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        무용 상해 및 재발 예방을 위한 Kim's Body conditioning Program

        김양근(Yang Keun Kim) 한국무용과학회 2009 한국무용과학회지 Vol.18 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 상해 경험이 있는 무용수가 Kim's body conditioning program 후 무용동작 수행 시 무용수의 신체 움직임 느낌을 통해 프로그램의 효과를 규명하고자 하였다. 본 연구의 목적에 따라 연구대상자들은 2007년 ADF(America Dance Festival)에 참석한 무용수들 중 Kim's body conditioning program 수업에 참석한 60명 중 6주간 수업에 결석하지 않은 31명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 연구 대상자들의 평균 연령은 22.06(±1.590)이며, 무용경력은 3년 미만이 54.8%로, 3년 이상이 38.7%이다. 조사 설문 내용은 무용전문가 3명과 의학전문가 1명, 설문조사 전문가 1명 등 5명으로 구성되어 설문조사 문항을 위해 협의, 의논하여 문항들을 선택하였으며, 자료 분석 방법으로는 기술통계의 빈도분석과 X2 분석 방법이 사용되었으며, 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전체적인 움직임에 대해 Kim's body conditioning program 수행 후 무용동작 수행 시 보다 편안함을 느낄 수 있으며, 원활하게 움직일 수 있다는 것으로 응답하였다. 둘째, 무용의 기본 동작에 대해 기본 브러쉬(brush) 동작, 그랑 바뜨망(grands battements) 동작, 데벨로뻬 (develope) 동작, 쁠리에 (plie) 동작, 아라베스크(arabesque) 동작에서 움직임 수행 시 편안함을 느꼈으며, 관련된 근육들에 움직임에서 원활하게 움직일 수 있었다고 응답하였다. 셋째, 무용수들의 Kim's body conditioning program 평가에서 이 프로그램은 전체적인 근력 및 하지의 유연성을 강화할 수 있다고 응답하였으며, 무용 동작 수행 시 움직임에 도움을 줄 수 있는 것으로 무용수들에게 도움이 된다고 응답하였다. 또한 이 프로그램이 무용수들뿐만 아니라 비전공자들에게도 필요한 프로그램이 될 수 있다고 응답하였다. 그러나 무용 표현 기술적인 측면에서는 높은 동의를 얻지 못했다. 이와 같은 결론을 통해 Kim's body conditioning program이 상해를 가진 무용수들에게 재활의 프로그램 중 하나로 제시될 수 있다. The purpose of this study was investigating about previously injured dancers' execution of movements and comfortableness after Kim's body conditioning program. 31 participants joined the six weeks of ADF of the year 2007 after undergoing Kim's body conditioning program. Contents of research were examined by three dance expertise, one medical doctor, and one research expertise. Frequency of descriptive statistics and X2 were used to analyze the collected data. The results were as follows. First, the 31 participants answered they were comfortable executing their movements and greater control over their muscle movements after Kim" body conditioning program. Second, they responded that they could comfortably execute their basic movements then previous to participating in Kim's body conditioning program and move their muscles more readily. Third, after undergoing Kim's body conditioning program, the participants answered Kim's body conditioning program can improve muscular power, become more flexibleness and help execution of movements. In addition, Kim's body conditioning program can help people who are not dance major. Kim's body conditioning program, however, cannot improve executing difficult dance movements. In conclusion, Kim's body conditioning program could be a rehabilitation program for previously injured dancers.

