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      • 췌장염에 의한 가성낭종내에 생긴 가성동맥류 : 1례 보고

        오연희,이채경,김승현,이성우,양창현,이정호,이영현 동국대학교 경주대학 1996 東國論集 Vol.15 No.-

        만성 췌장염의 합병증으로 생긴 가성동맥류는 드문질환으로, 반복적으로 다량의 출혈을 일으킬 수 있으며, 치료를 하지 않을 경우 사망율이 높기 때문에, 조기 진단과 치료가 필수적이다. 저자들은 38세 남자 환자에서 췌장염의 합병증으로 생긴 가성낭종내에서 발생한 가성동맥류 1예를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. 가성 동맥류의 색혈류도플러상 낭종내에 양방향 흐름의 와류를 볼 수 있었다. Pancreatic Pseudoaneurysm within Pseudocyst from Pancreatitis: 1 Case Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Internal Medicine, College of Medicine,DongGuk University Yeon Hee OH M.D., Chae Kyeong Lee M.D., Seoung Hyeon Kim M.D., Sung Woo Lee M.D., Chang Heon Yang M.D., Jung Ho Lee M.D., Young Hyun Lee M.D. Pseudoaneurysm from pancreatitis is uncommon, but it can cause recurrent and massive hemorrhage. Because of high morbidity and mortality, early detection and treatment of the pseudoaneurysm is needed. We report a case of pseudoaneurysm within pseudocyst from pancreatitis. Color-flow Doppler sonography shows bidirectional flow and turbulent arterial flow, within anechoic mass.

      • Graves 병과 혈청 면역글로불린-E의 연관성

        김현영,박기룡,김성훈,김지연,송수근,최영식,박요한 대한내분비학회 2002 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.17 No.5

