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        『시의 원리』의 이중 기획과 고안된 논리 ― 조지훈의 베르그손 철학 전유 양상을 중심으로

        송현지 ( Song Hyun-ji ) 현대문학이론학회 2021 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.- No.84

        이 글은 조지훈의 『시의 원리』가 해방기 시단에서 보편 시론의 역할뿐만 아니라 대항 담론의 역할을 수행하는 것을 목적으로 삼아 기획되었음에 주목하고, 이 이중의 기획을 수행하기 위해 조지훈이 사용한 방법론을 고찰하였다. 등단 초기부터 시와 시인을 생명이 있는 유기체로 바라보았던 조지훈은 『시의 원리』에 이르러 새로운 논리 전개 방식과 개념을 사용하여 자신의 기존 사유체계를 보강한다. 먼저, 그는 시와 시인을 생명으로 설정하되 자연과학을 근거로 삼아 논의를 전개함으로써 시론의 보편성과 객관성을 확보한다. 이는 해방기 이후 집중적으로 발간되던 문학 개론서의 글쓰기 방식을 따른 것이자 과학에 기반을 두지 않은 형이상학 시론을 신비한 것으로 치부한 비판들에 대응하기 위한 그의 전략이었다. 그러나 이처럼 시 창조의 제반 조건들을 실증적으로 이론화하면서도 그는 정신이 작용하는 시의 창조 과정에 대해서는 여전히 관념적인 서술로 일관하며 과학의 일반 법칙으로 설명할 수 없는 시의 고유한 영역이 있음을 드러낸다. 또한, 이러한 관점에서 그는 물질과 정신, 지성과 직관, 과학과 시를 구분한 후 생명의 표현이자 생명 그 자체인 시는 물질의 질서에 속하지 않을 뿐 아니라 지성이 아닌 ‘직관’이라는 의식 작용을 통해 창조된다는 점을 분명히 하고 이를 구분하지 않는 유물론적 예술사관과 모더니즘 시관을 시의 독자성을 인정하지 않는다는 측면에서 비판한다. 조지훈이 『시의 원리』에서 보여준 이러한 서술 방식과 대항의 논리는 실증적 형이상학을 통해 새로운 생명 창조론을 주장함으로써 유물론과 기계론을 비판한 베르그손의 철학과 공명하는 부분이 많다. 이는 조지훈이 1941년, 베르그손의 저서를 읽고 베르그손의 사상에서 주요 논리와 개념들을 가져와 시론의 보편성을 확보함은 물론, 해방기 시단에 대항할 수 있는 논리를 강화하였을 가능성을 시사한다. 이 글은 이를 논증함으로써 동·서양의 유기체 시론의 영향 관계에서 『시의 원리』를 살펴보는 통상적인 관점에서 벗어나 그의 유기체 시론의 고유성이 그가 베르그손의 논리와 사상을 전유하여 이 이중의 기획을 수행하는 과정에서 형성되었음을 밝혔다. This study paid attention to the point that The Principles of Poetry by Cho Ji-hoon was written to perform not only the role of universality discourse in the post-liberation poetry circle but also the role of opposition discourse and looked into his corresponding methodology. Cho Ji-hoon, who looked at poetry and poet as living organisms ever since the beginning of his literary career, strengthened his own existing poetic thinking system by using new logic development method and concept from The Principles of Poetry. First and foremost, he expressed his opinions based on biology in the process of putting life into poetry and poet. It was his strategy of responding to criticisms in the post-liberation situation of regarding metaphysical poetics not based on science in materialistic poetics and modernism poetics as something mysterious. In addition, he divided order of materials and order of life based on the facts derived from scientific phenomena and emphasized the point that poetry is situated within order of life once its spirit becomes foundation of life. This is how he stood up against materialistic poetics which asserted that poetry is reflection of materialistic life. Lastly, he planned and argued poetics confronting modernism poetics which put emphasis on intelligence by insisting that order of life in which poetry belongs form a connection with not intelligence but intuition. Such narration method and logic in The Principles of Poetry established metaphysics based on science and share a number of resonating aspects with the philosophy by Henri Bergson who criticized materialism and mechanism by arguing new life creation theory. This implies the possibility that Cho Ji-hoon strengthened the logic of confronting the post-liberation poetry circle by adopting major logic and concepts after reading the works by Bergson in the early 1940s. This study aimed to deviate from the conventional discussion arguing that the inherent features of Cho Ji-hoon’s organism poetics resulted from the influencing relationship of the organism poetics of East and West and identify that his poetics was formed in the process of exclusively possessing Bergson’s logic and thoughts.

