전사한 cDNA, 또는 rat brain cDNA library에서 분리한 phage DNA를 사용하였다. 증폭된 DNA 절편들은 크기가 기존에 보고되었던 것과 일치하였으나 DNA sequencing을 통한 세부적인 분석 결과 coding region 내에 염기변화 (CAT가 CAC로 변함)가 있음이 확인되었다. 그러나 이들은 모두 histidine을 결정하는 유전암호이기에 단백질의 1차 구조에는 아무런 영향을 미치지 않는 다형현상으로 결론지어졌다. 본 연구는 S-100 beta 단백질에 그 동안 알려지지 않았던 다형현상이 존재함을 시사하는 것으로서 S-100 beta효소 유전자의 전체적인 구조를 이해하기 위한 학문적 자료가 될 것으로 기대된다. We examined mRNAs, isolated from the rat brain, to ascertain if there is any polymorphism for S-100 beta protein gene. As templates for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) the reverse-transcribed cDNA from the rat brain or phage DNAs isolated from the rat brain cDNA libraries were used. Although PCR products turned out to be exactly same as the expected size based on the previously reported mRNA sequence a single base substitution (CAT to CAC) was identified at nucleotide level. This change was considered as polymorphism since it did not cause any change of the primary structure for S-100 beta protein. This result should facilitate the understanding of the overall structure of the gene for S-100 beta protein.

      • 당뇨병과 동반된 화농성 간농양의 임상상 및 예후인자

        오은숙,강무일,이원영,오기원,임동준,이소영,이정민,고승현,김성래,안유배,손현식,윤건호,차봉연,이광우,손호영,강성구 대한당뇨병학회 2000 임상당뇨병 Vol.1 No.1

        연구배경: 감염질환은 혈관질환과 함께 당뇨병의 중요한 사망원인의 하나이며, 혈당조절이 불량할수록 감염 빈도가 증가됨은 잘 알려져 있다. 간농양의 발생이 있어서도 당뇨병은 중요한 기저질환 중의 하나이다. 일반적으로 간농양의 가장 흔한 원인균은 Escherichi coli라고 알려져 있으나, 최근 당뇨병을 가진 간농양 환자에서 Klesiella pneumoniae의 검출이 증가되고 있다. 또 최근 연구에 의하면 K.pneumonie가 간농양의 가장 흔한 원인균이며, K. pneumoniae에 의한 간농양은 K.pneumoniae 이외의 균주에 의한 간농양보다 당뇨병과 밀접히 관련되어 있다고 보고된 바 있다. 이에 저자들은 간농양 환자를 대상으로 당뇨병환자의 빈도를 알아보고, 그 원인균 및 특징을 비당뇨병 환자들의 경우와 비교해 보고자 하였다. 방법: 1992년 1월부터 1999년 6월까지 방사선학적 검사 혹은 수술에 의해 간농양이 확인되거나, 경피적 천자나 수술을 통한 배농액 배양, 혹은 혈액 검사에서 원인균이 증명된 182명의 환자를 대상으로 후향적 임상고찰을 실시하였다. 결과: 화농성 농양을 가진 167명의 환자(남:94명, 여:73명)중 당뇨병을 가진 환자는 54명 (남:30명, 여:24명)으로 32.3%를 차지하였다. 환자의 평균나이는 당뇨군에서 62.1 ± 13.4세, 비당뇨군에서는 55.1 ±15.5세로 당뇨군에서 높았으며(p=0.0021), 남녀간의 평균나이 비교 시 두 군 모두 여성의 나이가 의미있게 높았다. 비당뇨군에 비하여 당뇨군의 경우 저알부민혈증의 빈도와 aspartate transaminase가 증가되어있었다. 원인균주는 K. pneumoniae (당뇨군54%, 비당뇨군 39.1%), E. coli(당뇨군 17.5%, 비당뇨군 18.8%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus viridans, Enterococcus 순이었으며 두 군간의 의미는 차이는 없었으나 K. pneumoniae의 경우 다른 균종에 비해 단독감염의 빈도가 높았다(82.8%). 사망률은 당뇨군에서 16.7%, 비당뇨군에서 7.1%로 당뇨군에서 의미있게 높았으며(p=0.019), 당뇨군에서의 사망환자는 모두 패혈증이 동반되어 있었다. 당뇨환자의 사망군은 생존군에 비해 당뇨병 이환기간이 길고 혼합감염의 빈도가 높았다(p=0.046). 검사실 소견에서는 총 빌리루빈 및 알카리성 포스파타제의 증가가 관찰되어 있었다. 결론: E. coli가 간농양의 주된 원인균이라는 기존 보고와는 달리 당뇨군과 비당뇨군 모두 K. pneumoniae가 간농양의 주된 원인균이었다. 