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        영조 초기 안동 지역 남인의 정치적 동향

        이재현 ( Lee Jae-hyeon ) 대구사학회 2021 대구사학 Vol.144 No.-

        이 논문은 英祖 초기에 안동 지역 남인의 정치활동을 규명한 것이다. 시기적 범위는 영조 즉위 이후부터 대략 辛酉大訓을 전후한 시기까지이며, 지역적 범위는 安東을 중심으로 하되 禮安·英陽·寧海 등 안동 주변 지역 또한 그 대상으로 삼았다. 여기서 지역적 범위는 곧 李玄逸 門人 집단 내 핵심인물들의 거주 범위와 일치한다. 영조는 즉위 이후 탕평책을 추진하였는데, 신유대훈으로 국왕 주도의 탕평 정국이 설립되기까지 乙巳換局, 丁未換局, 戊申亂, 己酉處分, 十九下敎, 混沌開闢, 庚申處分 등 많은 정치적 사건이 발생하였다. 그러나 영남 남인의 경우 숙종 대 甲戌換局 이후로 실각하여 재기하지 못하였고, 이로 인해 영조 초기 정국에서는 중앙 정계에서의 역할이 미미하였다. 더구나 무신란에 연루되면서 지역 전체가 ‘逆鄕’으로 규정될 위험에 처하였다. 이에 통상적으로 영남 남인의 정치적 명분은 무신란으로 인해 완전히 붕괴된 것으로 이해되었다. 그러나 무신란 이후 영조의 배려로 안동을 중심으로 한 일부 영남 남인 인사의 등용이 있었다. 김성탁은 이를 대표하는 인물이다. 하지만 당시 안동 지역 남인들은 이현일의 문인집단으로 서로 얽혀있었고, 이현일의 伸冤이 이루어지지 않는 이상, 언제나 ‘己巳年의 餘黨’으로 낙인될 가능성이 존재하였다. 1737년(영조 13)에 김성탁이 이현일을 伸救하다가 영조의 분노를 사 유배 간 사건은 안동 지역 남인의 취약한 정치적 기반을 단적으로 보여 준다. 김성탁 사건의 파급으로 인해 안동 지역 내에서는 김상헌 서원 건립을 둘러싸고 南·老 간의 향전이 벌어졌다. 안동 지역 내에서 열세에 처했던 노론 측은 官의 지원 아래에 서원 건립을 추진했으나, 남인들이 물리력을 동원하면서 저지하여 서원 건립이 좌절되었다. 영조는 이 사건에서 남인들에게 상대적으로 관대한 처분을 내렸다. 이러한 영조의 태도는 黨論 위에서 君師로 군림하려는 영조의 의도를 보여주는 것이었다. 그러나 이러한 영조의 의도와 배려에도 불구하고 1740년대가 되면 안동 지역 남인의 정치활동은 침체되었고, 이것은 곧 영남 남인의 정치활동의 침체를 의미한다. This study identifies the political activities of Namin in Andong in the early days of King Yeongjo. The period ranges from the time of King Yeongjo's accession to the throne to around the time of Sinyu Daehun. The regional range was centered on Andong and around Andong such as Yean, Yeungyang and Yeunghae. The regional range is in line with the extent to which key figures reside within the Lee Hyeon-il’s followers. King Yeongjo promoted Tangpyeong policy(蕩平策) after his ascension, and many political events took place, including the Eulsa Regime Change in 1725(乙巳換局), Jeongmi Regime Change in 1727(丁未換局), Musin Revolt(戊申亂), Kiyucheobun(己酉處分), Sibguhagyo(十九下敎), Hondongaebyeok(混沌開闢), Gyeongsincheobun(庚申處分), until the establishment of the King-led Tangpyeong regime. However, in the case of Namin group of Yeongnam, he failed to recover after Gabsul Regime Change in 1694(甲戌換局), and thus had little role in the central political circle in the early days of King Yeongjo. Furthermore, relevant to Musin Revolt put the entire region at risk of being defined as "Rebellion." In general, it was understood that the political cause of Namin group of Yeongnamwas completely destroyed due to Musin Revolt. However, Namin group of Yeongnam centered on Andong was appointed because of King Yeongjo's consideration after Musin Revolt. Kim Seong-tak was a representative figure. However, Namin in Andong were intertwined with Lee Hyun-il's followers at that time. If Lee Hyun-il is not innocent, They were always likely to be branded as ‘the remnants of the year of Gisa’. In 1737, Kim Sung-tak's banishment due to Yeongjo's anger while explaining Lee Hyun-il shows the weak political foundation of Namin in Andong. Due to the ripple of the Kim Seong-tak's banishment, there was confrontation between Namin and Noron over the construction of Hagdong Seowon in Andong. Noron, who had a weak power in Andong, pushed for the construction of the Seowon under the support of the government office, but the construction of the Seowon was thwarted by Namin's physical force. King Yeongjo gave relatively lenient treatment to Namin in this case. King Yeongjo's attitude showed King Yeongjo's intention to reign as ‘Master King(君師)’ on the party platform. However, despite King Yeongjo's intentions and consideration, the political activities of Namin in Andong began to stagnate in the 1740s, which meant that the political activities of Namin group of Yeongnam had stagnated. (Department of History, Kyungpook National University / corpseljh@hanmail.net)