      • KCI등재

        조지훈과 혜화전문학교 ―식민지 고등교육 이원 구조와 조선학 학술장을 중심으로―

        송현지 ( Song Hyun-ji ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2021 民族文化硏究 Vol.90 No.-

        이 글은 조지훈 연구에서 늘 논의의 바깥에 위치해 있었던 조지훈의 혜화전문 수학 이력이 그의 학문적 관점 및 방법과 밀접한 관련이 있다고 보고 학술사적 맥락에서 그 상관관계를 논증하고자 한다. 조지훈이 근대 교육기관인 혜화전문에서 학업을 수행하였다는 사실은 ‘전통적 지식인’으로서 그를 규정해온 담론의 논리와 상충된다는 점에서 그 의미가 축소·배제되어왔다. 그러나 조지훈이 그의 한국학 논고들에서 과학적인 방법을 강구하는 가운데 전통적 학문 방법을 비판하였다는 점에서 그는 ‘전통적 지식인’이란 틀에 가두어지지 않으며 그의 학문 방법의 기원은 새로이 궁구되어야 한다. 혜화전문은 조지훈이 본격적으로 근대 학제를 경험한 거점으로서 그가 학제 연구라는 방법론을 갖추고 전통과 근대, 민족과 세계 사이의 균형감각을 갖게 된 바탕이라는 점에서 주목된다. 일본의 고등교육 이원화 정책으로 인해 단과(單科)로 구성된 혜화전문의 학제는 그가 여러 학문을 넘나들면서도 분과학문들의 전문성을 심화하는 방식의 연구를 하게 하였으며, 종교, 철학, 예술을 중심으로 개설된 이곳의 교과 편제는 그가 이를 세 기둥으로 삼아 민족문화의 체계를 세우는 기틀이 되었다. 한편, 경성제대를 중심으로 한 관학 아카데미즘과 연희전문을 중심으로 한 민간 아카데미즘이 경합하였던 1930년대 조선학 학술장에서 혜화전문이 놓인 주변부적 위치는 변증법적 글쓰기라는 그의 특징적인 논리 전개 방식을 낳게 하였던 것으로 보인다. 이 주변부의 자리에서 그는 두 진영 모두와 거리를 두면서도 그들을 의식하고 연구를 수행할 수밖에 없었으며 각 진영에서 벗어나는 독자적인 연구 방법과 관점을 고심하였다. 혜화전문 졸업 후 그가 서양철학에 탐독한 것은 그러한 방편에 대한 모색의 행보로 이해되며 그는 이를 통해 민족과 세계 사이의 균형을 꾀할 수 있었다. This study aims to validate the correlation between Cho Ji-hoon’s attending Hyehwa College, which had been left out from the arguments regarding his studies, and his academic perspectives and methods after seeing that the two sides are closely related. The meaning that he studied at Hyehwa College―a modern educational institute―has been reduced and excluded in the sense that it contradicts the logic of the discourse which had defined him as ‘Sun-bi (classical scholar)’ and ‘traditional intellectual’. However, when seeing that he sought scientific methods and systematic rationality and criticized traditional academic methods, he is not bound by the frame ‘traditional intellectual’ and the origin of his academic attitude and methods have to be examined in a new manner. Hyehwa College, a foothold where he experienced modern school system, is noteworthy in the sense that it is the background where he equipped with the methodology ‘school system study’ and found a balance between tradition and modern, ethnic group and world, and special and universal. The curriculum of Hyehwa College which had neither major system nor subject system due to Japan’s higher education dualization policy led him to continue the study of intensifying professionalism of academic fields while merging with other fields and the school’s subject system focused on religion, philosophy, and art became the foundation for him to establish the system of national culture. Meanwhile, the peripheral position which Hyehwa College was in during the 1930s Joseon studies academic arena in which the Gwanhak academism based on Keijo Imperial University and the private academism based on Yonhee College competed gave birth to dialectical writing―his unique style of logic development. In such a peripheral position, he had no other choice but to keep distance from not only the Gwanhak academism and academism as ‘science’ but also the private academism, conduct studies while being aware of them, and rack his brains on distinctive study method and perspective. Avidly reading Western philosophy after graduating from Hyewha College is deemed to be taking the path of seeking corresponding measures. When taking into account the dynamism between colonial higher education dual structure and the Joseon studies academic arena, Hyehwa College was the starting point for Cho Ji-hoon who had become ‘traditional intellectual’ to transform into ‘modern intellectual’ and the foothold for him to ultimately become ‘universal nationalist’.

