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      • KCI우수등재

        20세기 전반 한국 사상계의 궤적과 민족주의 담론

        장규식(Chang Kyu-sik) 한국사연구회 2010 한국사연구 Vol.150 No.-

        This essay deals with the various features of the early 20th century Korean thought particularly examining how Korean nationalism interacted with the Western modern thoughts. It was not until the middle of 1900s that the Korean used the term "nationalism." At that time Korean intellectuals recognized the establishment of nationalism to be a key factor for the restoration of national sovereignty against Japanese aggression. They took up social Darwinism to be "Muhyong Jagang (spiritual power-cultivation)," and regarded it as the base of "Yuhyong Jangang (concrete power-cultivation)" that means to enhance the national prosperity and defense. They also advocated to establish the New Religion ("Jong'gyo Ipguk"), considering it an indispensible base for national unity and prosperity. The incipient Korean nationalism based on the logic of "Muhyong Jagang" and "Jong'gyo Ipguk" became jeopardized by Japanese Annexation of Korea. As a reaction to this, the nationalist intellectuals in 1910s, who pursued republicanism, came to perceive newly the fall of the Great Korean Empire as a threshold toward the Republic of Korea. They tried also to overcome social Darwinism since it took granted for the right of the strong to rule over the weak. These efforts were done within three directions such as the emphasis of national characteristics, socialism, and humanitarianism; among these, humanitarianism became a theoretical foundation for the nationwide March 1st Independence Movement. As a result, Korean nationalism was eventually given a form on the basis of republicanism and humanitarianism as such. Korean nationalism under the Japanese colonialism was equipped with its theoretical alliances from the Western modern thoughts: liberalism, conservatism, ethical statism, and socialism. Korean nationalism was shaped by these influences while each intellectual group was adopting respectively the ideologies if it had an affinity. First, liberalism was imported to Korea coupled with Anglo-American Christian Protestantism. Its mainstream was a newly emerging middle class in the northwest of Korea, where Ahn Chang-ho's nationalism can be an example of the conjunction between liberalism and nationalism. Second, Korean conservatism was shaped as a consequence of the cohesion between the modernization course by the Yangban landlords and English gentlemanly capitalism. The Dong-A Daily News group led by Kim Seong-su was a case in this respect, where nationalism was united with a sort of Edmund Burke's conservatism. Third, sharing the ideas of the organic theory of the nation and the state, the Daejong Gyo line's worship of national characteristics, and Hegel's theory of ethical state, the Korean statism was conjoined together with ethnic nationalism. Ahn Jae-hong and Choe Hyon-bae remained to be the most typical examples in this regard. Fourth, those who deemed national liberation as a requisite for class liberation while conjoining socialism and nationalism, were found in the first generation of Korean socialist; Yah Woon-hyong and Bae Seong-ryong, who led Choseon Jung'ang Daily News group, were the case. The salient feature of Korean nationalism after the Korean Liberation was shown in the moderates who aimed for building a unified independent nation-state through the right-left coalition. The middle-of-the-road intellectuals mapped out a unified government based on parliamentary democracy and economic equality. However, its ideological ground was diverged into liberalism, statism, and social democracy: New Liberalism by Oh Gi-young, New Nationalism by Ahn Jae-hong, and New Democracy by Bae Seong-ryong. Such the middle-of-the-road nationalism, which was succeeded later in resistant nationalism of civic-level backing up national democratic movement, has been sustained in the movements for democracy and national unification of Korea. Although there has been a de-nationalism discourse, Korean nationalism has lasted up to the present c

