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      • KCI등재

        Superconducting MgB2 Wire Drawing Considering Anisotropic Hardening Behavior and Hydrostatic Effect

        Young‑Seok Oh,Ho Won Lee,Kook‑Chae Chung,Duck‑Young Hwang,Seong‑Hoon Kang,Jeong Whan Yoon 대한금속·재료학회 2022 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.28 No.7

        Numerical modeling was conducted to investigate the deformation behavior of powder mixture during multi-pass drawingprocesses for multi-filamentary MgB2wire. A modified Drucker-Prager Cap (DPC) model with an elliptical cap surface usingthe new material characterization method was developed to capture the anisotropic hardening behavior and hydrostatic effectof the powder mixture. A number of uniaxial die compaction, cold isostatic pressing, diametrical compression, and uniaxialcompression tests were conducted using different powder densities to characterize the modified DPC model. A commercialfinite element software ABAQUS with a user subroutine was used to simulate the drawing of the MgB2wire. The densityand area fraction of the powder mixture during the wire-drawing process were verified with experimental results. The differencein packing density at the inner and outer filaments of the MgB2wire was successfully captured by simulation. Inaddition, the effect of the initial packing density on the superconducting properties of MgB2wire was numerically studied. It is shown that the increase in the superconducting area, which results from a high initial packing density, should be moreeffective compared to the increase in the grain connectivity in enhancing the critical current properties for the MgB2wirewhen the final packing density is saturated after a number of drawing processes.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 성인 남성 폐쇄성수면무호흡 환자의 측모 두부 방사선계측학적 비교

        황상희,박인숙,남기영,김종배,조용원,서영성,안병훈,박신구,박효상 대한치과교정학회 2008 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.38 No.3

        본 연구는 비만도에 따른 한국인 남성 폐쇄성수면무호흡 환자의 측모 두부 방사선계측학적 특성을 파악하기 위하여 시행되었다. 이를 위하여 계명대학교 의과대학 동산의료원 수면클리닉에 수면장애를 주소로 내원하여 수면다원검사 후 치과에서 측모 두부방사선계측사진 촬영을 한 87명의 성인 환자들을 체질량지수(BMI)와 수면무호흡지수(AHI)에 따라 비비만 단순코골이군(Non-obese, simple snorers), 비만 단순코골이군(Obese, simple snorers), 비비만 수면 무호흡군(Non-obese, OSA patients), 비만 수면무호흡군(Obese, OSA patients)의 4군으로 나누어 비교하였다. 그결과, 4군 중 비만 수면무호흡군의 수면무호흡지수가 가장 컸으며, 비만 수면무호흡군보다 비비만 수면무호흡군의 하악각이 더 크고 혀 길이는 더 작았다. 또한, 비비만 수면무호흡군보다 비만수면무호흡군의 설골이 더 전하방에 위치하였고, 수면무호흡지수에 영향을 미치는 기여 인자는 비만 수면무호흡군에서는 혀 길이, 비비만 수면무호흡군에서는 설골의 후방위치였다. 이처럼 비만 수면무호흡 환자와 비비만 수면무호흡 환자의 측모 두부방사선계측학적 특성과 기여 인자가 다르게 나타나므로, 치료방법도 따라서 다르게 선택해야 할 것이다. 비만 수면무호흡 환자들에게는 먼저 체중감량이 권고되어야 할 것이고, 비비만 수면무호흡 환자들은 폐쇄부위에 따라 구강 내 장치나 Nasal CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), UPPP (uvulopalatopharyngoplasty) 등이 추천될 수 있을 것이다. Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the cephalometric measurements of obese and non-obese Korean male patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA). Methods: Eighty-seven adults who had visited the Sleep Disorder Clinic Center in Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea were examined and evaluated with polysomnography (PSG) and lateral cephalogram. They were divided into 4 groups (non-obese simple snorers, obese simple snorers, non-obese OSA patients, obese OSA patients) according to AHI (Apnea-Hypopnea Index) and BMI (Body Mass Index). Results: The obese OSA group had the highest AHI among the 4 groups. The non-obese OSA group had a significantly steeper mandibular angle and shorter tongue length than the obese OSA group. The hyoid bone of the obese OSA group was positioned anterior and inferior as compared with the non-obese OSA group. Multiple regression analysis showed that tongue length in the obese OSA group and retroposition of hyoid bone in the non-obese OSA group were significant determinants for the severity of AHI. Conclusions: From a cephalometric point of view, the obese and non-obese pateints with OSA may be characterized by different pathogeneses. Therefore, they have to be managed by individualized treatment. For the obese OSA patients, weight control must be advised as a first choice and for the non-obese OSA patients, oral appliance, nasal CPAP, UPPP and others could be chosen according to the obstructive sites.