      • Slide Session : OS-IFD-07 ; Infectious Disease : In Vitro Antiviral Activity of Ribavirin Against Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus

        ( Myung Jin Lee ),( Kye Hyung Kim ),( Jong Youn Yi ),( Su Jin Choi ),( Chung Jong Kim ),( Nak Hyun Kim ),( Kyoung Ho Song ),( Pyoeng Gyun Choi ),( Ji Hwan Bang ),( Wan Beom Park ),( Eu Suk Kim ),( San 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        In Vitro Antiviral Activity of Ribavirin Against Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus Myung Jin LEE1, Kye-Hyung KIM1, Jongyoun YI2, SuJin CHOI1, Chung-Jong KIM1, Nak- Hyun KIM1, Kyoung-Ho SONG1, Pyoeng Gyun CHOI1, Ji-Hwan BANG1, Wan Beom PARK1, Eu Suk KIM1, Sang-Won PARK1, Hong Bin KIM1, Nam Joong KIM1, Myoung- Don OH1 Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea1, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Korea2 Background: Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) is an emerging infectious disease caused by a novel Bunyavirus, severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV). No effective antiviral therapy is proven yet, but clinical use of ribavirin (RBV) has been tried. We investigated the antiviral effect of RBV against SFTSV in vitro. Methods: To test for cytotoxicity of RBV, Vero cells were treated with different concentrations of RBV (3.90 to 500 μg/mL, two-fold dilution) and analyzed by cell viability MTS assay 48h post-infection. To determine antiviral activity of RBV against SFTSV, Vero cells were infected with SFTSV strain Gangwon/Korea/2012 at 100 TCID50 (50% tissue culture infective dose) per well in a 96-well plate, and RBV was added at the concentrations showing no or minimal cytotoxicity. Viral RNAs were extracted from the culture supernatants and quantifi ed using one-step real-time reverse transcription- PCR to amplify the partial large segment of SFTSV. Statistical analysis was done by one-way ANOVA with Tukey`s post hoc test. Results: Cytotoxicity due to RBV was not observed at RBV concentration =31.3 μg/ mL. Viral RNAs at 24h post-RBV treatment were reduced with increasing RBV concentrations (1-32 μg/mL), compared with those of mock-treated cells (P <0.01, Figure). Half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of RBV was 3.69 μg/mL at 24h post-RBV treatment. Conclusions: Our study shows that RBV has antiviral effect against SFTSV in a dose-dependent manner. Further studies are required to evaluate the effi cacy of RBV in SFTS.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        손마사지가 허혈성 심질환 환자의 불안에 미치는 효과

        현경선,이향련,공송심,윤경자,김현섭,김효남,최지원,김운정 성인간호학회 2001 성인간호학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a hand massage program on anxiety, vital sign and pain in clients with ischemic heart disease. The design utilized for this stuffy was quail-experimental with a nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design The subjects were fifty-four patients, twenty-eight for the experimental and twenty-six for the control group, who were admitted with ischemic heart diease at a cardiac intensive care unfit in K medical center of K university. This study was carried out from May, 1999 to March, 2000. The level of anxiety and pain measured by Visual Analogue Scale, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate were measured before and after hand massage, the state of Anxiety was measured by the Spielberger (1970) scale at admission and after hand massage for three days. The collected data were processed by using the SPSS PC program and analyzed using χ2-test and t-test. The result of this study are as follows : 1. The scores of VAS anxiety and State of anxiety of the experimental group were lower than those of the control group. 2. The degree of systolic blond pressure, diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate of the experimental group were lower than that of the control group. 3. The score of VAS pain of the experimental group was lower than that of the control group. The results suggested that hand massage can decrease VAS anxiety, State of anxiety, vital signs and VAS pain of patients who were admitted with ischemic heart disease at cardiac intensive care unit Therefore, It Is proposed that hand massage is an appropriate nursing intervention to relieve anxiety of the patients who were admitted with ischemic heart disease at a cardiac intensive care unit.

