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        전통 사상 및 교육 방법의 현대 도덕 교육과정에서의 활용 가능성 연구

        함규진 ( Kyu-jin Ham ),신창호 ( Chang Ho Shin ),임홍태 ( Hong Tae Lim ),지준호 ( Chun-ho Chi ) 한국철학사연구회 2016 한국 철학논집 Vol.0 No.50

        도덕은 하나의 철학적, 심리적 상념으로서도 존재하지만, 실천으로 이어져야만 비로소 도덕으로서 역할을 할 수 있게 된다. 기본적으로 도덕이란 타자가 자신과 공존할 때, 그 타자와의 관계에서 좋음(goodness) 또는 옳음(righteousness)을 추구하는 것이기 때문이다. 그런 도덕이란 대부분 본능적으로 체득할 수 없기에 도덕교육이 있게 되는데, 한국인의 경우 서구와 다른 도덕적 전통을 갖고 있으며 따라서 서구적 도덕교육으로 충분하지 않거나, 전통적 도덕교육을 활용함으로써 더 나은 교육이 이루어질 수 있는 가능성을 찾을 수 있다. 그런 견지에서 전통의 실천적 의미를 재해석하고 활용하는 일은 한편의 논문으로는 너무 방대한 과제이다. 그래서 이 글에서는 비교와 범주화, 그리고 활용의 편의를 위해 전통을 ‘근세 유교(조선왕조 이후의 유교) 전통’으로 한정짓고, 다시 도덕교육 가운데 현행 도덕과 교육의 교육과정을 전통 교육과정과 비교함으로써 일정한 성과를 얻고자 하였다. 전통 교육과정은 기(氣)의 발달에 근거하여 연령별로 단계별 학습을 시도했으며, 그 핵심 이념은 인(仁)과 의(義), 실천적 덕목은 효(孝), 제(弟), 자(慈), 직(直), 근(勤), 검(儉)이라고 정리해볼 수 있다. 여기서는 그러한 전통 교육 이념이 ‘자신과의 관계’, ‘타인과의 관계’, ‘사회 공동체와의 관계’, ‘자연·초월과의 관계’로 영역을 나누고 각기 지향할 가치, 실천할 덕목을 배정한 현 도덕과 교육의 체계와 상통할 수 있다고 보고, 그에 따라 교육 현장에서 실천할 몇 가지 전통-현대 융합적 교육 방안들을 제안하였다. Any moral ideas get integrity upon their practices. Because in human society systems, morality have capability among human interactions, for it gives moral standards(good or bad/ right or wrong) to them. And when the society system is Korean, Koreans surely have developed unique styles of moral practice and moral education in their traditional ages. So reinterpretating and categorizing the moral tradition for taking advantage of it in contemporary context, make sense. In this study, Korean moral tradition is focused in its scope, as ``Confucian moral tradition in semi-modern era``. For convenience of study and the potentials of effective revision, Korean tradition have been resized. In Confucian moral tradition, semi-modern Korean moral ideas could be presented as ren(仁) and yi(義). Furthermore, ren and yi could be practiced with several moral virtues, like xiao(孝), di(弟), ci(慈), zhi(直) qin(勤) gian(儉). When compared with contemporary moral education idea systems, the traditional system can have affinity with the systems in moral ideas division(``with-self morality``, ``with-others morality``, ``with-universe and transcendence morality``). And several fusion-style, integration-based education practices can be developed and applied at contemporary school moral education.

      • 위발성 위장관 악성림프종 환자에서 항암치료의 효과

        김찬규,신영록,김현정,배상병,이남수,이규택,박성규,원종호,홍대식,박희숙 순천향대학교 2006 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.12 No.1

