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      • KCI등재후보

        Prednisolone 投與로 因한 家兎中樞淋巴組織의 形態學的硏究

        河在昌,李東久,洪錫宰 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1982 계명의대학술지 Vol.1 No.1

        成熟家兎를 實驗動物로 하여 prednisolone 을 5㎎ 및 10㎎ 씩 1日 1回 連 3日間 注射하고 中樞淋巴組織인 胸腺과 蟲垂淋巴組織에 惹起되는 變化를 機能的組織構造에 따라 光學 및 電子顯微鏡的으로 檢索한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 組織學的으로 胸腺에 있어서는 小葉皮質에서 淋巴球의 甚한 消失과 細綱細胞 및 大食細胞의 顯著한 增加를 볼 수 있었으나 隨質에서는 淋巴球가 거의 減少되지 않았다. 蟲垂淋巴組織은 dome, corooa 및 follicle에서 다같이 大小淋巴球의 甚한 消失과 大食細胞의 著明한 增加를 볼 수 있었으며 TDA에서는 淋巴球가 極히 輕한 程度로 減少하였을 뿐으로서 거의 正常한 狀態로 보였다. 電子顯微鏡的으로 胸腺皮質의 淋巴球는 核邊綠의 不規則, 核膜의 消失 및 核破壞 等의 甚한 變性 내지 壞死性變化가 惹起되었으며 細綱細胞 및 大食細胞에서는 空胞의 養性擴張, mitochondria의 종신 및 cristae의 消失 그리고 破壞된 淋巴球의 탐식 等이 5㎎ 注射群보다는 10㎎ 群에서 좀 더 顯著하게 나타났다. 그러나 隨質에서는 몇몇 淋巴球에서 核濃縮과 核邊綠의 不規則性이 있을뿐 著明한 變性變化는 없었다. 蟲垂淋巴組織에서도 dome, corona 및 follicle의 淋巴球는 甚한 壞死性變化를 보였으며 TDA에서는 그 變化가 極히 輕하였다. Dome 및 follicle의 大食細胞에서는 破壞된 淋巴球가 가끔 탐식되어 있었다. 以上의 成績으로 보아 一般的으로 cortiosteroid의 中樞淋巴組織에 對한 影響은 胸腺에서는 皮質의 淋巴球에 그리고 蟲垂淋巴組織에서는 주로 B淋巴球領域의 淋巴球에 일어나며 그 變化는 非可逆性 壞死까지도 誘發하는 것으로 推定된다. This study was carried out to investigate morphological changes in the central lymphoid tissue of thymus gland and appendix of 12 healthy adult rabbits treated with injecting prednisolone of 5 and 10mg each to the animals once per day 3 consecutive days. The results were as follows: Light microscopically, a considerable loss of lymphocytes in lobular cortex of thymus gland, along with noticeable increase of macrophages and reticulum cells, were found. However, no significant decrease of lymphocytes in its medulla persent. Significant loss of large and small lymphocytes and considerable increased macrophages in the areas of dome, corona, and follicles of appendiceal lymphoid tissue were noted. However, very meagre decrease of lymphocytes in thymus dependent area only was noticed. Electron microscopically marked degeneration and necrotic changes of lymphocytes, such as irregularity of nulear margin, loss of nuclear membrane, and destruction of lymphocytes in the cortex of thymus gland occured. in reticulum cells and macrophages, cystic degeneration of vesicles, swelling of mitochondria, loss of cristae, and phagocytosis of destructed lymphocytes were prominent in the group of 10mg injection than in that of 5mg. Nevertheless, nuclear condensations and irregularities of nuclear margin of some lymphocytes were noticed in medulla with no clear degenerative changes. In appendiceal lymphoid tissue, a severe nocrotic changes of lymphocytes of dome, corona and follicles were observed. However, its changes in thymus dependent area were very little. In macrophages of dome and follicles, destructed lymphocytes were seen to be occasionally phagocytosed. It may be summarized that the effects of corticosteroid on the central lymphoid tissue take place in lymphocytes in cortex of thymus gland and in lymphocytes of B lymphocytical area of appendiceal lymphoid tissue. It may also be assumed that the changes aforementioned can include irreversible necrosis.

