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      • Korean Dictionaries and Some Model Dictionaries of the World : Critical Essays toward the Plan for a New Korean Dictionary

        Lee, Sang Sup,Nam, Ki Shim,Ahn, Sam Huan,Choi, Young Ai,Hong, Chai Song 연세대학교 언어정보개발원 1988 사전편찬학 연구 Vol.1 No.1

        After briefly reviewing the history of lexcoigraphy in modem Korea, Nam Kishim tackles many problems created by the general deficiency of current Korean monolingual dictionaries in phonological morphological and semantic points. For example, most Korean dictionaries do not treat such phonological changes as the shortening of the stem vowel ㅓ in 더운, the prenominal form of the adjective 덥다, whose stem vowel ㅓ is pronounced long. He also takes issue with the practice of Korean dictionaries of including all kinds of proper names on little reliable principles : a typical dictionary enters a 600m-high hill while excluding better-known mountains higher than that. Hong Chai-song concentrates on the often misguiding information on transitive / intransitive verbs in current dictionaries. For example, a representative dictionary designates the verb 뛰다 simply as intransitive. But it is quite often used as an transitive also. In the sentence, 철수는 운동장을 뛰었다, 운동장 is the object of the transitive verb 뛰다. How could the compilers miss such an obvious fact? Hong suggests that they may have not been interested in being grammatically informative. A historical survey of the Oxford English Dictionary(OED) is given by Lee Sang-sup, with special emphasis on the vast amount of quotations from real sources contributed by thousands of volunteer readers through several decades and on its unwavering historical principle. A comparison between the OED's definition of Kimchi and a Korean dictionary's 김치 is given, showing the difference of principle in treating the same lexical item. Ahn Sam-huan presents a detailed account of Grimm's Deutsches Wo¨rterbuch which took generations of German lexicographers 133 years from its inception to its completion in 1971. On the basis of his study, Ahn suggests that future dictionary makers should cooperate as a group on a long-range comprehensive project. A moltivolume dictionary is an all-important cultural event for the whole nation, not to be influenced by private commercial interests. Choi Young-ai's survey of Chinese lexicography highlights the now on-going publication of 漢語字典 and 漢語詞典, admirable results of the cooperative effort of hundreds of Chinese scholars, a modus operandi for the Yonsei University graze to adopt in planning a new dictionary of the Korean language.

      • 지방정부 행정서비스에 대한 주관적 평가 : 영천시를 중심으로 The Case of Yeong-cheon City

        송건섭,이승철,유영애,이소영 大邱大學校 社會科學硏究所 2003 社會科學硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        이 글은 지방정부의 민원행정서비스 만족도를 평가하고, 개선방안을 제시하는데 목적을 두었다. 연구는 경북 영천시를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 분석하였다. 분석결과, 첫째, 민원행정서비스는 친절하고 신속하게 이루어졌지만, 과거 획일적이고 공급자 위주의 행정을 탈피하여 수요자 중심의 행정을 전개하기 위해 서비스 차별화 전략이 필요하다. 둘째, 민원행정서비스에 대한 만족도는 전체적으로 매우 높은 것으로 나타났다. 특히 민원사항에 대한 충분한 설명과 지식, 정보제공, 민원인을 대상으로 한 간단한 문서교육 등이 필요하다. 셋째, 민원시책에 대해서는 만족도가 낮았다. 이를 제고하기 위해서는 전체주민을 고려한 행사, 다양한 방법 (각종매체, 모임)을 통한 홍보활동전개, 특정한 날을 정하기보다는 상시적인 행사, 시의 편리한 시간에 행사 일을 맞추기보다는 주민의 시간을 고려한 행정 등이 필요하다. 마지막으로 민원행정서비스에 대한 개선책으로 각종 법규정비의 간소화가 중요하다. 또 복합민원만을 one-Stop, non-stop으로 처리할 수 있는 별도의 민원 부서가 필요하다. This paper propose to evaluate satistaction and policy orientation of civi1 service in Local government. Its analyze through questionnaire method in case of Yeong-cheon city, Gyeongbuk. The results of this study are as follows: First, civil service enforce friendly and speed, but its need defficiental strategy of civil service to deployment custommer-oriented administration deviate from fixed supply-oriented administration of the past. Second, the satisfaction of civil service totally high. Especially, its need explanation and knowledge sufficiently for civil service, furnishment of information, document education for citizen etc. Third, the satisfaction of civil program somewhat low. In order to the rise service program satisfaction, local government should open citizens’ events, public relation through mass media, civil conference, simplicity of law etc.