        연구배경: Graves 병은 미만성 갑상선종, 갑상선기능한진, 안구침법 등을 특징으로 하는 자가면역성 질환으로, 갑상선자극호르몬 수용체에 대한 자가항체(TRAb)가 갑상선을 자극하여 발생된다. TRAb는 Graves병 환자의 약 85%이상에서 검출되며 활성화된 TRAb는 대부분 IgE로 알려져 있다. 그러나 최근 Graves병 환자의 갑상선조직과 안구조직에 IgE의 침착과 꽃가루 등에 의한 알레르기성 비염으로 인해 Graves병이 발생하거나 재발된 견우가 보고되어 Graves병의 병인에 IgE의 연관성이 제기 되고 있으나, 국내에서는 이에 대한 연구가 드물다. 본 연구에서는 Graves병에서의 혈청 IgE농도와 Graves병의 병기와의 관계 및 TRAb와 IgE 농도와의 연관성을 살펴보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 2000년 4월 1일부터 7월 1일까지 고신의료원 내분비내과를 방문한 환자 중 Graves병 46예, 만성갑상선염 6예 및 고신의료원 건강증진센터를 방문한 환자 중 갑상선질환의 병력이나 가족력 및 알레르기성 비염의 병력이 없는 35예의 정상대조군을 대상으로 연구를 시행하였다. TRAb는 갑상선자극호르몬 결합 억제 면역글로불린(TBII)으로 측정하였으며, IgE는 효소면역분석법으로 측정하였다. 결과: IgG인 TBII는 Graves병에서 만성갑상선염과 대조군에 비해 높았으며, IgE 평균농도는 Graves병에서 598.1±1112.9U/mL로 만성갑상선염 환자의 98350±79.7U/mL, 대조군 161.72±194.4U/mL에 비해 높았다(p<0.05). Graves병에서 알레르기성 비염의 발병율은 10.9%(5/46)였으며, Graves 병에서의 혈청 IgE 농도는 알레르기성 비염의 병력이 있는 경우 903.1±1152.2U/mL로 없는 경우 560.8±1117.0U/mL보다 높은 경향을 보였다. Graves병의 병기에 따른 TBII와 IgE 농도의 변화를 항갑상선제로 치료하지 않은 군(비치료군)과 치료한 군(치료군) 및 재발군으로 나누어 비교하였을 때, TBII는 치료군(7.4±18.6%)에 비해 비치료군(49.9±23.9%)과 재발군(21.1±3.1%)에서 높았으며(p<0.05), 혈청 IgE치도 치료군(233.8±432.7U/mL)에 비해 비치료군(758.6±1250.0U/mL)과 재발군(1198.5±1952.1U/mL)에서 높은 경향을 보였다. 항갑상선제로 치료한 치료기간에 따른 TBII와 IgE 농도 변화에서, TBII는 비치료군(49.9±23.9%)과 1년 미만 치료군(24.8±3.8%)에서 1년 이상 치료군(2.22±1.97%)에 비해 높았으며(p<0.05), 혈청 IgE 농도는 비치료군(758.6±1250.2U/mL)에서 1년 미만 치료한 군(158.3±91.5U/mL)과 1년 이상 치료군(252.7±483.4U/mL)에 비해 높았으나 유의하지는 않았다. 결론: Graves 병에서 IgE 농도는 증가되어 있었으며, Graves 병의 각각 다른 병기에서의 혈청 IgE 농도의 변화는 Graves qudd의 경과에 영향을 미치는 IgG인 TBII치의 변화와 유사한 경향을 보였다. 그러나 혈청 IgE와 Graves 병과의 연관성을 알아보기 위해서 IgE와 더불어 CD23항원 등의 다른 검사도 병행하는 전향적 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. Background: It is widely believed that Graves' disease is and autoimmune disorder characterized by the presence of the circulation TSH receptor antibody (TRAb). The majority of the activity of TRAb is of the immunoglobulin G(IgG) class. However, other immunoglobulin such as immunoglobulin E(IgE), may play a rloe in the activity. IgE accumulation has been reported to occur in the thyroid gland and ocular muscles of subjects with Graves' disease. Furthermore, it has been noted that recurrence of Graves' disease can be induced by and allergy to pollen. Because an allergy to pollen is commonly associated with IgE, IgE might play a role in the induction of Graves' disease. Therefore, investigated whether IgE was elevated in Graves' disease, and evaluated the potential relationship between the levels of TRAb and IgE Graves' disease. Methods: Forty-six patients with Graves' disease, and 6 with chronic thyroiditis, diagnosed at the Kosin Medical Center between April, 2000 and July, 2000 were included in this study. Thirty-five persons without thyroid disease or a history of allergic rhinitis were used as normal controls. The level or TRAb was measured using thyrotropin binding inhibitory immunoglobulin (TBII). Serum total IgE was measured using as enzymeimmunoassay method. Test for thyroid function, TBII and total IgE were performed in all cases, and the results statistically analyzed. Results: TBII, as IgG, and the serum IgE level were higher in the patients with Graves' disease, and the levels of the latter were 598.1±1112.9U/mL, 98.5±79.7U/mL and controls 161.7±194.4U/mL in the Graves' patients, those with thyroiditis and the controls, respectively (p<0.05). The prevalence of allergic rhinitis in Graves' disease was 10.9%. The serum IgE level in Graves' disease with, and without, allergic rhinitis were 903.1±1152.2U/mL and 560.8±1117.0U/mL, respectively, although there was no significancant difference between the two groups. According to the clinical stage, the serum TBII level was higher in the untreated Graves', and relapsed patients 49.9±23.9% and 21.1±3.1%, respectively, than in the treated group, 7.4±18.6% (p<0.05). The serum IgE level was higher in the untreated Graves' and relapsed patients 758.6±1250.2U/mL and 1198.5±1952.1U/mL, respectively, than in the treated group 233.8±432.7U/mL, although this was not significant. According to the duration of treatment, the serum TBII levels were higher in the untreated Graves' patients, and those treated for less than 1 year, than in those treated for more than 1 year, with values of 49.9±23.9, 24.8±3.8 and 2.22±1.97%, respectively (p<.05). The serum IgE level was higher in the untreated Graves' disease (758.6±1250.2U/mL) than in the groups treated for less than 12 months (158.3±91.5U/mL) and more than 12 months (252.7±483.4U/mL), but the differences were not significant. Conclusions: The concentration of IgE was high in Graves' patients, and although not statistically significant, the serum igE level in Graves' patients with allergic rhinitis was higher than those without. With regard to the clinical stage of Grave's disease, the change in the IgE level tended to follow that of the TBII. Further study will be required to define the possible role of IgE in the pathogenesis in Graves' disease (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 17:640∼648, 2002).