또한 당뇨 유병기간이 길고 당뇨조절이 불량한 환자에서 혼합감염이며 총 빌리루빈 및 알카리성 포스파타제의 증가등과 같은 위험인자가 존재할 경우 사망률이 증가될 수 있으므로 이들 군에서는 적극적인 치료가 필요할 것으로 사료된다. Background: Liver abscesses are commonly associated with underlying disease, particularly diabete mellitus. The number of the liver abscesses caused by Klebslella pneumoniae in diabetic patient has been increased in Korea nowadays. This study was conducted to clarify the clinical presentation and prognostic factors of pyogenic liver abscesses, especially in diabetic patients and to determine the proportion of K. pneunomiae as a pathogen in liver abscess in Korea. Methods: Medical records of 167 patients treated for pyogenic liver abscess from January, 1992 through June, 1999 were reviewed retrospectively in detail. Major Pathogenic organism, clinical manifestations, prognostic factors, the importance of diabetes mellilus as an underlying disease and its effect on clinical features and prognosis were analyzed. Results: Among 167 cases of pyogenic liver abscess, underlying diabetes mellitus was present in 32.3%. The mean age of patients was 62.7 13.4 years in diabetic liver abscess group and 55.1 15.5 years in non-diabetic liver abscess group. Most liver abscesses were cryptogenic in origin or secondary to the billary tree diseases. The clinical presentations among the two groups were not significantly different. When compared to patients without diabetes, patients with diabetes had significantly higher proportions of hypoalbuminemia and elevated aspartate transaminase level. The most common organism of the pyogenic abscess was K. pneumoniae in both groups. Percutaneous drainage of the abscess with appropriate antibiotics was the most commonly used therapeutic modality in liver abscess. The mortality rate of diabetic liver abscess is 16.1 % and 7.1% in nondiabetic liver abscess. Complications, especially septicemla, were found more frequently in patients with diabetes than in patients without diabetes (64.8% vs 28.3%, septicemia : 31.5% vs 9.7%). The factors influencing mortality in the diabetic liver abscess were disease duration, mixed infection, presence of septicemia, elevated bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase. Conclusions: In contrast to prior report that the E. coli was the most common pathogen in liver abscess, we found that K. pneumoniae was the most common organism cultured in liver abscess. Diabetic patients have more complications and higher mortality than patients without diabetes. Early detection and proper treatment are needed to improve the outcome for diabetic patient with liver abscess.

