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        The composition and the conservation value of Heungchungmu(興淸舞)

        Yoon Sil Choi,Me Suk Kim 한국체육철학회 2014 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        Yeonsangun(燕山君) gathered the court dancers and named them ‘Heung cheong’ in 1504. The researcher, Yoon-Sil Choi who learned the techniques of Gyobangdance(敎坊舞) from Su-Ak Kim, composed a new dance ‘Heungchungmu(興淸舞)’ which expressed the lives of Heungcheong, based on Gyobangdance(敎坊舞). Choi also founded ‘Heungchungmu(興淸舞) Preservation Institute’. Heungchungmu(興淸舞) Preservation Institute strives to preserve Heungchungmu(興淸舞) by establishing branches in the following areas: starting from Seoul, Jeju, Kyong-gi, North Jeonla, South Jeonla, North Chungcheong and South Kyungsang; and by constantly performing in National Gugak Center and rural areas. There has been no studies on Heungchungmu(興淸舞), thus it is required to conduct research on the subject in order to properly pass down Heungchungmu(興淸舞). The purpose of this paper is to provide academic basic data in order to succeed and develop Heungchungmu, and continuously research the social and cultural preservation value of it. This study discusses the origin, dance motions, music, traditional clothing and accessories, and artistic features of Heungchungmu(興淸舞). To conclude, Heungchungmu(興淸舞) has the intrinsic characteristics of Gyobangdance(敎坊舞), hence may be a sole solution to succeeding Gyobangdance(敎坊舞) accurately. Moreover, it is necessary to designate the dance as Important Intangible Cultural Properties of Korea and get politic support for development and succeed of Heungchungmu(興淸舞).

      • 임신 40주와 출산 후 6주에 있는 20대 임산부 보행의 역학적 특성 비교

        윤희중,문동안,정남주,금명숙,이경식,유실,김영란,한윤수 한국운동역학회 2000 한국운동역학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        본 연구는 임신 40주와 출산후 6주간에 있는 임산부의 보행 동작의 특정을 규명함으로써 이와 관련된 연구자들에게 기초자료를 제공하고자 실시하였다. 이를 위해 임신 4주에 있는 임산부를 대상으로 1차 실험을 실시하였으며 동일한 대상자를 출산후 6주에 2차로 실험하여 자료를 수집하였다. 디지타이징 시 오차를 최소화하고 인체관절점의 분별을 위해 21개의 반사마커를 부착하였다. 10m의 보행주로를 걷는 동안 두 대의 비디오카메라를 이용하여60Hz로 자료를 수집하였으며 동시에 100Hz 지면반력자료를 수집하였다.수집되어진 자료는 DLT 방법을 사용하여 분석하였으며 이의 분석에 Kwon3d 프로그램을 활용하였다. 분석결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 임신 40주와 출산 후 6주의 보행 시 지지시간과 스윙시간의 비율이 다르게 나타났으며 보폭과 보간, 활보장은 임신 40주에서 더 큰 값을 보였다. 상체 전경각 역시 임신 40주에서 더 큰 값을 보였다. 힙관절, 무릎관절, 발목관절각도는 S1이 출산후 6주에서 큰 값을 보인반면 S2는 출산전후에 큰 변화를 보이지 않다. 2. 상하지면반력의 경우 FP1과 FP2는 임신 40주보다는 출산 6주에서 큰값을 보였지만 FP3는 임신 40주에서 보다 큰값을 보이고 있었다. 전후지면반력의 경우 출산전과 후 모두 Fy2에서 보다 큰 값을 보이고 있었다. This Study was to investigate kinematical characteristic comparison of the gait pregnant 40weeks and after delivery 6weeks 20´s women and provide the basic data. To accomplish this study, in the first, carry out an experiment with the pregnant women in the pregnant 40weeks on the videotape, and than the second, make an experiment with the kinematic data. Kinematic data were filtered with a low-pass, fourth-order Butterworth filter with an effective cut off frequency of 6Hz. The conclusions were drawn as follows; 1. Floor contact Periods(stance and swing rate) were differed from before and after the delivery and a pregnant 40 weeks was greater than after delivery 6 weeks in the step, width, stride. Also, a pregnant 40 weeks was greater than after delivery 6 weeks in the front angular. And the other angular components were represented similar pattern. 2. In the vertical load, delivery 6 weeks was grater than a pregnant 40 weeks in the FP1(first peak) and FP2(valley). And FP3(second peak)was represent that a pregnant 40 weeks was greater than delivery 6 weeks. Also, in the horizontal shear, Fy2(progressional force)was greater than Fy1(breaking force) about time of the delivery.

