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      • Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Korean Wheat Cultivars Using Microsatellite DNA Polymorphisms

        Park,Yong-Jin,Cho,Gyu-Taek,Ma,Kyung-Ho,Lee,Sok-Young,Lee,Jung-Ro,Kim,Young-Chang,Cho,Eun-Gi,Kim Chang-Yung,Nam,Jung-Hyun,Rao,V,Ramanatha,Kang,Hee-Kyoung 한국자원식물학회 2004 Plant Resources Vol.7 No.2

        Genetic background and phylogenetic relationships among 20 Korean wheat cultivars were assessed using microsatellites after amplifying with 13 SSR primer pairs. Average allele number per primer pair was 3.36. Genetic similarities for every pair of cultivars ranged from 0.42 to 0.97, with 0.69 of overall average. Korean cultivars were divided into two major groups based on microsatellite DNA polymorphisms. Group I consisted of relatively old cultivars developed until 1970s, and group II contained the recent cultivars developed during 1980s and 1990s. Amongst old elite cultivars/lines, ‘Yukseung 3’, ‘Norin 12’ and ‘Norin 72’ contributed most to the genetic background of cultivars belonging to group I, and ‘Norin 4’, ‘Norin 12’, ‘Norin 43’ and ‘Norin 72’ to group II, respectively. The phylogenetic relationship of Korean wheat cultivars was in accordance with the genealogical data of each cultivar. The genetic background of each cultivar was assessed from the point of breeding and germplasm management such as variety identification and duplicated accessions for assisting in developing a system for the registration of new variety based on the molecular characterization in future.

      • Polymorphism of Cefotaxime sodium

        Sohn, Young-Taek,Park, Sun-Hee 덕성여자대학교 약학연구소 2005 藥學論文誌 Vol.16 No.1

        Three crystal forms of cefotaxime sodium have been isolated by recrystallization and characterized by powder X-ray diffractometry, differential scanning calorimetry, and thermogravimetric analysis. The dissolution patterns of three crystal forms of cefotaxime sodium were studied in water at 37±0.5℃, 90rpm for 180 minutes. Three crystal forms of cefotaxime sodium showed difference in dissolution rate and solubility. After storage of two months at 52% RH (saturated solution of Na_(2)Cr_(2)O_(2).2H_(2)O / 20℃), all crystal forms showed no transformation.

      • KCI등재

        김환기의 백자 항아리그림과 『문장』지의 상고주의 : 야나기 무네요시와 이태준의 영향을 중심으로

        박영태(Park Young-Taek) 우리문학회 2010 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.30