      • KCI등재후보

        약물 중독 시 위 세척에 의한 산 - 염기 평형 및 전해질의 변화

        윤형란(Hyung Ran Yun),손동현(Dong Hyun Sohn),이창범(Chang Bum Lee),이재웅(Jae Woong Lee),양석철(Suck Chul Yang),한동수(Dong Soo Han),손주현(Ju Hyun Sohn),김순길(Soon Kil Kim),김호중(Ho Jung Kim) 대한내과학회 1998 대한내과학회지 Vol.54 No.4

        Objectives: There is little information on the imbalance of electrolyte and acid-base metabolism associated with gastric lavage in acute drug intoxication patients. This study was aimed to analyze the acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities associated with gastric lavage in acute drug intoxication patients. Methods: We studied 24 acute drug intoxication patients who had performed gastric lavage with 10 liters of 0.9% NaC1. Electrolyte parameters and arterial blood gas analysis were carried out before and after gastric lavage. Results: After gastric lavage, acidosis was reduced in general. But there was no significant change in pH (7.34±0.02 vs. 7.38±0.15, p=NS). In acid-base balance, the mixed form of metabolic acidosis and respiratory acidosis was reduced from 7 to 2 cases, and the simple form of respiratory acidosis was reduced from 3 to 1 case. In contrast, normal form was increased from 5 to 7 cases and the simple form of metabolic acidosis was increased from 2 to 6 cases. In electrolyte parameters, serum sodium was reduced significantly (145±1.0 mEq/L vs. 141±0.8 mEq/L, p<0.01), but there was no case of significant hyponatremia (<135mEq/L). Bicarbonate level (20±1.1 mEq/L vs. 22±0.9 mEq/L, p< 0.05) and anion gap (19±1.6 mB vs. 13±1.3 mEq/L, p< 0.01) showed significant change. But, blood levels of potassium (3.6±0.1 mEq/L vs. 3.8±0.1 mEq/L, p=NS), chloride (106±0.6 mEq/L vs. 106±0.6 mEq/L, p=NS) and F'aCO2 (36±1.mmHg vs. 37±1.5 mmHg, p=NS) were no significant change before and after gastric lavage. Conclusions: Gastric lavage with 10 liters of 0.9% NaC1 in acute drug intoxication patients did not show clinically significant changes in electrolytes and acid-base balance.

