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        Lee, Ok‐,Hwan,Yoon, Kye‐,Yoon,Kim, Kui‐,Jin,You, SangGuan,Lee, Boo‐,Yong Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011 Journal of phycology Vol.47 No.3

        <P>Recent studies suggest that seaweed extracts are a significant source of bioactive compounds comparable to the dietary phytochemicals such as onion and tea extracts. The exploration of natural antioxidants that attenuate oxidative damage is important for developing strategies to treat obesity‐related pathologies. The objective of this study was to screen the effects of seaweed extracts of 49 species on adipocyte differentiation and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production during the adipogenesis in 3T3‐L1 adipocytes, and to investigate their total phenol contents and 2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activities. Our results show that high total phenol contents were observed in the extracts of <I>Ecklonia cava</I> (see Table?1 for taxonomic authors) (681.1 ± 16.0 μg gallic acid equivalents [GAE] · g<SUP>−1</SUP>), <I>Dictyopteris undulata</I> (641.3 ± 70.7 μg GAE · g<SUP>−1</SUP>), and <I>Laurencia intermedia</I> (560.9 ± 48.1 μg GAE · g<SUP>−1</SUP>). In addition, DPPH radical scavenging activities were markedly higher in <I>Sargassum macrocarpum</I> (60.2%), <I>Polysiphonia morrowii</I> (55.0%), and <I>Ishige okamurae</I> (52.9%) than those of other seaweed extracts (<I>P </I><<I> </I>0.05). Moreover, treatment with several seaweed extracts including <I>D. undulata</I>, <I>Sargassum micracanthum</I>, <I>Chondrus ocellatus</I>, <I>Gelidium amansii</I>, <I>Gracilaria verrucosa</I>, and <I>Grateloupia lanceolata</I> significantly inhibited adipocyte differentiation and ROS production during differentiation of 3T3‐L1 preadipocytes. Furthermore, the production of ROS was positively correlated with lipid accumulation (<I>R</I><SUP>2</SUP> = 0.8149). According to these preliminary results, some of the seaweed extracts can inhibit ROS generation, which may protect against oxidative stress that is linked to obesity. Further studies are required to determine the molecular mechanism between the verified seaweeds and ROS, and the resulting effects on obesity.</P><tabular xml:id='t1'><P><B>  List of Korean seaweed extracts of 49 species evaluated in this experiment. </B></P><table frame='topbot'><tgroup cols='5' align='left'><colspec colname='col1' colnum='1'/><colspec colname='col2' colnum='2'/><colspec colname='col3' colnum='3'/><colspec colname='col4' colnum='4'/><colspec colname='col5' colnum='5'/><thead valign='bottom'><row rowsep='1'><entry>Type</entry><entry>No.</entry><entry align='center'>Scientific name</entry><entry align='center'>Collection time</entry><entry>TP<SUP>1</SUP> (μg GAE · g<SUP>−1</SUP>)</entry></row></thead><tbody valign='top'><row><entry morerows='27' valign='top'>Brown macroalgae</entry><entry>SE‐1</entry><entry> <I>Chondracanthus tenellus</I> (Harv.) Hommers.</entry><entry>April 27, 2006</entry><entry>112.8 ± 15.1<SUP>lm</SUP></entry></row><row><entry>SE‐2</entry><entry> <I>Colpomenia sinusa</I> (F. C. Mertens ex Roth) Derbes et Solier in Castagne</entry><entry>May 11, 2006</entry><entry>44.0 ± 4.1<SUP>opqrs</SUP></entry></row><row><entry>SE‐3</entry><entry> <I>Dictyopteris divaricata</I> (Okamura) Okamura</entry><entry>April 6, 2006</entry><entry>41.5 ± 5.6<SUP>pqrs</SUP></entry></row><row><entry>SE‐4</entry><entry> <I>Dictyopteris pacifica</I> (Yendo) I. K. Hwang, H.‐S. Kim et W. J. Lee</entry><entry>April 27, 2006</entry><entry>80.9 ± 8.3<SUP>mno</SUP></entry></row><row><entry>SE‐5</entry><entry> <I>Dictyopteris prolifera</I> (Okamura) Okamura</entry><entry>November 26, 2007</entry><entry>48.4 ± 3.0<SUP>nopqrs</SUP></entry></row><row><entry>SE‐6</entry><entry> <I>Dictyopteris undulata</I> Holmes</entry><entry>July 28, 2007</entry><e