      • 대학생의 상담에 대한 태도

        김범선,전윤경,전진실 西江大學校 學生生活相談硏究所 2008 人間理解 Vol.29 No.-

        본 연구는 성별, 연령 등의 인구학적 변인과 이전 상담 경험여부가 상담에 대한 태도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 가를 알아보기 위해 실시되었다. 이를 위해 서울시내 S 대학에 재학 중인 528명의 학생들에게 상담에 대한 태도와 이전 상담 경험, 그리고 인구학적 특성들을 알아보는 설문지에 응답하게 한 후 그 결과를 통계적으로 분석하였다. 상담에 대한 태도는 Fisher 와 Turner(1975)의 상담태도에 관한 질문지로 측정되었다. 그 결과, 인구학적 변인 중 성별, 학년, 소속 학과, 재수 여부, 종교, 그리고 이전 상담 경험이 상담에 대한 태도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 여성이 남성에 비해, 천주교 집단이 다른 종교 집단에 비해 전문가에 대한 신뢰와 상담 욕구 면에서 유의미하게 높게 나타났고, 4학년 집단이 1학년에 비해, 문학부가 다른 학부에 비해 전문가에 대한 신뢰의 측면에서 유의미하게 높은 점수를 보였다. 재수를 하지 않은 집단이 삼수이상 집단에 비해 오점수용에서 더 유연한 것으로 나타났으며, 이전에 상담을 해 본 사람일수록 상담에 대한 태도도 더 긍정적이고, 상담전문가를 더 신뢰하며, 오점 수용에 유연하고, 상담 욕구도 높은 것을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 이를 통해 얻을 수 있는 논의점과 본 연구의 제한점, 후속 연구를 위한 제안점을 기술하였다. This study investigated college students' attitude toward counseling according to gender, age, and other demographic variables. Research participants were 528 S college students in Seoul. They filled out the Attitude Toward Seeking Professional Help Scale(Fisher & Turner, 1975) and demographic guestionnaire. To analyze data, correlation analysis and ANOVA were conducted. As results, gender, grade, major failure in previous college entrance exam, religion and previous counseling experience had significant influence on attitude toward counseling. Results indicated that women and catholic groups showed more positive attitude in Confidence and Need of seeking attitude toward counseling than other groups. The college seniors and the departs of literature groups showed more positive tendency in Confidence of seeking attitude toward counseling than others. Students who had not repeated a college entrance exam had more flexible attitude in Stigma. Students with previous counseling experience showed more positive tendency in Need, Stigma, Confidence and the whole attitude toward counseling. Discussions and limitations on this study were described.

      • KCI등재

        항정신병약물 사용 중인 정신분열병 환자에서 올란자판으로의 교체 방법에 관한 연구(II) : Comparison of Safety 안전성 비교

        안용민,권용실,권준수,민성호,박두병,양문정,소형석,송종호,신윤식,우행원,유범희,이홍석,정한용,한창환,김용식 大韓神經精神醫學會 2002 신경정신의학 Vol.41 No.5