      • 마우스에 있어서 免疫反應에 미치는 마늘의 效果

        黃永植,金正勳,安榮根 圓光大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.23 No.2

        마늘이 아직도 世界倒處에서 많은 疾病의 治療 및 豫防의 目的으로 이용되고, 飮食의 향신료로서 마늘의 利用과 世界的 分布는 그의 人氣를 한층 더하여 주고 있다. 또한 健康專門分野에 從事하거나 硏究하는 사람들의 새로운 關心은 無毒내지 低毒性의 廣範圍 治療能을 갖는 物質이나 藥을 마늘로부터 探索하고저 하는데 집중되고 있다. 어떤 硏究報告는 많은 病原性眞菌과 細菌에 대하여 마늘推出物이 增殖沮止 또는 殺菌作用이 있다고 記述하였고, 最近의 動物實驗을 通한 硏究報告는 마늘의 高脂血症, 血液凝固, 動脈硬化症 및 低血壓 등에 대하여 有意性있는 保護作用이 있음을 밝힌 바 있다. 本 硏究의 結果 마늘이나 allicin은 體液性免疫에는 큰 影響이 없었으나 細胞性免疫은 顯著히 抑制하였고, 白血球數와 大食細胞의 活性에는 別로 影響이 없었으나 NK-cell의 活性은 그 量에 따라 增加시킴이 밝혀졌다. 이것이 抗癌作用의 動機가 된다고 思料된다. The immunomodulating and antitumor effect of raw garlic, boiled garlic and allicin were studied in mice. ICR male were divided into 10 groups and were fed on experimental diets for 4 weeks. Mice were evaluated for changes in immune status as measured by the antibody titer(HA) and hypersensitivity to sheep red blood cells(SRBC), organ weight, peripheral circulation white blood cell number, macrphage activity, and natural killer cell activity. Antitumor activity was measured by the inhibition rate of growth of Sarcoma 180. Increase of body weight was retarded, but liver weight was increased by raw garlic diets. However, spleen weight was increased by 2% boiled garlic diet and 0.002% allicin diet. Raw garlic and allicin diets suppressed the weight of thymus. Raw garlic and boiled garlic diets reduced Arthus reaction, and allicin diets reduced the delayed type hypersensitivity. HA titer and peripheral circulating white blood cell number were not affected by all experimental diets. Macrophage activities were increased by 1% raw garlic diet and 0.003% allicin diet administration. Growth rates of Sarcoma 180 were inhibited by all experimental diets administration. Especially, boiled garlic diets and allicin diets inhibited the growth of tumor. Natural killer(NK) cell activities were increased by 3% boiled garlic diet and 0.002% allicin diet administration. The data show that raw galic, boiled garlic and allicin treatment altered humoral and cell-mediated immunity. Increased NK cell activity may account for the increased resistance to challenge with tumor cells.

      • KCI등재

        두가지 혈류 유발방법에 의한 새로운 심폐소생술(이중 혈류 유발 심폐소생술)장치의 개발

        황성오,김현,조준휘,오범진,임종천,최경훈,윤정한,이승환,김영식,이강현,이윤선 大韓應急醫學會 1999 대한응급의학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Background: There have been many efforts to augment blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. These efforts have focused on maximizing the effect of cardiac pump or thoracic pump alone. However, considering that the heart is the biggest blood reservoir and increase of intrathoracic pressure can generate blood flow, simultaneous exploitation of both mechanisms may have synergistic effect. We hypothesized that simultaneous chest constriction in addition to sternal compression by standard CPR may have additive hemodynamic effects by preventing deformation of the chest and increase of intrathoracic pressure. Methods and results: we built a new mechanical device to perform compression and thoracic constriction simultaneously. The device consists of two main elements. Piston in the center is to depress the sternum. Strap is to constrict the thorax circumferentially. Strap is attached to both sides of the piston. When the piston is pushed down, it depresses the sternum and pulls on the thoracic strap. To determine strap width to produce optimal hemodynamic effect, we measured hemodynamic parameters with variable widths of strap in two dogs after induction of ventricular fibrillation. Result of the experiment showed that 10cm wide strap was determined to be most effective. We also determined optimal depth of compression to produce maximal hemodynamic effect with animal experiments using two dogs. Animal experiments showed that the highest aortic pressure could be generated when the stemum was depressed to 5 cm. Cardiopulmonary resusciation using a new device could generate higher systolic aortic pressure, coronary perfusion pressure and end-tidal carbon dioxide tension in comparison with standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a pilot animal study using two dogs. Conclusion: New cardiopulmonary resuscitation method using a mechanical device designed by us could perform sternal compression and simultaneous thoracic constriction, and generate better hemodynamic effects than standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pilot animal experiments.