      • Rat의 복강내에 투여한 5-fluorouracil-polyglycolic acid 제형이 장기에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        강대영,송규상,최정목,노승무,정경수,오정연,김진향,양준묵,최선웅,이진호,조준식,민병무,김용백,김창식,박근성,김승영,김학용,인현빈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        For more effective intraperitoneal chemotherapy, the authers made 5-fluorouracil-polyglycolic acid composite disks(FU-PGA disks) with 5-fluorouracil and polyglycolic acid, a biodegradable polymer. We inserted the FU-PGA disk into the peritoneal cavites of Sprague-Dawley male rats, the control and three experimental groups; one FU-PGA disk insert group(300mg/kg), two FU-PGA disk insert group(600mg/kg), and three FU-PGA disk insert group(900mg/kg). The control group received a similar number of PGA disk inserts. A pharmacokinetic study was performed to measure the 5-fluorouracil concentration in the peritoneal fluid, blood, and tissues(liver, kidney and heart) at 24 hours, 72hours and 168 hours after insertion of the FU-PGA disk. Light and electron microscopic studies were done. The results were as follows: 1) The number of white blood cells and platelets decreased after FU-PGA insertion. The degree was proportional to the duration and amounts inserted. The change in the number of red blood cells varied slightly. 2) Light microscopically, slight changes were noted at 168 hours in the 3 disk insert group (900mg/kg). Mild fatty change and hepatocyte degeneration around the central veins of the liver were noted, with vacuolar degeneration in the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney. 3) Electron microscopically,the liver showed focal increases of lipid droplets in the hepatocytes, and irregular nuclear membrane with focal nucleolar segregation of the fibrillar and granular elements. Also the double membranous structure of the hepatocytes and Kupffer cells was widened with bleb formation. The kidney showed wide separation of the nuclear double membrane in the proximal convoluted tubular cells and mesangial cells, with vacuolation and myelin figure formation in the mitochondria of the proximal convoluted tubular cells, at 72 hours and 168 hours in the 2 to 3 FU-PGA insert groups. The heart showed focal loss of cristae,vacuolation and myelin figure formation in the mitochondria of the 2 to 3 FU-PGA insert groups. In conclusion, despite the large amont of FU-PGA inserted, the histopathological changes in the liver, kidney and heart were slight, and consonant with the very low amount of 5-fluorouracil concentrations detected in the liver, kidney and heart. The above results suggest that the FU-PGA composite can serve as a new device for releasing drugs in a controlled manner and easily targeted to intraperitoneal organs. This device can improve the efficacy of intraperitoneal chemotherapy for gastric cancer.

      • 家兎의 妊娠에 따른 生殖器官, 血中 性Hormone 및 代謝物質의 變化에 關한 硏究

        李揆丞,韓成郁,朴昌植 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1982 農業技術硏究報告 Vol.9 No.1

        The study was conducted to find out the concentrations of sex hormones and the contents of metabolites in serum, and the changes of weights and tissues on ovary, thyroid gland and adrenal gland according to gestation period in rabbit. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The ovary weights were increased significantly with the time elapse after gestation and recovered normally at 5 days after parturition. In the histological changes of ovary, the lutein cells were hypertrophied and the secretory granules were increased actively until 3 weeks after gestation, and then atrophied thereafter. 2. The thyroid gland weights at all observation times were higher than those in control group, and the significance was recognized at 1, 3 and 4 weeks after gestation. The histological features of the secretory epithelium were the hypertrophic and columnar condition stimulating the functional state from 1 week after gestation. 3. The adrenal gland weights in experimental group were recognized significantly at 4 weeks after gestation, but showed higher than those in control group at all observation times. The zona fasciculata and zona reticularis of the gland showed the slight hypertrophic condition, but the zona glomeerulosa and adrenal medulla did not find out any particular changes. 4. The serum concentrations of progesterone and LH reached a peak level at 2 weeks and week after geestation respectively, and rapidly began to decline thereafter. 5. The serum concentrations of estradiol-17β and FSH were riot detected below 20.0 pg/ml and 1.3mIU/ml respectively. 6. The contents of total protein and non-protein nitrogen nitrogen were decreased gradually with the time elapse after gestation, but the significant differences were recognized from 3 weeks. 7. The total lipids were not changed markedly until 3 weeks, but increased significantly at 4 weeks after gestation and at 5 days after parturition. 8. The serum cholesterol tended to be decreased until 3 weeks, but increased at 4 weeks after gestation and at 5 days after parturition. 9. The serum calcium showed. a. continuous decrease during the gestation period, but the significant differences were recognized at 3 and 4 weeks. The serum phosphorus also had a significant decrease at 4 weeks after gestation.