        Purpose: The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the most common site of extranodal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), which is increasing in incidence, but there is no established optimal treatment modality. Thus, this study was investigated the clinicohistologic feature, the therapeutic modalities, and the prognosis for GI-NHL, as well as the factors affecting it. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 45 patients who had been diagnosed as having GI-NHL and had been followed up from July 1994 to February 2005 at Soonchunhyang University Hospital. The patients were divided into groups according to the site of origin and to various other features, and the survivals of the various groups were compared. The modified Ann Arbor system and WHO classification were adopted for staging and histopathologic classification, respectively. Results: GI-NHL of the stomach, small bowel, ileocecal region, and colon occurred in 28 patients (62.2%), 5 patients (11.1%), 3 patients (6.7%), and 8 patients (17.8%), respectively, In one patient, the entire gastrointestinal tract was diffusely involved. The median age of patients was b5 years (25~78 years), and male-to-female ratio was 1:1.1. Fourteen patients were in stage Ⅰ, 24 in stage Ⅱ, 4 in stage Ⅲ, and 3 in stage Ⅳ. Surgical resection was performed in 19 patients, and combination chemotherapy was performed in 43 patients. Surgical resection only was performed in 4 patients, Chemotherapy only was performed in 26 patients. The expected overall 5 year survival of 45 patients was 39.6%, and there was a significant survival difference between the stages, but between sites of origin (p=0.842). The most important factors influencing the survival was the stage and other factors were not significant. Conclusion: The stomach was the most common site of GI-NHL. Most GI-NHL were localized Stage was the most important prognostic factor. However, Prospective randomized studies are needed to approve the therapeutic modality.

      • KCI등재
      • Interleukin-2가 Mouse 자궁내막의 Acid Phosphatase 활성에 미치는 영향

        김원규,신규철,정호삼,이규식 한양대학교 의과대학 1989 한양의대 학술지 Vol.9 No.2

        Interleukin-2, a kind of lymphokine produced by the T-lymphocyte stimulated by antigen or mitogen, has been studied intensively with the development of immuno-oncology and chemoimmunotherapy of the malignancy. Interleukin-2 is known to exert on antitumor effect by stimulating the proliferation of helper and cytotoxic T lymphocytes, augmenting the cytolytic activities of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte and differentiating a precursor cell into a lymphokine-activated killer cell in vivo. Though interleukin-2 suppresses the metastasis of the malignant tumor into the adjacent organs, it develops many side effects including fever, chills, malaise, mental confusion, diarrhea, vomiting and oliguria. Interleukin-2 also causes pulmonary, hepatic and renal toxicities and, especially, increase of capillary permeability with weight gain, pulmonary edema and ascites. In this experiment, the author studied the effect of interleukin-2 on the mouse endometrium, observing histochemically the changes in the activity of acid phosphatase following the estrous cycle. Female, DDY strain, weighing 20gm and exhibiting normal estrous cycle, were used as experimental animals. The estrous cycle was recognized by the vaginal smear. The experimental animals were treated with 2 million units of interleukin-2/0.2ml per Kg of body weight and with 0.2ml of normal saline per Kg of body weight in the control groups for 5 days. And animals were sacrificed 5th day after administration of interleukin-2. The specimens obtained from the corpus uteri were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin solution for 24 hours at 4℃ and sliced at 14μm thickness in a frozen cryostat. The activity of acid phosphatase was observed by the Gomori's method for histochemical study. The result obtained was as follows: The acid phosphatase activity was increased at estrus and decreased at diestrus in interleukin-2 treated group. There was, however, no marked differences in acid phosphatase activity of the proestrus and metestrus between control and interleukin-2 treated groups. Consequently, it was suggested that interleukin-2 develop the changes of the acid phosphatase of the endometrium of the mouse.

      • The Application of Logic Based Computerized Evaluation in Determining Procedure Flow in APR1400 CPS

        No Kyu Seong,Yeong Cheol Shin 대한인간공학회 2012 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.5

        Objective: This paper introduces the logic based computerized evaluation in determining procedure flow in Advance Power Reactor 1400 (APR1400) computerized procedure system (CPS) and suggests guidelines to increase operator performance from Human Factors Engineering (HFE) point of view. Background: Plant procedures are instructions to guide operators in monitoring, decision making, and controlling nuclear power plants (NPPs). While plant procedures historically have been paper-based, computer-based procedures are being developed to overcome the drawbacks of paper based procedures. The CPS is used to integrate the operational instructions, plan process information and computerized operator support functions in advanced main control room (MCR) of APR1400. The logic based computerized evaluation of CPS functions can help MCR operators to determine procedure flow with higher speed and accuracy. The guidelines for this logic based computerized evaluation are important for procedure writers to select the right type of operator interaction depending upon the operational situation such as urgency of the operator actions. Method: The logic based computerized evaluation types in CPS are Auto evaluation type and ManualAuto evaluation type. Auto evaluation type displays the evaluation value for the instruction and ManualAuto evaluation type displays evaluation value for the instruction after the operator inputs evaluation value. This logic based computerized evaluation types are applied to computerized procedures in NPPs. Conclusion: This paper describes Auto/ManualAuto evaluation types in CPS and suggests guidelines to increase operator performance from HFE point of view and plant operation procedures. The developed Shin-Kori NPPs 3&4 units computerized procedures for considering suggested guidelines will be verified & validated at the Shin-Kori 3&4 final (HFE) V&V.

