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        요대(遼代) 선연(鮮演)에 수용된 법장(法藏)의 화엄사상

        박은영(지현)(Park, Eun-Young (Ven. Ji-Hyun)) 동국대학교 불교문화연구원 2018 佛敎學報 Vol.0 No.85

        중세 동아시아의 화엄사상은 법장에 의해 대성되고, 징관에 의해 혁신을 거듭한다. 당대(唐代)에 확립된 화엄교학은 이후 북송(北宋)에서는 법장의 화엄학이 중시되었던 반면에, 같은 시기에 요대(遼代)에서는 특히 징관의 화엄학이 중점적으로 연구된다. 따라서 요대에는 법장이 큰 연관이 없는 것 같지만 사실은 요대 화엄학 저술인 선연의 『담현결택기』6권속에서 법장의 사상은 충실히 수용되고 있다. 징관의 『대소』와 『연의초』가 법장을 종지로 받들어 지어진 것이고, 『결택기』가 그것의 주석서인 점에서 볼 때, 『결택기』에는 그 자체로 법장의 사상이 녹아들어 있다고 할 수 있다. 실제 『결택기』에 인용된 문헌 중에는 법장의 저술인 『교의분제장』이 가장 많이 인용되었고, 또 다른 저술인 『지귀』, 『탐현기』, 『기신론의기』도 직접 · 간접적으로 인용되었으며, 선연은 매우 빈번하게 ‘현수의 뜻’을 회통하고 있다. 내용적으로는 『현담』 본문의 제1장 「교장소섭(藏敎所攝)」과 제2장 「의리분제(義理分齊)」부분에서 많이 인용되었는데, 특히 일승과 삼승의 불일불이(不一不異), 동교일승 ․ 별교일승, 5교교판과 십현문 등 화엄일승원교의 의리를 밝히는 데 있어 주요쟁점들을 선연이 법장의 사상을 통해 적극 활용하고 있는 것에서 잘 드러난다. 본 논고에서는 『결택기』에 인용된 법장의 저술과 그 구체적인 내용을 중심으로 해서 선연이 법장의 사상에서 무엇을 강조하고 있고, 석성하고 있는 내용은 무엇인지를 중점적으로 살펴서 선연에게 수용된 법장의 화엄사상을 살펴봄으로써 요대 화엄사상속에서 법장 화엄사상의 위상을 파악하고자 한다. Chinese Buddhism and especially Huayan thought flourished in the Liao dynasty 遼(916-1125) and was based on Chinese translations of Buddhist literature made during the Tang dynasty 唐 (618-907). Huayan Jing Tǎnxuan Juezĕ Ji, written by Xianyǎn 鮮演(1040-1118), was one of the later annotations to the Xuant-1 玄談 from the 20 volumes of Dafang’guangfo Huayan Jing Shu 大方廣佛華嚴經疏 and the 40 volumes of Suishuyanyi Chao 隨疏演義鈔, which was widely known as a distinctive commentary on the 80 volumes of the Avataṃsaka sutra written by Qingliang Chengguan 淸涼 澄觀 (738-839). Juezĕ Ji was annotated for Xuantan 玄談 in a very clear and accurate tone, as the way in which Xianyǎn’s opinions were absorbed in the writing of Chengguan did not include notes or as water permeating into any objects. We are able to see that Juezĕ Ji was annotated in Xianyǎn’s own unique way, which made Chengguan’s writings clear and obvious. Additionally, Juezĕ Ji frequently quoted classic literature, Fa-Tsang 法藏 (643-712) wrote and the number of quotes ranged from twos to score every fascicle. Thus, it can be said that the same way as Xianyǎn was absorbed in Chengguan’s writing, the essence of the Huayan thought of Fa-Tsang was accepted by Xianyǎn from the Liao period in Juezĕ Ji.

