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        제주도 감귤원 토양에서 GUS, RF, AF 지수를 이용한 농약의 용탈잠재성 평가

        오상실,현해남,문두길,정종배 한국환경농학회 2002 한국환경농학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        유기물함량이 다른 감귤원 토양을 대상으로 CUS, RF 및 AF값을 비교하여 감귤원에서 많이 사용되고 있는 농약 종류별 지하수 오염 잠재성을 평가하였다. GUS에 의하면 metribuzin과 metolacholr는 조사된 모든 토양등에서 용탈 가능성이 큰 것으로 평가되었으며, alachlor와 lin-uron도 대부분 토양에서 용탈가능성이 높은 것으로 평가되었으며 linuron의 경우에는 특히 비화산회토양에서 용탈의 가능성이 매우 높은 것으로 나타났다. Diuron과 diniconazole은 대부분 토양에서 용탈 가능성이 없는 것으로 평가되었고, chlorothalonil과chlorpyrifos는 유기물 함량에 관계없이 용탈 가능성이 없는 것으로 평가되었다. RF에 의한 평가에서는 diniconazole, chlorothalonil, chlorpy-rifos는 모든 토양에서, linuron과 diuron은 일부 비화산회토를 제외한 모든 토양에서 이동성이 매우 낮은 것으로 분류되었으며,metolachlor와 alachlor는 대부분의 토양에서 이동성이 보통인 것으로, metribuzin은 유기탄소함량이 낮은 토양에서 오염 잠재성이 있는 것으로 평가되었다. AF에 의하면 diniconazole, chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos는 화산회토, 비화산회토에 관계없이 지하수 오염 잠재성이 없는 것으로 평가되었으며, 반면 metribuzin은 화산회토, 비화산회토에 관계없이 오염 잠재성이 있는 것으로 평가되었다. Metolachlor는 비화산회토에서 지하수 오염 잠재성이 있는 것으로 평가되었고, al-achlor, linuron 및 diuron은 유기물 함량이 낮은 일부 비화산회토에서만 지하수 오염 잠재성이 우려되는 것으로 나타났다. 농약의 용탈잠재성은 용해도, 흡착성, 잔류성 등의 약제 자체의 특성과 함께 유기물 함량, 투수성 등 토양의 물리화학적 특성에 따라서 결정된다. 본 연구의 결과를 보면 이러한 일반적인 원칙이 각 농약의 용탈잠재성 지수에 그대로 반영되었는데, 용해도가 높고, 흡착성이 약하며 잔류성이 긴 약제일수록 대부분의 토양에서 용탈잠재성이 큰 것으로 나타났다. 토양의 특성 중에서는 특히 농약의 흡착에 직접 영향을 미치는 유기물 함량이 용탈잠재성 지수를 결정하는 중요한 요인으로 볼 수 있는데, 본 연구의 결과에서도 일반적으로 유기물 함량이 높은 화산회 토양에서는 농약의 용탈잠재성이 비화산회토양에 비교하여 낮은 것으로 나타났으며, 용해도가 높고 흡착성이 매우 낮은 약제인 metribuzin의 경우에도 투수성이 상대적으로 높은 화산회 토양에서보다 투수성이 낮은 비화산회토양에서 용탈 가능성이 높게 평가된 것으로 보아 대부분 농약의 용탈잠재성을 결정하는데 있어 토양의 투수성보다도 유기물 함량이 더욱 중요하게 영향을 미치는 것으로 판단할 수 있다. 따라서 비화산회토를 위주로 한 유기물 함량이 낮은 토양이 분포된 지역의 지하수가 농약의 오염에 취약할 것으로 판단할 수 있으며, 이들 지역에서는 용탈잠재성이 높은 것으로 평가된 약제들의 사용을 최대한 제한함으로써 제주도 지하수의 농약 오염을 방지할 수 있을 것이다. 물론 제주도 감글원에서는 토양의 유기물 함량과 약제의 흡착성을 우선적으로 고려하여 사용할 농약을 선택해야 할 것으로 보이나, 그 외 약제의 잔류성, 사용량, 사용시기와 함께 기후조건, 토양의 투수성, 토충의 깊이, 지하수 깊이 등의 지역적인 특성들이 농약의 용탈잠재성에 미치는 영향도 더욱 구체적으로 파악되어야 할 것이며 농약의 선택 과정에서도 이러한 특성들이 앞으로 고려되어야 할 것이다. Contamination of groundwater by agrochemicals used in the regional-scale is now a major environmental problem, and this is especially true for Cheju island where virtually all potable water is from groundwater. The objective of this study was to assess leaching potential of eight pesticides in soils of citrus orchards using groundwater ubiquity score (GUS), retardation factor (RF) and attenuation factor (AF). Considering GUS estimated in 30 citrus orchard soils, metribuzin and metolachlor were classified as leacher, alachlor in volcanic ash soils and linuron in non-volcanic soils were classified as leacher, but chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos were classified as non-leacher. For RF values, metribuzin was classified to be mobile in soils of low organic carbon, metolachlor and alachlor were classified to be moderately immobile in most soils, but linuron, diuron, diniconazole, chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos were all classified to be very immobile. For AF values, diniconazole, chlorothalonil, and chlorpyrifos were classified to be very unlikely leachable in all of the soils, metribuzin was classified to be likely leachable, and metolahclor, alachlor, linuron and diuron were classified to be leachable only in non-volcanic soils. Although there were some variations in the relative potential of leachability of pesticides estimated with the three different indices, the ranking was essentially determined on the base of the intrinsic properties of the chemicals and environmental properties. Among the eight pesticides, metribuzin, metolachlor, and alachlor, which have high water solubility and low K_(oc) values, have a significant leaching potential especially in non-volcanic ash soils of low organic carbon. But diniconazole, chlorothalonil, and chlorpyrifos, which have low water solubility and high K_(oc) values, were classified to be very immobile in all of the soils. Therefore, to lower the possibility of pesticide contamination of the groundwater in Cheju island, those pesticides which have high water solubility and low K_(oc) values should be used with care in soils of low organic carbon including non-volcanic ash soils.