      • 학습무기력(學習無氣力)과 학업성취(學業成就)와의 관계(關系)

        김정규 ( Jeong Kyu Kim ),신기명 ( Ki Myung Shin ) 건국대학교 교육연구소 1991 교사와 교육(구 교육논집) Vol.15 No.-

        I. Problems The learned helplessness phenomenon is claimed by Seligman to produce deficits in motivation, cognition, and affect which results m various performance deficits m subjects exposed to situations designed to produce learned helplessness Three components of the orignial theory may be described as follows: (1) Motivational-the incentive to initiate voluntary responses in a traumatic situation wanes as the expectation that responding will produced when relief is diminished : (2) Cognitive a disturbance in the form of proactive interference occurs in which the subject is unable to perceive that the parameters of the learning environment have shifted from those of uncontrollability to controllability(e.g, from a noncontingent to a contingent setting) : and (3) Emotional-a heightened state of fear or emotionality occurs which dissipates with control, or wanes into apathy / depression if the subject is repeatedly exposed to uncontrollable events (Maier, Seligman & Solomon, 1969: Seligman, Maier & Solomon, 1971) Learned helplessnes is related to the literature of achievement motivational attribution theory most directly, in that the phenomenon has been studied m achievement-oriented, academic settings with tasks that are achievement based For example, Diener and Dweck(1978) studied children`s performance and cognitions while worked on tasks they previously had failed. They found that, in addition to using relatively less effective problem-solving strategies, helpless children focused their attention more on their concerns about their performance and less on problem-solving strategies that did mastery children A sutdy by Miller(l986) suggested that children who believe that effort will not produce positive result actually reduce their effort, in part, to avoided providing unambiguous evidence that they lack ability(i e., Failure despite high effort). Diener and Dweck`s(1978) research also suggested that helpless children are preoccupied with performance and that then concerns about their ability to solve tasks interfere with their ability to use effective strategies to solve problems or master material The purpose of this study was to investigate learned helplessness on the academic achievement of high school students II. Methods To research this study, 864 high school student(M = 399, F = 465) were sampled from the City of Seoul in Korea, using Shin`s Learned Helplessness Scale(l990) The data were analyzed by some appropriate statistical analysis method(i e, pearson`s y, cronbach α, Duncan t-test, Turkey`s studentized Range Test by employing the SAS package III Results The main results and findings of this study can be summarized as follows 1) There was a negative correlation between the LH scale and Achievement Score of high school students(n = 864, y = -26, P < 001) 2) According to LH groups and achievement score, there were a significant difference high LH group and middle LH group, high LH group and law LH group (Duncan t-test, p< 05) 3) This LH scale showed a significant difference between liberal schools and vocational schools(F = 6 11, P < 001) 4) It was found out that the LH scale showed a significant difference male students and female students(F = 4 90, P < 01) 5) It is possible to explain the academic achievements with LH scale(ETA Square = 5 63)

      • KCI등재

        쓰레기 매립장 주변 농촌 주민들의 삶의 질 연구

        이명경,최준열,김인경,조영아,김영신,정혜진,김리나,이영규,조영태,Lee, Myung-Kyung,Choi, Jun-Yeol,Kim, In-Kyoung,Cho, Yeong-Ah,Kim, Young-Shin,Jung, Hye-Jin,Kim, Li-Na,Lee, Young-Kyu,Cho, Young-Tae 대한예방의학회 2006 예방의학회지 Vol.39 No.4

        Objectives: This study aims to examine if a garbage dumping site has real and negative influence on the quality of life (QOL) for the nearby residents. The net effects of the residential distance from the garbage dumping site and from the garbage truck route were investigated for five domains of the QOL. Methods: Two hundred fifty seven Shin-dong Myeon residents, Chun-cheon Si, participated in a self-administrated survey. The Shin-dong Myeon garbage dumping site began operating in 1996. ANCOV A with generalized linear models and multiple regression analysis were performed. Results: Descriptive analyses show that a residence nearby a garbage dumping site is negatively associated with the physical and environmental domains of the QOL. The residential distance from the garbage truck route does not exert any significant effect on various domains of QOL, except for the environmental domain. On the multivariate analysis, the residents living near the garbage dumping site tended to have a significantly negative QOL in the physical and environmental domains. However, the distance from the garbage truck route did not show a significant nor substantial effect on the QOL. The demographic and socioeconomic control variables are associated with a number of the QOL domains, and their patterns are consistent with the general expectations. Conclusions: The results indicated that a garbage dumping site is considered to be an environmental hazard among the nearby residents according to the lower scores on the physical and environmental domains of the QOL. The findings from this study provide comprehensive understanding on the residents' QOL, and they may help politicians and policy makers make decisions for appropriate interventions.