      • KCI등재후보

        국내 다기관에서 조사한 지역사회획득 메티실린내성 황색포도알균의 빈도와 임상적 특성

        송진수,최평균,송경호,조재현,김성한,방지환,이창섭,박경화,박경운,신수,최희정,김의석,김동민,이미숙,박완범,김남중,오명돈,김의종,김홍빈,최강원 대한감염학회 2006 감염과 화학요법 Vol.38 No.6

        목적 : 최근 전세계적으로 지역사회획득 메티실린내성 황색포도알균(community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, CA-MRSA)의 보고가 증가하고 있다. 하지만, 우리나라에서는 CA-MRSA 감염증에 대한 증례보고만 있을 뿐 아직까지 체계적인 연구결과가 없는 실정이다. 저자들은 국내에서 CA-MRSA의 빈도, 감염증의 임상적 양상, 분리된 균주의 항균제내성 양상을 조사하였다. 재료 및 방법 : 2005년 1월부터 2005년 6월까지 7개 병원에서 MRSA가 분리된 환자의 명단을 파악한 후 의무기록지와 건강보험심사평가원의 자료를 검토하였다. 외래나 응급실에서 혹은 입원 후 72시간 이내에 균주가 분리되고 MRSA 획득과 관련된 위험인자가 없는 경우 CA-MRSA로 정의하였으며, 분리된 균주의 임상적 의미에 따라 원인병원체(pathogen), 집락화(colonizer), 미결정(undetermined)으로 분류하였다. Penicillin과 oxacillin을 제외하고 3개 이상의 다른 계열 항균제에 내성이면 다제내성으로 정의하였다. 결과 : 연구기간동안 총 3,251주의 황색포도알균이 분리되었으며, 이 중 MRSA는 1,900주(58.4%)였다. MRSA 가운데 CA-MRSA는 114주(6.0%) 였으며, 이들이 분리된 부위는 귀(62주), 비뇨기계(14주), 피부 및 연부조직(11주), 호흡기계(10주), 혈액(3주) 등이었다. CA-MRSA 균주 가운데 집락균은 22주, 원인병원체는 22주였으며, 나머지 균주에 대해서는 그 임상적 의미를 결정할 수 없었다. 항균제 감수성 검사를 시행한 73균주 중 47주(64.4%)는 다제내성이었다. CA-MRSA 감염증 22예 중 피부 및 연부조직 감염(9예)과 중이염/외이도염(9예)이 가장 흔하였다. 침습적 감염증(invasive infection)은 4명(원발성 균혈증 3예, 감염성 관절염 1예)에서 확인되었지만, CA-MRSA 감염증으로 사망한 환자는 없었다. 결론 : 병원내 감염증에서는 MRSA가 심각한 문제이지만, 아직까지 지역사회 감염증에서 CA-MRSA는 흔하지 않았다. Background : Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection has emerged in patients who do not have the established risk factors. In Korea, little is known about the epidemiology and clinical features of community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA). Material and Methods : Clinical microbiology laboratory databases of 7 hospitals were reviewed to identify the patients from whom MRSA was isolated during the period of January to July 2005. Only one isolate per patient was enrolled. In order to identify the risk factors of MRSA acquisition, the medical records and the Health Insurance Review Agency databases were reviewed. CA-MRSA was defined as MRSA isolated from patient without established risk factors. We analyzed patient demographics, underlying medical conditions, characteristics of infection, and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles. Results : Of total 3,251 S. aureus isolates, 1900 (58.4%) were MRSAs. Of the MRSA isolates, 114 (6.0%) were CA-MRSA. Of 114 CA-MRSA isolates, 22 (19.3%) were colonizers, 22 (19.3%) were pathogens, and the clinical significance of remaining 70 (61.4%) could not be determined. Median age of the 22 patients with CA-MRSA disease was 47 years. Nine patients had skin and soft tissue infections, 9 ear infections, 3 bacteremia, 1 septic arthritis. Seven patients had underlying medical disease. None died of the CA-MRSA infections. Of the 73 isolates of CA-MRSA, 47 (64.4%) were resistant to more than 3 classes of antibiotics besides β-lactams. Conclusion : Although MRSA is highly prevalent among hospital-associated S. aureus infection, CA-MRSA infections are not common.