      • KCI등재

        CG실험에 의한 실내마감재의 평가 예측 모델 작성

        이진숙,진은미,박유미 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the features of the finishing material according to their type and color. The purpose of this in order is to improve the pleasantness of the interior, by using the proper finishing materials, in planning the interior, and to apply it to framing the prediction model for practical use in interior design, This stud was conducted by evaluating experiment manufactured with the CG(Computer Graphics). The process of the study is as follows, 1) The finishing materials used in the interior based on the previous study was classified. The color range of the selected finishing materials was examined. 2) The evaluation experiment using the CG was conducted on the basis of the selected finishing materials. 3) With that result, the evaluation properties was analyzed according to evaluating variables(that is, the finishing material, hue, value, and chroma) for the interior image. 4) Finally, the prediction model of the interior finishing materials was framed with the image type. Through the Factor Analysis of 19 Adjectives, 8 representative image types such as 「Open·Bright」, 「Gorgeous·Strong」, 「Quiet·Natural」, 「Smooth·Elaborate」, 「Coarse·Rough」, 「Elegant·Refined, 「Warm」」 and 「Cool」 were extracted. The prediction model was framed for the 8 representative image types. The 「Open·Bright」, 「Quiet·Natural」, 「Cool」images are as follows, 1) When you want to produce the 「Open·Bright」image, it is ideal to use wallpaper as finishing material and Y or B in hues. The higher the value and middle chroma you use. The bigger 「Open·Bright」 the efficiency you achieve. 2) When you want to produce the 「Quiet·Natural」 image, it is good to use woods for finishing materials, You can get a better image with the YR or R in hues, with higher value and lower chroma. 3) When you want to produce the 「Cool」image, it is better to use stones for finishing materials. Cool colors and the hue of B, PB, BG are recommended. The lower value and chroma are effective as well.

      • 폴리에스테르 섬유 감량시스템용 프로세서 타이트레이터 개발

        조진호,이흥락,이종현,김명남,구성모,김무영,진경찬,유병희,강민수,김국진 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1993 연차보고서 Vol.1993 No.-

        폴리에스테르 섬유 감량시스템의 제어를 위해서는 처리조 내에서 감량되는 섬유가 목표 감량치에 도달했는지를 판단해 주는 장치가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 가성소다용액의 초농도 및 섬유 감량 정도의 정확한 측정과 감량 종료시간의 산출 및 이에 따른 종료신호를 발생할 수 있는 폴리에스테르 섬유 감량기 전용의 자동적정장치를 개발하였다. To control caustic soda treatment system for the polyester fabric reduction, we need the device to determine that the fabric has been arrived target reduction value. In this study, we develope an automatic process titrator for the caustic soda treatment system. Major functions of the target titrating system are accurate measurements of the caustic soda concentration and then producing the end point signal for caustic soda treatment system.