      • 유방암의 위와 대장전이

        유현아,김은영,서민지,정은,조민정,오현진,장지혜,박지찬,이정의,박석영 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2014 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.37 No.2

        Gastric metastasis from breast cancer is rare and only six cases have been reported in Korea. Colon metastasis is more rare than gastric metastasis. We report a 63-year-old woman with gastric and colon metastases of invasive lobular carcinoma of breast. She was diagnosed as right breast cancer, received right modified radical mastectomy 10 years ago and has been treated with chemotherapy and hormone therapy. Investigating for melena and a small caliber of stool, we found gastric and colon metastases. The diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer was made through gross pathologic and immunohistochemistry staining. We report a case with gastric and colon metastases from breast cancer and a review of the associated six case reports in Korea.


        Impact of the oxygen functional group of nitric acid‑treated activated carbon on KOH activation reaction

        JiHyun Kim,Sang Youp Hwang,Jung Eun Park,Gi Bbum Lee,Ho Kim,Seokhwi Kim,Bum Ui Hong 한국탄소학회 2019 Carbon Letters Vol.29 No.3

        To prepare activated carbon with a high specific surface area, oxygen functional groups (OFGs) that can serve as useful electron donors during KOH activation were treated with nitric acid and incorporated into activated carbon. OFGs are incorporated differently according to the surface characteristics of starting materials. Up to 22.46% OFGs are incorporated into wood-based activated carbons (WACs), the C=O, COOH contents was 1.90, 17.05%, respectively. Whereas up to 12.82% OFGs are incorporated into coconut shell-based activated carbons, the C=O, COOH contents was 4.12, 6.15%, respectively. The OFGs used for increasing the specific surface area are the carbonyl group, and as the content of the functional group increases, the carbonyl group spreads to the carboxyl group. The specific surface area of activated carbons increased by 10–68% with an increase in the carbonyl group up to 6% (maximum point of carbonyl group). On the other hand, the specific surface area for WACs increased when the carboxyl group was 10% or below, but decreased by 6–15% when it increased to 10% or excess.

      • 브랜딩·스타일링·마케팅을 결합한 스페이스 디자인 프로세스 연구 - 작품‘Fill the Red, Feel the Red'를 중심으로 -

        은다솜,장효실,최해원,홍지현,이진민,장미정,이성애 숙명여자대학교 디자인연구소 2018 숙명디자인학 연구 Vol.25 No.-

        본 연구는 디자인 분야와 마케팅 분야의 전략을 종합하여 전략적 연결점을 찾아내 요소들 간 융합을 이루는 사례를 제시하여 브랜드·스페이스·마케팅에서 새로운 방향성과 아이디어를 제시하는데 목적을 둔다. 이에 본 연구는 2017년 9월~12월까지 ㈜애경과 산업 연계하여 진행된 숙명여대 환경디자인학과 ‘브 랜딩·스타일링·마케팅’ 교과목에서 도출된 ‘fill the red, feel the red’ 프로젝트를 마케팅 및 디자인 프로세스, 결과물을 도출하여 그 과정들을 밝힌다. 아울러 본 연구는 브랜드 스페이스 마케팅에 대한 이론적 고찰을 통해, 브랜드 스페이스(팝업스토어)를 개발 및 스타일링하며 ㈜애경의 화장품 브랜드 ‘LUNA’를 브 랜딩, 스타일, 마케팅적 측면에서 종합적으로 연계하여 도출되는 과정들을 제안함으로서 향후 브랜드 스페이스 디자인과 마케팅 분야에 체계적이고 창의적인 방법들로 결과물을 도출하는데 기초자료로 활용하는데 의의가 있다.