      • 怡山 金珖變 詩 硏究 : 意識 空間의 의미 구조를 중심으로

        柳謹助 中央大學校 人文科學硏究所 1996 人文學硏究 Vol.25 No.-

        AbstractPoet Kwang Sup Kim was born in the early stage of Mordern Korean Literature and lived astrenuous life in the barren land of colonized and war-torn Korean peninsula. Kim was, however, aconsistent leading figure in the world of Korean poetry. The purpose of this paper is to reread and reinterpret Kim's poetry as a whole in a different way that most previous literary scholars, critics and poets have not yet taken1. This study basically includes all poems of Kwang Sup Kim published by Ilji-sa in 1974. I, however, select some important poems that are widely read for the sake of probability and consistency of this paper. the concrete methology of this study is based on theories of empiricism, imagination and metaphor. My reading strategy is also provided by Edmund Husserl's phenomenology.2. The result of this study is as follows :a) Poems of Kim's early and middle period: The strong consciousness of Korean nationality and race is represented due to the close space consciousness of oppression and repression in the colonized country. in other words, the closed and repressive dynamic tensility in the real world finally led to Kim's intention to the original existence of "nym"(an everlastingly symbolic ideal lover) through the world of tranquiity and contemplation.b) Poems of the last Period : Some Poems such as "Spring" transcend the original existence of "nym", represent dynamic circularity, and confirm Kim's identity beyond the existence.c) One characteristic of Kim's poetry is that time consciousness cannot be separated from the life consciousness. Many temporal terms such as moment/eternity,limitedness/unlimitedness, time, clock in Kim's early poems obssesively represent contemporal linearity as an existential condition. In contrast, dynamic time consciousness in his later poems is closely related to his inevitable time consciousness. this means that the poet arives at the transcendental space of consciousness through his experience of life and death.d) Another characteristic of Kim's poetry is very excellence of imagination and metaphoric structure as a poetic method. The imagination of this kind results from Gaston Bachelarard's dynamic imagination that can transform the objects at its disposal. the magnificent metaphoric structure is also closely interrelated to this imagination

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        김정일의 민족 인식과 정치적 활용

        김창근 한국국민윤리학회 2003 倫理硏究 Vol.54 No.1

        김정일은 계급을 민족의 부분적인 개념으로 인식하고 있으며, 사회주의적 민족주의를 통치이념화하고 있다. 그의 민족 인식에는 우리식 사회주의가 김정일식 사회주의로 간주되며, 외세를 배격한 자주적인 민족통일이 곧 ‘조국통일이자 애국하는 길’로 강조된다. 아울러 그는 ‘수령의 품을 곧 민족의 품’으로 부각하여 민족·국가·수령의 운명을 동일시하고 있다. 이러한 인식은 정치적으로 대외적 저항 및 대내적 전체주의적 단결 추구, 사회주의적 민족주의의 통치이념화, 민족대단결의 논리 강조, 수령에 의한 민족 영도의 절대성 지속 등에 활용되고 있다. 김정일의 민족 인식과 정치적 활용에서 나타나는 특징은 수세적인 대내외 환경변화속에서 체제유지 논리가 결합되어 있다는 점이다. 따라서 북한의 위기가 대두될수록 사회주의적 민족주의의 경향은 강화될 것이며, ‘자주적 민족통일’ 논리는 대외관계에서 체제공존 형성과 남북 연방제 및 교류·협력 추진의 논리로 보다 적극적으로 활용될 것이다. 남북화해·협력이 진행될수록 민족의 범주나 정통성 문제는 통일문제의 쟁점으로 부상할 것이다. 우리는 한민족의 평화와 공동번영을 매개로 한 한반도 민족주의와 자유민주주의적인 민족주의에 대한 논의를 보다 활성화해야 할 것이다. Kim Jung Il recognizes class as a considerable component of a nation, thereby contriving socialist nationalism as his ruling ideology. The so-called Kim Jung Il style of socialism has become the core of North Korean socialism in light of Kim's national perception. Independent reunification through cooperation of the two Koreas has been considered the sole path towards national unification as well as a means to patriotism. As the protection of the great leaders (Su-Ryung) directly correlates to the security of the nation, Kim Jung Il has placed his destiny at par with the fate of the nation, the state and the leadership. This view put forward by Kim Jung Il has unendingly been applied to North Korea’s domestic as well as international politics. Namely, overseas political resistance, pursuit of national solidarity at home, construction of socialist nationalism as a basis of ruling ideology, emphasis on great national unity, and continuance of the absolute national leadership under the Su-Ryung. Kim Jung Il's nationalistic perception and coinciding political application explains the cohesive logic for regime maintenance amid the unfavorable environmental changes at home and abroad. A deepening crisis in the North will lead to a growing inclination towards a socialist nationalism and the logic for 'independent national reunification' will widely be used as propaganda for establishing co-existence abroad, pushing for a confederation system and promoting exchange and cooperation in inter-Korean relations. We should assertively invite further discussions relating to nationalism on the Korean peninsula as well as liberal democratic nationalism based on peace and co-prosperity of the Korean people.

