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        실험적 급성 허혈성 신부전에서 Verapamil 이 혈중 Polyamine 동태에 미치는 영향

        원동준(Dong Jun Won),권현민(Hyun Min Kwon),김용섭(Yong Seop Kim),구자룡(Ja Ryong Gu),권영주(Young Ju Kwon),조원용(Won Yong Cho),김형규(Hyung Kyu Kim) 대한내과학회 1991 대한내과학회지 Vol.40 No.6

        It has been proposd that calcium entry from an external medium increases intracellular free calcium to toxic levels during ischemic acute renal failure, and verapamil (ARF) has been suggested as the agentblocking calicium entry into renal cells and protecting renal function during ischemic injury. Polyamines, anorganic cations that play various roles in normal cellular proliferation and differentiation, accumulate in renal failare. Alsa it has been suggested tht the synthesis and metabolism of polyamine are influence by acute changes of the general condition, such as acute renal failure, and are mediated by a calcium influx into the cells. The study was designed to study the protective effects of systemic verapamil pretreatment on renal function and the influence on polyamine metabolism in experimental ischemic ARF in cats. For these purpose, the experimental animals were divided into 2 groups. While Group I (n=5) was an ischemic ARF model by renal artery clamping for 60 minutes, Group II (n=5) was ischemic ARF with systemic verapamil (5 ml/min/kg) pretreatment. The creatinine clearance and plasma and urinary polyamine were measured in each group before and after the renal artery clamp. The results were as follows: 1) Creatinine clearance before and after the renal artery clamp were 10.64±7.18 ml/min/kg and 2.09±1. 70 ml/min/kg in Group I, 4.47±3.38 ml min/kg and 0.60±0.79ml/min/kg in Group II, respectively, So creatinine clearance decreased more significantly in Group II campared with Group I. 2) Plasma polyamine increased after ischemia in Group I. In group I, plasma levels of putrescine, spermidine, and spermine before ischemia were 4.75±0.40 nmol/ml, 0.69±0.09 nmol/ml, and 0.83±0.63 nmol/ml, were elevated to 7.17±2.91 nmol/ml, 9.83±1.46 nmol/ ml, and 2.64±1.14nmol/ml after ischemia. But in Group II, the plasma level of polyamine was not changed, and especially, spermine decreased significantly from 0.83±0.27 before ischemia to 0.49±0.23 nmol/ml after ischenmine (p=0.033). 3) Urine polyamine excretion decreased after ischemia in Group I and Group II. In Group II, urinary excretion of spermidine and spermine before ischemia, 0.13±0.10 nmol/min and 0.17±0.13nmol/min, decreased after ischemia to 0.01±0.01nmol/min (p=0.019) and 0.032±0.26 nmol/min (p=0.0257). 4) In renal tissue, spermine content vas highest. In Group II, preischemic spermine were 397.20 nmol/g and increased to 646.66nmol/g after ischema, But there were no significant changes in the polyamine contents in Group II. From these data, it was suggested that systemic verapamil pretreatment exerts no protective effect on ischemic ARF. Plasma polyamines are elevated in ischemic ARF, and verapamil may protect these elevations.

      • 쿠싱증후군 환자에서 당 대사 이상 정도에 따른 인슐린 감수성과 인슐린 저항성의 변화

        정인경,김성훈,정재훈,민용기,이명식,이문규,유형준,안규정,노정현,김동준,김광원 대한내분비학회 2003 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.18 No.4