      • 백서의 복강내에 투여한 Mitomycin-C-Polyglycolic acid 제형이 장기에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        송규상,강대영,최정목,노승무,정경수,오정연,김진향,양준목,최선웅,이진호,조준식,민병무,김용백,김창식,박근성,김승영,김학용,인현빈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        To evaluate the in-vivo effects of mitomycin-C-polyglycolic acid composite(MMC-PGA) the disk: shaped composite were implanted into the peritoneal cavity of the Sprague-Dawley rats. The pathologic changes were examined at various time points up to 12 weeks. Initially the soft tissue around the inserted disks showed capillary congestion at 3 days. Inflammatory infiltrates with foreign body giant cells appeared from the 2nd week and reached peak response at 6-8 weeks. These reaction diminished prominently at 12 weeks. No specific pathologic change was found in the liver, the kidneys, and the heart. The above results suggest that the MMC-PGA composite can serve as a new device for intraperitoneal chemotherapy of various types of cancers.

      • KCI등재후보

        흰쥐 膽汁鬱滯 肝臟의 5'-Nucleotidase와 Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase의 活性値

        郭春植,張億奎 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1985 계명의대학술지 Vol.4 No.1

        膽汁鬱滯가 隨伴되는 肝膽道 疾患에서 增加되는 血淸 5'-NT와 GGT의 增加 機轉을 仔細히 알아보기 爲하여 흰쥐의 總輪膽管 또는 中葉과 左側外葉 膽管을 結紮하고 經時的으로 血淸과 肝組織의 5'-NT, GGT 및 ALP의 變動을 觀察하는 한편 肝組織 損傷과 肝 및 血淸蛋白 合成能 等을 測定하였으며 아울러 이들 酵素와 肝 및 血淸蛋白 合成能에 對한 actinomycin D의 影響도 觀察하여 相互比較하였다. 總輪膽管을 結紮한 흰쥐에서는 血淸 總 bilirubin이 12時間에 顯著히 上昇되어 6日까지 繼續 높은 濃度를 維持하였다. 이와같이 膽汁鬱滯가 持續되는 狀態에서 血淸과 肝組織의 膜結合 및 可溶性 5'-NT, GGT와 ALP는 顯著히 上昇되었다. 그러나 이들 血淸 酵素와 肝組織 酵素間에는 그 上昇 時期와 上昇率이 큰 差異를 보였다. 즉 血淸 5'-NT와 GGT는 總輪膽管 結紮後 12時間에 急激히 上昇됨에 比해 肝組織의 膜結合 및 可溶性 5'-NT와 GGT는 2日째에 顯著히 上昇되었다. 그리고 그 上昇率은 前者가 後者에 比해 훨씬 높았다. 한편 血淸肝性 ALP와 肝組織의 膜結合 및 可溶性 ALP는 모두 12時間에 急激히 增加되었으며 그 上昇率은 역시 前者가 높았다. Actinomycin D를 總輪膽管 結紮 前後에 投與하고 1日後 이들 酵少의 變動을 關察했을 때 血淸 ALP나 肝組織의 膜結合 ALP는 다같이 懸著히 그 活性이 抑制되었다. 그리고 血淸 및 肝組織의 膜結合 GGT와 肝組織의 膜結合 5'-NT는 actinomycin D 投與後 1日에는 意義있는 抑制 現象을 보이지 않았다. 그러나 1.5日 後에는 肝組織의 膜結合 5'-NT와 GGT는 意義있는 抑制 現象을 나타내었다. 이와는 反面에 血淸 5'-NT는 actinomycin D를 投與하지 않은 總輪膽管 結察群보다 약 75%의 增加를 보였다. 總輪膽管 結紮로서 血淸의 ALP, AST 및 LDH는 다같이 12時間부터 顯著히 增加되어 1日에는 最固値에 達하고 以後 減少되기는 하나 繼續 높은 値를 維持하였다. 그리고 그 增加率의 크기는 血淸 ALP, AST, LDH의 順序였다. 그러나 部分膽管을 結紮한 흰쥐에서는 이들 酵素가 前者에 比해 經度의 增加에 不過하였다. 總輪膽管을 結紮했을 때 肝組織의 總 ALP, 總 AST 및 LDH는 5'-NT, GGT 및 ALP와는 달리 오히려 總輪膽管 結紮後 1日 또는 2日後부터 減少되어 繼續 減少된 値를 보였다. 그리고 역시 部分膽管 結紮群에서도 膽道가 閉鎖된 肝葉이 減少된 値를 나타내었으며 그 減少率은 總輪膽管 結紮群보다 낮았다. 한편 部分膽管을 結紮한 흰쥐에서는 血淸 bilirubin의 增加가 없음에도 血淸 5'-NT, GGT 그리고 血淸肝性 ALP는 모두 實驗 全期間동안 增加되었다. 