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        최근 국내외에서 육성된 무궁화 127 품종 중 조경적 활용가치가 높은 유망품종 선발

        김광호 ( Kim Kwang-ho ),이춘석 ( Lee Chun-suk ),강호철 ( Kang Ho-chul ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2016 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        본 연구는 조경수용 무궁화 우수품종 보급을 위한 유전자원 수집과 특성을 평가하기 위해 최근 국내외에서 육성된 127품종의 1년생 접목묘를 이용하여 2014년부터 2015년까지 2년 동안 생육 및 형태적 특성조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 품종 중 화색 및 꽃이특이한 품종을 조사하여 무궁화를 조경수로 활용도를 높이는데 기여하고자 하였으며 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 품종들의 화색별 분류로는 크게 분홍색 단심(pink color with red eye spot), 흰색 단심(white color withred eye spot), 붉은 자주색 단심(purplish red color with red eye spot), 분홍보라색 단심(violet pink color with red eye spot), 심홍색단심(crimson color with red eye spot), 흰색 바탕에 붉은색 무늬의 이중색(asadal), 흰색(white color), 푸른색(blue color) 등 총 8종류로 분류되었다. 화색이 붉은 자주색으로서 적색이 강한 꽃으로 국내에서 육성된 품종으로 ‘광명’, ‘난파’, ‘노스페이스’, ‘불새’, ‘비단’,‘송암’, ‘영창’, ‘적퍼소’, ‘키호’, ‘탐라’, ‘화수레드’, ‘환희’ 등이 있었으며, 국외에서 육성되어 국내에 도입된 품종으로는 ‘Aphrodite’,‘Dr. Uemoto’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Pink Cup’, ‘PS 80-1’, ‘Purpureus Variegatus’, ‘Red Giant’, ‘Woodbridge’ 등이 있었다. 화색이 분홍보라색으로서 특이한 품종으로는 ‘꼬마’, ‘도투락’, ‘명미’, ‘병화’, ‘산처녀’, ‘태화’, ‘Hikari-hanagasa’, ‘Little Kim Violet’ 등이 있었다. 화색이 심홍색으로 기존의 꽃에서는 볼 수 없는 특이한 품종으로 ‘종무’와 ‘Ruffled Satin’ 등이 있었다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 품종중 조경수용 소재로 보급할 수 있는 품종중 기존 품종에 비해 꽃의 크기가 큰 품종으로 무궁화 종간교잡종인 Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, ‘Daeil’,‘Jina’ 등이 있었다. 반면 꽃이 작고 조경적 가치가 높은 품종으로 ‘꼬마’, ‘미백’, ‘안동’, ‘릴킴’, ‘은하수’ 등이 있었다. 백단심계 무궁화‘꼬마’ 품종은 수고가 작은 왜성형으로 꽃의 크기가 5.2cm로 작은 소형화 품종으로 나타났다. 기존 품종에 비해 단심의 길이가 긴품종으로 ‘훈장’과 ‘하이리레드’가 있었다. 홍단심계 무궁화 ‘훈장’은 꽃의 크기는 12.0cm로 중간크기이나 단심길이는 4.8cm로 지금까지육성된 품종중 가장 긴 품종이었다. 또한 홍단심계 무궁화 ‘하이리레드’의 단심길이 역시 4.2cm로 꽃잎 길이에 비해 단심의 길이가 길어 조경적 가치가 높은 것으로 판단되었다. This study was carried out to characterize 127 recently developed cultivars of Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus spp.) in Korea and foreign Countries for landscape uses. The examined factors were growth characteristics such as tree height of a 1-year grafted plant(cm), plant type, growth habit, leaf characteristics such as shape and size, flower characteristics such as color, shape, size, and red eye during 2014 and 2015 for landscape uses. The results are obtained as follows; In the results of flower color of the 127 recently developed cultivars, pink color with red eye spot, white color with red eye spot, purplish red color with red eye spot, violet purple color with red eye spot, crimson color with red eye spot, asadal, blue color with red eye spot, and white color were distributed. In the flower characteristics, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’ had the largest flower size of 16.0cm out of the 127 cultivars. H. syriacus ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Ggoma’ were cultivars with smaller flowers than other cultivars. H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ had largest red eye, of 5.2cm of length compared to the other cultivars. The cultivars with unique flower color for landscape uses are H. syriacus ‘Kwangmyung’, ‘Nanpa’, ‘North face’, ‘Bulsae’, ‘Bidan’, ‘Songam’, ‘Youngchang’, ‘Jukpeoso’, ‘Kiho’, ‘Tamla’, ‘Hwasoored’ and ‘Hwanhee’. These flowers had a purplish red color and were developed in Korea. H. syriacus ‘Aphrodite’, ‘Dr. Uemoto’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Pink Cup’, ‘PS 80-1’, ‘Purpureus Variegatus’, ‘Red Giant’, ‘Woodbridge’ also had unique flowers with a purplish red color and were introduced from foreign countries. In addition, cultivars with violet pink flowers were H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Doturak’, ‘Myungmi’, ‘Byunghwa’, ‘Sancheonyu’, ‘Taehwa’, ‘Hikari-hanagasa’, and ‘Little Kim Violet’. ‘Jongmoo’ and ‘Ruffled Satin’ had flowers with crimson color. Therefore, the new cultivars with unique flower colors were a promising cultivars to a woody landscape plant. Cultivars with large flower sizes were Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daemang’, and Hibiscus hybrid ‘Jina’. H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Mibeak’, ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Eunhasu’ had small flower sizes. Cultivars with long red eye were H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ and H. syriacus ‘Hi Lea Red’. Therefore, the new cultivars, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daemang’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Jina’ with large flower sizes, H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Mibeak’, ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Eunhasu’ with small flower sizes, H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ and H. syriacus ‘Hi Lea Red’ with long red eye, were promising cultivars to a woody landscape plant.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        국산 Lidocaine 알칼리화를 위한 Bicarbonate 혼합시 침전유발 최소량에 대한 고찰