        연구배경 당질 코르티코이드는 당 대사에 매우 중요한 호르몬으로 내인성 당질 코르티코이드 과다상태인 쿠싱증후군에서는 말초조직에서 인슐린 저항이 증가하고 이를 보상하고자 인슐린 분비의 증가로 고인슐린혈증이 동반된다고 보고되고 있다. 하지만 생체 내에서와 달리 시험관내에서는 췌도세포에 당질 코르티코이드를 장시간 처리하면, 인슐린 분비 및 생합성이직접적으로 억제됨이 확인된 바 있어 쿠싱증후군 환자에서 당뇨병의 원인으로는 아마도 말초조직에서 증가된 인슐린 저항성 뿐 아니라 이를 충분히 보상하지 못하는 췌장에서의 인슐린 분비 저하가 같이 동반되어있지 않을까 하는 가설을 세우게 되었고, 아직까지 당질코르티코이드가 당대사 이상을 일으키는 기전에 대해 쿠싱증후군을 당대사 정도에 따라 인슐린 감수성과 분비능을 분석한 연구는 없었기에 이를 알아보고자 하였다. 방법: 삼성서울병원에서 쿠싱증후군으로 진단 받은 환자 15명을 대상으로 하였다. 이에 대한 대조군으로는 쿠싱증후군 환자와 같은 성별 그리고 체질량지수를 갖은 15명의 건강한 성인을 대상으로 비교 하였다 쿠싱증후군 환자를 대상으로 경구당부하 검사를 통해 당대사 정도를 정상군, 내당능장애군, 그리고 당뇨병군으로 나눈 후 정맥 당부하 검사를 시행하여 각군의 인슐린 저항성과 인슐린 분비능의 지표를 비교하고, 수술 후 쿠싱증후군이 완치된 상태에서 수술 전후의 당대사 지표의 변화를 조사하였다. 결과: 1) 쿠싱증후군 환자 중 정상인은 20%, 내당능 장애는 27%, 그리고 당뇨병은 53%였다. 체질량지수, 나이, 그리고 발병 기간은 세 군간에 의미 있는 차이가 없었으나, 24시간 소변검사의 코르티솔 농도는 당뇨병군에서 의미있게 높았다. 2) 정맥당부하 검사 결과, 인슐린 감수성 지표인 Sl는쿠싱증추린」서 1.58±0.10[×10^(-4)(min^(-1)(μU/mL)^(-1)]로 정상 대조군의 3.37±0.49[×10^(-4)(min^(-1)(μU/mL)^(-1)]에 비해 의미있게 낮았으나(P=0.024), 쿠싱증후군 환자 중 NGT, IGT, DM 군간에 서로 통계적인 차이는 없었다. 3) SG는 정상 대조군과 쿠싱증후군 환자간에는 의미있는 차이가 없었고, 쿠싱 증후군에 있어서 당대사가 악화될수록 감소하는 경향을 보였으나 의미있는 차이는 없었다. 4) 인슐린 분비능의 지표인 AIRg는 정상인에 비해 전체 쿠싱증후군 환자의 경우 증가하는 경향을 보였으나 의미있는 차이는 없었다. 하지만 쿠싱증후군 환자중에서 당대사 상태에 따라 NGT군은 1299 (1297∼1310)(mu/g/min ×10^(-2))로 정상 대조군(368.9±98.6[mu/g/min ×10^(-2)]) 보다도 의미있게 높았고, DM군{202.2 (91.1~371.4) [mu/g/min ×10^(-2)}은 NGT군에 비해 의미있게 낮았다(P=0.0031). 5) 15명중 현재 완치 상태에 있는 6명에 대해 수술전과 후로 비교하였다. 수술 전 당대사 상태가 1명은정상, 1명은 내당능 장애, 그리고 4명은 당뇨병이었으나 수술 후 시행한 경구 당부하 검사상 모두 정상 당대사 상태를 보였다. 6) 수술 후 완치된 환자 6명에 있어 인슐린 감수성지표인 Sl는 수술전에 중앙값이 1.22[×10^(-4)(min^(-1)(μU/mL)^(-1)]로 대조군에 비해 의미있게 감고』어 있었으나(p.0.05), 수술후 10.95 [×10^(-4)(min^(-1)(μU/mL)^(-1)]로 정상 수준으로 회복되었고(P=0.0022), 인슐린 분비능을 나타내는 AIRg [mu/g/min ×10^(-2)] 값도 정상수준으로 회복되었다. 특히 인슐린 분비능의 회복양상은 혈당농도에 따라 판이하게 나타나서, 정상과 내당능장애 상태에 있던 2명은 수술전에 1201 [mu/g/min ×10^(-2)]로 증가되어 있던 AIRg 값이 수술 후 정상 수준으로 감소하였고, 수술 전에 당뇨병 상태에 있던 4명의 경우 245.9 [mu/g/min ×10^(-2)]로 인슐린 분비능이 감고il어 있었는데 이들은 수술 후 모두 정상 수준으로 증가되었다 (P=0.0286). 결론: 쿠싱증후군 환자에서 당대사 이상은 80%로 높은 유병률을 보였다. 모든 쿠싱증후군환자에서 인슐린 감수성은 정상인에 비해 저하되어 있어 말초조직의 인슐린 저항이 선행됨을 시사하며, 인슐린 분비능은 당대사의 정도에 따라 다르게 나타났는데, 정상 당대사군에서는 인슐린의 저항성을 극복할 만큼 정상 대조군보다 더 많은 양의 인슐린 분비를 하다가 고코르티솔혈증이 심할수록 인슐린 분비능의 감소로 당뇨병으로 진행됨을 확인할 수 있었고, 이런 인슐린 저항성과 인슐린 분비장애는 수술 후 다시 회복되는 가역적인변화를 보였다. Background: Glucocorticoid plays an important role in the control of carbohydrate metabolism. Patients with Cushing's syndrome have been reported to have an increased incidence of carbohydrate intolerance due to peripheral insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, although the exact incidence and nature of this disorder have remained unclear. Few results have been published about insulin resistance and insulin secretion according to the level of glucose concentration, or about the reversibility of such defects in patients with Cushing's syndrome. Methods: To assess the effect of glucocorticoid on the insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in Cushing's syndrome, 15 patients with Cushing's syndrome were classified into 3 groups (normal glucose tolerance: NGT, impaired glucose tolerance: IGT, diabetes: DM) according to the degree of glucose tolerance based on the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Insulin modified, frequently sampled, intravenous glucose tolerance test (FSIGT) was performed before and after curative surgery on these patients and on 15 healthy control subjects. Data were evaluated by non-parametric statistical analysis. Results: 1) Among the 15 patients with Cushing's syndrome, 3 (20%) were NGT, 4 (27%) IGT, and 8 (53%) DM, based on OGTT. Twenty-four hour urinary free cortisol (UFC) was significantly higher in the DM group. 2) Insulin sensitivity index (SI) of Cushing's syndrome was significantly lower than that of the control group p=0.0024), but was not significantly different among the three Cushing's syndrome groups of NGT, IGT and DM. 3) Glucose mediated glucose disposal (SG) (Ed- confirm this abbreviation; it does not seem to match the definition) of Cushing's syndrome was not significantly different from that of the control group. 4) Insulin secretion (AIRg) of Cushing's syndrome tended to be high, but it was not significantly different from that of control. However, according to the level of glucose concentration there was significant difference in AlRg among the three Cushing's syndrome groups p=0.0031); AIRg of DM was significantly lower than that of NGT. 5) After surgical treatment, parameters of insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion were normalized in 6 cured patients; 1 with NGT, 1 with IGT, and 4 with DM, preoperatively. Median SI of all 6 patients was significantly improved up to the normal range postoperatively p=0.0022). Median AIRg of these 6 patients was balanced around that of normal control postoperatively p=0.0286). Conclusion: Eighty percent of patients with Cushing's syndrome had abnormality of carbohydrate metabolism. Insulin sensitivity was significantly decreased in Cushing's syndrome. Insulin secretion was significantly higher only in the NGT and IGT groups of Cushing's syndrome. As the hypercortisolemia is exacerbated, insulin secretion is significantly decreased and causes DM, suggesting that glucocorticoid has a direct or indirect toxic effect on the pancreatic beta cell (J Kor SOC Endocrinol 18:392-403, 2003).