      • KCI등재

        분화중인 흰쥐 콩팥의 요세관에서 nNOS의 발현

        송지현,류시윤,김진,정주영 韓國電子顯微鏡學會 2008 Applied microscopy Vol.38 No.2

        Nitric oxide는 콩팥에서 혈류의 조절, 사구체 혈액역동학 및 요세관의 운반에 중요한 역할을 하는 인자로서 최근 세포의 주기조절, 유사분열에도 관여하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 최근 연구결과에 의하면 발생중인 콩팥에서의 nNOS의 발현은 성체와는 다른 것으로 알려져 있으나, 발생중인 콩팥에서의 발현 양상 및 발현시기 등에 대해서 알려진 바 없다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 발생중인 콩팥을 이용하여 분화중인 요세관에서 nNOS의 발현양상을 관찰하고자 하였다. 성체에서 nNOS의 면역반응성은 사구체 보우만주머니의 벽측상피와 치밀반, 내림가는부분 및 수질집합관에 발현되었다. 발생중인 콩팥에서는 임신 15일에 처음 발현하기 시작하였으며, 그 부위는 원위세관의 굵은오름부분이었다. 임신 20일에서 출산후 14일까지 새로이 형성되는 요세관의 굵은오름부분에서 관찰되었으나, 분화를 마친 요세관에서는 그 발현 양상이 감소하였다. 출생후 21일경에는 최종적으로 치밀반에만 국한되어 발현되었다. 속수질에서는 내림가는 부분과 속수질 집합관에서 발현되었으며 그 양상은 수질 중간부위에서 강하게 발현되었으며 시작부위와 말단부위에서는 약하게 발현되었다. 이상의 결과로 보아 굵은오름부분에서의 nNOS의 발현은 요세관의 분화정도와 일치하며 특히 그 발현양상이 분화가 활발한 시기에 강하게 발현되고 분화가 저하된 후에는 발현이 감소하는 것으로 보아 발생중인 콩팥의 성장에 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 생각된다. Nitric oxide (NO) is an important regulator of renal blood flow, glomerular hemodynamics, and tubule transport processes in the kidney. There is also evidence that NO is involved in cell cycle regulation and mitotic division. During development the nNOS expression pattern differs from that observed in adult animals. However, little is known about temporal and spatial patterns of nNOS expression in the developing kidney. The purpose of this study was to establish the time of expression and the distribution of nNOS in the developing rat kidney. Kidneys from 14-, 16-, 17-, 18-, and 20-day-old fetuses, 1-, 4-, 7-, 14-, and 21-day-old pups, and adult animals were preserved and processed for immunohistochemistry. In the adult kidney, nNOS was detected in the parietal epithelium of Bowman’s capsule, macula densa, descending thin limb and inner medullary collecting duct. nNOS immunoreactivity appeared first in the distal tubule anlage at 15 days of gestation, and in all epithelial cells of developing thick ascending limbs (TAL) as well as macula densa of 17- and 18-day-old fetuses. From 20 days of gestation to 14 days after birth, nNOS was expressed in the newly formed cortical TAL, which are located in the medullary ray, whereas in mature TAL of juxtamedullary nephrons, nNOS immunolabeling gradually decreased in intensity and became restricted to the macula densa. In inner medullary collecting ducts, nNOS immunoreactivity appeared first at 7 days after birth in the papillary tip and gradually ascended to the border between outer and inner medulla. In the descending thin limb and parietal epithelium of Bowman’s capsule, weak nNOS immunoreactivity was observed at 14 days after birth and labeling gradually increased to adult levels at 21 days after birth. These results suggest that differential expression of nNOS in the developing kidney is an important physiological regulator of renal function during kidney maturation.

      • KCI등재

        RADIANCE 프로그램과 인터넷 환경을 이용한 조명시뮬레이션 시스템 개발

        송규동,김지현,최안섭 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.4

        The prediction of illuminances from daylight and artificial lighting has been an important issue in the field of architecture. Architects traditionally have used scale models or various computer programs as tools for predicting the available illuminance in a building and for visualizing the overall lighting quality of the environment. The program requires accurate modeling of the geometric and photometric properties of a designed environment. RADIANCE is a program developed to aid lighting designers and architects by predicting the lighting levels and appearance of a space prior to construction of a building. The modeling of geometric property is usually conducted by commercially available CAD softwares. The modeling of photometric properties includes material color, texture and/or transmittance, daylight availability, and luminous intensity distribution of artificial light sources. The simulation itself uses backward ray-tracing technique to compute radiance values, which are typically arranged to form a photographic quality image. The purpose of this study is to develop a Radiance rendering system that operates automatically on the WWW environment.