        김환기는 이중섭, 박수근과 함께 한국적인 정서를 독자적 조형어법으로 구현시킨 대표적 화가로 손꼽힌다. 전통미술에 대한 애착과 한국 고유의 정서에 뛰어난 감각을 지녔다고 알려진 그는 한국적인 것, 한국의 아름다움을 가장 잘 이해하고 사랑한 화가, 한국적 풍류와 정취를 지닌이로 평가되고 있다. 해방 이후부터 미국으로 건너가기(1945∼1963)전까지 김환기는 주로 백자항아리를 그려왔다. 그에게 조선 백자는 과거의 정신적 유산으로서 그 정점에 서 있었다. 1930년대에 김환기를 비롯한 많은 화가와 문인들은 서로 긴밀하게 연관되어 영향을 주고 받았다. 김환기는 당대 상고주의자들인 김용준, 이태준 등과 어울리면서 조선 고전예술에 심취했는데 이때 조선백자에 관심을 갖기 시작한 것으로 보인다. 한편으로는 당대 지식인들에게 커다란 영향을 끼쳤던 야나기 무네요시의 조선민예미와 백자에 대한 논의 역시 핵심적인 역할을 했다고 보여진다. 특히 『문장』지의 이태준과의 교우관계는 결정적이었다. 김환기는 이태준으로부터 조선 전통미술(특히 조선백자 및 사대부 문화)에 대한 깊은 이해를 제공받았으며 당시 조선의 그림이 무엇이어야 하는가를 제시받았다. 이에 따라 김환기는 일본을 통해 받아들인 모더니즘의 틀 안에 조선 미술의 미의식을 결합시켜내는 것을 자신의 예술의 과제로 삼았고 그것이 진정한 의미에서 한국적인 서양화, 한국적 모더니즘이라고 생각했다. 조선백자를 전통적인 한국미 혹은 동양예술의 정수로 이해하고 받아들인 것은 비단 김환기만은 아니었다. 1930년대 중반 이후 상당수 작가들이 백자를 소재로 해서 그리기 시작했고 그것을 가장 한국적인 아름다움과 멋으로 이해하고 있었는데 해방 이후 민족의 정통성을 강조하는 사회 분위기 속에서 조선 백자는 전통적 가치를 지니는 고전으로 승격되어 오늘에 이르게 되었다. 그것은 일찍이 야나기 무네요시의 영향과 『문장』지, 그리고 이태준과 김환기의 관계 속에서 자리잡았던 것이 사실이다. 야니기 무네요시의 논의와 1930년대 『문장』이 이끈 전통논의는 일제식민지 시기 조선미술에 대한 새로운 인식과 중요성을 환기시키고 나아가 민족미술의 구현에 공헌한 바 있지만 한국미와 이의 현대화란 문제를 백자로만 제한시켜 소재주의화하거나 전통을 박제화 시키는 아쉬움을 남긴 것도 사실이다. Hwan Ki Kim is considered one of the vanguards that translated the Korean sentiments into formative arts in its most original styles together with Joong Seob Lee and Soo Keun Park. The white porcelains from Chosun Dynasty stands on the zenith of mental legacy from the past for Hwan Ki Kim and it goes without saying that he tried to find the source of beauty and arts of Korea through this specific medium, the white porcelains the white porcelains from Chosun Dynasty were appreciated as the essence of the Korean and the oriental beauty by other painters as well. Quite a substantial number of painters started painting the white porcelains from mid-1930 and considered those paintings as the ones that best represent the artistic beauty and the style of Korea. This continues onto the modern times and in the history of Korean modern arts, white porcelains have been reincarnated as a representative of the Korean traditions and aesthetic senses. In the 1930’s, literary people and artists formed organic relationships and influenced each other artists were immensely influenced by the literary people mostly. In the same sense, it is not too much of assumption to state that the Korean modern arts developed in relations with the literary people of the time. Hwan Ki Kim was deeply immersed with classic arts of Chosun Dynasty along with other primitivists, such as Yong Joon Kim and Tae Joon Lee, and it is deemed that it was that period in which Hwan Ki Kim took interests in white porcelains of Chosun Dynasty. Escaping from the reality full of wars, division of the country, and anti-communism ideology, he secluded himself and found refuge in arts. Although both of his close companions, Tae Joon Lee and Yong Joon Kim, chose to flee to North Korea, he stayed poise and quiet, and never ceased to pursue the traditional aesthetics of the arts. Successively, he later chose to move to Paris and New York and focused on painting. Traditional painting of Chosun Dynasty, especially the white porcelains before anything, was the inspirations in Hwan Ki Kim’s artistic world and his major works include paintings that feature white porcelains. One of the big contributions to his oriental inspiration on Chosun arts can be found in the relationship with his close friends, Yong Joon Kim and Tae Joon Lee- especially, with Tae Joon Lee from magazine 〈Mun Jang〉. Hwan Ki Kim was provided with deeper understanding of the traditional paintings of Chosun Dynasty though his relationship with Tae Joon Lee and was advised to set straight what Chosun paintings should be. Hwan Ki Kim embarked on a task of incorporating the artistic values of Chosun Dynasty within the boundaries of modernism which arrived in Korea via Japan, and he regarded this process as a way of representing the Korean style of Western paintings, as well as Korean modernism. This task did not confine itself only to Hwan Ki Kim and provided a conclusive and logical background in defining the true Korean arts resulting from the transformation of traditional Korean arts into modernized one after the country was emancipated from Japanese colonization. This passed down to the current generations and currently remains viable still.