      • 순조(純祖)대(1800~1834) 안동지역(安東地域) 유림(儒林)의 정치적 동향

        이재현 ( Lee Jae-hyeon ) 경북대학교 퇴계연구소 2016 퇴계학과 유교문화 Vol.59 No.-

        이 글은 순조 대 안동지역 유림의 정치적 동향을 살펴보기 위한 목적으로 작성된 것이다. 이를 위해 먼저 정조 집권 시 중앙정계에 등용되었던 영남남인이 도태되는 상황을 살펴보았다. 다음으로 1810년대에 병호시비가 촉발되는 과정을 이현일-이상정으로 이어지는 학통과 관련하여 추적하였다. 이후 병호시비가 호계서원을 넘어 지역 내 현안으로 확산되는 과정을 알아보고, 1820년대에 향론의 보합을 위해 어떠한 시도가 있었는지를 살펴보았다. 정조 즉위 이전 중앙정계에서 소외되어 있던 영남남인은 정조가 탕평책을 실시하면서 당시 근기남인의 거두인 채제공의 주선으로 중앙정계의 주변부에 자리 잡을 수 있었다. 하지만 정조가 승하하면서 안동을 중심으로 한 영남남인은 새로운 정치적 상황을 맞이하였다. 순조 대의 영남남인은 중앙정계에서의 존립이 위태로운 상황 속에서, 이와 함께 병호시비라는 내부 분열을 해결해야 하는 과제를 안고 있었다. 병호시비는 호계서원에 이상정을 추향하는 문제를 두고 크게 확산되었다. 호유 측은 자신들의 학맥을 잇는 이상정의 추향을 통해 퇴계의 적전임을 천명하려 하였고, 병유 측은 이를 결사적으로 저지하려 하였다. 이러한 분열 양상은 호계서원을 넘어 다른 지역 내 현안까지 확대되었는데, 그 대표적인 것이 채제공 신원소 문제였다. 1820년대에는 『번암집』 간행작업과 을유도회를 통해 시비를 보합하려는 시도가 있었다. 하지만 끝내 화합에는 실패하였다. 이것은 양측이 당대 정치 현실에 대한 정치적 지향에도 차이가 있었기 때문이었다. 병유 측은 향내 현안 해결을 위해서는 중앙정계와의 연계도 필요하다는 입장이었지만, 호유 측은 정체성을 명확히 하면서 중앙정계에 배타적 입장이었다. 순조 대 안동유림은 중앙정계에서 다시 소외되는 과정 속에서 향론의 분열에 직면하였다. 이에 한 측은 중앙정계와 다각도로 연계를 시도하면서 현안을 해결하려 하였고, 한 측은 정체성을 확고히 하면서 중앙정계에 진출하여 하였다. 이러한 인식 차이로 인해 일련의 보합 시도는 결국 실패하였고, 다음 세대의 과제로 남겨지게 된다. This essay investigates the political trends of the class of Confucian scholars who had inhabited in An-Dong in the reign of Sun-Jo. Firs of all, I show the process that Youngnam Namin lost their power in palace politics, who were appointed in the reign of Jeong-Jo. Secondly, I explain the early process of the Byung-Ho conflict in the frame of the academic line from Lee Hyun-il to Lee Sang-jeong. Finally, I suggest the process which the conflict expanded from between the Byung-san lecture hall and the Ho-gye lecture hall to the provincial society, and the various efforts in order to reconcile this conflict. The Youngnam Namin did not take any posts in the court before the enthronement of King Young-jo. However the King carried into effort the Balancing policy, so that the Youngnam Namin could get some posts in the periphery of the court by the effort of an influential political man, Che Jae-gong, who was the leader of the Gungi Namin The Byung-Ho conflict was trigger by the memorial rite of Lee Sang- jeong. The Confucian scholars who studied in the Ho-gye lecture hall wanted to be the right followers of the Lee Hwang by the memorial rite of Lee Sang-jeong. However, the scholars who studied in the Byung-san lecture hall tried to blocked the try of the opposing party. Although, in the 1820s, there were some kinds of reconciling efforts, the final reconcile was not attained. The reason was that the political aims of two parties were different each other. The Byung-san scholars underlined the collaboration with the court politicians in order to resolve the provincial problem. On the other hand, Ho-gye scholars wanted to took a distance to the court, accenting a specific regional identification. As a result of this difference, the reconcile was failed.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluating Corrosion Resistance of Biomedical Ti-6Al-4 V Alloys Fabricated via Additive Manufacturing Using Electrochemical Critical Localized Corrosion Potential