      • KCI등재

        색상 측정 기기를 이용한 복합레진 적층 수복과 단일 수복의 색상 비교 분석

        송영상,김자현,이빈나,장지현,장훈상,황윤찬,오원만,황인남 大韓齒科保存學會 2012 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.37 No.2

        Objectives: This study analyzed the difference in color caused by different thickness in enamel layer of composite resins when applied with single and layering placement technique, and evaluated if the results agreed with the shade guide from the manufacturers to verify reliability of the color matching process of the manufacturers. Materials and Methods: For single composite resin samples, 6 mm diameter and 4 mm thickness cylindrical samples were fabricated using Ceram-X mono (DENTSPLY DeTrey) and CIE L*a*b* values were measured with spectrophotometer. Same process was done for layering compositie resin samples, making 3 dentinal shade samples, 4 mm thickness, for each shade using Ceram-X duo (DENTSPLY DeTrey) and enamel shade resins were layered in 2 mm thickness and CIE L*a*b* values were measured. These samples were ground to 0.2 mm thickness each time, and CIE L*a*b* values were measured to 1 mm thickness of enamel shade resin. Results: Color difference (△E*) between single and layering composite resin was 1.37 minimum and 10.53 maximum when layering thicknesses were between 1 mm and 2 mm and 6 out of 10 same shade groups suggested by manufacturer showed remarkable color difference at anythickness (△E* > 3.3). Conclusion: When using Ceram-X mono and duo for composite resin restoration, following the manufacturer's instructions for chossing the shade is not appropriate, and more accurate information for Ceram-X duo is needed on the variation and expression of the shades depending on the thickness of the enamel. (Restor Dent Endod 2012;37(2):84-89)

      • KCI등재후보

        Ethyoene Oxide 폭로 근로자의 말초 임파구 자매염색분체 교환에 관한 연구

        황천현,박종태,장성훈,김대성,이원진,김청식,김영환 大韓産業醫學會 1998 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        Operators of hospital sterilizers who use ethylene oxide(EtO) were studied to determine the exposure of EtO level and the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges(SCEs) from June 12 to July 20, 1997. To evaluate SCEs in the peripheral blood cells, we selected 22 workers at the central supply room of 4 university hospitals and 22 unexposed workers at the same hospitals according to match sex, age, and smoking habit and also did questionnaires. The mean air concentrations(8-hr TWA) of EtO at 4 university hospitals were less than 1 ppm. The SCE frequencies in exposed workers to EtO and controls were normally distributed. The SCE frequencies in exposed workers to EtO and controls were 6.42±0.63, 5.86±0.69, respectively and their differences were statistically significant(p=0.0093). But there were no statistically significant differences in smoking, alcohol intake, coffee drinking. Especially smokers who exposed to EtO were increased SCE statistically significant than the exposed group who did not smoke.

      • KCI등재

        폐좌상시 폐단락률과 PEEP치료의 효과

        김영식,황성오,최경훈,안무업,오중환,임경수,윤정환,강성준 大韓應急醫學會 1992 대한응급의학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        To evaluate the physiologic extent of pulmonary contusion and effect of PEEP therapy for pulmonary contusion, we studied 16 patients received PEEP therapy with pulmonary contusion from nonpenetrating chest trauma. Hemodynamic parameters including pulmonary vascular resistance index and intrapulmonary shunt fraction were calculated from standard measurement, and arterial oxygen tension was measured. Pulmonary vascular resistance index and intrapulmonary shunt fraction were increased in patient group. Arterial oxygen tension was decreased with increase of the intrapulmonary shunt fraction(R=0.75). Arter minimal PEEP therap(5-10 ㎝H₂O), pulmonary vascular resistance index was remained unchanged and intrapulmonary shunt fraction was decreased without significant changes of pulmonary hemodynamics. Increment of arterial tension was increased with decrease of intrapulmonary shunt fraction(R=0.43). Decreased stroke volume index suggested of cardiac injury such as cardiac contusion in patient group. These results of our study suggested that increased intrapulmonary shunt fraction caused arterial hypoxia in pulmonary contusion and arterial oxygen tension was increased as a result of reduced intrapulmonary shunt by PEEP therapy.