      • 5종의 치주질환균에 대한 프로폴리스의 항균효과

        이은지,김소민,박소민,박복리,홍성익,김현정 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 2022 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.28 No.1,2

        Since the oral cavity is directly connected to the outside, it is an important site for microbial invasion, and since it is an environment that is nutritionally and physiologically easy to multiply bacteria, many bacteria always form bacteriological flora in the oral cavity. And propolis is a natural treatment used in many health food stores in various forms for local treatment. This study analyzes the changes in the activity of five oral microorganisms before and after consumption of propolis for various age groups to find out how propolis, which shows the efficacy of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and immune sensitization, affects oral microorganisms. Five types of bacteria possessed by periodontal disease patients were specified and digitized targeting the public person, and then before and after propolis intake was compared, and the levels of periodontal disease bacteria in the intake group and the non-consumption group were compared. As a result of comparing the patterns before ingestion (0 week) and after ingestion (3 week) in the oral bacteria analysis, it was confirmed that the bacteria decreased overall except for the five populations in the propolis intake group. In contrast, in the comparative group that did not intake propolis, the bacteria of five periodontal disease increased except for the four populations. What can be seen from this result is that propolis is effective in reducing bacteria in five types of periodontal disease. In order to use propolis as a food for preventing periodontal disease and to get a better effect, further research is needed to find out the mechanism of antibacterial action in propolis compounds.

      • 노인과 대학생의 낙상 위험 분석

        정다현,김예희,김지은,이예영,강현주 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 2021 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.27 No.1.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze risk of falls between elderly people and college students. The subjects of this study were 25 people aged 70 years or older and 17 college students located in Asan. We measured sensory, integrated balance, nervous, musculoskeletal system and HQR by FRA system (Inbody, Korea). The results of measurement showed significant differences in sensory system (p<.01), integrated balance (p<.001), nervous system (p<.001), and musculoskeletal system (p<.001) between groups. These results suggest that aging makes difference of function of these systems. In our view, counterplans need to be implemented, including exercise intervention to prevent decreases of fall risk,

      • KCI등재
      • 석면함유 슬레이트 지붕 물받이 퇴적물 중 석면 섬유 함유율

        임지현,한솔민,김현석,신유민,박시은,허정윤,김민영,장봉기 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 2022 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.28 No.1,2

        This study attempted to determine the degree of asbestos release from the aging slate roof by comparing the asbestos content in the slate roof rain gutter with a colored steel plate (tin plate) over the slate roof. Four slate roof houses located in Haengmok-ri, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, and one house constructed with a colored steel plate on the slate roof were selected to collect the sediment of the roof rain gutter. The asbestos fiber content was calculated by a point counting method using a polarization microscope after pretreatment with conversion treatment and hydrochloric acid treatment. The average asbestos content of the four slate roof rain gutter were 1.89%. However, asbestos was not detected in the Slate covering roof rain gutter, which were constructed on the slate roof. Asbestos fiber content was the highest at 2.89% in the slate roof rain gutter installed in 1976, followed by 2.44% in 1953. From the above results, it is necessary to minimize secondary damage as asbestos fibers released from slate roof houses to the surrounding atmosphere or leaked from slate roofs as rainwater may cause soil pollution and seriously affect residents' health. Although covering with colored steel plates (tin plates) has been shown to prevent the leakage of asbestos fibers to some extent, it is believed that a policy alternative to remove the slate roof as soon as possible is needed to solve the fundamental problem.

      • KCI등재후보

        습식크리닝에 의한 지류문화재의 물성변화

        천주현,장은지 국립중앙박물관 2005 박물관보존과학 Vol.6 No.-

        지류문화재의 보존처리과정에서 실시되는 습식크리닝의 영향을 알아보기 위해 습식크리닝 전과 후의 물성변화를 관찰하였다. 조사방법으로 고지와 현대지 7종을 각각 습식크리닝 전과 후의 구조적, 광학적, 강도적 성질의 변화를 측정하였다. 그 결과 습식크리닝은 지류문화재의 물성변화를 일으키고 특히 안료, 먹, 염료 등의 구성성분을 약화시킬 수 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. To understand the influence of wet cleaning performed in the course of preserving paper items, the change of matter properties by before and after wet cleaning was observed. Specifically, structural and optical qualities and strength were measured. The result showed that wet cleaning caused a substance change in the paper items and particularly weakened the structure material of pigments, Chinese ink, dyes, etc.

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