그러나 그 增加의 程度는 總輪膽管을 結紮한 흰쥐보다는 낮았다. 또한 肝組織中의 膜結合 5'-NT, GGT 및 ALP는 같은 흰쥐에서 다같이 膽道가 閉鎖된 肝葉이 膽道가 開放된 肝葉보다 增加되었으며 이것도 역시 總輪膽管을 結紮한 群보다는 낮은 增加率을 보였다. 그리고 肝組織의 可溶性 5'-NT와 GGT는 實驗全期間동안 變動을 보이지 않았다. 그러나 肝組織의 可溶性 ALP는 膽道가 閉鎖된 肝葉이 開放된 肝葉보다 훨씬 높았다. 總輪膽管을 結紮한 흰쥐에서 amino acid mixture-(U)-C의 肝組織 및 血淸蛋白에의 編入速度는 酵素들의 活性 增加보다는 약간 늦게 兩者 모두 總輪膽管 結紮後 1日부터 增加되기 始作하여 6日까지 繼續 높은値를 維持하였다. 한편 部分膽管을 結紮한 動物에서도 역시 膽道가 閉鎖된 肝葉이 膽道가 開放된 肝葉보다 amino acid mixture-(U)-C의 肝蛋白에의 編入率이 增加되었으나 그 增加率은 總輪膽管을 結紮한 흰쥐보다는 낮았다. 그러나 이의 淸血蛋白에의 編入率은 意義있는 增加를 보이지 않았다. 그리고 總輪膽管 結紮 前後에 actinomycin D를 投與했을 때 肝과 血淸蛋白 合成이 顯著히 抑制되었다. 總輪膽管을 結紮한 흰쥐에서 肝은 總輪膽管 結紮後 2日에 약 1.6倍 6日은 약 2.7倍의 腫大를 보였다. 그러나 部分膽管 結紮群에서는 肝臟의 腫大의 程度가 經度에 不過하였다. 그리고 總輪膽管 結紮群이나 部分膽管結紮群 모두 肝組織의 總蛋白 濃度는 別 變動이 없었다. 그러나 可溶性 蛋白의 濃度는 6日에 意義있는 減少를 보였다. 以上의 成績으로 보아 膽汁鬱滯時 惹起되는 血淸 5'-NT 및 GGT의 增加는 肝細胞膜의 生化學的 變性에 依해서 細胞膜에 含存되어 있는 이들 酵素가 血中으로 多量 遊離되어 나오는데 起因할 것으로 생각되며 同時에 膽道細胞의 增殖과 이 細胞에서의 이들 酵素의 合性 亢進이 더욱 甚한 血中增加를 誘導하는 것으로 생각된다. 그리고 어떤 物質에 誘導因子인지는 分明치 않으나 혹 膽汁鬱滯로 因한 膽汁酸의 增加가 이들 酵素合成을 誘導하는 것이 아닌가 생각된다. Changes in the activities of 5'-nucleotidase, gamma-gultamyl transpetidase, and alkaline phosphatase in serum were studied with rats which had bile duct ligated totally and partially over a period of 6 days after operation. The above enzymes were also observed in the activities of both membrane bound and soluble of liver. Activities of alanine aminotransferase, asparate aminotransferase, and lactate dehydrogenase in both serum andliver, and incorporation rates of amino acid mixture-(U)-?? into both serum protein and liver protein were compared with the changes obwerved above. And then the effects of actinomycin D adminstered to totally ligated rats were also observed. The levels of total bilirubin of serum increased sharply after the ligation of the common bile duct. 5'-Nucletidase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and alkaline phosphatase showed increased activities both in membrane bound and in soluble of liver, however, the increases of 5'-nucleotidase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase were not detectable until second day, whereas the significant increase of alkaline phosphatase was detectable within 12 hours after common bile duct ligation. In the serum, however, the activities of these enzymes were significantly elevated in 12 hours after operation. Maximum levels were appeared on first day for 5'-nucleotidase and on third day for alkaline phophatase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. 