        연구목적: 이 다기관 공동임상연구는 사용 중인 항정신병약물을 ’직접 교체 방법’또는 ’시작-감량 교체 방법’중 한 가지 방법으로 올란자핀으로 교체한 후, 안정성 측면에서 두 교체 방법 간의 비교와 교체후의 변화를 관찰하기 위한 것이다. 방법: 국내 13개 병원의 입원 및 외래에 내원한 환자들 중 ICD-10 지단기준으로 정신분열병에 해당되며, 임상적으로 항정신병약물 교체가 필요한 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 두 가지 교체 방법 중 한 가지를 무작위로 피험자에 적용하였으며, ’직접 교체 방법’에 배정된 경우에는 사용중인 항정신병약물을 일시에 중단하고 10㎎의 올란자핀을 바로 투여하였고, ’시작-감량 교체 방법’에 배정된 경우는 10㎎의 올란자핀 투여하고 2주에 걸쳐서 기존 약물을 감량하여 중단하였다. 올란자핀 사용기간은 총 6주이며, 용량은 5∼20㎎ 범위로 제한하였다. 한정성 평가를 위해서 체중, 생명징후, 자발적인 이상반응 복, 실험실 검사 그리고 Simpson-Angus Scale(SAS), Barnes akathisia rating scale(BARS), Abnormal involuntary movement scale(AIMS). Liverpool University neuroleptic side effect rating scale(LUNSERS)등을 이용하였다. 결과: 총 103명의 정신분열병 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 사용한 올란자핀의 용량, 벤조디아제핀의 병용률, 탈락률과 탈락 사유, 자발적인 이상반응 보고, 생명징후, 실험실 검사 그리고 대부분의 부작용 척도 상에서 임상적으로 의미 있는 차이를 두 교체 방법간에 발견하지 못하였다. 다만 AIMS의 감소는 ’직접 교체 방법’군에서 보다 적었고, 항콜린제의 병용률은 ’시작-감량 교체 방법’군에서 보다 많았다. 기저 상태에서 전체 피험자의 SAS와 BARS 점수는 각각 3.5점과 1.8점이었으며 70% 이상의 피험자가 고프로락틴 혈증을 보였다. 올란자핀으로 교체한 후, SAS, BARS, AIMS 점수의 유의한 감소가 있었으며 고프로락틴 혈증을 보인 피험자 분율도 약 30%이하로 감소하였다. 그러나 교체 방법과 상관없이 올란자핀 교체 후 유의한 체중 증가가 있었다. 결론: 이 연구를 통해 교체 방법에 관계없이 비교적 안전하고 용이하게 올란자핀으로 교체 할 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 기존 항정신병약물을 올란자핀으로 교체함으로써 일부 부작용들을 줄일 수 있음을 간접적으로 관찰할 수 있었다. 하지만 이 연구는 여러 제한점과 문제점을 지니고 있기 때문에 보다 체계적인 연구를 통해 검정이 필요하리라 생각된다. Objectives: This multicenter clinical trial involving 13 hospital sites compared the safely of switching to olanzapine between ’direct switching method’ and ’start-tapering switching method’. Method: This study included both inpatients and outpatients who fulfilled the criteria for schizophrenia as defined in the ICD-10, and were in need to be appropriate for switching antipsychotics. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of the two switching methods. For ’direct switching method’group, previous antipsychotics were abruptly discontinued and 10㎎ of olanzapine was administered, and previous antipsychotics was gradually tapered for 2 weeks. Olanzapine was used for 6 weeks and the dose was adjusted within the range of 5-20㎎. The safety of switching to olanzapine was measured with vital sings including body weight, adverse events reported spontaneously, laboratory tests, and various scales such as Simpson-Angus Scale(SAS), Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale(BARS). Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale(AIMS), and Liverpool University Neuroleptic Side Effect Rating Scale(LUNSERS). Results: 103 patients were switched to olanzapine in this study. The comparison between two switching methods did not show any significant difference in the dosage of olanzapine used, the concomitant use of benzodiazepine, the rate and reasons of drop-out, the adverse events, vital signs, laboratory tests, and most scales for measuring side-effects. However, the decrease in AIMS scores was significantly lower in ’direct switching method’ group, and the concomitant use of anticholinergics was comparatively greater in ’start-tapering switching method’ group. At baseline, SAS and BARS scores were 3.5 and 1.8 points respectively, and more than 70% of the subjects showed hyperprolactinemia. After switching to olanzapine, SAS, BARS, and AIMS scores were significantly decreased and the proportion of the patients with hyperprolactinemia was also decreased to less than 30%. However significant weight gain after the treatment of olanzapine was observed regardless of switching method. Conclusion: This study may suggest that switching to olanzapine can be done with relatively high safety regardless of switching methods and olanzapine can significantly decrease some side-effects induced by other antipsychotics.

      • KCI등재후보

        임신 7 개월 이후 임산부 보행의 역학적 분석

        금명숙,유실,김영란,정남주,한윤수,이훈표,윤희중 한국운동역학회 2002 한국운동역학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        The purpose of this study was analyzed the effect of kinematical and kinetical factors of lower extremity of form change in the cause of growth an unborn child during in pregnancy. Three pregnant women were selected from pregnant 24 weeks as subjects. Each subjects were required to walk with usual walking speed. Cinematographic and GRF data were collected during walking, and the kinematical and kinetical variables were calculated using Kwon3d. Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn : 1. Step width and Step length Step width according to the period of pregnancy was gradually small but step length was gadually great. 2. Angle of lower extremity The angle of hip, knee and ankle was differed pregnancy on 9 month and other time. 3. Ground reaction force In the three part of ground reaction force, pregnancy on 9 month was most greater than other time.