      • 魚具類中에 分布하는 蛋白質分解酵素의 分離 및 精製에 關한 硏究

        張東錫,金亨洛,趙鶴來,卞在亨 釜山水産大學校 1986 釜山水産大學 硏究報告 Vol.26 No.1-2

        水産無脊椎動物중 낙지, 전복, 소라, 군소, 해삼, 개불과 水産脊椎動物인 말쥐치, 두툽상어, 먹장어, 고등어 그리고 정어리의 消化管 및 肉과 臟器組織을 區分하여 組織中에 分布하는 蛋白質分解組酵素를 抽出하여 그 活性을 比較·檢討하였다. 그리고 强한 活性을 보인 고등어 幽門垂에서 抽出한 粗酵素는 鹽析, DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column chromatography 및 Sephades G-100 겔여과에 의하여 3種類의 알칼리性 蛋白質分解酵素를 分離·精製하였으며 各 精製酵素에 대하여 活性最適條件, 基質親和度, 化學藥劑에 의한 影響 및 分子量 등을 究明하였다. 그리고 試料動物의 內臟에서 分離한 細菌中에서 가장 强한 蛋白質分解酵素를 生産하는 菌株를 選別하고 그 菌이 生産한 酵素를 精製하여 特性을 調査한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 各 試料의 組織에서 抽出한 粗酵素中 活性이 强한 것으로는 정어리의 膵臟에서 抽出한 것이 活性最適條件인 pH 9.8, 45℃에서 固有活性은 360 이었고, 고등어 幽門??에서 抽出한 것은 pH 9.4, 45~50℃에서 固有活性은 275였다. 2. 고등어 幽門垂에서 抽出한 粗酵素에서는 3種의 알칼리性 蛋白質分解酵素가 分離·精製되었는데, 이 세 酵素를 SDS-PAG 電氣泳動法과 Se-phadex G-100겔 여과법에 의하여 分析·檢討한 結果 이들 酵素는 모두 monomeric polypeptide로서 구성되고, 分子量은 Enz. A가 27,500, Enz. B가 20,500, 그리고 Enz. C가 15,250 정도였다. 3. 酵素의 基質親和度를 測定한 結果 Km値는 casein 基質에 대하여 Enz. A는 5.0×??, Enz.B는 1.0×?? 그리고 Enz. C는 3.3×??였다. 4. 各 精製酵素는 soybean trypsin inhibitor에 의하여 活性이 沮害를 되었으며 Enz. A는 p-chloromercuribenzoate에 의해서도 沮害를 받았는데 Enz. B와 C는 serine系 蛋白質分解酵素로 判斷되었다. 5. 分離細菌中에서 제일 강한 蛋白質分解酵素를 生産하는 細菌은 Pseudomonas SPP. 였으며 酵素의 生産은 pH 7.0, 溫度 25℃, 食鹽 0.5% 염화칼슘 0.2%를 添加했을 때 제일 양호하였으며, 이 酵素는 分子量이 약 29,000되는 metal chelator sensitive neutral proteinase로 추정되었다. 6. 結論的으로 漁具類의 組織酵素는 계속적인 原料供給이 어려우므로 酵素의 産業的 利用을 위해서는 細菌이 生産한 菌體外 蛋白質分解酵素의 活用이 보다 有益할 것으로 생각된다. Proteolytic actvity of the tissue extracts from the octopus(Octopus variabilis), abalone (Haliotis discus hannai), top shell(Turbo cornutus), sea hare(Aplysia kurodai), sea cucumber(Stichopus japonicus), echiurid(Urechis unicinctus), file fish(Navodon modestus), cat shark(Scillion hinus tarazame), hag fish(Eptatretus burgeri), mackerel(Scomber japonicus) and sardine(Sardinops melanosticta) was compared to develope as an useful enzyme. The strongest proteolyticbacterium was selected among the isolated strains from the samples submitted, then the proteolytic exoenzyme produced by this strain was also characterized. Among the tissue enzyme extracts, the proteolytic enzymes from the pyloric caeca of mackerel and pancreas of sardine were estimated as strong alkaline proteinases. The optimum pH and temperature of the crude enzyme extracted with 1% NaCl from the pyloric caeca of mackerel and pancreas of sardine were pH 0.4, 50℃ and pH 9.8, 45℃, respectively. Specific activity of the former enzyme was 275 nM-Tyr. eq/mg-protein/min and that of latter one was 360 nM-Tyr. eq/mg-protein/min. Three kinds of alkaline proteinases were isolated from the pyloric caeca of mackerel, we named those as enzyme A, B and C. Molecular weight of enzyme A, B and C determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Sephadex G-100 gel filtration method was to be 27,500, 20,500 and 15,250, respectively. Km value of enzyme A, B and C by the method of Lineweaver and Burk was determined to be 5.0×10??%, 1.0×10??% and 3.3×10??%, respectively, for 2% casein solution as a substrate. According to the analytical results, these enzymes were observed to be composed of monomeric polypeptide. The enzyme B and C were supposed to be a serine protease because these enzymes were remarkbly inhibited by soybean trypsin inhibitor. Pseudomonas spp. (named Pseudomonas FU 101) was identified as the strongest proteolytic bacterium among the isolated strains, which grew best at 25℃, pH 7.5. It is observed that the addition of 0.2% CaCl₂ and 0.5% NaCl in the culture medium was benefitted for the production of proteinase by Pseudomonas FU 101. The extracellular proteinase produced by the strain was supposed to be kind of metal chelator sensitive neutral protease, and it showed maximum activity at 35℃, pH 7.0. Molecular weight was estimated to be 29,000 by gel filtration. As a conclusion, both proteinases produced by Pseudomonas FU 101 and extracted from tissue of mackerel were pretty good in enzyme activity, but bacterial enzyme was more benefit for industrial use than the enzyme of mackerel tissue, because it is very difficult to supply continuously lots of pyloric caeca of mackerel as raw material for enzyme extraction.