5'-Nucleotidase activities in the serum of both control rats and totally bile duct ligated ones were forund to be approximately increased by 1.7 fold 1 day after the administration of actinomycin D. The activities of hepatic membrane bound and serum hepatic alkaline phosphatase were significantly diminished 1 day after the administration of actinomycin D. The activities of hepatic membrane bound and soluble of both 5'-nucleotidase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, and serum gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase did not change 1 day after the adminstration of actinomycin D. But the activies of hepatic membrand bound of both 5'-nucleotidase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase were significantly inhbited 1.5 day after the administration of actinomycin D. Partial ligation of bile duct which is the ligation of bile ducts of both median and left lateral lobes, also induced a significant increase of 5'-nucleotidase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, and alkaline phosphatase in serum but serum bilirubin level remained within the normal range. Liver membrane bound of 5'nucleotidase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase also showed a marked increase but liver soluble of those did not change. Alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and lactate dehydrogenase of serum were strikingly increased after total ligation of bile duct, but they were increased moderately in partially ligated rats. And the activities of the three enzymes were markedly decreased in the liver of totally and partially bile ducts ligated rats. Incorporation rates of amino acid mixture-(U)-?? into both serum protein and liver protein showed a significant increase after the total bile duct ligation in rats and reverse effect was observed after the administration of a actinomycin D. In the case of partial ligation, the incorporation rate showed a slight increase in ligated lobe compared with patent lobe of liver. The above results showed that bile duct ligation might cause an early increase in synthesis of he[atic alkaline phosphatase, however, the increase in synthesis of 5'-nucleotidase and gamma-glutamyl transpepetidase is delayed until the phase of bile duct proliferation. The earyl changes within 1 day in serum activities of 5'-nucleotidase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase seemed to be caused by alteration of membrane permeability of hepatic cell.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Research Trends in Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Upland in Korea