      • 대망에 발생한 방선균증 1례

        송상훈,심찬섭,이문성,김진오,조주영,김영석,문종호,이진우 순천향의학연구소 1999 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.5 No.1

        Actinomycosis is an uncommon chronic suppurative disease characterized by multiple abscess, draining sinuses, abundant granulation, and dense fibrous tissue, caused by the actinomyces organisms. It occurs in three major sites: cervicofacial, abdominal, and thoracic. The abdomen is the second most common involved site in previous studies, and there are three ways this organism can affect the gastrointestinal tract: through a blood-borne infection, by swallowing, or by proliferation at a more distal intestinal area. Abdominal actinomycosis is an unusual disease but remains an important differential diagnosis in patients with abdominal mass. Obtaining the diagnosis is difficult and rarely made preoperatively, but provide the key to its management. Medical therapy is effetive in eradicating the disease; however, because of the large amount of reactive fibrosis formed by the infection, it requires long-term therapy. Surgical treatment may be essential in many cases, primarily when malignancy cannot be excluded or if extensive necrotic tissue exists. There are a few description for actinomycosis involving omentum. We report a case of patient with omental actinomycosis, suspected to have a malignancy requiring an exploratory laparotomy with resection.

      • IHOP실행계획의 전산화체계 구축

        宋武錫,金庸燮,李大炯 弘益大學校 産業技術硏究所 2005 産業技術 Vol.15 No.-

        Higher Productivity and less cost during the manufacturing process of ships are required to maintain international competitiveness of modern shipbuilding industries. The integrated hull/ outfitting/ painting scheduling(IHOP) process is a final point, where logistics are finally being integrated and upcoming schedules are made. Therefore, more profits are expected from IHOP by effective management. In this thesis, IHOP is proposed in order to solve how to choose block erection date withIHOP scheduling logic. Characteristics of erection process had the non-fixed elements, and it requires a lot of calculation. So IHOP, which demands less calculations and reflects more of the non-fixed elements, is the best profit solver in integrated schedule problem. It was applicable in diminution method of maximum load through load balancing measure. IHOP seeks for a gradual lowering of the maximum load, and consequently aims for load balancing. It was effective for not only decrease of complex group work, but also decrease of overtime work. The result of IHOP scheduling is highly advised to utilize fabrication, outfitting shops. A standardized operation and load of resource will eventually be applied in long-term time span point of view for this will make it easy to enable capacity planning and workforce planning. It is also expected to eliminate inefficiency in overtime work and efficiently utilize manpower in short-term.

      • 근육세뇨관 수분 및 이온 이동에 대한 모델

        양훈모,송혜섭,민영기 순천향의학연구소 1999 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구는 세뇨관 벽을 통하여 물과 이온이 이동하는 현상을 수학적 모델에 근거하여 수행하였다. 세포측막, tight junction, 기저막으로 구성된 측간질 공간으로의 염분이동은 삼투현상에의해 동시에 수분이동을 유발한다. 이로인한 수분에 공간내 증가는 정수합을 증가시켜 Na, Cl, HCO3 에 대한 반사계수가 0 이고 투과성이 매우 높은 기저막을 통해 용액이 유출된다. 동반이동 가능성과 비평형 열역학 이론을 포함한 본 모델을 이용하여 tight junction의 이온투과성과 반사계수가 물과 이온 이동에 미치는 영향을 조사해 본 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 수분의 전도성(Lp)은 100배 이상하여야 삼투압에 의한 수분이동이 전체 수분이동에 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 2. 관강 측과 기저측 세포막은 반사계수가 1이기 때문에 세포를 관통하는 convective ion flux에는 영향이 없었다. 3. 관강내 액과 측공간 액사이에는 높은 HCO3 농도 경사가 유지되고 있기 때문에 HCO3에 대한 높은 반사계수는 삼투적 수분 흡수에 필수적이다. 4. Cl의 반사계수의 감소는 수분흡수를 증가시켜 Cl 재흡수도 증가시켰다. 동시에 전기적 확산에 의해 Na 재흡수도 증가하였다. 5. 전반적인 반사계수의 감소는 수분 재흡수는 감소 시켰으나 용질 재흡수는 증가시켰다.