      • 老齡者의 建康을 위한 生活習慣 實態調査

        申東敏,長鳳愚,李揆文,金賢俊,金昌範,崔宗洙,崔鍾晥,李鍾珏,金圭碩,趙庚旭,金鍾聲,朴鍾振 平生體育硏究所 論文集 1987 平生體育硏究所 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        With a view to examining the habit and method in which old people maintain and improve their health, we consulted 551 men and 444 women who were over 65 years old, and concluded as follows: 1. Habit of eating It's been revealed that most of the old people keep a regular eating hour, control the quantity of meal or eat a little food, and prefer vegetables to meat. 2. Mental health Old people feel the necessity for mental health and most of them (about 80%) keep good mental health without becoming pessimistic. Their chief concenrs have turned out to be about their sons and daughters and their own health and finance. 3. Managing Good Health It has been revelaed that old people do not possess any special kind of secret to keep good health but taking plenty of rest, regular meal, and proper exercise, and many of them (about 60%) have been shown to eat invigorant food that they can easily get around their living area. 4. Physical Functions It has been revealed that many old people are conscious of some symptoms about their parts of body and about to percent of them suffers from neuralgia. Some measures like medical aid especially for old people need to be taken as soon as possible. As we have found that the health-keeping method of old people consists plenty of rest, proper exercise, and appropriate nutrition, we can conclude that the recreatonal and culture facilities and programs for keeping old people in good health should be developed. It is also necessary to study food that contribute to their health and develop ways to get rid of the stresses to which they are exposed in their daily life. Presides, it is natural that government found an administrative department to deal with these matters effectively.

      • 釜山沿岸의 Vibrio parahaemolyticus 分布에 關한 硏究

        金榮萬,張東錫 釜山水産大學校 1977 釜山水産大學 硏究報告 Vol.17 No.1-2

        釜山沿岸에 있어서 V. parahaemolyticus의 分布,, 汚染度 및 分離菌의 生化學的 性狀을 把握하고 나아가서 食中毒 豫防을 위한 資料를 얻기 위하여 해운대, 자갈치, 다대포, 용호만, 綜合魚市場등 五個地点의 海水, 漁具類, 泥土를 대상으로 1976年 2月부터 10月까지 海水, 泥土, 바지락(Tapes philippinarum), 홍합(Mytilus edulis), 우릉쉥이(Holodynthia roretzi), 해삼(Stichopus japonicus), 뱅어(Sulangichthys microdon) 및 개조개(Saxidomus purpuratus)등 모두 147試料에서 602菌株를 分離하여 實驗한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. TCBS培地에서 分離한 602菌株중 354菌株(59%)가 V. parahaemolyticus로 確定되었다. 2. V. parahaemolyticus 確定率은 한 여름철에 높고 泥土가 海水, 漁具類보다 약간 높았다. 3. 全 147試料중 96試料(약 65%)에서 V.parahaemolyticus가 檢出되었으며 試料別로는 泥土(73%)가 가장 높았고 海水(66%), 漁具類(63%) 順이였다. 地域別 檢出率은 海水는 자갈치(80%), 용호만(73%), 綜合魚市場(70%), 다대포(64%), 해운대(46%), 順으로 나타났고 漁具類는 용호만(82%), 다대포(73%), 자갈치(56%), 해운대(55%) 順이며 泥土는 다대포(73%) 용호만 두곳이 같았다. 月別 檢出率은 8月 9月이 89%로 가장 높고 7월(74%), 6월(71%), 10월(71%), 4월(21%), 2월(20%), 5월(14%), 3월(0%) 의 順이였다. 4. V. parahaemolyticus의 最確數는 海水의 pH값이나 監分濃度의 變化에 따른 差異보다 溫度의 變化에 따라 현저하였는데 特히 20℃以上에서 菌數가 많았다. 5. V. parahaemolyticus MPN은 용호만 다대포가 비교적 높았으며 해운대에서는 비교적 낮게 檢出되었다. 特히 용호만과 다대포에서 採取된 바지락의 V. parahaemolyticus MPN이 1,000/g 以上인 것이 57.1%나 되었다. In this experiment distribution and biochemical characteristics of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in marine samples were studied. The samples examined were 53 samples of sea water, 22 of bottom deposit and 52 of fish and shellfish, which were collected from the areas of Jagalchi, Haewundae, Dadaepo, Yongho Bay and Fish Market Center during the period from February to October in 1976. In detection of Vibrioparahaemolyticus, 602 strains were isolated by the TCBS agar plate culture from 147 samples as presumptive Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Three hundred and fiftyfour strains out of the 602 strains were confirmed as Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The ratio of confirmed strains to the total isolated strains in bottom deposit was higher than that of other samples. The ratio was seasonally variable showing the highest in August and September. The presence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus was detected in 96 samples among 147 in total. Bottom deposit showed the highest detection ratio marking 73%, 66% in the water, and 63% in fish and shellfish inturn. The detection ratio was diverse by sampling stations. In case of sea water, the ratio was higher in Jagalchi, Yongho Bay, Fish Market Center Dadaepo and Haewundae in order. The ratio of fish and shellfish turned out orderly, in Yongho Bay, Dadaepo, Jagalchi, Haewundae, and that of bottom deposit marked the same in Dadaepo and Yongho Bay respectively. The ratio was also seasonally varied showing the highest in August. The density of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in both Yongho Bay and Dadaepo was comparatively higher than in other places and it appeared generally highest in August and September. The density was obviously higher in Tapes philippinarum followed by bottom deposit and sea water. The MPN's of Vivrio parahaemolyticus was more dependent on the changes in sea water temperature than on pH and salinity.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1996)