      • KCI등재후보

        쥐치아 치근면의 치주인대세포의 활성도를 평가하는 방법으로 MTT검색법의 적절성에 대한 조직학적인 검증

        김현기,김의성,최인복,김진,이승종 大韓齒科保存學會 2003 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.28 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to examine the viability of PDL cells in rat molars by using MTT assay and to verify the MTT assay through the histologic observation. Thirty of Sprague Dawley white female rats of 4 weeks old with a body weight of about 100 grams were used. Groupings are as follows : Immediate Group : Positive control group(n=10) after extraction immediately. Dried Group : Negative control group(n=10) after drying for an hour under warm dry. ViaSpan Group : 1hour ViaSpan group(n=10) after storing in ViaSpan at 4℃ for 1hour. Ten teeth of each group were treated as same as above and replanted to the original socket of experimental animals. After two weeks of replantation. all the experimental animals were sacrificed. And after fixation, extracted maxillary jaw was dimineralized. After it was embedded in paraffin. serial section by ViaSpan was carried out and for construction of specimen, hematoxylin eosin dye was used. The mean MTT measurement of immediate group(positive control) is 2.81 and the mean measurement of dried group(negative control) is 0.98 which is significantt differnt(P<0.05), The mean measurement of ViaSpan group is 2.65 and there is significant difference between dried group and ViaSpan group(P<0.05), However, there is no difference between immediate group and ViaSpan group. The average resorption points of immediate group is 3.03 points. In the dried group, average 6.44 points resorption and 2.68 points showed resorption in the ViaSpan group. Unlike with MTT assay, there was no significant difference between the immediate group and ViaSpan group. The usage of MTT assay as a viable cell marker may give us a better indication of the maintenance of periodontal ligament cell vitality.

      • MLRA에 의한 초경합금재의 연삭저항 실험식 지수값에 관한 연구

        김원일,왕덕현,허성중 慶南大學校 附設 工業技術硏究所 1994 硏究論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        본 논문은 범용 평면연삭기를 가지고 초경합금재를 가공할 때 소정의 정밀도를 유지하면서 가공 능률향상을 위한 실험적인 최적 조건을 연삭저항 결과치를 중점적으로 연삭비등의 변화를 통해 규명하고, 연삭저항의 기구 및 다양한 실험 결과에 대해 컴퓨터를 이용한 중선형회귀분석(MLRA: Multiple Linear Regression Analysis)으로 연삭저항의 실험식에 관한 지수값을 결정하고, 실험의 결과와 비교하여 그 타당성을 규명하여 향후, 고경질 난삭재의 연삭에 있어서 지식 전문가 시스템 (Knowledge based expert system)을 구축하기 위한 기본적 지식베이스(Knowledge base)등에 활용될 수 있도록 하고자 하였다. This paper described the surface grinding condition of WC-Co using diamond abrasive grinding wheel in order to increase the grinding efficiency. Computer program of MLRA(Multiple Linear Regression Analysis) was used to decide exponent values of experimental formula of grinding resistance. These results were compared with the experimental ones. Analytical results by MLRA were found to agree with the experimental ones. Accordingly, these results will be used knowledge base to construct knowledge based expert system on surface grinding of high strength engineering materials.

      • 남사천 하류지역 홍수피해 분석 연구

        김가현,이승휘,서진호,민일규,이영재 동아대학교 건설기술연구소 2000 硏究報告 Vol.24 No.1

        Where no records are available at a site, a preliminary estimate may be made from relations between floods and catchment characteristics. Anumber of these characteristics were chosen for testing and were measured for those catchments where mean annual flood estimates were available. Although the improvement using extended data in regression of flood estimates on catchment characteristics was small, this may be due to the limitations of the regression model. When an individual short term record is to be extended, more detailed attention can be given; an example is presented of the technique which should be adopted in practice, particularly when a short term record covers a period which is known to be biassed. A method of extending the peaks over a threshold series is presented with a numerical example. The extension of records directly from rainfall by means of a conceptual model is discussed, although the application of such methods is likely to be limited by lack of recording raingauge information. Methods of combining information from various sources are discussed in terms of information from catchment characteristics supplemented by records, but are generally applicable to different sources of information. The application of this technique to estimating the probable maximum flood requires more conservative assumptions about the antecedent condition, storm profile and unit hydrograph. It is suggested that the profile and catchment wetness index at the start of the design duration should be based on the assumption that the estimated maximum rainfall occurs in all durations centered on the storm peak.

      • 내시경으로 진단된 소화성 궤양의 임상적 고찰

        김영건,육은주,김성걸,임의혁,성자원,김병호,허승식,이기천,정현용,이헌영 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1993 충남의대잡지 Vol.20 No.2

        A clinical analysis was performed of 3055 pateints with peptic ulcer who were diagnosed with gastroduodenoscopy, in Hospital of Chungnam National University College of Medicine from July 1988 to May 1993. 1) During the period 1988-1993, The proportion of gastric ulcer among peptic ulcer decreased from 47.8% to 42.8%, but that of duodenal ulcer increased from 36.8% to 39.6%. 2) Of the 3055 cases, the number of patients with esophageal ulcer was 98(3.2%), with gastric ulcer 1407(41.6%), with. duodenal ulcer 1104(36.1%), with channel ulcer 149(4.9%), and with combind ulcer 297(9.7%). 3) We observed a peak incidence of peptic ulcer in the 50-69age group, gastric ulcer in the 5069age, duodenal ulcer in the 40-59age group. The ratio of male to female was 3.6 : 1 in peptic ulcer, 4.4 : 1 in gastric ulcer, 3.0 : 1 in duodenal ulcer. 4) The common site was angle in gastric ulcer, and bulb in duodenal ulcer. 5) The active stage was 39.4% of gastric ulcer, and 37.4% of duodenal ulcer, the healing stage was 34.2% of gastric ulcer, and 17.9% of duodenal ulcer, and the scar stage of gastric ulcer was 26.4%, and duodenal ulcer was 44.7%. 6) The size of ulcer was less than 1Cm in 66.7% of gastric ulcer, and in 75.5% of duodenal ulcer, the size of ulcer was greater than 2Cm in 13.2% of gastric ulcer, and in 6.5% of duodenal ulcer. 7) The frequency of multiple ulcer was 29.9% in gastric ulcer, and 16.5% in duodenal ulcer.