      • KCI등재후보

        심상성 루프스에서 Nested-Primer Gene Amplification Assay에 의한 결핵균 DNA의 검출

        신문석,전효진,김병천,이규석,김재룡,권호준,송준영 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1994 계명의대학술지 Vol.13 No.4

        Lupus vulgaris, which is a progressive form of postprimary tuberculosis in patients with a moderate to high degree of immunity and tuberculin sensitivity, is the most common, most serious, and most variable type of cutaneous and mucous membrane tuberculosis. Domonstration of M.tuberculosis directly or in culture in some of these eruptions can be difficult. It is essential to demonstrate the presence of M.tuberculosis in a clinical sample for a definitive diagnosis of tuberculosis. With the discovery of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the DNA diagnostic approach for infection has developed in a short period. With the dual purpose of definitive and rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis, this study examined the usefulness of a nested PCR for detection of M. turberculosis. Compared with a single-step PCR, the two-step PCR was able to enhance sensitivity approximately 1,000-fold on the basis of bacterial counts and DNA quantity. We concluded that two-step nested PCR appeared to be the most useful PCR protocol for early and sensitive diagnostic method detecting M.tuberculosis in acid-fast stain negative specimens.

      • 두개천공과 폐쇄방법의 배액술로 치료한 만성 뇌경막하 혈종

        신규만 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 2002 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.25 No.1

        목적 : 저자는 만성 뇌경막하 혈종 환자 50명에서 가장 간단하고 최소 침습수술 방법인 소위 두개 천공과 폐쇄방법의 배액술(burr holes and closed-system drainage)을 치험하였기에 회상적으로 이 환자들의 임상 자료를 분석과 수술 술기에 대하여 연구하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 1995년부터 2001년까지 이대목동병원 신경외과에서 뇌 CT로 진단하고 혈종은 두개천공과 폐쇄방법 배액술로 수술적 치료를 시행한 50명의 만성 뇌경막 환자를 연구 대상으로 하였다. 외상성 발병 환자는 27명, 비외상 발병 환자는 23명이었으며 이 양군에서 평균연령은 각각 60세와 63세였으며 남녀 비율은 각각 21 : 6과 20 : 3으로 전체적으로 60대에 호발하며 남자에서 발병율이 높았다. 비외상성군에서 발병원인은 고혈압 2예, 뇌졸증 3예 였으나 원인 이상이 18였다. 입원 당시 신경학적 등급이 우수한 순서로 0, 1, 2 등급이 0 : 26명, 1 : 7명, 2 : 14명이었으며 수술 후 퇴원 성적은 입원 당시 등급이 우수할수록 양호하였다. 결과 : 만성 뇌경막하 혈종은 특히 고령에 발생하므로 간단하고, 위험도가 적으며, 짧은 입원 기간내에 치유될 수 있는 소위 비침습 수술 기법인 두개천공과 폐쇄방법의 기법은 이 질환의 수술적 치료의 최우선 시행해야할 우수한 기법이다. Objective : Chronic subdural hematoma(CDH) is collection of encapsulated ligified hematoma in subdural space and familiar with neurosurgens. 50 patients of CDH were treated using burr holes and closed-system drainage. The study is a retrospective clinical analysis and reviewed of the surgical method. Methods : Between 1995 and 2001, 50 patients with CDH had surgical treatments, using burr holes and closed-system drainage technique at the department of neurosurgery, Ewha Uninversity Medical Center, Mok-Dong hospital. Mean age was 61 years with a range 35-82 years. The male/female ratio is 41/9. Diagnosis of CDH was confirmed by CT scans. The author divided into 2 groups ; traumatic group and atraumatic group. Retrospectively the author analysed the clinical data regarding age group, sex ratiso, etiology, neurologic grade at admission, post-operative outcomes and outcomes according to neurologic grade at admission. These clinical data compared the traumatic group with atraumatic group. Results : The number of patients were 27 in traumatic group and 23 in atraumatic groups. The mean age in traumatic and atraumatic groups was 60 years respectively. These lesions generally occur in elderly with the average 61 years. The male/female ratio 21/6 in traumatic group and 20/3 in atraumatic group. Generally it was predominent in male patients. The causes in atraumatic group were hypertension(2 patients), CVA(3 patients) and the others remain unknown. The neurologic grade at admission ; 0 grade 26(male/female=21/5, 1 grade) 7(m/f=6/1), 2 grade 14(m/f=11/3). The outcome scale according to glasgow scale ; 5 scale 31(m/f=24/7), 4 scale 15(m/f=13/2) and 3 scale 4(m/f=4/0). The outcome scale according to neurologic grade at admission was that the more neurologic grade is good, the more outcome is better. Conclusions : The burr holed and closed system drainage technique is simple, mininal risk, and results in good recovery with short days of admision. This technique is considered as first choice for the evacuation of hematoma of CDH.