      • 중학교 생물교수전략으로서의 마인드 맵 활용 효과

        오성미,김동렬,문두호 부산대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 2005 科學敎育硏究報 Vol.32 No.-

        Mind mapping is a new creative note taking method by using colors, symbols, lines, and sketches to express main image and key words. The object of this research was to prove how effective the science lesson was for middle school students when it was done using mind map. Experimental group was composed of seventy students who were participated in mind map activity, and control group was composed of seventy students who were participated in traditional teaching method. To analyze the influence of the mind mapping, pretest and posttest for science achievement, inquiry process skill and science-related attitude were applied to both groups. Also the response of students regarding mind mapping strategies was investigated. According to the analysis of these tests, in the pretest the differences of science achievement, inquiry process skill, science-related attitude between two groups were not significant(p>.05). In the posttests on science achievement, inquiry process skill, the scores of the experimental group was higher than those of control group(p<05). In the mind mapping strategy, the students of experimental group were more efficient than those of control group. Most students of experimental group exhibited positive attitude towards the mind mapping strategy. Therefore, mind mapping strategies made a positive effect on students' science achievement, inquiry process skill.

      • 바나나에 있어서 栽植樣式에 따른 年次間 收量 變化

        金龍湖,吳現道,文斗吉 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1988 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        바나나 栽植樣式이 年次間 收量에 미치는 影響을 究明하기 爲하여 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 하우스 內에서 ‘Dwarf Cavendish ’를 長方形(2.45 ×1.25m), 三角形(1.75 ×1.75m) 및 正方形(1.75 ×1.75m)으로 栽植하여 1985年 3月부터 1987年 2月에 걸쳐 plant crop과 ratoon crop에서의 收量形質을 分析한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 出穗로부터 成熟까지의 所要日數는 ratoon crop에서 긴 편이었고 栽植樣式別로는 正方形, 三角形, 長方形 順이었으나 有意差는 없었다. 2. 果梗長은 ratoon crop에서 길었으나 果軸長은 반대로 plant crop에서 길었다. 3. 果房當 果指數와 果掌當 果指數는 年次間 및 栽植樣式間에 有意差가 없었으며 果指直徑은 ratoon crop에서 增加되었다. 4. 果房重은 ratoon crop에서 무거웠다. 5. 果房重에 미치는 栽植樣式의 影響은 ratoon crop에서 크게 나타났으며 長方形과 正方形에서 收量이 많았다. In order to elucidate the effect of planting arrangements on the yearly changes in yield characters, suckers of ‘Dwarf Cavendish ’ banana(Musa cavendishii Lamb.) were planted by the oblong(2.45 ×1.25m), triangular(1.75 ×1.75m), and square(1.75 ×1.75m) arrangements in March 1985, in the green house at The Research Institute for Subtropical Agriculture, Cheju National University, Cheju, Korea. Yield characters of two generations (plant and ratoon crops) were analyzed. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. More days from bunch head emergence to maturity were required in ratoon crop than in plant crop. No significant differences were recognized among planting arrangements. 2. While the fruit stalk was longer in ratoon crop than in plant crop, fruit bearing axis was longer in plant crop. 3. Number of fingers per hand or per bunch was not significantly different between generations and among planting arrangements. The diameter of finger in ratoon crop was wider than that in plant crop. 4. The weight of bunch in ratoon crop was heavier than that in plant crop. 5. The effect of planting arrangements on the bunch weight was remarkable in ratoon crop, and heavier bunch was obtained by the oblong and square arrangements.

      • KCI등재후보

        모기업 협력업체 산업안전보건관리에 대한 인식