      • KCI등재

        K-식(式) 침전관(沈澱管)에 의한 간질충란(肝蛭蟲卵) 간이검사법(簡易檢査法)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        김교준,김상근,허민도,Kim, Kyo Joon,Kim, Sang Keun,Hu, Min Do 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1982 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.9 No.2

        피내반응법(皮內反應法)에 의(依)해 간질(肝蛭) 양성반응(陽性反應)으로 판정(判定)된 유우(乳牛)를 대상(對像)으로 분편검사(糞便檢査)를 실시(實施)하여 충란(蟲卵)을 확인(確認)한 후(後), 현재(現在) 사용(使用)되고 있는 간질(肝蛭) 충란검사법(蟲卵儉査法)들의 단점(短點)을 개선(改善)하기 위하여 잔재물(殘滓物)을 성력적(省力的)으로 제거(除去)하는 사(篩)의 조합법(組合法)과 K-식(式) 침전관(沈澱管)을 고안(考案)하여, 인위적(人爲的)으로 분즙(糞汁)에 충란(蟲卵)을 혼입(混入)하여 K-식(式) 침전관법(沈澱管法)에 따라 검사(檢査)한 결과(結果) 현재(現在)까지 보고(報告)된 타방법(他方法)들에 비(比)하여 조작(操作)이 간편(簡便)하고 검출율(檢出率)도 높아 이상적(理想的)인 방법(方法)으로 사료(思料)되었기에 그 개요(槪要)와 결과(結果)를 보고(報告)하는 바이다. 1. 간질충란(肝蛭蟲卵)을 여과(慮過)하고 잔재물(殘滓物)을 제거(除去)하기 사(篩)의 조합(組合)을 3단계(段階)(100mesh, 150mesh, 250mesh)로 조합(組合)하여 성력적(省力的)인 방법(方法)으로 개선(改善)하였다. 2. 3종(種)의 침전관중(沈澱管中) 제(第)III형(型)의 침전관(沈澱管)에 의(依)한 간질충란(肝蛭蟲卵) 회수율(回收率)이 가장 높았으므로 제(第)III형(型)을 K-식(式) 침전관(沈澱管)으로 지칭(指稱) 채택(採擇)하였다. 3. K-식(式) 침전관법(沈澱管法)에서 A-II, A-III, B-III, C-III형(型)의 1구(回) 경검성적(鏡檢成績)은 99~100%였으며 A-I, B-II, C-I 및 C-II형(型)은 71~91%였다. 4. A형(型)($5m{\ell}$, 5-10침전(沈澱)), B형(型)($10m{\ell}$, 10-10침전(沈澱)) 및 C형(型)($15m{\ell}$, 15-15침전(沈澱))은 각기(各其) 특징(特徵)을 가진 방법(方法)들로서 판정시간(判定時間)을 단축(短縮)하는데는 A형(型)이 가장 유용(有用)한 방법(方法)이었다. 5. K-식(式) 침전관법(沈澱管法)은 다른 검출법(檢出法)에 비(比)하여 가장 검출율(檢出率)이 높은 간편(簡便)한 방법(方法)이었으며 E. P. G가(價)도 동시(同時)에 얻을 수 있는 이상적(理想的)인 방법(方法)으로서 임상응용가치(臨床應用價値)가 매우 높은 것으로 사료(思料)되었다. These studies were carried out to investigate of detection of Fasciola egg from positive cattle faces in the intradermal reaction method by laborsaving composition of sieves and Kim's sedimental tube method. The results obtained are summerized as follows: 1. Detection method of Fasciola eggs was improved by 3 meshes(100mesh, 150mesh, 250mesh) for filtration of fecal fluid contained Fasciola eggs. 2. III type of tube in the 3 kinds of sedimental tube had the highest recovery rate of Fasciola egg. Thus, this type of tube was selected and called as Kim's sedimental tube. 3. A-II, A-III, B-III and C-III type by Kim's sedimental tube method had the recovery rates of eggs in the 1st dropping as ranged 99 to 100% and A-I, B-II, C-I and C-II as 71 to 91%. 4. All types as themselves contained the special aspects. In the these type was useful to determine the results in the urgent cases add to shorten the time of the diagnostic procedures. 5. Kim's sedimental tube method high recovery rate and convenient procedures as compared with other detection methods reported. In addition, through this method can also obatained E. P. C. value. Therefore, it is desirable that Kim's sedimental tube method be recommended by clinicians.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        K-식(式) 침전관(沈澱管)에 의한 간질충란(肝蛭蟲卵) 간이검사법(簡易檢査法)