        이선호,김현수,곽인숙,안원식,최관호,김광민,손민제 대한마취과학회 2000 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.39 No.5

        Background : When local anesthetics for regional anesthesia is used, usually small amounts of bicar-bonate are added for rapid onset. This addition gives the mixed solution a more alkaline pH. The following result is an increased unionized form of the local anesthetic and rapid penetration of the drug into tiissue. Unfortunately, no data about adequate mixing volumes of domestic lidocaine and bicarbonate is available. Methods : We examined six mixing pairs of two kinds of 2% lidocaines and three kinds of 8.4% bicarbonates for minimum volumes of bicarbonate to cause a precipitation of 2% 20 ml lidocaine. Results : The mean volumes of bicarbonate to cause precipitation were 1.54 ml for Kwang-Myung lidocaine with Kwang-Myung bicarbonate, 2.90 ml for Kwang-Myung lidocaine with Dae-Won bicarbonate, 2.73 ml for Kwang-Myung lidocaine with Je-Il bicarbonate, 0.97 ml for Je-Il lidocaine with Kwang-Myung bicarbonate, 1.26ml for Je-Il lidocaine with Dae-Won bicarbonate and 1.39 ml for Je-Il lidocaine with Je-Il bicarbonate. Conclusions : We conclude that the Kwang-Myung lidocaine and the Je-Il lidocaine could cause precipitation when mixing with a smaller bicarbonate volume than foreign textbook recommended. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2000; 39: 726-729)

      • 트레드밀 걷기 운동 시 무게부하의 차이가 호흡순환기능 및 대사기능에 미치는 영향

        김용규,이채산,김자영,박미숙,김광중,이광호 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to compare on cadiopulmonary and metabolism function of 10㎏ weight loading group(10 females) and W university students with non weight loading group(10 females. Each group did treadmill walking exercise for twenty minutes by the modified balke protocol. Heart rate(HR), systolic(SBP), MVO₂, and VO₂max were analyzed using 2×2(groups×during) repeated measures analysis of variance (MANOVA). And peak blood velocity(PBV) and MBV were analyzed by using 2×2(groups×during) repeated measures analysis of variance (MANOVA). Lactate and glucose were amalyed by separate 2×2 (groupxduring) analysis of variance(ANOVA). Results of this study suggest that: The change of HR, SBP and MVO₂ in experience and control group showed the significant(p<.05) increase during walking exercise. Variables between experience and control group showed not significant level. But VO₂ in each group showed the significant(p<.001) increase during walking exercise. Differenc among each group showed significant(p<.001) level. Lactate and glucose level in each group showed significant(p<.001, p<.05) increase during walking exercise. Differences among each group showed not significant level. PBV and MBV in each group significant(p<.001) increase during walking exercise. Difference among each group showed significant(p<.05) level. According to these results, weight loading walking exercise considering safety promotes to cardiovascular function and it is expected to be an effective exercise methods able to improve the physical inefficiency of long time walking type.