      • 특수학교 재량활동 교육과정의 편성과 운영

        이유훈,김경진,김규선,김형일 국립특수교육원 2000 교육과정의 편성과 운영 Vol.- No.1

        본 연구는 제7차 특수학교 교육과정에서 많은 비중을 차지하고 있는 재량활동이 각 특수학교에서 보다 효율적으로 운영될 수 있도록 지원하기 위해 시도되었다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 각 시ㆍ도 교육청의 재량활동에 관한 지침서를 분석하였고, 전국 특수학교를 대상으로 재량활동 교육과정 편성ㆍ운영 방안에 대한 현장 교사들의 의견을 수렴하였다. 이러한 자료를 통해 나타난 요구와 시사점을 토대로 특수학교 재량활동 편성ㆍ운영방안을 제시하였다. 본 연구에서 다른 연구내용별 주요 연구결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 시ㆍ도 교육청 재량활동 지침 각 시ㆍ도 교육청에서는 특수학교 교육과정 편성ㆍ운영지침을 작성하여 이를 관내의 지역교육청과 각 학교에 제시하고 있었다. 분석한 결과에 따르면, 편제 및 시간배당 기준은 국가수준과 동일한 배정을 하고 있었다. 그리고 대부분의 시ㆍ도 교육청에서는 재량활동 시간확보 및 운영, 평가의 질 관리, 치료교육, 평가내용과 방법에 대하여 그 강조점을 두고 있었다. 그러나 일부 영역을 제외하고는 시ㆍ도 교육청 지침의 내용이 국가수준에서 제시한 재량활동의 내용과 거의 동일하였다. 따라서 지역교육청 나름의 특성을 살린 재량활동 지침을 제시할 필요가 있다고 본다. 재량활동 교육과정 편성ㆍ운영을 위한 교사요구 분석 재량활동 교육과정 편성ㆍ운영에 대한 실태조사에서 특수학교 대부분이 재량활동을 계획하고 운영하는데 있어 애로를 느끼고 있었다. 그 이유로는 재량활동에 대한 프로그램의 부재와 재량활동에 대한 교사들의 인식부족, 계획 수립 및 운영 미숙, 시설ㆍ재정적 지원의 부족을 들고 있었다. 이러한 애로점을 해소하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 먼저 재량활동에 대한 다양한 편성ㆍ운영방안과 교육 프로그램이 개발ㆍ제공되어야 한다는 것이다. 특수학교들의 재량활동 운영주체로는 학교 교육과정 운영위원회를 들고 있고, 재량활동을 편성 할 때 '학생들의 능력과 특성', 학부모 및 교사들의 의견이 반영되어야 한다는 의견이 재배적이었다. 그리고 재량활동 시간배당에 있어서는 국가수준에서 제시한 시간만으로도 충분한 것으로 여기고 있으며, 기본교육과정은 교과 재량활동과 창의적 재량활동 구분 없이 융통성 있게 활용하기를 원하고 있다. 재량활동의 지도주체에 대해 정신지체ㆍ정서장애학교에서는 담임으로 응답한 반면, 시각ㆍ청각ㆍ지체부자유학교 교사는 따라 다양한 반응을 보이고 있었다. 그러나 장애역역에 관계없이 재량활동의 하위영역에 따라 다양한 지도주체를 모색할 필요가 있다고 본다. 이것은 학습진단 구성과도 연관될 수 있는데, 많은 교사들은 현재의 집단편성 방식에서 벗어나 재량활동의 모든 하위영역에서 활동중심의 집단편성을 원하고 있었고, 특히 창의적 재량활동에서는 좀더 다양한 집단으로 구성해야 한다는 반응을 보이고 있었다. 시간운영에 있어서는 매주 정해진 날에 실시해야 한다는 반응이 대부분이었지만, 시각ㆍ청각ㆍ지체부자유학교의 범교과 학습과 자기주도적 학습에서는 좀더 다양한 시간배정이 이루어지기를 원하고 있었다. 특히, 자기주도적 학습에서 각 특수학교들이 특정한 정해진 날에 체험학습의 날이나 책가방 없는 날과 같이 별도계획으로 운영해야 한다는 학교들도 있었다. 이러한 시간 운영과 관련한 지도방법에 있어서는 하위영역에 구분됨이 없이 모든 학교가 견학과 체험학습을 선호하고 있었다. 지도내용에 있어서는 기본적인 교과목에 대한 이해를 중심으로 이루어져야 한다는 시각ㆍ청각ㆍ지체부자유학교의 반응을 제외한다면, 사회생활 적응을 위한 기초생활 지도와 일상생활 적응, 그리고 현장학습과 같은 체험학습을 통한 내용을 대부분 선호하였다. 각 특수학교에서 제시한 재량활동 프로그램을 분석한 결과 일부학교를 제외하고는 그 유형들이 비슷하고 영역도 특별활동이나 사회교과 영역과 크게 구분이 되지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 재량활도에 대한 평가는 학생들의 다양한 활동과정을 평가할 수 있는 포트폴리오 방식을 선호하고 있었다. 기타 요구사항 재량활동의 활성화 방안에 있어서는 '교수ㆍ학습자료의 개발 및 보급이 우선되어야 한다'는 반응이 가장 많았으며, 그 다음으로 '학교장의 관심과 적극적인 자원', '학교의 잡무감소', '학급당 인원의 감소'등을 요구하였다. 시ㆍ도 교육청에 대한 요구사항으로는 역시 '프로그램의 개발 보급', '잡무 감소', '체험학습 활동에 대한 경비 자원', '교과전담 교사 확보' 및 '다영한 전무교사의 확보', '교사에 대한 재량활동 관련 연수기회 제공', '학교간 재량활동 운영에 관한 정보교환 및 공동 프로그램 운영지원'등을 들고 있었다. 재량활동 편성ㆍ운영방안에 있어서는 단위학교에서 재량활동을 편성할 때 기본적인 도움이 될 수 있도록 하기 위하여 하위영역별 사항과 이에 따른 운영방안을 제시하였다. 이를 위하여 첫째, 재량활동 편성ㆍ운영방안을 하위영역별로 나누어 하위영역별 편성방향, 시간배당, 지도내용, 집단구성, 지도방법, 평가내용을 제시하였다. 둘째, 각 하위영역별 시간배당, 지도내용, 집단구성, 지도방법, 평가방안에 대한 여러가지 가능한 방안을 제시하였다. 셋째, 일반학교와 특수학교에서 실제로 활용하고 있는 다양한 예시자료를 제시하였다. 넷째, 일반학교의 재량활동 운영과 관련된 우수 연구보고서와 특수학교에서 운영히고 있는 재량활동 사례를 정리하여 부록에 제시 하여 다양한 실천 자료를 참고할 수 있도록 하였다. This study aims at groping for effective application methods of optional activities for special schools. For this purpose, a close analysis was made on the guidelines for optional activities published by Metropolitan and Provincial Office of Education(MPOE), and extensive opinion on schemes for organizing and implementing the curriculum were collected from school teachers. The data gathered in this process present requirements and suggestions for optimal designs for organizing and implementing optional activities in special schools. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: Clarification of theoretical backgrounds of optional activities. Through clarifying various theoretical backgrounds, we identified its related meaning of character, organization, implementation process and assessment. Guidelines of the Metropolitan and provincial Office of Education(MPOE) Each MPOE has worked out and provied schools with its own guiding principles on the organization and implementation of special education curricula. The systems of organization and the standards of subject time alloment are almost the same as those of state level issued by the ministry of education. Most MPOE give directions that each school should secure and implement optional activities with an emphasis on enhancing the quality of assessment management, therapy education, as well as the contents and methods of assessment. Except some areas, most directions for optional activities from MPOE of education are not much different from those of the Ministry of Education. It is, therefore, necessary that each MPOE should provide its own directions as to optional activities. Analysis of teachers' needs about effective application method of optional activity. An investigation into actual condition activities reveals that most special schools have difficulty in planning and operating the