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최도영,정상립 대한피부과학회 1978 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.16 No.4
Darier's disease is a congenital dyskeratosis and is as an autosomal dominant trait but a case with a family history is relatively rare and only 2 such cases have been reported in Korea. We present typical Darier's disease occuring in a mother and her 2 daughters. A 45 year-old female has shown muitiple, confluent, dirty verrucous keratotic papules on the seborrheic area and whitish papules on the sotf palate since the age of 7 year-old. Histologically there, are corps ronds, grains and suprabssal lacunae in the epidermis.
최도영,홍의선,양태훈,정흥조,이재욱 한국화학공학회 2007 화학공학의이론과응용 Vol.10 No.1
Activated carbon has been extensively used to purify indoor air and industrial gas streams containing a variety of organic chemicals and pollutants. Water vapor is frequently present at high levels in the atmosphere and may influence the adsorption properties of activated carbon. The presence of water vapor can have a severe negative influence on the adsorption behaviour of activated carbon filters. Moreover, water adsorption in activated carbon has been one of the most important problems for the removal of VOCs from air. Thus, in this study, the competitive adsorption properties including adsorption equilibrium and column dynamics of TCE and water vapors on a hydrophobic activated carbon were investigated. TCE was chosen as a representative of VOCs.
2단계 RTD방법에 의한 $N^+P$ 접합 티타늄 실리사이드 특성연구
최도영,윤석범,오환술 한국전기전자재료학회 1995 전기전자재료학회지 Vol.8 No.6
Two step RTD(Rapid Thermal Diffussion) of P into silicon wafer using tungsten halogen lamp was used to fabricated very shallow n$^{+}$p junction. 1st RTD was performed in the temperature range of 800.deg. C for 60 see and the heating rate was in the 50.deg. C/sec. Phosphrous solid source was transfered on the silicon surface. 2nd RTD process was performed in the temperature range 1050.deg. C, 10sec. Using 2 step RTD we can obtain a shallow junction in depth. After RTD, the Ti-silicide process was performed by the two step RTA(Rapid Thermal Annealing) to reduced the electric resistance and to improve the n$^{+}$p junction diode. The titanium thickness was 300.angs.. The condition of lst RTA process was 600.deg. C of 30sec and that of 2nd RTA process was varied in the range 700.deg. C, 750.deg. C, 800.deg. C for 10sec-60sec. After 2 step RTA, sheet resistance was 46.ohm../[]. Ti-silicide n+p junction diode was fabricated and I-V characteristics were
P-76 : Effect of Humidity on the Competitive Adsorption of VOCs on Mesoporous Materials
최도영,양태훈,심왕근,문희,정흥조,이재욱 한국화학공학회 2007 화학공학의이론과응용 Vol.10 No.2
Adsorption equilibria of water and VOC vapors were measured by using a gravimetric technique. To investigate the effect of humidity on the competitive adsorption of VOCs, experimental and theoretical studies were carried out with respect to adsorption and desorption breakthrough curves obtained in wash-coated monolith column under various humidity conditions. It was found that water vapor in the VOC stream had little effect on the adsorption capacity of VOC up to 80% RH (relative humidity).