      • KCI등재
      • FPD 스토커 유틸리티 설계에 관한 연구

        김석동,김광겸,김동일,김우성 호서대학교 반도체제조장비국산화연구센터 2000 반도체 장비기술 논문집 Vol.2000 No.-

        본연구에서는 FPD 스토커 유틸리티 데이타 베이스부분과 이와 관련한 Registry system을 집중적으로 분석하여 FPD 스토커 유틸리티 설계에 관한 여구를 수행하였다. GUI를 통해 윈도우 환경에서 구성하기 위해 MFC(Microsoft Foundation Class)의 멀티플(Mutiple) 다큐멘트(Document)/뷰(View), 즉 MDI 구조를 사용하였다. 어플리케이션에서 사용되는 데이터를 관리하는 다큐멘트와 다큐멘트의 내용을 사용자에게 보여주는 역할과 사용자로부터 발생된 이벤트를 처리하는 부분으로 구성하였다. GUI가 실행되어 메인 쓰레드(Main Thread)가 만들어 지면 모든 데이터베이스 조작들과 모든 다큐멘트/뷰 상호작용을 처리되며다음과 같이 수행하였다. 1) 데스크탑(Desktop)매니저 생성 2) 메시지 버스를 담당하는 메시지 버스 쓰레드를 생성 3) 레지스트리(Registry)의 데이터를 이용하여 설정 4) 데이터베이스 초기화 스토커(Stocker) 그래픽 사용자 인터페이스(GUI)는 기계 조작자가 쉽고 편하게 Material의 저장과 검색을 할 수 있도록 엔진(Engine)르 가지고 통신하는 어플리케이션을 개발하였다.

      • 입원 중인 베트남 참전 군인의 삶의 만족도와 관련된 요인

        김애리,박종,김율,노희송,박광희,김은숙,김형철,홍강식,류소연,강명근,김기순 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2007 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.32 No.2

        Background and Objectives: The aim of the study was to identify the factors associated with life satisfaction of hospitalized Vietnam veterans. Material and Methods: The data were collected from 200 hospitalized Vietnam veterans of 5 veterans hospitals in Korea from September 13 to 23, 2004. Information of general characteristics, health behavior, disease history, family function, depression and life satisfaction were collected by structured questionnaire. Results: The mean of life satisfaction was 21.48(±6.03), and the mean of depression was 53.10(±9.64). The prevalence of depression was mild depression 24.0%, moderate depression 43.5% and severe depression 25.0%. Depression was associated with life satisfaction and depression was higher, life satisfaction was lower. Family function and age were positively associated with life satisfaction, Conclusion: Life satisfaction was affected by depression and family function in hospitalized Vietnam veterans. Therefore, it was thought that psychosocial approaches such as improve depression and family function in care of hospitalized Vietnam veterans is required.

      • 항암화학요법을 받는 암 환자에 대한 Nucare^R의 영양지지효과

        조덕연,김현수,곽상혁,강정현,김철희,배광봉,김종숙,박상준,윤환중,김삼용 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1997 충남의대잡지 Vol.24 No.1