activities, because of lack of diverse programs, shortage of knowledge about the activities, unskilled planning and implementation of the activities, insufficient facilities and financial support. The first thing to break these obstacles is to develop and provide diverse programs and devices for the organization and operation of the activities. The curriculum steering committee is regared as the primary implementation body for optional activities in special schools. Optional activities should reflect each student's ability and specially as well as the opinions of his/her parents and teachers. The time allotted by the Ministry of Education is regarded enough for individual school's optional activities. There are two kinds of optional activities: one by subject matters and the other by creative optional activities, but basic curriculum requires flexible application of both. As to the measurement of optional activities, schools for mentally retarded or handicapped students responded their home-room teachers should take the initiative, but school for the blind, the deaf, or the crippled said that different teachers in different fields should take the lead in their respective major subjects. Regardless of handicap degrees, it is necessaty to set various teaching intiatives according to sub-areas of optional activities, which is closely related to the organization of learning groups. Many teachers wanted to form groups geared to focus on more creative optional activities in sub-areas rather than their present groupings. Most teachers reponded that the time for the activities should be fixed on a specific weekday. Teachers also wanted that more various time should be allotted to the integrated study and self-directed study of the schools for the blind, the deaf, or the crippled. Some special schools had the opinion that self-directed study should be operated on a fixed day as the same way as the day for learning through experience or the day without schoolbag goes. As to the teaching methods, all the schools preferred the field study or learning through experience without regard to the division of sub-areas of optional activities. The contents of special school teaching were maintained to be focused on understanding the basic subjects, but most schools wanted optional activities to comprise learning the basic social life, getting acquainted with everyday life, and on-the-spot learning. An analysis on optional activities of special school showed that most activity types of the schools are nearly the same, and their areas of activities are not greatly different from those of club activities or social science subjects designed by the Ministry of Education. As for the assessment method for optional activities, the protfolio system is most preferred because it assesses each student's process of diverse activities. Other requirements In order to activate the optional activities, most schools preferred the development and distribution of teaching-learning materials. Next comes the school principal's concern and support for the activities, diminishing teachers' sundry duties, and reducing class-size. Teachers also required that each MPOE should take active measures to develop and distribute diverse teaching programs, reduce teachers' odd jods, give more financial support for discretionary activities, secure subject teachers, provide training opportunities for optional activities, exchange information on the operation of optional activities among schools, and support joint operation programs. Designs and various examples of its organization and implementation. With analyais of these results, we developed the designs of its organization and implementation method of optional activities for special schools. First, in our designs of its organization and implementation, we approached the sub-activity divisions which composed of two. the first one is optional activities of subject matters which involves the in-dept and supplementary study of therapy education activities and the in-dept and supplementary study of elective-centered subject matters. the second one is creative optional which involves integrated and self-directed study. Second, we conducted to figure out various possible methods in each sub-activities about time allotment, learning group, class time management, teaching method, teaching contents, assessment method. Third, when design of organization and implementation of optional activity, we usually use diverse optional activity examples from regular and special schools. Forth, in appendix of this book, we provided the cases of discretionary activity of regular and special schools's. So, it enables teachers to use as practice resource material, in their schools.