      • 그레이브스병에서 치료에 따른 폐동맥압의 변화

        남택만,조한수,이진서,송영림,김두만,두영철,박철영,정인경,홍은경,이성진,오기원,김현규,유재명,최문기,유형준,박성우 대한내분비학회 2003 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.18 No.5

        연구배경: 갑상선기능항진증에 의한 갑상선중독증 환자들은 호흡곤란을 호소하며, 그 원인으로 호흡근의 근력 약화, 좌심실부전으로 인한 폐모세혈관의 울혈, 기도저항의 증가, 갑상선종으로 인한 기관의 압박, 호흡기능 이상 등이 거론되고 있다. 폐동맥고혈압이 동반된 그레이브스병 환자가 여러 증례가 보고되었으며, 폐동맥고혈압 환자에게서 갑상선 자가항체와 갑상선기능저하증의 빈도가 높음이 알려지면서 갑상선중독증이 동반된 그레이브스병 환자에게서 관찰되는 호흡곤란의 한 원인으로 폐동맥압 증가가 작용할 가능성이 제시되고 있다. 이에 저자 등은 그레이브스병 환자를 대상으로 폐동맥압을 측정하고 치료 전후의 폐동맥압의 변화를 전향적으로 연구하였다. 방법: 갑상선중독증이 동반된 그레이브스병 환자와 정상 갑상선기능을 나타낸 대조군을 대상으로 갑상선기능검사 및 갑상선 자가항체를 측정하고, 심초음파를 이용하여 치료 전후로 폐동맥압을 측정하여 폐동맥압과 갑상선기능 및 갑상선 자가항체와의 관계, 폐동맥압의 변화 등을 관찰하였다. 결과: 1. 연구대상은 대조군 10명 (남녀비 1:9, 관해 상태의 그레이브스병 3명, 갑상선종 3명, 정상인 4명), 그레이브스병 환자 26명 (남녀비 7:19)이었다. 2. 대조군과 치료 전 그레이브스병 환자의 폐동맥압은 각각 23.5±2.32 mmHg, 29.6±10.3 mmHg이었고, 치료 전의 폐동맥압과 혈청 갑상선자극호르몬 결합억제 면역글로불린 (TBII) 농도는 유의한 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 3. 26명의 그레이브스병 환자 중에서 10명 (38.5%)이 폐동맥고혈압 (기준: 폐동맥압 > 30 mmHg)으로 진단되었다. 4. 치료 전후로 폐동맥압을 측정한 13명은 폐동맥압이 치료 전 29.6±10.3 mmHg에서 치료 후 폐동맥압 22.2±6.48 mmHg로 의미있게 감소하였다. 결론: 갑상선중독증을 보이는 그레이브스병 환자의 약 40% 정도에서 폐동맥고혈압이 발견되어 폐동맥고 혈압은 그레이브스병에 흔하게 동반하는 질환으로 생각된다. 향후 그레이브스병 환자에서 관찰되는 폐동맥압의 증가와 관련한 병인, 발생기전 및 임상적 의의 등에 대한 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. Background: Exertional symptoms, dyspnea and impaired effort tolerance are common in patients with Graves' disease. Proposed explanations include: high-output left heart failure, ineffective oxygen utilization and respiratory muscle weakness. In addition, pulmonary hypertension has also been reported in patients with Graves' disease. A high prevalence of hypothyroidism and positive thyroid autoantibody were also observed in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Therefore, the pulmonary artery pressure in patients with Graves' disease was evaluated. Methods: Two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiographic examinations (Hewlett Packard Sonos 2500) were performed to determine the pulmonary artery (PA) pressure in 26 Graves' disease patients, both before and after treatment (23 patients with propylthiouracil and 3 with RAI), and in 10 euthyroid controls. The changes in the PA pressure after treatment were evaluated in 13 patients with Graves' disease, who became euthyroid after treatment. Results: The pulmonary artery pressure was increased in the untreated Graves' disease patients compared to the normal controls (23.5±2.32 vs. 29.6±10.3 mmHg). 38.5% of the Graves' disease patients (10/26) showed pulmonary arterial hypertension (PA>30 mmHg) and the serum TBII level was higher in the Graves' disease patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension than in those with normal PA pressure (P<0.05). In the Graves' patients who became euthyroid after treatment, the PA pressure was significantly decreased. Conclusion: 38.5% of the untreated Graves' disease patients showed pulmonary arterial hypertension, and the pulmonary artery pressure was significantly decreased in those who became euthyroid after treatment. The pathogenesis and clinical importance of pulmonary arterial hypertension in Graves' disease requires further studies (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 18:465∼472, 2003).