      • KCI등재

        ProFile을 이용한 근관형성 시 anticurvature filing 방법의 영향

        송현지,장주혜,조경모,김진우 大韓齒科保存學會 2005 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.30 No.4

        본 연구에서는 ProFile로 근관형성 시 anticurvature filing 방법의 영향을 평가하고자 하였다. 변형된 Bramante 법을 이용해 36개의 레진 블록을 치근단으로부터 8 mm부위와 근관의 최대 만곡 부위에서 절단한 후 재조립하였다. 근관형성의 동작에 따라 anticurvature Hling motion, oircurnferential filing motion, straight up-and-down motion의 3가지 실험군으로 분류한 다음 ProFile로 근관을 형성하였으며, 술 전·후의 단면을 stereomicroscope로 촬영, 저장하고 중첩하여 근관 단면의 변화와 근관의 중심 이동률을 비교 평가하였다. 모든 위치에서 단면적 변화량, 만곡 내측으로의 형성량과 중심 이동률은 세 군 간에 유의한 차이가 없었으며, 만곡 외측으로의 형성량은 치근단으로부터 8 mm 부위에서 anticurvature filing motion, oircurnferential filing motion,straight up-and-down motion의 순으로 많았으나, 근관의 최대 만곡 부위에서는 차이가 없었다. 이상의 결과에서 만곡 근관의 위험 부위에서 ProFile로 근관형성 시 anticurvature filing motion의 영향은 다른 motion과 비교해 볼 때 유의할 만한 차이가 없는 것으로 생각된다. This study investigated the effect of anticurvature filing method on preparation of the curved root canal using ProFile. Thirty six resin blocks were divided equally into three groups by instrumentation motions: anticurvature filing motion, circumferential filing motion and straight up-and-down motion. Each resin block was sectioned at 8 mm level from the apex and at the greatest curvature of the canal and reassembled in metal mold by a modified Bramante technique. All groups were instrumented with the ProFile system. At each levels, image of sectioned surface were taken using CCD camera under a stereomicroscope at ×40 magnification and stored. Distances of transportation at the inner and outer area of curvature and the centering ratio were determined and compared by statistical analysis, along with the assessment of the increase of root canal cross-sectional area. The results were as follows; 1. In all groups, there was no statistical difference in the mean increase of root canal cross-sectional area, the centering ratio, and the mean distances of transportation at the inner area of curvature at each level. 2. At 8 mm level from the apex, the mean distances of transportation at the outer area of curvature decreases in following order anticurvature filing motion, circumferential filing motion, straight up-and-down motion but, no significant difference at the greatest curvature of the canal among three groups. Effect of anticurvature filing motion using ProFile does not seem to be different from other instrumentation motions at the inner area of curvature in curved root canal.[J Kor Acad Cons Dent 30(4):327-334,2005]

      • KCI등재후보

        土當歸, 日當歸 및 中國當歸가 Hydrocortisone acetate로 유발된 瘀血 病態에 미치는 影響

        송승현,서부일,김호경,박지하 대한본초학회 2004 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.19 No.1

        Objectives : This study was performed to compare the effect of Angelicae Gigantis Radix, Angelicae Acutilobae Radix and Angelicae Sinensis Radix extract on model of blood stasis in rats. Methods : Except for the normal group, hydrocortisone acetate(HA;%mg/kg in ethanol, IM) was injected to induce experimental blood stasis model for 1 weeks and each extract was administrated after lhr following HA injection for lweek. We measured the hematocrit, the platelet count, the prothrombin time, levels of fibrinogen and RBC counts in rat s blood. Results : Angelicae Gigantis Radix, Angelicae Acutilobae Radix group showed significant increase of hematocrit in comparison with that of the control group. Angelicae Gigantis Radix, Angelicae Acutilobae Radix and Angelicae Sinensis Radix group showed significant increase of the platelet count in comparison with that of the control group. Angelicae Gigantis Radix group showed significant decrease of prothrombin time in comparison with that of the control group. Angelicae Gigantis Radix, Angelicae Acutilobae Radix and Angelicae Sinensis Radix group showed significant increase of fibrinogen in comparison with that of the control group. Angelicae Sinensis Radix group showed significant decrease of RBC counts in comparison with that of the control group. Conclusions : Reviewing these experimental results, it appears that Angelicae Gigantis Radix, Angelicae Acutilobae Radix and Angelicae Sinensis Radix have similar pharmaceutical efficacy on model of blood stasis. In particular Angelicae Gigantis Radix showed good efficacy in comparison with Angelicae Acutilobae Radix and Angelicae Sinensis Radix. Therefore further additional study should be conducted to elucidate in depth the pharmaceutical efficacy of these.

      • KCI등재

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