        Jae‑Bong Lee,Dong‑Il Seo,Hyeon‑Yeong Chang 대한금속·재료학회 2021 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.27 No.7

        High entropy alloys (HEAs) have received tremendous attention in diferent applications because of their excellent corrosion resistance and superior mechanical properties. In the present work, a novel TiNbMoMnFe high entropy alloy systemwas synthesized and deposited on AISI 316L by DC magnetron sputtering system. The microstructure of the resulting thinflm was evaluated by grazing incidence X-ray difraction and feld emission electron microscope. It was found that the thinflm microstructure is composed of a crystalline solid solution (grain size of 76 nm) and an amorphous phase. The electrochemical investigations in Ringer’s solution revealed that a thin flm of 670 nm thick high entropy alloy has a low corrosioncurrent density of 0.024 μA cm−2, approximately 30% lower than that of the uncoated 316L. Meanwhile, the HEA thin flmshowed the highest pitting corrosion resistance and stability of the passive flm. The wettability examinations exhibited thatthe coated sample has a high contact angle of 90° in contrast to 60° for the uncoated ones. In summary, the TiNbMoMnFehigh entropy alloy thin flm shows great potential for use in biomaterial applications.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        브루셀라균에 노출된 미생물 검사실 직원들에 대한 예방적 항생제 요법과 혈청학적 추적검사

        이창섭,이혜수,이재현,박진희,최영실,황규잠,이흥범 대한감염학회 2008 감염과 화학요법 Vol.40 No.2

        The aerozolization is one of possible Brucella transmission mechanisms, particularly in air-borne exposed laboratory workers. In this study, seven laboratory workers were potentially exposed to B. abortus via aerosols. Two laboratory workers who sniffed an agar plate several times were considered to be at high risk for acquiring the disease, 5 workers who did not work directly with the strain were be considered at low risk of infection. Prophylactic antibiotics of doxycycline 200 mg/day and rifampin 600 mg/day were offered for 6 weeks in high risk workers and 3 weeks for low risk workers respectively. Enrolled workers were advised to check for serological testing of Brucella species every 3 weeks during a total period of 12 weeks. Compliance with taking medicine was 57.1% (4/7) and compliance for completing the serological tests was 85.7% (6/7). None of the laboratory workers developed clinical disease or tested positive serologically during 3 months of seroloaical testing and 1 year of clinical follow-up.

      • 봉독약침이 류마티스 관절염 환자의 관절 통증, 종창 및 급성 염증 반응에 미치는 영향

        이상훈,이현종,백용현,김수영,박재경,홍승재,양형인,김건식,이재동,최도영,이두익,이윤호 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2003 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2003 No.-

        Objective In order to study the effects of bee venom(BV) on the pain, edema, and acute inflammatory reactant of rheumatoid arthritis(RA) patients. Methods Patients with RA who met the ACR(American College of Rheumatology) 1987 revised criteria for the diagnosis of RA were treated with the BV therapy twice a week for 3 months. Tender Joint counts, swollen joint counts, Visual analog scale(VAS), morning stiffness, ESR. C-reactive protein(CRP) were analyzed before and after BV therapy. Results The results as follows. 1. Tender joint counts in patients after BV therapy were significantly lower than those before BV therapy(9.0±7.9 vs 15± 11.4, p=0.002). 2. Swollen joint counts of the patients after BV therapy were significantly lower than those before BV therapy(50±61 vs 15±23, p=0.001). 3. VAS in patients after BV therapy was significantly lower than those before BV therapy(608± 17.6 vs 380± 159, p=0.000). 4. Duration of morning stiffness in patients after BV therapy was significantly reduced compared with that before BV therapy(119.1± 112.6 min vs 59.0±89.7 min, p=0.009). 5. ESR and CRP were not significantly changed before and after BV therapy, suggesting BV itself could make inflammatory reaction as well as therapeutic effect. Conclusions BV therapy improved tender joint counts, swollen joint counts and duration of morning stiffness in this study, and further study is needed on long-term effect of BV therapy.