        이경용,이관형,오지영,서남규,손두익,갈원모,신문진 한국안전학회 2003 한국안전학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        This study is planned to investigate the attitude toward the safety and health management of contractor comparry. Under the contract based production system, all of activities including safety and health management in the contractor company are depended upon the contract. How to make contract influence the worker's health of contractor company. Work's health of contractor company can be protected by efforts of company of contract-out and contractor company, especially their safety managers. The modelling of the effective safety and health management system for contractor company should consider the need of safety manager of each company and employer of contractor company. Data is collected from safety managers of 3 contract out companies as electronic and electrical manufacturing industry and 55 safety managers, 57 employers of their contractor companies using self administered survey with structured questionnaire. The most of all respondents want to support from the contract out companies. The most important items supported from contract out company is the information based on the safety information network between each company. Safety manager and employer of contactor company also itemized safety education and training in the supporting system from contract out company. These results can be generalized to survey on the other industries.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        부신피질 호산성 과립세포종 1예

        이성진,이호권,박철영,정인경,홍은경,오기원,김현규,김두만,유재명,임성희,최문기,유형준,박성우 대한내분비학회 2004 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.19 No.1

        저자들은 건강검진에서 시행한 복부 초음파검사상 우연히 좌측 부신 종괴가 발견되어 복부 전산화 단층 촬영검사와 호르몬검사를 시행한 후 부신피질 악성종양과의 감별 진단을 위해 부신절제술과 전자현미경검사를 포함한 병리조직학적 검사를 시행하여 부신피질호산성 과립세포종으로 진단한 증례를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 이를 보고하는 바이다. Oncocytomas are neoplasms, histologically are composed of epithelial cells, with abundant, acidophilic and granular cytoplasm. Electron microscopic studies of oncocytomas have shown that the cytoplasm of oncocytes is packed with mitochondria. The adrenal gland is a very rare anatomical site for oncocytomas, and to the best of our knowledge, only thirty-six cases of adrenal oncocytomas have been described. Herein, a case of a large adrenal mass in a forty-year-old man, which was incidentally detected by abdominal ultrasonography, is presented. This patient demonstrated no clinical manifestation associated with adrenal hyperfunction. Hormonal studies showed no abnormal findings, except for a mild elevation of the 24-hour urinary VMA level. Abdominal computed tomography with enhancement revealed a large, well-defined left adrenal mass, measuring 5.0×4.2 ×3.0 cm. The patient underwent a left adrenalectomy, and a light microscopic examination confirmed an adrenocortical oncocytoma, with characteristic oncocytes and polygonal, abundant, eosinophilic and granular cytoplasm. The tumor cells were positive for cytokeratin and vimentin as well as S-100, but negative for chromogranin on immunohistochemical staining. An electron microscopic examination demonstrated closely packed mitochondria, containing intramitochondrial inclusions. After surgery, there was no evidence of a recurrent or distant metastatic disease at the 5 month follow-up. In summary, an extremely rare case of a man with an adrenocortical oncocytoma is reported, which was confirmed by histological examinations, including electron microscopy (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 19:82∼89, 2004).