      • 휠체어농구선수의 체력, 윙게이트 검사 및 어깨관절 등속성 근력발현 능력에 관한 연구

        김대현,최승권 용인대학교 특수체육연구소 2008 특수체육연구 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to find out potential differences in physical strength, anaerobic power and uniform shoulder joint muscle power between handicapped and non-handicapped wheelchair basketball players. To meet the goal, this study selected total 26 subjects for various physical tests, which included 14 national handicapped wheelchair basketball players(hereinafter ‘NWA group') joining buildup drill in preparation for 2008 Beijing Paralympics, as well as 12 non-handicapped wheelchair basketball players(hereinafter ‘AWA group'). This study sought to measure physical strength(e.g. body fat, agility, instantaneous power, etc), and anaerobic capacity through 30-second upper body wing gate test, as well as uniform muscular function(medial shoulder torque and lateral shoulder torque). Measurement data were analyzed using t-test among groups, and significance level was established at p<0.05. The results of this study can be outlined as follows: First, according to measurement of physical strength, it was found thatNWA group belonged to overweight cases in terms of body fat mass on the whole. According to systemic reaction test, it was found that AWA group responded to sounds in quicker time than NWA group. For 20- meter running, it was found that NWA group scored better records than AWA group. Second, according to WAnT test, it was found that AWA group showed higher functional level in the highest power and fatigue index than NWA group. Third, according to uniform shoulder joint muscle function test, it was found that NWA group showed higher functional level than AWA group in the highest torque per weight around bilateral shoulder joints at medial torque's angular velocity of 60deg/sec and 240deg/sec, as well as around right shoulder joint at medial torque's angular velocity of 180deg/sec. Moreover, it was also found that NWA group showed higher functional level than AWA group in total work load around right shoulder joint at medial torque's angular velocity of 60deg/sec and 180deg/sec, as well as around left shoulder joint at medial torque's angular velocity of 240deg/sec. 본 연구는 휠체어농구선수와 장애가 없이 휠체어농구를 하는 선수에게 있어서 체력, 무산소파워, 어깨 등속성 발현능력 등에 차이가 있는지를 알아보고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 대상은 2008년 베이징 파랄림픽 대비 강화훈련에 참가한 2007년 국가대표 장애인 휠체어농구선수 집단 14명과 장애가 없는 휠체어농구선수 집단 12명이었다. 본 연구에서 체력은 체지방, 민첩성, 순발력 등을 측정하였고, 무산소성 능력은 상체 30초 윙게이트테스트를 실시하였으며, 등속성 근기능은 어깨의 내측회전력과 외측회전을 측정하였다. 측정한 자료의 분석은 집단 간 t-test를 실시하였고, 유의수준은 p< .05으로 설정하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 체력측정 결과 체지방량에서 국가대표휠체어농구선수(NWA) 집단이 과체중으로 나타났으며 전신반응 검사에서는 소리에 대한 반응시간에서 장애가 없는 휠체어농구선수(AWA) 집단이 NWA 집단보다 빠르게 나타났다. 20m 달리기에서는 NWA 집단이 AWA 집단보다 빠르게 나타났다. 둘째, WAnT 결과 최고파워와 피로지수에서 AWA 집단의 기능수준이 NWA 집단보다 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 어깨관절 등속성 근기능 결과 체중당최고토크에서는 내측회전력의 각속도 60deg/sec와 240deg/sec의 양쪽 어깨관절, 내측회전력의 각속도 180deg/sec의 오른쪽 어깨관절에서 NWA 집단의 기능수준이 AWA 집단보다 높게 나타났으며, 총일량에서는 내측회전력의 각속도 60deg/sec, 180deg/sec의 오른쪽 어깨관절, 내측회전력의 각속도 240deg/sec의 왼쪽 어깨관절에서 NWA 집단의 기능수준이 AWA 집단보다 높게 나타났다.

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