      • 日本經濟發展의 特殊性에 關한 小考

        愼奎晟 東亞大學校 1972 東亞論叢 Vol.9 No.-

        To echo Schumpeter's comment on the trade cycles, every case of economic development is a 'historical individual' and had better be treated as such. Extream emphasis on historical individual and rejection to natural economic laws is found in the German historical school. But we have found general aspects in the development of capialism. Therefore we must try to unify the peculiarity and generality in the study of economic history, because we can not understand the peculiarity of the development in any country without the generality of capitalistic developmet. So the thesis examined Japanese capitalism in the right of the development of capitalism in Western Europ, especially England. The conclusions are as followings. 1) In the historical background, old Japanese cities, large though they have been, were essentially deffered from the European town. They were not autonomous, independent corporations, also, their inhabitants did not conceive of themselves as members of legally and economically seperate and indendent entity. Recently, Japanese scholars have found that between the fourteenth and the sixteenth centuries, something like the European free city appeared briefly in Japan. But in Tokugawa era Japanese cities were controlled by the feudalistic government. Even in Europe at early modern era cities were also controlled absolute mornarchy. But the absolute monarchy was built on the rise of bourgeoisie. Tokugawa government was purely peudalistic. The material basis of old Japanese cities was the feudalistic rent which was exploited from the peasants who were controlled feudalistic government. However the peculiar aspect of Japanese feudalism is the insititution of sankin kotai(alternate residence) that symbolized the character of Tokugawa government that had controlled the feudal lords. The sanki nkotai and castle building owing to the change of weapons had contributed urbanizaton, the development road system and commerce. Eventually money penetrated into rural area and the peasants were differentiatel and the tenancy between peasants and putting-out system develped. But as a rule the chonin, bourgeoisie, was financial and commercial agents of the daimyo and Shogun. In short the peculiarity of Japanese development was the Tokugawa seculusion policy. 2) It was the samurai of lower rank from the outside clans who initiated the revolt and played the major role weaving both political and the economic fabic of new Japan. The chonin as financial and cmmercial agents of feudal classes had the interests in the old regim. Until the last decades of nineteen century the resorces for capital accumulation came from agriculture, and national ecnomic growth was schieved mainly within the trad tional sectors, notably agriculture. The momentum attained here by modest but pervasive innovations in technique during the early decades provided in turn the resources and stimuli to sustained the growth of industrial, trading and financial enterprise in the modern sectors. But After Sino-Japanese war, the foreign capitals were introduced on a lareg scales. Especially beginning about 1905, the forces of expansion came to enter more and more in the modern sector, while in agriculture sector given the traditional forms of cultivation, Japanese agriculture had reached diminishing returns in terms of the rate of growth. Complex structural problems appeared in the differntial progress of the traditional and modern sectors; in particular, a widening gap apeared in technical advance, productivity, and wages. It contributed to the economic dislocations of the twenties and perhaps also to the political disorders that eventuated in World War Ⅱ. 3) Despite the dualism of tradionalism and modernity the main momentum of economical development, as G.C. Allen said, laid in frequent and severe fluncuations, that is, 'boom andbust'. The explanation may be sought in the structure of the economy, particularly, the small-scale trades and the wage system. 4) During the twenties, as Allen said, it seemed reasonable to expect that material transformation would sooner or later lead to fundamental changes in social and political ideas, and that, in politics, Japan might gradually proceed by way of a senatorial parlamentary system to democracy and representative government. In economic development tha government played the major role and the semi-feudalistic social relation remained rural areas. The dualism of traditionalism and modernity and the peculiar wage system has checked the normal movement of labours. Above circumstances and the great depression resulted in the economic and political disorders.

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