        Sun-Il Lee,Chang-Kyu Lee,Gun-Yeob Kim,Hyo-Suk Gwon,Jong-Sik Lee,Eun-Jung Choi,Joung-Du Shin 한국토양비료학회 2019 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.52 No.4

        Global climate change, especially global warming is considered as threat to our future and posterity. Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gas such as carbon dioxide (CO₂), methane (CH₄) and nitrous oxide (N₂O) are the main causes of global warming. The Korean government has set a goal to cut the carbon emissions by 37% based on business-as-usual levels by 2030. According to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), agricultural sector is an important source of greenhouse gas emissions. In this regard, it is common belief that reducing of such emission is of great significance to global climate change. In Korea, upland is one of the main sources of agricultural N₂O emission. In order to analyze domestic research trends related to N₂O emissions in the upland, 53 academic publications from 2009 to September 2019 were critically reviewed. The results were classified according to the research purposes. Reduction technologies of N₂O emission account for approximately 28.3%. N₂O characteristics and assessment for 24.5%, development of N₂O emission factors for 22.6%, and N₂O inventory assessment for 20.8% etc. Biochar, green manure, no tillage, and inhibitor were studied as a means of reducing N₂O release. The optimum technologies to reduce N₂O emission in Korea were discussed and proposed through the previous researches.

      • KCI등재

        가토(家兎)의 임신(姙娠)에 따른 생식기관(生殖器官), 혈중(血中) 성(性)Hormone 및 대사물질(代謝物質)의 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        이규승,한성욱,박창식,Lee, Kyu Seung,Han, Sung Wook,Park, Chang Sik 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1982 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.9 No.1