      • KCI등재후보

        연삭의 채터 발생과 연삭 숫돌 수명의 연관성에 대한 실험적 고찰

        이상태,이재환,정윤교,김재실 한국공작기계학회 2002 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.11 No.5

        The chatter to raise grinding operating is reduce the precision and the quality. In this study, In reply to AE signal and the normal force generated in the grinding operating were measured (1) the amplitude in the mathematical model of the normal force is the form as to transform an exponential (2) the chatter growth is minus point of an exponent. (3) From the observed wheel aspect after the chatter growth, it was to investigated the concern of the chatter growth and the wheel life.

      • KCI등재후보

        전경대원에서 발생한 결핵의 임상 양상

        문창기,박상준,조민구,김영중,김소연,김윤권,정준오,안석진,김은실,서승오,김지훈,최원제,이윤영,박형기,최규영,김현근 대한감염학회 2006 감염과 화학요법 Vol.38 No.6

        Background: The purpose of this study was to document the incidence and clinical characteristics of patients with tuberculosis (TB) in combat and auxiliary police, living in a group, in Korea where the incidence rate of active TB in a general population is higher than in Western countries. Materials and Methods:We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of all tuberculosis patients diagnosed at National Police Hospital from January 2002 through December 2004. Results:In 2002-2004, a total of 156 cases of tuberculosis were identified with the mean (Standard deviation) age of 20.6 (±1.0) years. Of these, 134 (85.9%) patients were registered as new cases, 11 (7.1%) as relapse, 2 (1.3%) as failure, 5 (3.1%) as treatment-after-default cases whereas 4 (2.6 %) patients were not included in any categories. Average annual new TB rate and smear-positive TB rate were 86.5/10^(5) and 17.4/10^(5) person-years, respectively. In 12 of 31 smear-positive cases, time from onset of symptoms to diagnosis was more than 30 days. Two multidrug-resistance TB cases were identified and two suspected outbreak episodes of TB had occurred during 3 years. Conclusion:There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence rate of new cases of TB between the general population aged 20 to 29 years and combat and auxiliary police in Korea. 배경 : 국내 결핵의 발생은 감소 추세에 있으나 여전히 후진국형 발생양상을 보이고 있다. 특히 집단생활을 하는 젊은이들에서 발생하는 결핵의 유행이 간헐적으로 알려지고 있어 우려를 낳고 있다. 이에 저자들은 최근 전경대원의 결핵 발병 양상에 대해 알아보고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 재료 및 방법 : 2002년 1월부터 2004년 12월까지 3년간 경찰병원에서 결핵 진료를 받은 전경대원의 의무기록을 후향적으로 분석하여 연도별 결핵 신환발생률, 도말양성결핵 신환율, 진단 지연, 집단발병, 다제내성결핵을 조사하였다. 결과 : 연도별 결핵 신환자 수(10만명당 발생추정치)는 2002년 50명(83.6명), 2003년 42명(83.7명), 2004년 42명(93.5명)이었고 도말양성 폐결핵 신환자 수는 2002년 10명(16.7명), 2003년 11명(21.9명), 2004년 6명(13.4명)이었다. 3년간 도말양성 폐결핵 환자는 31명이 있었고 그 중 12명은 호흡기 증상 발생 30일이 지나서 진단을 받았다. 다제내성 결핵은 2명이 있었으며 결핵의 집단발병이 의심되는 사례는 2차례 있었다. 결론 : 전경대원과 20-29세 연령군 일반인의 결핵 신환발생률, 도말양성 폐결핵 발생률의 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없었다.


        TGF β1 induces prolonged mitochondrial ROS generation through decreased complex IV activity with senescent arrest in Mv1Lu cells

        Yoon, Young-Sil,Lee, Jae-Ho,Hwang, Sung-Chul,Choi, Kyeong Sook,Yoon, Gyesoon Nature Publishing Group 2005 Oncogene Vol.24 No.11