        김교준,김상근,허민도,Kim, Kyo-Joon,Kim, Sang-Keun,Hu, Min-Do 대한수의학회 1983 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        The studies carried out to investigate the detection method of Fasciola eggs from positive cattle feces in the intradermal reaction method with laborsaving composition of sieves and Kim's sedimental tube method. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The detection method of Fasciola eggs was improved by 3 meshes (100mesh, 150mesh, 250mesh) for filteration of fecal fluid contained Fasciola eggs. 2. Third type of tube in the 3 kinds of sedimental tube had the highest recovers rate of Fasciola eggs. Thus, this type of tube was selected and called as Kim's sedimental tube. 3. A-II, A-III, B-III and C-III type by Kim's sedimental tube method had the recovery rates of eggs in the 1st drop as ranged 99 to 100% and, A-I, B-II, C-II as 71 to 91%. 4. These Type of tubes were useful to detect Fasciola eggs and to shorten the time of the diagnostic procedures. 5. The Kim's sedimental tube method showed high recovery rates and convenient procedures as compared with other detection methods reported. In addition, the EPG value can also be obtained by this method. Therefore, it is desirable that the Kim's sedimental tube method could be recommended to clinicians.

      • 항암화학요법 중 호중구감소증이 발생한 저위험군 발열 환자들을 대상으로 한 경구 항균제 요법의 임상적 유용성 및 안정성에 대한 연구

        김연숙,이혁,기현균,김춘관,김신우,김성민,백경란,김원석,윤성수,이홍기,강원기,박찬형,박근칠,송재훈 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        목적 : 항암화학요법 중 호중구감소증을 동반한 발열이 발생하는 암환자들을 치료하기 위한 다양한 항균제와 여러 가지 방법들이 시도되고 있는 가운데, 합병증과 사망률의 발생가능성이 적은 저위험군 환자들을 대상으로 초기 72시간동안 정주 항균제를 투여한 이후 경구 항균제로 전환하는 요법의 유용성과 안정성을 평가해보고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방법 : 1998년 2월부터 1999년 9월까지 본원에서 항암화학요법 중 호중구감소증과 발열이 발생한 환자들 가운데 기저 암질환이 고형암이거나 림프종이고, 입원당시 패혈증의 증후가 없으며 입원 72시간이내에 해열되고 백혈구수치가 증가 추세인 환자들을 대상으로 하여 72시간 동안 정주 항균제를 투여한 이후 경우 ciprofloxacin 750㎎을 하루 2회씩 투여하여 총 4일간 투여하였다. 모든 환자들은 열이 떨어지고 호중구감소증이 회복될 때까지 입원하도록 하였다. 결과 : 총 38명 환자의 40예가 등록이 되었고, 환자들의 기저암 질환은 고형함이 72.5%, 림프종이 27.5%였다. 입원당시 평균 호중구치수는 156/㎕였고, 호중구수치가 100/㎕미만인 경우는 65%였으며, 호중구감소증이 지속된 기간의 평균은 2.4일이었다. 40예 중 39예가 항균제의 변형이나 추가 없이 호중구감소증과 발열로부터 회복이 되어 97.5%의 성공율(95% 신뢰구간: 86.8-99.9%)을 보였다. 부작용으로 피부발진이 있었던 경우가 한 예 있었는데, 증상이 경하여 경구 항균제를 지속할 수 있었다. 심와부의 동통으로 복용을 지속할 수 없어서 대상에서 제외된 예가 또 한 예 있었다. 결론 : 항암요법 중 호중구감소증과 발열을 동반한 환자들 가운데 저위험군 환자들에서 항균제 72시간정주 이후 경구 항균제로의 전환요법은 효과적이고도 안전한 치료방법이라고 할 수 있다. Background : Oral antibiotic therapy following empirical intravenous antibiotics may be effective and safe for febrile neutropenic patients with lowrisk for complications. Methods : We conducted a prospective clinical trial of oral antibiotic therapy in the patients with neutropenia and fever during chemotherapy for cancer. Underlying malignancies were solid tumor or lymphoma with short duration of neurtropenia and the patients had no evidence of clinically or microbiologically documented infections. Oral ciprofloxacin was given to the patients who lacked signs of sepsis on admission, had a rising tendency of neutrophil count (ANC >100 /㎕ ) at 72 hours, and were afebrile at 72 hours. All patients were hospitalized until neutropenia and fever resolved. Results : A total of 40 episodes of 38 patients were enrolled from February 1998 to September 1999. The mean neutrophil counts on admission were 156/㎕ and the mean duration of neutropenia was 2.4 days. The episodes which had neutrophil count below 100 /㎕ were 26 (65%). Treatment was successful in 39 of 40 episodes (97.5% : 95 % confidence interval, 86.8% to 99.9%). Adverse reactions of oral ciprofloxacin were skin rash and epigastric soreness in two cases, respectively. There were no deaths during the study. Conclusions : For low-risk febrile patients with neutropenia during cancer chemotherapy, switch therapy to oral ciprofloxacin at 72 hours following intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotics is effective and safe,