      • KCI등재
      • Attractants and trap development for Ussur brown katydid, Paratlanticus ussuriensis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)

        Doo-Jin Noh,Jung-Oh Yang,Sang-Rae Moon,Changmann Yoon,Shin-Ho Kang,Ki-Su Ahn,Gil-Hah Kim 한국응용곤충학회 2008 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.10

        Recently, Ussur brown katydid outbreaks caused a serious pest problem in areas of Yeongdong, Chungbuk. This study was performed to control the pest with environment-friendly method. Trap was made of PET plastic bottles that easily found near farmhouse. Attractant materials such as oak (Quercus acutissima) leaf, fruits (peach, apple, grapefruit and pear) sarcocarp or its juices, rice wine (makgeolli) and fish meal were directly applied into the manufactured trap and investigated for the attraction efficacy compared with the funnel trap. During one day, manufactured trap (fish trap) attracted the Ussur brown katydid more than funnel trap. The efficacy of attractant materials were as follows: peach juice (32.7 adults)> rice wine+fish meal (31.3 adults) > rice wine (27.0 adults) > pear juice (19.0 adults) > apple juice (17.2 adults) > fish meal (16.7 adults) > grapefruit juice (14.4 adults) > oak leaf (2.3 adults). The attractive efficacy of fruit juices to ussur brown katydid was more than fruit carcocarps, and the trap hangover 1m in height more than that on ground. The composition of rice wine and fish meal prolonged its efficacy when treated with disinfectant.

      • Seasonal Occurrence and Developmental Characteristics of Ussur Brown Katydid, Paratlanticus ussuriensis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)

        Sang-Rae Moon,Doo-Jin Noh,Jeong-Oh Yang,Changmann Yoon,Ki-Su Ahn,Gil-Hah Kim 한국응용곤충학회 2009 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.05

        This study was performed to investigate the seasonal occurrence, developmental characteristics of each nymphal stages with different temperatures (20, 25, 30℃), longevity and fecundity of ussur brown katydid, Paratlanticus ussuriensis, damaging by outbreaks in the orchard areas of Bitan-ri, Yeongdong, Chungbuk. Paratlanticus ussuriensis occurred from late-March to late-August with peak of mid-May. Newly emerged nymphs appeared from March and do damaged fruit orchards with peak of mid-May when P. ussuriensis existed as 4th and 5th nymphal stages. P. ussuriensis adult occurred from early-June to mid-Aug. with peak of mid-July. Total density of P. ussuriensis was showed highest in mid-May. P. ussuriensis goes through nymphal stages to 7th nymph, the ovipositor began exposed to outside from the 4th instar and the body weight increased heavily from this stage and the wings were observed from 6th instar. Developmental period was longer as increased the nymphal stages. Sex ratio of collected insect was showed as 0.57; females more than males. As increased the temperature, developmental period was to be short. Preoviposition was also to be short as 5.0, 4.3, and 3.4 days at 20, 25, 30℃, respectively, and fecundity increased as 69.0, 87.1, and 104.3 at 20, 25, 30℃, respectively. Longevity of male and female at 25℃ was showed the longest with 35.7, and 32.9 days and showed the shortest with 30.1 and 28.1 days at 30℃, respectively. The difference of developmental period in male and female were showed longer in female without relation of temperature. The eggs laid were frequently distributed 3 to 4 cm from soil surface, and showed the behavior laying eggs intensively when early oviposition period.

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