      • 고차잉여류 문제에 기반을 둔 다중서명 방식

        이보영(Lee Bo Young),박택진(Park Taek Jin),원동호(Won Dong Ho) 한국정보처리학회 1999 정보처리학회논문지 Vol.6 No.3

        Itakura and Nakamura proposed the first multisignature scheme based on the RSA signature scheme. But if many users sign on one paper, then their scheme has a reblocking problem. In 1991, Ohta and Okamoto proposed a multisignature scheme by using Fiat-Shamir signature scheme. But in this scheme, the group of signers must generate common random number in the first round, and in the second round, they sign the message with common random number. Also L. Harn proposed a multisignature scheme which is based on the E1Gamal's. In korea, S.D.Kim et al. at ICEIC'95 conference, proposed an efficient sequential multisignature scheme by using the modified Park-Won scheme. This scheme is not require an additional round to generate common random number, and has fixed signature length. In this paper, we analyze problem of Kim's multisignature scheme, and propose a new multisignature scheme based on R(th-) residuosity problem.

      • KCI등재

        유사한 전자상태를 가지는 타이타늄 합금의 영률에 베타 안정화 원소 함량이 미치는 영향

        유가영 ( Ga Young Yoo ),박찬희 ( Chan Hee Park ),홍재근 ( Jae Keun Hong ),김승언 ( Seong Eun Kim ),강남현 ( Seong Eun Kim ),염종택 ( Jong Taek Yeom ) 대한금속재료학회(구 대한금속학회) 2013 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.51 No.4

        Previously, Gum Metal (Ti-24(Nb + Ta + V)-(Zr, Hf)-O (at%)) exhibiting an ultralow Young`s modulus, ultrahigh strength and super elasticity was developed by Saito et al., who proposed that three electronic magic numbers, an average electron/atom (e/a) ratio of 4.24, an average bond order (Bo) of about 2.87, and an average “d” electron-orbital energy level (Md) of about 2.45 eV, should be satisfied simultaneously to obtain such “super” properties. The purpose of this study was to find new alloy systems possessing those properties and to examine the effect of beta equivalent content ([Mo]eq) on Young`s moduli of new alloys having the same three electronic numbers mentioned above. It was found that not only three electronic numbers but also [Mo]eq should be considered to obtain a similar Young`s modulus and hardness with respect to the Gum Metal.

      • 혼합형 자가면역성용혈성빈혈과 동반된 Evans 증후군 1례

        선길홍,윤찬영,박상곤,박경희,우정주,한경택,김진화,김영훈,정춘해,박치영 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2005 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.30 No.2

        Evans syndrome is defined as a simultaneous or sequential occurrence of autoimmune hemolytic anemia and autoimmune thrombocytopenia. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is usually induced by IgG warm autoantibody or cold-active IgM antibodies reacting specifically with antigens associated with a patient's RBC. AIHA is a fairly uncommon disorder, with estimates of the incidence at 1 to 3 cases per 100,000 per year. Mixed-type AIHA is a relatively uncommon form of AIHA, with studies noting the incidence of 7-8% among cases of AIHA. We experienced a patient, 46-year-old woman who was diagnosed having a very rare clinical presentation of mixed warm and cold antibody mediated Evans syndrome. She was treated with corticosteroid therapy only and has been maintaining a complete response for 15 weeks. 저자들은 혼합형의 자가면역성 용혈성 빈혈과 자가면역성 혈소판 감소증이 동시에 발생한 혼합형 Evans 증후군으로 진단하고 스테로이드 요법 후 혈액학적으로 회복된 상태로 15주가 지난 현재 steroid 5 mg/일 까지 감량한 상태에서 추적 관찰 치료중인 46세 여자 환자를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