      • 圓光醫大 附屬 第2病院 神經精神科 患者에 對한 統計的 考察(Ⅱ)

        박민철,장광철,김상원,김한주,유미경,김훈,유용진,김현정,박남진,오상우,이귀행,노승호,백영석 圓光大學校 醫科大學 神經精神科學敎室 1992 圓光精神醫學 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 1986년 7월 11일부터 1991년 7월 10일까지 원광의대 부속 제2병원 신경정신과에서 의래 및 입원치료를 받았던 6,072명의 환자를 대상으로 병원 역학조사를 실시하고 그 결과를 1차조사 (박민철 등1986)와 비교했다. 1.전체 환자 중 남자가 54.4%로 여자보다 많았고, 이리와 이리 인접지역이 84.0%로 대부분의 지역을 나타났다. 의료보장상태는 보험환자가 57.1%, 의료보호환자21.8%, 일반환자 21.1%였으며 연령별로는 20대 24.6%, 30대 22.8%로 20대 30대가 절반정도를 차지했다. 2.외래환자에서는 신경중성장애가 46.0%로 가장 많고 정동장애, 경련성장애 순이며, 입원환자에서는 정신분열증이 30.5%로 가장 많고 기질성정신장애, 정동장애의 순이었다. 3.남자는 신경증성쟝애(23.4%), 정신분열증, 기질성정신장애 순이고 여자는 신경증성장애(39.9%), 정동장애, 정신분열증의 순이었다. 남자가 여자보다 많은 진단은 알코올정신장애(94.6%), 기질성정신장애, 소아정신장애 순이고, 여자가 남자보다 많은 진단은 정동장애(64.5%), 신경증성장애였다. 4.진단별 연령분포에서 신경증성장에는 30대(25.3%), 20대, 40대 순이고, 정신분열증은 20대(40.5%), 30대, 40대 순이며, 정동장애는 20대, 30대, 50대 순이나 비교적 비슷한 융이었다. 5.진단별 발병연령에서 신경증성장에는 20대, 30대가 절반이고,정신분열증은 20대(51.3%), 10대, 30대 순이며 정동장애는 20대(30.7%), 30대, 50대 순이었다. 진단별 평균 발병연령은 신경증성장애 32.7세, 정동장애 36.1세, 정신분열증 23.6세였다. 6.진단별 이병기간은 2년이상이 신경증성장에 28.3%, 정신분열증 68.5% 정동장애 43.9%인데 전체적으로 41.0%였다. 진단별 평균 이병기간은 정신분열증 73.2개월, 정동장애 45.5개월, 신경증성장애 29.5개월이었다. We examined epidemiologic study of 6,072 patients who visited Wonkwang Neuropsychiatric hospital since July 11 of 1986 until July 10 of 1991 and compared this results with previous study(Park et al 1986). The study revealed as follows:1. Of total patients males visited this hosptial more than females as 57.1%, Most of them(84.0%) resided Iri and neighbouring Iri. In the point of insurance, insured patients, medicaid patients and uninsured patients were 57.1%, 21.8% and 21.1% respectively. On the distribution of age, the twenties, the thirties were 24.6%, 22.8% respectively and twenties and thirties were about half of total patients. 2. Of outpatients neurotic disorder was the most as 46.0%, secondly mood disorder and thirdly convulsive disorder, but of inpatients schizophrenia was the most as 30.5%, secondly organic mental disorder and thirdly mood disorder. 3. Of males neurotic disorder was the most as 23.4%, secondly schizophrenia, and thirdly organic mental disorder, but of females neurotic disorder was the most as 39.9%, secondly mood disorder and thirdly schizophrenia. alcoholic mental disorder(94.6%), organic mental disorder, child mental disorder were mostly found in males,but mood disorder(64.5%) and neurotic disorder were mostly found in females. 4. On the distribution of age neurotic disorder was found the most in the thirties(25.3%), next in the twenties and in the forties, and schizophrenia was found the most in the twenties(40.5%), next in the thirties and in the forties, but mood disorder was found the most in the twenties, next in the thirties and in the forties but revealed similar rates relatively. 5. On the distribution of age of onset neurotic disorder developed nearly half during the twrnties and the thirties, schizophrenia developed mostly during the twenties (51.3%), secondly the teens and thirdly the thirties, but mood disorder developed firstly the twenties(30.7%), secondly the thirties and thirdly the fifties. on the average age of onset of illness neurotic disorder, mood disorder and schizophrenia were 32.7 years, 36.1 years and 23.6 years respectively. 6. On the duration of illness more than two years was 28.3% in neurotic disorder, 68.5% in schizophrenia and 3.9% in mood disorder and on the average duration of illness schizophrenia, mood disorder and neurotic disorder were 73.2 months, 45.5 months and 29.5 months respectively.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on DNA Sequences and Mutation of Integrase Region of Korean-type Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) pol Gene

        권오식,--,--,-- THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCIEN 2004 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.10 No.1

        Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is a causative agent for lymphoma disease in cattle including cows worldwide. BLV shares similar virion structure and characteristics with other retroviruses. The pol gene of the BLV genome produced reverse transcriptase (RT) and integrase (IN) for important roles for BLV genome integration into host cell chromosomes that is known to be coded in the 3' side of the BLV pol gene (one third portion). In this study, we have sequenced 978 bp in the 3'side of the BLV pol gene from BLV 10C3 in order to determine the BLV IN region of it. And we compared it to the nucleotide sequences of an Australian BLV isolate. As a result, nucleotide sequences of the IN region of the Korean-type BLV pol gene were mutated at a rate of 3.7%. We can confirm that the typical mutations are such as Arg (AGG) → Lys(AAG), Thr (ACG) → Met (ATG), Ile (ATT) → Val (GTT), Asn (ACC) → His (CAC), Phe (TTT) → Leu (TTG) and Asn (ACC) → Asp (GAC). From the analysis of the sequencing data, we were able to determine the zinc-finger-like "HHCC" motif in the amino terminus of BLV IN, that was H-X_(3)-H-X_(25)-C-X_(2)-C. It was also found the DD35E motif in the IN catalytic domain as D-X_(56)-D-X_(35)-E. It fits very well to the consensus sequences of retroviral IN as well as HHCC motif.