        Improvement of interlaminar properties of carbon fiber‑reinforced epoxy composites using aluminum trihydroxide

        DongJun Kwon,Sung‑Min Park,Il‑Jun Kwon,Joung‑Man Park,Euigyung Jeong 한국탄소학회 2019 Carbon Letters Vol.29 No.2

        This study provides an economical and effective method to improve the interlaminar properties of carbon fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRPs) using aluminum trihydroxide (ATH) microparticles. ATH microparticles are cheap and are expected to show good affinity to epoxies in the matrix and sizing agents of the carbon fibers owing to the presence of three hydroxyl groups. In addition, ATH particles are reported to improve the mechanical properties of polymers when used as the reinforcement. In this study, ATH microparticles of various sizes, 1.5, 10, and 20 μm, were used to improve the interlaminar properties of the CFRPs. ATH particles with a size of 1.5 μm improved the tensile properties of the ATH/epoxy resin and did not significantly alter the curing behavior. The interfacial adhesion between the carbon fiber and the epoxy resin was also improved, and the impregnation of the resin mixture remained similar to that of the neat resin, resulting in no significant void and defect formation. Considering the above results, the resulting 1.5 μm ATH-reinforced CFRP showed improved interlaminar properties compared to CFRP without ATH. However, 10 and 20 μm ATH-reinforced CFRPs showed deteriorated interlaminar properties due to the diminished tensile properties of the resin itself and resin impregnation, which resulted in more voids and defects, despite the interfacial adhesion between the fiber and the matrix resin.