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of nutritional support with enteral liquid supplement in cancer patients receving chemotherapy for possible benefit in nutritional, immunologic and golbal function of patients. Patients and Methods : From October 1995 to February 1997, 30 advanced cancer patients receving chemotherapy were divided two roups. The Nycare group, in addition to normal diet, Nucare^R enteral supplement was given for 1week right after chemotherapy for the duration of 2 chemotherapy cycles. Control group received only normal diet without parenteral fluid supplement for 2 chemotherapy cycles. Results : Median ages were 53 end 56 years for Nucare group and Contrl group respectively. Performance scores was less than 2 by ECOG scale. All patients were stage Ⅲ or Ⅳ. The physical parameters, such as weight, arm muscle circumference(AMC) and triceps skin fold(TSF) were decreased in both groups after 2 cycles of anticancer therapy. but it was less severe in Nucare group(p<0.05). Serum transferrin was maintained in mild deficit state in Nucare group, whereas it aggravated form mild to moderate deficit in Control group(p<0.05). Serum albumin level increased in Nucare group without statistical significance. but it decreased from normal to mild deficit in Control group. Serum total protein did not change significantly in Nucare group. but in Control group, serum total protein was decreased from 7.24±0.9 to 6.52±0.5(P<0.05). Total lymphocyte count did not change significantly in both groups. Conclusion : This study shows that the nutritional support with Nucare^R was effective in the prevention of nutritional deficit status in patients receving a nticancer chemotherapy.

      • 내시경적 점막절제술로 치험한 식도 과립상 세포종 1례

        강혁주,김성욱,최석진,이중현,장재식,서영범,윤병구,박건욱,김성자,김용섭,강승완,이구,양창헌,이창우,김욱년,이광헌,서정일 동국대학교 의학연구소 2000 東國醫學 Vol.7 No.-

        과립상 세포종은 Schwann 세포 기원으로 생각되며 인체에 비교적 드물게 발생한다. 과립상 세포종은 전신 어느 곳에서나 발견될 수 있으나 주로 혀, 구강, 피부 혹은 유방 등에서 호발하며 드물게 위장관에서 발견된다. 위장관에서는 식도에서 가장 호발하며 다음으로 위, 대장 순이다. 과립상 세포종은 대부분, 특히 위장관에서는 양성이며 소수의 악성 병변이 보고되었다. 이러한 이유와 함께 수술 전의 진단이 어렵기 때문에 과립상 세포종에 대한 근본적인 치료는 현재까지 외과적 절제술이다. 최근에 시도되는 치료방법들로는 내시경적 레이저 치료, 용종절제술, 내시경적 점막 절제술 등이 있다. 저자들은 상부 소화관 내시경검사를 시행하여 식도 과립상 세포종을 진단하고 내시경적 점막 절제술을 시행하여 합병증 없이 퇴원하여 현재 재발없이 경과 관찰중인 1례를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. Granular cell tumors, which occur infrequently, are probably of Schwann cell origin. They can occur almost anywhere in the body but usually affect the tongue, oral cavity, skin, or breasts and are rarely found in the gastrointestinal tracts. The esophagus is the most frequent gastrointestinal site, followed by the stomach and the colon. Granular cell tumors are generally benign, especially in the gastrointestinal tract, some malignant lesions have been reported. For this reason, and also because preoperative diagnosis is difficult, the standard treatment for granular cell tumor has until now been surgical excision. In recent years, other therapeutic methods is endoscopic laser therapy (ELT), polypectiomy, endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). We report a case of esophageal granular cell tumor which was diagnosed by an endoscopy and managed using an endoscopic mucosal resection without complication.

      • Plenary Session 2 : PS-2-1 ; Outcomes of hepatitis B virus recurrence after liver transplantation: a multicenter analysis in Korea

        ( Hee Yeon Kim ),( Jong Young Choi ),( Dong Goo Kim ),( Myoung Soo Kim ),( Soon Il Kim ),( Shin Hwang ),( Sung Gyu Lee ),( Kwang Woong Lee ),( Kyung Suk Suh ),( Young Seok Han ),( Dong Lak Choi ),( Se 대한간학회 2012 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2012 No.-