      • 난소 및 난소 종양 염전의 초음파 소견

        오연희,이현경,이원재,이성우,박수성,윤혜원,임문환,심재철,김용탁,김성숙,김정란 동국대학교 경주대학 1993 東國論集 Vol.12 No.-

        Acute torsion of the ovary and ovarian mass is a recognized surgical emergency, but rarely has the diagnosis been made preoperatively on the basis of imaging studies. The sonographic findings in 14 cases of surgically proven torsion of the ovary and ovarian mass are described. Mostly cystic ovarian mass, engorged vessel, dilated uterine tube, beak-like echo(torsion site), smooth mass wall thickening an free-fluid collection in cul-de-sac are described. More significant in terms of specificity were the demonstration in 6 cases(42.9%) of the smooth mass wall thickening and in 8 cases(57.1%) of a free fluid in the cul-de-sac. We report the sonographic findings of ovary and ovarian mass torsion that may suggest the preoperative diagnosis of this condition.

      • KCI등재

        Thermal cycling 과 시효처리가 Glass-Ionomer수복재의 인장강도에 미치는 영향

        이승익,백병주,김재곤,이승영,김문현 大韓小兒齒科學會 1999 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.26 No.4

        본 연구에서는 구강환경과 유사한 액상의 조건하에서의 온도변화가 광중합형 글래스아이오노머계 수복재의 인장강도에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위해 대조군으로 2종의 재래형 glass ionomer를 선택하고 실험군으로 2종의 광중합형의 resin-modified glass ionomer와 2종의 polyacid-modified resin composite을 선택한 다음 수중에서의 thermal cycling과 시효처리를 행하였으며, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 글래스아이오노머 수복재의 인장강도를 측정한 결과, polyacid-modified resin composite, resin-modified glass ionomer 그리고 재래형 glass ionomer의 순으로 나타났다. 2. 인장강도는 30일간의 시효처리로 증가되는 경향을 보였다. 3. 재래형 glass ionomer 수복재의 인장강도는 thermal cycling 처리로 증가되는 경향을 보였으며, 37℃의 증류수 중에 1시간 침적한 군과 10,000회의 thermal cycling을 비교한 결과 유의한 차이로서 강도의 증가를 나타냈다(P<0.01). 4. thermal cycling 군의 인장강도는 DR군이 45.4MPa로 최대치를, FL군이 13.4MPa로 최소치를 나타냈으며, 각 군간의 통계적 유의성을 검증한 결과 polyacid-modified resin composite의 인장강도가 나머지 군과 유의한 차이를 보였다(p<0.05). 5. 특성강도는 DR군이 48.6MPa로 가장 높은 강도치를 보였으나, Weibull 계수는 CG군이 8.9로 가장 높은 값을 보여 시험재료 중에서 가장 작은 강도의 분산을 나타냈다. This study was performed to evaluate the effect of aging and thermal cycling on the tensile strength of six commercially available glass-ionomer materials: two chemically set glass-ionomer materials(Fuji Ⅱ, fuji Ⅸ), two resin-modified glass-ionomer materials(Fuji Ⅱ LC, Vitremer), and two polyacid-modified composite resins(Compoglass, Dyract). Rectangular tension test specimens were fabricated in a teflon mold giving 5mm in gauge length and 2mm in thickness. All samples were divided into 3 groups. Group 1 was immersed in a 37℃ distilled water for 1 hour. Group 2 was immersed in a 37℃ distilled water for 30 days. Group 3 was subjected to 10,000 thermal cycles between 5℃ and 55℃, and the immersion time in each bath was 15 seconds per cycle. Tensile testing was carried out at a cross-head speed of 0.5mm/min and fracture surfaces were examined with scanning electron microscope. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The polyacid-modified composite resins were stronger than the resin-modified glass-ionomer materials, which were much stronger than the conventional glass-ionomer materials. 2. Tensile strengths were slightly increased after aging treatments for 30days. 3. Tensile strengths of conventional glass ionomers were significantly increased after thermal cycling treatment(p<0.01). 4. The highest tensile strength value of 45.4MPa was observed in the Dyract group and the lowest value of 13.3MPa was observed in the Fuji Ⅱ LC group after the thermal cycling test, and the strengths of polyacid-modified composite groups were significantly higher than those of other groups. 5. The highest characteristic strength value of 48.6MPa was obtained in the Dyract group, however the highest Weibull modulus value of 8.9MPa was obtained in the Compoglass group after thermal cycling test.

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