      • 한국산야생등줄쥐(Apodemus agrarius coreae)의 해마복합체에서 neuropeptide Y 면역반응세포에 관한 연구

        김무강,송치원,이경열,박일권,정영길,이강이,김종섭 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1997 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.5 No.-

        Neuropeptide Y(NPY) was first isolated from porcine brain. This discovery has lead some workers to study the distribution of this peptide in the central nervous system of various mammals. In this study the distribution pattern of neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive neurons was examined in the hippocampal complex of Striped field mouse in Korea(Apodemus agrarius coreae) Experimental animals were anesthesized with thiopental sodium and perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde through the left ventricle and the ascending aorta. The brains were removed and transferred 10%, 20% and 30% sucrose solution. Sections were cut on a cryostat into 40㎛-thick. The tissue was immunostained with free-floating and avidin-biotm complex(ABC) method. The results obtained in this study were summarized as followings. 1. The most of NPY-IR neurons in hippocampus proper were found in the polymorphic layer and a few was found in the pyramidal layer. 2. The process run vertically in the deep polymorphic layer and run parallel to corpus callosum in superficial polymorphic layer. 3. The shapes of neurons in hippocampus proper were varied of polymorphic, oval or round, and the nerve fibers were found in the molecular laver and the hippocampal fissure. 4. The highest density in number of NPY-IR neurons on dentate gyrus were found in hilar area of dentate gyrus. 5. The most of NPY-IR nerve fibers were found in molecular cell layer.

      • 炭素纖維板으로 補强한 鐵筋콘크리트보의 構造的擧動에 관한 實驗的 硏究

        김하진,고송균,박영배,조창호,김정섭 朝鮮大學校 建設技術硏究所 1998 建設技術硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        This study is a part of research to improve the yield strength of concrete structure with a structural damage and conducts the experiment with the variables such as the period of restrengthening of specimen, restrengthening length (1.9m, 1.5m, 1.0m) and restrengthening effect according to restrengthening mehthod of restrengthening materials (nonrestrengthening, Anchor, Angle) to test bending behavior and yield strength performance of reinforced concrete beams restrengthened with carbon fiber laminate. As a result of experiment, in the restrengthening effects by the period of restrengthening, specimen restrengthened before loading, during reloading and after loading show 1.9m, 1.5m and 1.0m respectively, in the restrengthening effects according to restrengthening length, specimen restrengthened with 1.9m, 1.5m and 1.0m show 113.7%, 122.4% and 112.7% and in restrengthening effects according to restrengthening method of restrengthening materials, non-restrengthening and restrengthening in anchor and angle show 113.7%, 115.9% and 184.4% of increase in yield strength respectively. Accordingly, the specimen restrengthened during loading, the specimen with 1.5m of restrengthening and the specimen restrengthened with angle show high restrengthening effects respectively. With the above results, a crack is closed by elastic behavior in the case of test materials, but since in the actual concrete strucutre, a crack is not closed like the specimen during loading, the influence of it on restrengthening should be considered. It is found that although restrengthening effect by the restrengthening length secures a sufficient length, the increase of yield strength by restrengthening cannot be expected when bonded performance is not secured and in deciding restrengthening method of restrengthening materials, the method which have not damage to restrengthening materials and can be integrated with restrengthening materials and structure is effective.

      • 토당귀 종자의 형태적 특성과 발아와 입모율에 대한 저장방법,생장조절제 및 프라이밍 처리 효과

        안희정,안복주,·김도현,·안영섭,·김영국,박춘근,이상원,·박충범·차선우,·송범헌, 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2015 農業科學硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        This study was conducted to have basic and applied informations to establish the cultivation method and to improve the cultivation techniques of Angelica gigas Nakai through investigating the rates of germination and seedling establishment with treatment of plant growth regulator and seed priming. The germination rates of round shape seed were about 0.3~12% higher than those of parallel shape. The germination rates with different storage durations were increased at the level of 25oC and 4oC with the storage days, while they were clearly higher at -20oC compared to those at 4oC and 25oC without the storage durations. With the results of germination rates with treating of plant growth regulator and seed priming, their rates with the round shape seeds were comparatively higher about 6% than those with parallel shape seed and they were increased with increasing of the storage durations. The germination rates were generally appeared higher with GA3 than did those with seed priming. The highest germination rate was appeared at 50 ppm GA3 of plant growth regulator and at -0.5 MPa PEG6000 of seed priming. The germination rates?ㅤ ?ㅤ of Angelica gigas were different with different temperature, storage durations and the treatments of plant growth regulator and seed priming. These results could be used according to different cultivating conditions.