      • 바터 팽대부에 생긴 유암종 1예

        강명주,지삼룡,박석주,이재익,조영완,김준영,박성재,박은택,이연재,이상혁,설상영,배상균 인제대학교 2006 仁濟醫學 Vol.27 No.-

        Carcinoid tumors have been reported in a wide range of organs but most commonly involve the lungs, bronchi and gastrointestinal tract. Within the gastrointestinal tract, appendix is the most common location for carcinoid, followed by the distal small intestine, the rectum, and the stomach. Among these, primary involvement of the ampulla of Vater is extremely rare. We report a case of carcinoid tumor of ampulla of Vater. A 62-year-old man presented with epigastric soreness. Gastroduodenal endoscopy showed hyperemic bulging mass on ampulla of Vater and diagnosed as carcinoid tumor by histologic finding, with immunohistochemical study. In ^(111)In-octreoscan, tumor had regional lymph node metastasis, but no evidence of distant metastasis. Pancreatoduodenectomy with lymph node dissection was performed.

      • 심한 골병변으로 발현된 기능성 낭종성 부갑상선 선종

        전숙,김영희,박지영,고관표,박철영,김덕윤,우정택,김성운,김진우,김영설,고석환 대한내분비학회 2003 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.18 No.2

        낭종성 부갑상선 선종과 심한 골병변을 동반한 부갑상선 기능항진증은 매우 드문 질환으로서, 저자들은 양측 고관절의 통증을 초기 주소로 내원한 환자에서 고칼슘혈증과 부갑상선 호르몬 증가, 골병변의 방사선적 소견을 통해 부갑상선 기능항진증을 진단하고, 경부 초음파와 컴퓨터 단층 촬영, 부갑상선 스캔검사 및 수술중 부갑상선 낭종액 검사 등을 통해 기능성 부갑상선 낭종의 한 종류인 낭종성 부갑상선 선종을 진단하고 수술적 제거를 통하여 정상화된 1예를 경험하였다. A cystic parathyroid adenoma is rare. A case of primary hyperparathyroidism, with the cystic formation of a parathyroid adenoma and a severe bony lesion, is reported. A 52-year-old male was admitted due to pain in both hips and for evaluation of hypercalcemia. The plasma level of the intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) was elevated to 1424 pg/mL. Ultrasonography and the computed tomography revealed a parathyroid cyst on the left thyroid lower pole. Parathyroid scintigraphy detected a parathyroid adenoma. A radiograph showed a subperiosteal bone resorption on the phalanges, and a brown tumor (osteitis fibrosa cystica) on the femur shaft was noted. A surgical excision of the parathyroid adenoma was performed. The PTH level in the cystic fluid was increased. A histological examination confirmed a cystic parathyroid adenoma. The PTH level was normalized after the operation (J Kor SOC Endocrinol 18:214-220, 2003).

      • 수입각증후군에 의한 급성 복증 1례

        정은욱,지삼룡,이영태,박지훈,김동기,제인수,채두근,박성재,박은택,이연재,이상혁,설상영,정정명 白中央醫療院 2005 仁濟醫學 Vol.26 No.1

        Afferent loop syndrome is an uncommon complication of a gastrectomy and Billroth Ⅱ reconstruction. It may cause symtoms at any time from the first postoperative day to many years after the gastrectomy. Afferent loop syndrome is characterized by abdominal pain, vomiting and elevation of serum amylase. Thus, it is difficult to differentiate afferent loop syndrome from other cause of acute pancreatitis. However, the history of gastrectomy can be an important clue for diagnosing afferent loop syndrome. We experienced one case of chronic afferent loop syndrome with acute pancreatitis. After appropriate management, the abdominal pain disappeared and serum amylase level decreased. We report this case with a review of relevant literatures.

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