      • 흰쥐에서 탄수화물 종류가 운동시 당 및 지질대사에 미치는 영향

        권태동,전중기,민경선,김형렬,장응찬 대구대학교 기초과학연구소 1998 基礎科學硏究 Vol.15 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of glucose, sucrose, and glucose polymer(GP) ingestion on the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism during treadmill running in rats. Rats were randomly assigned to normal, control and carbohydrate groups. Carbohydrate group was divided into glucose, sucrose and GP ingested rats. The experiment was carried out after overnight fasting. Rats were administrated either normal saline(control) or carbohydrates solutions of formulated glucose(6%), sucrose(6%) and GP(6%) via polyethlene tube to stomach before treadmill run. Exercise was loaded by a treadmill run at the speed of 1 km/hour for 30, 60 and 120 minutes. The results of experiment were as follows: Plasma glucose levels were decreased in proportion to the exercise time in control, but increased at treadmill run 30 minutes and then gradually decreased with the lapse of the exercise time in carbohydrates compared with normal rats. It decreased in control, glucose, sucrose and GP compared with normal rats in decreasing order at treadmill run 120 minutes(% change of plasma glucose level of control, glucose, sucrose and GP compared with normal rats were 67, 74, 87 and 91 in plasma glucose level at treadmill run 120 min., respectively). Plasma lactate levels were increased by the exercise loading compared with normal in control and carbohydrates ingested rats. It increased in control, sucrose and GP in increasing order compared with normal rats, at treadmill run 120 minutes(% change of plasma lactate level of control, glucose, sucrose and GP compared with normal rats were 167, 185, 149 and 114 in plasma lactate level at treadmill run 120 min., respectively). Plasma FFA levels had tendency to increase by the exercise loading compared with normal in control and carbohydrates ingested rats. It showed increase in the sucrose, glucose, GP and control rats in Increasing order compared with normal rats at treadmill run 120 minutes(% change of plasma FFA level of control, glucose, sucrose and GP compared with normal rats were 151, 153, 166 and 152 in plasma FFA level at treadmill run 120 min., respectively). Plasma acetoacetate levels were higher in control compared with carbohydrates ingested rats at treadmill run 30, 60 and 120 minutes. Plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate levels increased by exercise compared with normal rats in control and carbohydrates ingested rats at treadmill run 30, 60, 120 minutes. Plasma insulin levels were decreased in proportion to the exercise time in control compared with normal rats, but in carbohydrates ingested rats increased at treadmill run 30 minutes and then gradually deceased with the lapse of the exercise time compared with normal. In carbohydrates ingested rats, plasma insulin levies were higher than control. Hematocrit did not show any difference between control and carbohydrates rats at treadmill run 30, 60 and 120 minutes. From these experimental results, it is suggested that the exhaustion of skeletal muscle glycogen, the hypoglycemia, the overproduction of lactate and dehydration is delayed in carbohydrates ingested rats. GP of the carbohydrates is considered as the most effective for these effects. Therefore, intake of carbohydrates before exercise, especially GP seems to increase performance in the prolonged moderate exercise.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        개의 췌도분리에서 췌장의 팽창과 콜라겐 분해요소

        이상훈,김성주,박정환,김종성,오승훈,한진수,정인경,양태영,김동준,김광원,이문규,민용기,이명식,정재훈,함종렬 대한당뇨병학회 2000 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.24 No.2