      • 장티푸스 진단에 있어서 Vi-Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test의 민감도 및 특이도

        장경희,류동렬,박성하,박병규,이준구,염준섭,최영화,송영구,김현숙,정윤섭,김준명 대한감염학회 1998 감염 Vol.30 No.4

        목 적 : 장티푸스는 체액의 세균배양검사에서 Salmonella typhi의 분리로 확진하지만 조기진단을 위해서는 혈청학적인 검사가 도움이 된다. 저자 등은 1989년 이후 장티푸스진단에 S. typhi의 Vi항원을 이용한 간접형광항체법 (Vi-indirect fluorescent antibody test : Vi-IFAT)을 도입하였다. 이에 지난 7년간의 검사결과를 토대로 Vi-IFAT의 민감도 및 특이도를 규명하고자 하였다. 방 법 : 1989년부터 1996년까지 연세대학교 의과대학 세브란스 병원에 발열을 주소로 내원하여 Vi-IFAT가 의뢰된 환자 중 발열의 원인이 확진된 744명의 환자를 대상으로 하였으며, Vi-IFAT에 있어서 양성반응은 1:64이상으로 하였다. 결 과 : 1) 세균배양검사에서 확진된 장티푸스 환자 178예 중 168예에서 양성반응을 보여 민감도는 94.4%이었다. 항체가는 1:64가 89예, 1:128이 36예, 1:256이 27예, 그리고 1:512가 16예이었다. 위음성이었던 10예의 항체가는 1:32가 7예, 1:16이하가 3예이었다. 2) 발열을 주소로 내원한 환자 중 장티푸스 이외의 다른 질환으로 확진된 566예 중 538예에서 음성반응을 보여 특이도는 95.1%이었다. 항체가는 1:32가 117예, 1:16이하가 421예이었다. 위양성이었던 28예의 항체가는 1:64가 23예, 1:128이 5예이었으며, 장티푸스 이외의 살모넬라증이 4예, 요로계감염이 10예, 소화기계감염이 6예, 호흡기 계감염이 5예, 악성 종양이 2예, 그리고 바이러스 감염이 1예이었다. 3) Vi-IFAT 양성인 196예 중에서 장티푸스는 168예로 양성예측율은 85.7%이었으며, Vi-IFAT 음성인 548예 중 장티푸스 이외의 발열질환은 538예로 음성예측율 98.2%이었다. 4) 배양검사와 Widal test 사이의 일치율 (Kappa value)는 0.28로 poor agreement를 보였으며 Vi-IFAT와 Widal test 사이의 Kappa value는 0.74로 good agreement를 보였다. 그러나 배양검사와 Vi-IFAT 사이의 Kappa value는 0.86으로 excellent agreement를 보여 일치율이 가장 높은 검사는 배양검사와 Vi-IFAT라 할 수 있겠다. 5) 장티푸스 환자에 있어서 Vi-IFAT의 양성율은 발열기간이 1중 미만인 환자에서는 68%, 1내지 2주인 환자에서는 89.5%, 2주이상인 환자에서는 100%이었다. 결 론 : Vi 항원을 이용한 간접형광항체법 (Vi-IFAT)은 장티푸스 진단에 높은 민감도 및 특이도를 가지며, 또한 조기진단에 있어서도 임상적으로 유용함을 확인할 수 있었다. Background : Typhoid fever is diagnosed by culture or serological study. The confirmative diagnosis of typhoid fever is made by culture of the causative organism usually from body fluids. Serological test is a supportive diagnositic tool, which is useful for early diagnosis. In Severance Hospital, Vi-indirect foluorescent antibidy test(Vi-IFAT) using the Vi-antigen of Salmonella typhi has been used in the diagnosis of typhoid fever since 1989. We investigated the test results from the past 7 years, in order to clarify the sensitivity and specificity of Vi-IFAT. Methods : A retrospective study was done on patients whose chief complaint was fever and who were tested using Vi-IFAT in the Severance Hospital from 1989 to 1996. The positive value for Vi-IFAT was defined as 1:64 or higher. Results : The sensitivity and specificity of Vi-IFAT for typhoid fever was 94.4% and 95.1%, respectively. The positive and negative predictive values were 85.7% and 98.2% respectively. Positive rates of Vi-IFAT after fever onset increased with time and 68% were positive before the first week. From the first to the second week, 89.5% were positive and after the second week, 100% were positive. Conclusion : Vi-IFAT is not only a valuable serologic test for the diagnosis of typhoid fever, but also useful in the early diagnosis of the disease.

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