        김재홍,황동규,전재홍,김윤석,김중환,김용준,이창균,임동진,김현수,조창근,김경문,박상훈,전우형,김희성,이호정,차명수,김갑형,김형석,김석우,황지환,박병순,권오상,이민수,송기훈,성소영,이인섭,부태성 대한화학요법학회 1999 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Background : In recent years, gonorrhea has been panedemic and remains one of the most commom STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Methods: For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of PPNG, we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results: In 1996, 139 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 53(39.0%) were PPNG. Conclusion: Our results suggests that after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is gradually declining.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재


        PARK,CHANG SUCK,You,Dong Soo 大韓顎顔面 放射線學會 1983 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.13 No.1

        The age related changes in the life cycle of the progenitor cell population of murine oral epithelia was studied. Using radioautographic methods which have been adopted in previous cell cycle studies, the age-related changes of different phases in renewing cells of the palatal, buccal and lingual mucosae were determined. The results confirm published findings on cell cycle changes of epithelia with aging and illustrated further that mitotic phase which has hither to been considered stationary, also changes with aging. The major parts revealed by this study are as follows: 1) The basal progenitor cells in different regions of oral mucosa have different generation times. 2) The basal cell cycle time increases as a function of aging and the region most affected by aging appears to be the epithelium of the cheek. 3) The phases of the cell cycle affected by the process of aging are in increasing order of magnitude: M-, S- and G₁-phase. 4) The age related change in the number of DNA synthesizing basal progenitor cells occurs at two age periods. Between 1 and 12 months of life it decreases, while from 12 to 20 months it increases.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Enflurane 및 Halothane 마취가 맥박, 혈압 및 동맥혈 가스상에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김혜자,최세진,손수창,한동석 대한마취과학회 1985 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.18 No.4

        Change in heart rate, mean arterial pressure, PaO₂and PaCO₂Caused by enflurane and halothane anesthesia were investigated in patients premedicated with diazepam and glycop-yrrolate. Enflurane caused a slightly(10.1%) increase in heart rate and not change in mean arter-ial pressure(0.1%), Halothane depressed heart slightly(10.16%) and arterial pressure was also (12.2%). The authors conclude that enflurane possesses a positive chronotropic effect.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Voltammetric Studies of Diazocalix[4]crown-6 for Metal Ion Sensing