        Backgrounds: One of the main problems conditioning the outcome of islet transplantation is the ability to separate a sufficient number of viable islets with preserved function. Islet purification is critically affected by all of the isolation stages. Thus, it is necessary to set up the standard isolation method that islets are separate well from acinar without compromising islet yield and viability. Methods: Twenty three adult mongrel dogs were used for the experiment of total pancreatectomy with islet isolation. The islets were properly isolated by a modified Recordi method. The obtained islets were further purified by centrifugation on discontinuous gradients using cell separation system (Model 2991, Cobe, Lakewood Colo). We evaluated islet number (islet equivalent number, 150 um equivalents/kg of recipient body weight, IEq/kg), purity, cell volume, viabilty, recovery rate, and comparison of outcome according to the isolation conditions. Results: 1) The mean of islet numbers before purification were 13543±9431Eq/kg, digestion times were 13.8±2.6 min., digestion temperature was 37.4±0.2℃, purity was 59.7?.0%, viability was 90.0±2.1%, cell volume was 4.7±1.1 mL, islet number after purification were 4064±361 IEq/kg, and recovery rate was 29±2.9%. 2) Isolated islet numbers were different according to the degree of pancreas distension with collagenase, digestion temperature, and digestion time. 3) The best conditions for islet isolation were above 37.5℃ in temperature at recirculation of collagenase, within 12 min in digestion time and well distended pancreas with collagenase. 4) According to multiple regression adjusted by variable factors, the degree of pancreas distension with collagenase and digestion time were independently associated factors for successful islet isolation. Conclusions: In this study, we concluded that the degree of pancreas distension with collagenase and digestion time were independent factors for successful islet isolation and the best conditions for islet isolation were above 37.5℃ in temperature at recirculation of collagenase, within 12 min in digestion time and well distended pancreas with collagenase.

      • 中·長距離달리기의 科學 : 生理學的 先行硏究와 現場適用

        민창기,홍성표,김동건,전종귀 忠南大學校體育科學硏究所 1985 體育科學硏究誌 Vol.3 No.1

        There are many difficulties in bridging the gap between scientific abservation and the assimilation into sports performance. The purpose of this review is to provide a digest of the technical aspects of research that form the scientific basis for the concepts that affect the sports of middle and long distance running. The authors reviewed the previous researchs about the following contents: the anatomical, physiological characteristics of the middle, long distance runner; the physiological responses during middle, long distance running; training for the systems of aerobic metabolism; the beforehand researches and their applications.

      • KCI등재

        알코올 사용과 스트레스와의 관련성

        전진용,오동열,구민성,이준석,천근아,박웅섭,김상아 大韓神經精神醫學會 2006 신경정신의학 Vol.45 No.4

        Objectives : This study was designed to assess the relationship between alcohol use and stress. Methods : The study subjects were 1,261 people who drink among the 2,565 people who lived in Gangneung. We investigated the sociodemographic characteristics, Short Form-12 (SF-12), Global Assessment of Recent Stress (GARS) and Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT). Results : In Problem drinking group the GARS was significantly positively associated with the AUDIT (p=0.02). In Social drinking group sex (p<0.001) and age (p=0.02) is significantly associated with the AUDIT. Conclusion : This study showed the significantly positively association between stress and alcohol use. We think that the intervention and active management of the stress can prevent the alcohol problem.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        제지용 도공안료의 표면개질에 의한 도공지 물성과 인쇄적성에 관한 연구(Ⅱ)

        민동진,이희명,조준형,이용규,김용식 한국공업화학회 2004 공업화학 Vol.15 No.1

        도공지의 품질향상을 위하여 도공용 무기안료의 제법개선, 도공액 특성 변화, 도공안료의 설계, 도공지 제조의 조업성 등 다양한 측면에서의 연구들이 진행되고 있다. 본 연구는 표면개질한 도공안료와 혼합처리한 도공안료를 용하여 도공지의 물성 및 인쇄적성을 비교하였다. 도공액 배합 시도공액의 유동특성과 인쇄특성에 영향을 줄 수 있는 여러 인자들을 일정하게 고정하였고 도공안료의 표면개질 유무에 따른 인쇄특성 변화를 조사하였다. 도공지의 표면은 SEM으로 측정하여 표면개질 효율을 조사하였다. 도공액의 물성뿐만 아니라 도공지의 물성 및 인쇄적성에 대한 비교ㆍ평가를 실시하였다. 또한 배합조건을 달리하여 인쇄적성의 효율성을 평가하였다. To improve the quality of coating paper, many areas, such as the manufacturing process of inorganic pigment for the coating, the property change of coating color. the surface design of coating pigment and the productivity of coated paper, were studied. In this study the physical properties and printability of coated paper were compared with the coating pigment to modify the surface of large particle and the coating pigment to mix together the large and small particles. After the coating color was mixed under the same conditions in order that the coating color has the same rheological property printability, the printability change caused by the surface modification of coating color was investigated. With the surface SEM of coated paper. the efficiency of the surface modification of coating pigment was investigated. The physical property and printability of coating paper, in addition to the physical properties of coating color. were compared and evaluated. Also. the efficiency of printability was evaluated, changing the mixing condition

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