      • 순차적 크리깅기법을 이용한 미소혼합기의 최적화

        박재용,유진식,황승민,임민규,오영규,김용대,한석영,맹주성 한국공작기계학회 2008 한국공작기계학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.-

        An active micro-mixer, which is composed of an oscillating micro-stirrer in the micro-channel to provide effective mixing was optimized. The effects of molecular diffusion and disturbance by the stirrer were considered with regard to two types of mixer models: the simple straight micro-channel and micro-channel with an oscillating stirrer. Two types of mixer models were studied by analyzing mixing behaviors such as their interaction after the stirrer. The mixing was calculated by Lattice Boltzmann methods using the D2Q9 model. In this study, the time-averaged mixing index formula was used to estimate the mixing performance of time-dependent flow. The mixing indices of the two models were compared. From the results, it was found that the mixer with an oscillating stirrer was much more enhanced' and stabilized. Therefore, an approximate optimization of an active micro-mixer with an oscillating stirrer was performed using Kriging method with OLHD (Optimal Latin Hypercube Design) in order to determine the optimal design variables. The design parameters were established as the frequency, the length and the angle of the stirrer. The optimal values were obtained as 1.5754, 0.803D and ±45°, respectively. It was found that the mixing index of the optimal design increased by 83.36% compared with that of the original design.

      • 태양추적장치의 상태공간 적용분석

        안두수,유상진,오민환 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1990 論文集 Vol.41 No.2

        The purpose of a solar tracking system is to control the attitude of a space vehicle so that it will track the sun with high accuracy. In this paper, tracking of the sun in one plane is accomplished, an iterative procedure for control modellig of solar tracking system is presented by simultaneous differential equations and transfer functions. Also a program for obtaining a state-space representation is developed. A program for computation of state variables is based on the use of a 4th-order Runge-Kutta numerical integration algorithm included subroutines. It is applicable for the nonlinear time-variant case by appropriate modification of the subroutine. Computer simulation results are shown for the dynamic characteristics of vehicle system, armature -controlled DC motor and controller. Althogh certain interesting results are well established and documented, it is still a difficult task in the hardware realization.

      • 순무(Brassica campestris ssp. rapa) 뿌리로부터 지질화합물의 분리 및 동정

        방면호,오영준,유종수,한민우,정해곤,정태숙,최명숙,이경태,김세영,백남인 경희대학교식량자원개발연구소 2007 硏究論文集 Vol.26 No.1

        순무 뿌리로부터 활성 물질을 분리 동정 하기 위하여 80% MeOH 수용액으로 추출하고 이를 여과, 감압 농축하여 MeOH추출물을 얻었다. 이를 EtOAc분획, n-BuOH분획, H_(2)O분획으로 나누었으며, EtOAc분획에 대해 silica gel column chromatography를 실시하여 3종의 지질화합물을 분리 정제하였다. ^(1)H-NMR, ^(13)C-NMR, DEPT spectrum 및 Mass spectrum등을 통하여 palmitic acid methyl ester(compound 1), linolenic acid methyl ester(compound 2), linoleic acid methyl ester(compound 3)으로 구조를 결정하였다. In order to isolate and identify the active compound from the Brassica campestris ssp rapa, the roots and the root skin were extracted with 80% aqueous MeOH, and the concentrated extract was partitioned with EtOAc, n-BuOH and H_(2)O. From the EtOAc fraction, three compounds were isolated through the repeated silica gel column chromatographies. From the result of spectral data including NMR and MS, the chemical structures of the compound were determined as palmitic acid methyl ester (compound 1), linolenic acid methyl ester (compound 2), linoleic acid methyl ester (compound 3).

      • 腰痛을 同伴한 足下垂 患者 1例에 대한 臨床報告

        김종국,유호상,윤일지,오민석 대전대학교 한방병원 2002 惠和醫學 Vol.11 No.1

        After treating a patient suffering from foot drop which is caused by peroneal nerve paralysis, some result are gained as follows. Patient, 73 years old women, was treated from June 7 to July 15 in oriental hospital of Daejeon University. This disease is foot drop is caused by peroneal nerve paralysis which paralyze tibialis anterior muscle, fibula muscle, and extensor musculi of foot. Peroneal nerve contains nerve root of L4, L5, S1 and S2. Foot drop correspond to flaccidity-syndrome(^ISE). Flaccidity-syndrome(?/症) means that the muscle and the pulse of body is relaxed and the limbs become week and the man have a difficulty to move for oneself. The cause of this case on oriental medicine is Yin-deficiency of liver and kidney. Treatments which was based on cause of oriental medicine - herb medication, acupuncture treatment, electronic acupuncture treatment and moxibustion - have a good effect to patient.

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