        Dong, Yun-Yan,Kim, Tae-Hyun,Lee, Chang-Seuk,Kim, Hyun-Jung,Lee, Jae-Hong,Lee, Joung-Hae,Kim, Ha-Suck,Kim, Jong-Seung Korean Chemical Society 2010 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.31 No.12

        The complex formation between diazocalix[4]dipropyl (1) and diazocalix[4]crown-6 ether (2) with alkali, alkaline earth and transition metal ions was investigated by voltammetry. Electrochemical properties of compounds 1 and 2 and their selectivity toward metal ions were evaluated in $CH_3CN$ solution by comparison of voltammetric behaviors of two phenols in each compound. Compounds 1 and 2 showed almost same voltammetric behavior which is two irreversible oxidation peaks caused by intramolecular hydrogen bonding between two phenols in 1 and 2. While, however, upon interacting with various metal ions, 1 with two propyl ether groups showed no significant changes in voltammetry, 2 with crown ether group caused significant voltammetric changes upon the addition of $Ba^{2+}$ to 2. Their behavior is closely related to the complex formation by entrapment of metal ion into crown ether cavity, and ion-dipole interaction between metal ion and two phenolic groups in calix[4]crown-6.

      • KCI등재후보

        Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor 가 Capsaicin 유발 기침반사에 미치는 영향

        김동순(Dong Soon Kim),권성운(Seong Woon Kwon),김용복(Yong Bok Kim),임창영(Chang Young Lim),유원상(Won Sang Yoo),최석구(Suck Koo Choi) 대한내과학회 1993 대한내과학회지 Vol.45 No.5

        Background: Angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) inhibitors are widely used for the treatment of hypertension and heart failure without serious side effects, but in some patients, they induce intractable cough. The mee-hanism of this cough is not known, but ACE and kininase II are the same enzyme, the derangement in the metabolism of kinines and Substance-P by ACE inhibitors has been proposed as one possibility. So we performed a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized crossover study, to find out whether the enalrpril can change the sensitivity to capsaicin which released Substance-P from the nerve ending and its relation to the development of cough after the enalarpril. Method: The subjects were 21 patients (9 men and 12 wemen) with mild to moderate hypertension. Eleven patients developed cough with the Enalarpril (cougher), and 10 pateints didn't have cough (non-cougher) and served as a control group. Baseline PFT, serum IgE level, and blood eosinophil count were done. The patients received either enalarpril 10 mg per day or placebo for one week, and after the washout period of at least one week, another drug(placebo if the patient had enalapril previously and vice versa) was given for a week. Blood pressure, pulmonary function test, and capsaicin challenge test were performed at the end of each period. Capsaicin challenge test was done by inhalation of different concentration of capsaicin via DeVil-bis 646 nebulizer with dosimeter (SCM Co., U.S.A.) and the lowest concentration which induced 2 or more coughs (Th-w) and 5 or more coughs (Th-5) were deter- mined. Result: The age of the two groups were similar (55.5 vs 52 years), but females were predominant in cougher (8 female and 4 male) compared to non-cougher (4 female and 6 male). There was no Significant difference in serum IgE level, eosinophil counts, and pulmonary function between two groups. Cough developed immediately after the inhalation of capsaicin, and the dose-response relationship was fonud between the number of coughs and the concentration of capsaicin. In all patients, Th-2 was 19.7±16.1uM and Th-5 was 78.8±48.6uM. But there was no significant difference in both Th-2 and Th-5 between coughers (21,3 uM and 72.2 uM) and non-coughers (18.0 uM and 81.6 uM). also, no significant change in Th-2 and Th-5 was found during the therapy of enarlapril compared to the placebo period in both groups. Among 11 coughers, 2 patients developed more coughs with capsaicin inhalation after the enarlapril compared to placebo period (responder), and in non-cougher, 3 among 10 patients were responders. Blood pressure was significantly decreased after the Enarlapril, but no significant change in pulmonary function was noted. Conclusion: Our data suggest that Enarlapril does not increase the sensitivity to capsaicin and the cough after the Enarlapril seems to have different mechanism.

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