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Identification of Genes Modulated by High Extracellular Calcium in Coculture of Mouse Osteoblasts and Bone Marrow Cells by Oligo Chip Assay

        Kim, Hyung-Keun,Song, Mina,Jun, ji-Hae,Woo, Kyung-Mi,Kim, Gwan-Shik,Baek, Jeong-Hwa The Korean Academy of Oral Biology 2006 International Journal of Oral Biology Vol.31 No.2

        Calcium concentration in the bone resorption lacunae is high and is in the mM concentration range. Both osteoblast and osteoclast have calcium sensing receptor in the cell surface, suggesting the regulatory role of high extracellular calcium in bone merabolism. In vitro, high extracellular calcium stimulated osteoclastogenesis in coculture of mouse osteoblasts and bone marrow cells. Therefore we examined the genes that were commonly regulated by both high extracellular calcium and 1,25(OH)_(2)vitaminD_(3)(VD3) by using mouse oligo 11 K gene chip. In the presence of 10 mM[Ca^(2+)]e or 10 nM VD3, mouse calvarial osteoblasts and bone marrow cells were co-cultured for 4 days when tartrate resistant acid phosphatase-positive multinucleated cells start to appear. Of 11,000 genes examined, the genes commonly regulated both by high extracellular calcium and by VD3 were as follows; 1) the expressions of genes which were osteoclast differentiation markers or were associated with osteoclastogenesis were up-regulated both by high extracellular calcium and by VD3; trap, mmp9, car2, ctsk, ckb, atp6b2, tm7sf4, rab7, 2) several chemokine and chemokine receptor genes such as sdf1, scya2, scyb5, scya6, scya8, scya9, and ccr1 were up-regulated both by high ectracellular calcium and by VD3, 3) the genes such as mmp1b, mmp3 and c3 which possibly stimulate bone resorption by osteoclast, were commonly up-regulated, 4) the gene such as c1q and msr2 which were related with macrophage function, were commonly down-regulated, 5) the genes which possibly stimulate osteoblast differentiation and/or mineralization of extracellular matrix, were commonly down-regulated;slc8a1, admr, plod2, lox, fosb, 6) the genes which possibly suppress osteoblast differentiation and/or mineralization of extracellular matrix, were commonly up-regulated;s100a4, npr3, mme, 7) the genes such as calponin 1 and tgfbi which possibly suppress osteoblast differentiation and/or mineralization of extracellular matrix, were up-regulated by high extracelluar calcium but were down-regulated by VD3. These results suggest that in coculture condition, both high extracellular calcium and VD3 commonly induce osteoclastogenesis but suppress osteoblast differentiation/mineralization by regulating the expression of related genes.

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