        Transforming growth factor β1 (TGF β1) is a well-characterized cytokine that suppresses epithelial cell growth. We report here that TGF β1 arrested lung epithelial Mv1Lu cells at G1 phase of the cell cycle with acquisition of senescent phenotypes in the presence of 10% serum, whereas it gradually induced apoptosis with lower concentrations of serum. The senescent arrest was accompanied by prolonged generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and persistent disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm). We demonstrated that the sustained ROS overproduction was derived from mitochondrial respiratory defect via decreased complex IV activity and was involved in the arrest. Moreover, we verified that hepatocyte growth factor released Mv1Lu cells from the arrest by protecting mitochondrial respiration, thereby preventing both the ΔΨm disruption and the ROS generation. Our present results suggest the TGF β1-induced senescent arrest as another plausible mechanism to suppress cellular growth in vivo and provide a new biochemical association between the mitochondrial functional defects and the cytokine-induced senescent arrest, emphasizing the importance of maintenance of mitochondrial function in cellular protection from the arrest.Oncogene (2005) 24, 1895–1903. doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1208262 Published online 31 January 2005

      • KCI등재

        Reliability and validity of rasterstereography measurement for spinal alignment in healthy subjects

        ( Yoon Sil Yi ),( Seul Ki Yoo ),( Da Gam Lee ),( Dae Sung Park ) 물리치료재활과학회 2016 Physical therapy rehabilitation science Vol.5 No.1

        Objective: The Back Mapper is one type of Rasterstereography and it can be used in the clinic without radiation exposure. The purpose of our study was to prove the reliability and validity of the Back Mapper and to compare it with the Spinal Mouse, which is an assessment tool for spinal curvatures using a wheeled mouse, and the Cobb angle by X-ray. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Twenty healthy adults participated in the test to investigate for the inter-rater reliability, intra-rater reliability, and concurrent validity. The tests were performed with assessment devices for scoliosis such as the Back Mapper, Spinal Mouse and Cobb`s angle. Data was analyzed by an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) value and a standard error of measurement for reliability and correlation analysis for validity. Results: Intra-rater reliability of the Back Mapper was good (Cronbach`s α=0.821-0.984, ICC=0.696-0.969) except for assessing the lordotic angle. Inter-rater reliability was good (Cronbach`s α=0.870-0.958, ICC=0.770-0.919) in assessment for trunk imbalance, rotation of scapulae, thoracic angle, lumbar angle, and kyphotic angle. The kyphotic angle in the Spinal Mouse had a significant correlation icompared with the Back Mapper (r=0.510, p<0.05), and the Cobb`s angle from an X-ray had a significant correlation with trunk inclination (r=0.532, p<0.05). Conclusions: These findings provide good intra-reliability of the Back Mapper in healthy subjects, but the Back Mapper requires more experienced practice to have good inter-reliability. Also, the variables of the Back Mapper does not seem as appropriate compared with the Cobb angle by X-ray.

      • Suppressor of MEK null (SMEK)/protein phosphatase 4 catalytic subunit (PP4C) is a key regulator of hepatic gluconeogenesis.

        Yoon, Young-Sil,Lee, Min-Woo,Ryu, Dongryeol,Kim, Jeong Ho,Ma, Hui,Seo, Woo-Young,Kim, Yo-Na,Kim, Su Sung,Lee, Chul Ho,Hunter, Tony,Choi, Cheol Soo,Montminy, Marc R,Koo, Seung-Hoi National Academy of Sciences 2010 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF Vol.107 No.41

        <P>Fasting promotes hepatic gluconeogenesis to maintain glucose homeostasis. The cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB)-regulated transcriptional coactivator 2 (CRTC2) is responsible for transcriptional activation of gluconeogenic genes and is critical for conveying the opposing hormonal signals of glucagon and insulin in the liver. Here, we show that suppressor of MEK null 1 (SMEK1) and SMEK2 [protein phosphatase 4 (PP4) regulatory subunits 3a and 3b, respectively] are directly involved in the regulation of hepatic glucose metabolism in mice. Expression of hepatic SMEK1/2 is up-regulated during fasting or in mouse models of insulin-resistant conditions in a Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-gamma Coactivator 1관 (PGC-1관)-dependent manner. Overexpression of SMEK promotes elevations in plasma glucose with increased hepatic gluconeogenic gene expression, whereas depletion of the SMEK proteins reduces hyperglycemia and enhances CRTC2 phosphorylation; the effect is blunted by S171A CRTC2, which is refractory to salt-inducible kinase (SIK)-dependent inhibition. Taken together, we would propose that mammalian SMEK/PP4C proteins are involved in the regulation of hepatic glucose metabolism through dephosphorylation of CRTC2.</P>

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