        Background: The outcome of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection after liver transplantation (LT) was improved by hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) and nucles(t)ide analogue (NUA). However, HBV recurrence after LT is critical because the recurrence is occasionally accompanied by a progressive destruction of graft and poor survival. The aims of this study were to investigate the significance HBV recurrence and identity factors associated with HBV recurrence. Methods: From October 1999 to February 2011, a total of 2684 consecutive LT recipients who underwent HBV-associated LT were retrospectively enrolled from 7 transplantation centers in Korea. Results: Prophylaxis regimens were HBIG monotherapy (67.7%) or a combination of HBIG with NUA (22.3%). The recurrence rate of HBV was 6.1% (164 recipients) during mean follow-up duration of 10.9 years. The median time from transplantation to recurrence was 2.1 years (0.1-7.9 years). Of the 1,071 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) prior to LT, 155 patients (14.5%) had HCC recurrence after transplantation, and 48 patients (31.0%) had HBV recurrence. Of the 48 patients with recurrence of both HBV and HCC, 25 patients (52.1%) experienced HBV recurrence after HCC recurrence. In the multivariate analysis, pretransplant HCC, pretransplant HBV DNA above 5.5 log copies/mL was independent clinical factors influencing HBV recurrence after LT. The mortality rate among the recipients with HBV recurrence was 34.1% (56 recipients). Mean overall survival was 6.4 years in the HBV-recurrence group and 9.9 years in the HBV-nonrecurrence group (p<0.001). HBV recurrence was not an independent prognostic factor for overall survival. HCC recurrence was the most important factor for overall survival. Conclusions: The overall outcome of LT in HBV-related liver disease was excellent with the current prophylaxis regimen Choon Hyuck David Kwon,8 Suk-Koo Lee8 Pretransplant HBV DNA and HCC were important factors for HBV recurrence. HBV recurrence after LT did not significantly influence on the overall survival without combining of HCC recurrence.

      • 단기배양을 통한 말초혈액 CD34 양성세포의 체외증폭

        박상준,김철희,배광봉,김현수,김종숙,윤환중,조덕연,김삼용 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1997 충남의대잡지 Vol.24 No.1

        Background: It is suggested that clinical practice in the areas of bone marrow transplantation and gene therapy might rely on the ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. However, the condition for ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic progenitor cells is not well established. The authors pursued a series of experiments to define the proper conditions for the expansion of hematopoietic cells in the short-term liquid suspension culture of mobilized peripheral blood CD34+ cells. Methods: 1.0ml cultures were initiated with 9×10^3 PB CD34+ cells, which were isolated from PB mononuclear cells (MNCs) by high-gradient cell sorting, in 12 well plates with the various combinations of hematopoietic growth factors(HGF). The following recombinant human HGFs were used: stem cell factor(SCF) 100ng/ml, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor(G-CSF) 100ng/ml, GM-CSF(granulocyte, macrophage colony-stimulating factor) 100ng/ml, interleukin-1 beta(IL-1B) 1ng/ml, interleukin-3(IL-3) 20ng/ml, interleukin-6 (IL-6) 100ng/ml. At the end of culture, colony-forming cells were evaluated by semisolid clonogenic assay. Results: 1) Using the high-gradient magnetic sorting system, CD34^+ cells were isolated with a yield of 40 3% 2) In 7 day culture of PB CD34^+ cells(9×10^3 cells), nucleated cells expanded mean 10×10^3(range, 9 to 20×10^3) with the addition of SCF alone, 35×10^3(range, 10 to 60×10^3) with SCF plus G-CSF plus GM-CSF, and 130×10^3(range, 40 to 300×10^3) with the combination of SCF, G-CSF, IL-1, IL-3, IL-6, GM-CSF. In 14 day culture, nucleated cells expanded 10×10^3 to 1,860×10^3 with combination of human hematopoietic growth factors. 3) In 10 day culture without medium change of PB CD34^+ cells, CFU-GM numbers expanded 16. 5 fold(range, 7 to 59 fold) with the addition of SCF plus G-CSF plus Il-1 plus IL-3, 31.3 fold(range, 20.5 to 101.1 fold) with the combination of SCF, G-CSF, IL-1, IL-3, GM-CSF. In 14 day culture with or without medium change of PB CD34^+ cells was inferior to 10 day culture for CFU-GM expansion. 4) There was no significant difference for CFU-GM expansion between five growth factors(SCF,G-CSF,IL-1,IL-3,GM-CSF) and six growth factors(five growth factors plus IL-6). Conclusion: The authors could confirm that short-term suspension culture of peripheral blood CD34+ cells could expand hematopoietic progenitor cells. Ten-day culture with medium change of CD34+ cells with the addition of five growth factors, i.e. SCF, G-CSF, IL-1B, IL-3, and GM-CSF, might be the most efficient in this system.

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