        가토(家兎)의 임신기간(姙娠期間)에 따른 난소(卵巢), 갑상선(甲狀腺) 및 부신(副腎)의 중량변화(重量變化)와 조직학적(組織學的) 변화(變化)를 조사(調査)하고 아울러 혈청중(血淸中)의 성(性) hormone농도(濃度)와 대사물질(代謝物質)의 함량(含量)을 분석(分析)하여 정상가토(正常家兎)와 비교검토(比較檢討)한 바 다음과 같은 결론(結論)을 얻었다. 1. 난소(卵巢)의 중량(重量)은 임신기간(姙娠期間)이 경과(經過)함에 따라 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되는 증가(增加)를 하였으며, 분만후(分娩後)에는 정상(正常)으로 회복(回復)되는 경향(傾向)이었다. 조직(組織)의 변화(變化)는 임신(姙娠) 3주후(週後)까지는 황체세포(黃體細胞)가 비대(肥大)되고 분비과립(分泌顆粒)의 형성(形成)이 매우 활발(活發)하였으나 그후(後)로는 퇴행성변화(退行性變化)를 보였다. 2. 갑상선(甲狀腺)의 중량(重量)은 모든 관찰시간(觀察時間)에서 대조군(對照群)에 비(比)하여 높은 값을 나타내었는데, 임신(姙娠) 1, 3 및 4주후(週後)에서 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되었다. 조직(組織)의 변화(變化)는 임신(姙娠) 1주후(週後)부터 상피세포(上皮細胞)의 비대(肥大) 및 엔주화(円柱化)를 나타내어 기능항진상(機能抗進像)을 보였다. 3. 부신(副腎)의 중량(重量)은 임신(姙娠) 4주후(週後)에서만 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되었지만 모든 관찰시간(觀察時間)에서 대조군(對照群)에 비(比)하여 높은 값을 나타내었다. 부신(副腎)의 조직(組織)에 있어서 색상대(索狀帶)와 강상대(綱狀帶)는 근소(僅少)한 기능항진상(機能抗進像)을 보였고, 구상대(球狀帶)와 수질(髓質)은 특별(特別)한 변화(變化)를 인정(認定)할 수 없었다. 4. 혈청중(血淸中) progesterone의 농도(濃度)는 임신(姙娠) 2주후(週後)에, LH의 농도(濃度)는 임신(姙娠) 1주후(週後)에 각각(各各) 최고치(最高値)를 보였고, 그후(後)로는 급속(急速)히 감소(減少)되는 경향(傾向)이었다. 5. 혈청중(血淸中) estradiol-$17{\beta}$와 FSH의 농도(濃度)는 각각(各各) 20.0pg/ml와 1.30mIU/ml이하(以下)의 수준(水準)이었다. 6. 혈청중(血淸中)의 총단백질(總蛋白質)과 비단백태질소(非蛋白態窒素) 화합물(化合物)의 양(量)은 임신기간(姙娠期間)이 경과(經過)될수록 계속(繼續) 감소(減少)하였는데, 임신(姙娠) 3주후(週後)부터 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되었다. 7. 혈청총지방량(血淸總脂肪量)은 임신(姙娠) 3주후(週後)까지는 큰 변화(變化)가 없었으나, 임신(姙娠) 4주후(週後)와 분만(分娩) 5일후(日後)에 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되는 증가(增加)를 보였다. 8. 혈청(血淸) cholesterol량(量)은 임신(姙娠) 3주후(週後)까지는 감소(減少)되는 경향(傾向)으로써 임신(姙娠) 3주후(週後)에 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되는 감소(減少)를 하였고, 임신(姙娠) 4주후(週後)와 분만(分娩) 5일후(日後)에는 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되는 증가(增加)를 나타내었다. 9. 혈청(血淸) calcium량(量)은 임신기간(姙娠期間)이 경과(經過)됨에 따라 계속(繼續) 감소(減少)되는 경향(傾向)을 보였는바, 임신(姙娠) 3주(週)와 4주후(週後)에는 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되었다. 혈청인(血淸燐)의 함량(含量)은 임신(姙娠) 4주후(週後)에 유의성(有意性)이 인정(認定)되는 감소(減少)를 하였다. The study was conducted to find out the concentrations of sex hormones and the contents of metabolites in serum, and the changes of weights and tissues on ovary, thyroid gland and adrenal gland according to gestation period in rabbit. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The ovary weights were increased significantly with the time e lapse after gestation and recovered normally at 5 days after parturition. In the histological changes of ovary, the lutein cells were hypertrophied and the secretory granules were increased actively until 3 weeks after gestation, and then a trophied thereafter. 2. The thyroid gland weights at all observation times were higher than those in control group, and the significance was recognized at 1, 3 and 4 weeks after gestation. The histological features of the secretory epithelium were the hyper trophic and columnar condition stimulating the functional state from 1 week after gestation. 3. The adrenal gland weights in experimental group were recognized significantly at 4 weeks after gestation, but showed higher than those in control group at all observation times. The zona fasciculata and zona reticularis of the gland showed the slight hypertrophic condition, but the zona glomeerulosa and adrenal medulla did not find out any particular changes. 4. The serum concentrations of progesterone and LH reached a peak level at 2 weeks and 1 week after geestation respectively, and rapidly began to decline thereafter. 5. The serum concentrations of estradiol-$17{\beta}$ and FSH were not detected below 20.0 pg/ml and 1.3 mIU/ml respectively. 6. The contents of total protein and non-protein nitrogen nitrogen were decreased gradually with the time elapse after gestation, but the significant differences were recognized from 3 weeks. 7. The total lipids were not changed markedly until 3 weeks, but increased significantly at 4 weeks after gestation and at 5 days after parturition. 8. The serum cholesterol tended to be decreased until 3 weeks, but increased at 4 weeks after gestation and at 5 days after parturition. 9. The serum calcium showed a continuous decrease during the gestation period, but the significant differences were recognized at 3 and 4 weeks. The serum phosphorus also had a significant decrease at 4 weeks after gestation.