      • KCI등재

        인공 치아우식 발생 모델에서 디지털 방사선 공제술을 이용한 인접면 치아우식증의 진단

        박정훈,최용석,황의환,이기자,최삼진,박영호,김경숙,진현석,홍경원,오범석,박헌국 대한구강악안면방사선학회 2009 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.39 No.1

        Purpose : The purpose of the experiment was to evaluating the diagnostic ability of dental caries detection using digital subtraction in the artificial caries activity model. Materials and Methods : Digital radiographies of five teeth with 8 proximal surfaces were obtained by CCD sensor (Kodak RVG 6100 using a size #2). The digital radiographic images and subtraction images from artificial proximal caries were examined and interpreted. In this study, we proposed novel caries detection method which could diagnose the dental proximal caries from single digital radiographic image. Results : In artificial caries activity model, the range of lesional depth was 572-1,374 μm and the range of lesional area was 36.95-138.52mm². The lesional depth and the area were significantly increased with demineralization time (p<0.001). Furthermore, the proximal caries detection using digital subtraction radiography showed high detection rate compared to the proximal caries examination using simple digital radiograph. Conclusion : The results demonstrated that the digital subtraction radiography from single radiographic image of artificial caries was highly efficient in the detection of dental caries compared to the data from simple digital radiograph.

      • 모 중장비 제조 사업장의 유해작업요인 평가에 관한 연구

        장성훈,이원진,서창호,김종규,이영신,황천현,서동윤 건국대학교 의과학연구소 1996 건국의과학학술지 Vol.6 No.-

        We evaluated the types and the amount of hazards in a heavy equipment factory and a plant factory to improve workers' health and to determine the priority in occupational health programs. We first inspected the working processes to find hazardous agents, measured them in each process environment, and compare the results with their TLVs(Threshold Level Value). This study was carried out from December 26, 1995 to January 30, 1996. The results are as follows: 1. In two factories, we identified the following hazardous agents: noise, dust, heavy metal fume, organic solvents, illumination, gases and ultraviolet light. 2. In the heavy equipment factory, some agents were over their TLVs in the following departments. 1) Preparation Department: dust, Pb, Mn, Fe₂O₃, NO₂ 2) Manufacture Department: noise, dust, Pb, Mn, Fe₂O₃, NO₂ 3) Assembly Department: noise 4) Technique Department: NO₂ 3. In the plant factory, some agents were over their TLVs in the following departments: 1) 1 Bay: illumination, Pb, Mn, Fe₂O₃ 2) 2 Bay: dust, illumination, Cu 3) 3 Bay: illumination 4) 4 Bay: noise, dust, Pb, Mn, Fe₂O₃, NO₂ 5) 5 Bay: noise, dust, Pb, Mn, Fe₂O₃, NO₂ 6) 6 Bay: Pb, Mn, NO₂ We concluded that the hazardous agents such as heavy metal fume, noise and noxious gas were required to be controlled at first.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Modified Free Wrap-around flap을 이용한 수무지 재건술

        최영화,황치원,정병훈,한명호 대한성형외과학회 1992 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.19 No.3

        The thumb is the most important part in the hand and its loss results in severely diminished function of the hand for pinch and grasp. There are several microsurgical and other methods to reconstruct and amputated or lost thumb such as toe-to-thumb transfer1)2)9) as well as several varieties of flaps. Among them, a free wrap around flap taken from the big toe, including the nail and an iliac bone graft as the cone of the reconstruction was a quite satisfactory procedure, but there were some problems. We performed a free wrap around flap on traumatically missing thumb with modification to include all part of the distal phalanx without iliac bone graft. The resorption and atrophy of a grafted iliac bone, a constant problem with Morrison's original procedure8), could be prevented by the modified method. The donor site defects were covered by remained medial flap for weight bearing area first, and full thickness skin graft for remained defected area. The results were good cosmetically and functionally without significant problems.

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