      • KCI등재

        복수과 진료 환자의 중복 처방에 대한 분석 및 평가

        이지은,장혜경,오지영,유윤경,김현지,임숙인,연숙희,강진숙,최귀령 한국병원약사회 2003 병원약사회지 Vol.20 No.1

        In an aging society, there is an increasing possibility of the duplication of the drugs given to patients because they take many kinds of drugs. Among the prescriptions given to the patients who was treated at multiple ambulatory clinics in St. Mary's hospital for one month of September, 2002, in which drugs that has identical or similar effects are prescribed, we analysed and evaluated them by patients' characteristics, kinds of medication, severity of side effects on a case by case basis. More, we assessed the potential additional costs. As a result of this study, the duplication rate turned out to be 6.69% and it was shown that the proportion of the elderly patients over 60 was high. The gastro-intestinal medications took up a large part and most of the cases showed that the danger caused by double taking of medicine was slight, but there were some examples in which the serious side effects were predicted. Expected additional costs were the average 11.349 won and it ranges from the minimum of 56 won to the maximum of 135,720 won. In conclusion, the management of drug histories of the patients who need the plural treatments is very important and the necessity of the individual and professional guidance of taking medicines for the elderly patients is emerged, too.

      • KCI등재

        고식적 검사로 간외 전이를 진단하지 못한 원발성 간암 환자에서 간이식 전에 시행한 전신 FDG-PET의 역할

        이원우,류진숙,양유정,김재승,여정석,문대혁,이승규 대한핵의학회 2002 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.36 No.6

        목적: 원발성 간암의 치료를 위해 간이식이 시행되고 있으나, 8-54%의 환자에서는 이식 후 원격 전이로 인한 재발이 보고 되고 있다. 이 연구는 간이식 예정인 원발성 간암 환자들에서 고식적인 검사로 진단하지 못한 간의 전이 진단에 있어서 FDG-PET의 유용성을 평가하고자 시행되었다. 대상 및 방법: 2001년 8월 이후 본원에서 간이식을 계획하고 전신 FDG-PET을 시행한 환자 중, FDG-PET 검사 이전에 복부 초음파와 CT, 흉부 x선 검사와 CT, 골스캔 등의 고식적인 검사를 시행하여 전이의 증거가 없거나(n=22), 애매한 이상 소견이 있었던(n=4) 원발성 간암 환자 26명(남:여=23:3), 평균 나이 55.7세)을 조사하였다. FDG-PET에서 양성을 보인 결과는 조직 검사나 임상적인 추적 검사로 전이 여부를 확인하였다. 결과: 고식적 검사에서 애매한 이상 소견이 있었던 환자 4명 중 3명의 6개 병변이 FDG-PET에서 국소 대사 항진을 보였고, 전이로 확인되어 간이식을 시행하지 않았다. 이 중 5 병변들은 의심되지 않았던 부위에서 새로 발견된 것이었다. 다른 1명은 PET에서 음성 소견으로 간이식을 시행하였다. 고식적인 검사에서 전이를 의심할 만한 소견이 없었던 22명 중에서는 5명의 환자에서 7개의 간의 국소 대사항진 병변들이 FDG-PET에서 발견되었는데, 이들 줄 1명은 2 개의 전이 병변이 확인되어 간이식을 시행하지 않았다. 다른 4명의 환자들에서 보인 5개의 국소 대사항진 병변들은 양성병변으로 확인되었고 이 중 3명은 간이식을 시행하였다. 요약하면, FDG-PET으로 4명의 환자에서 고식적인 검사로 찾지 못하던 전이 병변을 찾아 불필요한 간이식을 피할 수 있었다. 모두 17명에서 간이식이 시행되었다. 간의 조직 검사 소견과 비교하였을 때 생존 원발성 간암을 진단하는 FDG-PET의 민감도는 55.6% (5/9)이었고, 특이도는 87.5% (7/8)이었다. 결론: FDG-PET 전신 스캔은 간이식 예정인 원발성 간암 환자들에서 이전에 시행한 고식적인 검사들로 진단하지 못한 전이 병소들을 추가로 진단하여 불필요한 간이식 수술을 줄이는데 기여할 수 있었다. Purpose: Liver transplantation (LT), one of the therapeutic options of primary liver cancer has been suffering from recurrence caused by metastasis in 8-54% of patients. This study was performed to investigate whether FDG-PET is useful for detecting hidden metastasis in LT candidates. Materials and Methods: Twenty-six patients (male:female=23:3, mean age 55.7 year) underwent FDG-PET. Their previous conventional diagnostic studies (CDS) like a abdomen US and CT, chest x-ray and CT, and bone scan were negative (n=22) or equivocal (n=4) for metastasis. Positive FDG-PET findings were confirmed by biopsy or clinical follow-up. Results: Among 4 patients with equivocal metastatic lesions on CDS, 3 had 6 hypermetabolic lesions on FDG-PET, which were confirmed as metastasis and subsequently LTs were cancelled. Of these, 5 lesions were initially negative on CDS. Remained 1 patient underwent LT with a negative FDG-PET result. Among 22 patients without metastasis on CDS, 5 had 7 hypermetabolic lesions on FDG-PET. One of these patients proved to have 2 metastatic lesions, and LT was cancelled. The other 4patients had 5 hypermetabolic lesions on FDG-PET, which were confirmed as benign lesions, and 3 patients of them underwent LT. In summary, FDG-PET was useful in avoiding 4 unwarranted LT by detecting unsuspected metastatic lesions on CDS. A total of 17 patients underwent LT. In comparison with pathology, the sensitivity and specificity of FDG-PET for detecting viable primary liver cancer were 55.6% (5/9) and 87.5% (7/8), respectively. Conclusion: FDG-PET can detect additional hidden metastasis and contribute to reducing unwarranted LT in the patients with primary liver cancer. (Korean J Nucl Med 2002;36;368-80)