      • KCI등재후보

        암세포 증식에 대한 YB-1 안티센스 올리고핵산염의 영향

        김명성 ( Myung Sung Kim ),이완식 ( Wan Sik Lee ),박창환 ( Chang Hwan Park ),주영은 ( Young Eun Joo ),김현수 ( Hyun Soo Kim ),최성규 ( Sung Kyu Choi ),유종선 ( Jong Sun Rew ),정영도 ( Young Do Jung ),김세종 ( Sei Jong Kim ),안봉환 대한내과학회 2006 대한내과학회지 Vol.71 No.3

        Background: Human YB-1 is a transcription factor that binds to the inverted CCAAT box in the promoter region of a variety of genes such as PCNA, DNA polymerase and MDR. In this study we evaluated the effect of YB-1 antisense oligonucleotides on tumor cell growth. Methods: Chang liver, HepG2 and CT-26 cells were cultured as immortalized cell lines. The MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl] 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay, Northern blot and flow cytometric analyses were used to determine cell growth, gene expression and cell cycle changes. In an animal model, CT-26 cells were injected into Balb/c mice to induce tumor; YB-1 antisense oligonucleotides were injected into the tail vein or tumor tissue of the mice; change of tumor size was then measured. Results: Phosphorothioated YB-1 antisense oligonucleotides suppressed the proliferation of the immortalized liver cells (Chang liver cells) and a variety of cancer cells (HepG2 and CT-26 cells); however, it did not inhibit normal cell growth. The DOTAP/antisense oligonucleotide mixture showed stronger effects on cell proliferation than did the antisense oligonucleotide alone. The YB-1 antisense oligonucleotide decreased specific expression of the YB-1 mRNA in the immortalized cancer cell lines. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that the inhibition of cell proliferation might have been due to a decrease in the S phase of the cell cycle. We found that in an animal tumor model, the administration of the YB-1 antisense oligonucleotide, in the vein or tumor tissues, decreased the tumor size significantly. Conclusions: These results suggest that the YB-1 antisense oligonucleotide may inhibit growth of a variety of cancer cells.(Korean J Med 71:293-301, 2006)

      • 이온빔에 의해 제조한 TiN 박막의 기계적 성질

        장문식,이규용 釜慶大學校 1997 釜慶大學校 論文集 Vol.2 No.2

        Hard coating on cutting tools have become an imteresting research area in mechanical engineering. Thin film of titanium nitride(TiN) has beem used to extend tool life using its high hardness, wear resistance and high melting point. This film material can be prepared usually by CVD or PVD, but CVD involves high temperature processing and low deposition rate, Dual ion beam(DIM) deposition, a simultaneous process of sputter deposition and ion beam assist, is a movel technique for achieving excellent film properties with enhanced adhesion to the substrate. TiN films hace been prepared on the WC insert tip using DIB deposition techniqe. The effects of processing parameters such as N/Ti arrival ratio and ion beam crrent to the crystal structures and mechanical properties of the films were investigated. XRD analysis indicated that the crystalline structure of the TiN films was changed from amorphous phase forr N/Ti ratio of 0.5 to TiN(200) for high N/Tiratio of 1.0. The lowest wear rate of the film was obtained with N/Ti ration of 1.25 and ion beam current of 0.6 mA whih showed both high hardness and good adhesion to the substrate.

      • Bleomycin이 Mouse 간장의 Alkaline Phosphatase 활성에 미치는 영향

        이규식,정호삼,이군자,김종우 한양대학교 의과대학 1987 한양의대 학술지 Vol.7 No.2

        Bleomycin hydrochloride isolated from the Streptomyces veticillus has been widely used as an anticancer drug. In exhibits specific antineoplastic activity against squamous epithelial carcinomas of the skin. Bleomycin causes inhibition of DNA and protein synthesis by incorporating bithiazole group of the drug into DNA. The author undertook the present study to investigate the effect of bleomycin on the alkaline phosphatase activity in the mouse liver. The experimental animals were sacrificed at 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours after administration of 150 mg/kg of bleomycin. The activity of lkaline phosphatase was observed by Gomori's method for histochemical study. The results were as follows. The activity of alkaline phosphatase was decreased in the entire hepatic lobule of the 12 hours belomycin treated group and recovered in the 24 hours bleomycin treated group. Consequently, it is suggested that bleomycin has the cytotoxic effect on the hepatocytes.

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