      • 데이타베이스 시스템을 이용한 웹 자원 관리 엔진의 설계 및 구현

        이명석,김진호,김상욱,유한양 강원대학교 정보통신연구소 1999 정보통신논문지 Vol.3 No.-

        In this paper, we propose a web resource management engine based on general DBMSs. The web resources management engine manages the meta information describing the characteristics of resourves in a target web site. The engine extracts the meta information from HTML documents in the site and stores it into a predefined database called virtual schema. We use a general-purpose DBMS for maintaining the virtual schema. For design of the virtual schema, we model each element of HTML documents as a DBMS relation, and each attribute of an element as an attribute of its corresponding DBMS relation. We also model the link information among HTML documents as another relation. In order to merge the web and database having the virtual schema, we employ some additional tags in HTML documents, which were originally proposed in the INFORMIX WebDataBlade. Our web resource management engine has the following good features: (1) it supports dynamic changes of the web resources in a site by issuing update queries on the virtual schema, (2) it provides such searches that are based on structural characteristics of HTML documents since the virtual schema keeps the necessary information, (3) it provides the standard SQL interface for users to simply search and update the web resources, and finally, (4) it is portable to any DBMSs by just extending the gateway between the web and database since it only uses the common facilities supported by general-purpose DBMSs.

      • 이온浮選法에 依한 重金屬 含有 廢水處理에 關한 硏究

        李承務,趙英一,任侑鎭 연세대학교 대학원 1977 延世論叢 Vol.14 No.2

        This investigation was carried out in order to remove the hazardous inorganic metallic ion such as Cu (II) in waste Irater by the technique of ionic flotation with a surfactant, DBS. Cu (II) was removed at top of the column, in which Cu (II) being attached on the surfaces of buffles rising from the air distributor at the bottom of a vertical column. In this experiment, when feed position leas positioned at the midpoint of foam height, the formate and the DBS concentration in the drain were reduced with increasing foam height. The Cu (II) concentration in the drain was also reduced in proportion to the logarithm of air flow rate. From the experimental result, the removal ratio, Cu (II) in the formate to that in the feed, E, was related to the DBS concentration in the feed, Cfd, Cu (II) concentration in the feed, Cfc, andair flow rate, G, as the following empirical equation: E= 0.123 (Cfd/Cfc) +0.148 ln (G/100)

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